Changing Toms Underwear

Published on Aug 4, 2000


Well at last I'm managed to finish off part four and I promise that part five is hot on its heels. I'd like to thank everyone who has written to me about this story. It's the encouragement that keeps me going. Should you feel the need to write with any constructive criticism or just to drop me a line I will gratefully receive it. You can e-mail me at:

Changing Tom's underwear part four

As soon as I got off the train at Waverly station I felt the icy cold that told me I was In Scotland in December. I looked up and down the platform trying to get my bearings still disorientated after my five hour journey up from Kings Cross. Among the sea of nameless faces I focused on the one face that I was so glad to see. I picked up my bag and moved towards him.

"Andy, you made it," said Tom as he took my bag off me.

We walked out of the station to where his MR2 was parked, that's when the real cold hit me.

"You dragged me all the way from London for this" I said pulling my coat closer together.

"Och, you'll get used to it, besides they'll be a nice fire going when we get back to the house. That'll keep you warm."

It was about an hours drive down to his parents house. We didn't speak much during the journey and it was not long till I feel asleep. My journey up took more out of me than I first thought.

I had a table to myself through most of the journey, I was pretty glad about that as I could sit facing in the right direction. There's nothing worse than riding backwards on a train. As soon as I got my bag stowed I sat down and took out a book; occasionally I was interrupted by stewards coming round with refreshments. I grabbed a tea not long after passing York. A woman sat down opposite me and nodded hello; I nodded back and went back to my book, occasionally looking up to see what was going on or to take a sip of my tea. The carriage went a bit rowdy when a bunch of football supporters joined us. I thought I'd seen them back at Kings Cross, I guess it took them a couple of hours to work out that there was only one smoking carriage on the train. There must have been about a dozen of them, all chanting their tribal songs. I really didn't pay much attention. The woman opposite me was far more bothered by it, tutting every time the noise reached a certain level. A couple of times I looked up and gave her a sympathetic smile, she seemed reassured that if nothing else she wasn't sat next to one of those hooligans. I didn't think they were hooligans, just a bit high spirited, I guess their team won. I have no idea who they supported, too be honest I don't know much about football. That said, I wouldn't mind getting a better view of Michael Owen, perhaps a shower scene. They say he's really talented on the pitch, that may be so, but I'd like to find out how talented he is off the pitch.

At one point I looked up from my book to take a sip of my tea and my eyes met with one of the rowdy crowd. I guessed that he was about my age, maybe a little younger. He had grey/green eyes and very short cropped blond hair.

He didn't seem as high spirited as his friends, it seemed to me that he was only half heartily joining in with the chants. I gave him a half smile and returned to my book. I looked up a little later from my book and our eyes met again. I decided that it was time I used the train facilities, I asked the woman opposite to me to keep an eye on my stuff. She smiled at me as I got up. I noticed the blond guys eyes follow me as I got up so I took a calculated risk. As I passed his seat I made a slight gesture with my head as if to say follow me. I figured that if he were up for something he'd follow and if I got it wrong it could have looked like my head moving with the rhythm of the train.

Fortunately the W.C wasn't in a bad condition. Nightmares are made of British Rail toilets. This one wasn't bad at all. I undid myself and took a leak, just as I was doing myself up I heard a faint knock at the door. I flushed and opened it; the blond guy was standing there looking a bit nervous. He took a look over his shoulder back into the carriage then stepped into the small compartment with me.

"H-h-hi" He stammered in a Scottish accent. "I've never done anything like this before. I mean, I wasn't sure if I got the signal right. Like what if I'd got it wrong and you weren't asking me to follow you? But then I guess I wouldn't be in here with you if I got it wrong. I didn't get it wrong did I? Sorry. I'm babbling, I've never done anything like this before. Oh I've said that haven't I?

I smiled at the kid then leaned in to him, our lips met. I think at that point he lost a bit of his nervousness. He opened his mouth enough to let my tongue in, the passion of the kiss intensified. We broke apart.

"Well I guess I wasn't wrong then." He said with a slight grin.

I gave him another smile and drew him up to me for another kiss. At the same time my hands slipped down the back of his track suit bottoms, I kneaded his pert buns through the unmistakable feel of the Lycra material of his underpants. After a while he took a step back and looked down to the floor. On seeing that it wasn't covered in piss he knelt down before me and undid the buttons of my jeans. He eased them down my legs to my ankles; his eyes lit up as he saw the pouch of my black silk thong. He made a hmm sound, I wasn't sure if he was referring to my pants or my boner, either way I was happy.

He took a deep sniff when his nose reached my tackle, then he licked my dick through the material of my thong. His mouth closed around my balls and his tongue gave me a very sensual licking. I leaned up against the wall of the cubicle to steady myself; the motion of the train coupled with my blond friend's tongue bath was enough to knock me off my feet.

When he'd had enough of licking me, he pulled back. He slipped my dick out of its tight confines. Erect to bursting point he looked at it with a sense of wonder. He held it in his hands like it was the most delicate thing that they ever held. He rubbed it up and down gently. It took me a lot of self-control not to burst there and then. Tentatively he licked the tip, then gradually he worked his mouth up and down the shaft. Not long and I really couldn't contain myself. I warned him that I was going to blow, but he either didn't hear me or didn't care. I shot my load down his throat and to his credit he didn't spill a drop. He milked my tool till it was drained of its last drop. Then got back on his feet.

"W-was that okay?" He asked.

I think he already knew the answer but I reassured him that it was great. We kissed again and I eased my hand down the front of his track bottoms into his Lycra shorts. It only took a few strokes of his hard prick to bring him to a sticky climax.

He slumped up against the wall facing me to catch his breath. Then he looked up at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Wow, that was great, I mean really great. My first time I've been with a guy and I don't even know your name."

