Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 6, 2021


"The Council" was meeting at Stan and rick's house. That's what the six of them: Mark and jack, Cooper and jamie, Stan and rick, called themselves. It was just a joke: if they hung out to have drinks, or if someone was planting a tree, they'd 'call a council meeting." All it meant was that six friends were getting together. This meeting had a bit of a serious undertone to it, though: jamie had asked them to meet to see if they could figure out how to help Charlie. The twins had gotten into the hearts of everyone in the community, not just the "Council." Billy worked harder than anyone else on the jobs jack had: jack had to stop him once when he tried to lift a refrigerator compressor himself. jack rarely took someone to task, but he did this time. "NOW WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO SOMETHING THAT STUPID, BILL? YOU'RE NOT A STUPID GUY. " Billy knew he was in trouble when jack used a REAL name, and not a nickname. "Thank God he didn't call me 'William' he thought." "I'm sorry Sir. I saw you were busy with something else and I thought...." "IT WAS A STUPID THOUGHT, BILL. REALLY, REALLY STUPID. YOU COULDA GOTTEN YOURSELF HURT BADLY." "I'm sorry, I really am. I just... I heard some of the guys saying that since you were in charge, you should be the one to do it, and.. you're busy and.. you did so much for me and Charlie that...." He looked up "Am I getting fired jack? " jack took a deep breath. "NO. You are NOT getting fired. You had a good heart. But next time, Billy, PLEASE check before you do something you've never done before." Billy smirked. "Did my brother check in with any of you before his dates with Silas?" jack began to laugh. "From what I understand, if he did that, because he never did something before, he'd never have the date." "He's nervous jack. He's grateful for the room jamie provided, but... he's afraid to do anything serious because he doesn't want to cause any damage." jack shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. When he did that, it meant he was thinking. His shoulders went up, and his head went down, and he walked around the kitchen, sort of in a half circle. Everyone knew that this meant jack was trying to figure something out. "Billy willy..." Billy smiled. Now he knew he was good with jack again. "None of my business, so don't tell me if you don't want to: you and Charlie: you manage to save any money?" "Yes sir. We did." "Ok, let me know if you will: how much." "I have to check. One minute." He reached into his pants and pulled out his wallet. jack's mouth fell open. Billy began counting. "I have 2000.00, and that means Chalie's got 2000 too, so... 4000 all together. "BILLSTER. You don't use a bank?" "Uh, no. We never did that. At home, pops took all our money , so we didn't need one. "Ok, shit. We're heading to the bank today. And tomorrow you're taking Charlie. You're putting that in an account. " He shook his head. "Carrying around 2000.00 like that. It's a good thing Mark didn't know. " So, with 4000.00, the brothers could put a deposit on an apartment. There was no question that they should do that: living with Stan and rick was great, but you could tell that Stan was edgy because, well, rick was visiting the boys more than he was in bed with Stan. So as they met that day, it was rick who was the only one who had an objection. "WAIT! I thought y'all said that they were mine." Stan put his hand on rick's shoulder. "Hold up ricky. I told you that you could USE them for a while. And if they want you to use them some more that's fine. But they've been with us, what, four months, six months?" Stan was the only person who could call rick "ricky" and get away with it. One time jack had used it without thinking. jack was the "purest" one of the bunch, and no one could imagine anything other than just his joking sense of giving everyone a nickname as the cause. rick, however, was ready to "move it outside" as he put it. jack had apologized, and everything was good, but there were people disappointed about seeing the two of them go at it: rick was built, and strong, but jack had been compared, not wrongly, to Paul Bunyan's blue ox Babe. Mark would brag that he was the only one who knew how to control him , which was true. But we're getting away from the story. Stan's fingers pressed into rick's shoulder. "You forget who your man is sometimes, ricky. Well, as of tonight that's gonna change. "AW, Daddy man, I know who's the boss. I know. Just ain't too many blonds around here." "They wouldn't be going away, rick." Mark added. "They're adults now, and Charlie has a boyfriend. They need some privacy. " jamie squeezed Cooper's hand. "You wouldn't happen to know any places that they could swing as roommates?" "I do... I'm just not sure how tight it would be." jamie looked at Cooper. "You think I'm gonna let my best assistant ever get in financial trouble? " Cooper smiled. "You think I thought that for a minute? Even a second? I'll take them out looking tomorrow. " "Ok, so can the council get down to the important stuff? Drinking, eating, and watching some movies? They had a joint subscription the site that Phil and Ed had used, where they saw rick for the first time. rick didn't do the movies anymore, but there was enough to see. And , next day, Cooper would take the boys out to look at apartments. After the meeting, he cornered rick . "You ricky babe, are about to get the shit fucked out of you like you haven't in a long time." "Heh heh daddy man. You think I'm in the mood?" "I don't care, cause I am. And when I get finished with you, you will be.." He moved his fingers up to rick's nipples, and rick began to moan almost immediately. "Oh YES daddy man. You know what I like. " "I sure do. And I took out that hitachi thing you like." "I DON'T LIKE THAT THING. YOU LIKE USING IT ON ME.." "Heh heh. Yeah. I do. Get in the bedroom. Open your shirt. Then get on the bed." "Yes Daddy man Sir." Stan followed. He had rick tied down almost immediately, and he showed him a surprise: two smaller vibrators. "One for each nipple, ricky babe. " The velcro came out, and first Stan appended the two new ones to rick's tits. Then he got rick's pants off, and he began running the bigger one over rick's cock and balls. Moans started coming out of rick low and loud. In their room, Billy and Charlie heard. "Silas moan like that when you do him?" Billy kidded Charlie. "I'm getting him there. Don't wanna scare him," Charlie answered. "Ever ask him if he WANTED to be scared?" "OH SHIT. OH SHIT PUT THAT SNAKE IN ME. FUCK, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK..."

