
Published on Dec 21, 2013




By Xstories

A boy succumbs to stronger women. College; TV; Control.

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I'll be honest, I'm not sure how it got to this. By any estimation, our relationship was unorthodox. I mean, we have been dating for almost a year and have only had sex once, and I'm not even sure if what we did that one time counts as sex. Not to say I haven't been sexually pleased. On the contrary, Charley and I neck all the time and she lets me cum several times a week. So I can't say I've been deprived in that department. But it is the way that we do it is so strange. It's well, a bit different, but I guess that's because Charley is a bit different.

Meeting Charley

I met Charley at a freshman frat party. All freshmen went to these fraternity parties. The idea is to get everyone drunk and horny and introduce them to the "American College Experience." I don't weigh too much and after four beers I was pretty drunk. I was looking around for a girl to hook up with when Charley bumped into me and spilled both of our drinks on my shirt. I guess she was a bit drunk too because instead of being apologetic she only laughed at me. I was really embarrassed and she could see it too. I don't know what came over her, but she grabbed my hand and started pulling me across the frat house. In my state, I wasn't about to stop a busty girl from pulling me anywhere, but I was also a bit scared. I didn't get a good look at her and I had no idea what her intentions were and I didn't even know her name.

She finally brought me into one of the upstairs bathrooms in the frat house. She said she'd help me clean my shirt but when we got into the bathroom she just ripped it right off of me. It was a flimsy (and now soaked) cotton v-neck, but I was nevertheless surprised at her strength and the ease with which she ripped it from my body.

Any mystery as to her intentions were dispelled when she slammed my 5'9" and 140 lb frame against the bathroom wall and shoved her tongue down my throat. With her heels on she was a bit taller than me. I felt one hand grab my face and the other went to my ass as her big soft breasts pushed me against the wall, her body squeezing me softly like a heavy pillow. I had totally forgiven her for ruining my shirt.

We necked in that bathroom for a few minutes and she started to moan. I asked her if she wanted to find somewhere more comfortable but she just pushed me down on the toilet seat and unzipped my pants, first pulling them down to my ankles and then entirely off. I was completely naked in this frat-house bathroom.

She got down on her knees and pulled out my dick. I've always been a bit embarrassed about its size but she only smiled and as she softly kissed the tip.

Her head was different. Don't take that the wrong way, it felt great but I thought that maybe she was drunk or something because she didn't take the whole thing in her mouth like they do in porn. Instead, she squeezed the base of my cock hard with one hand would just gently lick just the head of my cock, teasing my balls with her other hand. It drove me absolutely insane.

Just as I was about to cum she squeezed my balls hard and I screamed in pain and pleasure. I fell off the toilet seat and landed on the filthy floor a few feet away from her. When I came to, still horny and unsatisfied, I was about to scream at her for what she had done. Then I noticed that she was crying. The sober, sane part of my mind was telling me to get rid of this crazy bitch and run out of there, but the drunk and still horny part of me wanted to do anything to get some release and satisfaction. I stayed with her in the bathroom. I asked her what was the matter and in between sobs she explained that whenever she makes a boy cum, they always get up and leave. She said she had a miserable first semester on account of it. I promised her that wouldn't be the case with me, that I was not just using her, that I wasn't that type of guy. I don't think I meant anything I said, but she had me under her spell and I would have done anything to get her to finish what she started.

She stopped crying and looked me in the eye and asked me to seriously swear that I was not using her, and that I would give it a real shot. I'm not sure if it was the booze talking or my balls, but it certainly was not my brain. Without hesitation or knowing what I was getting into: "I swear."

She gave me a radiant smile and pulled off her form-fitting shirt, displaying her D-cup breasts now encased only in a tightly fitting black bra. She reached behind her and in a moment her pale beautiful breasts were free. I couldn't take my eyes off of her huge nipples that poked out like pencil erasers and I had an instinctive urge to put them in my mouth.

