Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Oct 22, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback. or at

"Chris!!! Have you seen my black A|X shirt?"

"No, why would I have seen it?"

"Um... I dunno maybe because you've been bugging me for the last 2 weeks to borrow it!"

"Well I haven't seen it. Why don't you ask Wyatt."

"Why would Wyatt want.... WYATT!!!!"

I ran down the steps just as Wyatt was coming out of the kitchen wearing my A|X shirt that I had planned to wear today.

"Wyatt, what the hell?! I was planning on wearing that shirt today!"

"I know that's why I snuck it out of your room last night. Ha Ha I knew you would flip out when you couldn't find it. Here I was only joking with ya."

With a wave of his hand, our shirts switched places and he was now wearing my white t-shirt.

"Why do you constantly torture me? What did I ever do to have you pick on me so much?"

"I only do it because I'm your older brother and it's my right, and because you never try to get me back."

"Yeah well I'm getting a bit tired of it."

Quickly I waved my hand at Wyatt and I warped all of his clothes to his bedroom, then I warped my self to school.

"Warren!!! I'm SO gonna kill you when we get home!"

Wyatt orbed up to his room and got dressed for a second time that morning and then he and Chris orbed to school. Even though Wyatt and Chris were born almost a year apart they were both sophomores and I was just starting my freshman year. The reason Chris is in the same grade as Wyatt is because he is pretty smart. He would have been in my class but he skipped a grade. He went from finishing the 4th grade with me and when school started back up straight in to 6th with Wyatt. So I knew if I had any problems at school Wyatt and Chris would have my back. Now by problems I mean, I came out to my friends and family last year. Everyone was cool with it but I didn't know how everyone in high school would take it. Wyatt was part of the varsity football team so I knew I didn't have to worry about the football team. Chris was on the basketball and baseball teams so those bases were covered. That just left what Wyatt and Chris couldn't control, which was everything else. But seeing as how most of the 'important' people were on either of those teams I was pretty sure I wouldn't have any problems at school. I walked into my first class of the day, English, and the day was a blur until lunch came around. I sat under a large tree in the middle of the quad and ate my lunch while keeping an eye out for my brothers. Even though I grew up with 2 older brothers I was always a loner when it came to friends. Sure I had the on again off again acquaintances throughout school but I had never met anyone that I clicked with. I guess growing up with powers and fighting demons made it difficult for me to connect with people on an emotional level. For Wyatt and Chris making friends was easy, they were kings of the social scene and everybody knew who they were. I was always uncomfortable with big groups of people and liked to keep to myself. When Wyatt and Chris saw me they waved me over and hesitantly I went to where they were sitting with their group.

"Hey Warren, why were you over there by your self?" asked Chris.

"You guys know I like to be by my self sometimes, it's just how I am."

"Well from now on meet us here during lunch, this is where we always sit."

"Ok, but today I think I'm gonna just go sit under the tree."

"Ok but after today you're sitting with us."

I went back and sat under the tree and was glad to have some peace of mind. I finished eating and went to my next class when the bell rang. The rest of the day went by uneventfully and school ended. Seeing as how I didn't have a sport to go to I went into the boys bathroom and warped home.

"Mom I'm home!!"

"I'm in the kitchen honey."

Walking into the kitchen I aunt Phoebe sitting at the table with mom.

"Hey aunt Phoebe what brings you by?"

"Oh I was just stopping by to see your mom."

"Cool, I'm gonna go up to my room and do my homework."

"Ok sweetie, I'll call you down when dinners ready."

Once I left they started talking again.

"So when are you gonna tell them?"

"I don't know, they know that one day they'll be the new Charmed Ones but I don't think they ever thought it would be this soon. I don't think they're ready."

"They are, otherwise why would the Elders want them so soon?"

"I hope you're right, but I dunno. I guess I'm just worried that's all. What do you think will happen to their powers once they become Charmed?"

"Well seeing as how they already have our powers between the three of them I think that their powers will advance to more than we were capable of and maybe they might each get a new power to help them fight evil.

"Ok, well let's think about it. Wyatt can blow things up and freeze things like me, Chris can move things with his mind and levitate, and they can both orb and heal. Warren is different, his blood parents gave him the ability to fire energy blasts, warp, astral project and not to mention your premonition power was passed to him cause you carried him to term. What could their powers possibly grow to. Right now they're as strong as we are, when they become Charmed their powers will surpass ours and that kinda scares the hell out of me!"

