Charlies Dom College Roommate

By C

Published on Jan 31, 2013


Charlie's first day at college was pretty exciting. He was looking forward to meeting his new roommate. Charlie had emailed and texted his roommate several times before today, but as always, anytime you meet someone one new there is some anxiety. In Charlie's case, the anxiety was even more than usual, because he was desperately hoping his roommate would become his lover.

When Charlie realized he was going to be going off to college, he used all of his skill on the internet to try to find a compatible roommate. But in Charlie's case, it wasn't just someone he could get along with for a year that he was looking for, he was looking for a guy he could be sexually compatible with. Not that Charlie had a lot of experience in having sex with other guys. Charlie actually was still technically a virgin. He hadn't actually had sex with other guys unless you counted that handjob he gave his troop leader when he was 16. There were a lot of reasons for that, but number 1 was that Charlie didn't want to get a disease. He know that many gay men had AIDS/HIV and the easy ways of finding a lover on the internet were likely to lead him to men who had had a lot of sex with a lot of different men (in other words, men who were likely to have HIV). However, with his college roommate, he figured the odds were low that an 18 year old kid would have had enough sex with enough different people to get HIV. Especially if the kid in question was a top, which was what Charlie was looking for. Because Charlie was most definitely a bottom. As long as he could remember being turned on, he wanted to be fucked by another guy. The idea of another guy on top of him, with his cock stuffed into Charlie's ass turned Charlie on like crazy.

So Charlie had spent his later teenage years jerking off a lot to gay porn on his computer and occaisionally penetrating himself with his mom's vibrator while he was doing it.

But now... now Charlie was going to meet his roommate, Dave. Dave was a guy Charlie had found on the internet who was also going to State Tech, same as Charlie. And Dave had responded to Charlie's post on the internet looking for a dominant top to room with. After a few back and forth's over email, including pics of each other and some hot emails, Dave had agreed to be Charlie's roommie. And now Charlie was going to meet him. Charlie could hardly wait.

When Charlie got to his new dorm room, his parents started helping him move in. It was clear when they got there that Dave had obviously moved in a day or two before him. Dave must have taken advantage of the early checkin option. His parents were almost done helping Charlie move in when Dave showed up. He was a bigger guy than Charlie had expected. Both in height and in weight. Charlie was average height and fairly slim while Dave must have been 6'4 and 250lbs if he was an ounce. And Dave was fairly chubby. Somehow he hadn't seemed that chubby in the photos he'd sent Charlie. Anyway, that didn't matter to Charlie that much. Dave was still pretty good looking, even if he was a bit chubby.

Dave offered to help them move Charlie's things and soon they were almost done. And almost as soon as Dave arrived, he began giving Charlie some smug looking smirks whenever Charlie's parents weren't in the room. Charlie began to wonder if maybe he shouldn't have worn the tight jogging shorts he had picked out to wear for today. He had picked them out because he thought it made his ass look nice and tight, and from the way Dave as acting, it looked like he agreed. A couple of times he even grabbed Charlie's ass when Charlie's parents weren't looking. The first time Charlie jumped and gave Dave a look, but Dave just leered back at him.

Before long, Charlie's parents were done helping Charlie move in and they gave him a tearful farewell. Charlie tried to focus on the farewell with his parents but most of his mind was racing, thinking about what he and Dave would do tonight when they were all alone. In a few minutes, he closed the door on his parents and walked to the window to watch them leave. His dorm was on the 4th floor of the building and he had a pretty good view of the parking area that his parents had parked at from his window.

No sooner had he stood in front of the window before he heard the door lock engage.

He turned around and Dave was standing there smirking.

"Well, well, well Charlie. Here we are, just two strangers who are roommates, like everyone else... right? Just kidding! Man, I've been thinking about how much I am gonna fuck you and use you for the last two months! I was hard for the last hour thinking about it, which was hard to deal with with your parents still here. But now, I'm still hard and it is time for you to start being my roommate and doing all the things we talked about in our emails."

As he finished talking he started unbuttoning his jeans, leering at Charlie. Charlie watched in fascination as Dave finished unbuttoning his jeans and slid them down, exposing his blue colored briefs. A big bulge in the front of his briefs clearly showed that a big erection was barely constrained by the underwear.