"Andy" I replied.

"Er hi, I'm James, people er call me Jamie, well except from my brother, he calls me Jimmy. He's the guy I'm sitting next to. We've just got back from watching Scotland play in France. He's down from the rigs off Aberdeen for Christmas and we went off to France with his mates for the game. I've never been abroad before. Have you?"

"No, not yet. I replied."

"It's great. We went through the Channel Tunnel. I couldn't believe it, one minute we're in London and the next we're in another country."

I smiled. I also revised my first thought that he was about the same age as me. He must have been tall for his age. I couldn't help letting my curiosity get the better of me so I asked him out right.

"How old are you Jamie?"

"E-eighteen" he replied back with his nervous stammer.

I looked at him like I didn't believe him. He looked down at the floor.

"Well... I will be eighteen"


Still not looking up from the floor "In a couple of years. That's not a problem is it? I mean I guess it's a bit late if it is. You're not disappointed? Are you? I was all right wasn't I? Even though you know I'm a kid?"

"Jamie you were great" I said with a reassuring smile. "And you're no kid, let me tell you that. We've all got to start somewhere."

"I guess. It's just that I've never done anything with anyone before. I live in a small town, everyone knows everyone. It's the last thing I'd want people to know, to find out that I'm gay. I've known for ages, but there's nothing I could do about it. I can't wait till I'm seventeen and I can get a drivers licence. Then I can drive up to Edinburgh on my own and meet people. You're from London aren't you? Must be great living in a big city like that. Loads of people, I want to go to university down there, I reckon I'll get a boyfriend there. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a good plan. But hey, don't wish your life away. You'll soon get out there and see what it's all about."

"I guess. Thanks Andy. Thanks for everything. Hey that's two firsts in one day. First time I've been abroad and first time I've been with a guy. I wish I could tell my friends about the second one though. They're all talking about going with this girl or that girl and I just stay quiet. Sometimes I lie, but it's hard when you know that it will get around. It wouldn't be long before I get found out by the girl I lied about. There's this girl who works at the big house near our village, I sometimes work there when they need extra people in my school holidays. I know she fancies me. She's asked my friends about me and they keep on at me to go after her. Except I don't want to. But I can't tell them why."

I leaned in towards him again and gently kissed his lips. I broke away slightly and whispered that it would be okay, everything would be okay. We kissed again.

After a time we broke apart. I looked at the door.

"I guess we should get out of here, your friends might be missing you."

"You're right. Thanks again Andy. I'll never forget this. I guess we won't see each other again. That's okay."

We kissed one more time. I undid the lock on the cubicle door and opened it enough to look out. I made sure that no one was hanging around in the corridor before we both left the toilet. I told him that he should go off first so his friends wouldn't get suspicious. He agreed and said goodbye. I watched him walk through the sliding door into the carriage and on to his seat. The words `He left a boy and returned a man' came into my head. I smiled. We all have to start somewhere.

I went back to my seat; the woman opposite me nodded hello. I settled down back to my book. Disturbed every now and then by the commotion from the football supporters. Every time I looked up my eyes met with Jamie's. Unlike earlier, his voice was the loudest out of his friends chants. When our eyes met we'd smile at each other.

The train pulled up at Edinburgh and everyone started to get their stuff together. I stayed seated until the main body of people left the train, I didn't feel like getting involved in the crush. The football supporters got up and rummaged round for their luggage, I saw Jamie wrestle with a large hold-all out of the over head storage. As he pulled it out it hit the floor with a heavy thud. He bent down to lift it up again, his tracksuit covered arse was almost in my face as he struggled to lift the hold all. Finally he got it back up, as he swung it round it hit me on the shoulder.

"Sorry mate, Sorry." His friends jeering at him. I replied that it was no problem. He offered his hand as if to further the apology. I felt a piece of paper in his hand; I pulled my hand away with the paper in it and told him again that it was okay. He followed the rest of his friends out of the train. I overheard one of them jeering at him about his English bashing antics. If they only knew the truth of it.

I opened my hand and placed the paper on the table. It said:

`Thanks again. Here's my phone number if you're ever about. Don't worry about not calling though. I just thought I'd take another chance since the first one paid off. Happy Christmas, Jamie. X'   I took my coat down from over head and put it on. I folded the paper up and put it in the inside pocket. Then I got my bag down and made my way off the train.

  "Wake up sleepy head, we're nearly there."

I almost jumped at the sound of Tom's voice waking me up. The automatic gates opened and we drove down a tree lined gravel path. I drew a breath as I first glimpsed Tom's house. House? Mansion more like. I knew his parents had a big house in the Scottish countryside, I just wasn't expecting it be that big.

We got out of the car and before we got to it the front door was opened. An oldish looking man in a suit stepped out into the cold and said "Good evening Master Tom", then looking at me "Master Andrew, I hope you enjoy your stay with us."

Was he for real? Tom gave the butler the keys to his car and said that my bag was in the boot. When we got inside I asked Tom where the Bat cave was. Tom's mother came into the hall to greet us. She was everything I'd imagined her to look like. Very much the country lady, dressed in tweed. A warm smile softened her features.

"You must be Andrew. We're so pleased that you could make it up here. Tom has told us so much about you"

"All good I hope Mrs. MacKay."

"Good? My dear boy, as far as I'm concerned you can do no wrong in my book. You the person who managed to get my youngest to realise that he's a human being, all that long hair and awful rock T-shirts. We've been trying for ages to smarten him up, but to no avail."

"Mother." Said Tom slightly embarrassed.

"Shush now." She retorted giving Tom a slight flick of his hair. "Now Andrew, I take it that you've not eaten, or if you have it was some ghastly British rail junk food. Anyway, the housekeeper's gone home now but I instructed her to leave some sandwiches for the both of you. I hope that's okay?"

