Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Oct 29, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people.

Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental.

Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling.

This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse.

Though you should always practice safe sex.

Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else.

Not every chapter has sex in it.

I would love some feedback. or at

The last few weeks had been pretty calm, no demons but plenty of school work. Five times in the last month and a half I had actually wished that a demon would come and stir things up a bit, just to give me a break from all things school related. One of the Elders, Sandra, came yesterday and told us that our ascension would take place tomorrow night at midnight. She said that the Elders are making us the Charmed Ones because there is a new threat coming, something more dangerous than the new Source we have to vanquish once we're Charmed. I'm a little bit scared, technically I have no blood relation to my brothers but the reason I would work as a Charmed One isn't because Phoebe carried me for a few months. It's because I have the bond needed for the three of us to connect to the power of three. I'm all for getting rid of the evil but supposedly mom and Phoebe think the three of us will not only get a power boost but also develop a new power. Wyatt and Chris are all for a new power but I'm worried something really bad might happen. I guess if we need the power boost in order to fight this new threat then I'm all for it, just cautious. It was a Saturday so I decided to go down stairs for some breakfast. Ever since I can remember me, Wyatt and Chris have always been pretty fit. I take martial arts lessons not only to keep my body in shape but to help keep me focused in all the chaos. It's normal for us boys to walk around the house on the weekends in nothing but pajama pants. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal when aunt Prue orbed in.

"Hey, ever heard of clothes?"

"Yeah but I prefer a pants only option on the weekends. So what do the Elders suggest we do to prepare for the ascension tomorrow night?"

"They think it might be a good idea to bury some crystals around the manor. I think it's a good idea, and it wouldn't hurt to keep them there permanently. It would keep demons from getting in the house while allowing us to go as we please."

"Yeah but they need to be charged often and that could get tedious."

"Yeah, and what would happen if they got overcharged, they could blow up innocents. I'll work on coming up with something new with the Elders. Something a bit more long term than crystals. Call me if you need me!"

I finished my cereal and headed up to my room to catch a quick shower. I'm an early riser and apparently so is aunt Prue. Mom, Dad, Wyatt and Chris were still sleeping considering it was 7am on a Saturday. I went had my shower and laid back down on my bed. I laid there thinking about some way to keep demons from getting in the house and attacking during our ceremony, but more importantly keeping them from ever setting foot in the house again. I must have dozed off because next thing I know our bed room door is being blown up and I'm warping out just in time to avoid a fireball. I warped back in grabbed Wyatt and warped out, then warped beck in again grabbing Chris this time. I took us up to the attic and straight to the Book of Shadows. Flipping through the book we found a spell just as the demon shimmered in. Turns out she was a Tracker demon, a clan of assassin demons who work exclusively for The Source. Chris threw her into the book shelf and before she could shimmer out Wyatt froze her. Then we all said the vanquishing spell.

All: "Heed our call powers that be and vanquish this demon with the power of three."

Surprisingly nothing happened.

"What the fuck?!?!? She should be toast, I don't understand what the hell went wrong!"

"I think I do Wyatt, we're not the Charmed Ones yet. We don't have the power of three."

"Quick Chris you go and get aunt Phoebe, I'll call for aunt Paige while Warren goes to get mom. They're still the Charmed Ones for now, we need them."

By the time I came back with mom, aunt Paige was there and Chris was just orbing in with aunt Phoebe. Still half a sleep Phoebe recognized the demon right away.

"Isn't that a Tracker demon?"

"Yeah it is."

"Aren't they The Sources assassin's?"

Getting frustrated Wyatt sighed and said, "Yeah and they need the power of three to be vanquished, so hurry up and say the spell all ready."

"My aren't we grumpy this morning?"

"Only when I'm woken up being attacked by demons!"

"Hurry, she's starting to break through the freeze!" Yelled Paige.

Charmed Ones: "Heed our call powers that be and vanquish this demon with the power of three."

Instantly she exploded and was gone. To try and find out what was really going on mom called aunt Prue.


Orbing in she answered her sister.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"The Source is getting desperate that's what happened!"

"Easy Piper, put your claws away."

"Sorry it's just that he sent a Tracker demon after the boys, which means he's desperate to get rid of them. Which also means he's already become the new Source. We're going to have to move up the ceremony to right now so they can be ready to vanquish him. They couldn't even vanquish that assassin because they didn't have the power of three yet."

