Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 29, 2021


Charlie woke up, facing Silas and wrapped up in his arms. They were strong, and Charlie had to squirm to get up. He tried not to wake Silas, but Silas was the son of farmers. He slept lightly. His big dark eyes opened up and looked at Charlie. He smiled. "I thought I was dreaming. I really did. I thought I was dreaming that this blond boy I saw around the job site one day had gone out with me and... " Those big eyes closed as Charlie kissed him.

"SHHHH big boy. You want to sleep some more?" "I do but... I should get up. I need to pee. And then I need to get home. Dad'll be cool with it, but I should check in. I'm gonna do some overtime for jack today too, so , it'll be a little busy." "Can I at least make you coffee or something before you go?" Silas smiled. "Another kiss. And a promise. A second date?" After their lips separated, Charlie smiled. "You just tell me when you want it. I'll wait." "You won't have to wait long Charlie." He ran his hand through Charlie's hair. "I promise." Charlie perked up because he heard Liu yapping. Was jamie here already? He looked at his watch and realized jamie had been there at least two hours. Then he heard the bass notes of Mully barking. "That's weird. That's Cooper's dog. He never comes over." "I love dogs. Is it ok to pet them?" "You'll need to ask jamie. Liu is weird. She doesn't seem to like anyone petting her, even jack, and jack's our dog man. Mully? He'll let you know right away. Don't be afraid of him though." Silas sighed. "You know, I was afraid of you Charlie. Still am a little?" "ME? You're afraid of ME?" You could snap me in half with one of your hands?" Silas laughed "Nah. That's not what I mean. I mean, Charlie." And he pulled Charlie on top of him. "I mean you've got a center made of steel. Anyone who doesn't see that about you, just doesn't know you. And they never will." Charlie looked down at this big hunk underneath him. Brian always told him that he was the tougher one, and he heard jamie mention to someone once "I wouldn't want to get into a knife fight with that kid," but Silas had said it after one date. "Why do you say that Si? " "Well, you know, I may be new to this, but I'm not dumb. No matter what anyone says." Charlie kissed him on each eyelid. "I'll rip out their balls if I hear someone say that. Even your father." Now Silas was stunned. How had Charlie picked that up?" "What I meant Charlie, was... I bet you expected me to be a certain way on the date. Some kind of big jock, who was gonna roll you over, fuck you hard, and be off." Charlie laughed "Well, that IS kinda what I thought would happen. I wouldn't have complained." Silas hugged him, hard. "I don't want to disappoint you Charlie. That's not how I am. And I gambled. I thought... No, I hoped, that someone who's been through as much as you have, would've been comfortable with taking control." Charlie looked at him. "I don't know Silas. I don't know. Last night was fun. And I'll keep trying. But I always thought that, well, some big stud was gonna sweep me off my feet." Silas smiled. "I thought I did." Charlie thought about that for a long time. "You're right. You did. " He smiled at Silas. "Look. We're both new at this. How's about you let me check with some of these guys? They're much smarter and way more experienced than I am. You talk to jack. " "He won't mind?" Charlie laughed. "You ever see what his baseball cap says?" "Yeah. Mark's boy." "You know what that means?" "Uh, I thought I did, but I guess I don't" Charlie ran a circle around Silas' nipple. "Silly stud. It means Mark's in control. " "MARK? I wouldn't have guessed." "And that's why I want you to talk to him. He will. I promise. " Silas hugged him one more time before they got dressed and went downstairs. As they got downstairs, they smelled coffee, and what might have been French Toast. "Morning kids" jamie smiled. He saw Silas look at his watch, and then the kitchen "Silas, it's ok. I called your dad. I told him you'd be by in mid morning, that I had seen you on your way back home, and asked if you could come and help with a stove problem. " "He was ok with that?" jamie smiled. "You know who buys most of your dad's corn Silas?" "Uh, would that be you?" "Sit down and eat your breakfast. How do you take your coffee?" "Light and sweet." jamie gave him a look, and looked at Charlie until he blushed. "I should've guessed that."

