
By Rampage

Published on Mar 16, 2016


Here is an account of what happened after Part 1. Next time you come across a really good sexy yarn why don't you send a donation to Nifty as an appreciation of their considerable efforts at providing us with entertainment.

THE NEXT DAY saw the shoot taking place on schedule with no technical hitches worth worrying about, no displays of artistic temperament' from the cast and every cooperation I could have wished from the resort staff and guests. The schedule was completed on time and finished in style. A lavish dinner party was followed by a firework display and dancing well into the early hours of the morning. I was far too busy to concentrate solely on Gino and his antics, but according to Andy he stayed sober (or almost) and behaved himself impeccably. Except, that is, for one moment when he was seen to put a hand up the skirt of one of the female models. She did not appear to object to his attentions or to what she, in turn, discovered was lurking in his pants and they disappeared upstairs for almost an hour. He was slightly breathless and his face was delicately flushed when he re-appeared. He was also grinning stupidly like a small kid who'd gotten away with something very naughty. "Oh, boy," I thought, "please don't let there be any trouble here!" What I had not been told was that the female' model was, in fact, a guy in drag!

Over the next two days I worked the guys hard: photographing them singly, in twos, threes and foursomes. The Cote d'Azur offers the photographer a brilliant array of scenic backgrounds from windswept cliff tops and sandy beaches, holiday resorts with blocks of modern apartments and majestic hotels, to picturesque fishing villages. Everything went like a dream, particularly the shots with Gino. He really had a sixth sense of how to turn on in front of a camera. Hours of watching him in his swimwear, a jockstrap or simply naked, had me more or less permanently rock hard. My shaft ached from its need for relief; my balls tightened in desperation and my cockhead leaked so much pre-cum my underwear was wet through by the end of the day.

Seeing Gino getting it on with the other guys – even if posed for the camera – was bollock breaking. He was undoubtedly a genuine natural' in front of the lens. I knew he would be coming across as a lad with great appeal for the porn fans who would doubtless lie back with their knobs in their hands, turned on by a nineteen year old straight boy. I watched him sucking cock and noted his reaction when some muscled hunk went down on him while someone else fingered his asshole; nagging doubts crept persistently into my head and I could not cease wondering just how straight' Gino del Luongo really was. His pose of boyish innocence had already been tarnished and was rapidly fading.

As the session progressed, I began to discover many things about Gino that were slowly driving me wild with lust. He seemed to be getting gradually closer to me, sitting and watching me at work when he was not needed for a scene. He would join me in the diner truck when we stopped for something to eat around midday. He chatted to me at the bar after the day's wrap, his conversation laced with innuendo, sly glances at my crotch, his hand casually resting on my thigh when he leant forward to make a conversational point. Everything he said and did was designed to turn me on. Sometimes I caught him with a hard-on in his underpants or posing pouch: it just had to be a full thick eight inches, maybe a bit more. There were even occasions when I was standing beside him at the urinal and he would play with himself after he had finished pissing. I simply could not turn away, although I realised that he was doing it deliberately for my benefit.

He was definitely inquisitive and curious about my being gay. How did I know a guy might be interested in having sex? Was there some kind of secret handshake or body language that gays used to let each other know they were available? He never seemed to exhaust his questions yet somehow he managed to insinuate that he was kidding me, telling me that he knew far more about gay lifestyles and sex between men than he pretended to know. He also managed to let me know that he knew he was the hottest thing on the Cote d'Azur. Although he posed as being straight he knew I wanted him. I suspect he felt flattered by the attention he was getting but there was no mistaking the faint sneer on his face whenever I stepped a little out of line. He was telling me to back off: "I'm out of reach, you fucking queer. As far as you're concerned I'm untouchable. Lay one finger on me and you'll be rotting in gaol for ever." He was also certainly exhibiting all the signs of arrogant youth I had been warned about.