"OK I'll go and inform the Elders that the ceremony has to happen now. Warren any clue on how to keep demons from entering the house during the ceremony?"

"Unfortunately no, I have no idea how or if it's even possible. Go up there and come right back, we need to do this now."

Prue orbed out and five minutes later she was back.

"The Elders give their blessing, and they can protect the house until the ceremony is finished."

"OK let's do this! Mom grab the Book of Shadows and put it on the podium, Aunt Paige and Phoebe you guys place the candles around us, light them and be ready. Prue be ready to orb dad out of here in case demons attack. Warren, Chris you guys ready?"

Looking at Chris and him looking at me we both said,

"It's now or never"

Holding hands around the Book of Shadows and inside the circle of candles we recited the spell to make us the new Charmed Ones.

Wyatt, Chris and Warren: "Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour, We call upon the ancient power. Bring your powers to we brothers three, we want the power. Give us the power."

The triquetra on the Book of Shadows began to glow and three sets of glowing white lights floated down from the ceiling and entered each of us. I had a new more powerful feeling coursing through my body. No sooner had we finished the spell about 20 demons shimmered into the attic. Immediately Prue grabbed dad and they orbed out. Every one was busy taking out various demons. To avoid being hit by an energy ball Chris dove behind the couch and orbed out. Orbing back in behind the demon he waved his hand and sent the demon and one of the walls of attic hurtling outside. The demon landed on an piece of wood and was vanquished. Without any time to react to his new level of power another demon rushed him, Chris jumped to levitate and crashed into the ceiling. The demon looked around but couldn't find Chris. Yelling for the demons attention, Chris caused the demon to look up. Chris thought the demon would attack but he looked more confused than ever. Carefully floating back down Chris landed next to the mirror and to his surprise there was no reflection! No wonder the demon couldn't find him, he was invisible!. Noticing that he couldn't find Chris, Wyatt flicked his hands and everyone including the former Charmed ones froze. Astonished that now even good witches could be frozen Wyatt looked around the room unable to find Chris. He called out for Chris and was amazed to see Chris shift back to being visible.

"This is so awesome! I can turn invisible, how a bout you Wyatt what new power did you get?"

"I don't know, I haven't had time to check. Here let me get those demons for you."

With a quick flick of his wrist Wyatt blew up the four demons near Chris and also managed to blow out the other wall of the attic. This caused everyone to unfreeze and a demon telekinetically threw Wyatt towards one of the remaining walls of the attic. Bracing himself for what was to be a painful impact Wyatt flew right through the wall and outside. Before hitting the ground he orbed out and back to the fight. Not one to be tossed around like a rag doll, I was holding my own. Warping in and out and throwing energy blast after energy blast was beginning to take its toll on me. All except four demons had been vanquished and Phoebe, Piper and I had three of them. As Phoebe flipped a demon onto the floor and stabbed him with an athame, I threw an energy blast at the demon in front of me. Piper blew up the demon she was fighting and turned to see a demon throwing a fireball at my back. She blasted him but not before he launched the fireball, it hit me in my back and sent me crashing into a table. With all the demons vanquished Prue orbed back in with dad and everyone rushed to see if I was OK. Before anyone could get to me, my body glowed purple and faded out of existence. Everyone was stunned. Everyone always knew there was the chance one of us could get killed but they never thought it would be this soon. Right away everyone broke down into tears at the loss of a brother, son and nephew.

"NO!! He wasn't supposed to die! It wasn't his time! We have to do something, I won't bury a child. I won't!"

Before anyone could begin to console Piper I spoke, my words sounded as though they came from everywhere at once.

"Don't worry mom, you can't get rid of me that easily."

In a swirl of purple and white lights I rematerialized next to mom. She pulled me into a bear hug and popped the back of my head.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Wait, how can you regenerate?"

Wyatt chose to step up and explain.

"The same way I can phase through solid object and Chris can turn invisible, they're our new powers. Our other powers also got quite a boost."

"Warren did your powers increase as well?"

"Well not my warping and energy blasts those were already maxed out, but I haven't had a chance to test my other powers. Let's test my other powers."

Paige chimed in ans reminded everyone about the damage to the attic.

"I think we might want to fix the attic before anyone notices. Let me take care of it. Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the scene to be unseen. There, all taken care of. Go ahead, test out your powers."

