Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Mar 12, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback. or at

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications. text like this are used when the Halliwell's are called by their family.

I woke up to see Drew had spent the night in Brett's bed, they looked so cute together. I wish I had someone to be with but I know it'll happen all in good time. I got up and prepared for the day ahead, I got dressed and went over to Wyatt and Chris' room. They were barely waking up so I decided to go and see if Bianca was up yet. I walked down to her room and knocked on the door, Amara opened up and informed me that Bianca had already headed down to get an early workout. I figured it was routine for her and went down to see if I could find her. I walked past the various rooms and saw that all the teachers were already sitting down for breakfast, seeing as how there were no other students around I decided to introduce myself to the rest of the staff.

"Hey guys I'm Warren. I just got here yesterday with my brothers Wyatt and Chris as well as Chris' girlfriend Bianca. Have you seen her anywhere around?"

"Welcome to the school Warren, I'm Betsy Braddock but you can call me Psylocke. This blue fuzzy guy is Dr. Hank McCoy AKA Beast and you'll meet Logan later, he's actually giving your friend an early morning workout. She's quite a skilled fighter, she's keeping Logan on his toes."

"Yeah well I don't really know much about her skills, I only met her recently. My brothers have known her longer than I have."

In my mind I hoped that none of the telepaths at the table would pick up us lying about our powers.

"Warren is something wrong? You seem agitated. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Sorry Jean I was just thinking about some stuff that happened back home when we got kicked out of school."

"It's OK, I still can't believe that a place as open-minded as San Francisco would do that to mutants."

"Well at least we have a place like this to come to. I don't know what I would do if you guys hadn't shown up when you did. If you guys don't mind I'm gonna head back upstairs and see if my brothers are ready to come down yet."

"Sure thing Warren and could you tell Drew his parents are going to be coming this weekend to visit him for his birthday."

"Oh Jean, speaking of birthdays. My mom is going to be calling you today to let you know that we'll need to be home on Saturday at 3pm. My cousin is having a birthday party and the whole family is going to be there."

"You'll be missing Drew's surprise birthday party that same day. Drew's party starts at 1pm, so you'll be able to be here for a while before you have to leave."

"OK sounds cool, I'll let my brothers know and we'll be back down in a few minutes."

I left them to finish eating and headed back up to get Wyatt and Chris. On my way I ran into Drew and Brett.

"Hey Drew, Jean wanted me to let you know that your mom and dad are coming on Saturday to visit you on your birthday."

"Thanks Warren. Wyatt was looking for you."

I continued walking down the hall and into Wyatt's room.

"Hey Wyatt, you were looking for me?"

"Yeah I wanted to talk to you about last night. Did your empath power sense anything weird in the house last night?"

"No, honestly I didn't feel anything. Did you?"

"Well I kinda felt like someone was watching us, maybe I was just worried someone here at the school would discover us and our powers."

"Don't worry so much Wyatt, you'll get wrinkles!"

At just that time Chris and Bianca came into the room.

"Chris, Bianca it's good you guys are back. Jean told me that they're giving Drew a surprise birthday party on Saturday, it starts at 1pm so we'll have a bit of time to celebrate with him before they take us home."

"Hey babe I'm gonna go catch a shower; you, Wyatt and Warren can wait here or just meet me downstairs for breakfast. By the time I get done the rest of the students should be eating too so we can all meet them."

"OK babe we'll just wait here, don't take too long."

"I won't."

After a while Bianca came back and we headed downstairs to get some food. Brett finally got to meet my bros and Bianca, then he and Drew introduced us to the rest of his group of friends. After breakfast Jean came and took us down into the lower levels to this big room with some kind of Star Trek worthy holographic technology. The Prof. tested all of our power levels and determined that we were all class 4 mutants. He took us up to his office and gave us each a list of classes, being that it was Thursday he told us that we would begin classes on Monday. He also told us that he had already spoken to our mom and was making arrangements for us to be taken home Saturday afternoon.

"Prof. Is there a place where we can practice ours power while the rest of the school is in class?"

"Of course Warren, the grounds behind the school are large enough for the four of you to practice. I'll have one of the off duty staff members meet you there shortly, just to keep an eye on things."