Charlie stared, fascinated and turned on. He kept thinking "wow, that hard on is for me. He is hard because of me! He is turned on because of me, because he wants to fuck me! That is so hot!"

Seeing the look on Charlie's face, Dave smiled and slid his briefs down. His stiff, erect cock sprang out of his briefs as he lowered them. To Charlie it looked huge. He estimated it was 8 or 9 inches long and seemed as big around as a coke bottle. On second thought, it probably wasn't as thick as a coke bottle, but it looked as big as some of the thick kielbasas his polish aunt used to cook up.

"Now", Dave said, "get over here and get on your knees and work my cock with that bitch mouth of yours." For punctuation he grabbed his dick and waved it in Charlie's direction.

Charlie walked over toward Dave as if in a dream. He couldn't believe that he was finally going to suck another guy's cock. He had fantasized about it for so long. He stopped in front of Dave. Dave leered at him and put his hands on Charlie's shoulders, pushing him to his knees. Charlie found himself face to face with Dave's erect cock. Then he felt Dave's hand on the back of his head, and all of the sudden, the head of Dave's cock was being pressed against his lips.

"Open your mouth bitch and suck me", said Dave, pressing harder with his hand on the back of Charlie's head.

Still feeling unreal, Charlie opened his lips, and immediately the huge head of Dave's cock was pressing into his mouth. Charlie opened his lips and mouth as wide as he could, but he quickly realized that Dave's big mushroom shaped cock head was actually bigger around than his mouth was, even opened as wide as he could make it. With the pressure Dave was using to force Charlie's head onto his cock though, Dave's cock head almost immediately popped into Charlie's mouth. Before Charlie could process that, that big cock head was sliding into the back of his mouth and then pressing into back of his throat. Charlie could feel Dave's chubby stomach pressing against his forehead at the same time. Charlie almost immediately started to gag and tried to pull away. Dave growled and pressed Charlie's head even harder down onto his cock, forcing his cockhead even deeper into Charlie's throat for a second before letting go. Charlie fell back, retching,

trying hard not to throw up.

"Don't worry bitch, I'll have you swallowing my cock like a pro inside of a month", Dave said, smiling evily.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Charlie looked up at Dave, who looked annoyed and then with one hand grabbed his cock and with the other forced it back into Charlie's mouth. Just then, Charlie heard his Dad's voice from the hall. "Charlie, are you in there? We forgot to drop off that check for you." At that, Dave thrust his cock into Charlie's mouth once, twice and then a third time, holding it against the back of Charlie's throat for a second before letting go of Charlie's head and starting to pull up his pants.

Charlie sat there for a second, trying not to throw up and catching his breath. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then said loudly 'Oh, ok Dad, one second.' Charlie got to his feet and cast a look at Dave. Dave was standing behind the door, looking annoyed, but his pants were pulled back up. If you knew what to look for you could tell he still had a hard on, but Charlie figured that he had delayed as long as he could. Charlie unlocked and opened the door. His Dad stood there, with his Mom a few steps behind. "Sorry, son, we just forgot to give you this check." His Dad handed him the check. "Now Charlie, if you want, we can go to the bank with you to open your account", his mother started. "No, no, that's ok Mom." Charlie stammered. "I can do it just fine. Thanks though."

"Ok, well I guess this is goodbye again then", his Dad said, and Charlie stepped into the hallway, giving them both a hug.

"Be careful driving home", Charlie said, stepping back into his dorm room.

"We will honey, you be careful here too", his Mom said.

"I will, Mom, don't worry", Charlie said.

His parents turned to go and Charlie closed the door again. He waited for about 30 seconds, looking at Dave, who stared back at him, tapping his foot and rubbing his crotch. Then Charlie locked the door again. Dave stepped toward Charlie, leering.

"Well bitch, if your parents are finally fucking gone, let's get back to business... or should I say pleasure. Well, your business is now my pleasure. From now on, you are MINE bitch. You are MY fucktoy. I use you anytime I want. I get off IN you any TIME and any WAY I want. You understand that bitch?" Dave looked at Charlie expectantly.. demandingly. Charlie began to feel a bit frightened. He hadn't really considered the fact that a dominant male lover would be quite THIS dominant. Looking a little scared, Charlie nodded.

