Changing the Game

By Adam Smith

Published on Feb 9, 2012


I stood there in front of my four friends, completely naked, hands on my head and hard as a rock. I'd never felt more exposed before and kept expecting to wake up to find it was some sort of weird but hot dream. But it wasn't. It was quite real and I was there to serve them that night.

"Wow!" said Thomas.

"I'll be honest" said Graham "you've got an awesome cock".

"Thank you sir, i'm glad you like it" I replied.

"You're an obedient little bitch to aren't you" he continued with a sly smile. I nodded.

"In the right situation I am sir, and I agreed to do this, so i'm not going to do it half assed"

"I like you like that" said Ryan "looks good, no more clothes from now on when we have poker evenings" he poked his tongue out at me.

I figured I better make some sort of move lest they just ended up sitting there all night looking at my naked body. I walked over and picked up the wine bottle and began to refill their glasses. I was quite conscious of how much my cock bobbed about as I moved.

Once everyone had a full glass they stood up and started to head into the dining room to start the game. Not much was said, I think all of us were still adjusting a little to the situation, though everyone was quite clearly enjoying themselves, including me. Ryan lingered a little at the end and as he walked past me he ran his finger along my now exposed cock, when he got to the head he pushed it down and then let it go so it slapped back up against my stomach and bobbed around. He looked at me and smiled .

"Silly naked Adam" he then walked out of the room. I followed him into the dining room where the others were taking their places. The usual banter had started up a little more as they divided out chips and shuffled the cards.

"Where do you want me?" I asked, directing the question at Graham seeing as he seemed to be taking the lead so much.

"You can just stand off to the side for now. Keep your hands behind your back though, can't have you covering anything up. We'll tell you if we need anything from you. Also no talking unless spoken to first, slaves should be seen and not heard". It was the first time the word "slave" had been used, I liked it. I went and stood at the side of the room as he directed. It wasn't a huge room so I wasn't far away from the proceedings. I stood there as instructed and watched them play. I wasn't included in the conversation much, it was odd because they would chat about things that I would usually join in on but I had to refrain unless they addressed me. I noticed throughout the first couple of hands that each boys eyes would stray over to me fairly frequently. I reveled in the looks, loving the idea that they were able to just look me up and down at their whim. My cock remained hard throughout.

"I thought it would be weirder having you like that tonight" said Doug a couple of rounds into the game "but I quite like it" he waved his empty glass at me "I need a refill".

I opened a fresh bottle and proceeded to fill his glass and then move onto the others. When I was pouring Graham's I suddenly felt his hand grasp my cock.

"I told you it would be fine, look at this thing, you're clearly enjoying yourself" he jerked it a couple of times. I stood there while he proceeded to brashly feel up my cock.

"Stop jerking him off and send him over here, I want more wine" said Thomas. Graham let me go and slapped me on the ass as I headed round to fill Thomas's glass. "That's better" said Thomas "I shouldn't have to wait" as I was pouring he mimicked Graham and grabbed my cock. I couldn't believe how much they were getting into this. To be honest I thought originally that I would just end up naked, serve them drinks for a little while and then the novelty would wear off for everyone and i'd just end up joining in the game or just sitting chatting with them while they played, possibly still naked or even dressed. I didn't think they would all get into the master role so well and be so happy to just feel me up when they wanted. I think it was a combination of the booze and the group situation. Had it just been one of them I think it would have been far more limited (apart from maybe with Graham), but the group dynamic allowed each person to be a bit more daring and push the boundaries bit by bit, and the lack of any protests from anyone else was basically seen as a fanfare of approval.

