Changing Love

By moc.liamg@19979sa

Published on Feb 1, 2011


It was Friday and the day of the naked night at the club. They decided to stay over at Adam's flat so in the afternoon they travelled to Kensington. Julian cooked a meal and afterwards they decided to go to a bar in Soho again before going to the club. Being a naked night at the club they only wore a pair of tracksuit bottoms without anything underneath, a jumper and a pair of trainers without socks. When they got to the bar it was busier than usual for some reason and they had to squeeze their way through to the bar to get a drink. Having done so they then squeezed their way into the mass of guys to move away from the bar itself and stood with their drinks.

They were packed in and bodies were close up against them. Adam found at one point that he was facing a rather nice looking guy who appeared to be on his own. They smiled at each other and Adam then noticed that the guy was feeling Adam's cock through his tracksuit. Having nothing on underneath it was soon reacting much to the guy's delight. He kept playing with it until it was fully erect. Adam smiled at him as he did so without saying anything. The guy grinned back. He was the sort of guy that Adam would have picked up had he not been with Julian who had his arm round him and was feeling his butt. There was then a general movement as someone else moved through the crowd and Adam turned towards Julian. The guy could no longer feel in Adam's crotch so he felt his butt and then inside his jumper to caress the naked flesh. Adam had his arm round Julian and kissed him. His hand then slipped down to his waistband and he slipped it inside to feel the top of his butt. It was all very erotic.

When they had finally finished their drinks, Julian and Adam decided to make their way to the club. As they moved away Adam smiled at the guy again and said goodbye. He grinned back and off they went.

They got to the club and went upstairs. Dwayne and Erik were there busy stripping off. The owner of the bar was sitting behind his desk enjoying the view of the guys' naked bodies as they did so. Julian and Adam stripped off their two items of clothing leaving their trainers on as was the custom and passed the items in the bag provided to the owner. A label with their number on was affixed to the bag and it was placed in a cupboard with others.

The four of them then moved into the bar area which was almost in darkness. The only lighting was round the bar area for the barmen. Adam counted about another dozen guys standing around all stark naked. One of the bar boys who were also stark naked came up to them and took their drink order. Adam gazed at his naked butt as he stood at the bar preparing them and felt his organ begin to stir. He noticed that several guys had semi hard-ons so he did not worry about showing it.

When they had their drinks the four of them moved to the end of the room and chatted. Julian asked Dwayne and Erik if they were interested in posing for his nude calendar and Erik replied for both of them saying they would be. It was arranged they would come to Hampstead on the Sunday.

The guys moved around more than previously and felt each other. Most cocks were now stiff and several guys were being sucked off in corners. Erik then led Adam into a small room off the main area. It was dark but when their eyes had become accustomed to the darkness Adam could see another pair in there busy fucking each other. Erik gave Adam a condom, bent over and invited him to fuck him. Adam was happy to oblige!

Julian noticed that most guys were doing pills. In fact one guy offered him and Adam some but they declined. Dwayne and Erik also declined and were somewhat fed up with the way things were going. "This club is going down hill in my view" Erik said quietly, "It used to be a place where you could socialise with guys and on naked nights enjoy each other's nakedness. It now seems to be populated by pill takers."

"I agree Julian" replied.

"Why don't we go back to my place and have some fun there in more comfort."

Adam and Julian agreed and another guy called Tim who had joined them earlier was also invited. Tim was a very nice looking guy and had a stunning body. Adam was happy that he would be joining them.

They collected their clothes and left for Dwayne and Erik's house round the corner. "We're really thinking of not renewing our membership at the end of the year" Erik announced as they walked along.

"Yeah, I might do the same" Julian replied, "What do you think Adam?"

Adam replied that he had only been on two occasions and that the club was nothing special in his view. He said he personally preferred a more intimate get together with friends. The others all agreed.

When they got to the house, Dwayne told everyone to make themselves comfortable, which was a way of saying `strip off'. They all did and relaxed in the living room. Erik meanwhile got a bottle of wine and they drank and talked for a while. Needless to say sex was talked about and in particular the nude calendar that Julian was working on. He and Adam talked about the guys they had used so far and the possibility of doing some porn work.

"Oh goody" Erik exclaimed, "I would love being photographed having sex".

Tim was fairly quiet but he gradually talked more as the night progressed. He explained that he shared a flat with a straight guy who he really fancied but the guy was clearly not interested. "He's always having girls back and I hear them humping away in his bedroom" he laughed.

"Is he okay with you being gay" Julian asked.

"Yeah he has no problem with that. I told him I was gay when we agreed to flat share."

"Do you have any boyfriends?" Dwayne asked.

"Nothing regular ", Tim replied, "I used to but he moved up North so we lost contact, not that he was that special."

"But he was a good fuck was he" Erik quipped.

"Not bad" Tim grinned in reply.

All the talk about sex was getting the guys randy and soon they were feeling each other. Tim was nearest to Adam so he had a good feel of Adam's already hardening cock. Soon Tim was lying on his back with legs in the air and Adam was fucking him. "Oh fuck me, that feels good" exclaimed Tim, "It's a long time since I have had a fuck like that".

As Adam fucked, Tim watched Dwayne fucking Julian. It really turned him on. Erik then moved over to Tim and Adam and sucked Tim's cock.

"How about giving me a double fuck" Tim suddenly said. Adam and Erik looked at him to see if he was serious.

"If you want to, I'm game if you are Adam"

Adam nodded whilst still pumping Tim. Erik then positioned himself across Tim so that he could insert his cock alongside Adam's. Tim seemed to take the two cocks easily and groaned with delight as he felt the two of them inside him. "Oh my god that feels awesome" he exclaimed as the pair pumped back and forth.

Dwayne and Julian who were still at it looked over and watched the double fuck in action. "I'd love to photograph that" Julian commented.

"Well perhaps another time" Tim replied, "I've always fancied myself as a porn star!"

The evening progressed in much the same way with more wine being drunk as they did so. Dwayne also rustled up some light bites to help it along.

It was almost three in the morning when they finally decided it was time to pack up. "I've really enjoyed tonight with you guys" Erik said, "Why don't we do this on a regular basis instead of going to the club?"

"That sounds a good idea to me" replied Julian, "and we could move around our homes to make it more interesting."

"That's a brilliant idea" Dwayne responded.

"In that case why don't you all come to my place in Hampstead next Friday? I could put you all up if necessary to save travelling home late."

"Sounds good to me" Erik said.

Adam added that they could also go to his flat in Kensington one night as well.

"The only thing is guys that it's a bit difficult for me to have this kind of thing at my place" Tim said apologetically.

"No problem" Erik quickly replied, "Three places to move round is enough. I suggest we all take a bottle with us to spread the cost of drink."

"Why not all come over about eight and we can have a meal together and then have some fun after that" Julian offered.

"Brilliant idea" Erik said enthusiastically.

They swapped email addresses and Julian said he would email everyone to give his address and how to find it. With that Julian, Adam and Tim left having kissed each other. As they walked down the road to get the night bus Julian asked where Tim lived.

"Camden" so it's easy to get to Hampstead.

They said their farewells and went off to find their bus.

"Nice guy that Tim" Adam said as they waited for their bus.

"Yeah, very nice" Julian replied, "and a nice fuck I imagine!"

Adam grinned nodding his head.

