Charlie and Silas

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 21, 2021


A note to my gentle readers: if you feel as if you've been dropped into the middle of a story, that's because you have been. If you're ok with that, great. If you want some background, go take a look at chapter 13 of "kieran has two daddies," and you'll get some background. Now, on with the story.

Jamie sat at his desk at the Inn, going over paperwork for the "busy" season. It was quiet now: March always was: sort of the calm before the storm. Then, things began to get crazy: long term guests, weekend guests, people begging for rooms, the whole nine yards. Every year he thought he was ready for it, and every year, something new happened that he wasn't quite ready for.

"Coop's Coop" was what he had named the B&B. "Coop" was, of course, his nickname for his husband, and "coop" because, well, while you couldn't call it a "gay" B&B, it WAS a 10 room gay B&B. So, since there were so many "chicks" around most of the time... there you go. Cooper hated the name. Mark hated the name. jack kept quiet about it: he and jamie went back too far for him to say anything about a business which was, ultimately, extremely successful. The year before, there hadn't been an empty room for a single night between June 15 and Labor Day. Then things calmed down a bit, before the Thanksgiving/Christmas trade came in. The B&B normally did not serve dinner, but during the holiday period, jamie put his southern food cooking skills to work, and it was hard to tell who came for the ambience, and who came for the food. But they all came. Right now, he was working on the reservations list: they were already coming in. Not a flood, but a trickle, and that was fine. He had more time to spend with his new assistant, Charlie, and also, he could spend more time with his husband. Cooper and jamie lived in an out builiding on the property: the two of them, and their dogs: jamie had a "yapper," named Liu, while Cooper had a big, mix of many dogs, whom he called Mulligan (because of "mulligan stew"). Mulligan, "Mully" to his friends, weighed about 30 times what Liu did, but Liu ruled the roost. Was she a yorkie? A shih tzu? Jamie didn't know. He had been walking in town one day, and someone had dogs for adoption at a corner: one of the shelters. He had no intention of getting a dog, but this little girl, just kept on yelling at him. He turned back, and she kept yelling. Then he spoke to her. "Hey. You've got a lot to say, don't you?" She quieted down and cocked her head. Something seemed to tell him "Take me home. You'll never regret it." For a decision like this, jamie would normally check with Cooper. This time, he didn't. He spoke to the lady running the adoption, declined gently when she tried to talk him into a second dog, and Liu came home that day. She walked into the house, and immediately took possession of one of their arm chairs. That became "The throne of Princess Liu" as jamie called it. Later that day, he asked jack to come over. In his circle, jack was regarded as a "dog whisperer," and jamie wanted his thoughts. "HEY. LULU" he stretched out his hand to pet her, and Liu started barking furiously. "Oh, I'm sorry. You don't like nicknames. LIu. How are you." He nailed it. Liu calmed down right away. "Can we sit together , Liu?" She allowed jack to hold her on her lap, but she kept on staring at jamie. "jamie bird, you ever have a dog?" "Oh goodness yeah. I was so lonely after you left that I had little yappers for years." "Well... I think one of your kids found you again. She knows you. " jamie paused. "You think?" "Yeah, I do. Think about it when you're with her. She's got to remind you of one of them more than the others. " Liu didn't want to deal with anyone but jamie. At first, he led her on a leash to the B&B when he went in in the mornings, but eventually, she came when she was ready: jamie started very early, usually sometime between 4 and 5, and Liu was NOT a morning pooch. She figured out how to get out of the house and over to the Inn. If she needed protection, there was Mulligan. Mulligan: Cooper's dog. They had met one day, when Cooper was dropping off trash at the dump. He heard a growl, and there was Mulligan scrounging for food in the trash. He saw Cooper, and felt threatened "HEY BIG GUY. No threat from me." Cooper saw that the dog was hungry. jamie had sent him off with a good supply of muffin snacks to eat on his errands, so he tossed one in the air to Mulligan. He jumped up and snapped it out of the air. He did that five times, and looked for more. Then he came over to Cooper and rubbed his side against Cooper's legs. "WHOA BIG FELLA. I'm not sure you know what you're getting into." Mulligan sat down and gave him the eyes that jamie did. He took a deep breath. "This is gonna cost a fortune, and jamie's gonna kill me but..." He opened the back door. "Get in." When he took Mully to the vet, Cooper learned that he had no tag, that he had fleas, worms, and possibly an internal parasite. "Give him the works, doc," he had instructed. "One last thing Cooper. Uh... this dog... He hasn't been... neutered" Cooper gulped. With that little girl at home (she HAD been spayed, but still, and with jack's dogs and the other ones). "Ok. Shall I come back tomorrow?" "He'll be ready." Cooper petted Mully's ears. "Listen fella, you're gonna hate me for this, but it's good. I promise I'll be back." He was. He came back the next afternoon, and left with Mulligan and with 2000 dollars less than he entered. Sometimes he thought Mully liked jack more than he liked him, but that was fairly common with the animals. Mulligan didn't come to the Inn during the day: he was too big: he weighed in at about 90 pounds. He certainly protected the house though.

