Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Nov 28, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback. or at

God how I wish I had gotten a power like Wyatt's or Chris. I mean don't get me wrong, being able to regenerate after dying is good and all but it's nothing compared to being invisible or phasing. Well at least I don't have to waste my time learning to control it. It's pretty simple, I die then my power kicks in and I'm back. Actually now that I think about it I have it better than my brothers! Anyway, since vanquishing the Source for the millionth and a half time, we've been kept pretty busy with a constant flow of demons trying to "take out the Charmed Ones". You'd think they would've figured out by now that stopping us was nearly impossible, and now that we're stronger I don't think there's a demon alive who can. OK back to the power thing for a second. That's kind of a strange power to give to a witch, even if we are the Charmed Ones. Something doesn't feel right, some how I don't think that regeneration had anything to do with me. Maybe my new power hasn't shown up yet, but if it hasn't then what could it be. Now that I think on it more both Wyatt and Chris have a power that is some how connected to their other powers but in a weird way not. What I mean is Wyatt's power is based in molecular manipulation, so it isn't far of a stretch that he can now manipulate his own molecules to pass through solid objects. It's definitely a stretch but it kinda makes sense. Now Chris' powers are based in his mind. He can move objects and levitate using the power of his mind, so invisibility could be Chris' mind shifting him out of the visual plane. Like I said a stretch but what else could it be? Only one way to find out, I have to summon an Elder. I have to summon my mom.

"Beings who.... shit, how am I gonna do this? Oh fuck it! Cassandra get your Elder ass down here now!!"

"You don't have to curse Warren, just call for me. I might not be able to answer you but I will still hear you."

"Sorry mom, it's just that I've been thinking and these new powers you guys gave us don't really make any sense. Usually a new power is linked to our other powers, but these new ones are just so hard to believe."

"First off let me start by saying you didn't regenerate on your own. I saw that you had been badly hurt and, with my new Elder abilities, I regenerated you back. Secondly, we didn't give you any new powers, we only boosted your abilities to a new level."

"Wait, you mean that you didn't give Wyatt and Chris the abilities of phasing and invisibility? Then where did they come from? It had to be you guys."

"Warren my son, there are certain things that I am not allowed to speak to you about and where your new powers came from is one of them. All I can say is this, you have yet to manifest your ability but know that they come from within you and are not evil. I must go now, Blessed Be."

And just like that one mystery was solved but another had surfaced, well I guess I had better go tell the others. I walked down from the attic and into our room. No body was there so they must be down in the kitchen. Most teenagers our age spend most of their time eating and Wyatt and Chris were no exception. When I got to the kitchen mom, dad and my brothers were huddled around the small t.v. on the counter. Not one to be left out I asked Wyatt what was so interesting.

"Hey what's so fascinating that you guys are glued to the screen?"

"Some guy on the news, apparently he robbed a bank over in New York."

"That doesn't sound like anything too unusual, why is there so much coverage on it?"

"That's what has the police stumped. Witnesses said he walked in, knocked out all the guards and then grabbed the safe door and ripped it off the hinges!"

"What!?! No way, do you think the guy was a demon?"

"I don't know, I don't think a demon would need to rob a bank. Much less rip it open, he could have just shimmered in with out being seen. This guy wanted people to know what he could do. Besides, if he were magical the cleaners would have erased him already and none of us would even know about it."

"OK, if he's not magical then where did he...... oh shit!"

"Warren watch your mouth!"

"Sorry mom, it's just that I just finished talking with Cassie and she said our new powers weren't given to us by the them. She said that mine hadn't manifested yet and that all she could say was the powers came from inside of us and weren't evil. What in the hell is going on?"

"Your sure about what she said? Well.... if the new powers aren't magical then could it possibly be that whatever allowed that man to have super strength is the same thing that gave you guys your new abilities?"

"Mom, your guess is as good as mine!"

At that moment Aunt Prue orbed in.

"Hey, have you guys heard the news?"

"Yeah, so what do the Elders think?"

"Well they are just as stumped as the rest of the world. The guy isn't a witch and from what they could gather he isn't a demon either. So technically he isn't our problem, oh yeah also those new powers you've got aren't from the Elders. They think whatever gave that man his ability is what gave you guys your new abilities. Warren has yours manifested yet?"

"No, it hasn't but I've got a feeling it will soon. At least it's good to know the Elders and us think alike, we already came to that same conclusion."