They got back to Adam's flat still feeling wide awake. They had a coffee and chatted before finally going to bed. Once in it they made love and fucked yet again. Neither of them ever seemed to tire of sex!

The following morning the sun was shining. They got up and had breakfast and Julian looked on the net to see what the weather forecast was going to be like for the next few days. It looked good despite it being mid September.

"Fancy a few days away in Bournemouth?" Julian asked.

Adam looked at him enquiringly. "Well the weather is looking good and we could go to Bournemouth and Studland Beach. I've always wanted to do some photographs of someone nude in the dunes."

Adam said he had heard of Studland beach but had never been so it would be good to go.

"I know a very nice B&B that is run by two gay guys so I'll give them a ring to see if they could take us for three nights. How about going for the nights of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday? We can then be back on Wednesday in time for Dwayne and Erik that evening to do the calendar shots."

Adam agreed it sounded a good idea so Julian immediately phoned the guys in Bournemouth. They only had two rooms they used for B&B but one was free so Julian and Adam were welcome to come."

"Right that's all arranged then" Julian said excitedly as he came off the phone. "I suggest we go back to Hampstead this afternoon and then we can drive down first thing in the morning."

With that arranged Adam set to and did some cleaning of the flat. Nothing had been done for over a week and he liked to keep it clean. Julian helped him and flitted round with the duster in the nude whilst Adam cleaned the bathroom likewise. With two of them the work was soon done and Adam had time to do some work on writing the amusing poems he had agreed to do for the calendar. Julian meanwhile went out to do some food shopping for a meal that evening.

They worked well as a pair and the more time they spent together the more they felt like a couple. Julian was feeling happy as he went round the local Tesco to get what he wanted. When he got back, Adam was almost finished so they read the poems through together. Julian thought they were brilliant and congratulated him on them. He then made some lunch for the pair of them and afterwards they set off for Hampstead.

"This works well" Julian said casually, "My place in Hampstead and yours in Kensington. We can use each depending on what we are doing."

"Yeah, it does" Adam replied smiling to himself. `My life has really turned around' he told himself as they walked to the Tube.

As they got back to the house, Julian heard a text message on his mobile. It was from Shaun. `Sitting here with nothing to do so thought I would thank you once again for a brilliant time the other evening. Really enjoyed it. Hope to do another sometime. Looking forward to doing the cleaning and gardening.'

"I think Shaun is lonely" Julian said having read the message to Adam.

"Could be"

"Would you mind if we invited him round for a meal with us this evening?"

"Sure, why not. You know what we've forgotten," Adam replied. Julian looked at him.

"He is supposed to be cleaning on Wednesday and we won't be back until late morning at the earliest."

"Oh fuck, forgot that" exclaimed Julian, "Oh well we'll ask him to come about 12 we should be back by then okay."

Julian sent a text in response saying `Thanks glad you enjoyed yourself. If you're not doing anything this evening would you like to come round and have a meal with us? Say about 6?'

Within seconds of sending the text a reply was received from Shaun. `Oh thanks, that'd be great, see you at 6'

On the dot of six the doorbell rang. Both Julian and Adam were stark naked so Adam slipped on a robe to open the front door just in case it wasn't Shaun.

"Hi Shaun, come on in"

"Hi, thanks so much for inviting me. I was feeling somewhat on my own with nothing to do."

He then passed over a bottle of wine that he had purchased at the local supermarket on his way. "It's not expensive but I thought it would be okay."

"Don't worry" Julian said as he kissed Shaun, "what you've brought is fine."

Shaun felt more relaxed and when invited to make himself comfortable joined the other two by stripping off.

"Fancy a swim?" Adam asked admiring once again Shaun's naked body.

Shaun looked at him wondering what he meant. "Julian has a swimming pool in the basement."

"Fucking hell that is something I would never have guessed."

The three of them went down to the pool and spent the next hour playing around in the water. Shaun was a good swimmer and loved the feel of the water round his naked body.

When they had finished they dried off and went back upstairs. "I'm doing sausages and mash tonight with leeks. That okay with you Shaun?"

"Sounds great, I love sausages, in fact I eat almost anything"

Adam and Shaun prepared the table whilst Julian cooked and then opened his bottle of wine. Having poured a glass for Julian they then took it into the conservatory. The evening sun was still shining slightly so it was nice to just relax on the sofa together.

"This wine is very good" Adam said as he took another swig.

"It's really nice of you both to invite me round, I really appreciate it."

"You're always very welcome and we enjoy having you."

Shaun looked at Adam and grinned "Yeah"

"Well that as well" Adam quipped back grinning.

"By the way, Julian has booked for the pair of us to go down to Bournemouth for three nights from tomorrow so we won't be back until late morning on Wednesday. He suggests you come round about 12 to start the cleaning. We should be back by then."

"No problem, I can always make up the hours another day if necessary."

Julian came in just as he was saying this. "Sorry about that Shaun; completely forgot we had arranged for you to come Wednesday. Once you know where things are I'll give you a key so you can get in if we're not here. I'll pay you for the day in any event."

Shaun was clearly appreciative and thanked him profusely.

They had their meal and after Adam and Shaun had cleared the dishes away Julian suggested they go upstairs and look at some porn. They sat side by side on Julian's large double bed with their backs against the headboard and watched gay porn. Needless to say they all three soon had stiff cocks and were feeling each other. Shaun was in the middle. Julian then knelt across Shaun's body with his back to him and sat on his cock. He then rode Shaun up and down until Shaun was writhing with sexual pleasure. Julian was amazed that he could take Shaun's thick cock but somehow he did. He could also feel its length as he sat right down on it. "Oh fucking hell" he exclaimed, "that feels good". Shaun couldn't believe that Julian had managed to take him but he enjoyed every second of it.

When Julian had finished, Julian got Shaun to lie on his stomach and then indicated to Adam to fuck him. Adam quickly mounted the inviting arse and fucked and fucked. Meanwhile, Julian grabbed a camera and took some shots of Adam fucking.

It was then Julian's turn so Adam withdrew and inserted his own cock into the inviting arsehole. He too gave Shaun a good fuck and from the sounds being exclaimed by Shaun he was clearly enjoying every second.

When he had been well and truly stuffed, Shaun said he wanted to see Jason and Adam fuck each other. Julian promptly lay on his back with his legs in the air and Adam thrust his cock inside him.

"Oh fucking hell; bareback" Shaun exclaimed.

"We only do it between each other" Adam replied, "All other times we play safe so don't get too excited."

Shaun accepted that but loved seeing Adam's naked cock thrust in and out of Julian's arse.

Not wanting to be left out, the two changed over and Julian fucked Adam. This time he lay Adam on his side and then knelt behind his butt. He then fucked him sideways. "Fucking hell" Adam exclaimed, "that is awesome".

Shaun couldn't believe his luck at having made friends with two guys like this. He loved sex and so did they.

With fucking over, they continued watching the gay porn but soon they were at it again. It was nearly midnight by the time Shaun left to go home.

The following morning Julian and Adam quickly packed a bag each for their three days away and set off. They were down in Bournemouth late morning having had a good run down. Adam enjoyed the ride in Julian's Mercedes which was hardly used these days since Julian used the train most times.

