Charlie's Afterschool Master

By Phx

Published on Oct 25, 2013



Please anonymize my submission. Story is a gay male story, probably fits in the Authoritarian section.

Story follows: Disclaimer: The participants in this story are all of legal age.

When Charlie got home from school, he was horny. Of course, being a teenager, Charlie was ALWAYS horny. So as Charlie did everyday when he got home from school, he turned on his computer to look at porn and masturbate. Charlie knew that a lot of his friends did the same thing, but he knew that unlike him, they were mostly jerking off to pictures of girls. But Charlie liked to jerk off to pictures of skinny gay twinks getting ass fucked by other guys. Charlie particularly liked to fantasize about another guy ass fucking HIM. So one of the things that Charlie did when he got home was go get his mother's vibrator out of her top drawer, lube it up and slide it slowly up into his ass. Then he would sit in his chair, watching guys getting fucked on his computer screen, feeling that vibrator inside him and jerking off, wishing he was the one getting fucked. Since both of his parents worked, sometimes he would stay that way for hours, slowly jacking himself until he came, then doing that again and again and sometimes even again before his parents came home and he had to clean up the vibrator and hide it in his mom's top drawer again.

But one day Charlie got home from school and he was PARTICULARLY horny. He had spent the entire bus ride home fantasizing about getting fucked and by the time he got home he was so horny he could hardly stand it. He let himself into the house, turned on his computer and ran to his Mom's room to grab her vibrator. He quickly pulled his pants down and slid the vibrator up into himself, then sat down in his chair, the vibrator being driven up into him further as he sat down on it. He pulled up his favorite video and slowly started stroking himself. In the video an older chubby top with a thick cock lay atop a small thin twink who was face down on the bed. The camera panned to the rear view of the big tops thighs and buttocks thrusting his thick cock balls deep into the twink. Underneath, the twink moaned and cried out.

A few minutes later he was pulled out of his erotic reverie when the phone rang. Annoyed he hit 'mute' on the video and still stroking himself, reached over and picked up the phone.

"Uh... hello?" Charlie asked.

"Hello Charlie", a deep voice responded. "Do you know who this is?"

Charlie thought for a second. The voice seemed familiar, but he wasn't sure.

"This is Mr. Nelson, your neighbor." Oh yeah, that's who it sounded like. Mr. Nelson was the man who lived in the house behind his parents. He remembered his parents saying he lived alone and ran some sort of computer business out of his house. He was a kind of stocky old guy, Charlie thought, but of course 'old' to Charlie was anyone past 30.

"Charlie?" Mr. Nelson asked. "Do you know why I called?"

"Uh no Mr. Nelson, what can I do for you?"

"Well Charlie, I think we need to have a talk"

"About what Mr. Nelson?"

"How about the fact that I can see you sitting there with a vibrator up your ass and gay porn on your computer screen?"

Charlie sat up straight and panicked. What? How could Mr. Nelson SEE him? He always closed his blinds before he started jerking off.... oh NO.. he had forgotten today. He had been so horny he had totally forgotten. The blinds were wide open and anyone looking could probably see him. Luckily there was only Mr. Nelson's house with a view to his window...

"Charlie? You still there? You had better come over here so we can discuss what I will have to tell your parents."

"What..???" Charlie stammered. "Uhh please don't tell my parents Mr. Nelson! My Dad will kill me!"

"Yeah, your Dad sure does hate gays doesn't he Charlie? Tell you what. If you get over here in the next 5 minutes maybe we won't have to tell him. Take longer than that and I may have to show him this video I just shot of you. Hurry up." Click. The line went dead. Charlie stared at the phone in horror.

He quickly pulled the vibrator out of himself and cleaned it off. He ran to his mother's room and carefully placed it back in the top drawer. Then he quickly pulled his pants back on and shut down his computer. He ran out the door and ran quickly across the backyard to Mr. Nelson's house. As he got close to the sliding back door he wondered whether he should go around to the front when the back door slid open. Mr. Nelson was standing there, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Get in here Charlie", he said. Charlie quickly stepped through the door, brushing past him. He stood there silently as Mr. Nelson closed and locked the door.

"Let's go into the living room, Charlie, and talk about this."

Charlie felt Mr. Nelson's hands on his shoulders and firm but gentle pressure as he was herded into the living room. Mr. Nelson sat down on an old green couch, looking up at Charlie.

"So Charlie, you are telling me that your parents don't know that you are a little faggot bitch?"

Shocked, Charlie just stood there, shaking his head "no".

"Tell me Charlie, have you ever sucked a guys cock?"

Again Charlie just stood there shaking his head.

"Gotten assfucked?"

Another shake of the head.

"Really? You mean you expect me to believe that you are a virgin faggot bitch?"

Ashamed for some reason, Charlie lowered his eyes and nodded.

"Hmm... Well, tell you what Charlie, since you haven't been out fucking a bunch of guys, I think we can avoid telling your parents about this if you just do as I say. Can you do that?"

