Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 14, 2021


How did we invite your parents without realizing it's uh, a nude swimming party? Mark was somewhat amused, as he talked to Chuck and silas. "I guess that .... " silas was digging "I don't know."

"We wanted to help Diamond get his man, and we knew we had to win the parents to do that. So we thought a pool party would be a good idea. We'll just tell people "no nudity. " jack paused. "That'll be for another party before the warm weather's gone."

silas looked at him: "Diamond? You called me Diamond? Ok, this is one that I can't figure out, and Billy's not here. Gimme a hint."

"OH, SURE! See, I was listening to Neil Diamond when I was making the potato salad, and he has a song called 'Shilo'. I already called you that, so I needed something new, and I don't like the name Neil. It reminds me of nails. So....."

There was silence. Just total silence. Mark looked over at Chuck and silas. "Over 30 years." jack shot back "over 1000 fucks." silas was quiet, but he was beginning to think about how he had wound up in two families: one, his birth family, had turned out to be very different than he thought they were. And now, this crazy quilt of gay men who hadn't just welcomed him, they had embraced him. "You gotta excuse me guys. I gotta go outside." jack looked at Mark "Did we say anything wrong?" "I don't think so. Chuck, is he ok?" "I'll check."

silas was sitting on the porch swing outside of jack and Mark's house. He could see the pool where Stan was setting up a grilling station : he never forgot his short order skills. "He really DOES have 13 inches," silas thought, as Chuck plopped down next to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "Hey big stud. What's up? You ok." silas shook his head. "I'm not, but it's not bad. I'm... I'm overwhelmed. I thought this was gonna be so much harder than it's been. And... " he began to cry. "I love you so much. I love all the guys. I know that, well, they say that the young people around here are supposed to leave, find their lives, but... I don't wanna leave these guys." He hadn't heard jack and Mark come out of the house. "silas.." Mark began. "It WILL get harder. You have to trust jack and I. And you can ask Stan and rick. Or any of the other older guys that show up. You lucked out: we all love you, and that's because your parents did everything right. But it"s gonna get harder. It just is. " "But take this, Diamond..." jack picked it up. "You know that however hard it gets, you got us to help. You did the hardest parts. No, you did the hardest two parts. You admitted it, and you told your folks. " jack paused, because he never got the chance to tell his mom, and he was going to say that, but he stooped. "Now on leaving home.. Know what big si? What's home? I lived down south with jamie for years. Was that home? Yes. Then New York, alone. Was that home? Yes. Then with this monster." he pointed to Mark. "That was home too. And now, this is home. You work at making it. Yeah, at some point, Di, you gotta hit the road and see something else. I gotta feeling you'll have company." Chuck squeezed his hand. "But you gotta do it."

He stopped and then smiled at Mark "Ain't that right Marko?" Mark was standing in front of Chuck and silas and they saw some tears in the corner of his eyes. "You know, kids, years ago, someone chided me for being with jack because he was 'simple.' " Now he began to cry full on. "I wish I had taped that. I want to keep it. It's the smartest thing I've ever heard. " He looked at jack. "And one of the reasons I love you is because you say things like that." "NAH. You love me because my ass is so hot." "Yeah, that too." "Listen you bunch of crying towels," jack said. "You better go wash up your faces because I don't want anyone thinking I punished people today." He leered at Mark. "Of course, a little punishment later might be nice." Chuck was thinking the same thing.

A second drama of a different sort was playing out at Karl's house, where Cornelia had just finished whelping her pups. Eight of them. One of them came out looking blue, and not moving. "Ok, billy. Time for Karl to bring out his vet skills. " He picked up the puppy and then began giving it mouth to mouth. Gently. Very very gently. billy looked on, not optimistic. Then, he saw the pup begin to squirm a little. "KARL KARL. It's BACK!" Karl pulled the pup from his mouth. "So you are little guy. So you are. I think we've got a name for you too. Blue. " He looked at Billy. "Now, I'm gonna have to do something that is gonna look gross. It's necessary. " He put his hands down into the "birth muck," and then he began gently rubbing it around Blue's body. "My scent is all over him. I don't want her to reject him. " After he put Blue down with the other pups, it looked like Cornelia was not going to have any problem accepting the pup. Karl looked at her. "Girl, you're a bigger slut than I am, so we're gonna put an end to this kinda thing as soon as you're healthy." He felt billy's arm around him. "And I'm gonng put an end to your slutting." Karl put his hands on billy's. "I truly hope you do. " He smiled. "Big test for you. You know where my lips just were. Kiss me. " "I got NO problem with that Karl. You ain't no frog." Karl smiled. "No, I'm gonna brush my teeth first. I don't want you getting any birth canal germs. But you owe me. You owe me a REALLY big one. " billy winked. "You owe me one too. Now let's get ready for this pool party. I think I can smell Stan's cooking from here."