"That's fine Mrs. MacKay. And call me Andy, that's what most people call me."

"Fine, right Andy it is, and you may call me Audrey. Follow Tom to the kitchen, I'll join you presently."

Tom led the way to the kitchen, which was at the far end of the house. I was pretty gobsmacked by the sheer size of the place. On the way Tom said that he'd give me the guided tour after we'd eaten.

As promised a large plate of sandwiches were waiting for us on the table, along with a jug of milk and a couple of mugs. Tom looked at it and said that he could find something else to drink if I wanted. I replied that I wouldn't mind. He went over to the fridge and took out a couple of cans of larger.

"This do you?"

"Yeah, fine" I replied.

"Well looks like you hit it off with my mum. She seems taken with you already."

"It's my natural charm that she saw"

"Humm. Probably. So what do you think so far?"

"Well it's big, I'll say that."

"Yeah, I know. Too big if you ask me. There's like seventy rooms and now with me down in university there's only my parents here. Seems kind of a waste if you ask me."

"So you'd be happy in a two up, two down then?"

"I'm not saying that. It's just that I've always thought of this place as a bloody museum, not a home. It was always don't touch that, don't go in there. That's when I was home from school. I told you before how my parents sent my brothers and I off to boarding school?"

"Poor little rich kid. My heart bleeds." I said joshing him

"Andy, you know that's not me. This place is not me."

"I know, I know. But don't knock it. You've never really seen the other side have you?"

"I guess you're right."

"I'll take you to where I grew up one day and then you'll see that you've not really had it that bad after all."

"Okay, I know. Shut up poor little rich kid."

I'm glad he said that with a smile. I did feel that he might have taken what I'd said a bit harsh. I think that it was seeing another side of him, Tom at home, that threw me a little. He seemed to need to justify himself to me or something. I know from our many conversations in our dorm room that he's not into the flash lifestyle that many people with his background have. He's told me on many occasions that he's always felt like he didn't fit in properly. He resented boarding school and rebelled at any opportunity. I guess it was hard for me to really understand where he comes from, he could have the life that most people only dream about having. How many people dream about living in the big house?

Our conversation moved on to other stuff, I guess he just had to get it out of his system. Make sure that I knew that he was the same person that I know in university.

He asked me about what I'd been up to the past couple of weeks. I told him that I met up with some old friends and that I went back to my old drama club to lend a hand for their Christmas production. I asked him about his break. He told me that he was in London for a few days, his father had some business down there and took him along for the ride. He told me that he wanted to call me to meet up but he had no time as his father took him along to a couple of board meetings and dinners.

"I think he thinks that I should get a proper head for business or something."

I really wanted to ask him what happened after the party and why he left in a hurry the next day but I didn't. I figured that if he wanted to tell me he would in his own time. I also wanted to ask if he'd decided to come back after Christmas, he did say that night that he was thinking about jacking it all in. I had hoped that he would change his mind. Again, I was sure that he's say something sooner or later.

Tom's mother joined us in the kitchen.

"Now boys, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. The people who are supposed to be organising the party have cancelled. Something about their van breaking down. That means the great hall is yet to be properly decorated and the food has not yet been prepared. Tom, as you know your father is up in Inverness until tomorrow and you're brothers and their families don't arrive till tomorrow either. So that leaves you, Andy and I to sort this mess out. I've just called Mrs. Clarke and she'll be along to lend a hand as soon as her sons return from wherever it is that they've gone. Brampton will help as well. So between us we should be able to salvage the party. Andy, I'm so sorry to impose upon you like this, but you understand the situation."

Of course I did and I said that I had no problem. Audrey asked us to do the great hall, while she and Mrs. Clarke (who turns out to be the housekeeper) will sort out the catering. Tom took our plates to the sink and gave them a quick wash then showed me to the great hall. It was a huge room probably two stories high. Tapestries hung on the walls and in the centre of the far wall was an enormous fire place. The wooden floor was carpeted by two fine rugs probably thirty foot long each and to the left of where we were standing was a Christmas tree the like of which I'd only seen in Trafalgar Square.

In the centre of the room were four massive boxes full of decorations waiting for us to put them up. We wasted no time in getting stuck in.

Twenty or so minutes later we heard voices. Tom said that it must be the house keeper Mrs. Clarke. He went out to take a look. I heard Tom's mother as she greeted the new comers.

"Mrs Clarke, so good of you to come. It's been a damn disaster, I hope I haven't put you out too much."

"Not at all ma'am I didn't have anything planned tonight anyway. I've brought some help along. You remember my youngest?"

"Yes, my, James every time I see you, you add an inch in height. Thank you for coming along. You remember Tom don't you"

"Yeah, hi Tom. How's it going?"

"Fine Jamie, good to see you. Mum's right you've grown since I last saw you in the summer."

"Tom, why don't you take Jamie to the great hall, Mrs. Clarke, would you follow me into the kitchen, we've got a ton of last minute baking to do."

I was standing on top of a ladder when Tom came back into the hall, I'd just pinned some bunting up and turned round when I heard them come in. I nearly fell off the ladder when I saw who entered.

"Andy" Called out Tom, seeing me almost toppling.

I managed to regain my composure and climbed down the ladder.

"Andy, I'd like you to meet Jamie. His mother is the housekeeper here and a damn fine one she is too. Jamie this is Andy, a friend from university."

I gave Jamie a look that I hoped Tom wouldn't see and that Jamie would interpret as a keep it quite message. Luckily he did.

"Nice to meet you Andy." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Right introductions over with let's get on, the sooner we start and so on."

Tom had a point, I was still tired from my journey and although I was more than happy to help out I couldn't wait to hit the sack. Unfortunately that prospect seemed far away as the whole hall needed to be decorated. Tom got stuck into the tree, while Jamie and I carried on hanging bunting and huge bails of tinsel.

