Charlies Secret Heartache

By Kevin Berry

Published on May 11, 2023


This is a Lost fan-fiction story. The rights to these characters belong to and are copyright protected by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof and I am using them without permission. Please send feedback to , it would be very much appreciated!

I think I previously wrote that Jack's eyes were blue... they are actually brown, sorry! I think it's much sexier this way anyway :p

Now, please sit back and enjoy...

Charlie's Secret Heartache pt5

Charlie was sitting alone in his tent, out of the midday heat. Digging a small hole in the sand with a piece of stick, he sat thinking. He had a lot of time for thinking recently. He was getting edgy with Claire a lot these past few days, and he knew it was because of his dual feelings for her and Jack, each connection as strong as the other, but Jack's having the added bonus of sex. Charlie hoped they would be able to see each other soon - he was lonesome for Jack's company, as apart from Claire, who he was getting irritated with, and Hurly, who wasn't great company (like anyone pretends to have won the lottery...) he didn't really talk to many people.

He shuffled over to his suitcase and opened the lid. Taking a glance over his shoulder to make sure no-one would see, he rummaged to the bottom of the luggage; with great care, he pulled out a pair of white briefs, too big for him in size but worth its weight in gold and more to Charlie. He put Jack's briefs to his mouth with both hands, kissing the crotch and breathing in Jack's scent deeply, savoring the manly smell and the memories of Jack's hard penis in his mouth, the taste of the thick fluids and loose ball sack.

Now he could feel his own penis becoming hard, and he rubbed the soft material against the stiff material of his dark jeans over his crotch. His other hand ran down his light cotton shirt, over his chest and stomach.

He knew it was too risky to masturbate at the beach, and he wasn't feeling enough of an exhibitionist to try it; so he carefully folded up and kissed the briefs, once more breathing in Jack's aroma, and returned them to his case then headed up to the jungle, hand in pocket. He was going to head up to his spot where the Virgin Maries were hidden, but on his way, something caught his eye.

Feet without shoes darted out of sight ahead of him.

Charlie ran to pursue the stranger, all thoughts of sex leaving his mind in an instant.

But when he followed, he saw the figure had stopped ahead of him. The first thoughts that struck Charlie were that he was clean, too well-kept for a native and wearing nothing but tight grey boxers. He was no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and a well-sized erection was visible through his shorts.

"Alex?" Charlie asked aloud, mystified.

But the figure ran. Charlie had never been in this part of the jungle, and tried - failing - to remember where he was going.

The figure had stopped ahead of him once again. Charlie stopped and watched the mysterious figure rub his dick through his boxers, stroking his himself provocatively. There was no doubt that this was Alex now, as Charlie recognised his face and his toned body.

"Alex!" Charlie called aloud this time, but the teenager turned and ran, pointing his good-looking butt in Charlie's direction.

In hot pursuit, Charlie followed. He weaved through trees, fighting the undergrowth, which didn't seem to hamper Alex's movement.

"Alex!" Charlie called again. But he heard a strange reply.


It was not Alex's voice. Charlie stopped once more. He could see Alex out of the corner of his eye to the right, so he turned and ran in that direction, the direction of the voice. Certain to catch him this time Charlie ran full speed into a clearing, when he once again heard the cry of "Rick?"

But this time he saw who was shouting.

It was Jack.

"Charlie?" He said, looking puzzled. He was panting, as though he too had been running.

"Rick?" Charlie replied, raising an eyebrow.

Jack looked flustered, pointing, then lowered his hands on his hips, he merely mumbled, "I..." But Charlie followed his eyes, which were appraising his dark white shirt and dark trousers, but pretended he thought Jack was looking behind him. He put a hand to his beard, crossed his other arm across his chest and said, "Going somewhere, were we?"

"No, not really," Jack replied. He sat and leaned against a tree, which Charlie read as 'Can't we just stay here and talk now we have the chance?' He obliged to the silent request, and sat with Jack.

"So, how you been?" Charlie asked.

"Lonely," Jack replied. He looked at Charlie, affection written all over his face. Charlie looked at it, felt the love coming from him, and looked away.

