Changing Toms Underwear

Published on Aug 16, 1999


Sorry about not getting this sorted before now. I hope it was worth the wait. I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to e-mail me about the first part of this story. It was very encouraging to find that people enjoyed it. I received so many e-mails I've not got down to answering them all yet. I will try to as time allows.

If you have any comments on this part or the story as a whole I'd love to hear them. You can e-mail me at

Changing Tom's Underwear part two

I took the note from the computer screen and sat down with it. I looked at it intensely as if by the power of thought alone I'd reveal some hidden code in there. What did he mean by 'We need to talk'? What does anyone mean by that? It's normally the four words that are used to spell the end of a relationship. How many times have you said or heard those words?

I figured that he freaked himself out about last night, even though it was he who instigated it. We'd crossed a line and no matter what, things would never be the same again.

These and many other thoughts raced through my mind. I tried to stop the flow by doing some work on an essay but it was no use. I knew that I'd not concentrate properly until we'd spoken, even if it were to hear the worst.

I went down to the student union bar for a quick drink before my class. I met up with some guys that I vaguely knew. At this time of day the only types of people you'll see in the bar are the sporties and the people on the journalism course, who seem to spend more time in the bar than they ever do in class. I didn't fancy sitting with either on this occasion, so I just took my pint and made my way to a quiet corner.

"We need to talk" That's all that went through my mind.

A couple of the sporty lads Steve and Stewart, the twins, came up to me to ask if I'd seen last nights rugby match, where we'd beaten Kings college hands down. I hadn't, but made a good showing of being interested as I got a full comentary of the game. We chatted for a time then I made my excuses and went off to class.

Not that I could really get into it today. Normally drama improv is one of my favourite classes. It gives one a chance to really express one's self. Not today though. We were all paired off and had to do a scene with one of us being the prisoner and the other being the prisoner's spouse coming for a visit. I teamed up with Shelly, we work well together, just seem to bounce off of each other. Not today though. She asked what was wrong, I just told her that I'd not slept well and couldn't concentrate on anything. She did the best that she could when it was time to show our piece. Daniel, our tutor picked up that I wasn't my usual enthusiastic self so laid off me. Not something he's famed for. Usually when he thinks someone isn't giving him 100% he lays into them hard. Taking them apart till there's nothing left but a quivering wreck. I've seen grown men cry. When it was time for the class to end I breathed a sigh of relief that I'd avoided his dressing down.

"Andy, wait here for a moment, the rest of you can go. Don't forget it's Shakespeare day tomorrow". The various moans and groans subsided as the class left the studio. He waited till we were alone and motioned me to sit down. I watched him as he finished off clearing up. As well as being my drama tutor he was my course tutor. Daniel was a great teacher. One of those that you'd believe was your friend as well. He wasn't all that old either, not even pushing thirty. For an older guy he was really good looking, sexy in a sort of way that's very hard to explain. He walks into a room and his presence is felt immediately. He was teaching us for a year, while he was taking a year sabbatical from the Royal Shakespeare Company. I'd heard after signing up for this course that Daniel Spurn would be one of our tutors I was thrilled. I was lucky enough to see him in a RSC production of Hamlet last summer in Stratford upon Avon. Of course I didn't know who he was back then, but as I said he had such a stage presence, you sat up and took notice. I looked through the programme to see who was playing Hamlet and saw a brief biography of his film, tv and stage work. I know this sounds a bit juvenile, but when I got home from my holiday in Stratford, I cut his photo out of the programme and pinned it to my wall. I knew that if I could be inspired by him, I may make it as an actor. So like I said, I was thrilled that he was going to be one of my tutors. If only for a year.