When they got to the B&B the two guys welcomed Julian as a long lost friend. They also gave Adam a warm welcome giving him a kiss each. They were shown to their room and invited to join the guys for lunch, which they didn't normally do but they liked Julian and from what they had seen so far certainly took to Adam.

It was a light lunch but very nice. The guys wanted to know all about Adam who was happy to oblige. They could see that Julian and Adam were very much in love and encouraged the relationship.

After lunch Julian took Adam round Bournemouth and then along to Poole. In the evening they found a very nice restaurant that Julian had used before. It too was run by two gays so they were made very welcome. There was not much else to do so they found a bar that was open and had more drinks before finally going back to their room for the night.

The following morning the sun was shining so they decided to go to Studland Beach. They took the car over on the ferry, managed to find somewhere to park and set off for the nudist beach and the area where gays gathered. A few guys were lying naked and they found a small cove amongst the dunes where they stripped off and lay out on their towels. The sun was not over hot but it was pleasant. Julian took the photos of Adam lying in the nude that he wanted and several more of him standing looking out to sea. When he had finished he packed the camera away in its sealed bag to keep the sand out and settled down beside Adam.

After a while they were aware of a guy looking at them from the beach. He was standing stark naked and holding a rucksack that presumably contained his clothes. Adam called to him "Can we help you?" The guy moved towards them and said he had seen Julian taking photos of Adam and thought it was a photo shoot of some sort. "Sorry to be nosey but I just liked what I saw" he explained having another look at the two naked bodies in front of him.

"Well that's okay" Julian replied, "The view we have is not bad either" he added with a grin.

The guy moved closer and asked would they mind if he joined them for a while. Julian and Adam nodded their agreement so the guy pulled out a towel from his bag and sat down in front of them. Having a closer look, Adam studied the guy again. He was in his mid twenties and had a very nice body with a fairly dark complexion.

"Are you guys on holiday down here?"

Julian explained they were staying in Bournemouth for three nights and lived in London.

"I'm Gary by the way and I live here."

Julian introduced himself and Adam and they shook hands. Why people always did that when they told others their names always bemused Adam.

Gary then asked where they were staying and when Julian told him he said "Oh Jo-Jo's place". Julian remembered that one of the guys was called Jo and the other Joseph.

They talked about this and that and the advantages of living in London against Bournemouth from a gay point of view and Gary explained that he used to live in London but his job had moved him to Bournemouth. He explained that he lived alone and owned a small two bedroom house about five minutes away from Jo-Jo's place.

"I have a few friends coming round this evening if you'd like to join in. Should warn you though that they often end up in a bit of an orgy!"

"Sounds good" Adam replied excitedly and looked at Julian.

"Yeah, definitely interested if you don't mind"

"Yeah why not, more the merrier"

As they talked a large cloud covered the sun and the temperature suddenly dropped. Gary said that the forecast had warned of cloud about lunchtime so it was time to pack up. Julian said perhaps they should go and find some lunch somewhere.

"Why not come to my place. I can rustle up a bite for all of us and I've got nothing else to do today."

Julian and Adam agreed since the guy seemed rather nice so they packed up their things and trudged back to the car. As Gary had walked from the ferry, he was happy to have a lift back. "Parking is normally a nightmare along here so I don't bring my car. You were lucky to get this spot."

As Gary had said, his house was only a few minutes from the B&B. Gary invited them in and said they were welcome to have a shower if they wished to get rid of the sand that always clung to the body.

The other two said that would be good so Gary took them upstairs to a large bathroom that had a wet area into which all three could shower. They stripped off and showered.

"I'm afraid I'm a nudist buff" Gary said as they were drying off. "I go round naked most of the time. Hope you don't mind."

Adam laughed and said they were the same so would join him if that was okay. Gary was more than happy to have two naked guys around him so readily agreed. The three then walked downstairs and Gary prepared a light lunch for them. The kitchen and dining room had been made into one room at sometime and a pair of double doors connected the dining room to a living room at the front.

"I tend to use the back in the main" Gary explained. The room was large enough to have a table at one end near the kitchen and a large sofa and chair at the other. Large patio doors led onto a small garden which Adam noticed was very neat and tidy.

"When it's really sunny I can open the doors and sunbathe in the nude so it's great. In fact because nobody overlooks my garden I can even be nude in the garden."

Julian had noticed that the house was at the end of a row of others and the one next door was a large detached house that was quite away from Gary's.

"Yeah, very nice to have that freedom from prying eyes"

"Not that it really bothers me who sees me naked but it might upset the neighbours" Gary laughed.

"So are you off work today then?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, I had to work extra hours so today is in lieu of that"

The sun had now come out again so was shining through the patio doors onto where they were sitting for lunch. The warmth of it felt nice on their naked bodies.

Gary produced a quiche and salad and opened a bottle of wine. "Okay tuck in" he announced as he set it all out for them. Whilst they ate they talked about what they all did for work and family things. Gary was fascinated to hear that Julian was a photographer and Adam was a writer. "I'm a techno" he said, "I'm a computer guy for a company in Bournemouth.

"Useful person to know" Adam replied as he remembered problems he had experienced with his own computer in the past.

When they had finished lunch and cleared up, Gary said how nice it was to have the other two for company. "Why don't you stay for the rest of the day and we can go out for a meal this evening before the others come round. I know a very nice restaurant not far away and it's very reasonable."

Julian and Adam both said that would be nice since they had no other plans but Julian wanted to go back to the B&B to change from his beachwear. Gary also suggested that he leave his car there to avoid having to drive after drinking this evening. "As you saw I'm only five minutes walk away and you can cut through a passageway just up the road from Jo-Jo's which brings you out near here."

Adam said he would stay with Gary and asked Julian to bring a clean shirt for him. Julian set off and found a small wine merchant where he bought four bottles of wine for Gary. Back at the B&B he quickly changed and collected a clean shirt for Adam.

When Julian had left, Gary moved beside Adam on the sofa. "You two seem very close"

"Yeah" Adam replied, "despite only knowing each other for a very short time we seem to gel well together".

"I can tell that you love each other" Gary added.

Adam grinned and confirmed they did.

"So is this a monogamous relationship"

"God no" Adam laughed, "We both love sex too much for that".

"Oh goodie" Gary said and promptly knelt between Adam's legs and started sucking him off. "What a gorgeous cock you've got" he said in between long hard sucks. Eventually he had Adam reaching a climax and shooting a load of hot cum inside his mouth. "Oh my god what a wonderful load of cum" Gary exclaimed, "I do love the taste of cum".

Just as he'd finished licking Adam's cock clean, Julian was ringing the doorbell. Gary quickly got up and let him in making sure that his nudity was not visible to passers by. Julian gave him the wine he had bought and rejoined Adam. When Gary had opened the bag and seen the four bottles of wine he told Julian that it was very kind of him.

"Coffee or more wine" Gary asked.

The general consensus was for coffee so Gary made a pot and opened the box of chocolates that Julian had added to his gift.

They spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around making the most of the sunshine that was still shining upon them. Every now and then hands would wander and feel each other's cocks. Each of them had a semi hard-on most of the time and for a while Gary sported a full erection which Julian took great delight in sucking. The three of them got on extremely well and enjoyed their time together.