We started at the other end of the room, fortunately out of Tom's earshot.

"I knew I'd see you again" Said Jamie "Only I didn't think it would be this soon or here. Wow, so you're staying here. Have you known Tom long? Are you one of his rich friends from school? Are you and Tom... well you know"

"Jesus, do you ever stop asking questions?" I replied, then added a smile to soften the words.

"Sorry, I always babble when I'm nervous, I guess you'd noticed that. Sorry."

"Don't be, it's kind of cute. Okay so your questions. No I'm not one of Tom's rich friends, Tom and I met a few months ago at university, we're room mates and no, we're not, well you know."

"I didn't think so, I mean I didn't think that Tom was gay or whatever."

"So, how long have you known Tom?"

"All my life, my mum has worked at the big house for years. She's the housekeeper; Tom and I used to play together when my mum brought me up here when I was off school. Tom sort of looked after me, bit like having another big brother. I've got three brothers all older than me; Tom's nearer my age than they are. Tom's got two older brothers, much older than he. Did you know that? I guess you do. He might be a couple of years older than me but we've always got on. Does he know about you?"

"What, does he know I'm gay? Yes."

"And he's cool about it?"

"Yes, why shouldn't he be?"

"No reason, I guess I'm just surprised that's all."

Tom finished the tree and came up to help us.

"You two getting to know each other? Andy, don't take any crap from this one." Said Tom, grabbing hold of Jamie in a head lock and rubbing his fist on the boys head. Jamie put his arm around Tom's waist and tried to unbalance him by tripping him up. They collapsed on a heap, laughing. Tom reached out his hand of me to take and help him up. I took his hand and the bait. He pulled and I went flying down on top of them. Jamie grabbed one of the decoration boxes and emptied the contents over us, then it was a full blown fight. Laughing and shouting we threw everything at each other. Until we heard the doors open. Tom's mother standing in the hall, she was trying to contain a laugh. She walked up to us and in a stern voice asked if we had anything better to do. Tom stood up and picked a long piece of tinsel up, he put it round his mother's neck like a boa and kissed her on the cheek.

"Just thought we'd get the celebrations of to an early start, but you're right," he said trying to sound serious "We'll get on with it."

His mother turned on her heal, tinsel still flowing from her. She left the room with a warning that she'd be back in an hour and expected to see the room finished. Just before she closed the door she tossed one end of the tinsel round her shoulder. We laughed and then got back to work, occasionally throwing something at each other.

We finished just before the hour was up and went off to the drawing room. The fire was still smouldering, the warm glow lit up the room. Tom opened the drinks cabinet and asked what we'd like. I thought I'd give a Scotch a go and Jamie tried his luck but as his mother was nearby he had to make do with a Coke.

"So Andy, what room have they given you?" Asked Jamie.

"He's in the room next to mine."

"He's in the blue room?"

"Yeah, the blue room."

"The blue room?" I enquired.

"Yeah, but it's alright. No one's actually seen it." Said Jamie cautiously.

"Seen what Jamie?"

"The ghost of McAngus. People hear noises, have for years. Some say that he's the spirit of some guy who one of Tom's ancestors had murdered. He's supposed to come back to the house and avenge himself. But like I said, no ones ever really seen him. You haven't, have you Tom?"

"No, but I have heard strange noises from that room."

"So, you drag me all the way up here, to the freezing cold to decorate your house and play Scooby Doo in the night. Give me another room."

"Don't worry Andy, you'll be okay." Said Jamie. "You're not a member of the MacKay family, McAngus wont harm you."

"Ah so what, you know I've just remembered that I don't believe in ghosts, apart from the ones I've seen on stage."

"Andy's an actor." Said Tom to Jamie as if to fill in a missing piece.

"Mind you I did some work with drama work shop at the Lewisham Theatre once. That place is haunted."

"Did you ever see anything?" Asked Jamie.

"Well, no. Not really. I don't think so. But people did say that the ghost of some woman moves around the theatre. She was a Victorian lady, she was said to have been trapped in the theatre when a fire started. The thing was that it was said to have started by her husband. He caught her having an affair with one of the actors. He torched the place and she burned to a crisp.

I heard people say that they've seen a woman walking around in Victorian costume, she looks like normal from the back, if you saw her you wouldn't even think that she's a ghost. But if she turns round, her face is so hideously burned that as soon as you see it you'll die of fright. Now like I said I never saw it but I did smell the burning smell that is said to accompany her appearance. As soon as I did I ran for it, I reckon that if I didn't I'd not be here to tell the story."

My audience was captivated. This huge old house, that probably was haunted, a dark room with only a glowing fire for light. The looks on the faces of Tom and Jamie were a sheer picture. I went for the kill.

"The thing is that I'm not really scared of ghosts, not after working at the Lewisham. Because they say that the ghost of the theatre follows round actors that have worked there. She feels responsible for the death of her lover and wouldn't want to see any other actor die unjustly. I'm sure if some crazy Scot had the idea of doing some mischief the Lady of the theatre will be there to protect me. You'll always know if she's there if you can smell burning."

They both took a long sniff; I'd banked on them forgetting that there was a fire on the go in the hearth. The expression on Jamie's face told me that he had.

"Don't worry" I added. "You've nothing to fear as long as you remember not to look at her face."

As if on cue the door creaked open. Tom and Jamie both jumped out of their skins. It took them a few seconds to realise that it was Tom's mother.

"Okay boys it's getting late. Tom, Mrs. Clarke has decided to stay the night, there's still much for us to do in the morning. Could you show James to one for the guest rooms. James, Andy, thank you so much for your help. You've been lifesavers. Tom, I hope you've put Andy in the Blue room.

"Yes mum."