Still on the bathroom floor, she straddled my body, laying me down on the cold tile floor. The chill gave me a shiver, which made her giggle and she told me that she'd "warm me up." Leaning over me, she brought her breast to my mouth. She teased my tongue by letting her thick nipple dip in and out of my mouth. Finally, she grabbed the top of my head and thrust her nipple into my mouth. Nearly suffocating, I sucked on her nipple greedily as her breast engulfed my face.

She again reached for my balls as I sucked. She stroked them gently, tickling them at the base. Then, she placed one finger on the head of my dick and moved it up and down. It was the lightest touch, but with her thick body on top of me pinning me down, the stimulation in my balls, and her nipple filling my mouth, I came all over her stomach and my chest.

I looked up at her with a dumb smile as she scooped the cum off of her stomach. Looking at her in satisfaction, she rubbed it into my chest moaning as she did it. I didn't particularly enjoy being covered in my own cum, but I didn't care if it made her happy. I had never came like that before and I was ecstatic.

Between the orgasm and the booze, I got very sleepy very quickly. She grabbed my hand, wrapped a towel around me, and took me into a bedroom. She told me that it was her ex-boyfriend's room but it was fine that we could stay there. I was worried, but wasn't about to complain as she wrapped us up in some silky sheets holding my body tightly.

I can't remember everything she whispered in my ear, but just as I was passing out she told me that her name was Charley.

A Budding Relationship

I woke up in the bed with an incredible hangover. Charley was nowhere to be found. It was bright and sunny outside. I must have slept for a while. Pulling myself together I remembered that I was sleeping in a guy's bed, and not just any guy, the ex-boyfriend of a girl I had hooked up with the night before.

Forgetting briefly that I left my clothing in the bathroom, I looked around the room for them but couldn't find anything. Charley had me naked, stuck in her ex-boyfriends room looking through his shit. I was definitely in a perilous situation and knew I had to get out of there fast.

Just then the door opened and I freaked out and grabbed the nearest article of clothing I could find to cover myself up. In doing so, I accidentally knocked over a whole set of clothes that were neatly stacked on this guy's dresser. I was in a state of panic, but breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Charley walk in.

She looked at me quizzically and asked why I fucking around with Jake's clothes. I asked her who Jake was. She laughed and told me I should know considering I was holding his underwear up to my crotch. I looked down, first noticing that what I had grabbed turned out to be a pair of neon blue spandex underwear and I was indeed using them to cover my crotch. Then I realized I was standing in a pile of maybe a dozen pairs of brightly colored underwear that I had accidentally knocked down.

I tried explaining that I couldn't find my clothing and that I had just grabbed whatever I could when I thought I was going to be caught. Charley just nodded her head condescendingly and laughed. She explained that Jake was her old boyfriend but that he had turned out to be gay, or at least bi, and they broke up. They remained on good terms and he let her use his room when he was out of town. She told me there was nothing to worry about, but that I should probably refold his clothing and put it back so he doesn't notice.

I asked her about my clothing and she said she didn't know, she couldn't find them in the bathroom. She laughed, saying that my destroyed shirt last-night was a goner but suggested that the fraternity maid was probably washing the rest of my clothing thinking they belonged to one of the fraternity brothers. I found the whole situation strange, but she told me not to worry about it and that the maid would have them washed and folded by tomorrow. In the meantime she told me I could borrow some of Jake's clothes and that she'd return them before he got back.

I told her there was no way I was going to borrow some gay guy's spandex underwear and she laughed at me. She found it hilarious that guys are so homo-phobic about borrowing other guy's clothes. But, she told me Jake was much bigger than me, so I wouldn't even fit in his clothes anyway. She rummaged through his stuff like it was her own, something I found a bit disturbing, and pulled out a pair of shorts and underwear from the back of his dresser.

"Here, these must be from before Jake started working out," she said, throwing some clothes at me. Although not as gay as his other clothes, they were still pretty girlish: Black bikini-style spandex underwear, pastel blue short shorts, and a strappy yellow tank top. I told her there was no way I was going to put it on and she told me that I could suit myself, my clothes would be ready in twenty hours. Still completely naked, I looked around his dresser for another minute and only found clothes that were much more revealing. I shuddered and put the outfit on.