Charlie was ecstatic! Yes! Charlie started nodding enthusiastically. "Yes sir Mr. Nelson, sir!"

"Good Charlie. Now, we can't have a little sub bitch like you going to waste, so the first thing we are going to do is teach you how to be a good little submissive bitch."

Charlie was shocked. "Whaaaaa?" he stammered.

"Oh yes Charlie. You see, here is the deal. I won't tell your Dad you are a little faggot as long as you come over here every day after school and get your lessons on how to be a good little submissive bitch. I am going to fuck every hole you have and show you what it means to be a good little faggot.... Now, get on your knees, bitch."

As he said this last, Mr. Nelson slid his sweat pants down and Charlie could see he was wearing no underwear underneath. His erection popped out and Charlie stared at it in fascination. It was maybe 6.5" long but seemed almost as big around as a soda can. It was incredibly thick. Charlie stared at it for long seconds.

"I said, bitch, get on your motherfucking KNEES!", Mr. Nelson thundered at Charlie.

Shocked, Charlie dropped to his knees in the plush carpeting and found himself face to face with Mr. Nelson's erection. He noticed it was circumcised and it seemed incredibly thick, hard and stiff.

"Now bitch, you will learn how to suck cock like a good little pussy boy. Open your mouth."

Charlie opened his mouth.

"Make sure you cover your teeth with your lips and then stick your tongue out as far as you can. That will let you take my cock as deep down your throat as possible. Yeah... that's right."

Charlie felt Mr. Nelson's hand on the back of his head start to press his face into Mr. Nelson's crotch. With one hand, Mr. Nelson guided his thick cock head into Charlie's mouth. Mr. Nelson's big mushroom shaped cock head was so big it had to compress past Charlie's lips before popping into his mouth. Then Charlie felt it sliding quickly to the back of his throat and pressing deeply there. He immediately started to gag. Mr. Nelson pulled back slightly and Charlie felt his gag reflex start to let up before he again felt Mr. Nelson's hand on the back of his head, pushing his head down onto Mr. Nelson's cock again. Again he started to gag as he felt the big cock head filling the back of his throat. Again Mr. Nelson let Charlie pull back a bit before again pressing his head down and forcing the head of his cock into Charlie's throat. He did this several more times until Charlie really felt like he was going to barf all over Mr. Nelson's cock. Then he began to tell Charlie how he wanted his cock sucked. Suck when pulling back, run your tongue back and forth underneath, make sure to keep your teeth covered, etc. He made CHarlie practice this for several minutes, concentrating on sliding the big cock into his mouth without touching it with his teeth.

Finally Mr. Nelson said "We are going to have to work on lowering your gag reflex. I want you deepthroating me within a month like a good little bitch. I know you will be able to swallow my cock by the time I am done." Mr. Nelson pulled his cock out of Charlie's mouth.

"Now, turn around and get on your hands and knees. Time to teach you what getting buttfucked is REALLY like."

Charlie, still gasping from having that big cock in his mouth, turned around and got on his hands and knees. He felt Mr. Nelson unzip his jeans and jerk them off of his hips, pulling down his tighty whities at the same time. They were then jerked down over his knees and completely off. Charlie was completely naked from the waist down. He felt the cool air conditioning on his bare ass. He felt vulnerable and exposed and a little scared. Charlie felt Mr. Nelson slide his knees in between Charlie's knees and force them way out wide. Charlie felt Mr. Nelson's hardon bump against his ass cheeks. Charlie was shaking, he was so scared and so horny.

"The key to good buttfucking is good lube", Mr. Nelson said. Charlie heard what sounded like a squeeze bottle, then felt some cold thick fluid being slid between his butt cheeks. He felt Mr. Nelson's big finger press some of the lube into his tight anus and he gasped.

"I'll send some home with you in a contact fluid container or something, so that your parents won't find it, but from now on I want you showing up at the door pre-lubed. I want to be able to just bend you over and pound your ass the second you walk in the door, boy."

Charlie felt Mr. Nelson's big hands spreading his asscheeks, followed quickly by the stiff, velvety cock head as it was set against his anus. Mr. Nelson grabbed one of Charlie's hips with a big, meaty hand and then before he could even process this, Charlie felt an almost unbearable pressure which quickly built into pain as Mr. Nelson forced his big, thick cock into Charlie's ass. Charlie gasped at the pain, which let off just slightly as the big cockhead 'popped' in past his tight sphincter and then was driven slowly but strongly into his ass. The burning pain of having such a big thick cock stuffed into him had Charlie's breath hissing between his teeth. It felt strange and painful, but also somehow strangely good to feel the thick cock shaft sliding between his tight cheeks.

Within a few seconds, Charlie felt Mr.Nelson's cock head bottom out inside of him. The pain of it made him cry out loud. After Charlie's cry, Mr. Nelson thrust brutally hard into him, causing him to cry out louder.