The game got back underway, but now that it had been deemed ok to touch me I was no longer standing off to one side. The guys had me by the table always within arms reach. At first they just kind of passed me round randomly, casually running their hands over my stomach and chest or groping my cock and my ass. But as things went on they started to change it up a little and add me into the betting so whoever won each round got me next to them for the next round. It became the running gag then to stroke my cock for luck. They also started to talk less to me and more about me. It was all light hearted though. Doug was the first to lose all his chips, and then Thomas. They stayed at the table though, chatting with the other two and going through more wine which I dutifully refilled whenever they were empty. Everyone was getting quite buzzed, including me as they were nice enough to let me drink along with them. I think they wanted to make sure I was relaxed, as more relaxed meant more obedient. Ryan and Graham were in fairly even positions in terms of chips, neither one seemed to be able to get to far ahead of the other. After a couple of rounds where no one really said much, just concentrated on the game Doug piped up.

"What are we going to do once the game is over?"

"What do you mean?" asked Thomas

"Well..." continued Doug gesturing towards me "is he going to just get dressed and that's it or what?"

I listened wondering what the verdict was going to be. I had wondered what would happen once the game finished as well. The thought of just getting dressed and us all heading home seemed incredibly anticlimactic but I wondered a little what else could happen. I certainly couldn't wait to jerk off and blow a load and doing that while the guys watched would be incredibly hot, but I wondered if they wanted it to go far. In hindsight it was a bit of a foolish underestimation, especially considering it had gone further than I had expected already. Graham in particular, especially under the influence of a bit of alcohol, wasn't going to just let things peter out it seemed

"Fuck no" he said "i'm not letting this opportunity go to waste. There's a bit more fun to be had with him yet i'm sure. No point in doing things half arsed" he laughed

Ryan smiled and nodded along in agreement. "The whole point of slave boys is for them to entertain us and i'm enjoying the show so far".

"So am I" said Graham. I was standing next to him at this point as he had won the last round and he had reached up to slowly stroke my cock during this exchange, "I think once the game is over Adam can put on a real show for us, I think he's definitely tipsy enough to go a little further, or a lot further". I nodded once again in agreement, there was no point denying it, I was definitely buzzed and so turned on at how they were using me at the moment. My cock was leaking a bit of precum and some of it was going on Graham's hand. As if to prove his point he lifted his hand up level with my mouth, "lick" he commanded. I didn't even hesitate and stuck out my tongue to lick it off his fingers.

The other guys watched on in slight surprise. It was another boundary pushed past, and they soon stopped looking so wide eyed at how obedient I was being. They all had slightly calculating looks as though they were trying to think of things they could suggest for the post game entertainment they were now sure to get. Doug suddenly burst into a sneaky grin that made me worried for a second as to what he was thinking. I didn't have to wait long to find out.

"I've got a suggestion if he's keen"

"He's keen" Graham answered for me "what is it?"

"Be right back" said Doug and jumped up and hurried out of the room. He returned about to minutes later with one hand behind his back. He then brought it round to show us the dildo he was holding.

"Holy shit" said Ryan "seriously?"

"Just a suggestion. If everyone's keen perhaps he could use it on himself" answered Doug. The dildo was black, I estimated about 10" long and quite thick. Bigger than what my ass usually took but not overly big as to be a definite no. I looked at it wide eyed. 4 pairs of eyes turned to look at me to gauge my reaction. I just shrugged in my semi-drunken haze.

"It's not up to me really"

"Damn right it's not!" exclaimed Graham "I say make him take it all"

"Sounds good to me" said Ryan

"No complaints here" agreed Thomas.

"Are we gonna watch him fuck himself with it? Or do we get to use it on him?" said Ryan with a grin.

This was certainly a leap in what I had expected. Five minutes prior I was thinking they wouldn't wanna watch me jerk off, and now they were suggesting that I get fucked with a dildo in front of them.

"I wanna see both" said Graham "I wanna see him blow a load with that thing inside him"

"So who's going to fuck him with it?" asked Doug

"How about a wager on the game" said Graham, reminding us all that the poker game hadn't even finished yet, "whoever wins gets the pot, and they get to shove that up Adam's ass"

"Deal" said Ryan

My ass had suddenly become a prize in a game. It was humiliating and hot and I loved it. I looked at the dildo in Doug's hands, the realization sinking in that in a little while either Ryan or Graham was going to be pushing it into my ass while the others watched. I was also going to have to jerk off and blow my load for them as well. The idea of it made my cock twitch in anticipation.