"At least they make your legs look nice," Charley laughed. I shuddered again. Charley grabbed my package in the shorts as she ran her hand up down my leg.

"And almost no hair, how do you manage that?"

"I'm just not a hairy guy, I guess." I replied.

I found my pair of flip-flops I had gone to the party with, and we both walked out. Downstairs, the frat-house was a complete mess.

"Looks like the maid has her hands full, good thing you put on Jake's clothes." Charley said as I nodded.

On one end of the large living room a group of frat guys were watching TV. We had to walk right in front of them in order to leave the frat house. I was absolutely mortified wearing such a feminine tank-top and blue short-shorts in front of so many men. Even the flip-flops showing off my little feet made me feel naked. I tried walking quickly in front of them but was stopped.

"Dude, is that Jake's shirt?" One of them asked as we were leaving. I looked at Charley, unsure of what to say.

"Of course it is, this is one of Jake's boy-friends", Charley said with an emphasis on `boy- friend.' "He and I slept over last night and he's just borrowing Jake's stuff for the day. They share clothes like that all the time."

The frat-boy looked at me like I was from another planet.

"Whatever," he said, and went back to paying attention to the TV.

As we were leaving I yelled at Charley, "What was that?! Did you just imply to all those frat-guys that I was Jake's gay boyfriend?"

"What the fuck was I supposed to say, that this is some guy I picked up last night, and he went rummaging through Jake's stuff to find some short shorts?"

Embarrassed and not seeing the point in arguing, I dropped it.

We went and got some breakfast. I was still very hungover and not feeling well, so I just got some cereal, but Charley ate a big plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. Despite her greasy breakfast, she was not a fat at all. With her large breasts and thick legs, Charley maintained a strong sexy body.

Breakfast was nice. We finally had time to get to talk to each other. I actually liked Charley a lot; she was funny, smart, and really attractive. She told me about her bad experience with guys from the previous semester. That she had been goaded into sleeping with handful of guys over the course of a week or two and that at the end of it she felt totally used and dejected. She then met Jake, a junior, who was a great guy, but that dealing with his coming out was a whole other experience.

We ended up spending the whole day together. We walked around campus for a couple of hours and then caught a matinee. It was a university theater and was practically empty at this time of day. The movie was some racial thing about a white guy whose wife ends up sleeping with a black guy and the resulting tension in their marriage. It was pretty boring and we started to make out. She put her hand down my short shorts, and I put mine down her tight jeans.

It was the first time I touched her pussy, and it felt great. She obviously didn't wax down there, but she was sopping wet.

"There's no one here, wanna do something crazy?" She asked. I nodded and she pulled her jeans right off of her in the middle of the theater. She wasn't wearing panties.

"Lick." She said in a husky voice. I didn't need to be asked twice. I got on my knees in between her legs and she put her legs up on top of the seat in front of her.

I've had a bit of experience eating girls out and I knew to go straight for her clit. It wasn't hard to miss, hers was huge. I put it in my mouth and stuck two fingers inside of her. She started to breath heavily. Although I couldn't see it, it sounded like there was some sex scene going on in the movie. She wrapped her legs around my head, and writhed as she wrapped her hips around my face.

It only took a couple of minutes before she started to cum. And she came hard. I pushed my fingers in deeper and harder and she actually started squirting. I had seen it in porn, but never in real life. She squirted all over my face and into my mouth, it tasted like salt-water, but sweeter.

When she was done, I turned my head around and saw the black guy and the wife in bed smoking a cigarette. I asked her if she got-off to the sex scene in the movie and she told me not to worry and that it was all due to my "expert little tongue."

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Charley. I felt a bit stupid walking around my college campus in short-shorts, and she kept on smacking my butt and snapping my tank-top straps, but it was a nice day nevertheless. We exchanged phone numbers, said goodnight and I went back to my dorm.

When I got back home I walked passed a mirror and shuddered. I looked really girly in that outfit and you could see my black bikini underwear through the shorts. I rolled my eyes and got a bit of comfort thinking back to Charley's compliment on my legs. They really did look long and sexy in the outfit. I stripped off most of the clothes, but decided to sleep in the bikini underwear. They felt good holding my package tightly against my body and I didn't see the harm in wearing them for a couple more hours.