"OK, well what now?"

"Well I guess we just go on with our lives as usual."

I went back upstairs and laid on my bed, this past weekend had been long and tiresome. I was anxious to get back to school and resume some form of normality. Just then Wyatt came in and plopped down on my bed.

"What's up lil' bro? What ya thinking' about?"

"Nothing really. Just wondering when this power of mine will kick in and what it will be. I don't like being in the dark about these things."

"Don't worry I'm sure whatever it is, it will come to you soon. Just be patient."

"So, how's it coming learning to control your phasing?"

"It's kinda annoying, I mean this morning I was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet...."

"OH god Wyatt TMI!"

"Shut up, anyway. I was there and thinking about...."

"I really don't wanna know what you were thinking about!"

"Dammit! Would you let me finish!"

"Sorry, you were saying?"

"So, I'm there thinking about our new powers when all of a sudden I get up and BAM! I phase through the damn floor and fall through the ceiling of the foyer. That's not the embarrassing part, I am now hanging upside down with my feet stuck in the ceiling and worst of all I didn't have the chance to pull up my pants!"

By this time I was laughing so hard I was crying.

"Dude it's not funny!"

"I... I'm sorry. So how did you get down?"

"I thought about orbing but I wasn't sure if I would leave my feet behind or not so I concentrated and tried to phase the rest of the way though. That's when mom walked in. She was shocked to see me naked and hanging through the ceiling. Well when I saw her she surprised me and BOOM I fell the rest of the way through and hit the floor pretty hard. Man, it's got to be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life."

"I'm glad I'm not you, I don't know what I would do if mom or dad ever walked in on me naked. Much less hanging from the ceiling naked!"

I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing again. This time harder than before, Wyatt got mad and tried to put me in a headlock. I was able to get away from him and jump on his back, but rather than flip me over his shoulder he went intangible and I fell right through him. I landed with a thud on the floor and Wyatt pinned my arms behind my back with one arm while tickling me with the other. Unable to stop him I gave in.

"OK, uncle! I give, now get off of me you weigh a ton!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever smart ass."

"Come on, don't go getting but-hurt. I was only joking! Besides you do weigh a good deal more than me, you were crushing me."

"Well then maybe you'd better start hitting the weight room with me after practice. You'd look good with as much muscle as I've got and besides the boys would be all over you!"

"I have enough attention from boys, thank you very much. I think I might just take you up on your offer anyway. Who knows once I get as big as you maybe I'll stand a chance at beating you."

"Nah, don't hold your breath!"

Wyatt and I went back down stairs and joined Chris in the kitchen.

"Hey were did everybody go?"

"Oh hey Warren, mom wanted me to tell you that dad is gonna need your help today at magic school and Wyatt mom wants you to help her at the restaurant."

"Aw man, Warren usually helps mom. How come I can't go with dad?"

"Because dad needs Warren to help teach some kids to control their astral projection and last time I checked Wyatt, you can't astral. Besides isn't there that girl from school that you like who works at the restaurant?"

"Yeah, I forgot about her. See YA!"

Wyatt went to try and score while I stayed to chat with Chris before going to magic school.

"So, been having any trouble with your new power?"

"Yeah actually, it's a lot different learning to control this power than it was the others. I guess because its not magical but you know practice makes perfect."

"I guess so, honestly I wish mine would would hurry up and show it's self. Anyway I bet your not having as much trouble as Wyatt is, did he tell you about his bathroom incident?"

"Yeah actually he did, but I can under stand what he felt when it happened."

"Really? How?"

"Cause my pants and underwear just turned invisible. I hate this new power so much, it acts up when it wants and usually when it's the most inconvenient."

"Just orb upstairs until it wears off, I'll clean up the dishes before I go help dad."

"Thanks dude, I owe ya one."

"And don't you forget it."

Chris orbed upstairs and I cleaned up the kitchen. There wasn't that much to clean thanks to mom and her OCD. I walked to the stair case and summoned the door to magic school. Once there I walked into the grand hall where dad was waiting talking to aunt Paige. You see somehow aunt Paige is able to guide her charges, teach at magic school and still raise a family. Sometimes all in the same day, I just don't know how she does it sometimes. Anyway dad took me to the class he wanted me to help with. Nothing too big just nine kids who looked innocent enough, boy how wrong was I.

"Kids this is Warren he's going to be teaching you how to astral project."