Ryan and Graham returned to the game with renewed interest. The rest of us watched on as cards got dealt, stakes got raised and chips went back and forth. As the blinds went up the game started to swing in Ryan's favour. Graham was getting noticeably annoyed at the turn of events. He didn't like losing at the best of times and I guessed he considered this to be a pretty big bet at stake. Even in my tipsy state of mind I started to get a little nervous at the idea of what was approaching and wondered if things were going too far. I looked over at Ryan who caught my eye and smiled. He was pretty sure of himself and looking at the amount of chips he had it looked like luck was on his side. While apprehensive about the prospect of him exposing my hole for the others to see and then shoving a large dildo up it for their amusement I couldn't help but be turned on by the idea. Ryan is a cute guy, a little shorter than me, short dark spiked hair and a baby face. I continued to be surprised at the eagerness of everyone to see my ass get abused, and of Ryan to do the abusing and hoped this wouldn't become horribly awkward later on. It was too late to worry about that now though. The game was definitely coming to a close with Graham's meagre pile of chips looking rather lonely compared to Ryan's impressive stack. By this point I was firmly in a slave mindset and couldn't even comprehend refusing what was coming up. Graham was forced into an all in and laid down a pair of kings which was not enough to beat Ryan's three sixes. He had already resigned himself to defeat a bit before that but wasn't willing to just give in as was his nature.

Ryan scooped the last of the chips toward him with a triumphant laugh.

"Ha! I win!" he crowed

"Yeah whatever" said Graham. He definitely seemed annoyed. I wasn't sure if it was the money, the fact that he hating losing so much, or that he didn't get to be the one to violate me. It was hard to gauge with him. I assumed possibly a combination of all three.

"Right, you, lounge, now" Ryan said pointing. He was acting a little like a kid on Christmas Day. I couldn't help but be slightly amused.

I obediently headed into the lounge and stood there waiting. Everyone else followed me in. Thomas and Graham sat down on the couch and I refilled everyone's glasses, seeing as I was shortly going to be indisposed and unable to pour more drinks.

"I should probably get a towel or two to lay down and some lube" said Doug

"Might be a good idea" said Graham "would be a little mean to make him take that thing dry"

I hurriedly agreed. Doug's toy was gonna be hard to take as it was considering it's size. A little mean was an understatement. Damn impossible was more accurate.

"Here you go" said Doug coming back in with two towels and a bottle of lube in his hands. He handed the towels to me and the lube to Ryan. There was a slightly awkward pause while Doug sat down and Ryan and I just stood there. I almost wanted to burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all, but it was all too real to be funny. My heart was beating at an insane pace and my cock was still just as hard as it had been all night. I had butterflies in my stomach but was ultimately looking forward to what was about to happen. I laid one of the towels out on the floor and put the other beside it for when I needed to clean myself up. Then I stood back up and waited. Ryan was holding the dildo and the lube and looking at me, weighing up the situation.

"He should be on his hands and knees with his ass toward us" said Graham. He may not have won the game, but he was still gonna take the lead as much as he could.

"Down you get then" said Ryan. I slowly got down on my hands and knees facing away from the other three. Ryan got down on his knees next to me and rubbed his hand along my back down to my ass, his other hand snuck under me and casually played with my cock. I loved the feeling of his hand stroking me, he had a good touch. He was the only one who could see my face and I gave him a smile so he could see I was enjoying myself.

"Spread his cheeks" said Graham "let's see it". I hoped Ryan wasn't going to get annoyed that Graham was giving him orders now as well, but it seemed not as Ryan took his hand off my cock and moved both hands to my ass. He rubbed both cheeks for a few seconds and then pulled them apart exposing my hole to the three watching. I felt a flush of embarrassment in my face. There really wasn't any part of me they hadn't seen now. Before Graham could give any more input Ryan ran one finger down the middle off my ass, lightly brushing over my hole and went back and forth there several times.