"Thanks Prof."

We left his office and found our way to what I could only refer to as the biggest backyard I'd ever seen. There were basketball courts, tennis courts, a lake, plenty of green grass and a small wooded area across on the other side of the lake. We decided to head towards the lake to practice when we saw someone walking our way. He was tall, a bit taller than Wyatt, blond and seemed like a very preppy rich boy.

"Hello the Prof. Sent me to keep an eye on the four of you while you practice your abilities. My name is Warren Worthington III, but you can just call me Angel."

"Hi Angel, I'm Wyatt and these are my brothers Chris and Warren. This is Bianca, she's Chris' girlfriend but I think it's safe to say she's become a part of our family in a short amount of time."

"That's sweet Wyatt, thanks. So... looks like there are two Warren's here, good thing we can call you Angel. After a while it'd be too confusing."

"OK well, get to practicing I brought some shorts and a towel with me. I'm gonna take a dip in the lake while you guys are busy, I'm gonna go change and I'll be back in a couple minutes."

"Great we'll get started while you're gone. Come on guys let's spar, first we'll freshen up our hand to hand. Bianca you take Warren and I'll take Chris, after that we'll switch it up and have one person defend with their mutant power while the other tries to attack. Let's go!"

We paired off and I was a little hesitant to be facing Bianca, she was born and bred to kill so she had some considerable advantages on her side.

"OH and I don't need to remind you, NO MAGIC!" Boomed Wyatt.

Bianca attacked first with some kicks and punches I was able to block but she wouldn't let up, she kept me on the defensive and I couldn't attack or I'd be open to her attacks. Finally I caught her foot and was able to throw her off balance, before she hit the ground she was able to go into a cartwheel and recovered. Coming out of the cartwheel she instinctively generated an energy ball and launched it in my direction without realizing what she was doing. Not expecting an energy ball to be launched at me I wasn't able to get out of the way in time and it hit me square in the chest and threw me towards the lake. Just as I was about to hit the water something caught me and I realized it was Angel, he had been standing near us watching us spar. When he saw what happened he got to me before I hit the water. He had the most beautiful white wings I had ever seen, wait a minute he didn't have wings when he came out the first time. Where the hell did they come from? We landed and eve

r! yone rushed towards me.

"I'm so sorry Warren, I..It was like a reflex. I threw it at you before I even knew what I was doing."

"It's OK, I don't think it did much...ah!"

Obviously Angel was quite confused as to what exactly was going on.

"What in the hell was that? I thought the Prof. said you were able to generate force shields? Not to throw balls of electricity at people, god Warren your chest looks bad. We need to get you to the Med-Bay now!"

Knowing that he and Chris were the only ones to be able to completely heal their brother, Wyatt chose to let Angel in on their family secret.

"Angel wait..."

"WE can't wait Wyatt, he could die if we don't get him to Hank!"

"He won't die! He won't die because I can heal him."

Wyatt walked up to me and held his hands over my chest, immediately his hands started to glow. The golden light washed over me and after a few seconds I was fine. Angel was a bit taken back by what he had just seen, he looked to be a bit pale like he was about to pass out. I decided to lead him over to a lounge chair by the lake as I did so his wings seemed to disappear into his back, that must have been why we didn't see them before.

"Come one Angel, you look like you need to sit down. Are you feeling OK?"

"I'm fine I just... I'm trying to process what I saw. How is it that... How did... god I think I need to lay down."

"Wyatt, Bianca, Chris I think we need to tell the Prof. and maybe at least the staff about who we really are."

"I don't know Warren, mom was serious about keeping magic a secret."

"I know Wyatt but think about it, if we tell only Angel then one day he might slip and let it out. Also one of us might slip up like what happened today, I think it's in our best interests to let them know."

"Alright but I think we better let mom know first, she..."

"Wyatt, mom can't always be involved with our choices. We can tell her later right now I think we need to get Angel to the Med-Bay to rest so we can have all the staff with the Prof. to tell them all at once."

"OK, but once we're done we orb home to let mom and dad know what's going on."

"Fine come on, help me carry him inside."