Stan was wailing on the grill. He had never forgotten his skills as a short order cook, and it was kind of like watching a drummer working a jazz solo. At least, everyone but rick felt that way. rick was feeling something else. Stan worked bare chested. He was wearing nothing but a pair of big droopy black shorts - he wore them because he didn't want "the beast" to show itself, but rick knew what was under those shorts, and his flip flops. He looked across at rick. "DAMN. I forgot to shave ya this week. Ya got all those bristles all over. What kind of DOM are people gonna think I am?" rick showed his big toothy grin. "What's it matter as long as I think you're the fucking best Dom in the business, daddy man? " rick was wearing a ridiculously tiny pair of speedos, because he wanted to show off all his muscles. He also wanted to make kieran jealous: kieran had decided to devote himself to his daddies, and he wasn't fooling around with rick anymore. "Gonna make that boy regret his decision" he thought, as Stan yelled out. "HEY RICKY. You wanna bring around the hot dogs?" "Sure," he answered. "As long as you save a sausage for me. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Stan looked over at rick. They had never actually married, the way the other guys did. Maybe it was time. He had to think about it.

"Afternoon, everyone. Are we too early?" Mae was at the entrance to the house. jack jumped up to open the door. "MAE MAE. SILAS' DADDY. Welcome. Come on in. Superchef Stan just finished making some stuff, we got hard stuff we got soft stuff we got everything you might want. Or you can just inaugurate the pool." Father Silas burned easily, so he was covered with a zinc oxide creme that made him look a little scary. He had on a striped t shirt, and some baggies that must have been 30 years old. Mae had treated herself to a new swimsuit that week. She laughed when she recalled the discussion with the saleswoman at the store. "I'm going to a gay pool party and I need a new suit," she said very simply. The saleswoman reddened, and said "one moment ma'am. " She walked off, and Mae wondered what had happened. A young, very handsome man came to her. "I apologize for Diana. She's, well... she has her views. " "Well, she should get over them!" Mae pronounced. "My son is gay and there's nothing wrong with that." George smiled. "My mom says the same thing. I may have to introduce the two of you. Now, let's see. You want to stand out: you want them to think "I bet you wish you swung my way." "OH, I don't know about that. My husband will be there." "Then it's DEFINITELY what you want, ma'am." He found her a suit that was yellow, with pink highlights. It was a bikini- she had always worn one pieces. She looked at herself in the mirror and blushed, but also began thinking "what' that song I heard jamie humming. That one from Gypsy?" "I'm a pretty girl ma" Georg said behind her and she turned around. "OH. Was I talking out loud. " "Just a little ma'am. I heard enough. You are a pretty girl. And you're gonna show it." As he rang her up he smiled. "You know, I wish I were going to be at that pool party. And I DO want you and my mom to talk. My name is George. Here's my mom's number. Please call her. Let her know you have a gay son." He looked over his eyeglasses. "Is he single, ma'am?" Before she could answer he laughed. "Just kidding. I have a feeling whomever he's with is a lucky man."