"Good bitch. As long as you are a good little bitch, do what I say and get me off when I tell you to we will get along great.... Now, go stand in front of the window."

Charlie looked askance at Dave, but Dave just pointed imperiously at the big window in their room. Their room was in a big, newer highrise dorm and had a big, almost floor to ceiling window in part of the far wall. From the outside in the daytime, the building was one big mirror, since all the windows had tinted coatings on them. At night it was a different story, but there were big blinds that could be put in place across the windows to give privacy.

Charlie walked over in front of the window and then looked back over his shoulder at Dave. Dave was standing right behind him. Close behind him.

"Now, grab the window railing and bend over", Dave said. Charlie stood there for a second, trying to process that when Dave gave a disgusted sigh and grabbed Charlie's hip with one hand, grabbed Charlie's shoulder with the other and pushed him down into a bent over position. Charlie reached out and grabbed the railing that ran in front of the window.

"Yeah. Good bitch", Dave said, chuckling. Charlie felt Dave grab his shorts and jerk them all the way down to his ankles. When Charlie felt the breeze from the AC on his bare cheeks he realzied that Dave must have grabbed his underwear at the same time. Charlie's bare ass was exposed and right there in front of Dave. Charlie heard Dave unzip his pants and then felt Dave's stiff cock bump into his ass cheeks. Dave said 'Lube time', and then Charlie heard a liquidy squirting sound. He tried to twist his head to see wwhat Dave was doing, but Dave slapped him on the ass, making him jump, and growled 'Mind your own business bitch! Look out there and see if you can find your parents getting in their car and leaving you here for me." Involuntarily Charlie started doing just that while he also wondered what Dave was doing. He found his parents car in the parking lot but there was no sign of his parents when he was brought abruptly back to

what was happening to him.

He felt Dave's finger with some sort of cold, oily, slippery liquid press against his anus and wipe around. Charlie gave an involuntary start. "Man you are jumpy bitch. Don't worry, you will soon get used to being lubed up. Now get ready, because I am going to ass fuck your brains out." As soon as those words were out of Dave's mouth, Charlie felt his ass cheeks being spread by Dave's hand, then something velvety soft but very stiff pressing against his anus. The pressure quickly built to painful levels and he started to cry out, when all of the sudden, with a soft, barely audible 'pop', he felt the pressure let off slightly as Dave's big mushroom head popped into his anus. Charlie's breathing came in short gasps as he tried to deal with the burning pain of Dave's big cock sliding into him. He grabbed the window rail extra hard, as if that could make the pain less. He felt Dave's hands on his hips, pulling him farther and farther onto Dave's


It only took a few seconds until Dave's cock was buried, balls deep in Charlie's ass. As his cock bottomed out in Charlie's ass, Charlie felt a horrible sharp pain inside him. He cried out and tried to pull away. He did manage to pull slightly away, but Dave grabbed him harder around his hips and both jerked him backwards and thrust hard into him, forcing his cock back all the way into Charlie. A short scream was forced from Charlie as Dave's cock bottomed out on something inside him. Dave pulled back a little and then thrust hard into Charlie again. This time Charlie's scream was more like a sob. Dave pulled back again and then pounded his cock into Charlie a third time. Charlie's grip on the window rail was now like a death grip. Sobbing, short breaths hissed through his teeth at the pain. Dave continued to thrust into him, over and over again. Charlie could feel Dave's big balls pressing into his at the end of every thrust.

"Does that hurt bitch?" Dave asked. "Yeah, I bet it does. Don't worry though, it will never hurt this bad again. The first time is always the hardest. Eventually it probably won't hurt at all. I've fantasized about doing this to you for the last two days. Ever since I got here and saw the room set up. I knew I was going to bend you over in front of this window and rape your ass as you watched your parents drive away. Ungh... fuck you are TIGHT! I love fucking this tight little ass!" Dave continued to pound away. Charlie could feel Dave's thick cock sliding smoothly between his ass cheeks. He could hear the slight squelching noise as Dave's cock slid in and out of his anus and the meaty smacking sounds as Dave's hips slapped against Charlie's ass. Charlie felt like he had to poop really badly. He started praying for Dave to finish fast.