While they were talking, Mully had moseyed up to Silas' leg and he was rubbing back and forth. Silas reached down and scratched his ear. "Hey big fella. How are ya? " Then, Mully did something he had done for Cooper, for jack, and no one else. He lay down, rolled on his back and let his tongue hang out. "Go ahead. He's not trying to trick you. He likes you." "And I like you too boy." Silas got down on the floor and began rubbing Mully's belly, teasing his nose with raspberries, and putting the dog in bliss. "Let me help you jamie. Anyone else coming over?" "No, just the three of us. " Liu yapped. "Oh, I'm sorry Princess. I was talking about people who sat at the table, not on a throne." Liu wagged her tail. "Come on and eat Silas. Plenty of time to play with Mully. I think you're gonna be around a lot."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jamie had gone back to the kitchen when Charlie and Silas said their goodbyes, and when he came out, he found Charlie staring out the door, down the road. "Sit down young man. It's probably too early for a drink but... fuck that. " Charlie smiled. "You sure?" "No, but we're gonna do it anyway. You in love Charlie?" "I don't know" "Did you have a good time?" "Well, yes. " jamie grinned. "Couldn't have been THAT good a time. You seem to be sitting without any trouble. Charlie blushed. "jamie, only for you. ONLY for you, for now: Silas is a bottom." jamie spat rum out of his mouth. "NO! If you spread that around, you're gonna break the heart of 3/4 of the population of this town." Charlie talked about how Silas had pulled Charlie on top of him, and their chat that morning. jamie began to laugh. "Oh well.. jack's gonna have some competition as the hottest bottom in town." "Hey, what? I got competition jamie bird? What? What? " jack was standing in the doorway. Mully couldn't believe his luck: first Silas, and now jack. "MULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" jack let Mully jump up on him, even though he wasn't supposed to. "How's the big boy. How's the big boy. Are YOU my competition? Is that you?" Mully's tongue was working all over jack's face. He was laughing as he looked at Charlie and jamie. "WAIT. I think I just figured it out. SILAS. BIG SI? BIG SI is a BIG SIS?" "JACK... DON'T CALL HIM THAT!" Charlie was whining. "Oh man. A new season of Chuck's in Charge just started and I missed it." Charlie blushed and jamie started laughing. Sometimes, the things jack said were just, well, hysterical." "We had one date jack. ONE. DATE." "Well, that's all it took with me and Mark." "And me and Coops, Charlie." "jamie bird, we can't call him Charlie anymore." jack lowered his voice. "Our top man is now called CHUCK" They gave each other a high five, while Charlie whined. "STOP IT YOU GUYS! STOP IT. I don't know how I am with this" jamie looked at him. "you gonna see that boy again?" "Yes. If he asks me out." He saw the old friends look at each other. "Chuck in charge... if you're gonna be the top man, you gotta make the invitation." jamie smiled. "you can have the kitchen next time. You damn well better do something better than Red Lobster." "How do you know it was Red Lobster?" "Because you stink of fish and chips. You better get cleaned up. You and I are gonna be planning menus for the spring guests, and if I start gagging from the smell of that oil, it ain't gonna be pretty. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Hey Dad. Sorry. I got involved and I shoulda called" Silas Sr. looked at his son and smiled. "Son, I told ya. You're of age. You pay rent around here, you can come and go the way you want. Especially when... well, how did it go?" "It was alright Dad. Mom would never approve, but.." "Your mom ain't ever gonna approve , son. Don't worry about that. Did you?" Silas' voice dropped. "I think so." "She even made you breakfast." Silas blushed. "How did you know?" "Two reasons, son. First, you smell of maple syrup. Second, you have NEVER gone this long in the morning without eating. She feed you enough." "Well , yes. Actually Dad, she didn't make breakfast. .." He paused. "It was late and she didn't want us to sneak into her apartment: she's got roommates. So I asked jamie if we could have a room." "That jamie's alright, ya know? He put in an order yesterday for just a whole lotta stuff as I harvest it. And then you gave him a hand with that stove thing?" "Uh, yes sir. " Silas' father shook his head. "You know, I listen to the preacher at church. I hear what he says about it being wrong, but I gotta tell you. When those guys started moving in, this part of the world just lit up." "It sure did." Mae walked in. "I remember when jamie came over and helped me get the spring cleaning done when my back was out. None of the church ladies came over." "That's true," Silas Sr. added. "And when I couldn't get the field plowed, it was jack who came over, picked up the harrow and just started walking. Sang all the while too. Gorgeous German . " He paused. "World's changing son. Maybe too fast, but it's changing." He rustled his son's hair. "You took her to Red Lobster too, didn't you?" "Uh, yes sir." "Ok, boy. Now, next time, it's her turn. She owes YOU a meal. If she doesn't do it, then move on. Now, go get cleaned up. I know you're about to get dirty at the job site, but you aren't leaving her until you're clean. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The crew finished up work at about 6. As they were clearing out, jack called out. "HEY HIGH AND LOW. Come on back to the house with me." Silas didn't know he was talking to him. Sometimes jack's code was so confusing, he was the only one who understood it. "YO, Silas. You've been working with me HOW LONG and you don't know when I'm talkin to you?" "Oh. Sorry jack. Sure. I'll follow your truck. " When they got back to the house, Mark was kind of walking around. Now that he didn't have to get up early, he didn't. He would go to bed with jack, get up and work, and then come back to bed. He'd stay when jack got up. As they walked into the house, he was just finishing breakfast. "HEY MARKO. Look who I got with me. My replacement." Mark came up and kissed jack. "Scuse me Silas. This man thinks he's replaceable." He squeezed jack's butt, and Silas blushed. But he also got a bit of an erection. He imagined Charlie doing that to him. "Hey, Marko, if I promise to do anything you want, can ya give me a little time with Hilo? We gotta talk about non business related things." Mark smiled. He winked. "Don't keep my man that long, Silas." "Oh , no Mark, absolutely not." Mark laughed as he rustled Silas' hair. "you know, you could be jack's younger, taller, better looking brother." "This is true Marko. I thought I saw your sister today too. Mully was at the Coop" Silas started to laugh. Would he and Charlie ever have this kind of rapport? "I'll see you later, studmuffin." Mark walked back to his studio.