"Good, Andy, the blue room is one of the most comfortable guestrooms we have, I hope you'll have a good nights sleep."

"Thank you."

"And if you are awakened by the sound of walking in the room, that's just McAngus' ghost. Don't worry, he's harmless." She added with a wry smile.

Jamie and I followed Tom up the grand staircase over to the east wing. He showed Jamie into a room.

"There's a bathroom down the hall, I can get you some pyjamas if you want something to sleep in"

"I'm a big boy now Tom, I stopped wearing PJ's ages ago"

"Quite right too. Good night Jamie."

I also said good night to him then followed Tom to my room. He opened the door and switched the light on.

"You've got en-suit, the bathroom's through there."

I thanked him.

"I am glad that you made it up here. This is going to be a great Christmas."

He took a step closer to me and put his arms around me. We hugged each other, it seemed so right. After all that's happened lately I knew that we'd be all right. I knew that we still had to talk properly, I still didn't know why he left the night after the party without saying goodbye. I could still see that something was on his mind but I figured that he'd share it in his own time. I just hoped that it wasn't to say that he'd decided to leave university. But I knew then that whatever happened it would be all right.

Tom broke our embrace and said "Sleep well". I wished him a good night and he left the room. I looked around my new surroundings. I could see why anyone could think that this room was haunted. Everything about it screamed old.

The blue room was just that. The theme of the room was yes, blue. Blue wallpaper, blue carpet, even the bedspread was yep good guess, blue.

I noticed at the foot of the four poster bed, yep a four poster! My bag had been placed. I opened it to unpack my stuff into the old chest of draws that was just below the huge bay windows. I moved the heavy velvet blue curtain to a side and looked out into the blackness of the night. I could see a few snow flakes drop and wondered if there would be a blanket covering the ground by the time that I woke up.

Once unpacked, took my toiletry bag and went over to a door that was in the corner of the room. It led to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and then headed off to bed. Once the light was switched off I tried to sleep but I guess my unfamiliar surroundings kept my over tired mind racing.

I'm not sure how long I lay there, maybe half an hour, maybe longer. I heard a knock at the door. So soft that it wasn't until the second knock that I realised what it was. I called out come it and the door opened.

"Andy, do you mind if I come in?"

I switched on the bedside lamp and matched the face to the voice. Jamie. Standing in the threshold in just a pair of skimpy white briefs.

"I, I couldn't sleep."

"Well, I guess you've come for a bedtime story." I joked.

He closed the door behind him and came over to sit on the bed. His milky white skin glowed in the light of the bed lamp, his body was well defined, natural like, not gym built. He was the picture of beauty, coupled with a face that screamed innocence.

"I hope that you didn't mind me waking you up. I couldn't sleep, knowing that you were just down the hall. I mean, maybe it was fate that we met up again. Like what are the chances? A million to one I'd say. Anyway, I was lying in my room, thinking that I should see if you'd mind if I stayed in here with you tonight. If you're cool with that. Don't worry, I'm an early riser and will be out before anyone wakes up."

He looked straight at me waiting for my answer. I smiled at him. In a repeat of earlier today I leaned over to him and silenced him with a kiss. I guess he took that as an okay, he pulled back the bed covers. If he'd had any doubt whether I wanted him to stay it must have been dispelled when he saw my hard on pushing out from the top of the thong that I was wearing that night. He put his hand over the package and started to rub gently. He put his arm around me and we both lay down on the bed. Still kissing he rolled over on top of me and stuck his hand down my thong pouch to release my bulging cock.

"Andy, I want you to make love to me. I want you to be the one to break my cherry."

"Are you sure Jamie?"

"Yes" He replied.

I was surprised, not by his request, but by his one word reply. I was half expecting a barrage of words to come tumbling out if his mouth. It seemed to me that he was loosing his nervousness. I told him to go into the bathroom and find my bag by the sink. Inside I had a tube of K.Y. Hey; I was in the scouts when I was a kid. One of the first things that they teach you is to be prepared. A piece of advice that I've never forgotten. He got out of bed heading for the bathroom, I looked at his muscular arse inside his briefs, tiny creases in the fabric as his globes moved up and down. It's amazing how it's the small details that turn me on. I got out of bed and delved into my bag for my box of condoms. See the scout bit again for the explanation.

He came back into the room and looked at me slightly puzzled.

"Don't worry," I said to him "I've been tested, but I don't do bare back. Not anymore"

"That's okay. I'm kinda glad that you've got them, I was a bit embarrassed to ask."

"Rule number one Jamie, never be too embarrassed to ask."

We got back into bed and started kissing again; meanwhile our hands were all over each other. He managed to pull my thong off and went down and started to lick my cock and balls. God did it feel good. After a while he looked up at me and asked if I wanted to do him now. I asked again if he was sure he was ready and without hesitation he said that he was. Then he asked if he could roll the condom on me. I nodded.

Once I was covered he got up on all fours on the bed, sticking his cute muscular bum in the air. I pulled his briefs down, took one look at him and decided that he had an arse that was screaming to be licked out. I delved in between his cheeks and inhaled his boy scent. He bucked slightly as my tongue pressed into his hole. I had to stop soon after and tell him to be a bit quieter, it may have been a big house but I was worried that he'd have everyone up with his repeated shouts of "Oh my god". In fact I'm sure that the lord himself must have heard it. He looked round and sheepishly said "Sorry".

Time for my big entrance as it were. I first prepared Jamie mentally, saying to him that it may hurt at first and that I'd stop if it got too much for him. Then I got into preparing him in other ways. I squirted some K.Y on my finger and then smeared it around his waiting hole. He liked that, the moan of pleasure from him told me so. After inserting a couple more fingers I figured that he was about ready. I covered my pole up and guided the head to his pucker. I slowly entered him; he took deep breaths every time I moved in a little. I gave him enough time to adjust to the intrusion. I was amazed how quickly he worked out how to relax his arse muscles; the last two inches of my cock went in with ease. I withdrew a bit and then went back in. Each time I pulled out a bit further and went in a bit harder.