So, now we've gone over some co-stars. Let's jump back to Charlie, jamie's assistant. Charlie had come to town with his twin brother Brian, after their parents had thrown them out because they were gay . They looked for work, and jack had taken them on as laborers. When he saw that Charlie really was a better cook than a ditch digger, he sent him to jamie. This was a good match. Charlie knew a lot more than most 19 year olds do about cooking and jamie relied on him, more and more. (In the meantime, Brian turned out to have superb skills at plumbing and heating, so jack moved him up to become HIS assistant). They lived in a guest room with Stan and rick. The deal was that they would live rent free, if they would "put out" for rick when he wanted a young blond boy. (rick was, essentially, a full time sub to his "Daddy man" Stan, but he still had a thing for young blonds). He seemed to favor Brian, but the arrangement was working well. The boys were saving until they could find their own place, or places, and they were happy.

"jamie, can I ask you for a favor?" Charlie had his hands in his pockets and he was very nervous as he approached jamie. "SURE charlie. What do you need? A day off? A float until payday? " He laughed "rubbers?" Charlie blushed "Well, I may need rubbers but... would it be alright if I used the kitchen on Friday night? I have a date." jamie smiled. "You have a date? Well that's WONDERFUL." Then he paused. "WAIT... I think I heard this in passing. Silas asked you out. Big beautiful Silas. " "Yes sir. That's who." "First date?" "Yes." "Sit down with me Charlie. We need to talk." jamie poured two big mugs of coffee. "You can use the kitchen if you like, but let me ask you: how much dating have you done?" "Uh, I had two dates." "So you're not real experienced?" "Not really?" Jamie smiled. "You know, I think making dinner for someone on the first date give a signal you don't want to give." "What's that?" "That you want to sleep with him." Charlie smiled and blushed at the same time "Well, I do." "I don't blame you. He's dishy. But Charlie, those two dates. Did you ever have second dates with the guys?" "Uh, no." "Charlie, I have a feeling you scared them off by coming on too strong." Charlie looked up. "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT ONE OF THEM SAID TO ME." Jamie squeezed his hand. "Look, if this is gonna work, there'll be time to make Silas dinner. But facts are facts. He's lived here all his life. Everyone knows him. You're new. Let HIM control the date Charlie. Learn something about the rituals at town. I'll let you in on a secret: if he says he wants to go to Chili's, he's being casual. If you wind up at Red Lobster..." jamie laughed. "Well, then we're gonna bait the hook with something more interesting, because that's considered serious around here." He paused. "So, no, you can't have the kitchen on Friday, but... " He got up and went into the drawers behind the front desk and pulled out a strip of condoms. "These you can have, and...." he tossed Charlie a set of keys. "This is room 21. I kinda think of it as the honeymoon suite." He blushed. "It's where Coop and I head when ... NEVER MIND. You can figure it out. Enjoy your date." Charlie didn't say anything but he got up and hugged jamie. "oh, to be young again. Then again, maybe not," he thought. Then he thought about what he'd do to excite Cooper that night.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Silas and Charlie had exchanged numbers when Silas asked Charlie out, and Charlie didn't get a call until the afternoon before. "Hey, it's Silas." "How's it going? jack working you hard?" "Heh heh. He's no slave driver but he checks everything. I like him though. He's a good guy. SO... we still on for tomorrow?" "Yeah, when you wanna meet? " "Well, I need to get cleaned up , and I get off at 4. Is 5:30 good for you? "It's great. Where should we meet?" "How about I pick you up at the Inn? We can just hang or... well, we'll figure something out." "Cool. I'll see you then."