"You think I should finger him first?" he asked the others.

"Yeah, loosen him up a little" said Thomas "he looks rather tight there"

Ryan picked up the bottle of lube and held it about a foot above my ass letting it drip liberally between my spread cheeks where it ran down to my hole. It was a little cold and when it hit I couldn't help but tense up a little. The boys were getting an unobstructed view of my hole clenching in and out. I couldn't see their reactions but I didn't hear anyone disapproving of what they saw so assumed they were all enjoying themselves. Ryan certainly seemed to be and was getting into it a little more. His finger returned to my hole rubbing the lube over it. He then slowly started inserting one finger. I tried to relax to make it easier for him. He slid his finger up me and started to slowly move it in and out. It wasn't long before he added a second and as my ass started to loosen a little, a third. I could only imagine how it looked from the couch. One of their friends naked on his hands and knees completely exposed while another friend casually finger fucked him. Ryan was mostly focussed on what he was doing but would occasionally glance up and catch my eye, smiling away. After a few minutes Graham broke the silence.

"Fuck, this is one of the hottest things i've watched"

"Can't disagree with you there" said Doug "Adam has a nice ass"

" Very fuckable" said Graham

"Take him home and fuck him then" said Thomas laughing

"Maybe, you never know" said Graham

I considered this for a minute while Ryan continued to finger fuck me. It occurred to me that since Graham had lost the game tonight and wasn't in Ryan's position he might want to have his own turn sometime in a bit more of a private setting. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened in the near future, and decided I probably wouldn't be opposed to it either. I liked his dominant attitude, it turned me on. We would see. For now I was enjoying the situation I was in. Not being able to see the others allowed me to get lost a little more in what Ryan was doing to me, though I was still quite aware that the other three were watching everything.

"Should I move onto the dildo now?" asked Ryan

"Yeah, he looks like he's ready for it" said Thomas

He was right. I wanted it in me. I also wanted Ryan's hand back on my cock. It was dripping precum onto the towel below me and craving to be touched. The guys were going to see a big load when I came. I felt Ryan's fingers withdraw. He wiped his hands on the towel and I saw out of the corner of my eye him pick up Doug's toy and put some lube on it. He looked down at me.

"Ready?" he asked. I nodded. He put the tip of it on my hole and slowly started to push it in. Despite his previous stretching it was still a tight fit and I tried my best to relax so he could get it in. He took it slowly, pushing it into me bit by bit until he had the first inch or so in me.

"Jesus Doug, that thing is rather big, how do you take it?" asked Thomas

"I haven't yet" said Doug "I have used it on someone else though, they enjoyed it" he laughed

"Did they get it all in?" asked Graham


Ryan kept pushing it in slowly, it hurt a little but felt good at the same time. He returned his hand to my cock finally slowly stroking it causing even more precum. He caught some on his finger and brought it to my mouth as Graham had done earlier. I obediently sucked it off, lingering a little on his finger and giving him a look. He winked at me and gave the dildo a bit of a thrust, pushing what felt like another inch or so into me. I couldn't tell how much he had got in so far, it felt like a lot but I couldn't tell without seeing it. None of the guys were saying anything to give me any clue. Ryan started to slide it in and out slowly fucking me with it while continuing to jerk me off. Finally one of the boys said something.

"He's not doing too badly with it" said Thomas

"Indeed" agreed Graham "he's got over half of it in"

It was definitely starting to feel good. I couldn't stop myself from moaning a little. I still felt embarrassed at the situation but was enjoying it so much I was trying very hard to just lose myself in the moment. The booze certainly helped with that. I think had I been completely sober I would have panicked by now and called it all off. But now it was all happening I was enjoying the whole experience. Ryan continued to fuck my ass with the dildo and play with my cock for several minutes. The only sounds were my heavy breathing and occasional moans. Ryan suddenly stopped.