Dad pulled me to the side and gave me some advice.

"Look these kids are some of the more.... energetic in the school. Four of them are telekinetic, three are telepathic and the other two can shape shift, but they all can astral. I'm not saying it'll be easy but....... good luck!"

I didn't know dad was gonna be leaving me alone with them I thought I was gonna be helping..... shit! Why do I always fall for shit? I'm so fucking gullible it's a shame.

"So, are you gonna actually teach us anything or just stand there looking like a jack..."

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you, one wrong move and you'll have me using your own powers against you. OK so, how much control do you guys have?"

"Obviously not much, if we could control it do you think we'd need to take this class?"

"I can see this isn't gonna easy but I'll have you projecting like a pro in no time."

Another smart ass decided to give his opinion.

"Hold on, you look like you're the same age as us. How are you gonna teach us? You probably know as much as we do."

I decided these little fuckers needed me to show them just exactly how much I knew. Without hesitation I projected my astral self to the back of the classroom.

"So are you gonna teach us anything? I doubt you can!"

"Well you guys must not be that bright because I've already begun to teach you. How many of you have ever heard of someone being able to remain conscious while astral projecting and having the astral form work independently from the physical."

A cute little blond girl raised her hand. She looked like she would be a cheerleader had she attended regular school.

"I've done a lot of reading and I've never come across anything like you've described, I personally don't think it's possible."

"Well if you don't think it's possible then explain him."

I pointed to the back of the class and the kids gasped as they saw an identical version of me standing there. From that point on I had the kids listening to every word that came from my lips. They were nothing at all like I had expected them to be. Once I had their trust it was easy to work with them. I showed them some easy techniques to help them clear their mind so projecting would be easier, they learned quickly and were able to start projecting at will by the time dad came back to send the kids home. The class smart asses stopped to talk to me and dad at the door.

"Thanks for showing us how to better control our power, sorry we were kinda rude at the beginning."

"Yeah, I guess we were just frustrated not having someone who could relate to us. By the way, Mr. Wyatt. How did you find Warren? Is he one of your whitelighter friends charges?"

"No actually he's my son and all let you in on something the other students don't know yet. He's a Charmed One."

"Oh my god, now it all makes sense! Only a Charmed One would have the power to astral like you could. Thanks Mr. Wyatt, thanks Warren."

Off they ran to catch up with their classmates and obviously to tell them who I was. I headed into the grand hall and made my way back home. Once I got home I grabbed something to eat and sat down to watch a little t.v. After flipping through the channels and finding nothing too interesting I decided to head up stairs to catch a shower and then take a quick nap before finishing up some last minute homework I had. As I got to the top of the stairs I thought I heard something coming from my room. I stopped just outside the door and listened. I heard something being knocked over and thought Chris might be getting attacked. I turned the door handle and it was locked, not wasting any time I warped into the room with an energy blast ready when I got the shock of my life. Oh shit was all that went through my head as I stood there staring at Chris and some girl who had obviously been going at it for sometime.

"Chris I'm so sorry, I heard something being knocked over and thought you were being attacked."

"It's OK Warren, calm down."

I saw the girl looking at my hand and that's when I realized I still had a blast charged and ready. I dissipated it and motioned for Chris to come talk to me in the hallway.

"Dude, she saw an energy blast in my hand. How are we gonna explain it to her? Who is she anyway? I feel like I've seen her before."

"Her name's Bianca, and yeah you've seen her before. I got a couple of classes with her at school. Listen I'm sorry you saw that in there, I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon. You gotta promise you won't say anything to mom or dad."

"Chill, It's cool. I just hope you two were being safe, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, we are safe. Every time."

"OK, so how are we gonna explain the magic to her?"

Bianca walked out from the room wrapped in Chris' bed sheet.

"It's OK I won't say anything. Actually it's kinda cool to meet someone with powers, at least now I'll have someone to talk to."

"Wait you mean you have powers too? Why didn't you ever say anything to me?"

"For the same reason you didn't tell me about your powers, assuming you have some."

"Yeah I have powers, we're the Charmed Ones as a matter of fact."

"Cool, but I thought the Charmed Ones were three sisters?"

"Oh that would be referring to our mom and aunts. Chris, Wyatt and I are the new Charmed Ones. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you powers?"