"Andy" He said drawing a chair up to me. "What was today about?" I looked at him quizzically "I've never seen you so withdrawn in my class, you're normally the one who's first in line, up for anything. What can be so bad that my star pupil doesn't bother to show himself in class?" "I don't know" I lied "I just couldn't motivate myself today, I'm sorry. It wont happen again" "I'm sure it wont. Look, I'm not going to come the heavy tutor with you, more to the point I know that I don't have to. It's just that with it being so near to the Christmas production I thought that you'd suddenly gone down with an attack of the nerves." "Yeah, that was it. Nerves" "Nice try, you're a good actor Andy, but not that good." "Look" he said putting his hand on my knee "If you have any problems I'm here, even if it's just to listen to you vent some aggression. I'm your tutor but I'd also like you to see me as a friend, I know that's the normal bollocks that tutors come out with, but in this case it's true. Anytime you have a problem you can't deal with I'm always here for you. Whatever is on your mind, just try to look at it in a different way. Might not seem so bad after all." "Thanks Dan" I replied. "But I just had an off day, not much sleep last night. You know how it is" "Okay, so I'll let my last statement sink in. Go on with you"

I left the studio thinking about what Dan had said. I think if circumstances were different I'd like to think that we would have been friends. But what with him being my tutor and someone whom I looked up to, was inspired by, it put a different slant on it. Besides I couldn't have told him what the problem was as I didn't yet know if there was a problem. I had after all assumed the worst all day. There was only one way to find out and the time for reckoning was near.

I walked up to the halls of residence, each step closer got that much harder. Although I'd nearly convinced myself that things may not be all that bad after all, I was still full of fear. Why was I letting Tom get to me like this? I'd never been like this before. I'd had one night stands and just shrugged them off. Why did this seem different? I opened the door to our room and saw Tom sitting by the computer working on something. He put his book down and turned to me.

"Do you know anything about Wilson?" He asked picking up his book again and waving it at me. "What?" I replied a bit perplexed "Politics, Prime Minister in the sixties and seventies? Do you know anything about him? I've got a bloody essay on some guy I've never heard of and all I've got is this bloody book from the library that seems to be of no help what so ever."

This is not what I had in mind when I read his note this morning. I sat down on my bed and waited for him to finish his work. Not a long wait, he seemed to give up almost immediately saying that Mr Wilson can wait for tomorrow.

Time to bite the bullet I thought. Now or never and all that. "So I got your note" "Yeah, I know," he said sitting down on his bed opposite me. "I guess I was a bit freaked this morning, waking up next to you, remembering what we did during the night. I was a bit, well, freaked." I went to speak but he held up his hand and gestured to me that he hadn't finished. "Andy, I'm not gay. Never even really thought about it. You know me; I don't care what people do. I just never really thought about it. Till this morning. I don't know what happened last night, I don't know if I'm comfortable with it. I know I started it, I was as horny as hell. I just wish that if I'd chosen to go with a guy that it wasn't someone who I see as my best friend. I don't want to hurt you." He reached over and took both my hands in his and motioned for me to stand up. "I think I've got a lot of soul searching to do. Maybe I do fancy guys, I don't think so, or maybe it's just you. I know I still fancy girls so like I said I've got issues to deal with. I just don't want last night to come in the way of our friendship." "Look mate" I said after he finished "It was what it was. A moment. I don't regret what we did and as far as I'm concerned it won't dent our friendship. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable around me, that's what I'm most worried about." "I couldn't be uncomfortable around you. You're my mate. I've just got some stuff to sort out in my head. You understand" "Of course I do." I replied. "You're the tops man" and as if to emphasise the point he leant into me and gave me a quick, slightly uncomfortable kiss on the cheek.

We chatted for a while longer, nothing much really, just about what we'd been up to during the day. I decided that I wanted to go down to the bar and asked Tom if he wanted to come along. He said that he really ought to try to get to grips with that essay so would give it a miss for tonight.