"Hi, Leland, where're you gonna celebrate?" Gino's husky voice dragged me back to reality. "Now that the assignment's finished, where you gonna have your party?"

I was standing on the balcony of my hotel suite. I had been lost in my own dream-world, watching the sun setting in a blaze of glory behind the hills over towards Marseille. The air was still warm, filled with the cloying scent of mimosa. I turned indolently and saw Gino in the doorway, stunning in his tight white jeans and clinging T-shirt, its cut intensifying the imposing lines of his near-perfect torso. He was more sensuous than ever. He stood there perfectly relaxed and casual with a glass of something cool in one hand, exuding sex, elegance and refinement, smiling his youthful, arrogant smile, gazing at me with his soft brown eyes. My dick stiffened instantly.

"There's a gay club nearby. I thought I'd pay it a visit as this is my last night and take any of the guys who'd be interested along." I paused. "What about you? Guess you'll be off to a bar or a nightclub with the rest of the gang?" Gino did not speak or move for a few moments and then stepped closer to me.

"Actually, Leland, I quite like being with you." He took a sip of his drink. "You're good to be around. Those other guys are just airheads with big dicks and bigger egos. They bore the shit out of me."

He grinned and edged even closer to me, so close I caught a trace of the expensively refined cologne he was wearing. I felt he wanted to say something more but was unsure how I would react to whatever he had to say. I was not left in suspense for too long. He spoke quickly, his voice lowered almost to a whisper.

"I've never been to a gay club, Leland. I think it could be fun. If I promise to be a good boy and not make a fuss if someone gropes my arse, will you take me along and show me a good time?"

For a minuscule flicker of time I did not grasp what he had just said. However, my burning crotch soon told me that I had heard correctly. I was intrigued. What had prompted this voluptuous hunk of supposedly straight young manhood to ask me, a jaded nearly middle aged almost burnt out shell, to take him to a gay bar? I asked myself whether Gino really knew what he would be letting himself in for, dressed the way he was. I could not curb a rather cynical smile at the prospect.

"Just understand, Gino, if you tag along with me you'll have so many eyes on you the instant you walk in the place you'll probably feel as naked as a new-born infant and want to rush out of there as if all the devils in hell were after you. Just try and stay cool, don't go wandering off on your own, at least not until you've sussed the joint. You'll find hands groping every inch of your body but try not to push them away too – er – brutally. If anyone starts getting heavy or things go too far I'll come and rescue you. We can make our way back here. Think you can handle it?"

"'course I can, Leland. You ready then?"

He put his half-finished drink down on a small table close by and took me by the hand, tugging me towards the door. I followed helplessly, a prize fish hooked by a master angler.

Being seen in a full-on gay bar was, supposedly, a new adventure for young Gino del Luongo; however, he certainly would not have given that impression to anyone else who saw him there. He was quite clearly delighting in the sexual aura of that over-crowded all-male milieu, a reaction I could only ascribe to his becoming familiar with being on display in public. He perceived he was attracting a lot of attention and was cognisant of eyes everywhere trying to strip him naked. He did not exhibit the slightest sign of discomfiture or embarrassment by the sight of guys snogging other guys or when he felt strangers' hands wandering between his legs and exploring his crotch. True to his promise to me, he rejected any advances with a gentle laugh and a merry quip that caused no offence. The boy was obviously a born diplomat and doubtless could have gone far in that profession if he had not been so intent on grabbing fame and Fortune by the balls, displaying his body and being photographed in the nude for consumption by an ever increasingly eager public.

After Gino and I had a couple of drinks, he really began to get into his stride and positively shone as he absorbed every nuance of the lascivious ambience of the club. He began to move, following the seductive rhythm of the music's beat. I almost choked on my daiquiri as I watched him transmute a simply rhythmic convolution of his hips and buttocks into a rudimentary indecent sexual act. I could do nothing but step back and leave him gyrating alone, raw sex in motion.