We got Angel to Hank who obviously wanted to know what happened. We told him Angel was in shock about something he had seen and we would explain to everyone once we were all in the Prof.'s office. We left and headed up to our rooms to wait for classes to let out for the day. After a few hours had passed we went to check on Angel, he was still in the Med-Bay but was feeling a lot better. We took him and Hank to the Prof.'s office and told the Prof. That we had something to tell him and the rest of the staff. He proceeded to call all the staff telepathically and with in a few minutes everyone was there including Drew, Brett and a few other students we recognized. I chose to start the conversation and made a mental note to ask why some of the students were here.

"We asked all of you here to tell you something very important. Earlier today Angel witnessed Bianca shoot a projectile at me and nearly kill me, it was completely an accident. I was badly injured in the chest and Angel wanted to take me to see Hank, but Wyatt had a better idea. He was able to completely heal my wound using his powers. Now I know you may have a question, how does being able to phase heal wounds? Let me explain, my brothers and I come from a family of witches. We are good witches and we use our powers to protect innocents from evil. I know it might sound hard to believe but it's true. My brothers and I have magical abilities that we've had ever since we were born, and we have been trained by our mom and her sisters to use them. We have complete control over our magical powers so there is no need to worry about us losing control."

The Prof. chose to ask the question that was on everyone's mind.

"If you have total control over your magic, how did Bianca shoot you by accident?"

"Well it was like a reflex but I'll let Bianca explain her background later, it's quite different from ours. Now to let you know exactly what we can do, we can each cast spells and make potions as well as summoning spirits and other magical creatures. Individually we have quite a range of abilities, I have the abilities of Empathy, Visions, Astral Projection, Warping and Energy Blast. Some of those are obvious as to what they are, I'll show you what warping and energy blast looks like."

I warped out of the room and back in then conjured an energy blast in my hand and dissipated it before continuing.

"My brother Wyatt has the abilities of Molecular Immobilization, Molecular Combustion, Healing and Orbing. Chris also has the abilities of Orbing and Healing as well as Telekinesis and Levitation. Orbing like Warping is a form of teleportation, and now I'll let Bianca tell you about her abilities."

"Thanks Warren, well I come from a family of witches as well however my family is a clan of assassins know as The Phoenix Clan. People in my family are taught everything they need to know about being an assassin at a very early age, basically from the time we're born until we turn 13 we are taught how to fight and control our powers. At age 13 we choose if we want to become apart of The Assassin's Guild, I chose not to follow in my families footsteps. So don't worry I've never had to kill anyone and if I take on a contract The Guild would send someone to kill me. Now about my powers, I too have a form of teleportation called Shimmering. As well as Energy Balls, Conjuring Athames, Power Drain and the ability to Resurrect when killed."

After Bianca had finished everyone was silent, they all just looked at us as if in disbelief except for Drew. He had a smirk on his face as if he already knew who we were. The Prof. chose to speak for the staff.

"Warren, why were we not told about this before?"

"Well we can't just go around telling everyone our family secret because only people of the magical community are supposed to know about magic. Every so often there are times when we need to expose magic to whomever we are helping at the time. If we were ever exposed a lot of bad stuff would happen."

"Like what? The world seems to be dealing with mutants rather well." Chimed in Jubilee.

"Well, Piper, our mom told us that a long time ago her and our aunt Prue saved a doctor from being killed by a demonic assassin and were accidentally caught on camera by a news reporter while she was covering a live story just down the block from our house. Once the video hit the air our house was swamped with reporters and a bunch of others, so our aunt Phoebe went into the underworld with our dad and aunt Phoebe's then half demon/half human boyfriend Cole. Phoebe's plan was to get a demon named Tempest to turn back time to before magic had been exposed, but he told Cole that he would only do it if Phoebe stayed in the underworld permanently. While all that was taking place a crazy lady outside of our house shot and hit our mom directly in her chest, aunt Prue freaked out and tried to get Piper to the hospital but couldn't get the people surrounding our house to move so she could leave the drive way. As a last resort she used her power of telekinesis to throw everyone out of