"BOMB'S AWAY!" jack yelled. He always canon balled into the pool, always with his unicorn pool toy around his middle. jack could swim like a fish, but he knew: he knew that he was the class clown at these things, and he didn't mind at all. His splash sent water all over. Most of it got on kieran, who was standing over at the side of the pool, checking out rick, thinking rick didn't know (he did). "Next round of burgers up. Who's hungry?" "Oh, pa is ALWAYS hungry. He just never asks." Mae came over "How you doing Mae? Haven't seen you in a long time." "Oh, just fine Stan. I'm just wondering how you're never to old to learn something new. I have never been to a party with so many gay men." Stan laughed. "You probably have. You just haven't been to one with so many OUT gay men. It's different." Mae looked around at the spread. "That potato salad looks wonderful... " She paused. "Who made that? " "Oh, that's jack's work. He learned it from his mom. "That combo of ingredients. They only use that in one part of Germany. My family is from there. I wonder..." Stan looked at her hand as she was scooping salad. "Mae, do you mind if I ask you a personal question: how long have you and Silas senior been married?" She smiled. It'll be 45 years next month. "Has it been easy Mae?" She laughed. "Oh good heavens no. My mom told me it would get easier. She lied. It didn't get harder, it just got different." Then she smiled. "And better. When you realize that you don't want to be separated for even a day, well, everything else becomes irrelevant. " Stan looked at her. "THANK YOU MAE. THANK YOU. Know what? You just helped me make a decision." She smiled and looked at rick. "Silver, Stan. Gold will look cheap on his finger. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and feed the hungry beast." The hungry beast at that moment was sipping from a glass of iced tea. Mark had passed by, just a minute before, and poured a slug of moonshine in it. "HEY. I thought this was a dry party." Silas looked up. "I'll change your drink if you want Sir." "Don't you dare. Bless you Mark. " Mark grinned and walked away, just as jack came up. "HEY. Silas' daddy, when I was in town getting new caps, I got some for you. I hope you like red." He took off Silas' senior's hat and put on a cap that said, in white letters on the front "Silas' Daddy." Mae began to laugh. "OH, that's so adorable. I should have thought about that." 'Well, Mae mae, think about what we're gonna sing. We gotta entertain the boys. "HEY. ANY FOOD LEFT? " It was billy and Karl showing up after everything had been cleaned up at Karl's house. jamie and Cooper were in the process of recruiting kieran and Chuck into a chicken fight, while rick was doing posing flexes to entertain kieran's daddies. Then Mae and jack began singing some "oom pah" songs that you'd hear at a German polka party. You can get an idea of how the party went on. So we'll leave the party now, and get to what you've been waiting for: after party stuff.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx silas and Chuck were back at Chuck's apartment, which had really become THEIR apartment now that billy was spending so much time at Karl's. silas had just stepped out of the shower, and was toweling himself off when Chuck came at him like a torpedo, and drove him down onto the bed. "BULLSEYE. TARGET DOWN." Chuck yelled, as he wrestled with silas on the bed until he had silas' balls in his hands, and silas was calming down. "C'mon Sir Chuck. You know what that does to me." "Yeah, it's kinda like what THIS does to you... " He grabbed silas' nipples and began to squeeze them, which got a big moan out of silas, followed by "don't stop Sir. Please. Don't stop.." Chuck didn't, while he planted his lips on silas' before he moved his mouth to silas' ear. He whispered. "You gonna admit this is sensitive." silas began to giggle. "It's not." "Well, let's see. yumyumyumyumyum" He began to chew silas' ear and silas began to squirm under him. He would've knocked Chuck off, if Chuck hadn't gone back to his cock. "Calm down you big stud. We shoulda played chicken fight. " "Wouldn't have been fair to anyone else, Sir" silas moaned. "I don't care about fair. I just want everyone to see me riding my man." He kissed silas again. "Whaddya you think about what jack and Mark said today?" silas sighed. "You know, I have to think about it some more. It's a lot Chuck. It's a lot. I think all of my choice making got drained when I asked you out. It was tough." Chuck smiled. "I'm glad you did. You actually forced me to come out." silas looked puzzled "Dude, everyone knew you were gay." "I mean... as a topman. As a DOM. " silas was teasing now. "You're a topman? with that wiggly thing." Chuck looked at him and then dug his fingers into silas' sides. "I'm gonna keep tickling the shit outta you, until you BEG for this wiggly thing in your hole." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. NO. THAT'S UNFAIR. WAIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH. Sir, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. " "Five second break.... then I'm starting again. "No, no.. Don't start again, Sir. Please, just.. just put that wiggly thing in me. Please. Show me who's boss. PLEASE." "Tree top, you're gonna get filled with a squirrel, hahahahahaha." Chuck sometimes referred to his cock as a squirrel because of all the soft hair around his pubes. He pushed into silas, who moaned again. "OH YES. OH YES. I wanted this all day. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Breed me you stud. BREED ME like a fine heifer." Chuck almost laughed. silas really WAS a lot like jack, as that comment proved, but he was so, well, ADORABLE and fuckable." He felt his cock growing more and more. "Who's my sub bottom? Who takes my cock whenever I want him to? " "I do Sir. I do. " Chuck took in a deep breath. that undefined odor that silas had always pushed him right to the edge. And that's what it did now, as he began filling silas' hole with his seed. silas began to cry a little. "Thank you Sir. Thank you.... " He pulled Chuck to him, and he whispered. "Please. Leave it in as long as you can."