"Me too. Things with Claire are going - badly," he explained. "I need you, Jack." He placed special emphasis on the word 'you', hoping to convey the deep need for another man's love that simmered inside him.

"Yeah, everyone's talking about it," Jack replied. "You and Claire I mean. But only I know why..."

Charlie wrapped one hand around Jack's face. Turning it towards him, they kissed deeply, drinking in their need for each other. They pulled away, and Jack looked into Charlie's blue eyes, which looked back into Jack's deep brown ones. They both wore serious expressions, as though nothing was more important than the feelings that secretly lived inside.

Jack leaned his head into Charlie's neck and kissed from the hairy jaw line to the smoothness of the skin by his chest, hands rubbing over Charlie's shirt, feeling his pecs, stroking his nipples. Meanwhile Charlie rested his hands on Jack's head, feeling the softness of his hair, then ran one hand down Jack's khaki T-Shirt, over the muscles in his back, and felt the top of his ass crack. Jack moved back up Charlie's neck and kissed his lips, then sat back. Charlie was now fully aroused, his erect dick throbbing in his trousers. Jack was hard too, eight inches of meat demanding attention in his trousers.

Jack patiently unbuttoned Charlie's shirt from top to bottom, slid it down his arms and cast it away. He removed his own t-shirt, revealing his hairy chest, which Charlie was now beginning to become familiar with. He stroked Jack's pecs, felt the tough muscle and hair against his fingertips, and followed Jacks' body down to his waistline, where he noticed a familiar pale blue pair of briefs.

"Hey, you put my pants on," Charlie remarked.

"You think they suit me?"

"I dunno, maybe if I could see a little more I could tell you," Charlie replied.

Topless, Jack stood and removed his shoes and socks, then unbuckled his belt. He turned around so his behind faced Charlie, and slowly lowered his trousers. His ass came into view, muscled cheeks pressed tight against the small briefs. He stepped out of the jeans, and then turned to show his lover his crotch. His large balls left a soft bulge at the bottom, slightly visible through the sides, and his stiff cock lay to the side, filling the briefs completely, the head pressing a larger bulge at the end. A small patch of damp around it completed the perfect view.

"You're amazing," Charlie said, once again in awe of Jack's body.

Jack sat, and spread his legs on the ground.

"Now you do the same for me," he said, easily slipping into his leadership role. He leant back with his palms pressed into the ground, ready to watch the show.

Charlie obliged, and removed his black and white checked shoes and plain socks. He turned to face away from Jack, just has he had done; then he unzipped his fly and lowered his trousers to reveal his round ass in its smooth, dark grey boxer shorts. Sliding out of his trousers, and still facing away, he stroked his cheeks the way he knew Jack loved to, and ran finger up the middle of his crack through the material. He turned around, and saw Jack gently playing with his prick through Charlie's tight blue briefs. Charlie mirrored him, and stroked his six inch cock suggestively. But he was longing to taste Jack's meat again, like the time he had done in the shower, and had been waiting for this for many days. So he stepped over to Jack, spread his legs and knelt down in front of him on the soft foliage of the clearing.

"Let me give you a blowjob Jack," Charlie asked.

"Do what you want to me," he replied. His face clearly showed how desperate he was for release.

Charlie peeled away the tight briefs, bringing Jack's thick black bush into view. His massive, veiny cock sprung against his abs, and rose into the air as Jack assisted Charlie in the removal of the underwear.

"Wait!" Jack said, as Charlie moved his head into his crotch. He looked up. "I want you to be naked too. I want to see your body when you suck me."

Charlie stood, but Jack stayed knelt down as he slowly pulled down Charlie's grey boxers. He took in the sight of Charlie's neater brown pubes and his perfectly proportioned six inch manhood. He knelt back, and Charlie returned to his position. He kissed the thick stream of hair down from his navel to his shaft, feeling the pubic hair rubbing against his lips. Then he began licking and kissing Jack's glorious shaft, moving slowly up from the base up to the head, then back down. Jack was moaning his praises of Charlie's pleasuring, and Charlie enjoyed the control he gleaned from this foreplay.

