Chang's Sorry Adventure

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jun 28, 2009



Chang's Sorry Adventure by justjames17.

Chang was from Taipei and was studying at the university in Melbourne, he was not a teenager but a man of 26 and he felt very alone in this strange environment and yearned for companionship. His fellow students were mostly younger in their late teens and he found them to be immature to say the least. Chang's other problem was that he fancied other men and was troubled that his desires might be revealed if he made a move on any of the other foreign students.

He decided one night to visit the hotel near the student flats he was living in, he had a shower and put on his best outfit, a pair of pale yellow skimpy briefs under a nice tight pair of white jeans and tight pale blue polo shirt with the buttons undone exposing his smooth upper chest, a pair of Puma sneakers completed the outfit. Chang studied himself in the mirror and was satisfied with his appearance, he picked up his wallet and keys and left the flat locking the door behind him.

He walked to the hotel a pleasant couple of kilometers on a warm balmy evening, he passed quite a few of the local residents out taking the air and he arrived at the hotel pushed open the frosted glass doors and entered the bar. He looked about him seeing a mix of males and females some young some older, he moved through the crowd to front the bar to obtain a drink. He waited patiently as the bar staff worked their way towards him serving drinks as fast as possible. He was leaning forward hands on the bar his rear end pointing at those behind him the tight white material stretched across his muscular arse. Suddenly he felt a hand brush swiftly across his buttocks and he turned to look over his shoulder but couldn't see who had touched him, he turned back as the barman asked what he'd like.

He ordered a Vodka and OJ and jerked as a hand felt him up, this time more intrusively, he turned around but the hand dropped away, he searched the faces of those nearby and saw one man with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eyes. Chang felt a surge of adrenalin as his eyes locked onto the guy's, he was very fair of skin, jet black hair and gray eyes that drew you to him, Chang was intrigued and excited by the brief contact. The barman disturbed the moment by asking for payment and Chang turned back to the bar and paid the money. Immediately his buttocks were felt up and squeezed, Chang gasped a hissing breath and couldn't help pushing his firm arse back onto those wandering hands. The fingers traced the outline of his underpants down into his crack then insinuated themselves between his thighs feeling up his ball filled pouch.

Chang was feeling incredibly aroused by this brief encounter and his penis was beginning to strain in his tight clothes, his growing erection was painfully bent down over his scrotum as it swelled awkwardly. The wandering hands continued, one squeezing his full balls the other sliding around his hip onto his bulging crotch. The guy moved closer and pressed against Chang's back easily done in the milling crowd, Chang felt his hot hard cock pushed against his right buttock as it began rubbing seductively up and down as the perpetrator undulated his body against Chang's.

The guy whispered in Chang's ear, "I want to have sex with you."

Chang arched his head back as the bloke's moist tongue licked up the side of his throat towards his ear, he moaned softly and the hands massaged his extremely hard cock after easing it gently from its cramped position leaving it stretched across towards Chang's right hip. Chang trembled with excitement and leant back surrendering his taut trim body to the desires of the stranger, he nodded his head and the guy whispered, "Ok come with me now."

Chang in a daze followed the man through the noisy crush of people and out the door into the fresh air, he was led down the street and they turned into a dark laneway. Chang's sexual urges blinded him to any thought of danger; he was incredibly aroused, his sex starved body and mind going with the flow as he was led further and further down the dark laneway and around a corner into almost total darkness. The two men stopped and Chang's lips felt his companions as they kissed, Chang's knees turned to jelly and he staggered only the arms about him stopped him collapsing to the ground.

His brain a whirling maelstrom of jumbled thoughts and desires as the two kissed and fondled in the darkness, he felt fingers at his waist undoing his tight jeans, the steely sound of his zipper sounded loud in the darkness as the night air met his hot lower belly and strained cock filled briefs. His jeans were soon pulled down and removed after his sneakers were removed leaving him standing bare footed on the smooth sun warmed bluestone cobbles of the laneway. Next his shirt was tugged off over his head and Chang stood trembling in his tight little briefs as the shadowy figure undressed in front of him.