"Don't stop! Oh my god, Andy, Andy. Harder, please harder!"

"Don't you ever shut up?" I asked almost breathless.

"Not when I've got your cock inside of me." He replied laughing.

I was surprised that he didn't wake the dead or at least stimulate an appearance of McAngus' ghost. Perhaps he had his own mighty weapon to deal with.

Anyway, Jamie and I were at if for the rest of the night. Almost every time I nearly drifted off to sleep, he'd be begging for more. After the fourth time when he asked for more I said that his arse would be red raw by the morning. He replied that he didn't care, then added very cautiously that he'd do me if I wanted. How could I refuse?

Up to that night I always thought I'd had good stamina. Man, Jamie was like the energiser bunny and shagged like one as well.

        True to his word, when I woke up in the morning Jamie was gone. I got out of bed and gathered up the used condoms to flush down the loo. After a long shower I went back into the bedroom and saw that he'd left his white bikini briefs at the foot of the bed. I looked around for the thong that I wore to bed and it was gone. Looks like Jamie was into underwear as well. Not thinking twice I slipped the briefs on then dressed in my sweats and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

When I got to the kitchen I was greeted by everyone. I sat down at the table and Jamie's mum handed me a cup of tea. She then asked if I wanted a full breakfast, is replied that I did if that was not too much trouble.

Tom asked if I slept well, I lied and said that I did. Jamie then spoke and said that he'd had a hard time getting off last night and spent most of the night up. He emphasised the words HARD and UP. I almost choked on my tea. I think I was the only one to see that mischievous grin on his face.

After breakfast Jamie's mother asked him to lend a hand in the kitchen. Tom then said that he'd give me the guided tour of the house. Let's just say that there were a lot of rooms. Picture a large manor house, the type that is full of old stuff and you'd get the idea. Something old, something new, something borrowed and of course the something blue was the room that I had.

By five o' clock all the preparations had been done. Tom's father and his two brothers with their wives and kids arrived. I know they all had names but it was a bit too much to take in at once. I couldn't help notice how different Tom was to his brothers. Not only that they were a lot older than him, both in their mid thirties. No, they were very prim and straight laced. Their wives were like something out of Tattler magazine. The perfect wife, the perfect kids along with the perfect life. I couldn't help feel that there was a slight air of tension between Tom and his brothers. On the face of it they all seemed happy to see each other, but underlying there seemed to be something but I couldn't put my finger on it. Also I couldn't help feel that although they were polite to me, all of them. I was an outsider and someone from the other side of the tracks. I don't think they approved of Tom and my friendship. Nothing like that was spoken or inferred, it was just a feeling. Maybe paranoia.

After the reunion was done, Tom's mother sent us all up to get dressed for the party. I opened the door to my room and Tom came in with me.

"You're not being paranoid" Tom said seemingly reading my mind. "My brothers are arseholes and their wives are fashion accessories. Don't worry about them."

I knew that Tom didn't get on too well with his brothers and now I knew why. I did wonder how Tom turned out so normal when I met the rest of his family. I guess he just got lucky. The one person who I was surprised that I took an instant liking to was his father. It was he who I'd really not expected to like, from what Tom told me about him.

Tom's father was a Tory MP. In fact he was a junior minister in the last government. He lost his seat in the 1997 Labour landslide election. That's when all the Tory MP's lost their seats in Scotland. I remember my father commenting at the time that it was a shame that the English couldn't have done the same. My father would have been content if every Tory lost their seat in the whole country.

I must admit that I didn't really follow politics much. Politicians are just actors really, they say what they think people want to hear and then do what the hell they like. I think that voting just encourages them.

All I knew was that the Conservatives were in power for like twenty years and that they hated gays. They voted against equalising the gay age of consent and made some very nasty laws as well. So you can see why I wasn't too sure about Tom's father, I figured that he'd be some monster or something.

I don't know about that, but if first impressions count I'd have to say that I liked him. I reckon that he was very much a man who was proud of his family, he seemed to glow when they were all together downstairs. He seemed like a jolly sort of bloke, not the ogre that I thought he might be. He warmly welcomed me to his house and hoped that I'd been looked after last night. I replied to him that I was. Trying not to think about how welcomed I was. I guess that I liked him because I got a good vibe from him.

I said as much to Tom and he smiled. I guess that his views were slightly different.

"Don't get me wrong Andy, I love my family. But, I don't know. I guess I've always felt a bit of an outsider, like I gate crashed their party or something."

I really felt for Tom, I guess the grass is never really greener on the other side. He went on saying that he'd always felt that because he was born years after his brothers that he was a mistake. A mistake that couldn't be got rid of. Not when you're in the public eye like his father was.

"But they do love you Tom, you must see that."

"Sure, but I think that most of that love is about duty to love, rather than actual love. Anyway, forget about it. It's not your problem. I don't dwell on it, at least not when I'm away from here. On to more important things. What are you going to wear for tonight?"

I told him that I'd bought some smart clothes that I thought would do. I opened the cupboard where I'd hung them to show him. He shook his head and said that he'd have to lead me something more fitting for a ceilidh. He showed me into his bedroom, opened his wardrobe up and took out a couple of heavy clothes bags. He unzipped one and showed me what he thought was more suitable for tonight.

"No way, not going to happen. I'm not going to wear that"

"What's wrong with it? Not your colour tartan? Andy, everyone will be wearing their kilts tonight. I'll be wearing mine."