Everyone stood back and gave me some room. First I tested astral projection, everything seemed the same until my physical self regained consciousness and was face to face with my astral self. We both said 'cool' at the same time. Remembering her temporary power boost in the past Prue told my astral self to try and jump into someones body. My astral self dove into Wyatt and assumed control of his body, then I rejoined my body.

"That could definitely come in handy when fighting demons, you could jump inside them and use your empathic powers to make them feel human emotions like I did to Vinceres. Remember that Piper?"

"Yeah I remember you weren't meant to posses empathy and it nearly killed you. Test out your empathy Warren."

I reached out to Chris and could feel his emotions and could also use all of his power as well, that was normal. What was new was that while probing Chris I could also probe everyone else at the same time. Also I discovered that through my empathic ability I could allow others to use my powers as well as those of whoever else I was tapping into as well. I told Wyatt to try and turn invisible and he did. Next I tried to manipulate Wyatt's emotions and was able to increase and suppress all emotions. This power boost was very, very cool. Next I tried out my premonition power, I walked over to Wyatt and touched his shoulder. Immediately I was projected into the past and was able to observe everything as though I was actually there. The vision ended and I was brought back to the present. I turned to talk to mom and my shoulder bumped into dad, which sent me into another vision of the past. Dad and I were in the middle of a field of soldiers and a younger dad was tending to some wounded soldiers when out of no where a bomb went off and killed dad and many others. When we came out of the vision mom asked if we were OK.

"Yeah, I think I can have a vision at will now. Before it was only if it would help save an innocent sometimes not even then. Now it seems as though whatever or whomever I touch gives me a vision and apparently I can bring others into my visions, just ask dad. I'll have to keep to myself until I can control it better."

We all headed over to the Book of Shadows and flipped to the page with the vanquishing spell for the Source. We memorized it and came up with a plan to take out the Source. We would bring some crystals and have Chris make us invisible, then say a spell to take us to the Source. Once there I would send out my astral self to distract him while Wyatt and I took out his guards and Chris placed him in the crystal cage. Then we would say the spell. Since technically Prue isn't dead I asked everyone if it would be OK if I substituted Cassie's name for Prue's.

"That's an excellent idea, your mom should be apart of the spell seeing as how he killed her. Go and be careful."

" Thanks mom. OK everybody ready? Good now, we know what we have to do. So let's do it and all comeback in one piece. Chris work your magic and make us invisible."

Chris did that and we chanted the spell to take us to the Source.

All: "Evil so black as a night with no moon, take us to the Source to deliver his doom."

Instantly we were sent into the Underworld and my astral self went into the Source's chamber unnoticed. Wyatt and I became visible again to fight the room full of demons as Chris slipped by to surround the Source with the crystals. When Chris walked into the chamber my astral self was busy holding off the Source. Chris placed four of the five crystal around the Source's throne platform. Wyatt and I rushed into the room and with Chris shielded the chamber to keep more demons from shimmering in.

Wyatt, Chris and Me: "Shield the room powers that be, shield this room with the power of three."

Once that was done I recalled my astral self and Chris orbed the last crystal into place.

"Remember Cassandra, my mother? She died making sure I would be born! This is what that seer told you about isn't it? This is why you were so desperate to kill me before I was born and ever since then. You knew I would become one of the Charmed Ones. Well guess what that seer's vision is about to come to pass!"

Me: "Cassandra, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda." Chris: "Astrid, Helena, Alora, and Grace." Wyatt: "Halliwell witches stand strong beside us." All: "Vanquish this evil from time and space."

In the biggest explosion I've ever seen the Source was vanquished and a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders.

"I've waited years to do that, and now I feel relieved. Let's go home I'm tired and hungry."

We left the Underworld having delivered a huge blow the demonic population. We also sent a message to not mess with the new Charmed Ones, we're even more powerful than the last. However that message didn't seem to bother the figure that flamed into the ruined chamber room once we left. With a snap of her fingers the room shifted and resembled that of a five star hotel room. Complete with a lavish diamond encrusted, golden throne. With another finger snap the robe transformed into a short pink dress and knee high black stiletto boots. The only word she spoke before flaming out was.


Yay, the new chapter is up. You must tell me what you think of it. Who is this new figure and what does her presence mean for the Charmed Ones and the Underworld? The next chapter will take at least a couple weeks to come up with where I want the story to go. Not only will the identity of this new figure be revealed but a new character will appear in the next chapter. Is he friend or foe? You'll just have to wait and see. Until next time, Blessed Be.

Next: Chapter 4

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