"So, speaking of studmuffins, Silas, I hear you had a date last night." Silas blushed. "Calm down young man. Ever hear the expression 'when France sneezes Europe catches cold?" "Uh, I think I remember that from high school history class." "Well, around here, I think if someone eats too much cabbage , the whole town has a shit." Silas looked up. "My Dad says that." "It's a good expression Hilo. Don't expect your date to stay secret. There were servers at the restaurant, right? " "Oh shit, yes. " "Well, think of them as France. Soooo... I think that, sooner rather than later, you're gonna have to tell your Dad that Charlene is named Charlie. Cause he's gonna find out. " Silas gulped. "What am I gonna do if... if..." "If he kicks you out? NAH. Not gonna happen. How much money you bringing home every week? 400? 500? " "Somewhere like that." "And you keep how much for yourself? " "About 100." Well, he's not gonna give up that much money. Now, you may not WANT to stay, and if you don't, Mark and I have room. You can ride shotgun with me in the morning until you get a better job." Silas looked up. "Hilo, you can't be a ditch digger the rest of your life. Let's start learning something. You're dating Charlie. Cool. You think you could apprentice with his brother? Learn some plumbing and cooling work? " "I... I think so. I helped my dad with the cesspool once and. .." "EWWWWWWW. Nah, you're better than that. We all know that. " "I'm much obliged jack. It's good to know that... well..." He began to tear up. "That there's a place for me to go." "HILO. Listen up. You're just starting out. So's Charlie. I gotta be honest: the "tribe:" guys like jamie, Coops, Mark, me, we'd hate to lose either one of you, but if some hot red haired girl with big knockers came by and you followed her, it is what it is." Silas was silent. "I'm speaking in code again, Silas." jack stretched out his hand to hold Silas'." "Listen up, bud. Ain't no shame in being the passive one, as long as you do it well. I've been doing it for about 35 years. I'm still getting better. " "He's pretty good at it." Mark walked by and called in. "Will you go and write another Tony award winner, Marko? We're talking serious shit here." One of jack's dogs came up and nuzzled Silas. "Dogs know good people. You're good people. " He smiled. "There's no on the job training for relationships, but you and Charlie are gonna have all the support you need. " He laughed. "Remember. Something that mean assed reverend said "We can't reproduce, so we have to recruit. It's like the Marines. We only take the best." "Can I hug you jack?" "Damn right you can. And hard. And long. HUG OFF!!!!" Silas was strong, but even at his age, jack was stronger. Silas had to ask for a break. His ribs felt like jack was gonna crush them. "Now you ask that boy out on a date. I wanna see you do it." Silas pulled out his phone. "I think he beat me to it." He showed jack the text. "Hey handsome. You free, or at least reasonably priced this Friday night? The Inn. Dinner is served at six." "WHOA. The second best cook in town is gonna make you dinner. You are one lucky man." "jack.. did Mark ever make you dinner?" "A few times." jack smiled . "Mark is good at a lotta things. But... and I'm gonna make you blush now Silo. His sausage is better raw than cooked. " When Silas blushed, jack laughed hard. "Welcome to the family stud. Even the dogs like you. Holding up the banner of being the town hot bottom is gonna be a lot easier now that there's another one. "