jamie had told Charlie a little about Silas. He was very much considered one of the area's "young hunks." He was 20, the son of farmers. He stood about a foot taller than his mom (he was 6'7"), and he had been a basketball star at high school. He was too big to be fast, but he could hold his position with the best of them, and he had a killer shot from the key. Unfortunately, at least so far, high school basketball seemed to be the highlight of Silas' life. His father assumed he'd come and work on the farm, until his father turned it over to him. His heart wasn't there, but there wasn't money for school and really, he wasn't much of a scholar either. Working with jack's crew was satisfying: he liked being with other people, and he REALLY liked jack. He loved the nickname jack gave him: Silo, because he was as tall as one of the silos so many farmers had, and jack always acknowledged the work he did. Silas had gone to jack once and asked if he could be paid in cash rather than by check. "Oh, well, we could do that Silo, but ya gotta tell me why because you know.. the Department of Labor can be a pain in the ass, and not in a good way either." jack made jokes like that because he made no secrets about (i) being gay, and (ii) being a bottom. He wore his "Mark's boy" cap to work every day. Mark was his husband. For Silas, who wondered if he might be, "not completely straight," seeing a big, happy guy who just happened to be gay, was inspiring. "Well, I hand over my money to my mom at the end of the week, and.." "Say no more my man. Know what? Didn't you put in a little overtime this week?" "Uh, no." "SILO SILO SILO. RULE 1: when your boss asks you about the overtime he insists you did, don't say no. What was it, 3 hours? " He put 3 extra 20s in Silas' pay. "Mom never has to know about it. " Silas smiled. jack "got it." "So yeah, that's a freebie. Next week, you WILL give me some overtime. That'll make up for that. And after that, how about coming in an hour early every day. And... you available for any weekend work?" "Saturday sure. My dad gets real nasty if I don't hang around on Sunday." "Tell you what, big man? I'll have a word with your dad. Tell him what a star you are, and how I can use you on Sundays. We'll see what happens." jack smiled. "Ask Mark. I can be VERY persuasive."

EVERY girl, and every single woman in town (and most of the married ones), had a secret crush for Silas. He had dark wavy hair, blue eyes, and enough hair that some of it stuck out of his shirt. Some might have been put off by an unusual body odor: Silas gave off a smell that was not unlike someone who didn't wash completely after a hard workout. Some might call it musky. Charlie called it intoxicating. The aroma, together with his masculine gait, his smile, and his quietness - Silas had had chattiness beaten out of him by his father when he was very young - would have put him on the top of the town's "most eligible bachelors." He didn't know what attracted him to Charlie: maybe because he was "new blood" in the town, maybe it was his hesitant air, whatever it was, he found himself attracted right away, and in many ways. He wanted to get to know Charlie better, but also... that day that Charlie worked on the dig, and he dropped his shirt because it was so hot, well... Silas had to take a break, find someplace quiet, and jerk off. He prayed hard, that night, but he got hard the next time he saw Charlie . At some point, maybe he'd talk to jack about it. (Silas didn't know that jamie and jack, old buddies, were already playing matchmaker behind the scenes).

"Mom, Dad, I have a date tonight. " "Well, that's exciting son. Who is it?" "She's someone who came to town to go to community college. Her name is Charlene." His father smiled. "I knew a Charlene when I was younger. You need any money, or anything son? " "No Sir. I promise. I'll be home by curfew." His father smiled. "Silas, you're 20. You play it by ear. Don't shame the family, but don't look at your watch. Women don't like that. Right Mae?" He turned to his wife. "Yes dear. Whatever you say." Mae had stopped listening to Silas Senior about 15 years ago. She wondered when he was going to realize it.

Silas was as nervous as a cat in a room of wheel chairs as he got ready. He showered, and agonized over product or no product in his hair. He decided against it. What to wear ? His Sunday clothes? No, it would make everyone too suspicious. He hoped it was gonna be ok: he found the cleanest everyday clothes he had: a pair of jeans that fit him well, a corduroy shirt he had been given for Christmas, over a dark blue t shirt. He put on his high school letter jacket, hoping it wasn't too much, said a prayer, and got into his care. He drove off to the Inn. Charlie was sitting on the bench outside, smiling.