"Oh yeah, bitch!" Dave hissed in Charlie's ear. "You like that don't you bitch!? You were needing some cock, and here it is!" Dave slammed an extra hard thrust into Charlie. Charlie gasped. "Oh, yeah bitch! You are MINE now. This ass is MINE! I am gonna fuck you 10 times a day! And then when I get bored with fucking you I am still gonna fuck you 5 times a day! Yeah....ungh!" Dave slammed into Charlie extra hard again. "You are gonna have my cum dripping out of you all day, every day, bitch! You are gonna have to get used to walking around campus everyday with my cream sliding between your asscheeks!"

"Tell me how much you want it bitch!", Dave hissed into Charlie's ear.

"Ok", Charlie thought, frantic at the pounding his ass was taking, "Anything to make him stop." "I..ungh... want...ungh... it", Charlie gasped out.

"Yeah, you do!", Dave exclaimed. "Tell me you want it hard. Come on bitch, tell me you like it hard!"

" it...ungh... hard", Charlie offered, almost sobbing.

"Tell me you want me to come in you bitch! Tell me you want to feel my load blasted into you!"

"Please...ungh... cum... in... me.", Charlie got out between thrusts.

"Ok, bitch, your wish is my command!" Dave started pounding into Charlie faster and faster. Charlie felt like he was underneath a jackhammer. The meaty slapping sounds and Charlie's gasps quickened together. "Get ready for your first anal creampie bitch! I saved up a BIG load for this special occaission!"

Dave's thrusts got crazily fast and Charlie thought he was gonna pass out when Dave suddenly said "Here I cum bitch, ready or not!" Then Dave gave a great big grunt and slammed his cock balls deep into Charlie, causing Charlie to scream again, but Dave kept pulling him hard onto his cock and held him there, while Dave gave a series of grunts and shudders and Charlie felt his bowels filling up with Dave's hot cum. With a final grunt and a long sigh, Dave laid against Charlie's back, still holding Charlie's ass firmly against his hips.

Finally after a minute or so, when Charlie's hands were cramping form holding himself up in the bent over position against the window railing, Dave said, "Ok bitch. I'm gonna pull out now, but you stay in that position. I want a picture of this creampie dripping out of your boy pussy." Charlie felt Dave's big, flacid cock slowly withdraw, sliding until the big cockhead came to his anus, then with a slight tug, it popped easily free and Charlie immediately felt a gush of slowly cooling fluids slide down the back of his scrotum.

"Oh fuck yeah, look at that load!", Dave exclaimed. "Hold still, bitch!" Charlie heard Dave fumbling around his desk, then saw several flashes reflecting off the window as Dave took pics of Charlies ass with Dave's cum sliding out of it. After about 10 pics, Dave said "Ok, bitch you can move now. Man that is a great creampie pic. Looks like you got gangbanged by 3 guys! They will love it." Charlie briefly wondered who 'they were', but that quickly fled out of his thoughts as he collapsed to his knees near the window. Charlie felt an overpowering need to go to the bathroom though, so he quickly stood up, pulling his shorts completely off and walking toward the ensuite bathroom. He was never so glad that he had let Dave convince him of getting a room with its own bathroom as now. It had seemed an extravagance to Charlie (and Charlie's parents!), but Dave had hinted that they could fuck in the shower and it would be easier to keep their

relationship a secret if they had their own place to clean up after sex.

As Charlie walked into the bathroom, Dave laughed and said "I bet you feel like you have to take a ginormous poop, don't you bitch?" Charlie nodded, and Dave kept laughing. "You may feel like that, but I bet almost nothing comes out. Don't worry bitch, it gets easier. Soon you'll be begging me for it! Ha ha ha!"

Charlie locked the bathroom door and cleaned himself up, paying close attention for blood. There didn't seem to be much at all, most of it was cum and lube. He sat on the toilet for a long time, trying to poop. Not much came out. After what seemed like a long time sitting there, wondering what he had gotten himself into, and with the need to poop mostly abated, Charlie got up and washed his hands. Then he realized he was still naked from the waist down. And the towels hadn't even been unpacked yet. There was nothing to do but walk back into the room like this.