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"jamie, what do you think I should make?????" Charlie was driving his boss crazy the day before his date with Silas. "Charlie darling, don't worry. That boy is so head over heals for you , you could serve him three day old fries and he'll love it. And speaking of head over heals... " "Yes?" "When are you gonna get his heals over his head?" "JAMIE!!!!" He paused and muttered "As soon as I know how to do it." jamie laughed. "Oh my little puppy. You're gonna need some help in figuring this all out. THANK GOODNESS you have a team of aunties to help you." "How do you help someone to learn this jamie? I haven't done it.." "Yes, and that WOULD be better. But ... you know, there's a story about a gorilla, born in captivity, who had never observed raising babies in the wild. She got pregnant and they were worried. So they had her watch videos She did fine." "So... you want me to watch videos about gorillas and their babies??? HUH?????" jamie laughed "No dear. We've been talking. You have homework. We're giving you a bunch of porn to watch. Pay attention. " jamie laughed. "We COULD get you a blow up boy from an erotic shop." "NO! Don't do that. Oh GOD OH GOD. What if he wants it tomorrow?" "He's not getting it tomorrow babe. You're not ready. " "He won't run away?" jamie gave him a look. "if you're worried about that, chain him to the bed in room 21." "Gee, that sounds HOT jamie." "It does, doesn't it? Silas chained down on a bed? You could sell tickets." Charlie was pensive. "I'M NOT DOING THAT.. Well, I'm not selling tickets. " jamie came over and put his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "You know, darling, we ALL learned at some point. You're no different than any of us. You'll be fine. Just be patient." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Silas came by the Inn at about 5:45. Charlie left the kitchen and came to meet him at the door. "Hey. " He smiled. "You look good. You smell good." He embraced Silas. "Thanks. I ran home for a shower first." "You could always shower here, Silas. " Charlie smiled. "Maybe I'd jump in with you." Silas blushed. "I take very hot showers." Charlie didn't miss a beat "I'll heat up the water so high it'll steam. " He pushed his lips to Silas, and pushed Silas' lips opened. It was Silas' first French kiss." He pulled Charlie closer. "What did you just do, Charlie?" "Did you like it?" "YES! GOD. I almost... well. I did a little" Charlie laughed. "Then I'm not gonna do it again. I want that later. " He took Silas' hand and led him to the little dinner room that was at the side of the kitchen. "It's not big, but it's private." Silas smiled. "It's big enough. " Charlie blushed. jamie had suggested he try not to be a smart ass. "I'm roasting a chicken. And I've got mash. And some salad. I wasn't sure if you liked wine, but... I checked around. The beer you like is in the fridge. Help yourself." NOW, Charlie couldn't help himself. "And spend some time bending over so I can admire your ass." Silas took off his letter jacket. He was wearing a dress shirt, opened at the throat, over a t shirt, and faded jeans. He thought he looked good. So did Charlie. "Should I pour you wine, Charl?" "Yes please. The white stuff. Not much of a beer drinker here." "Can I just... hug you before we..." Charlie turned off the oven. "It's one flight up. Let's go." In the bedroom, they began by kissing. First just pecks, then deeper, and then Charlie relented and Frenched Silas. Little by little, Silas bent over, dragging Charlie on top of him. Charlie whispered "If I gave you a hickey, how'd you explain that to your folks." "Charlie DON'T PLEASE.... MMMMMM." He felt Charlie licking his neck instead of scruffing it. He nibbled Silas' ear and whispered "You like me in charge, Silas?" "Yes. Yes Charlie. Yes.... Sir..." He whispered back. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. That's all I wanted to hear. " Charlie put his hand under Silas' t shirt. "You made this so damn hard, studmuffin... But I'll get them." His fingers went up to Silas' nipples, and he began squeezing them "OH WOW. OH GOD. NO ONE BUT YOU HAS EVER... OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH" Charlie had covered Silas' lips with his own, and then moved his knee into Silas' crotch. For poor Silas, who had been thinking about the date all day, it was too much. "OH CHARLIE. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. I CAN'T... AAAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG."