They heard the yells from the bedroom. Charlie lowered his voice. "You ever seen Stan's cock?" Billy blushed. "Once. I walked into the bathroom and he was there. Didn't bother him one bit. "I saw it too. I had to go and get some air. GEEZ."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chalie and silas didn't see each other every day, but they talked. Charlie called silas a couple days later. "hey. I wonder if I can ask you for some help." "Uh, sure. What do you need?" "I haven't told you. I was busy. Billy and I are moving into our own apartment. Furniture's coming in, and..." "I'm there stud. Just let me make sure I tell my Dad." "You know, silas, it's a two bedroom apartment, and... nah, I shouldn't." "No. Go ahead Charlie." "I just wanted to say you could move in with me anytime you wanted." Silas sighed. "I appreciate that. It's just..." "Yeah, I know. I know you pay rent to your Dad. He needs your help too. I'm just putting it out there if you ever wanna. " Then he paused "Just understand, you're gonna be spending a shit load of nights here." Silas felt his cock go hard. "I can't wait, stud."

Silas went to his father. "Hey, Dad, a friend asked me for some help, and I wanted to see if it was ok with you." "Well sure, what's up, son?" "My bud Charlie - I met him working for jack - he's moving into his own place and he needs some sweat labor to get the furniture in. I told him I'd check with you." "Charlie?" His father looked over his glasses. "Is this your code for that girl Charlene?" Silas blushed. "Oh, no Sir. I didn't tell you about that did I?" "No, I don't think you did. Are you not seeing her anymore?" "I'm not Dad. We had a date one night and I showed up early and, well..." "Say no more, son. I got the whole thing figured out. I remember the night. You came home hungover the next day." Silas blushed. He HAD come home hung over. It was the first night he spent with Charlie. "You'll find the right one, no question. It's fine. Let me know if you'll be late for supper so your mom doesn't work too hard." "I will Dad. Thanks." Silas' father sat there, musing, shaking his head. "That jack. Nicest guy I met in a long time. That time he helped me with the field, gave my son a job, sings with Mae when they see each other: all the old German songs. I like him the best. But they're all nice guys." He paused, smiled. "Sometimes I wish one of them were your brother. You could use another man in your life to give direction to you." Silas blushed. His father had just put his finger on it. His mom came out of the kitchen. "Hey, senior," which is what she called her husband when he and their son were together. "jack and I are working on a number for church services. Would it be ok with you if I went over to rehearse? Their piano is better than ours." "Well, sure. If it's the same night Silas is helping his buddy move, maybe he can drive you." "Oh no, that's ok, senior. jack told me he'd come by if it was ok." Again, Silas senior gave a grin. "Now who thinks of that? " He laughed. "Sure. I know you're safe." Now Mae laughed. "Don't be so certain HE is. He noticed my new lipstick last week." "You have a new lipstick? When did that happen?" "Read your paper dear. Lipstick need not concern you."

"HEY CHUCKEE CHEESE" jack called out as he and Mark showed up at the new apartment on move in day. "The Council" was all coming to help - which meant it would take twice as long to do anything. They were organized though: Jamie was going to cook a meal for them, while the rest of the crew carted stuff up into the apartment." "Chuckee cheese? " Silas smiled and Charlie blushed. "Oh, jack decided I should be called Chuck since I was dating you, so... It's all he needed." "Chuck. I kinda like that. Part of your mystique. You don't look like a Chuck... " jamie walked by. "Walk through the alphabet. What does 'chuck' rhyme with?" Both young men blushed. jamie laughed. "Oh, you guys are gonna blush more when you see the housewarming presents.