Charlie unlocked the bathroom door and slowly opened it. He peeked out and saw Dave sitting in front of his computer. He seemed to be watching videos on the net. He was wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants. Charlie cautiously stepped into the room and the motion caught Dave's eye. He turned towards Charlie, smiling.

"There you are bitch! I was starting to wonder if I'd have to go in after you!" He smiled.

"I'm glad you came back out though, because I am ready to go again!" Dave laughed as he saw Charlie's jaw drop. "Oh yeah bitch, I meant it when I said I was gonna fuck you 10 times a day. It's especially important the first few times to get you broken in. You know what they say, when you fall off the horse you need to get right back on." Dave leered. "Of course, in this case, you need to get right back on the cock. My cock. Now." Dave spun around in his chair to face Charlie and yes, Charlie could see a big bulge tenting the top of Dave's sweatpants. As Charlie watched, Dave slid his sweatpants down, letting his big erection spring forth. It stood straight up, ramrod stiff. Charlie had a hard time taking his eyes off it. A part of him was amazed that he had taken something that big up his ass. But his ass still hurt. He looked toward the door of the room. Dave followed his eyes and clucked.

"You want to leave? Naw. You don't want to leave. What kind of good little submissive bottom are you if you run away after just one fucking? You need to take it again and get used to it. I promise it won't be nearly as painful this time."

Dave edged his chair towards the door. He was now in between Charlie and the exit. His thick cock still standing stiffly at attention. Dave saw Charlie eying it. "Yessss. ... look at my cock. Look at this rock hard, thick cock. Think about how it is all for YOU. The sole reason I am so hard and stiff is because I want to fuck YOU. My lust for you and your tight little ass is the reason my big cock is standing up to attention for you." Charlie tried to look away, but couldn't keep his eyes from straying back.

"Wow", he thought. "Look how thick his cock is and how big the head is. It's gigantic. And he is right, he wants to fuck me. That is sort of a compliment, isn't it?" But then Charlie thought about how much his ass still hurt and decided that no, he did not want to get fucked again, at least not right now.

He started to walk past Dave to pick up his pants, but Dave reached out quickly and grabbed his arm. "No bitch, you are getting fucked again. I thought I made that clear?!" Charlie tried to pull away, but Dave was very strong, much stronger than Charlie. Dave pulled Charlie back towards him, and with one hand wrapped around his waist, with Charlie facing away from him, trying to pull away, Dave spread Charlie's ass cheeks and Charlie felt the slick oily lube slide onto and into his anus again. As he tried in vain to pull away, Dave pulled Charlie down into his lap. He felt Dave's big cock head pressing up between his ass cheeks again as Dave pressed him down into his lap. With raw strength, Dave forced Charlie into his lap, and Charlie once again felt Dave's big mushroom head 'pop' into his anus as Dave's cock was forced into his ass. Once his cock was partially in, Dave used his legs to force Charlie's legs apart, leaving Charlie with no

way to stop himself from sitting/falling/being forced directly onto Dave's cock. It quickly slid all the way in to the hilt, this time with all of Charlie's weight forcing it in to the max. Charlie again felt a sharp twinge deep inside him as Dave's big cock bottomed out in him, and he cried out, but the pain seemed to fade more quickly than previously. Charlie almost involuntarily tried to raise himself off of Dave's lap with his hands, but Dave knocked them away and held Charlie down strongly into his lap and impaled him on his thick cock.

"Stop fighting it bitch!" Dave hissed in his ear. "You ARE getting fucked. Don't ever doubt it. I'm not rooming with a dick tease for 2 semesters. You aren't a dick tease are you bitch?!"

In spite of himself and the fact that he was basically being raped, Charlie couldn't abide something thinking him a tease. "No" he said.

"No what, bitch?"

"No, I am not a dick tease"

"'No I am not a dick tease, MASTER' is the correct way to say it bitch. Remember it. I am now your Master and you are my bitch. Now tell me you agree and that you will be a good bitch."