I walked down to the bar on my way I bumped into Steve and Stewart. They'd just finished training by the looks of them. Still in shorts and rugby tops. The sweat on their faces betrayed their thorough workout. When we got to the bar all the usual suspects were there. We sat down and for the first time in the day I started to feel my normal self. Conversations were animated and lively. We got more rowdy as the night went on and the beer flowed freely. Shelly from my class joined us, she sat on my knee and asked if I was okay now. She's such a sweet girl, one of those types who would take on the weight of the world if she could. She wouldn't be fobbed off by my saying that I was just having an off day, so I told her that it was man troubles. That led to a long conversation about the ups and downs of dating men. She made it perfectly clear that if I were to ever decide to check out what I'm missing with a woman that she'd be happy to initiate me. I replied that I had her mobile phone number and if I ever felt the need to get bad head I would get back to her. She slapped me.

I don't know how long I was in the bar for. I do remember being in there long after last orders were served. It must have been way past mid-night when I finally staggered out to start the long walk back to the halls. I vaguely remember taking a short cut across the campus green, I started to feel a bit dizzy so I found a tree to lean up against and promptly fell down by it.

I came round some time later, being shaken awake by a recognisable voice.

"Andy, Andy, you alright mate" "Huh?" I replied hazily "Come on mate let's get you up. Stu give us a hand here" Steve and Stuart between them picked me up and slung my arms over their shoulders to carry me off. They took me to their apartment, which was much nearer than my room. Being second year students they lived in the student village on campus where they had their own flat.

"Ste, get the coffee on I think he needs a strong one" said Stuart while helping me down on to the couch. "Nuh, s'all right, I'll be all right in a minute" I slurred. "You're totally wasted, man" said Steve "I think it's best that you stay here tonight. If campus security find you wondering around in this state you'll be for it"

It was true; security had a bee in their bonnets about drunkenness. What with Christmas just round the corner they were out to get anyone. I decided it was pointless arguing that I was okay and besides I could have thought of worse places to spend the night.

I don't know what happened to the coffee, I must have passed out again. The next thing I remember was being carried off over Steve or Stuart's shoulder and being placed down on a bed. I felt my shoes being taken off and then a hand fumble with my jeans button. At the same time I was hoisted up to a sitting position and my sweater was pulled off. So there I am, down to my T-shirt and cotton briefs, totally at the mercy of two very well built rugby players. Two things happened instantly. One I sobered up and two I felt the constraints of my briefs as I popped a boner.

"Sorry guys" I said rather sheepishly "But if you will manhandle me, you'll have to deal with the consequences" "Do you reckon that it was you or me who gave him that hard on?" asked Steve to Stuart. "I don't know mate, I'd like to say me but everyone knows that you're the better looking one" replied Stu. "I wouldn't say that. Either way I think we've got a bit of a situation on our hands. Looks like our gay friend here needs some attention" "And far be it for me to let a friend in need down"

Stuart sat down on the bed beside me and reached over to my cotton covered bulge. He rubbed me up and down a couple of times and then freed my dick.

"Wow, Andy. That's not a bad one" remarked Stu taking hold of it properly. "Y'know Stu, I heard that gay boys give the best blow jobs" "Where did you hear that one Steve?" asked Stu "I don't know, just around I guess. Never really thought I'd ever find out. But as you're here Andy, would you like to prove it?"

Of course I would. Steve moved over towards me and I sat up on the bed. Stu moved away from me seeming content to watch the show for the time being. Steve's shorts were now at about my face level, I reached up and pulled them down. Man, there was a real nice package waiting for me in his jock strap. He went to put his hands on the waistband to pull it down. I moved his hands away; there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to have a suck on a sweat soaked rugby player's jock. I clamped my mouth round the contents, the aroma from the jock hit my nose, I was pretty sure that tonight's workout wasn't the only smell I was getting off it. I'd say that Steve wasn't very good at washing his jock.