"Fuck, oh suck it Charlie!" Jack burst with anticipation, and forced Charlie's head into his crotch. Charlie felt the strong hands on his head directing his pleasuring and deeply enjoyed the taste of Jack's liquids against his tongue.

Gratefully, he sucked and ate the fat, veiny meat of Jack's cock. He squeezed the stiff flesh with his lips, and let out great moans of pleasure from his throat.

"That's it Charlie..." Jack groaned, the pleasure streaked across his face in the most mystically beautiful way. He drank in the sight of Charlie's bare naked body in front of him, admiring the beauty which had plagued his mind constantly since the time they fucked on the beach.

Charlie was lost in Jack's penis. He pulled his head back, taking just the bell of Jack's dick in his mouth, the spongy hard top against the roof of his mouth. The taste of Jack's precum was even stronger with the gland right against his tongue, which danced around and against the head with glee. Charlie could not believe the intense feelings he was experiencing. As he was getting used to this new sensation, he felt Jack's cock begin to stiffen even more, and jolt up against the roof of his mouth.

"Argh... shit Charlie... that's so good... Jesus! Argh!"

Jack shot come over Charlie's tongue and into his throat, which Charlie swallowed. He enjoyed the taste of that rare delicacy of human semen in his mouth: the creamy texture, the smooth taste. All the while Jack lifted his hips and pushed himself deeper into Charlie's mouth.

He let Jack's prick out of his mouth, and looked expectantly up at Jack. His eyes were closed, his chest was heaving and Charlie admired the manliness and perfection of his toned form. When Jack opened his eyes again, his cock was soft between his legs - not like Charlie's, which was hard as diamond and bursting for relief, as though a fountain lay below the surface and was ready to spring forth from the ground. He knelt back on his ankles, his legs still wide apart, cock straight up against his belly.

Jack moved and knelt behind Charlie, his chest against Charlie's back. He chewed, licked and nibbled on Charlie's round ears, and rubbed his hands up and down Charlie's body, over his chest, his thighs, his plump ball sac.

Charlie breathed in deeply, as secure and safe as though in his mother's arms, but with the love of a man, a gorgeous and brilliant lover. He never felt like this with Claire: the rough hands on his nipples, the strong fingers grasping his balls, the hardness of Jack's body wrapped around him.

He let a moan slip through his lips as Jack's hand gently pumped on his stiff cock. It stroked slowly up and down, pleasure coursing through every vein in Charlie's body, every cell burned with the fires Jack was sending through him. He could feel Jack's dick begin to get hard and press into his back, while he began to kiss the right side of his neck, causing Charlie to roll his shoulders and shift his head from the pleasure.

He could feel the fires burning hotter through his body, and he told Jack, "Hey, mate I think I'm going to come any minute... now..." Jack's hand slowed right down, and Charlie bucked his hips. His breathing was heavy and regular, and he could feel Jack's breaths in the rising of his chest against his back, the warm air from this nose pleasant against his skin. The pleasure reached its limit, and Charlie let out a final groan as come flew from the tip of his penis, white fluid rocketing straight into the air and landing all over his body.

"Thank you," Charlie whispered, basking in the warmth of his post-orgasmic serenity. He sat with his eyes closed as he felt Jack release his body from his embrace. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Jack pulling on his jeans, over Charlie's blue underpants.

"I love you Charlie," Jack told him, pulling on his khaki T. His eyes wandered over Charlie's naked body.

Charlie pulled a leaf from a nearby plant and wiped the cum from his body.

"Love you too," he replied.

Jack and Charlie departed from the clearing in the separate directions they had come from. Charlie knew the Island wanted them to be together, sharing their love. Recalling Jack's good-bye words, "I'll see you again," he wondered when they would be able to love each other like that again, when he would be able to feel Jack's body against his own, when he would be able to taste Jack's body and share their manliness together.

If you thought this story was good, please tell me and I'll keep writing. Thanks for the feedback so far!

Next: Chapter 6

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