Charlie didn't say anything immediately. He was trying to stop hyperventalating as his breath came in short, sharp gasps at the pain and shock of having Dave's big cock stuffed into him again. Dave lifted Charlie up a couple of inches and then jerked him hard down onto his cock. The pain was immense as his dick bottomed out in Charlie. Charlie cried out.

"Ok, ok, I will be a good bitch, Master!", he blurted out.

"Good. You're my bitch and don't you forget it. What are you?"

"I'm your bitch, Master", Charlie said quickly.

"Good bitch. You learn fast. You'll be a good little submissive bitch by the time I am done with you."

Dave held Charlie down on his cock for a second more, then said, "Ok bitch, ride my cock." Charlie looked over his shoulder at Dave questioningly. Dave sighed and said "Fuck yourself with my dick. Raise and lower yourself onto me. It will be easier for you to control it."

Charlie liked the idea of that, so he set his feet back on the floor and raised himself up a few inches, feeling Dave's cock slide out of his ass a bit. Then he lowered himself down on Dave's cock a bit. It barely hurt at all. Then he raised himself up a bit and then lowered himself further down on Dave's cock. It hurt a bit more, but it was bareable. He kept at that until he managed to get himself all the way down and sitting on Dave's lap again, with Dave's cock buried to the hilt inside him. The pain was there, but not nearly as bad as before. Charlie felt like he could take this level of pain, at least for a while. He started sliding up and down farther, always or almost always landing fulling in Dave's lap, with Dave's cock buried in him, resting his full weight in Dave's lap, his full weight forcing Dave's cock into the hilt. He was still going slow, and there was still some pain, but it was almost enjoyable.

After about 5 minutes of this, Dave said "See, that is fun, right? You liking being my bitch now?". Charlie slowly nodded his head. "Good, but unfortunately it is hard for me to get off in this position, so we are switching. Get face down on the floor now."

"What?" Charlie asked, not fully understanding.

"There, that rug, lay face down on it right now bitch. You understand now?" Charlie nodded. "And what does the bitch say?", Dave asked.

"Yes Master." said Charlie.

"Good bitch!" said Dave.

Charlie climbed off of Dave and laid face down on the floor. In a second, he felt Dave kneeling behind him. He felt Daves knees pushing his legs wide apart. Then he felt Dave's hand spreading his ass cheeks and the tip of Dave's cock pressing into his anus, popping inside with significant pressure but much less pain than before. It almost felt like his anus was going numb. Then he felt Dave lower himself totally down on top of him. Charlie felt all of his weight and it all seemed to be going straight to the tip of Dave's cock. Charlie felt Dave's powerful hands grab his own forearms and force them down into the carpet. Charlie couldn't move even if he wanted to.

Dave's cock bottomed out inside Charlie again, causing Charlie to flinch with the pain. Then Dave started to thrust powerfully in and out of Charlie's ass. Charlie felt Dave's big balls again, pressing into his when Dave thrust balls deep into him. Charlie found himself unconciously grunting with each powerful thrust, and Dave slowy increased the tempo, thrusting faster. "Oh yeah bitch!", Dave hissed in Charlie's ear. "You like that don't you bitch? You like getting ass fucked! Tell me how much you like it when I ass fuck you bitch!"

" it...ungh... when you... ass fuck... me.... master!", Charlie blurted out between thrusts.

"Yeah... you are my total bitch now aren't you boy? You are nothing but my cum dumpster. Your sole purpose in life is to take my cock and my cum when and where I tell you to, and don't you forget it. You got me bitch!?"

When Charlie didn't respond, Dave thrust extra hard into him and said "I SAID... You understand me bitch?!".

Charlie cried out and then sobbed "Yes, master."

"Goood... now, what are you bitch?"

"I'm your bitch, master."

" You are my bitch cum dumpster. You are my little faggot boy pussy. You are here solely to give me pleasure. If I want your ass or I want your mouth, you just take it and smile. Do you understand bitch?!.... Do YOU?!?" Dave thrust especially hard.

"Unnngghhh! Yes, yes master! I am your bitch! You fuck me whenever you want. You use me whenever you want."

"Good bitch. Now I am gonna cum in you again."