"Turn over, on your back"

I complied, being careful to not let the toy slip out of me. Ryan still had his hand on it while I got into position holding it in. For the first time I could see the other three sitting there watching. They looked so casual sitting there with their wine. Graham and Doug were discreetly rubbing themselves through their pants though. I smiled at the thought that they were getting off on it so much. Ryan resumed his slow fucking of my ass and jerking of my cock. Every so often he would move his hand and rub it up over my stomach and chest, tweaking my nipples or playing with my belly button, but never had it away from my cock for long. He was stroking it up and down, not to fast, and every few strokes would run his thumb over the head which was wet and glistening eliciting a shudder from me as it felt so good. I was trying to prolong the experience and hold off from cumming for as long as I could but I could tell I was getting close. Ryan sensed it too. He took his hand off the dildo leaving it pushed inside me and brought that hand to my balls, rolling them around in his hand and rubbing his hand over the area between them and my hole. His pace quickened a little.

"He's definitely getting close"

"Make him cum" said Graham "this is too hot, and I can't wait any longer, I wanna see him blow his load"

"So do I, go on" said Doug

Ryan kept his pace up on my cock. His other hand alternated between my balls and the toy still in my ass, pushing it ever so slightly further in each time. From my limited view and how it felt it seemed like he had about 8" of it in me but I couldn't tell for sure. I could feel the pressure starting to build in my balls, it wasn't long now.

"Keep going" I whispered. Ryan smiled. His hand felt so good on my cock. This was definitely one of the best hand jobs i'd ever had, not just because of the situation I was in. Ryan had good hands. Suddenly I crossed the point of no return, I started shuddering and my cock erupted. The first shot going past my head and landing on the towel about a foot past me. The second hit my chin, I swear Ryan had readjusted to try and get me in the face, but I didn't care. The rest of the shots went on my chest and stomach. There was a lot of cum. I looked like i'd been in the middle of a circle jerk with everything landing on me, but it was all mine.

"Impressive!" said Graham

"Fuck dude, you drenched yourself" said Thomas

Ryan didn't say anything. He played with the cum on my stomach and in my belly button with his finger with a satisfied smile on his face. With a sly grin he scooped some up on his finger and held it up to my mouth. I looked at him, to spent to resist and opened my mouth. I sucked his finger clean.

"Holy shit, do that again" said Graham

Ryan didn't need any further encouragement and proceeded to scoop up some more and feed it to me. He then picked up the other towel and started to wipe me down. At the same time he slid the dildo out of my ass and put it aside. I lay there for a minute out of breath then I took the towel off Ryan and mopped up the spots he'd missed. I then got up and stood there. The post orgasmic glow started to fade a bit and the realization that I was now no longer that horny and naked in front of my four friends kicked in. I couldn't help but feel rather embarrassed now and couldn't bring myself to look the others in the eye. I got a rousing round of encouragement from them however.

"That was fucking hot" said Thomas "thank you Adam, I can't believe you actually did all that, but i'm glad you did"

"Hell yes" agreed Graham "I'm not sure you'll be allowed to join back in poker now, we'll just have you like this every time"

"I don't know about that" I said "I missed being able to play tonight, but you never know..." I left it hanging

"I'll get your clothes for you" said Doug. I had forgotten he had put them away for safe keeping. My mind was starting to replay everything from the evening. I had been naked in front of them all for about four hours straight now and now that I had cum I was ready to get dressed. My cock had gone down so they were seeing it soft for the first time all night. Doug came back in and handed me my clothes. I slipped my underwear on and couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret that it was over now. Even now I wasn't horny I still enjoyed the feel of being naked in front of them and hoped that maybe I could do it again sometime. After the great job that Ryan did of jerking me off I hoped maybe I could get him alone for some one on one fun at some point. I also wouldn't have been surprised if Graham didn't demand his own turn sometime soon. I would happily oblige for the both of them.


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