Before setting off for their meal, they all had another shower and got dressed. Gary then drove them to a restaurant just outside of the town which the other two agreed was very nice. A very camp guy showed them to a table and obviously knew Gary by the way he flirted with him. The food was excellent as was the wine. The atmosphere was great and they were not hurried so they took their time.

They got back to Gary's house about half seven in time for the other three guys who were due to arrive at eight. One arrived on the dot of eight and the other two were there soon after. Gary introduced everyone and the three guys whose names were John, Simon and Daniel were all about Gary's age. They all went into the back room and a bottle of red and white wine was opened by Gary. He had taken his shoes and socks off and opened his shirt to give an air of being relaxed. He suggested that Julian and Adam did likewise. The other three followed suit when they saw Julian and Adam showing off their chests.

The wine flowed and they were soon all very relaxed and sexually charged. After about an hour of general chat, Daniel had unfastened Gary's trousers and had a hand down inside feeling his cock. This was an indication to the others and soon the other two had loosened their trousers along with Julian and Adam. In no time, the trousers were discarded along with shirts and the six of them were down to their briefs showing off large bulges beneath. Adam soon had his hand down Simon's briefs and gave the organ beneath a good feel. Julian did likewise to John who slipped his briefs down his legs to show all. Sitting naked on Julian's lap he then opened up Julian's briefs to expose his erection. The others had soon discarded their briefs so were naked for all to see.

Julian soon removed his and the guy on his lap offered the erect cock to his arse. Gary had produced a supply of condoms and lube so John soon had Julian's cock inside him. Adam and Simon were rolling on the floor kissing each other and feeling each other's naked flesh. Simon wanted Adam to fuck him so he turned over and offered his arse. Adam soon had his cock inside and was pumping back and forth. When he had finished, Daniel took over and fucked him as well. Adam moved across to Gary who still had his legs in the air inviting someone to take him. Adam was happy to do so and inserted his cock with one thrust. "Oh fucking hell, what a cock; that feels brilliant" he exclaimed.

Daniel's butt was still pumping up and down and Julian couldn't resist climbing on top having extracted himself from John. He slipped his cock into Daniel whilst he continued fucking Simon. Not wanting to be left out, John wondered if he could fuck Julian at the same time. Somehow he managed to get his cock into Julian without upsetting the three below him.

"Oh my god" Gary exclaimed, "a foursome fuck!"

Eventually the four separated and lay out on the floor laughing. As the wine flowed and the evening progressed they all changed round and fucked each other. At one point, Daniel bent over the end of the sofa and let everyone else fuck him. He just loved it. Simon then wanted the same so everyone fucked him. Finally Gary said he too wanted to be gang banged so the others obliged one after the other. "Oooh that feels wonderful as each one thrust their cocks into his arse.

The final event was to see who could shoot the most cum. Gary got some small glasses and everyone shot their load into their glass. They then laid each glass beside each other to see who's had most cum. As expected, Adam's was the most! Julian was next and the others were very similar.

They finally left Gary around midnight having exchanged emails because Julian told them they were all welcome to stay with him if they ever visited London. Gary said he was due to visit the London office shortly so he would definitely be in touch. Daniel also said that he often came to London so would do the same.

Julian and Adam walked back to their B&B feeling somewhat exhausted but it did not prevent them from making love again before they settled down for the night. This time of course it was bareback and felt so much better!

When they went down for breakfast in the morning, Jo pulled them to one side.

"I'm wondering if you could do us a favour"

He then explained that a young guy had arrived on Monday and that he was supposed to have come down with his boyfriend on Saturday for a few days but the boyfriend had suddenly died of a heart attack about ten days ago.

"His name is Matthew and I gather there is some problem with the boyfriend's family so he is very upset. He was going to cancel all together but friends persuaded him to get away for a few days. I was wondering if you two could befriend him and perhaps look after him for today at least since you are off tomorrow."

Julian said they would be happy to do so.

"Oh great, it's just that we feel so sorry for him and don't want him wandering around on his own. When he comes down for breakfast I'll introduce him."

Julian and Adam went into the breakfast room and sat down at the large round table that was used for the guests. A few minutes later Jo came in with Matthew and made the introductions.

"Sorry to hear about your loss Matthew" Julian said.

Matthew, whose eyes were red from crying, thanked them for their concern.

"It must have been a terrible shock to you" Adam added.

Gradually Matthew started talking. He was naturally very emotional and every so often had to stop. He told them that his boyfriend had been found to have a weak heart some months ago but he collapsed suddenly about ten days previous.

"Were you with him?" Adam asked.

"Yes, we were just about to go out when Ryan collapsed. By the time the ambulance arrived he was dead."

"How terrible, but at least you were with him at his last moments."

Matthew nodded with more tears in his eyes and apologised for crying.

"Don't worry" Adam told him, "You need to cry to come to terms with everything."

"How long had you two been together?" Julian asked.

"Just over four years. We met at college when we were eighteen and knew we were right for each other."

"Did you live together?" Adam asked.

"No, I live in Waterloo and he lived in Surbiton but we were planning to get a place together next year."

Matthew then had another tearful moment. Jo came in to take their breakfast order and put a comforting hand on Matthew's shoulder. "What would you guys like for breakfast this morning" he asked quietly as if not to disturb Matthew's grief.

Julian and Adam opted for the full English. Matthew looked vacantly at the menu not sure what to have.

"I can recommend the full English" Julian said, "and you need to keep your strength up".

Matthew nodded that he would have that so Julian told Jo to make it three with some toast and coffee.

"The worst thing is that Ryan's family seem to blame me for what happened."

"Why for goodness sake" Adam enquired.

"They never accepted his being gay so never accepted me. He had a fairly strained relationship with his parents and brothers. They even stopped me from going to his funeral which really upset me."

"That is terrible" Adam exclaimed.

"I'm afraid that's what families do sometimes where they can't accept their son's sexuality. I know from experience." Julian responded.

"Do you know where the funeral took place?" Adam asked.

"Yes, it was at a crematorium in Kingston"

"Well at least you can visit it and perhaps arrange for a memorial of some sort. Most have a system of planting a rose bush or something. It would then give you something to remember him by and if necessary visit every so often. His family needn't know."

"That's a good idea Adam" Julian agreed.

Matthew nodded hardly taking it all in. Adam put his hand on Matthew's and patted it. "Just remember the good times you had together and forget the family issues."

"Yes that's what you've got to do Matthew" Julian added, "You were clearly in love with each other."

Matthew nodded again almost on the point of bursting into more tears.

"How old was Ryan?" Julian asked.

"22 like me" Matthew replied.

Their breakfasts arrived and they all tucked in.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" Julian asked.

Matthew muttered that he had nothing and didn't really know Bournemouth so didn't know what to do.

"Right then, why don't you come with us and we'll show you around and perhaps have a walk along the promenade. Unfortunately the weather looks a bit grey today but it will be something to do."

Matthew perked up a bit and said "Thank you very much, that would be very nice, it's very kind of you."

"You're very welcome" Adam added.

By the time they had finished breakfast Matthew was looking a bit more composed. They got their things together and set off for a walk round the town. As they walked round the town Matthew asked about Adam and Julian. He was surprised when he heard how short a time they had known each other.

"You look as if you've been together a long time" he responded. He then asked where they lived and Julian explained that he lived in Hampstead and Adam had a flat in Kensington but they were spending more and more time together at each other's homes.