"OK don't freak when I tell you this but I come from a clan of assassin witches called The Phoenix Clan. I'm a Phoenix, trained in combat and in my powers but when I turned 13 I decided not to follow in my families footsteps. You see in my family when you turn 13 your done with training but you have to decided if you want to enter the Assassin's Guild. I chose not to so I'm not allowed to take on any cases, if I did The Guild would send someone to hunt me. Now to answer your question. I can Shimmer, Resurrect, Conjure Athames, Energy Balls and Power Drain."

"I've never heard of Power Drain, how does it work?"

"Pretty simple, I plunge my hand into their chest and drain them of their powers. When it's over they're mortal, it's how my clan takes out the more powerful people they're contracted for. Oh yeah the way you can tell someone is a Phoenix is by this mark, we're all born with it."

She removed a black leather band from her wrist and showed us a fiery red bird.

"Well now that all is said and done I'll let you two finish what you started. Just lemme grab some clothes so I can hop in the shower, by the way Chris next time take off the condom and put on some pants before you leave the room to talk."

Chris smacked me on the back of my head as they went back into our room and I headed to the bathroom. As I was about to get in the shower I heard a crash, I thought nothing of it and got under the hot water. A second later I heard another crash and Chris called for me. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my waist, when I stepped into the hallway Chris and Bianca were fighting off a demon. The demon threw an energy ball at me but I blocked it with an energy blast. Chris reflected another energy ball that was sent his way. Then the demon shimmered out and back in to grab Bianca from behind, she was quicker. She back flipped over and behind the demon and kicked him in the back. He fell forward but recovered quickly. The next thing I know Bianca is hand to hand with the demon; punches, kicks and energy balls flying everywhere. Finally Bianca landed a kick that threw the demon against the wall and she threw an athame that appeared in her hand. Before the athame even hit the demon she shimmered out and back in and caught the athame in mid-air then plunged it into his chest. Chris and I were shocked at just how good Bianca was.

"Wow bro, remind me never to piss of your girlfriend. I don't wanna end up like that guy."

"Wow babe that was so hot, come on let's finish before this goes away."

He said pointing to the tent in his pants. They went back to the room and I went back to shower, I took extra time to give them plenty of time to finish. I finished and got dressed, when I came out of the bathroom Chris and Bianca were dressed and just about to head downstairs. I joined them and as we approached the living room mom and Wyatt came in the front door. Mom looked at Bianca and dropped her bags on the floor.

"Bianca is that you?"

Mom walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"I haven't seen you since, well it's been a long time and it's a long story. I'm just glad to see that destiny is playing out as it should. Are you gonna stay for dinner? I'm making spaghetti."

"Sure if you don't mind."

"Why would I mind? Chris can I see you in the kitchen?"

Mom and Chris went into the kitchen to talk while Wyatt and I got to know Bianca a little better.

"Mom how is it that you know Bianca? You've never met her before!"

"Actually Chris I have, it's what I wanted to talk to you about. Remember when I told you about your future self coming to my time to make sure you were born and to keep Wyatt from becoming evil?"


"Well I didn't want to chance messing up the future so I never mentioned Bianca to you. I know she's a Phoenix and that's fine. Since Wyatt's not evil, she never became a full assassin. What I also left out is that when your future self came to me, Bianca was your fiance. So I think you may have found your soul mate."

"Wow, I always did feel a weird connection to her. I guess we're meant to be, but just don't say anything to her about it. I don't wanna pressure her or anything."

"I won't but Phoebe and Paige are gonna flip when they meet her, they're bringing their families to dinner tonight."

"Why would they flip?"

"Well, because evil Bianca was working for evil Wyatt and he sent her to kill you."

"This is gonna be awkward."

"Tell me about it, anyway go tell your brothers to clean up and get kids table set up in the foyer."

When the aunts and their families got here they were a bit shocked to see Bianca but Piper talked to them and explained things a bit. Bianca fit in really well with the family and the younger kids loved her. After dinner was over uncle Henry and uncle Coop took the kids home. Oh yeah aunt Paige's twin girls Payton and Patience are 11 and her son Henry Jr. is 9. Aunt Phoebe's girls are 10, 12 and 14. Youngest to oldest they are Prudence, Patricia and Penelope. Anyway as we were all in the kitchen talking about dinner and how it went Prue orbed in.

"You guys need to take a look at this."

She walked to the small t.v. and turned it to the news channel. On the screen was an older looking man with all white hair, standing next to him was a woman with blue skin. He spoke to the news reporters who were there.