And indeed, they did. Stan and rick had put together a box of "bedroom essentials:" handcuffs, ropes, three different gags, an electric toothbrush for tickling, you name it. It was in the box. "Uh, is that for ... US" "It's for anyone Chuck wants to use it on . Ha ha ha ha ha. I taught him how to use some of it." rick winked at the two of them. "And maybe you'll get some CHUCKEE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE" jack crooned. "JACK! THAT MAY HAVE BEEN OVER THE TOP EVEN FOR YOU." Mark looked at him. "Oh well. Guess I'll have to get punished tonight after singing practice." "You're singing with my mom, jack?" "Ja. Das is richtig." Yes, that's right. "I gotta practice German because she likes to practice . I can't speak that Pennsylvania Dutch you folks speak, so we do the best we can. The music is all in German, so that'll be ok. She sings it through, then I pick it up." "Can I come and hear you sing sometime, jack?" Charlie asked. "Hey, Mr. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese. Maybe I'll sing for you today. Gotta warm up the pipes." He took a breath and sang something his mom had taught him when he was a kid. Mark put his hand on Silas' shoulder and whispered. "One day I'll tell you our story. What I'll say now is this: if I had known he could sing like that, I woulda never let him go." When jack finished, and they were applauding, he put his cap back on. "Ok. Gotta go and meet Mae. Save me some of the spaetzle jamie. I know you made enough pot roast for the whole city, but those little dumplings. DAMN. Only thing better is a certain man's sausage." Now Mark was blushing. "Don't fill up on those spaetzle, sweet cakes." They kissed goodbye, and Charlie went over to Silas, taking his hand. "I wanna be like that some day." "Me too Chuck. Which rhymes with..... " He whispered. "I think I'm ready for it. Tonight. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Billy and Charlie had a big table in the center of their living room, and that's where the food went after the moving and lifting ended. At one point, rick took off his shirt because he was sweating so much. His back was turned to Silas, so he didn't see the young man sort of freeze in position, and his mouth drop open. Stan did, and came over and laughed. "Hey stud. He's spoken for. So are you. Ha ha ha ha." That's when rick turned around, and got a new shirt on. He looked at Silas. "Big guy, you just lemme know if you need any information on doing your thang either way. Cause I think I'm the only one here who has." "Not if I can help it ricky." Stan put his arms around rick and squeezed him. He whispered low, so no one else heard it. "You're gonna be on your back when we get home. Just like that boy is gonna be very soon."