"That's what Ryan and I did"

As they walked through to the town, Julian noticed a rather nice looking gay bar that was advertising food at lunchtime. He made a mental note that it would be a good place to go for lunch. They walked round the shops without any particular purpose and Adam then suggested they walk along the promenade towards Poole. Matthew seemed up for this so they set off.

On the way they sat on a bench and looked at the sea. Julian told Matthew about Studland Bay and the nudist beach. Matthew sat up and grinned. "We liked being in the nude and went to Sitges a couple of times and lay out on the nudist beach there. It was great."

Julian said he knew it having done the same. Adam said he had never been so Julian said they would do so one year. "I love Barcelona as well".

The more Matthew talked about his relationship with Ryan the more he seemed to settle down. He suddenly said to Adam and Julian "You're the first people I have really managed to talk to. My other friends have been very nice but I didn't feel I could really talk to them about it all."

"That's good" Julian said, "The more you talk the more things come into place and you realise that although what has happened is shattering you have to move on despite the problems."

It was time for lunch so they walked back to the gay bar. Adam and Julian ordered a sausage sandwich and Matthew a tuna. It was a nice bar with modern decoration and the bar guy was very nice. There were a few other guys sitting around and one in particular kept looking at the three of them. He eventually came over and introduced himself.

"I'm Steve" he said, "Just wanted to let you know that we have a stripper in here tonight so you'd be very welcome to come along; not seen you in here before".

Julian explained they were only in Bournemouth a few days and were due back tomorrow. When the guy had gone, Matthew said dejectedly "So you're going off tomorrow".

Julian realised that he was upset to hear this having just made friends with them. "Yeah, sorry but we only came down for three nights. But why not come back with us and stay in Hampstead for a few days? When are you due back at work?"

Matthew's eyes lit up. "That would be great, thank you so much. I've got the whole week off since we were planning to spend six nights down here."

He then added "Are you sure?"

Julian looked at Adam having not put the idea pass him first but Adam nodded and said "Of course we're sure. At least it would give you a break before going back home."

Julian told him that he was sure Jo would understand and not expect him to pay for the unused nights.

"It will also save me going back on the train alone" Matthew explained, "I found coming down on my own very upsetting."

With that settled they had their food which had just arrived. "Perhaps we could drive along to Poole again this afternoon" Adam suggested.

Matthew and Julian agreed since the weather had now turned to a drizzle outside. They walked a short way along Poole Harbour but it eventually became too wet so they turned back and returned to the B&B. Joseph met them as they went in and offered a pot of tea in the living room. The guys said that would be great and Matthew and Adam went and sat down. Julian had a quick word with Joseph and explained that Matthew was somewhat upset when he heard they were off tomorrow so Julian had invited him back with them.

"Oh that is very nice of you Julian. I'm sure it will do him the world of good to get away from it all."

Julian explained about the family problems and Joseph was horrified. "How terrible and he's such a lovely lad."

Julian then asked about the remaining days that Matthew had booked. "Oh tell him not to worry about those, we fully understand and won't charge him."

Julian then joined the other two and told Matthew who was very relieved since he now had to pay the bill without being able to share it with Ryan. "Fortunately we shared the deposit so there won't be anything else to pay" Matthew explained.

Joseph brought them their tea along with some cake for them to have. "You guys look as if you could do with fattening up" he joked before leaving them.

On the wall there were photographs of Jo and Joseph in drag. Julian explained that in their earlier years the pair had been drag queens and had done the circuit in London and Brighton. "They decided to give it up when they reached their fifties and bought this place. They must now be in their early sixties."

Matthew was fascinated and got up to look at the many photos on the wall.

They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting in the lounge as the rain outside got heavier and heavier. Adam was sitting opposite Matthew and took a closer look at him. He had curly hair and a bronzed complexion. He guessed he was of Brazilian extract or from that region. He was a lovely guy with dark eyes and a slim body. He tried to imagine him naked as was his normal practice whenever he met good looking guys!

He suddenly realised that the other two were talking to him. "Sorry, miles away" Adam said. Julian smiled to himself guessing what Adam was really doing since he had done the same earlier in the gay bar.

"Do you fancy going to see the stripper tonight Matthew?"

"Yeah great" he replied enthusiastically.

"I know Adam will as he always likes to see naked guys" Julian teased.

"Well why not" Adam responded.

"Why not indeed" Matthew agreed.

He still has an interest in guys then' Julian told himself, despite the loss of his boyfriend!'

Julian said they had been to a very nice restaurant within walking distance so invited Matthew to join them. Realising that Matthew was probably stretched when it came to money he added "My treat".

Matthew grinned and thanked him profusely saying that he would love to join them if they didn't mind. Adam told him he was more than welcome and that in any event it was his turn to buy tonight since Julian had paid the previous time. Julian grinned at him and agreed. It was another thing he loved about Adam; he always wanted to pay his way and never expected Julian to pay for everything.

The afternoon went by quickly and it was soon time to get ready to go out for a meal. They all went upstairs to their rooms, showered and dressed for dinner. As Matthew got ready he couldn't really believe he had met two such nice guys. He had been very dubious about still coming to Bournemouth but his mother, who had loved Ryan, persuaded him to do so as did his other friends. She couldn't believe how unkind Ryan's family had been to Matthew and even offered to speak to them but Matthew said it would only make matters worse. As Julian and Adam had said, he had to remember the good times and move on. He had plenty of those to think of so he was sure he could do so. "In any event I'm still young so should be able to find someone else to make a life with" he said out loud as he dried himself off although he doubted he would ever find someone like Ryan. "Oh god, I so miss him" he cried out and sat down and sobbed.

After a while he heard a knock on the door. He was only partly dressed but he went to open it.

"We wondered if you were okay" Adam said standing in the doorway and seeing that Matthew had been crying.

"I so miss him Adam" Ryan sobbed.

Adam moved into the room and closed the door behind him. He went over to Matthew and hugged him.

"I know you must miss him terribly" he said in a comforting tone, "I would miss Julian if anything happened to him and we've only been together a very short time but when you really love someone it is very hard when they've gone."

Matthew cried on Adam's shoulder for another few minutes. Adam just let him do so. When Matthew finally lifted his head, Adam's shirt was damp from the tears. He caressed him as best he could and told him things would get better as time went on but it will take time and there was nothing wrong in having a cry when it got too much to bear.

Matthew was only wearing his briefs and from what Adam could see had plenty to offer inside but he tried to keep his mind off such things and instead picked up Matthew's shirt off the bed and helped him into it. He then passed him is jeans and without saying anything he slipped them on. When he was finally ready and had dried the tears off his face he turned to Adam and said "Thank you".

Adam led him downstairs to find Julian who quickly realised why they had been so long. He smiled at Matthew and put his arm round him. The pair of them then led Matthew out the door and they walked to the restaurant. Nobody spoke as they walked leaving Matthew to his own thoughts.

When they got to the restaurant they were met by the gay guy who knew Julian. "Oh how lovely to see you both again" he exclaimed as he showed them to a table. He welcomed Matthew and quickly realised that the lad was upset about something so just smiled at him. They selected what they wanted from the menu and when they had done so Adam and Julian selected a wine.

"Do you like wine Matthew?" Adam asked.

"Oh yes, I prefer wine to beer. Ryan loved wine as well and got me onto it."