"It is time that a new portion of the population is brought to the attention of the world. People with special abilities should no longer hide who they are, we are the next step in human evolution. We are not homo-sapien, we are homo-superior! I call out those who have been repressed by our government to join me in my fight against those who would fear and destroy us mutants. Any who try to stop our take over will perish!"

Everyone sat there stunned, we had no idea there were people in the world who weren't magical but had special abilities anyway. Mutants as that man called them, I got a really bad vibe watching and hearing him speak. I don't think he should be so easily trusted, especially if he claims that anyone who gets in his way he'll kill. However I think he just answered where our new powers came from, Cassie said they come from inside us. Now I understand what she meant, we're mutants as well as witches. After that shocking news cast everybody headed home and we got ready for school the next day.

When we got to school we were directed to the gym for a special school assembly. We headed into the assembly, just inside the gym doors everyone was formed into three single file lines. There were military guards everywhere, as most kids passed through what looked like high-tech metal detectors nothing happened. A handful of kids including us passed through and a signal sounded, we were taken to the side and a metal band was placed around our wrists. We were sat across the gym from the majority of the school, from out of no where Bianca walked up and we could see she too hand a wrist band.

"Your a mutant too?"

"I guess so but I don't know which power is my mutant power. The powers I have all the rest of my family has."

The principle took up a microphone and addressed the student body.

"If I can have your attention! Recent events have brought to our attention what the government calls mutants. From what I have been told the government has known of the existence of mutants for quite sometime. The devices you passed through are designed to detect the mutant genetics in your body. After last nights news broadcast the school board received many, many phone calls from concerned parents wanting to know if there are any mutants present in their children's schools. As per the orders of the school board and wishes of the majority of the parents I must regretfully expel any mutants from this school. To those of you who have been determined to be mutants I am sorry to have to do this to you, I must do what the school board asks or they will remove me and bring in someone who will."

With that we were asked to leave and not return. Instead of warping, shimmering and orbing we decided to just walk home. We were walking along when we saw some guys beating up another guy in an alley. We decided to help him out when we heard one of the attackers call the guy on the floor 'mutant scum'.

"OK only use your mutant powers. Chris make me and you invisible and I'll phase us under the guy and down with us. Warren and Bianca, since you guys haven't manifested your mutant powers just wait here."

Chris made Wyatt and himself invisible and Wyatt took them underground. Bianca grabbed me and shimmered us behind the group and out of their line of sight. We watched as the guy on the ground fell into the ground and disappeared. The group of guys started searching for him but instead found me and Bianca. They cornered us thinking we had something to do with the guy vanishing. One of the guys pulled out a gun and pointed it at us, Bianca grabbed my arm and the guy pulled the trigger. Instinctively Bianca had thrown up her arm and when neither one of us had been shot we looked to see that Bianca was generating some kind of force shield. That's when Wyatt and Chris showed up after getting that guy to safety. They couldn't use magic so they fought off the guys by hand. Wyatt was able to keep from getting hit by remaining intangible then attacking when able. Chris had it tougher, he could go invisible and catch them off guard but when they hit him it hurt. Once the guys had been taken care of we came over to them and were about to leave when one of the guys picked up the gun again and shot Chris in the back. Bianca jumped over and kicked him, knocking him out completely. I saw Chris lying on the ground and lost it, I screamed out his name and everything around us started to ripple. Wyatt and Bianca covered their ears as pieces of the buildings around us started shaking and breaking apart. I stopped screaming, shocked and drained I passed out. When I woke up I was laying on the couch in our living room with Wyatt, Bianca and Chris watching over me. Wyatt explained that after I passed out he was able to heal Chris and orb us all home. Obviously my mutant power had surfaced and I was somehow able to manipulate sound and Bianca could generate force shields. Chris explained to mom what had taken place at school. She was pissed but there wasn't much anybody could do.

"I just wish there was a place where you guys could go to finish your schooling and not have to worry about being hurt because of you mutant abilities."

As soon as mom uttered the last word there was a knock at the door.

A quick note, some of you may not like where I'm going with this but just for a heads up I'm aiming for a cross-over of my two stories. Love It or Hate It, I still appreciate the feedback. Also I do apologize for taking SO long to update but as you fellow writers know it can be a bit frustrating when you hit a block and don't know how to get past it. Enjoy!!

Next: Chapter 5

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