Changing the Game

By Adam Smith

Published on Feb 7, 2012


This is the first story i've written like this before. Been wanting to write one about some of my experiences for a while and figured this is a great one to start on. Feel free to send me feedback if you like. I will write the second part soon.

I've always had a bit of an exhibitionist streak, as well as a submissive one. It's odd though, i'm not one to wander around the locker room starkers or get naked at parties and stuff. In many situations i'm quite shy about getting any of my clothes off, but in the right situation that side of me comes out to play.

It's usually tied to whether someone really wants to see me naked and the whole submissive side that I have. I find it quite hot having to strip off in front of someone who is fully clothed and let them look me over, able to inspect me how they wish. Odd but true. I fantasize sometimes about being in situations like that, either with just one person or several people watching me and enjoying seeing me in a position of humiliation. Unfortunately I don't get a whole lot of chances to experience it in real life. It can be quite difficult to find people who are happy with only going so far, as in such situations I don't generally want it turn into full blown sex between us.

I've had a couple of experiences with such things though; where i've been at guys houses and been made to strip, let them look me over, touch me, tie me up and various other things (some of them maybe for later stories) but always with them remaining dressed and me not doing anything back to them. One of the hottest actually was one of the least sexual. I was a naked servant for a buddy of mine for a whole day, doing chores and waiting on him, part of it wearing a very brief pair of underwear and the rest of it completely naked. It was great. But as I said, I don't find it easy to find such experiences. Most guys are happy to start out with a bit of that but want it to end in the bedroom with me choking on their cock etc. Now i'm not averse to such fun, I also love good old fashioned naked romping around with all the bells and whistles that comes with it, but not in these specific situations.

However the point of todays story is to recount a recent experience I had which upped the anti on all my past experiences and was at the same time the hottest and equally most insanely nerve-wracking experiences i've had. All my previous experiences had been with guys i'd met off the net or had got to know properly through some sort of internet medium and nearly every single one had been me and one person, never in front of a group, as much as I would have liked such a thing. This recent one was with 4 friends of mine who are no more than that, just good friends. But it so happened that on a recent night, I ended up naked and serving them for an entire evening.

Firstly a couple of details about myself. My name is Adam. 25 years old. I'm just over 6' tall. I'm not uber-buff or anything. I don't work out (due to laziness) but i'm not bad looking and am slim and look not bad with my clothes off. I'm your normal average everyday guy with the occasional kinky leanings.

My friends are all around the same age as me. None of them screaming queens or Abercrombie models or anything. We are a good representation of your average group of mid-20's gays. One of the things we get together regularly for is a friendly game of poker. We don't bet big or make it too serious. Usually a token buy in and then a whole lot of wine and beer and loud talk about everything mid 20's guys talk about (sex, movies, sex, booze, sex, music, sex, sex...etc). We had several times brought up the idea during our games of looking out for a hot twinky 18 year old who might want to come and do exactly what I described above for us one poker evening. Have him serve us drinks wearing nothing but a smile and generally just be there as an entertaining distraction. Now you might wonder why I didn't leap up and volunteer for such a thing as soon as it was mentioned, and it was because being my close group of friends the thought of just openly volunteering would have seemed slightly odd and I didn't think I fitted the brief of what we were all looking for (seeing as i'm no longer 18 and not twinky), plus I kinda wanted to join in on their fun of it. The idea got brought up every once in a while over several months but no one really made a concerted effort to make it happen. One night however I was drinking with one of the boys, Doug, at his place and had definitely gone slightly overboard in my alcohol consumption so was even more relaxed than usual and the topic came up between us.

"We still need to find ourselves a servant boy for one of our poker evenings, there's always boys out on the town who worship themselves in the mirror so one of them has gotta be keen on coming along and letting us ogle him a bit"

"I know" said Doug "it can't be that difficult. We should just put an ad on a dating site and see if anyone volunteers. We could always pay him. If we all put in $10 to $20 each it would give him an ok pay packet for the night" he laughed.

I blearily reflected on this thought for a second.

"Maybe, though I don't see why we should have to pay them, it sounds like a fucking fun thing to do" I stated as I drained my glass and got up to fill another one.

"What? Serving us?" asked Doug

"Yeah...or anyone in that sort of situation really. I think it'd be great to be in that sort of position, being on display and exposed like that and having to keep everyone entertained" in the back of my mind I worried that perhaps I was sharing a little too much of my private fantasies, but my rational faculties were rapidly fading by this point.