I looked at him, trying to work out if he was having a laugh or not. I could picture the scene, I'd be the only one in a kilt and everyone can have a good laugh at the English guy. I guess he was being serious, not a hint of a smirk on his face. I took the kilt and the rest of the getup and went back to my room to wash and change.

I looked in the mirror, decked up in costume. Words from the Scottish play ran round my head.

Macbeth: Of all men else I have avoided thee: But get thee back, my soul is too much charged with blood of thine already.

Macduff: I have no words. My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out! Macbeth: Thou losest labour. As easy mayest thou the intrenchant air, with thy keen sword impress as make me bleed. Let fall thy blade on valnerable crests, I bear a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born. Macduff: Despair thy charm, and let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped.

I knew that Shakespeare classes in university would be of help one day. At least I have the get up to go with it now. Tom's kilt, shirt and jacket fitted well, lucky that we're about the same size. Another look in the mirror and another decision. I lifted up the heavy plaid material and removed my underwear. If I was going to play a part I might as well do it properly.

"There can be only one" I cried out wielding an imaginary sword.

I was just about to go into the Mel Gibson William Wallace "Freedom" speech when there was a knock at the door and Tom popped his head around asking if I was ready. He stepped in to the room, wearing an identical kilt as I.

"You sure about this?" I had to ask again. "It's not one of your oh so very funny jokes or anything is it?"

"If it were, do you think I'd be dressed like this?"

I suppose he wouldn't. We left the room and made our way downstairs to the great hall. The party was already going, the room half full of people, mostly dressed for the occasion. At least I didn't look out of place.

As we entered the room I spotted a guy break from his conversation with Tom's parents and head in our direction. Dressed not in a kilt but a smart suit. He was good looking to say the least, think of a younger version of Hugh Grant. Blue eyes and brown floppy hair. From the way he walked I'd say that he was very confident about himself and the world that he lives in.

"MacKay! Good to see you. Wonderful party, thanks for the invite. Love the kilt by the way. I always said that you had lovely legs. Scotsmen have lovely legs, don't you think?"

The question was directed to me.

"Andy, this is my friend from school Alex. Alex meet Andy"

"Ah yes Andy, that would be the guy from the slums of London wouldn't it?"

Is that how Tom describes me to his friends? I looked at him then back at his friend.

"No Alex, this is Andy. And keep your pathetic class patronising attitude to yourself." Tom clearly embarrassed by his friends insinuation.

"Sorry. Andy, don't mind me. No manners. So Tom, I hear Ronson will be here. You invited that oik?"

"Yeah, Russ is all right. You only hate him because he beat you to last years first eleven."

"That's as may be, but did you really have to invite him?"

"Alex, if you've nothing nice to say about anyone I suggest that you say nothing. Now why don't I see if I can find us all a drink. Andy, I'll be back in a minute, if Saunders here gives you any trouble you have my permission to mingle elsewhere."

Tom went off leaving Alex and I standing, waiting for the first to break the silence. He did.

"So, I hear you're an actor. I'd have thought that university would be the last place that you'd be in to ply your craft. Couldn't see the point of going personally. To much to do in life than worry about essays and the like."

"So what do you do then?" I asked out of politeness, no sense in both of us being rude.

"Mostly estate management. Nothing glamorous."

"Oh" what else could I say.

"So has Tom mentioned me to you?"

"No not really. He did mention this morning that a couple of his friends from school would be up but that's all."

"How odd, I'd have thought that he would have said more that that. We have something in common Andy. We're both gay and we're both in love with Tom."

Talk about the room stopping. Suddenly I saw or heard no one but Alex. What? What did he just say?

"Don't look so surprised. Tom mentioned to me that you were gay and looking at the way you two are with each other I guessed that you and he were, well you know. Look it's none of my business. Tom's a thoroughly decent bloke and far to decent to pass on tittle tattle. Just call it my intuition."

"Well, your intuition must be playing you up. Tom an I are not together and last I'd heard he was seeing some girl from uni. But yes, I care about Tom. He's been a good friend to me, as I hope I have to him."

"I suppose that he has. Look Andy, I don't know you, but I do know Tom. Don't fall for him, he's a heart breaker. He had my heart for a long time and even now I still feel for him. I don't know why I'm telling you this, maybe it's because I don't want to see someone else go down the same path as I."

Or maybe that he didn't want the competition. Ordinarily I wouldn't trust the motives of someone so brash and egocentric, but there was a tone to his voice when he told me to be careful. Almost a sad bitter tone that I'm sure couldn't be put on. I wondered to myself what history they'd had together. I did know Alex, by name. I knew that they were roommates through school. I wondered if he and Tom might have got together in school at some point. It was not a question that I wanted to ask and as fortune had it I didn't have to. Tom arrived back with three glasses of Champagne.

Tom handed us our glasses and we chatted for a while. Then a woman came over to Tom and kissed him on his cheek. She excused herself from us and said that she had a couple of people that she wanted Tom to meet. I looked blankly at Alex and he returned my look. Then I saw Jamie and excused myself.

I was so glad to see a familiar face. He looked smart in his kilt, quite sexy really. I spent the next hour or so chatting to him and a few other people who came over to introduce themselves. Tom's mother came over at one point and asked if I was having a good time, "Yes I was" I replied.

Having said that I did start to feel a bit drunk. A bit too much champagne in the system. What the hell I thought. Tom's mother introduced me to a couple of people she thought I might like. I have no idea why, I'd have had a better conversation with a cardboard cut out.

I climbed the staircase that ran along the great hall till I was on the first floor landing. The lights were off up there so I figured that I wouldn't be bothered for a while. The whole evening was starting to take its toll on me. There's only so many times you can smile at shallow people, nod and pretend to be interested in their drivel. To me they didn't live in the real world, didn't have a clue what it's like out there. Or maybe it was me that didn't have a clue, Maybe their world was the real one and mine didn't exist. Maybe it would be nice to worry about the things that matter for a change, like wondering if tomorrows hunt would be cancelled due to the saboteurs. Wondering if the scotch will last through the night or if England would ever field an Ashes winning cricket team. Must be nice to worry about real problems every now and then.