Sucking on the pre cum oozing from Steve's jock I decided that it was time to see just how big his tool was. I pulled down on the band of his jock and his dick bounced up at me. Pretty big, I'd say. I placed my hands on Steve's hard muscular arse and pulled him closer to me. Taking his dick right down, I heard his moans of ecstasy. I glanced round at Stuart who had also got his cock out and was wanking himself off in the corner of the room.

No sense in letting a perfectly good dick go to waste, so I called Stu over. I got them both to lay down on the bed and between them I gave the best duel blowjob I've ever done.

I'd say that these boys were fairly well trained in the art of man love, this was no first time for either of them. I'd even go as far to say that I'm quite sure that this wasn't the first time they'd pleasured each other. We spent the rest of the night in various different combinations.

I woke up in the morning entangled between the twins. All three of us on a small double bed, I got up carefully so as not to wake them. I looked around the floor for my clothes and gathered them up. Once dressed I then searched for a keepsake of the night gone by. There they were, two sweaty jockstraps, just waiting to be nicked. Not knowing whose was whose I thought what the hell, I should take them both. It wouldn't be fair otherwise. I stuffed them both in the pockets of my jacket and made my way off to the communal dining room. It was nearer to there than going straight back to my room.

I got my breakfast and went off to a table. The hall was pretty empty as breakfast had only just began. As it gradually filled up I noticed that the niggling headache that was hovering around me was rapidly turning into a full-blown hangover. Boy had I drunk some last night. Mind you I wasn't complaining that much, after all it's not often a chance to fuck two really hot guys who happen to be twins comes around. I couldn't help break into a smile.

"Looks like you got the cream" Remarked Tom as he placed his tray down on the table and took the chair opposite me. "You could say that" I replied. "So dare I ask what you got up to last night" "You can ask but I'm not sure you'll want the details"

I wasn't really referring to our situation; this was how most of our morning after conversations started. One or both of us wouldn't have made it back to the room the night before and there were details to be shared. Of course I never really went into graphic detail and to my good fortune Tom paid me the same grace. Sometimes names were swapped. Now don't get me wrong, I'd never brag about my conquests to just anyone. But Tom is not just anyone. I told him about Steve and Stuart. His mouth opened when I mentioned their names. He let out a slight laugh and then started to shake his head.

"What's up?" I asked "I was just wondering if there were any members of the rugby team that don't take it up the arse?" Tom was referring to a couple of other times that I'd done my bit for university team spirit. I'd been in university for a month or so, when I gave a wank job to a guy called Michael (terminally straight, but after a few beers became curious) and a few weeks later I had a damn good shag by Tom (No, another Tom) Who happened to be Michael's best friend. Both really hot rugby players, whose jockstraps now lay in my own trophy cabinet (well, my draw actually).

Tom had a point; maybe I could turn that into a personal challenge. By the end of the year I'd see if I could work my way through the university rugby squad. Not that I know a lot about sport you understand. Mind you after last night I think I found out what a tight end is.

I repeated that to Tom and he nearly choked on a mouthful of Corn Flakes. Once he cleaned the mess he'd just made I asked him what he got up to last night. It turned out that after I went to the Uni bar he tried to work on his essay. Didn't get very far so went off to find Sophie, in the hope of trying to patch things up with her. It turned out that she freaked because she felt that things were going a little too fast for her. Tom said that he understood and that they could go at whatever speed that she wanted. I really think that Tom was hot for this girl, I'd never seen him so understanding. Normally it's over and done with and on to the next. Maybe he'd actually fallen for Sophie. I asked Tom what happened next, he told me that they went out into town had a meal and he drove her back to her place. That was it apparently.

Although after a bit of digging he told me that after he dropped her off he went to a pub in town and bumped into Kate, who of course went back with him and he'd just come from walking her back to her halls room.

University years, best time of your life. Whoever said that really knew their stuff.