Dave thrust faster and faster. Charlie's breath was ragged as he was pounded, again and again, Dave's full weight and strength pounding into his ass with every thrust. With every slamming thrust, a little cry of 'ah' was forced from Charlie, so that he was going 'ah..ah..ah..ah..ah..' over and over. The meaty slapping of Dave's hips against Charlie's tight ass cheeks was a loud counterpoint to Charlie's cries and the soft, barely audible squelching sound of Dave's cock sliding in and out of Charlie's ass. The thrusts got faster and faster until they were coming so fast and hard that Charlie was crying out, a wordless, continuous cry...'ahhhhhhhh!!!!' when finally Dave came.

Dave gave a triumphant cry and then jammed his cock deep into Charlie's ass, holding it there while he blasted his load into Charlie's ass, hissing into Charlie's ear

"Take it bitch! Take it! You are my cum dumpster bitch! Your only worth in this world is to be the place I shoot my cum! You got that bitch! You got that you little, faggot bitch??!!"

Each exclamation was punctuated by a little vicious thrust, but Dave was already balls deep into Charlie and couldn't go much deeper. Charlie again felt Dave's hot cum shooting into his bowels as he was pressed hard into the carpet. Finally, spent, Dave collapsed onto Charlie.

He laid there for a long time, his cock still buried in Charlie's ass. Charlie lay there, dazed, Dave a dead weight on top of him.

Charlie came to his senses with a start several minutes later when Dave started to climb off of him. Charlie felt Dave's flacid cock pull out of his ass with a sub-audible 'pop' as the big mushroom shaped cock head pulled past the ring of Charlie's anus. Once again Charlie felt a big glob of slowly cooling fluid that he assumed was Dave's cum sliding slowly down the back of his scrotum.

"Yeah, another big creampie!" Dave exclaimed from behind him. "Man I shoot big loads. I want a pic of that too." As Charlie lay on the floor, he heard the sound of Dave's camera going off, presumably taking several shots of his bare ass and cum covered scrotum.

Charlie eventually got up and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. When he went back into the room though, Dave was there with his chair leaning against the door, reading a book. The message was clear. You aren't going anywhere without your new master's permission.

Charlie got to work, finishing his unpacking but wondering what he had gotten himself into.

Before they went to dinner, Dave fucked Charlie twice more. Once doggy style on the thick rug in the center of the floor and once with Charlie laying on Dave's bed with his legs held up by Dave and his knees pushed back to his own shoulders. Both times, Dave keep up his patter as he fucked Charlie. Telling Charlie he was nothing but a 'cumslut' and a 'faggot bitch' for Dave to use as he saw fit. Afterwards, as he lay spent on Charlie, he praised him for being a 'good little bitch', telling him he had a 'great little tight ass' that was 'hot'. Dave also kept saying that 'it will stop hurting soon' and that 'the more we do it, the faster you will get used to it'. By the time they left together for dinner at the dining room, Charlie felt very confused. Part of him felt mad that Dave was basically raping him, but part of him felt turned on and proud that Dave wanted him so much and told him he was being such a good submissive bottom. Charlie

settled for being a little proud that he was doing so well.

After dinner they went back to the room and Dave fucked Charlie a couple more times before bed. At bedtime Dave dragged Charlie into Dave's bottom bunk and holding him face down in the bed, pounded his ass until he came, then fell asleep on top of Charlie, with his dick still stuffed up Charlie's ass.

The next day was Sunday, the day before classes started, and Charlie woke up to Dave pressing his rock hard cock into his face. "Time to suck my morning wood, bitch!" Dave said cheerfully. "Time for your morning protein shake! Ha!" Dave laughed, amused at his own joke. "You ever swallowed a guys cum, bitch?", Dave asked? Charlie shook his head. Dave leered at him and said "Then today is your lucky day. Get on your knees." Charlie rolled out of the low bed onto his knees and Dave stepped up to him, pressing his cock head against Charlie's lips. Charlie opened his mouth and Dave forced his cock into Charlie's mouth.