! the way and drove to the hospital, by her using her powers in public and in a violent way the police sent a swat team to the hospital. When Prue got there they took mom in right away and started working on her, but they were unable to do much and mom died while Phoebe, Cole and dad were in the underworld. If our dad hadn't been down there he could have saved mom because like Wyatt and Chris, he had the power to heal. Finally as Tempest agreed to turn back time the swat team was about to kill Prue, but time turned back to the moment when Prue and mom were saving the doctor but only now our dad and aunt Phoebe were in the underworld unaffected by the time-shift. The demonic assassin was able to kill the doctor and blew my mom and aunt Prue through one of the walls of the house, by the time dad was able to orb home he was only able to heal our mom but not aunt Prue.

Bobby asked a question that had a rather obvious answer.

"Why couldn't he heal her?"

"Because he can't heal the dead and that's why we're very careful who we tell about our magic, our parents don't want to have to go through that again and I don't want to lose a family member."

"Quite understandable, I can speak for all those present when I say that your secret is safe with us Warren."

"Thank you Prof. that really means a lot to us."

"Now regarding the day after tomorrow, Saturday, at 2:30pm Jean and Logan will fly the three of you home for your family event. Bianca you will remain behind as we do not have permission for you to leave school grounds. You should arrive a few minutes after 3pm at your home, Jean and Logan will remain with you then bring you back after the festivities at your home have concluded. To answer your question before you ask it all students are escorted by at least two staff members when leaving the school grounds, regardless of the location. It is done to protect our students."

"Well Prof. with the stuff that usually happens to our family, it might be your staff that needs the protection."

At that the meeting ended and we left the office, as we were walking down the hall Drew came up to us and told us something that shocked the hell out of us.

"Hey guys I just wanted to say that I kind of already had an idea of what you were, in my visions I could sense an energy other than your mutant psionic energy. I also kind of overheard part of a private conversation you were having with your mom at your house. You see I was taking a look at your family photos and was in the middle of the staircase and heard just enough to raise some suspicion in my mind."

"I always told mom the staircase was a bad place for those pictures." Sighed Wyatt.

"Sorry for being nosy, I just never thought magic existed."

"You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat!"

"God Chris, you just had to come out with dad's corny sense of humor didn't you?"

"Yeah well at least mom's OCD didn't rub off on me or Wyatt."

"What ever, well let's go and clean up some. Drew I'll see you later."


In The Underworld...

"I assume everyone's ready for tomorrows attack?"

"Yes my lady, the last of the demons are gathered and prepared. You do realize this act will bring the wrath of the Charmed Ones and the end of demons!"

"Of course I do you idiot! Who are you to question me?"

"Just a lowly servant my lady."

"I've planned for this day since before the youngest boy was born! I've thought of every possible scenario regarding this day. I always knew that one day the sisters would let down their guard and leave themselves vulnerable."

"What exactly is the plan for tomorrow my lady?"

"Once the sisters arrive with their children and husbands at the manor, I will show up unannounced. The joy of seeing me after so long will preoccupy them as well as the party they're planning. Just before we all sit down for dinner I will ask Piper if she needs any help in the kitchen, once she has her back turned I will pour a binding potion into the food. Then you will call me on this cell phone and I will rush off for some important thing that just can't wait for me to deal with and we will all meet in the vacant house across the street. We will wait until just before dawn when everyone is sound a sleep. The more powerful demons and Darklighters will take out all of the children while myself and the rest make sure to wipe out the sisters and their husbands."

"Why target the family of the Charmed Ones? Why not just attack them directly?"

"Has your kind learned nothing over the years?!?! If you attack them directly they always over power and out smart you demons. By attacking their family we will throw them off balance and break their spirit long enough for those who survive to hide."

"What about their Whitelighter, have you planned for her as well?"

"She came into the mix and I had to adjust my original plan to include her. She will be the only one to survive the attack. I've been studying her for the past few days, she may be the only one to feel uneasy about me but the potion won't work on her. I'll cast a spell to keep her a sleep until I need her. Then just before the Charmed Ones arrive that afternoon I will be waiting with an athame. As they enter the manor I will Flame into the hallway in front of them with her and stab her in front of them. Then I will Flame back here, they will search the manor and find all of their family dead and impossible to heal."