The place was becoming as hot as a blast furnace and sweat was drenching Gino's T-shirt, making it adhere to every voluptuous contour of his chest, pressing against his hard nipples, clasping his pecs and biceps. It was only a matter of time before Gino stripped off the soggy T-shirt and threw it over to me with a giggle. Every cock in the place hardened instantly when he removed the sweaty garment.

"Look after that for me, babe," he called out as he spun away to the centre of the dance floor.

Everyone else stopped dancing and made a kind of arena encircling the swaying, twisting half-naked youth. All eyes were on him, trying to absorb as much as they could of that dazzling, faultless torso.

"God Almighty, boss, I don't think I can take much more of this!" Andy's voice growled in my ear.

I turned my head to speak to him but became conscious of a deep collective sigh from the crowd. Looking back to where Gino had been spinning his seductive web, I could not see him. I glanced round quickly but could find no trace of him. I felt an irrational, intuitive ice cold panic well up in my gut. Where the fuck had he gone? I began pushing my way roughly through the crowd, growing ever more desperate. I shouted at people, "Have you seen Gino del Luongo leaving?" "Was he alone or with someone?" "Did you see which way he'd gone?" This went on for almost ten minutes and I was in danger of seriously losing it when...

"Oh, sorry baht that, Leland, but I ad to tyke a leak." Did my ears deceive me or was his voice slipping into a London accent?

When I heard his voice and felt his hand resting lightly on my shoulder I could not stop shaking with relief. He'd simply been to the toilet! He was still here!

"I'm gonna give it one more twirl then maybe ead on back to the otel. OK?" As he returned to the dance floor, I felt something lying across my shoulders. I reached up to remove whatever it was and found the jeans Gino had been wearing.

I looked up quickly to where he was whirling and twisting on the dance floor. He had stripped down to his white briefs and footwear. He must have removed the jeans during his visit to the gents and he might just as well have removed his briefs as well. His cock and balls were responding to every sensuous movement of his body, leaving little to the imagination.

I could not help grinning as I remembered thinking a few days previously it was like watching ferrets in a sack. Gino caught my simper and probably thought I was laughing at him, as he stopped dancing and stormed over to me with an expression of barely concealed anger on his face. He snarled at me, "Wot you grinnin' at, you dirty minded perv?" His façade had slipped and south-east London had mingled with dockside Naples. I took him by the arm and dragged him to one side.

"I was not grinning at you, Gino. I remembered something a screaming queen said years ago when I was learning my way round the scene, just like you are. He'd been watching some cute guy dancing away and screeched in a loud voice, "Oh, my dears, look at that faggot! e must ave ferrets in them pants the way that crotch is movin'!" Everyone within earshot simply collapsed with laughter." (Well, what damage does a harmless little white lie do to calm things down?) "To put it crudely, Gino, the way your dick and balls were moving in the pouch of your briefs reminded me of it, that's all."

Gino gave me a look that could have turned Medusa to stone then returned to the dance floor. He did not speak and I was half-afraid my unguarded blunder might have soured things between us. If so, I could only be thankful the photo shoot was safely in the can and on its way to the studio in London. He soon picked up the beat again and continued his sensual dancing. His entire body glistened with the lustre of a thin glaze of perspiration which had materialised across the perfect torso, lightly ridged stomach and strong thighs and legs; it dripped from every rippling muscle, making him more desirable than ever.

By this time, I had become used to Gino's look and the manner in which he wore the minimal amount of clothing to cover himself for decency's sake. I could not stop myself watching him sway and twist to the rhythm of the music, sweat soaking the briefs adhering to every contour and crevice of his pubic region, unashamedly flaunting his healthily burgeoning cock. I shuffled around beside him for a while, unsuccessfully trying to convince the guys watching him that he was with me, trying to make them believe that he was `my boy'.