"Yeah bitch, cry if you have to. I know it hurts, but never forget that from now on, this ass", and Mr. Nelson slapped Charlie's ass, hard, "belongs to ME." He thrust brutally again and Charlie cried out again. "You are now my fucktoy. Your sole purpose in life now is to be the hole I pump my cum into." He thrust viciously again and again Charlie cried out. "Your mouth is mine to use, your ass is mine to use. Your whole body is mine to use and get off with or in in any way I chose. Do you understand!?" Again he thrust hard between Charlie's cheeks and again Charlie cried out.

"From now on when you are inside this house I am your Master, and you are my Bitch." He started thrusting slowly into Charlie's ass. The lube making a slight slurping sound as his big cock squechled between Charlie's tight asscheeks. "You call me Master or Sir at all times in this house and you do WHATEVER I say in this house, do you understand me bitch!?" Again a vicious thrust brought a cry out of Charlie. "Do you? Do YOU!?" This last was said with a very vicious thrust that again made Charlie cry out in pain.

"Yes Master! Yes, yes! I am your fucktoy! I am your bitch, Master! I will do whatever you say!", Charlie cried out quickly.

"Good Bitch, you learn fast. Unngh... Damn you are TIGHT... I love it. I am gonna cum fast. I am gonna pump your ass full of the biggest load you've ever seen!" Mr. Nelson started to thrust more quickly, pulling almost all the way out and then SLAMMING his cock hard and all the way into Charlie's tight little ass. He was getting pounded so hard that Charlie started to collapse to the floor. Mr. Nelson just laid down on top of him, still pounding his thick cock into him. Charlie cried out at every thrust, the thrusts building so quickly that a continuous stream of "Ah!s" blurted past his lips. Charlie felt almost like he was being fucked in half and he started to really feel like he had to poop bad. But of course he couldn't poop. His master's cock was stuffed balls deep in his boy pussy. Charlie made a half hearted attempt to squirm away but his master grabbed his arms and pinned him even more brutally with a vicious thrust. "Yeah bitch, you aren't getting away!" Mr. his Master, hissed into his ear. "You just lay there and take it like a good bitch!" His master's thrusts got faster and faster and Charlie cried out faster and faster until finally his Master hissed into his ear "Here I cum bitch. Get ready. You are gonna have my cum dripping out of you all day, to remind you every second of how you are my bitch!" With a final, viscious thrust, his Master shuddered and held him down, basically collapsing on him as Charlie felt a warm thick fluid squirting up into his bowels, filling him up.

After a few minutes of lying insensate underneath the heavy, dead weight of his master, Charlie felt him start to raise himself up. Charlie felt the thick but now soft cock slide slowly out of him. Felt the soft pop as the big cock head slipped past his anus and then felt a big wad of thick, slowly cooling fluids slide down the back of his scrotum.

"Ohhh yeah..." his Master growled. "Look at that big creampie. Fuck I filled you up. Wait there, I want a close up of this." Charlie laid on the floor bewildered. After a moment or two, there were some flashes and camera sounds.

"Oh fuck yeah. My buddies are gonna be jealous as shit that I am pumping this tight ass! They are gonna love this pic!"

Charlie slowly started to stand up. When he got unsteadily to his feet, he reached for a towel his master had laid out nearby. He grabbed it and made to wipe himself off, since he was feeling very sticky and wet between his ass cheeks.

His Master slapped his hand, jerked the towel away and thundered "No! My cum stays were it goes boy. On you, IN you, while you are in my house you do NOT clean my cum off of you. You understand me bitch!" Charlie nodded, belatedly. "If you have to, you clean it off when you get home, bitch, but not before!"

Charlie felt the heavy weight of his Master's meaty hand come down on his shoulder and turn him firmly toward the stairs.

"Now, get your ass upstairs and into my bed. We are gonna fuck a couple of more times before your parents get home. You need to get broken in like a good little bitch."

Resignedly, Charlie walked toward the stairs, his Master following close behind.

His master fucked him twice more that afternoon before telling him to go home before his parents got back. Each time he hissed into Charlie's ear as he thrust and came, things like: "You are a nice, tight little bitch, boy!" and "Take it bitch! Take it!" and "Yeah, you are doing good, boy! You are gonna be a good little submissive bitch!" and "You little faggot! Don't pretend you don't love it!" and "It will stop hurting eventually. You will eventually LOVE to take my cock, bitch. It will feel so good! You will RUN to my door everyday for me to take you".

Later, as Charlie walked slowly home, feeling his masters cum and other fluids squishing and sliding between his asscheeks, he felt very confused. On the one hand he finally had gotten fucked by a guy. On the other hand, it had been pretty painful and now he had no choice but to keep letting his Master fuck him every day. His Master had been very clear on that. His master knew what time Charlie usually got home and he expected Charlie lubed up and ready for fucking at his backdoor no later than 15 minutes after that. That meant that every day his Master was going to use him for almost three hours before his parents came home. As Charlie slowly and painfully waddled home, he wondered what his Master would do to fill those three hours every single day, and he felt his cock starting to get hard...

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