Over the couple of weeks I kept seeing Charley and we became closer. I got to explore more of her body and she got more of mine. But we did not have sex once, and only rarely she would get me to come.

In fact, the first week I was with her she didn't touch my dick at all. She told me that she didn't like it hairy. I'm not a hairy guy and but I shaved it nevertheless to get some nookie. But she soon complained about the stubble. Now she makes me wax my dick. This is another one of those weird things about Charley that I've been suspicious about. But despite the embarrassment of buying body wax at the drug store (I say it's for my girlfriend and they laugh), now Charley will run her hands up and down it. She says she likes the smooth feel so now I wax to keep her happy.

But even now that she'll touch my dick, I never get to come. It isn't for lack of ability on my part. No, I am always horny and ready for Charley, but she can be so cruel. She commonly comes over to my room, gets me naked and starts massage my back. She'll then slowly work her hands down towards my ass and then graze my balls and dick without really touching it. She uses baby oil and pours it all over my ass and dick. It feels weird to have the oil drip into my ass, but I have to admit, its sleek and slippery feel makes me feel sexy. She likes to really massage my ass and she'll smack it hard. Occasionally she'll bring her finger to the tip of my ass and the naughtiness excites me to no end. After a couple of minutes, I'll flip over and she teases my dick. More oil is dumped onto my stomach and dick, my bed inevitably becomes a mess. As she rubs the oil into my chest, she continues teasing my smooth dick and balls with her little finger.

But even when she fully grabs my dick, she won't let me reach a release. She never jerks me quickly; she does long slow strokes, taking her time and making me enjoy it. She gets me so horny I could probably cum in an instant but she'll leave me there in a state of need and makes me lick her pussy until she comes. I do it every time because at that point I'd do anything for her and in fairness, I'm beginning to love going down on her. Besides her squirting, which I now get with regularity, when she comes she violently squeezes her legs together nearly suffocating me. I emerge from between her legs panting with my face covered in her juices. Often, she will already be sleeping. But occasionally she'll rub my balls and I'll get to jerk off and come on my stomach, which I have to wipe off.

After a particularly maddening session with Charley, I needed to get release. So, while Charley was still sleeping on the bed I went to my computer to look at some porn. I don't even remember what it was. I was about to come when Charley woke up. She looked at me and saw what I was doing. It was a bit embarrassing, although I didn't see anything particularly wrong with it. But Charley went into a fit. She immediately started yelling, accusing me of liking the porn stars more than her. She said I was disgusting and that it was just like cheating. Her rage turned into tears. I tried consoling her, assuring her that it was only porn. She continued to cry, lamenting that I was going to leave her for some other girl. I said everything I could to calm her down, but she stormed out of my room in a huff leaving me completely confused and saddened.


I didn't see Charley for the next few days. I was a mess. I called her, texted her, and even wrote on her facebook wall, but I would consistently be ignored. I didn't see the harm in looking at porn. But in my messages, I apologized and promised to never do it again without her permission.

After a week of this, Charley showed up unannounced at my door. She looked serious and I was a bit scared of what she was going to do. Before she got a word in, I apologized again but she cut me off.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking this week. I understand why you look at porn but I can't help but think how much of a pervert you are for sitting there in the dark, jerking yourself off to other women when you can have me to yourself."

"I'm sorry, I promis--"

"Stop it," she said, cutting me off again. "I know that it will only be a matter of time before you go back to it, so I'm willing to make a concession. You can look at porn if you want, but you have to watch it with me and I get to decide what we watch."

I ran up to her thanking her, hugging her, feeling safe again that she was in my life. I promised her that starting today, I would not watch anything without her and was so happy that she agreed to watch it with me. I felt like it was a compromise we could both live with.

The hugging turned into kissing and she reached into my pants and grabbed my dick, but instantly withdrew.

"Why don't you go and get that taken care of down there," she said.

I hadn't waxed in over a week and I guess it was beginning to show.