As the dancing and music became wilder, so Gino and I drew closer to each other, whirling like a couple of dervishes. His erotic, explicitly lewd display was arousing me more than I had expected, inflaming me to such an extent I was in danger of losing control. I simply could not believe any longer in his total naiveté concerning gay sex. If we were in danger of making bodily contact, he would give my packet a hard squeeze or a quick grope'n'squeeze of my balls. He never missed a beat and kept perfect time to the music's craziest wildness. At some point, I noticed Andy and Louis trying to catch my eye. Andy was holding his arm in the air, pointing to his Rolex and mouthing something that I could not catch. I guessed it must be getting late and put my mouth close to Gino's ear.

"I'm going to be off soon, Gino," I yelled above the thump of the music, "I've got an early flight back to London tomorrow."

"That's cool, Leland." He ran a finger down the rear seam of the flimsy cotton trousers I was wearing. "Mind if I come back to your room for one last beer?" All trace of south-east London had disappeared.

I signalled to Andy and Louis that Gino and I were leaving. Andy nodded to indicate he'd understood my frantic semaphoring above the heaving bodies on the dance floor. He'd caught sight of Gino's trick with his finger and grinned knowingly at me. The penny was finally beginning to drop.

Gino and I made good time back to the hotel although I quickly began to feel the results of the cool night air meeting up with my hot, sweaty body and the after effects of a considerable number of daiquiris. Gino was slightly ahead of me, seemingly unaffected by the chill in the air or the amount of alcohol he had consumed. As I watched him gliding along the boulevard, I could see he was trying to provoke me by deliberately clenching and relaxing his buttocks and swinging his hips provocatively from side to side as he walked. I knew I was losing it as lurid thoughts and lustful desires for his body surged through me. Heaven help me, I imagined I could hear a rough, uncultured Cockney voice grating in my ears, the voice I had been born with, straight from the slums of Stepney and the East End of London, which I believed had long since been educated out of Tommy Grimes. The voice growled, "You fuckin' li'l cock tease. Ya're gonna learn such a lesson when we gets back to the otel, sonny boy! Yer've bin askin' fer it all night an' by fuck ya're gonna get it good an' proper! I'm gonna let Andy an' Louis ave a bit if they're still up an' arahn' an' all fired up fer a joosy young arse."

As we approached the entrance to the hotel, I managed to bring myself under some kind of shaky control. Gino had gone on ahead and had already collected the keys to my suite from the concierge. He tossed them over to me and made for the lift, calling out impatiently, "Oh, for fuck's sake, do get a move on, Leland. I'm dying for a piss."

It did not take us long to reach the suite but we did not speak a word to each other during the short ascent. As I unlocked the door, Gino dived through into the lounge area, calling out, "Where's the bathroom?"

"I'll show you, if you let me watch."

I was stunned. Had I really said that? If I had, it hadn't seemed to bother Gino. He simply turned to me and smiled his special smile. His soft brown eyes twinkled at me and my trousered cock rose another few centimetres.

"Hey," he said, "I was hoping you'd hold it for me. Come on, slow coach."

Moments later we were both in position, straddling the toilet bowl. Gino stood in front of me, legs wide apart and white jeans crumpled around his knees. He dragged his light brown dick through the fly hole of his clinging, sweat saturated briefs. I pressed myself against his back, reaching round to hold his heavy man piece for the first time, folding my fingers around the salacious member. He was bigger when flaccid than most other cocks are when fully aroused and finally having Gino's cock in my hand was almost too much to bear. "Oh yeah, man!" he murmured contentedly as the golden stream surged from his cock slit, his shaft thickening slightly as it did so. He continued to whisper quietly as I squeezed his tumescent rod very gently. He leant back further into me and breathed, "Oh, yeah ... that is s-o-o-o good. C'mon Leland, let's get this on!"

I could not help wondering if Gino had been saving it up all night, waiting for such a moment. The flow seemed to go on forever and I used it to hose down the pale blue toilet bowl. I was not troubled by manipulating another man's cock in this way. It would give me time to hold Gino against me, to run my freehand sensuously over his muscled chest and nuzzle my face into the back of his neck. I could smell and taste the intoxicating mixture of expensive cologne and dried sweat, which gave his skin a bittersweet flavour.