"Well, again if they couldn't handle it the Elders wouldn't let it happen. Think back to when we first got our powers. We weren't given the opportunity to grow up with them. If we weren't ready then I don't think we would have been given our powers. These boys have had 16, 15 and 14 years respectively to master their powers. I'm sure they can handle a new power and a boost to their current ones. I mean it might be fun seeing what we could have had, had we grown up witches."

"Yeah well you may be right but that still isn't gonna keep me from worrying, I'm their mother it's my job."

"Hey I'm a mother too, speaking of which I need to pick up Penny, Prue and Patty from school. Talk to them and give them as much time to prepare as you can. Their ascension could happen any day."

"Bye Pheebs, you always know how to cheer me up."

A little bit later I came down stairs and mom was still in the kitchen staring off into space.

"Hey mom what's wrong?"

"Oh hey, I didn't see you come in. Have a seat sweety there's something I need to talk to you about. Remember when I told you all about your parents and how they died making sure you were born?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well what I didn't tell you is that the demon who killed your mother is the very same demon who is on his way to becoming the new source. He was less powerful back when your mom tried to vanquish him but powerful enough to withstand her attack and still kill her."

"Wow, I always just thought it was some random demon looking for praise from the source. I never imagined he was to become the source. Did you know that then?"

"No, we thought Phoebe's vision was for us to save your mom, but quickly we realized we were only meant to save you. We later found out that the demon went to a seer and was told that you would pose a great threat to him and possibly be his downfall. So he went in search of you and wanted to kill you before you were born. That's where we stepped in and kept you alive. No demon, not even one as strong as him, was foolish enough to try and take on the Charmed Ones."

"So, why now? Why tell me all of this now?"

"Well, that's the other thing I wanted to talk with you about. I have to wait until Wyatt and Chris get home because it concerns them as well. Now go watch t.v. or do something while I make dinner."

"Ok, actually could I talk to um.... you know."

"Yeah I got some new candles, they're upstairs in the attic."

As I made my way to the attic to summon Cassie, my other mom, I tried to put together as to why I was being told all of this now of all times. Sure we helped mom and the aunts fight a demon every now and then but why worry about this demon now. We wouldn't be targets until we ascended to Charmed status in a few years. Unless..... nah. We weren't ready for that just yet. Placing the white and blue candles in a circle I said the spell to summon my mom.

"Hear these words hear my cry, spirit from the other side. Come to me I summon thee, cross now the great divide."

Instead of a swirl of lights, a woman appeared inside the circle of candles in a swirl of pink orbs. It wasn't my mom. She looked vaguely familiar with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Not knowing who she was or why she was here I yelled for my mom.

"Mom!!!! where are you? Who are you and what the hell happened to my mom?"

"Calm down, I'm here because right now your mother is helping the Elders with something very important."

"Hold on I think my mom needs to come up here."

I warped down into the kitchen.

"Mom, when I tired to summon Cassie someone else appeared and said that she was busy with the Elders. I don't know who this woman is but she seems familiar."

"Ok I'll meet you up stairs."

I warped back into the attic and told the lady my mom was coming up to meet her. When my mom walked halfway into the attic the woman stepped out of the circle. She then turned to face my mom.

"Piper! I'm so glad to finally see you again!!!"

"Oh my god, Prue!!!"

My mom had always talked about her older sister that died before any of us were born. Apparently this is the first time since she died that my mom has seen her. Immediately they both broke down in tears holding each other as they sank to the floor.

"I, I tried so many times to summon you or bring you back and each time nothing happened."

"I know. I felt your pull but I couldn't come to you. That part of my life was over and I was being prepared for the next."

"What do you mean? Why couldn't we summon you until now?"

"I wasn't summoned Piper. Warren's mom was busy helping the Elders decide on something and they sent me here to meet my soon to be new charges."

"You mean...... you became a whitelighter?"

"Yes, and I was forbidden to see you. They said that if I went to you before it was time I might throw you off of your destined path and keep the next line of Charmed Ones from being born. The only way they could get me to agree to not seeing you was if they gave me a glimpse into the future. I saw everything that was to happen to you if I stayed away, and I didn't want to mess it up. Especially since it meant I would one day be the whitelighter to the new Charmed Ones. So I trained and guided my charges over the years until the Elders thought the new Charmed Ones and I were ready to meet. I'll be their whitelighter exclusively."

Hearing all this I had a hell of a lot of questions.

"Wait a minute why is my mom helping the Elders?"

Turning to me, Prue stood and helped Piper up before answering my question.