Adam and Julian looked at him expecting more tears but instead Matthew smiled to himself obviously thinking of some good times he and Ryan had.

Adam patted his hand and said "Good, because we love wine as well."

It was agreed they would have a red wine and Adam selected one from the list.

"Ooh one of my favourites" the waiter said when he took the order.

As previously the food was excellent and they ended up with a sweet as well, which Adam and Julian did not generally do but they both decided to have one. Matthew clearly loved his and mopped the lot off in no time much to the delight of the other two. When their coffees came they were also served with a brandy on the house. "You look as if you need something to perk you up" the guy said to Matthew smiling. Later, when Adam went to pay the bill he explained that Matthew's boyfriend had died recently so that was why he was down. "I guessed there was something upsetting him. I'm sorry to hear that; he looks a lovely lad."

Having finished their brandy they set off slowly to the bar. The stripper was not due on for another hour but they were sure they could while away some time in the bar. When they arrived, it was already fairly busy which surprised them. The lad who had told them about the stripper earlier saw them and waved them over to where he was sitting. "Come and sit here" he said, "You get a good view from here of the stripper" he added in a stage whisper.

Julian got a bottle of wine for them and a beer for the other guy who asked where they were from and what they did for a living. Julian told him he was a photographer and Adam said he was a writer. Matthew was surprised to hear the fairly unusual occupations before saying that he worked for the local council in the finance department.

The time sped by and the stripper was soon coming onto the small stage nearby. He was a large guy and obviously worked out at the gym. Adam decided he was not his type but he had a very well formed body. The music started and he slowly stripped involving one or two guys standing near the front of the stage. He got one to unfasten his trousers and another to remove them. He was finally down to his G string and Adam wondered whether that was going to be the end since the guy did not hurry to remove it. He played with himself and soon it was clear that he had a very large erection. Eventually he removed the G string to expose an enormous cock. The crowd cheered as he waved it about.

Normally professional strippers went off stage at that point but not this guy. He played with himself for a while longer and wanked his cock until he was shooting his load. He could certainly shoot and some of his cum landed on the guys standing at the front much to everyone's delight. Even then he didn't rush off and instead invited one of the guys to lick the remaining cum off his cock. He then got another guy to suck him and he was soon shooting another load. The crowd went mad with excitement and Adam could see several guys feeling themselves. He glanced down at Matthew's crotch and was pleased to see that it too showed a good sized hard-on as did his own and Julian's.

When the stripper had finally left the stage, Adam said "That was amazing. Professional strippers don't usually wank off like that; absolutely brilliant." The guy sitting with them said the guy was new on the scene and would certainly be invited back.

They finally left the bar having kissed the other guy goodbye and went back to the B&B. They went upstairs and stopped outside Matthew's room.

"You going to be okay" Julian asked Matthew.

He assured them he would be and thanked them again for their kindness.

"I'm feeling more able to cope with it all now"

Julian said they needed to leave soon after nine in the morning as they had to be back at the house for someone so it was agreed they would meet for breakfast at eight.

They all kissed a goodnight and Matthew went into his room. Having watched the stripper, Adam was feeling very randy and as soon as they were inside their room he kissed Julian. "Mm you randy bugger" Julian laughed as he felt Adam's still hard cock. They stripped quickly and got into bed. Julian turned Adam onto his stomach and thrust his own hard cock into the open arsehole. "Oh god that feels good" Julian exclaimed as he quickened his pace.

"Oh yes, fuck me fuck me" Adam squealed as he felt Julian's naked cock ride inside him.

In the morning they all met up at breakfast as planned, and Joseph was pleased to see that Matthew was a bit brighter. When Julian settled the bill later he thanked them both for taking Matthew under their wing. "Well he is rather cute isn't he" Julian quipped back. Joseph laughed and slapped him on the butt.

The journey back went well and they arrived home soon after 11.30 in time for Shaun at 12. He in fact was a bit early and was duly introduced to Matthew. Julian told Shaun that Matthew was staying with them for a few days as he had suffered a bereavement.

"Is it okay if I still strip off with Matthew here" Shaun asked with a somewhat dejected tone.

"Oh yes" Julian said, "I'm sure he will enjoy seeing you running around naked,"

Shaun quickly stripped and Julian showed him where everything he needed was kept and went through the list of tasks he wanted him to do. "The first priority is the kitchen and in particular the oven if you don't mind" Julian explained, "After that perhaps you could do the bathroom and the bedroom if you have time". Julian had already told him not to do the studio in view of the equipment and the work that was so often left around saying that he always kept that clean.

"By the way Shaun" Julian added as Shaun set to in the kitchen, "Would you like to stay for a meal this evening?"

Shaun said he would and set to cleaning the oven.

Matthew was somewhat amused at seeing Shaun working in the nude but rather liked the idea. Adam explained that he and Julian tended to go round naked or at least only wearing briefs so he hoped Matthew would not mind.

"No go ahead, it doesn't bother me" he replied, "In fact I'll join you".

The three of them stripped to their briefs and Adam put some washing in the machine. "Anything you want washed just let me have" Adam told Matthew as he loaded the machine. Matthew gave him a few items and watched Shaun's naked butt as he cleaned the inside of the oven. He had a feeling he was going to enjoy being here for a few days!

Shaun was a quick worker and achieved more than Julian thought he would. Even so the quality of his work was good. When he was cleaning the bedroom he thanked Shaun for the good work and quickly grabbed his bollocks. "And such a good looking body as well". Shaun laughed and squeezed Julian's as well.

Adam meanwhile had taken Matthew down to the pool. Having swum several lengths Matthew stopped at one end. Adam went up behind him and put his arms round his waist. "Okay?" he asked. Matthew nodded and put a hand behind to feel Adam's cock. "You have a lovely cock" he told Adam as he squeezed it until it was forming a hard-on. "So do you" Adam responded as he took hold of Matthew's. Soon both were fully erect. They got out of the pool and lay down at the side. Adam left Matthew to take the lead not wanting to be too forward. Matthew bent over and sucked Adam's cock. It felt good and Adam murmured his appreciation as he did so.

Having sucked for a while, Matthew then stood up and picked up a towel to dry himself. "Perhaps another time" he said smiling at Adam.

Adam got up and kissed him. "Yes, another time".

Matthew stayed until the end of the week. Before he left he thanked the guys again for their kindness and said he would love to meet up again sometime. They exchanged emails and mobile numbers and Adam told him to make contact whenever he felt the need. Adam then walked him to the station and saw him off.

It was Friday and the night of the naked party with Dwayne, Erik and Tim at Julian's house.

Julian decided to do a roast a chicken for the five of them with leeks in a cream sauce. Tim arrived first. Adam and Julian had decided to wear just their briefs to set the sexual atmosphere. As Tim entered the flat he smelt the cooking and exclaimed "Oh that smells good". He then kissed Adam and Julian and squeezed the package already forming in their briefs.

Dwayne and Erik arrived shortly after eight and they all stripped down to their briefs as well. Adam opened a bottle of wine and they relaxed in the conservatory leaving Julian to finish off the meal.

"This is so much more relaxing than the club" Dwayne commented as he sipped his wine.

"And much better wine" Tim added.

"And better company" Erik said not wanting to be left out.

"And better sex" Adam added as well.

They all laughed and Julian came in to see what the joke was.