"Well if you're keen on that, I could introduce you to a few guys who'd be interested" laughed Doug "there are plenty of older guys back in Hamilton who wouldn't say no".

"Hook me up" I cried raising my glass "i'm down".

Doug looked at me as though musing on a thought for a minute.

"Well, if we can't find someone to come and play naked serving boy for us, you'll just have to step up" he said in a light hearted manner.

"Sure thing" I said "though I don't think i'm quite what we're looking for, but hey, why the fuck not!"

Doug laughed and the conversation moved on to other things. I didn't really think much more of it at the time. Just a drunken joking conversation. But a couple of days later I got a message from one of the other boys, Graham which made me realize that Doug had put more thought into the idea afterwards.

Graham mentioned that he had been chatting to Doug and he had mentioned what I had said to him and he wanted to know if i'd seriously be interested in doing it. At first I sort of awkwardly laughed it off and said no, it would be weird. Though in the back of my mind my curiosity was piqued. While I hadn't first envisaged me doing that, it would be kinda hot having to be their servant boy for the night. The fact that I had known them all for several years would certainly put a new dynamic on my usual naked servant play i'd had before. Graham pushed some more as to why I said no when I had seemed so interested to Doug and I relented a little and made some excuses about how they wouldn't want me doing that, we were looking for some young twink we didn't know. Graham said that he wouldn't object to it being me, and Doug wasn't opposed to it either and suggested that he should ask Thomas and Ryan for their opinion. I gave in and told him to go for it. If they all agreed then maybe i'd think about it. I figured it would stop there. Already I was getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of going through with something like that.

Apparently though I was wrong to think it wasn't going to go anywhere. The next day Graham called me.

"Everyone's keen if you are" he said "there's no pressure to do it, but if it's something you'd find fun and hot to do then now's your chance"

" serious?" I asked, can't quite believing it had got to this stage

"Yep, we're playing poker next week, and if you agree then you'll be out of the game and instead be our serving bitch for the night" Graham chuckled. He always had quite a dominant personality and had always been one of the most keen on us getting a boy in some time.

"Um...i'll think about" I stammered. He was right. I did find the idea fun and hot, and the fact that it would be with friends who are usually equals instead of strangers was both exciting and petrifying at the same time.

I texted him about an hour later and said "sure, i'll do it, though we might need to set some rules beforehand". Graham replied with "no problem, it's gonna be fine".

The following week sped by in a bit of a blur. I had brief conversations with all the boys throughout the week, what I had agreed to do didn't get brought up much. I considered backing out about 100 times over the week but every time came to the conclusion that i'd always wonder what it would have been like if I chickened out. And at the end of the day the exhibitionist and submissive side of me was practically drooling in anticipation. This was the sort of thing that got me off. The nerves and the potential humiliation aspect made it all the more hot. I had to resist jerking off so many times that week lest I wear my cock out completely and it ended up limp on the night from over-use.

Graham seemed to be the one taking charge of the whole situation and we a couple of days before we talked about ground rules. I said I was pretty easy going all up, I trusted all four of them. My main concerns were that it remained our secret and that, while I was their servant for the night, I was still treated respectfully. Graham said that was fine as long as I understood that for the night I had a role to play and it wasn't as an equal and one of the gang and I had to do what I was told. I was their to serve and entertain them and was effectively an object their for their pleasure. I agreed. My cock was rock hard at what he was saying.

Finally poker night rolled around. I ran through most of the day on autopilot until it came time to get ready to head to Doug's house. Graham had said it had been decided that I should start off in my underwear for a little while before getting totally naked for them so I spent a long time deliberating over what ones to wear. I toyed with the idea of loose boxers for a little while considering them to be the least revealing but then decided that A)my cock would be rock hard and would look stupid tenting them out and B)why was I worried about how revealing they were, I was pretty sure they wouldn't be on for that long. In the end I settled on a pair of tight black CK briefs.

I was more than a little nervous pulling up to Doug's house. A million and one thoughts were racing through my head. I could have still backed out at this stage and just sat down with them and played poker, but there honestly wasn't any chance of that happening. My brain no longer had any control of what I was doing. My cock was doing the thinking for me and it was putting itself, quite literally, in the hands of my four friends that night.