I abruptly found myself at the point of no return. Grabbing him roughly by one arm, I hauled him out of the bathroom and pushed him into the bedroom. He stumbled and fell across the huge canopied bed. He looked up at me, taken aback by my brusque display of roughness. Was I imagining things or did I detect a fleeting look of fear, or just simple lust? Whatever the look had been intended to convey it had made up my mind for me – I would soon find out. The time for games was over.

Without warning, Gino struggled to his feet and seized me round the waist, pulling me tight against his body. He mashed his lips roughly against mine, giving me a harsh, searing kiss. His tongue forced its way inside my mouth, fighting me, hunting for my throat. I felt his hand grip me between my legs, stroking, crushing. I clutched at the sodden crotch of his sweaty underpants, yanking hard on his shrouded balls. He let out a yell muffled by my body, backing away from me slightly.

This gave me an opening to press on with my assault. I fell to my knees in front of the gloriously obscene shaft protruding from his reeking underpants, thick and heavy, rigid, veins clearly dilated, a throbbing, lustful young cock about to force its way into my willing mouth. He was almost too big to fit directly. However, after some licking and sucking his lecherously rampant manhood began to glide all the way in until it touched the back of my throat. My nose was forced against the rancid cloth of his sweaty briefs. I was conscious of a glorious odour of rude and horny youth, of smells of acrid piss and pungent sperm. I worked harder to take the whole shaft deeper into my throat, intent on dragging him towards an uncontrollably raging climax. Almost without realising what I was doing, I had taken my own rigidly inflexible cock in one hand and was giving it slow, deliberate strokes. I had not been that hard for years.

Suddenly he pulled his cock out of my greedy mouth. I stood up, concerned that I had inadvertently caused him pain or discomfort. I was soon reassured, however, when Gino's hand slid behind my head, pulling it down so that my mouth was in line with his left nipple. I nibbled on it for a moment or two before beginning a slow descent of his torso towards his pubic region, licking and tonguing all the way. I licked through the hair at the base of his cock and slowly licked the underside of its rigid length until my eager tongue reached its very tip. Taking his foreskin between my lips, I sent my tongue fluttering delicately over the sensitive folds of skin surrounding his cock head. I continued, gently blowing and sucking on his scrotum, taking a testicle in turn into my mouth and tenderly rolling it around. Finally, I took the whole bag and its contents and sucked harder.

By now, Gino was squirming around on the bed, moaning and whimpering softly with pleasure, his eyes closed and his head slowly oscillating from side to side. His breathing was faster, shallower. When words finally broke through, they came in gasping bursts, coloured with a strong south-east London twang.

"Oh, yeah ... fuckin' ell ... yeah, suck me arder, you dirty fucker ... suck them bollocks ... suck me big fuckin' cock ... take the `ole of me dahn that greedy froat of your'n ... deeper, you perv ... ooh, yeah, you got it, babe ... swaller me, you fuckin' queer!"

His dirty talk was having the effect of encouraging me to work harder on him, sucking the fabric covering his balls, nibbling the tip of his cock, using all my experience and the proficiency that comes with maturity to urge his jerking meat towards climax. I sensed from his increasingly frenetic responses that this could not be long delayed.

"Aargh, you dirty boy ... yess ... oh, shit, yess ... no ... NO ... too soon ... TOO FUCKIN' SOON!"

