Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 4, 2021


It was truly impossible to stay out late in that part of the country. At 10, while the boys were sitting around their Red Lobster Table, the server came by. "Guys, you're real cute and all, but drink up and let's go. Drive safe. I wanna see you back here." "Thank you Donna. Here. This is on me." Karl handed her his credit card. "KARL! You can't do that. C'mon, we're gonna split it," Billy burst in. "Nope, not tonight. This is my first real date in a long time." He put his arm around Billy, and held him tight. "And it's a double date to boot." He grinned and winked at Silas. "With the one man in this county I've ever had a crush on." Silas blushed. "ME? REALLY? I never knew." "I know you didn't Silas. But I crushed on you for about two years. I'd see you walk by, strutting and think "if only. If only." He smiled and looked at Chuck "And then you found the right man. I wouldn't have been right for ya, Si, but Chuck is. " silas put his hand on Chuck's thigh. Chuck smiled. "You really are Chuck. Before I saw you, if I had drawn a picture of the man of my dreams, sure woulda looked like you." "HEY. Then it's gotta look like me, too." billy protested, but silas shook his head. "No, I can't really explain it, but... you each have a sparkle in your eyes, but it's a different kinda sparkle. What's that poem we had to read in school? About Apollo and his sister: He lit the day with golden flames/and she lit the night with silver fire." It's something like that. " He looked at billy: you've got this silver in your eyes, I don't understand how no one else can see it." He turned to his boyfriend. "And you, my sweet prince. There's a golden star in those pupils of yours. " billy and Chuck looked at each other. "You know, no matter how hard we tried to fool her, Mom could always tell us apart. She said it was the eyes," billy sighed. "Don't talk about Mom, billy. It'll make you sad." They were both sad when their Mom didn't do anything the day their father threw them out. "I guess you're right." He turned to Karl. "So... my place or yours?" "Gonna be mind for a while, studmuffin. Cornelia's REAL on, and I don't know when it's gonna happen. Chuck started laughing "Cabbage patch is gonna have cabbage patch kids." "You know," " he turned to billy. "I have no idea how you get jackspeak. It's funny but.." "Maybe it's the way I think, I dunno. When he yelled out "INVOICE" the day he wanted me to come to the house, I didn't even blink. I knew he meant me. He's got that kind of name for everyone. " Karl smiled. "Ok, just one, and then we gotta get out of here. What's his nickname for Mark." "It's Ralph." They looked at each other: "RALPH?" billy shook his head. "Ok, listen to how it goes, then we gotta get moving in case I have to be a midwife. When they were dating the second time, jack started calling Mark, 'Marco" out of affection, because he liked Italian things." "Ok...." Chuck asked. "Still waiting." "Finish this sentence. "Marco......" "POLO" called out Silas. "GOOD. Now we're getting somewhere. So, Mark becomes Marco Polo, and.. "WAIT..." You could tell Silas was thinking because his eyes were staring off into space at nothing. "Polo by Ralph Lauren. " "BINGO!" "Geez. The State Department needs a code writer like him." Karl laughed. "All the other side would have to do is hire Mark. He knows every one of that stud's hotspots. You'll see that at the pool party." Once a year , Mark and jack gave a party at their in ground pool. They had put it in for Mark, because he swam for exercise every day. His play royalties paid for the expense of heating it, and he used it through the fall. In the winter, they'd close it down. Now that the fall was turning into winter, Mark and jack would invite their friends to a "clothing optional" party. This year, they had invited the twins and their dates. "Didn't you ask your mom and dad to come?" Chuck looked at Silas. "OH SHIT THAT'S RIGHT. " "This is gonna be GOOD" Karl laughed. I think your mom could handle a dozen naked homosexuals but your dad, well..." DAMN. I'm not gonna sleep all night." "You got THAT right, " winked Chuck. Donna was back over. "GUYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Don't get me fired." "We're going sweetie, we're going." Karl gave her a hug. "Still want one of Cornelia's babies?" "DAMN RIGHT I DO. If you give any of them away before I pick.... But you STILL gotta get outta here." They were using billy and Chuck's car, so Chuck drove his brother and Karl back to Karl's house, and then he and Silas headed back to the place Chuck shared with billy. "OH MAN. How the hell.... I just thought it was like a church party." "It'll be alright Si. Believe me, it WILL be. Tomorrow, we're gonna go take a visit to your folks. About time we let them know."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Silas actually fell asleep almost right away. "What did Mom say: he who sleeps is loved by God? " DAMN, he wished she hadn't come up . Now, he missed her. He missed her bad. He thought of her every time he saw Mae. He wished, he just wished. Maybe he'd try to call again in the morning. For now, though, he wrapped his arm around Silas, pushed his crotch against his butt, and kissed him. "You sleep well big man. Saturday's gonna be busy."