"Hey. Nice car." Silas laughed "Oh, I call her Betsy. When my dad got a new one, I got this one. It's alright. Not especially stylish, but it does the job." Charlie looked down. "So, I wanted to make you dinner, but jamie told me that when he closes the kitchen, he closes the kitchen, so I can't cook for you tonight. Sorry about that." "No problem Charlie. I thought we'd go to Red Lobster anyway. You like fish?" "I haven't had much of it, but yeah, let's try it." He saw the smile on Silas' face. He was really glad for that extra 60 jack had given him: he didn't have a credit card. "So, can you drive Charlie? " Silas asked him as they sat at dinner. "I know how, but I haven't in a while. Why" "Well, I'm having such a good time with you, and I wanna order another beer, but..." "Ha ha. Order the beer, Silas. I'm good with coke." Charlie was enjoying the meal more than he thought he would. He HAD become a food snob, but he was sitting at this table with a big hunk of a guy, who "accidentally" bumped his leg against his more than by "accident," and he kinda liked the attention they were getting: the people were staring at Silas, but he didn't care: tonight, Silas was "His." When the server brought the dessert menu, Silas put his down. "Charlie, I hope I'm not being too forward." Charlie stopped him. "Let me take over here, Silas. If you want, I have a key to the Inn. We can go back there, maybe catch the end of a basketball game on tv or something. You can stay as long as you like." Silas' eyes brightened. "I'd like that Charlie. A lot. " "SCORE!" went off in Charlie's head. He was gonna get some cock tonight. Silas was able to drive them back to the Inn. Charlie saw Silas glance at his crotch a few times on the way. When they got there, Silas took Charlie's arm. "Wait. I want to do something because, if I'm doing the wrong thing, I can turn around right now." He bent over and kissed Charlie on the lips. Charlie drank in Silas' muskiness, and kissed back. He was ready to open his mouth, when Silas opened his, and sucked in Charlie's tongue. "I think we won't be watching basketball Silas." "I hope not." Mulligan was barking up a storm next door. "Cooper's dog. He's harmless. Just a good watchdog." Charlie turned the key to the Inn, and took Silas' hand, leading him down to Room 21. "So, Jamie said I could have the room as long as I'd like. " Now Charlie leaned in and kissed Silas. While he was doing so, he moved his hands down to Silas' ass, and heard the moan. Charlie began to have a feeling: he had made assumptions about Silas which, well, might not have been true. " When they broke the kiss, Charlie slipped Silas' jacket off, then his overshirt. "Come here big guy." Charlie lay down on the bed, and curled his finger to Silas. He came over, and he and Jamie got involved in some serious work feeling each other up. Then, Silas proved that Charlie's assumptions WERE wrong. He pulled Charlie on top of him and moaned. "Pin me down, Charlie. PIN ME DOWN Make me your prisoner tonight. Pretend you kidnapped me. Pretend I have to do anything you want . Because I will." "Oh boy" Charlie thought. "The biggest stud in town, is the town's biggest bottom. NOW what do I do?" He heard jamie's voice. "PULL ON YOUR TOP MAN BOOTS AND FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM" Well, it didn't go that far that night, but he began running fingers over Silas' nips, which made him moan. "CHARLIE. IF YOU DO THAT, I'LL SHOOT RIGHT NOW." Charlie laughed. "And that's supposed to stop me. ?" He kept playing with them. The way Silas was moaning, he knew, he had him helpless. He COULD do anything he wanted. But he stopped for a minute, rolled next to Silas , and played with his hair. "Silas, have you ever had a man's cock in you?" Silas blushed "No. Not my ass, not my mouth. Nowhere. I've never even been on a date with a man before you." "Well, I've got two dates on you Silas, but I've never put my cock in a man, so... maybe we should take things slowly tonight." "What do you mean Charlie?" "I mean this." He opened Silas' zipper and pulled out his cock. He began stroking it. "OOOOOH. OOOOOH. That feels so good Charlie. " "Good. Cause you're gonna do me next.. " He slipped a finger under Charlie's balls, and tickled them. Then he went back to his hand job. He kept Silas on edge: slow then fast, then faster, and then slow again. "PLEASE CHARLIE PLEASE. SET ME OFF. PLEASE." ' "In due time, Silas. Remember: you're my prisoner . And you're a good kisser. I want some more of that." He climbed back on top of Silas, and they frenched. At one point, Charlie moved his mouth to Silas' ear (He wanted to nibble his neck , but.. not this time) . Then , he tried something. On one of his two dates, his partner had nibbled Charlie's chin and set him off. He grinned, and nibbled Silas' stubble, before he put his mouth around his chin. Charlie was surprised Mully didn't start barking after Silas screamed as he came. jamie DID wake up and laughed. "You have a funny dream, love?" Cooper stirred. "Sort of. I'll tell you tomorrow. He cuddled back into Cooper.

Back in Room 21, Silas was catching his breath. "OH, WOW CHARLIE. THAT WAS GREAT I owe you something ." "Well, you've got hands young man," Charlie smiled, and a devlish look came over Silas' face. "I've also got a very nice set of lips. " Before Charlie could say no, Silas went down on him. "THIS IS A BEGINNER? " Charlie thought, and wondered how many corn cobs he had practiced on. DAMN the boy was good. "SILAS MOVE YOUR MOUTH. I... I... " Silas went nowhere. He kept on sucking, like Charlie's cum was the tastiest thing on the face of the earth.. "Oh, Silas. You didn't have to do that?" Charlie smiled. "But I'm glad you did." He kissed him. "You don't mind that... taste... on your mouth?" "I LOVE the taste of you Silas. Next time it's my turn." Silas looked at him. "You want there to be a next time? Another date?" "Yes, but I was thinking more... tomorrow morning, before you head for home and work. " He kissed Silas. "Get some sleep. You've had a very exhausting day. " Charlie got up and stripped down completely. Silas did the same. They wrapped their arms around each other before they got in bed. "My diary is gonna get all hot and bothered tomorrow" Charlie thought, just before he went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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