He pulled his cock from my throat and I knew he could only be seconds away from coming. His handsome young face was contorted as he concentrated on preventing an ejaculation. To give him a few moments to bring his body under control, I stood up and removed my shirt and trousers; we were both wearing only our underwear. As I leant forward once more to suck on his needlepoint nipples, he scrambled on to his knees, pulling my damp silk briefs to mid-thigh and swallowing my stiff member in one eager motion, sucking me hard, licking my tight balls with his impatient tongue. To my amazement, he revealed himself as one helluva cocksucker. I no longer doubted that the hetero pose was just that – this boy was no amateur and worked a dick like a pro. He tickled the underside with his tongue, squeezed the shaft with the inside of his mouth, teased my cock head with his teeth, and made my body tingle and quiver all over. No straight guy could ever have given head like that. He soon had me groaning, pushing him away, trying hard to avoid reaching my own climax.

"Not yet, boy. I wanna fuck ya till I cum deep inside ya. Get on yer back an' put yer legs in the air, you filthy little cock suckin' scumbag!" It was now my turn to talk east London dirty.

I looked down at him kneeling in front of me, satiating himself on the full length of my seven inches of thick, cut cock meat. He appeared to be made for this and I began to perceive that this was what he had always wanted. I gave him a push and growled, "Right, ya cock teasin' bastard, git on yer back and spread them legs – wide." He obeyed instantly and lay back, one finger playing with his arse crack, his face glowing with his concupiscent smile.

Without any further pretence, I moved between Gino's legs, pushing them further apart and sliding my hands under his thighs. I let him sit up to make it easier for me to grip him and as I did so, he started giving his cock much stronger hand strokes. I put my left hand beneath his balls, tickling them and moving my long middle finger along his perineum and towards the outer edges of his hole. When I felt the humid warmth, I gently stroked the wrinkled skin. He moaned softly.

"C'mon, Leland, fuck me. FUCK ME, you bastard. You've gotten me so fuckin' ard an' ot I've just gotta ave it, me arse is cryin' aht fer it, achin' fer it. Ya just gotta fuck me!" I did not respond but simply continued to tease his balls. "This is me first time an' I may be green at this, but I've jus' gotta ave yer cock up me arse. FUCK ME!"

My voice was quiet and cold when I spoke. "Oh, don't you worry yer little ead about that. I'm gonna fuck you alright. It's gonna be one elluvan `ard fuckin', you little turd ... I'm gonna fuck the shit right outta yer, so shut the fuck up and lie back and luv it!"

I pushed him back down on to the bed and grasped his legs just behind his knees, forcing him to raise them higher, bending them back towards his shoulders, an action that fully exposed his arsehole. It looked so delightfully inviting that I felt compelled to bend forward and flick over it with the very tip of my tongue. Gino gave a slight shudder and breathed a quiet "Aaaagh!" as he pulled harder on his leaking, bouncing cock. Determined to give his arse a good rimming I pushed my tongue deeper into his hole, swirling and sucking as I went. He was writhing in an ecstasy of lust, wanting me to go deeper and give him more, but I suddenly pulled right out of him and leaned over his open, panting mouth. I covered his dry lips with my own, driving my tongue towards his throat. Did he realise he was tasting his own arse? I decided to inform him of that fact and watch his reaction. Withdrawing from his mouth, I looked directly into his eyes.

"There y'are, boy. Ever tasted the inside of yer own arse before? No? D'yer want some more?"

"Yeah, gimme all ya got, poof!"

He sat up, grasped the waistband of my briefs and tugged them down as far as he could, my raging boner springing free from all restraint. Gino instantly took me back into his mouth, sucking and licking like a devil incarnate. I felt his left hand reach behind me and clutch one of my buttocks. I put a hand on the back of Gino's head, pushing him closer and deeper and began a slow fucking motion, sliding over his tongue and down the back of his throat. There was a minor retching reflex from Gino but he quickly subdued it.

After some moments of this treatment, I pulled out to allow him to breathe and we both reached out to grasp the other's cock, masturbating each other fast and furious. I leant forward once more, taking the full length of Gino's beautiful cock into my mouth, giving that lecherous male organ, evocative of bawdy young manhood, a seriously vigorous blowjob. Before long we found ourselves sliding into the sixty-nine position, Gino sucking me full length while I sucked on his cock head, my tongue probing his slit with my right hand clasped tightly round the root of his cock, increasing his sensitivity and reaction to my efforts.