"And while your at it," she added, "get rid of your leg and armpit hair, you know how much I like you nice and smooth."

Strange, to be sure, but after not seeing Charley for a week and finally making up over our fight, I ran off to the bathroom to happily fulfill her request.

I came skipping back from the bathroom in just my towel (I shaved my armpits in the shower after I waxed). She was sitting on my bed.

"I have a surprise for you." She said.

"And?" I asked, I was getting giddy from anticipation.

"I thought that if I was going to get over this whole porn thing, I might as well start now. So ...," she paused to build it up more, "I went to the video store and got us something we could watch together."

I beamed a huge smile at her, jumped on the bed, and gave her a hug.

"Charley, you're the best, I can't believe you are being so open. " I said. "Thank you."

"I didn't really know what to get so I just picked up whatever caught my eye," she said as she handed me the DVD. I looked at the title.

"'Black Bro, White Ho: Anaconda Sessions Part Two'? That's a bit unexpected." I had watched interracial porn before, but it wasn't a particular favorite of mine.

Charley looked at me like I just destroyed her soul, everything that she had gone through was for nothing. She was about to tear up.

"No, no, no. I love it, it's perfect. I was just surprised that you would pick out that one, that's all."

"I got it because it looked like they had really hard sex and I know how much you've wanted to do that with me." Charley said.

"Exactly babe, don't worry. It's just what I wanted. I was just surprised that you would be able to guess my taste." A white lie.

Charley beamed at me and ripped off the towel that was covering my now hairless body. She was still fully clothed, with her skin tight jeans and a tight tank-top covering her soft cushiony breasts. She popped the DVD in and I sat between her legs so that my head was resting on her breasts.

Like usual, Charley got some body oil and started massaging my chest and reaching down to my dick. The movie started.

It was like any other porn video I've seen. It started off with some loose plot, then everyone gets naked. Despite the miserable acting and budget production quality, I was able to discern that some sexy white women was stuck in a jungle and had to be saved from the anacondas by an African a native who really looked like a street thug (a du-rag in the jungle, come on). Within a few minutes, after a particularly cheesy action scene, the white girl's clothing was torn up and the black guy was getting undressed.

Wow.... the guy's dick was huge. It must have been almost a foot, far bigger than mine. I started feeling a bit embarrassed sitting with Charley watching it. I looked up at her and she looked back at me and smiled.

"I'd bet you like one of those, huh?" She said, which made me turn red. "Touch yourself for me baby." She guided my hand to my dick caressing it softly.

In the movie, the girl quickly got to her knees and began sucking on this guys monster dick... ahem, anaconda, taking it all in. I started jerking off my small penis. It looked so pathetic compared to his, maybe only four or five inches at most. Charley was fingering herself while I lied on top of her. I kept on rubbing my cock as I felt her moistness on my back.

The black guy in the movie was easily two or three times the size of the white girl. His deep black muscled body was in stark contrast to her soft white skin. He was like a beast taking control of small peaceful creature. He began fucking the poor white girl's face, his massive black tool pushing in and out of her little lips. Her chest and body became sleek from her spit and his pre-cum as it lewdly dripped from her mouth all over her body. It reminded me of the baby all over my own chest and pre-cum over my small cock.

As the black guy built up his load, Charley built up her own. Charley was panting heavily now and could feel her wetness starting to lubricate my own back. The black guy started to cum, his thick man-juice filling up the soft white women's throat.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Charley screamed. I could feel her squirting on my back and behind my head. That pushed me over the edge and I started to come all over my stomach just as I saw the black guy's cum ooze out of the white women's mouth. I covered my stomach with cum and it mixed with the sleek oil as it slid all around my chest. The last thing I remember was watching the little white girl open her mouth, proudly showing it full of the black-man's seamen. She then closed her mouth swallowing the contents. As she did this, Charley scooped up some cum from my stomach, took a lick, smiled at me and sloppily stuffed the rest into my mouth getting it all over my face.

Swallowing without complaint, I fell asleep a sticky wet mess in Charley's lap.

If you want it to be continued, let me know:

Next: Chapter 2

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