"Your mother has been such a great help to the Elders, by watching over you and guiding you and your brothers in absence of a whitelighter, that she is the first spirit to become an Elder without having been a whitelighter. I'm sorry but she won't be able to answer your calls anymore. She'll be busy helping the Elders keep the world safe."

"But.... but, I always call for my mom when I need to talk. W...why can't she... I don't understand why this is all happening."

I warped out of the attic and into the room I shared with Chris. I flopped down on my bed and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember Chris was home and he and Wyatt were sitting at the foot of my bed talking to each other. Once they saw that I was awake they turned to talk to me.

"So, I guess you heard about us becoming Charmed sooner then we expected."

"Yeah mom and the aunts just got done telling us about it, we're really sorry you won't be able to summon Cassie anymore. If you ever need to talk remember you have Wyatt and me."

"I know, thanks. It's just so sudden ya know? Were you guys here when Phoebe and Paige finally got to see Prue?"

"Yeah there was crying and 'I missed you' and all that girly stuff."

"Give'em a break Wyatt, they haven't seen each other in how many years?"

"Well, Paige actually got to meet Prue a while back when she first became a full fledged whitelighter. Only she couldn't say anything cause it wasn't time for mom and aunt Phoebe to know about her yet. Now that we're gonna be aunt Prue's only charges she's gonna be moving back into the manor. So me, you and Chris are gonna have to share this room together."

"Wait, why don't they just create a room for aunt Prue?"

"Cause that would be personal gain doofus."

"Not if you think about it. Prue isn't a witch anymore so by us creating her a room we'd be help our whitelighter. See nothing personal in that."

"Yeah unless you count me getting to keep my room and you guys not having to share with me."

"I guess we're sharing then. Well at least there's room for your stuff if we move some things around. I'll move to that corner of the wall and Wyatt you take the corner opposite of me. Chris you can have that corner and all of our dressers will go against that wall. Ok everybody have an idea of where everything is gonna go? Ok lemme think of a quick spell and we'll be ready, um.... how about this: A place for everything and to everything its place, rearrange the items with in this space. How's that?"

"Pretty good, I'll orb my stuff in here, be right back."

Wyatt orbed out and a few minutes later orbed in with all of his stuff.

"Ready guys?"

All: "A place for everything and to everything its place, rearrange the items with in this space."

After rearranging our room we went down stairs and everyone was sitting around the dinner table talking about everything and anything.

"So aunt Prue when are you gonna go shopping for your room?"

"Well I was hoping that you guys could give me a hand with that. Seeing as how I have no money and being a whitelighter doesn't pay much, I thought you guys could conjure me up some stuff?"

"Ok well I'll help you out c'mon let's get started. I don't have anything to do right now so let's go."

After helping aunt Prue set up her room we all had a huge dinner that everyone helped mom to cook. After dinner mom, dad and the aunts sat in the sun room reminiscing on old times and filling aunt Prue in on all the kids that have been born and all the fights that she missed. Watching them from the living room it was good to see so much happiness in the house. Little did we know this happiness was only to last a few weeks. The next few months after were going to be hell. This was the calm before the storm.

Ok, so this is the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, I was always hoping that during the t.v. series they would do more then just mention Prue. I mean it just seemed logical to me that dying young and having done SO much good in her life that Prue would become a whitelighter. I believe that was her destiny as a Charmed One. Anyway the address to my new group is at the top of the page. Email me with feedback and message me through my group. Enjoy!

P.S. Before I forget let me explain Warren's powers. He has Phoebe's premonition power and everyone knows what visions look like. Warren's visions look the way Phoebe's did at the end of the series. His energy blast is the next step up from energy balls. Powers are not good or bad, it depends on how you use them, so no Warren is not demonic and neither were his parents. An energy blast looks like a medium sized cloud of pure kinetic energy. It's not electrical like an energy ball. The kinetic energy in the cloud blast is so powerful that when it hits its target, that target is instantly disintegrated leaving no marks or ashes. Warping is Warren's form of travel. If you've ever seen "Twitches" and "Twitches Too" then warping looks exactly like the way Ilyana, Karsh and others travel between Coventry and Earth. His astral projection power is currently the same level Prue had when she was alive, with the exception that his astral self can use his other powers where as Prue couldn't. When Warren uses his energy blast or warps the color associated with them is a deep purple. His visions are also tinted purple. Purple is Warren's power color like Wyatt's power is color blue, Chris' is Red and Prue's is pink. I figured since each person is unique I thought there power colors should be as well.

Next: Chapter 3

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