Charlie smiled. From what little he had gotten to see on the videos, he knew he had him. Silas was smitten. He kissed him. "Let's go eat. I'm starving. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "this reminds me of my mom's chicken, Charlie." "Is that a good thing?" He reached over and squeezed Charlie's hand. "It's a great thing." Charlie smiled. It was working. "I want to ask you something Silas: how far do you want to go?" Silas stopped eating. "You mean... us?" "I do." Silas blushed. "I don't know Charlie. This is all new to me." "Me too handsome.. But I want to give you what you want. " Silas smiled. "I want what's between your legs." "And I want to give it to you. Not just yet though. I don't think you're ready. But tonight...." Charlie winked. "Let me wash my hands." He smiled. "You want some dessert?" "I think I'm looking at what I wand for dessert. " Charlie smiled. "I think we're gonna make things interesting. " He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a pair of handcuffs. He saw Silas smile. "Get outta your shirt. I'll get you out of your pants.

In ten minutes, Charlie had Silas cuffed to the bed. He was slowly but methodically, working on Silas' nipples, getting louder and louder moans. "You know , with you like this, I can do anything I want to you. ANYTHING. " "Yes sir. Yes. I know... OH GOD. What do you want to do to me, Charlie?" Charlie said nothing, but he ran his fingers down Silas' long torso. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. CHARLIE STOP. PLEASE STOP.... " "You gonna kiss me? " "YES! YES!" "You gonna suck me again like you did last time?" "NO. I'm gonna do a better job." "I'll take that. I'll take that any day." He bent down and whispered to Silas "Tickling you is fun. I LOVE the sounds you make. "NNNNNNNG. I didn't know I was ticklish until I had a chemistry tutor. He tickled me when I got answers wrong. " He blushed. "I started giving wrong answers just to get tickled." "Well, you gave all the right answers tonight, and you're STILL gonna get tickled." Charlie dived in and Silas twisted helplessly. Then something "snapped" into place in Charlie's mind. He stopped. His voice dropped and he stared at Silas. " "SUCK ME. SUCK ME BIG MAN. SUCK YOUR TOPMAN." "Yes sir. Yes sir..." He began to slurp on Charlie's wand. Charlie teased him, pulling it out, and then pushing it all the way in. Then he took it out, and made Silas try to catch it. And then.. he finished up by nearly gagging the bigger guy, as he pushed, and finally, climaxed. His jizz passed down Silas throat. "MMMMMMM" Silas smiled. "Was that dessert, Sir?" Charlie began to unlock the cuffs. "Let's go back downstairs. The TV is bigger, and the game is on. " Charlie pulled out the chocolate cake. He had promised to save jamie a piece, and he had one. Silas did away with the rest. When jamie came in the next morning, he found them in the lounge, asleep on the sofa with the afghan he had knitted on them. He smiled. "I think I was young, once." He thought about it again. "NAH."

Next: Chapter 3

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