After breakfast we walked back to our room, just talking casually. Both of us had early classes, Tom had an economics lecture to attend while I had the joys of Shakespeare to get through. Actually I didn't mind it so much; it was all part of my theatre studies module of my degree. Oh if any of you are wondering what I'm studying, it's a drama/theatre based media studies course. I know, before any of you say anything, it's a Mickey Mouse course. In my defence I'd have to say that on the whole I'd agree, if this course was in any other university (other than Cambridge that is). Fortunately it is one of the most respected universities for this course. Quite a few well known actors have been here. I was really glad to have been accepted otherwise I may not have bothered going to university at all. I was the first member of my family who got to go. The rest just went straight in to work or on the dole. I wasn't really the thing to go to university where I came from. Factory fodder, that's what the teachers at school used to call us when we got out of hand. For most of us, unfortunately they were probably right. That, or a career signing on in between various McJobs. There was no way I was going to settle for that. When I told my parents that I wanted to act, they hit the roof. I got all the grief about how many would be actors were on the dole and what made me think that I'd be different. I did my research and after a couple of meetings with the school careers advisor, I found the course that I'm now on. The reasoning being that it would give me a good grounding for performance but also take on subjects involved in the back stage running of theatres and other such things. My parents satisfied that not only did I have a fall back plan but also quite proud of the fact that I didn't want to take the usual route of drugs and depravation that blighted our housing estate, gave their blessing for me to go.

Tom on the other hand was doing a course that he wasn't really into. His parents expected him to go to university; he comes from a line of siblings who all did rather well in the education system. That is to say the education system that mummy and daddy pays for. Tom has two brothers, both several years older than him. Both high achievers, apparently one is a doctor and the other is climbing the ladder in the civil service. Tom on the other hand has no idea what he wants to do. His parents pushed him into university and on to a business degree. I think if it had been up to Tom he'd have blown it all out and gone off travelling for a few years. It was in his nature to rebel against his fairly privileged up bringing. Not that he saw it like that. He just hated the crap that his parents dished out to him about getting on in life and things not being handed to him on a plate. He told me that his parents had his life mapped out for him and as far as they were concerned that was that. The thing is he knew deep down his parents were right and he'd give it a go. Well apparently they can be rather persuasive. The new Toyota MR2 helped. Nice car!

Over the next few days Tom and I didn't see much of each other. I was busy with last minute rehearsals for the Christmas play that we were doing. A highly original modern day version of A Christmas carol. Staring yours truly as Mr Scrooge. How very seasonal!

It was probably just as well that I didn't see that much of Tom over those few days. I found that I needed a bit of space from him. I was still a bit unsure about us even though on the surface things were normal, our conversations and the way we acted around each other was the same as ever, but underneath I felt that things were not right. Maybe I was projecting; maybe it was just me. Maybe I was falling in love. Having never really been down that road before it was hard for me to put a word to the emotions that I was feeling. Tom was not the first 'straight' boy that I'd been with, not by a long way, but he was the first person that I had any feelings for. I didn't need this right now, not just because I was worried about fucking up our friendship but also because I needed to give my all for the up and coming play. There was no room for distraction right now.

Having said that, I did notice that Tom had finally got down to doing his washing (a once every other week occurrence at best) and had gone back to wearing his boxers. What I didn't know at the time was that he'd not quite gone back to his boxers, for underneath he was wearing one of my thongs. I didn't notice its absence in my draw, well I wouldn't, so many of them in there, one missing wouldn't really go noticed unless I was having a sort out.

It wasn't until later did I find out that I had a thong borrower in my midst. When I think back on it now, it really turns me on to know that underneath his passion killers (that's what I think of boxers) he was wearing something that would have sent me red hot. Maybe given the circumstances it was just as well that I didn't know. I'd have ended up jumping his bones if I'd seen him walking around in one of my thongs. That, I also later found out would have been quite harmful, as during this time he was subconsciously working out why he was constantly turned on by not only wearing his best mates pants, but also why he was walking around with a boner all day just by wearing a nylon thong under his shorts.

Part three on its way soon (hopefully)

Next: Chapter 3

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