"They are all saying how much nicer our Friday Club is than the actual club" Adam told Julian.

"That's it" Erik exclaimed, "We'll call it the Friday Club".

"Dinner is served gentlemen" Julian then said.

"Ooh, hark at that" Tim exclaimed, "I've not been called a gentleman for years"

"Yeah, you're most used to being called a slag" Erik quipped.

"Oh you bitch" Tim replied giving Erik a friendly slap on his butt.

They all sat down and Julian served the meal.

"This is absolutely delicious" Tim commented as he took another mouthful.

They all agreed and Dwayne explained that Tim used to work as a chef in a posh London restaurant.

Having finished the meal they moved back into the conservatory. Adam and Tim cleared the dishes away leaving the other three to chat and drink more wine. Adam had just finished packing the dishwasher and washed up the remaining items when Tim moved close up behind him and felt his butt.

"Mm that feels nice" he said as he slipped his hands inside and felt round the front. Adam was already forming an erection and the feel of Tim's hand made it grow even more. Tim pulled Adam's briefs off him and felt the bare flesh that was now exposed. What Adam hadn't realised was that Tim had already removed his briefs so was standing naked behind him with a raging hard-on that was ready to go into action. He had helped himself to a rubber from a dish nearby and lubed himself in readiness. He slowly slipped his cock into Adam's inviting arse and fucked him. Adam bent forward over the sink and enjoyed the feel of Tim's gorgeous cock inside him.

"Oh god that feels good" Adam exclaimed as Tim gradually increased the pace.

Eventually Tim withdrew and the pair joined the others in the conservatory. Julian smiled when he saw the pair of them stark naked and guessed what had been going on. He was feeling randy himself and already had a cock ready for action.

Adam sat down beside Erik, and Tim then sat down on Adam's erection having picked up another rubber on his way. He then rode Adam up and down much to the delight of the others. Watching this made the others strip off to expose their stiff cocks. After a few minutes Tim stood up and then sat down on Erik's hard cock. "Ooh lovely" Erik screamed as he felt his cock go inside Tim's gorgeous arse.

Tim then moved on to Dwayne and finally Julian. Having had all four cocks up him he sat down on the floor and invited everyone to fuck themselves with his cock. Adam was the first to take up the offer quickly followed the other three.

Not wanting to be left out Erik then said he wanted to sit on each cock in turn as Tim had done. It ended up with a continuous circle of fucking. When Erik had moved to the next person, another sat on the vacant cock. When everyone had used it, that person then joined the line of `sitters'. It was a riotous affair and everyone had great fun. Mind you the wine had helped keep things flowing and by the time everyone had been fucked or fucked, they all decided it was time to have a rest.

Julian then made another pot of coffee and they relaxed again. Before the night was out, they had all been down to the pool and fucked each other again down there. Julian was slightly concerned about guys in the water when they were clearly inebriated but all went well. They were all able to take their alcohol without getting completely sloshed, although Erik wasn't far off!

It was gone one in the morning when they finally decided it was time to finish their fun. Julian said it was too late for them to all go home so he suggested they stay over. Erik and Dwayne had the spare room and Tim joined Adam and Julian in their large bed. Tim loved it and opted for the middle position. Adam was worn out and was soon dozing off on his side. They all faced the same way and Julian found himself up close behind Tim's gorgeous butt. He couldn't resist it so he prepared his cock and slipped it into Tim's arse. Tim loved the feel of this hot organ inside him and wanted to slip his into Adam. Julian passed him a condom and lube and he gently slipped it in without disturbing Adam too much. Adam felt the hard organ slip inside and grunted his approval. They just held themselves linked like that until they were all asleep. At some point cocks must have gone limp and slipped out but when Julian woke in the morning they were all in the same position. `Quite amazing' he thought to himself.

He carefully slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen to make tea for all of them. Adam soon heard him go but did not want to disturb Tim who still appeared to be asleep. In fact he was just coming to and turned onto his stomach. Adam took this as an invitation to fuck him so he did! Riding Tim's naked butt was delightful and Tim didn't complain either!

Julian took morning tea into Dwayne and Erik and found them lying stark naked on the bed. "Morning guys thought you might like a cup of tea."

"Ooh you lovely man" Erik exclaimed taking the two cups from Julian.

"Would you both like scrambled egg for breakfast?"

"Oh my, this queen is so wonderful" Erik exclaimed again. They both said they loved scrambled egg and liked coffee for breakfast.

Julian then joined Tim and Adam who were both sitting up in bed looking very contented. Julian grinned and guessed that they had been fucking each other!

Breakfast was served at nine so the others showered and dressed in time. Julian and Adam just wore their Kimonos which Julian had collected on his travels abroad some years ago. They were short and just about covered their naked butts so it was easy to have a peak whenever someone had the urge!

"That was delicious" Tim said as he finished his last mouthful of scrambled egg."

They then tucked into the plate of toast and sat back feeling comfortably fed.

"Sex always makes me hungry" Erik said, taking another piece of toast.

"I really enjoyed last night" Dwayne then said, having been fairly quiet so far. "I hope we can continue meeting up for these Friday Club nights."

"Same here" Tim added, "Are we coming to you in Kensington next week Adam?"

Adam said he was happy to have everyone.

"Mm we'd noticed" Tim said grinning.

Everyone laughed. Julian explained that he would not be around since he had to go to Manchester on business for a few days and would have to leave on the Thursday and would not be back until the following Tuesday or Wednesday.

"Well we'll have an extra fuck to make up for your absence" Erik giggled.

Finally the guys left about eleven and Adam and Julian cleared up.

"That really was good fun wasn't it" Julian said as they cleared away used condoms and made the place tidy again. Adam agreed it was and looked forward to the next Friday get together, although quite what he was going to cook he had no idea at present.

The weekend was fairly quiet and they went into town on the Saturday night to one of the gay bars in Soho. The following days were spent working, Julian preparing for the project he had been asked to do in Manchester, and Adam working on his book. On the Wednesday Shaun came to do the cleaning and Adam helped him with the kitchen. Julian also wanted the pool area cleaned so they both went down there and gave it a good mop.

"Want to join us for a meal again this evening Shaun?" Julian asked at lunchtime as they sat down to eat the sandwiches he had made for the three of them. Shaun said he would love to if that was okay. Both Julian and Adam had agreed that Shaun was a delight to have around so they were happy to have him join them. It also helped him financially so Julian was happy to be able to provide a meal knowing that Shaun would otherwise not bother with a decent meal.

When Shaun had finished the cleaning, he and Adam went down for a swim whilst Julian got the meal going. He then joined them afterwards. Adam just loved seeing Shaun's naked body glide through the water so he watched from the side for a while. Shaun seeing him pulled him into the water and they had a wrestle with each other. Cocks were soon rising high but they held back from having sex. When Julian joined them the three had a water fight and grabbed each other's balls. It was good fun and Shaun enjoyed it.

On the Thursday morning when Shaun was due to work in the garden the weather was not good so he phoned to say he would come over later when the weather was supposed to get better. By lunchtime the sun was shining and by the time he arrived Julian was just leaving to go to Manchester. He and Adam kissed and hugged each other in the hallway. "I'm going to miss you" Adam said between kisses. "Me too" Julian replied.