"An excellent plan, it is nearly night. I will begin final preparations for tomorrow night."

"Go and have everyone ready to attack by tomorrow."

The demon glimmered out leaving Billie alone with her thoughts.

"I want those boys to feel what I felt when their mother and her sisters forced me to vanquish the only family I had left. I planned and gained power over the years all with out raising suspicion, finally I'll have my revenge. With their family gone they'll finally know the pain I've had to live with all these years."

At The Xavier School...

The rest of the day passed without trouble and we prepared for bed.

"Hey Drew do you and Brett always sleep in the same bed?"

"Actually we started doing that the day you came. I hope you don't mind, I mean it's not like we're having sex or anything."

"Wow, I would have thought that as much time you guys spend together that you'd be having sex all the time!"

"Yeah well Brett and I thought that we'd take it a bit slow but I honestly don't know how much longer I can take waking up with his cock poking me hard in the ass."

Just then Brett walked out of the bathroom and had heard what Drew had said.

"Well if my morning wood bothers you that much then next time why don't you do something about it?"

"Oh don't worry I will. Just not what you're thinking, keep up with the smart ass comments and you'll wake up one day without your cock."

"OK, ok a guy knows when to back off."

We all climbed into bed and I fell fast a sleep. I had an odd dream, I was walking through the manor and it was empty. There was no furniture, no photos just a bare empty house. Then everything shifted and I saw mom, Phoebe and Paige all with black eyes and shooting some kind of energy at two blond girls who looked a few years younger than Paige. They also had black eyes and were shooting energy at my family. The energy exploded and everything shifted again this time the same scene was playing out except now there was two of my mom. One standing with her sisters and the other reciting a spell with Grams and Grandma Patty, the spell must have worked because the black eyes disappeared and the two younger girls disappeared. Then everything shifted once again and I was at magic school and one of the blond girls was standing with mom and the aunts against the other blond girl. All of a sudden one girl threw fire at the other which she sent back with telekinesis, vanquishing her. T

h! e girl then broke down in tears and mom consoled her.

"I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. Your sister was too far gone, brain-washed by evil over a long time."

That's when I woke up, I didn't know what it all meant but I would make sure to ask mom bout it tomorrow at the party. I got up and got dressed then headed downstairs to get something to eat, I sat with some of the people I had seen yesterday in Prof. Xavier's office and they asked a bunch of questions about magic and stuff before they had to head off for class. I spent the rest of the day with Bianca and my brothers training with Jean and Scott in what they called the 'Danger Room'. That night I found it hard to sleep for one because I guess Drew and Brett had finally decided to fuck each other and two I was excited to see my whole family again. It had been so long since the entire family had been together at the manor, The last time it happened was when we had the last wiccaning in the family for Paige's youngest, Henry Jr. When I woke up I went to go into the bathroom but I heard what sounded like grunts coming from the bathroom and noticed that neither Brett or Drew were

i! n the bedroom. So I decided to go over to Wyatt and Chris' room and see if they were up yet, I knocked and no body answered so I went in and they were still sound a sleep. I went and had my morning shower and by the time I came out of the bathroom Wyatt was just getting up.

"Hey, why are you using our bathroom?"

"Well when I got up Drew and Brett were in the shower together so I decided rather than wait for them to finish fucking, I would just come over here since I knew the two of you wouldn't be up yet anyway."

By the time I had finished talking Wyatt had already stripped down and walked into the bathroom to hop in the shower. I chose to wake up Chris and told him that if he didn't want to wait for Wyatt he could use the shower in my room. He agreed, I just hoped that Brett and Drew were done using it. When we walked into my room Brett and Drew were drying off and starting to get dressed. Chris looked at me with a weird look and went into the bathroom, after he was done we all went downstairs. My brothers, Brett and I were asked by Jean to keep Drew occupied so his parents could sneak around the school getting everything ready for his surprise party. Drew's parents arrived last night and still had to start making the food and everything. To make it easier I offered to use magic to get everything ready all at once. Jean introduced me to Drew's parents and told them what I had offered, they seemed to be relieved and agreed. I stepped into the middle of the room and worked my magic. I

d! ecided to show off a bit and instead of using a spell I borrowed a trick Wyatt had shown me, I stood there and snapped my fingers. At first nothing happened and Jean had a worried look on her face, all of a sudden white lights started flying around the room and when they cleared the room was decorated to the T. There was a sound system, lights, a buffet area, drinks table and a few presents I had thought of to give Drew from us to him. Jean and Drew's parents were amazed and walked around touching and poking every little thing they could.