I don't know why because I'm not normally politically motivated but tonight was really bringing out the socialist in me. I looked down to the hall and saw all these people dressed like covers of short bread tins, like some kind of Sir Walter Scott dream, not a care in the world. When between them I'm sure was enough money to keep a third world country clothed and fed. No wonder everyone looked so happy.

I caught myself mid thought and laughed. I'm becoming my father I said out loud. My father is a Labour man through and through and none of this Tony Blair New Labour crap, no he was red. He wasn't too keen to let me leave the family this Christmas to come here, now I can see why he objected. He'd be disgusted by what he would have seen tonight. In his book if you don't do an honest days work then you have no right to wealth. He wouldn't have seen beyond that. He didn't like the idea of me in his words poncing off to university to mess around for three years. He wanted me to go out to work, earn my living and pay my way. I can see his view; no one he knew ever went to university, why should he think otherwise. My acting for him was a complete waste of time, get a proper job he'd say. It was only thanks to my mother that I managed to change his mind. She knew that I wouldn't be happy with his lot and would do anything to get out as soon as I could. She also believed in me, it was her that encouraged me to take up drama classes when I was younger. I think that she wanted to do anything to keep me off the streets and out of trouble. When I showed an interest in acting she contacted the council and found out about the local youth drama centre. She enrolled me straight away despite the protests of my father.

My thoughts were interrupted again when I heard someone walking along the landing towards me. They stopped by where I stood and I looked round to see who had interrupted my train of thought. It was Jamie.

"You've found my favourite place." He left the statement hanging in the air for a while then went on. "I come up here to take a bit of time out, it's dark and no one can see me. You can see the whole hall from here and everyone in it. You know whenever I get invited to one of these parties I always spend most of my time wondering how many true Scotsmen are in the room, you know, nothing under the kilt. I'd look at people from up here, suss them out."

"Did you ever clarify your assumptions?"

"Sometimes, mostly when they're dancing, the kilt goes everywhere. Other times it's by intuition."

I looked at him quizzically.

"Take Tom's family," He continued. "His father is definitely going true as are his brothers, traditionalists all three of them. They'd find it offensive to be accused of wearing anything under their kilts, as if they're upholding generations of tradition. While Tom, he doesn't care about any of that, I bet he's got a pair of boxer shorts under his kilt."

I laughed and replied that he was probably right.

"Now you, you're probably not. Not for any tradition, more like a self bet. Probably stood looking in the mirror, first time in a kilt, wondering if you should or shouldn't. Last minute decision, you whipped them off."

"Now the question is how do you confirm your assumption?"

"That's easy, I'll just stand behind you and run my hand up your kilt until I reach your arse, once I've caressed your bare skin I'll reach round front, just to check that you're not cheating by wearing a pouch. My hand might have to take hold of you, but I don't think you'd mind that would you?"

"Now do we do that here or do we find a room?"

"I think here would be fun, no one will see us."

True to his word he ran his hand up my kilt till he reached my arse. With his other hand he lifted the pleats up, my rear now exposed to him. He let out a small laugh and said, "I thought so". Referring to my not wearing any underwear. He started to caress my behind then reached round to find my throbbing hard on waiting for him. He took my dick in his hand and started to slowly jerk me off. I stopped Jamie there as I didn't want to mess Tom's kilt up. I suggested that we went to my room to carry on. He agreed.

I guess we must have been in my room for an hour or so. We spent most of it exploring each other. There didn't seem any need to rush. I suppose that at some point we were missed. This was the start of things going into a blur for me. I didn't hear the door open; I was too busy going down on Jamie. I did hear

"What the fuck?"

Jamie and I were jolted apart by an invisible shock. That's when I saw Tom and the look of horror on his face. Standing behind him was his friend Alex, who I'm sure thinking back on it had a smirk on his face. I was just about to speak when Tom turned on his heal and barged his way past Alex out of the room. Alex followed.

I looked at Jamie then got up out of the bed and grabbed my jeans and T-shirt and went after Tom, Jamie following suit.

I stood outside his bedroom door, just before I opened it I overheard the conversation. Tom was obviously upset, but it seemed to me that Alex was stirring.

"Look Tommy, he's just an oik. What's the problem, just send him back to the inner city where he belongs and forget about him."

I guess eavesdroppers never hear well about themselves. I turned the door handle and stepped inside of his room.

"What do you want? Get out."

I couldn't believe that Tom was reacting like this. Why?

"Tom please..."

"He's fifteen, fucking fifteen. Don't you ever stop?"

"Sixteen" inserted Jamie, not exactly helping the situation.

"What's the problem MacKay? So you've just caught your slum dweller friend diddling the servant boy, not the end of the world is it?" I couldn't help but notice how much enjoyment Alex was getting from all this.

I looked at Tom, his eyes seemed cold and his expression was blank. He looked away from me and I felt really low. I can't explain what happened next and I have only a few memories of it. I remember turning to leave the room and running downstairs. All I knew was that I had to get out, get away. The fact that I was in the middle of the countryside miles from anywhere didn't phase me. Instinct kicked in, I saw a car and the next thing I knew I was driving away as fast as I could. It was dark and the roads were covered in snow. The next thing I remember was waking up shivering with the cold, slumped behind the wheel of the car. Tom calling my name repeatedly.

Again I'd like to thank everyone for reading this story so far and for all the great words of encouragement that have been sent my way. If you want to write to me my e-mail addy is:

Take care, Drew

Next: Chapter 5

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