Billy was going to meet with friends after the move in, so after the dishes were cleaned up, and put away, he headed into town. He told Charlie that he'd probably be back REAL late and "don't wait up for me," winking at his twin. Everyone else left shortly thereafter. Silas looked at the box of toys in the bedroom. He blushed as he turned to Charlie. "Should I call my dad and tell him I'm not coming home tonight." A grin played over Charlie's face. "Tell him we're all going out drinking and you don't want to be on the roads. It may be the last words you get out tonight, big guy." Silas made the call, and as soon as he finished, he felt Charlie's hand cover his mouth. "So, silas. Finally got you RIGHT where I want you. All alone, door locked. You are all mine." His second hand reached around and got one of silas' nipples through his t shirt. Whether jack or silas had the more sensitive chest could be debated, but it didn't matter then. What mattered then, was that Charlie had his nip in his fingers, he had him hand gagged, and silas was weakening, all the while his cock was getting harder. "Know what I've wanted to do to you, silas? I've wanted to have you naked on the bed, playing with your cock until you're begging to cum. We're gonna do that now. " Charlie took his hand off of silas' mouth, and released his nipple "Get naked. And on the bed." silas smiled, but also began to sweat. What else did Charlie have in mind? "MOVE SILAS" "yes sir." Hearing Charlie give him an order sent a charge through silas, and he got out of his clothes as fast as he could. His cock was RIGID. Between what had just happened, and watching Charlie's body move while they were bringing in the furniture, he was definitely stimulated - OVER stimulated. Charlie was feeling the same way. silas was bigger, and stronger, and he was carrying way more than Charlie did. He was also sweating more, and every time Charlie walked by him, he got a whiff of silas' unique body aroma, and he saw the sweat on his forehead. He wanted to just lap it up with his tongue. He did so, after he had silas' wrists secured to the bed. "Now, silas... sweet, sweet silas... " Charlie had his thumb on silas' butt hole, and he was massaging it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH GOD Charlie. That feels SO GOOD." "Charlie grinned. "I'm Chuck now." "Yes sir. Sorry. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Now Chuck was circling silas' hole, very very slowly, as he began sliding his hand up and down on silas' pole. "You cum before I say you can, big boy, and you'll go home in a cage. GOT IT?" "Yes sir. Yes Sir," silas gasped, but he squirmed, and struggled, trying to hold it in . He was close. Chuck smiled and took his hand off silas' cock. He bent down and kissed him. "I can finally kiss you and not be afraid that someone's gonna come in unexpectedly, you big lug. MMMMMMM" silas responded, taking Chuck's tongue, receiving it, and letting Chuck take over. It felt so good. So did Chuck's tongue and teeth when he pulled his tongue out, and began licking silas' ear, and nibbling his earlobe. "OH GOD CHUCK. OH GOD. IT'S ... IT'S OH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY." Chuck had kept a finger on silas' hole, and he felt it open, just a bit. He took the occasion to slide his finger in. silas began to whimper. "You sound like a girl silas. You know that? You whimper like a school girl." "I can't help it Chuck. You feel so good... " He whimpered more, as Chuck slid in a second finger. silas sucked in his breath. He knew it would be ... soon. Not soon enough, but soon. Chuck went back to sliding his hand up and down silas' shaft. He'd smile and play with his cock head occasionally. He'd squeeze it and say something like "Look what I found. A bottom's cock.. What do we need this for...." Then he moved his finger down and stroked the midpoint of silas' balls. silas shot up at that. "OH SHIT SIR PLEASE. If you do that, I'm gonna shoot. " Charlie grabbed silas balls and squeezed. "No, you're not... MANCUNT. Right now I got myself a big studly bull. Don't need this. Maybe I'll turn you into "silas the steer." silas didn't say anything. He could see the blood pumping in the vein on Chuck's neck. This wasn't the same guy he had met: this one was better. "I want you sir." he gasped out weakly. "I want you Sir Chuck. Take me. Pick my cherry." Chuck knew he had to be in command, and he did his best not to show his nerves. Still, this was the first time he had ever fucked someone. He was grateful for "The Council: jamie had given him some tips, sometimes with so much detail that Charlie had to beg him to stop. He was a good listener though. Charlie told him "it's a two man job, and you'll both get better. Just take it easy." jamie had taught him about lubing silas' ass, and now, that wicked tongue got to work, as he spread silas' legs and dug in. "HOLY. HOLY. OH GOD. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CHUCK?" Chuck didn't say anything. He was loving how silas was moaning and squirming. Finally he looked up. "I'm making it easier for you, BITCH. Now keep quiet or I'll gag you too." He saw silas' cock jump, and a small drop of pre-cum formed. He got back to pushing his tongue as deeply into silas as he could. When he made a slurping noise, silas seemed to like it, so he was as noisy as he could be. When silas was good and wet , he closed his eyes and said "help me" to himself. Chuck's cock was long and thin, and he began sliding it into silas. He stopped. "You good bud?" "HELL YEAH. GO ALL THE WAY CHUCK. ALL THE WAY.. " Chuck slid in a little more and he heard the moan of pleasure from silas. "GONNA FUCK YOU LIKE A BREED HEIFER BOI." Chuck said in the deepest voice he could (silas later told him that he almost laughed out loud at that), but his cock went in further. His balls hit silas' ass. "Ok, boi. NOW, we're gonna get to work. " Chuck began to slide, back and forth, as he spat on his hand and slid it up and down silas' pole. "YES SIR. YES. FUCK YOUR BOI. LET HIM CUM TOO. YESSIR. YES.. " Youth... Ah, youth. Both of them were horny from being around each other all day, in what had been, essentially, the same thing as watching your boyfriend exercise at a gym, and they were both in their early 20s. It was fast. It was messy. And they both smiled when they had done it. Chuck kissed silas very, very softly. "You're mine now, big boy. ALL MINE. No sharing. " "No sharing Sir. You're all I want." Chuck undid the restraints and silas didn't ask for permission. He just grabbed Chuck and embraced him. Chuck realized "this man could kill me. I'd better be not far from those nipples. Ever."

And while our youngsters were having their first go of it, Stan was having his own fun with rick's nipples. He had used a snake bite kit to make them even more tender and now, he pulled the clamps gently. "Who owns your ass, stud?" "My Daddy-Man, Sir. My STAN THE SNAKE. I WANT THAT SNAKE MR MAN" He got it. He got it good.

And over in another house, jack walked in after singing with Mae. Mark was sitting up, reading. "Hey Marko. You save me some dumplings." Mark smiled. "I did. And I saved you a sausage too. A nice big one. You gotta eat that first." "Yes sir." jack got on his knees as Mark dropped his pants. He made sure his cap was backwards, as he took that cock all the way down to the base. After all these years, he knew how to make Mark wait, or how to bring him off fast. He was hungry: he wanted those spaetzle, so he ticked Mark's balls, and he tightened his lips, to the point where HE had control of Mark's cock, not Mark. When he did that, Mark couldn't turn away the challenge, and he pushed, HARD, and that set him off. He exploded in jack's mouth. Ten minutes later, jack was eating his dumplings and drinking a beer. Mark was in the bedroom, making sure the restraints were set up. He wasn't done. And hadn't he seen hairs beginning to sprout on jack's pubes earlier in the week?

Next: Chapter 4

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