Once again Dave's cock head was pressed into the back of Charlie's throat. Dave increased the pressure slowly until Charlie was gagging badly. Dave pulled back slightly and then pressed deeply again, Charlie gagged, retching. Charlie pulled away and Dave let him. Charlie sat there for a second wiping his mouth and catching his breath. "Too deep, bitch?", Dave asked. Charlie nodded, still trying to breathe. "Well, you are gonna have to get used to it bitch if you are gonna deep throat me and I expect you to be able to work up to that in less than a month. So, we are gonna keep practicing taking it as deep as you can. Open your mouth again."

Charlie did as he was asked, and again Dave slid his cock into Charlie's mouth. Charlie could feel Dave's hand on the back of his head, pressing Charlie's head down onto Dave's cock. Charlie again felt Dave's big cock head pressing into the back of his throat. Charlie started gagging again. Dave let up a little and then pressed hard again. Charlie again started gagging.

Dave let go of Charlie's head and said "Ok, bitch, time to learn how to suck cock. Now, slide my cock as deep as you can into your mouth without gagging." Charlie slid forward until Dave's cock head was barely pressing against the back of his throat. He could feel Dave's belly pressed against his forehead and was vaguely aware of Dave's big balls pressing against his chin. "Ok, now pull back slowly and suck at the same time. Make sure you keep your damn teeth covered by your lips." Charlie tried to do it. It was actually harder than it sounded to both slide Dave's cock around in Charlie's mouth AND suck as he did it. "Ok, not too bad, try again and keep going."

Charlie tried again, the warm musky smell of Dave's balls and the salty meaty taste of Dave's cock were strange, but he felt like he could get used to this.

"Good", Dave said. "In and out, in and out....oh yeah... fuck that feels good. Go faster bitch. Use your tongue. Slide it around underneath as you suck. Keep speeding up. I'm gonna give you your morning protein shake. By the time I'm done with you, you are gonna LOVE to drink my cum."

Charlie kept sucking, sliding Dave's cock into and out of his mouth faster and faster. He again felt Dave's hand on his head, pushing his head down, forcing him to go faster and faster. He tried to go as fast as he could. Dave was standing above him, saying "Yeah, yeah, yeah... oh yeah bitch, suck my cock... fuck yeah... you dirty little whore bitch... I'm gonna blast my cum down your throat bitch...yeah....".

After a few minutes of this (but what seemed like forever to Charlie, who's poor jaw was starting to ache), Dave's cries got more urgent "Yeah bitch, yeah...oh yeah!... ok, bitch, get ready, I'm gonna cum!!!... Charlie felt Dave's cock head swell up in the back of his throat and then Dave was pressing his cockhead deep into the back of Charlies throat while he moaned "yeah!!!! fucking bitchh!!!!!"....

Charlie felt a spurt of hot cum blasting into the back of his throat. It was hot and thick and between that and Dave pressing his hand hard into the back of Charlie's head, forcing his cock head into the back of Charlie's throat, Charlie couldn't breathe. He tried to pull away but Dave was holding him down on his cock. He tried to talk, but between Dave's cock stuck in his throat and the gobs of thick cum all that came out was a 'mmmmmmmmm' sound....

"Swallow it bitch!", Dave yelled, standing above Charlie, pressing his cock deeper even harder. "I said SWALLOW IT!".

Reflexively Charlie did just that, gulping the hot cum down. It felt strange and thick and sticky. Once he swallowed it, Dave laughed and said "That's right bitch. That mouth and throat of yours are mine too. I fuck your face and you eat my cum WHENEVER I want. Do you understand?!" Charlie nodded, frantic to breathe at this point. Dave let go of Charlie's head and stepped back, while Charlie gulped down air, choking a bit on some cum still left in his mouth. It tasted salty and kinda mucusy. He wondered how he'd ever get to like it enough to swallow it whenever Dave told him to. Dave stood above him, ruffling Charlie's hair and pressing his head against Dave's belly, Dave's big, semi-flacid cock pressing against Charlie's face, murmuring...

"Good bitch.. that's a good bitch.... your Master is happy with you..."

Charlie knelt there thinking..."I can do this... I am a good bitch... soon I will love doing this... I must make my Master happy." Charlie knew he had found his place and that he was going to make a good submissive bottom boy.

Next: Chapter 2

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