"How will the food stay warm until 1pm?"

"Well Mr. Matthews its magic. The food will stay warm and the drinks cold, they will also replenish themselves as needed so you wont have to worry about anything. The sound system will randomly cycle through all of the popular music we like and there's a bit of something for everyone."

"Impressive, does the party clean up after its self too?"

"Well as you can see it was easy to conjure up everything so clean up should be a snap!"

I left to go help the others keep Drew busy, we only had two hours before his party and a couple more after that before we had to go home for cousin Henry's party. I walked out to the front yard and saw that Bianca was giving Drew and Brett a demonstration of her powers. I walked up just as she was doing her athame throw, shimmer, catch the athame thing, I swear every time I see her do it I'm amazed as to her speed and skill. Next up was Wyatt, by the time he finished showing off his powers there was a small crowd gathered around us. Off in the distance I could see Scott and Prof. Xavier standing in the entrance to the school, at just that moment a new aspect to my sound manipulation power kicked in. All of a sudden I could hear what Scott and the Prof. were talking about.

"Quite impressive don't you think Scott?"

"A little scary but yes, impressive."

"Whats on your mind Scott?"

"Well Prof. it's just that I was thinking what if other mutants come in and they have magic like these kids do? What if unlike the Halliwell boys they don't know how to control their ability?"

"I've had those same thoughts, Hank is working on a way to detect magical energy within the students. It may explain why a few of the kids are having quite a difficult time learning to control their power. From what we know mutant abilities manifest at puberty and are often triggered by an intense situation, compared to magical abilities that you are born with and are affected by your emotional state. For those who don't know about magic and have had some type of ability since birth it would be hard to control magic if you had an emotionally hard upbringing. I believe that once we know who in the school is also magical we can have one of the Halliwell boys teach a small class on magic once a week, once they're old enough I may expand it to a full class."

"And Bianca?"

"She most certainly will begin assisting you and Drew in the combat classes as well as helping Logan with his wilderness survival retreats."

"A lot of the students may not like that she's new and doesn't have to take Logan's course."

"I'm well aware of that but if she already possesses the knowledge why force her be taught something she has mastered already?"

"I'm just saying some of the older kids who have failed Logan's course a few times already won't like her being Logan's assistant."

I lost track of time and when they stopped talking and headed back in side Chris had already shown off his powers and it was now my turn. I stepped out into the middle of everyone and began demonstrating what I could do, first I showed them Warping and then Energy Blast. After a while I finished and it was nearly time for Drew's party, we started heading to the school when Jean sent me a telepathic message.

{Warren, this is Jean. Everyone's waiting for Drew in the Cafeteria, you guys bring him in ASAP.}

{OK Jean, have everyone facing the middle of the dance floor. Tell them that we're teleporting Drew in and to yell surprise as soon as they see us.}

{Will do, give me about a minute before you do it.}

I had the perfect way to bait Drew without ruining the surprise.

"Hey Drew why don't we all have a race?"

"I'm game. What do you have in mind?"

"We see which one of our variations on teleportation can teleport to the Cafeteria the fastest. Wyatt will Orb, I will Warp, Bianca will Shimmer and you can Flame. Chris, you and Brett go to the Cafeteria ahead of us so you can tell us who arrives first."

"OK we'll see you guys there, come on Brett let's go."

Once I was sure they were in position I told everyone to teleport on the count of three but winked at Wyatt who understood what I meant. He and Chris used to play this trick on me all the time, he would count and when he got to two they would Orb leaving me behind. Wyatt whispered to Bianca the real plan of us to teleport early so we could arrive a few seconds before Drew in order to yell surprise with everyone else.

"OK everyone ready?"