I continued feasting between the boy's spread legs for some while, sucking his cock, licking his balls and gently probing his arsehole with my tongue. We came apart and I knelt on the bed, Gino sitting up and taking my cock all the way down his throat. I could no longer restrain the vigour and force of my thrusts and this time I meant it! I detected the warning signs of an approaching climax quite soon and decided the time was not quite right so I pulled out and went down again on Gino.

He must have been close to firing his own wad and groaned, "Oh, yeah, suck it! Suck it `arder!"

With his arms behind him and resting on his hands, Gino raised his butt off the bed, his hips performing some powerful fucking motions. He swivelled himself round on all fours, raising his arse in the air, offering me his throbbing, aching arsehole.

"C'mon, Leland," he panted, "fuck me, please..."

I reached for the foil packet of lube on the bedside table, ripped it open and slicked up my burning, dripping knob with its contents, using the residue on my fingers to grease Gino up as well. I was not going to waste time faffing about with a condom now! Besides, my hands were trembling so much I'd probably have ripped the thing before I could get it on!

Pushing my greasy, tingling cock head against his delicate pink rosebud, I simply lunged into the boy, who gave a sharp cry of pain and lurched against my lewd intrusion. Fuck, he was tight, very tight, so tight I crossed my fevered mind that he might be a virgin! I gritted my teeth, spread his legs wider apart and watched his face tense up as I pressed into him, past his taut sphincter. It submitted after a few seconds of futile resistance to the rampant invader and I thrust triumphantly inside him.

He screamed, not caring a damn whether anyone heard him in the corridor outside. He could have screamed the building down, but I had already buried my cock all the way to my balls, his hole clamped tight on the base of my dick.

"Oh, yess! That feels so fuckin' incredible ... fuck, yer ot, so fuckin' ot ... nah, fuck me, Leland ... fuck me good, Leland ... fuck me arse nah! ... fuck me `ard and spare me nuffin' ..."

And I fucked him... H-A-R-D! I fucked his tight butt until we were both drenched in sweat and tears, until both of us were crying out with animal pleasure. What an arse! What a fucking tight hole! I fucked him with long, firm strokes until I could take no more. I buried my cock so deep inside him I thought my balls would disappear as well. As I got closer to my climax my groans became louder and more frequent. Hanging on to Gino's shoulders to give myself more leverage and power, I knew I was entering the final stages.

"I'm not far away, boy. Get ready to take a load of red hot spunk!"

"Oh, yeah, Leland ... fuck me arse an' fill me up!"

"OK then, `ere it comes!"

I felt a heart stopping explosion in my balls and gave three or four deep hard thrusts. I swear Gino must have felt my jism striking against the lining of his rectum. My load had buried itself deep inside him. Almost simultaneously, Gino let out a deep primeval scream of ecstatic release, jerking against me, shouting, "Jeez! I'm cummin'!"

Exploding with an orgasm of his own, what seemed to be gallons of creamy white sperm erupted from the crown of his cock in great spurts, shooting all over his stomach and chest, all over his near-perfect body. As he collapsed back on to the bed, I heard him murmur, "Oh, fuck! That was fuckin' brill ... you was fuckin' brill, Leland."

There is not much left to tell. Gino del Luongo became the toast of the gay world when the DVD was released. My fame and fortune were made by that film. When I had my first viewing of it, I nearly had a heart attack. My trust gopher Andy and his lover Louis had secretly filmed everything that had gone on in that hotel suite and had added it as a `behind the scenes' extra on the disc. They had been very careful in the editing of it and my face never once appears on screen. However, one must always pay a heavy price in this world for whatever pleasure or success comes your way and mine was to lose Gino to a huge American gay porn empire out in California. I would not have stood in his way, but I have never found anyone else with quite that degree of sexual charisma that Gino del Luongo had been blessed with.

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