Saturday was busy for all of the folks who were going to the party. Jamie and Cooper would be there of course, and so would Stan and rick. They didn't go out much , but Phil and Ed and kieran were coming too. Mae and Silas Senior had said they were gonna come. A few other people might drop by, but that was the core group. jack always looked forward to this party. Mark hated it when he cannon balled into the pool, so jack didn't do it unless there was a crowd. he also had this big unicorn float - a yellow one - that he'd use in the pool. jack was actually an ok swimmer, but he enjoyed being silly. At some point, he expected to be attacked by "Ralphtopus," which is what he called Mark when they were in the water. Mark considered it a fun game to try to get jack's swim trunks off and he usually succeeded. That would, in turn, lead to a gang up on Mark to get his off. It was the only time in the year when jack got to tickle his husband, and he loved the way he reacted: both when he was being tickled and in bed later that night. He was smiling what Mark called "the Dolphin smile as he woke up. "Where you going jack-o?" "I was gonna go and turn the meat. Want it to be ready for Sunday." "MMMM. Speaking of turning meat... roll over handsome." "Aw, come on Mark. You know you're not as hard as you can get in the morning." Mark lowered his voice to Dom pitch. "Roll over fucktoi." jack felt a charge right away. "yes sir." He rolled over onto his stomach and felt Mark climb onto his back He felt his cockhead at his butt. "Well, there wasn't gonna be a stiffness problem today" he thought, as Mark began to take him. "ooooh. ooooh. Yes sir. I wonder how many times you've been in me. I know one answer. not enough." Mark laughed. "I'll try to make up for that this weekend. Now spread your legs." "Yes sir." After all these years, there was still that hard earned affection between the two of them. jack wore his ownership collar almost constantly, and once a year, he ordered a gross of "Mark's boy" hats in different colors. He needed that many because he'd lose them. Sometimes they'd come back, but he had a vision of some corral reef in the South Pacific made up of his hats. For Mark, the internet had been a truly important tool. After they moved , he'd have to take a trip to NY every other week, and he'd spend several days there. He was sort of famous now, at least in theater circles, and there was more than one "to be the greatest actor on the stage ever" who had thrown himself at Mark. Being alone, and horny, and working hard, Mark was tempted. SORELY tempted. His libido was a lot more liberal than jack's, but when he thought about what jack was doing at home - probably painting a bedroom, or building some shelves for his awards - he couldn't. He had gotten more than one ticket for speeding as he drove to get back home after the trips. But now, he went to NY so rarely that he could take jack with him. There was a trip coming up near Christmas: they'd go see the tree, catch up with friends, and go and see if the latest generation of jack's ducks remembered him. They always seemed to. Someone else was getting rolled over at that moment. Actually, Silas had rolled on his back intentionally, and yanked Chuck on top of him. "Relax me Stud. Convince me I don't have to worry." Chuck was amazed, constantly , at this relationship. Silas was so much bigger than him, so much stronger. When Silas grabbed Chuck to pull him on top of