Wyatt grabs Bianca's hand.

"On the count of three. ONE... TWO..."

We left Drew behind.

"Hey you guys cheated!"

Just as he materialized in the Cafeteria everyone yelled out.


The look on his face was priceless, instantly he knew we had set him up. He went over to his parents and gave thanks to them and the staff for setting all this up.

"Actually Drew it was Warren who set up everything you see, he offered to help your father and I so all we had to do was relax until your party started."

"Warren thanks so much for this!"

The party was great we danced, had punch and had a generally good time. Before you know it it was time for us to leave, I grabbed Wyatt and Chris then headed over to where Jean and Logan were talking to Drew's parents.

"Guys it's time for us to head to our house for our family thing we have."

"Alright guys let's go, Jean send the Prof. a mental message that we're leaving now."

After a quick second.

"Done and he says to wish your cousin a Happy Birthday."

We headed down the elevator and into one of the smaller jets. We took off and in just about a half hour we landed in Golden Gate Park, Wyatt took the lead and Orbed us home. We arrived in the hallway just in front of the front doors, I thought it was weird that being it was a party there wasn't anyone around.

"Mom! Dad! Where is everybody?"

As soon as I spoke the blond woman from my dream Flamed into the hallway holding aunt Prue by her hair. Before anyone could react she plunged the athame she was holding into aunt Prue's chest and threw her across the room where she landed at our feet. She was gone before I could even kneel down to help aunt Prue, Jean ran over and was about to tend to aunt Prue's wound when she got the shock of her life. Aunt Prue stood up and pulled the blade from her chest, the wound healed its self instantly.

"Stupid bitch, she probably forgot that Whitelighters can only be killed by a Darklighter arrow."

"Aunt Prue where is everybody?"

"Still a sleep I would guess... wait you guys weren't supposed to be here until..."

We all realized what that might mean, everyone ran upstairs. I headed straight for mom and dad's room, when I got there I saw mom and dad dead in the middle of the room. There were scorch marks everywhere, mom had an athame sticking out of her back and a few burns on her body. Dad was the same, except he had an athame in his heart. I didn't know what to do, what to think. I fell to the ground and threw up on the floor, I couldn't process what had happened. Wyatt ran into the room frantic he was saying something but I didn't hear him, I was in shock. He stopped what ever he was saying when he saw mom and dad on the floor, he ran over and tried healing them but it wasn't of any use. They had been dead for far to long already, just then Jean came in.

"Everyone in the house is dead, all of them. The children, your aunts, uncles they all had burns and stab wounds. From what I can tell they've been dead since early this morning. Is there anything I can do? Anyone you want me to call?"

"This was our whole family! They... they're all we had."

Aunt Prue came in too stunned to do anything.

"Aunt Prue do you know who that lady was? How did she... WHO WAS SHE!!"

"She... she was here last night, Piper. OH GOD PIPER!"

"Focus aunt Prue, who was she?"

"Her name was Billie, your mom and aunts knew her from when you were a baby Warren. I don't understand why they didn't use their powers."

"Maybe they couldn't. Do you know of any way she could have taken away their powers?"

"A couple of ways... um... first she could have used the spell to dis-empower a witch but that wouldn't work on their Whitelighter powers and she would have needed a fresh human heart for each person. Only other way would be either a power stripping potion or a binding potion. Probably a binding potion seeing as how nobody saw any magic leaving each others bodies. She probably slipped a binding potion into the food when she was in the kitchen with Piper, just after coming out of the kitchen she got a call on her cell and had to leave."

"How is it that you didn't wake up while the attack was happening?"

"She must have used a spell, I woke up right before she grabbed my hair and Flamed downstairs to stab me."

"Prue go get the athame from downstairs, Wyatt grab the BOS and meet me in the kitchen. We're gonna scry for that bitch and make mom's strongest vanquishing potion, then we're gonna make it even stronger by blessing it with our blood cause tonight we're going hunting!"

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out. I made the move from California to New Mexico in January and took this time off to relax. I'm working on the next chapter already and sorry to shock you with the number of people that died in this chapter but pain leads to growth. Enjoy the story and please some feedback!

Next: Chapter 7

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