The figure stood naked then squatted down to pull those sexy briefs down Chung's smooth muscular thighs leaving his prick throbbing and flexing, a wet warm mouth slipped over his excited knob and a moist tongue licked his smooth silky knob sending bolts zapping through Chang's whole being. He gasped and shook from head to toe as his dong was totally swallowed into a satiny fleshy clutching gullet, Chang yelped softly and thrust his hips forward grinding his trimmed pubes on the guy's snuffling nose. Two strong hands clutched his tensed dimpled arse cheeks pulling him in as the tongue stroked and licked all about his steely shaft. Chang moaned, his body tensed like a steel spring as he arched back grinding his crotch against the incredible orifice and the bloke's nose.

In no time his sex starved balls tightened and his cock strained then he bucked and shook, gurgled and gasped as his sperm exploded down the bloke's palpitating sucking gullet. His earth shattering climax left him drained and gasping as his companion pulled off his still pulsating ptick moving quickly behind Chang he spat a mouthful of sperm onto his palm and slopped it onto his rock hard horn. Hands clutched his hips and he felt the slippery schlong pushing between his firm muscular buttocks, he groaned, "Ooooh no! No not that."

The cum battered bone continued its relentless attack and Chang cried out as the swollen crown buffeted his tiny back entrance, Chang tried to tighten up but a hand dropped down clenching about his depleted balls crushing them painfully, "Open up, relax or it will be very painful."

Chang groaned his discomfort but tried to open up to the continued onslaught and that bulbous knob breeched him burningly, Chang wailed his pain to the uncaring night sky setting off a dog that barked in the distance up the laneway. Chang panted hard as his cherry was busted, the slow moving monster crewpt up his rectum stretching him inside, the flanged knob rubbed across his gland sending a violent tingling through his crotch. A spurt of pre cum jetted out and glistened on the cobbles below reflecting the stars above, Chang groaned ans felt the need to experience that wonderful sensation again. The telegraph pole stopped moving it was fully inserted in his shaking compliant body, then slowly it dragged back again catching and exciting his gland driving another spurt of juice out of his semi hard cock spattered on the stones.

Chang now moaning with both pain and pleasure was accepting his boning even tending to push back as he clenched and relaxed on the thrusting member. His actions transmitted through the rounding prick surged through the man causing his body to react, his swinging slapping balls tensed and tightened as his action became erratic. He clung to Chang as they both bet over from the waist, his hot moist breath huffed and puffed on Chang's neck, perspiration oozed from heir hot aroused bodies as the climax approached.

Chang felt himself stretched even more then the sensation of gushing hot sperm coating his colon. Chang clenched his arse tight around that pulsing prick until the cum ceased flowing. The man callously pulled out, his fat cock popping loudly from Chang's abused swollen ring causing Chang to yelp in pain, he slapped Chang's muscular buttocks then he began dressing quickly. He finished tidying his appearance and then scooped up Chang's clothes and laughing ran off down the laneway leaving a stunned Chang looking after him until he disappeared from sight. Chang pulled up his briefs, the only clothes he had left and slipped on his sneakers, he leant against the rough bricks of a building that backed onto the lane and began trembling with shock and fright.

How was he to get back to his flat in this condition, he felt ashamed and angry, but knew he'd have to wait till things quietened down in the early hours of the morning. He stayed in the dark as the temperature dropped and the pub closed, noisy revelers yelling and tooting car horns as they left. Chang felt his briefs getting wet as sperm escaped from his anus, it made him feel so dirty and tears ran down his face. Finally clouds built up covering the stars and the wind came up and began to blow, Chang shivered in the darkness, then it began to drizzle he slowly staggered out of the lane and along the street towards his flat. A few cars passed and they ignored the bedraggled form apart from a couple that tooted and laughed.

Chang crept into the flats then realized he had no keys so he curled up in the passageway outside his door. Next morning people from the other flats found him one student took him inside his flat and lent him some clothes, a tight fit but better than nothing. He called the police for Chang and rang the estate agent so they could come around with the spare keys. Chang learnt a hard lesson that night and he decided that sex wasn't worth it and stayed celibate for the rest of his stay.

The end.

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