and they weren't the only ones. Over at Stan and rick's, rick swiveled his hips in front of Stan. "Did Daddy man save me a sausage." "Come and get it ricky boi," Stan pointed his thumbs to his crotch. rick came over, got on his knees and pulled down the baggy shorts. All 13 inches sprung out, in an enormous pole that rick began swallowing like it were a sword. Stan held onto both of his ears, and pushed rick forward. "YES. DO IT RICKY GET IT WET. GET IT WET SO I CAN SLIDE IN EASILY. " "Daddy man, I want you. I want you to fill my buns with that big kielbasa. "GET ON THE BED. ON YOUR BELLY." "Yes daddy man. " rick felt Stan fall on top of him. He had his big strong arm around rick's neck. Stan was gentle. rick knew he wasn't in danger. He felt Stan's dry kisses going all over his ears, the side of his neck, as Stan pulled down the speedos with his other hand. He began pinching the skin between rick's cheeks, stimulating it, making rick pump while he kept kissing him. "You think I didn't see you flirting with kieran today, big man? You're gonna pay for that." "OOPS." rick thought. Then he smiled. If he didn't want Stan to see, he wouldn't have. Being punished meant... a spanking. And Stan's hand came down firm. After ten whacks to each cheek, Stan stopped. "You gonna behave, ricky boy?" "I don't know Daddy man. I man need more convincing." "Heh heh. " He felt Stan's hands sneak underneath him, and get his nipples, while Stan began to push his submarine cock into his ass. "OH FUCK DADDY, OH FUCK. DO ME. DO ME. " As he was fucking rick, Stan said something he almost never did. He whispered into rick's ear "I love you ricky boi." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM" was rick's response. "I was wondering how long it was gonna take you to say that. Stan shoved in harder. "Yeah, but I said it first." "Daddy man, if you're gonna be DOM 100%, this is part of your job, baby cakes. You want me to say it? Yeah, I love you. I can't imagine not being with you. Now FUCK ME you Polish meat machine.!" "Polish meat machine," was one of the nicknames jack had given to Stan. It stuck with rick. Now, as that kielbasa was taking over his body, and he was loving it every second, he realized that agreeing to be Stan's sub, was the best decision he had ever made in his life.

And let's just jump into Mark and jack's house for one last visit. "I'll clean up the pool area tomorrow Marco. I'm more than a little tired," jack said to the room. He knew Mark was around, but he didn't see him. He felt the hands massaging his shoulders. "OH DAMN YES SIR. GOD. I remember the first time you put your hands on my shoulders." "When I met jamie , right?" Mark's thumbs kneaded into jack's muscles. "OOOOOOOOOOH. YES YES SIR. That was it." "You remember what we did after that?" "Did we fuck Sir?" "I don't remember, but we're gonna fuck now. " "Yes sir. " They didn't always use the restraints anymore, and they didn't that night. Instead, Mark went right for jack's neck: the spot where he had given him a hickey so many years before. When jack's squirming went from frantic, to relaxed, Mark smiled at him. "I hope we last as long as Mae and Silas." "We will Sir. Who else will take either one of us?" Mark laughed. Then he pulled jack's legs up in the air. jack got set for the cock he had taken at least a thousand times, and as Mark pushed in, he made a wish for at least a thousand more. "

Everyone slept well that night. Even Stan, who was dreaming about getting down on a knee and proposing to rick. "SHIT I HAVE TO GET A RING" He sat up in bed. "HUH? " rick answered sleepily. "Then just go to the kitchen. Lotsa juice in the fridge." Stan laughed at the misunderstanding. On Monday when he woke up, he checked the hours for the jeweler. Then, on a hunch, he called Chuck. "Chuckles, Stan here. Listen. I need your advice." He told Chuck what he was doing. "And I wanna treat you to some stuff. NO, not a wedding ring. You need some jewelry for silas. I'll explain. See ya tomorrow. "

Next: Chapter 8

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