When I wandered into Doug's living room Graham was already there having arrived not long before me and uncharacteristically early for him. I hugged him and Doug and we made small talk for a few minutes. Graham couldn't help but notice that I was a tad jittery.

"You're really nervous about tonight aren't you?"

"Just a little" I gave a slightly awkward half laugh

"Just have a drink, you'll be fine with a couple of glasses of wine in you" he said motioning to the bottles sitting on the coffee table. We always came well prepared for poker night.

"That's right, i'll go get some glasses" said Doug making moves to stand up

"Hang on" said Graham motioning him to sit down "that's his job tonight" he continued nodding toward me.

"Good point!" exclaimed Doug "you know where the glasses are" he laughed.

"Ok ok, you're right, I might as well get started" I said and stood up to head to the kitchen.

"Wait a second, you're forgetting something" said Graham and gestured at my clothes "those need to come off...go on, strip, down to your underwear"

"Shouldn't we wait until the other two arrive?" I asked

"Nope, you can answer the door for them in your underwear, it'll be a nice surprise for them"

I went a little deer in the headlights and looked toward Doug to see what he was thinking but he was smiling and nodded

"Go on, clothes off" he said.

"Ok then" I mumbled.

"And none of that please" said Graham "if we give you an order it's to be answered with a clear 'yes sir'". He and Doug seemed to be settling into their dominant roles very quickly

"Yes sir" I corrected myself and started to undress. I started with my shoes, fumbling a little with the laces, and then the socks, shoving them into my shoes. I then slipped my shirt off and folded it and put it on the chair I was sitting on. Graham and Doug sat there quietly watching. They seemed to be enjoying my slight awkwardness. I hesitated at my jeans. Neither of them had seen me anymore than shirtless before this. My heart was racing and the night had barely begun, I knew I was in for a whole lot more later. After a few seconds I took a deep breath and unbuttoned them, sliding them down and off. I folded them and placed them on the chair with my shirt and stood there in front of Doug and Graham in my tight black briefs. Their eyes wandered over me but quickly settled on my crotch, and I could understand why, my cock which had been soft while undressing due to my nerves was now beginning to stir and grow in my briefs, stretching them out. It was more than a little obvious and the boys smiled as I instinctively adjusted my cock to point to the side where it stretched out the black material.

"Very good" said Graham "nice undies".

"They are very nice" agreed Doug.

"And you're clearly already enjoying yourself" chuckled Graham "now, go and fetch the glasses so we can all have a drink"

"Yes sir" I said and went off into the kitchen. It was an odd sensation walking around Doug's house in just my underwear. I kept feeling like there were people outside watching me through the windows, but Doug had all the curtains closed. What was happening tonight was for their eyes only. I grabbed several glasses and went back into the lounge. Doug wasn't there.

"He's just gone to put your clothes away for safe keeping" said Graham smiling. While I was pretty sure if I really wanted them back they'd give them to me it gave me a thrill to think that I couldn't just get out of doing this at anytime now. I had to ask them and be given permission to have my clothes back. My cock twitched at the thought and Graham's eyes once again went straight to it. Doug came back in and sat down. I was slowly getting more comfortable walking around in front of them nearly naked. I opened a bottle and poured us all a glass. Just as I was handing Graham his there was a knock on the door signaling the arrival of Ryan and Thomas.

"Go on then, answer the door" said Graham. Suddenly the nerves came back. I didn't know what Thomas and Ryan would think. Were they expecting that i'd already be undressed?

I went out into the hallway and slowly opened the door, retreating behind it as it opened so no one outside would see me. Ryan and Thomas came on in, both a little surprised at my current state.

"Wow, look at you" said Thomas "I wasn't sure you'd actually go ahead with it, but there you are" he smiled "you look pretty good in those".

Ryan just gave me a look and tried to hide a grin behind his hand. I could understand why, it all seemed a little surreal at the time. His eyes dropped to my crotch and his eyebrow raised in what I hoped was approval.

"Very nice" he said and gave me a hug.

After he let me go I started to head toward the lounge and he gave my ass a light squeeze. It reminded me how vulnerable I was and how much I was theirs to play with tonight.

Back in the lounge everyone started chatting and joking around. I poured everyone a drink and remained standing off to one side. I quickly drained a glass myself and started to relax a little as once again I got comfortable wearing so little in front of them all.

