Charmed Encounter

By Paul Bourque

Published on Dec 28, 2002


This story is completely made up and in no way indicates the sexual preference of either character or actor. The Character's names used in this story is owned by the owners of the WB and TNT.

Leo woke up, still sore from his night with Cole or his attack from Belthazar, and walked around the penthouse. Cole was fast asleep on the couch with a huge grin on his rugged face and still naked. "I guess demons sleep in the nude", Leo thought to himself. He looked how happy Cole was and decided to make him a little happier. Leo got down on his knees and started to suck off that 9 inch cock that had been up his ass a few hours ago.

Even though Cole was asleep, he began to moan and move around. He opened his eyes and bit his lips knowing in a few seconds, he would give a creamy surprise to his partner. As Cole grew closer to cumming, Leo started to tease him, licking his piss slit, stroking him faster, sucking harder, and deep throated Cole until he felt jets streams of cum tickle the back of this throat. Leo spit Cole's cum out and started sucking his cock again, but Cole lifted Leo up and said "I have some things I need to take care of, but I'll be back in an hour".

As Cole went into the shower Leo decided to cook him something to eat. Being a sex hog made him very hungry. Once his eggs and bacon were cooked Leo said goodbye to an exiting Cole and read the morning paper. "What the fuck!!!" yelled Leo, when he saw the wedding announcement of Piper and Dan. "I thought I got rid of that bastard". Leo jumped up, got dressed and headed to the Halliwell manor.

"Where the hell did you come from" Dan screamed at Leo as he sent Leo flying into the wall, "You've been gone for three years and come back three days after Piper and I announce our engagement?". Leo tackled Dan to the floor and started to punched his chiseled face. Dan was quite a looker, dirty blond hair, swimmer type body, nice perfect perfect whenever he wears those tight jeans he always does, you can't help but get a hard on...and I mean HARD on. Leo always looked and wondered about Dan, but anger was in his mind now, not lust. He and Dan rolled around fighting for half an hour before they stopped. Leo backed off first, but he wasn't finished with Dan, not by a long shot.

Leo went back to Cole's place, and Cole was waiting for him. "What the hell happened, why does Dan think I've been gone for three years?" he yelled.

"My guess is when you followed me back into time, you erased your current time, and you've been gone since".

Leo was upset, tossing things around. Cole grabbed him and kissed him rough. Leo pulled back with a wicked smile on his face. He wanted revenge on Dan, he wanted Dan, and he was going to get him. Just then, a glow formed around Leo and he felt weak. He tried to orb, but he couldn't....his wings had been cut.

When Leo felt better, he and Cole went to P3. He saw Paige and Glen, but Phoebe and Piper were missing. Leo and Cole made sure they weren't seen as they walked and searched the club. Just then Crytus appeared and Cole talked him into making mischief at the club. Lights started to go out, the sound systems were failing, and a pipe busted leaking water on the people at the club. Cole knew that Piper and Phoebe were going to come once Paige called them. To get a glimpse of Phoebe was all the Cole wanted...but he had other plans...see, Phoebe made her decision, she didn't' want Cole, so all this was done for one get Piper and Phoebe away from Dan.

Cole and Leo shimmered to Dan's house, but he wasn't home. Just then he saw Piper's car pull out and the manor door close. They then shimmered into the living room and saw Dan watching TV. Dan turned off the TV and went upstairs to take a shower. He told Piper to call him if she needed, but he was too tired to go, especially after the fight he had today, but he didn't' tell her with who. Dan peeled off his jean, and took off his sleeveless t-shirt, only wearing a pair of white boxer briefs.

"This is the best idea you had in a while Leo" whispered Cole. They then watched Dan peel off his underwear, but before he headed into the shower, Belthazar appeared and grabbed him from behind......

Well, this is the end of this part guys...write me if you want me to finish it...cya next time, and thanks to everyone who wrote in with input.

Next: Chapter 3: Underworld Cums Together

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