himself, Chuck knew there was no sense fighting. Silas was just a fucking animal. But he was an animal trying desperately to be tamed. By Chuck. And Chuck was doing the best he could. Now, he was gently scraping his morning beard against Silas' neck, and Silas was moaning. "Harder SIR. HARDER." "Si.. It'll make a mark. Your folks will see." "I don't care. I'm telling them today. With you there." Again, trying to figure out the way Silas thought was something that was a losing battle for Chuck. Clearly, he had worked some stuff out in his sleep. WHAT he worked out, he wouldn't know until he saw it. For now, he just had to go with it and assume the best: Silas would move in with him, They'd be in the same bed every night, wake up together every morning, hot sex all the time.... He shoved his tongue into Silas' mouth as he played with his nips Silas' swallowed moans were all he heard, as he gently but firmly began to push Silas' legs apart. He pulled back so he could kiss the man. Silas whispered. "FUCK ME LOVER. FUCK ME HARD." "Lover." Silas had never used that word before. Was Chuck ready for it? For now, he was just ready to take Silas' ass. And he did. They both moaned while Chuck fucked Silas, and after climax, Chuck lay there, in his lover's hairy arm. His nose was right near Silas' pit, and he was taking in the scent that he loved so much. It drove him crazy

While some people slept well that night, Karl and billy didn't. They walked in and Karl called for Cornelia. She didn't stagger over. He called again. "SHHHH. Do you hear something bill?" " A squeak? Like a mouse?" "YEAH. Or like a new puppy." They both started calling "CORNY. CORNELIA. CORNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELIA." A strained yap led them to the basement. There she was: curled up in a pair of Karl's work overalls, slime and piss all over, and two pups suckling at her teets already." "She's only starting bill. LOOK. There's the third one, poking out now." "EEEWWW GROSS." billy turned away. "It's ok. I gotcha girl. I gotcha." Karl found some gloves at the side that were clean, and he leaned down next to her. "I know about two others girl, this is number 3. Gonna be the end after this. No more pups for my girl." He stroked her long ear, and she licked his hand as she popped number 3. "COME ON BILLY! This ain't too bad. It's no grosser than bad sex." "No such thing as bad sex Karl." "SERIOUSLY. But come here. You can help. I KNOW you can. LOOK! She recognizes you. Go pet her while I do.... "vetty things." "OOOOKaaaay. You owe me for this though.." billy pulled up a chair, and started petting the dog. Then he began to sing. It was Gaelic. A song his mother had sung to him when he and Chuck were just infants, but he remembered it. At some point, Cornelia joined in. Karl began to laugh. "All we need is jack, and then we've got that group from Sesame Street. The ones that sing Danny Boy." Billy laughed, and changed the song. Cornelia joined him on that one, but her voice didn't change. Karl was palpating her belly. "Billy, I think she's got six more coming. It's gonna be a while. Wanna try to rustle up some eggs or something? " billy laughed. "You think I ever learned to cook, with Charlie around? " Karl shook his head. "Yup, I guess you're right. You keep an eye. You don't have to do anything. Seriously. She's done this before. If she looks like she's in pain, or she growls, call me. I'm gonna go get us something for breakfast.