"This is rather an interesting situation isn't it" said Thomas as they acknowledged me again "I wasn't sure what to expect from tonight but I am enjoying having you like that more than I thought I would"

"There's plenty more fun with him to come yet" said Graham

"Come over here for a second" said Ryan beckoning to me. I walked over and stood in front of him, my crotch level with his eyes where he was sitting. My cock was still rock hard and tenting my briefs. Ryan reached up and ran one finger lightly back and forth along the length of it. I stood stock still with my hands behind my back not protesting. The others watched in silence as Ryan ran his hand up from my pants across my stomach and up to my chest where he casually played with one of my nipples then back down pausing briefly to poke my belly button before returning to my pants and giving my cock a quick squeeze. A drop of precum oozed out in my underwear, only just noticeable on the black fabric.

It seemed like none of us had even breathed while he did this. It seemed to be the final reminder to everyone, including me that I was completely under their control for the duration of the evening and they could do with me as they wished.

Thomas who was sitting next to Ryan reached over and ran his hand over the front of my underwear as well. I was surprised at how quickly they were all getting into this but I was really starting to enjoy myself.

"Gosh that is rather hard in there isn't it" said Thomas with a smile.

"Get over here" said Graham

"Yeah, we're missing out at the moment" Doug added

"Yes sir" I replied with a small smile, starting to really get into my submissive role. I went over and stood in front of them.

"Hands on your head" ordered Graham. I complied quietly. Graham, like the others went straigh for my cock and squeezed it through my underwear giving it a couple of jerks and making more precum ooze out. He rubbed the very tip of my cock where the damp patch was and then turned me slightly so I was facing Doug. Doug's seemed slightly more reluctant to start feeling me up than the others, and sat there for a few seconds just looking me up and down. He caught my eye and gave me a little smile. He finished his glass and put it down then reached up and cupped my balls, gently feeling them up. At the same time I felt Graham's hand on my ass giving it a good squeeze. He grabbed me by the hips and turned me round again so I was facing Ryan and Thomas and resumed grabbing my ass, I felt Doug's hand join in and the both of them sat there feeling me up while Ryan and Thomas looked on. Suddenly Graham took his hand away.

"Right, that's enough of that now I think, we still have a poker game to play"

"True that, poker time" echoed Doug

"But first" Graham continued to me "I think you've had long enough to get comfortable, and as nice as the underwear is, we want a naked servant tonight"

"Yep, time to get 'em off" agreed Thomas "and then you need to pour us all refills, we shouldn't have to be pouring our own wine tonight"

"Go stand over there so we can all get a good view" prompted Graham. I went and stood where he was pointing. "Whenever you're ready" he said.

"Turn around first" said Ryan, no one disagreed so I turned away from them and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my underwear. I hesitated for a second and then slowly slid them down and off. I straightened up and stood there with my naked ass exposed for them. I couldn't see their faces so didn't know what their reactions were. I may be an average, slim white boy but I have a pretty nice ass. It's nicely rounded and fills out a pair of jeans well. I was always quite proud of it and liked wearing tight jeans to show it off to it's maximum effect. Of course now that was a redundant thought as I was standing there completely naked in front of my four friends and so they were definitely getting the maximum effect.

"That is a very nice bottom" said Thomas behind me, getting a chorus of echoes from the others. I smiled to myself.

"Not bad at all said Graham"

"Alright" said Ryan "turn around, let's see the rest of you".

My heart jumped a little bit. As I said before, while I have my exhibitionist streak, in everyday terms i'm quite shy. I don't just get naked anywhere so my friends had never seen my cock, least of all rock hard and dripping precum like it was now. I had also never had so many people watching me like this. It had always been just one, and now four of them were sitting there oh so casual looking me up and down, able to inspect every inch of me. This moment was both exciting and humiliating all at once. I covered my cock with both hands to prolong the moment a little longer an turned around to face them. My face flushed a little when I was able to see them all staring at my naked body.

"Uh uh" said Graham "none of that, you don't get to cover yourself, hands on your head" he ordered

"Yes sir" I said. Again, a couple of moments of hesitation occurred and then I quickly moved my hands away and put them on my head. My cock stood out at full attention. Uncut and 7.5" long and glistening from the precum I was leaking. All four pairs of eyes dropped straight to my crotch and they all smiled. There was no hiding now. I was naked and hard in front of my four friends, and I knew the night had hardly even started yet. They were really getting into it and admittedly so was I. I knew this was just the beginning of the fun they were going to have with me that evening.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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