And from there, we turn to Stan and rick. rick's workout obsession had given him a body where, as Stan put it "his muscles had muscles. " His "protege," kieran, was always willing to oil them for him, much to Stan's chagrin. rick always shrugged it off. "AW, come ON DADDY MAN. You know the only man in my life is you." Stan would smile. "You think I don't know your tricks ricky? Only MAN, yeah. What about your boys?" They had this argument regularly. Stan wasn't gonna keep rick from the gym - he was mad about his husband's body too - but damn it if anyone was gonna get at that cock. He kept rick locked up, nearly constantly. The ONLY time the lock came off, was when he was with Stan, and they were alone. rick wanted it off that morning. It had been a while. "PLEASE DADDY MAN. PULEEEZE. " He nestled next to Stan, before he turned around and rubbed his ass against Stan's cock. It always worked. "I'm gonna have to talk to kieran's daddies. He should be locked up too." It was getting tougher as they got older, and rick developed more muscles, but Stan yanked him onto the bed. He had installed two ankle locks above the bed, and a retractable chain, so he could decide how much motion rick could have. Today, it wasn't much because Stan wanted a snack before breakfast. With rick's legs up in the air, Stan first ran his finger behind each knee "just to remind you who's boss babe," before he took the nips that always worked to keep rick as "ricky, the big dicked bottom," and tormented them until ricky begged "DADDY MAN PLEASE FUCK ME." Then, the legendary 13 inch Polish sausage got to work. Before he finished, Stan unlocked the cock cage. "You're gonna have to blow a load from that position, bitch boi." "Yup Daddy man. I can do that." rick had done enough sit ups that his back was like an iron rod. He came up, grabbed his not insubstantial cock, and kept playing with it as Stan ran his hands all over his hot body. "You're not the hottest black man in town, you're the hottest man, PERIOD" "OH DADDY MAN. I'm lucky to have a stud like you. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I'm gonna cum Daddy man. Is that ok? Is that ok.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He shot all over himself and the bed. "Good thing it's laundry day," Stan laughed. " Then he kissed rick. "I'm the lucky one."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So while Cornelia was giving birth to her six puppy, jack was boiling potatoes for a huge pot of German potato salad, and Stan and rick were gathering clothes for Saturday laundry, Silas was standing in front of his folks, with Chuck there besides him "CHARLIE..! " Mae smiled, looking up from her tea, and one of her few indulgences: a second blueberry muffin on Saturdays. "SO GOOD TO SEE YOU. " She frowned. "What's wrong? You both look like you wrecked the car or something." "Well, no... nothing that bad but..." Mae figured it out. "Shall I get pa in here? He's looking at the paper in the den." "I think you better Ma." He squeezed Charlie's hand. "If they throw me out, can I come stay with you?" "You coulda done that from day 1 gorgeous." Silas senior came in with Mae. He held out his hand to Charlie. "WELL CHARLIE. So good to see you. You wanna have a seat ?" "Uh, no thank you Sir. " Silas began to stutter "DDDDD dad I need to tell you something." "Wait son. I gotta ask Charlie a question." He pushed his glasses back on his nose "So, I understand you're making my son an honest man. You got good intentions? You cattin' around with any other fellow?" SILAS needed to sit down. Now Charlie stuttered "N-n-No Sir. Silas is all I can handle. " "Ha ha. Good answer Charlie. Mother and I felt the same way. " He looked at Silas. "You think we didn't know?" "HUH?" Silas was stunned, and Mae laughed. "Big handsome son. Elected best looking four years in a row, never a girlfriend, never the prom. Always working. " She looked at him. "Silas, don't you ever forget this: simple don't mean stupid. Just ask Jamie." "Did... did Jamie tell you ma?" "He didn't TELL me, son. I had my suspicions and I wanted to see if I were ok with this for you. Here's what I got to say, and I'm speaking for pa too . " She almost began to cry. "You know, the whole bunch of those guys... never met a nicer group, a friendlier group, a more helpful group. You let them teach you son, and everything is gonna be fine." She looked at Charlie. "You take care of my son. Be good to him. " Then she looked at Silas . "We'll miss you, but you should be living with your fella. You're old enough for God's sake." Silas' mouth dropped. "REALLY MA? PA? You don't.. you don't" "It'll be good to have ya outta here. Then your mom and I can have those crazy sex parties we used to have." Silas Senior laughed so hard he began to cough. "Then you're good with this folks?" that was Charlie asking. "We're good with YOU. If Silas moves on well... we'll see. Now go have fun. It's Saturday. We'll see you at the pool party." "Oh yeah, the pool party." Silas blushed.

Next: Chapter 7

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