Eventually Julian picked up his case and went to the front door. Adam gave him one more hug and said "I love you".

"And I love you too" Julian responded as he opened the front door to find Shaun about to ring the bell. "I'll give you a ring this evening" Julian said as he walked off for the station.

"You'll miss him" Shaun said seeing how much in love they were.

"I certainly will" Adam said and then added "Hopefully he will miss me".

"I'm sure he will" Shaun said smiling.

"You really are sweet Shaun" Adam replied and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Julian had agreed with Shaun that he could buy a few items he required for the garden such as a new pair of garden secateurs for pruning the roses and a fork for weeding the beds. Julian's tools were somewhat old and not what Shaun was used to using.

"Let's go and get what you need from the garden centre" Adam said, "I'm not sure this weather is going to hold.

Shaun agreed and said he knew of a good gardening centre near Belsize Park. Adam didn't drive, he had never felt the desire to do so since he preferred using buses and trains, so he could not use Julian's car that was sitting in the garage.

The pair set off and got the bus which stopped just outside the centre. Shaun chose what he wanted, including a bag of compost that he wanted to put round the roses and to re-pot some of the pot plants, so there was too much to carry back on the bus. Adam said they would get a taxi which they managed to do fairly easily outside the centre. The driver was rather cute and Adam suspected he was gay by the way he looked at the pair of them. He even lifted the bag of compost out of the cab and put it inside the front gate.

"Having paid him with a reasonable tip" Adam thanked him for his help.

"Cheers guys" he called as he climbed back in, and added with a grin "Have fun".

Shaun managed to get some work done but it was soon drizzling again and Adam suggested he come inside.

"Want a shower?" Adam asked him.

He said he would so the pair of them went upstairs, stripped off and showered together in the large double shower. Shaun took some shower gel and used it to lubricate Adam's cock. He was soon fully erect and Shaun sucked him off taking the full load of cum into his mouth. Adam then wanked Shaun and he was soon shooting his load into the shower tray.

"Fancy staying over tonight?" Adam asked.

Shaun's face lit up. "Yeah that would be great".

"Okay, why don't we go out to eat; I can't be bothered to cook tonight."

"Where were you thinking of going?" Shaun asked apprehensively as he was not used to going to expensive restaurants.

"Don't worry" Adam replied guessing what Shaun was really thinking, "I have a Zizzi voucher which is offering the second main for £1 so I'll pay."

Shaun's face again lit up and said he did not know Zizzi. "Italian restaurant and I know a very nice one near Baker Street."

Shaun was excited at the thought of going out for a decent meal because he seldom did so. He said he wanted to change first because he was in his gardening clothes so they walked to his flat in Belsize Park which only took them about ten minutes. Adam had never seen the flat and was impressed. It was small but very neat and tidy and Shaun had made good use of the space available. He watched Shaun change and when he was done they walked to the Tube station nearby and went to Kings Cross. They then got the train along to Baker Street from where the restaurant was only a few minutes walk.

Shaun loved the choice of food and selected a main dish from the list. They shared some garlic bread and Adam ordered two glasses of wine.

When they had finished, Shaun thanked Adam and said he had really enjoyed the meal. When they got home Adam immediately stripped off saying "It's time to relax". Shaun did likewise and the pair of them stretched out on the living room floor with a bottle of red wine.

Having been late to bed the previous night, Adam suggested they go up soon after ten thirty. "I take it you're happy to share with me" Adam said with a grin.

"Of course" Shaun replied grinning.

The pair of them were soon in bed with organs flying high. Shaun fucked Adam as he lay on his side and despite Shaun's size Adam enjoyed the feel of it inside him. Shaun then withdrew and turned his naked butt to Adam inviting him to fuck. Adam loved fucking Shaun's arse and stuffed his erect cock inside. He pumped and pumped until he felt he was ready to shoot. He quickly withdrew, pulled off the condom and offered his cock to Shaun who sucked him off. "Mm I love the taste of your hot creamy cum" Shaun exclaimed when he had taken every last drop.

Shaun meanwhile was nearing his climax so Adam took the large cock into his mouth as best he could and sucked and sucked until it too was shooting hot cum into his mouth. "Mm, yours tastes rather nice as well."

They settled down and both slept until almost eight in the morning. Shaun was due to do a cleaning job for one of his other customers so he quickly showered and dressed whilst Adam got some breakfast ready. Fortunately it was the gay couple in Hampstead so he didn't have far to go.

"Thanks for everything. I really enjoyed last night" Shaun said when he had finished his last piece of toast.

"Glad you enjoyed it" Adam replied, "you must come to my place in Kensington some time."

After Shaun had left, Adam got ready to go back to his flat. He had to prepare for the Friday Club that evening and Tim had said he would help with the cooking so was coming about five. Adam had decided to do sausages and mash having checked everyone was okay with that. Erik had replied saying `We love anything that is long and fat'.

As usual when he got in, he stripped off his clothes but decided to wear one of the Kimonos that Julian had given him. They were similar to those they wore in Hampstead, highly coloured and very short so that his naked butt was almost visible. He loved it.

He had purchased some Cumberland sausages along with some cabbage on his way back and some more bottles of wine. On the dot of five, Tim was ringing the intercom so Adam let him in and told him to come to the top floor flat.

"Oh my word, what a fantastic flat" Tim exclaimed as he walked in and saw the size of it. "And what a lovely sight" he added looking at Adam in his short Kimono.

"Why don't you strip off Tim" Adam said showing him to the bedroom, "You'll find another Kimono hanging on the back of the door."

Tim came into the kitchen wearing his bright red Kimono and because he was taller his butt clearly showed beneath the hem line at the back much to Adam's delight.

Tim then set to and prepared the meal, not that it took that long but he did also make a crumble with the apples that Adam had bought earlier. As he did so, Adam prepared the table for the four of them and put out baskets of condoms and lube on the low table in the living area.

"This is a great design" Tim said looking at how the dining area flowed on from the kitchen and the living room area beyond.

"Yeah, I knocked a couple of walls down when I bought the flat."

"Much better I think. Gives much more space and you can see everyone from the kitchen."

Around six, Dwayne and Erik arrived bearing more bottles of wine. Tim and Adam were already into a bottle of red that Tim had brought.

"Hi guys" they both said as they kissed Tim and Adam. "Love the Kimonos" Erik said having a good feel of their naked butts. "We must get some of these Dwayne, the colour would suit you".

Adam suggested they make themselves comfortable by leaving any clothes they wished to take off in the bedroom. "In other words, strip off" Tim said laughing.

"Ooh, listen to the randy queen" Erik quipped as the pair followed Adam into the bedroom. A few minutes later they both appeared wearing a pair of very skimpy red briefs which rather suited their black bodies.

Tim finished cooking the meal whilst Adam poured wine for the new arrivals and some more for himself and Tim. They were all in good spirits and the jokes and the gropes were soon in full swing.

"Okay guys come and sit down" Tim said as he served the plates of sausages, mash and cabbage. "Good old fashioned food" he said as he placed it down, "you can't beat it".

"Bangers and mash, one of my favourites "Dwayne said.

They all seemed to enjoy the meal and Tim and Adam were congratulated for the choice and the cooking. When they had finished Adam told the three of them to sit down whilst he cleared away but Tim wouldn't hear of it. Instead he helped Adam and the other two sat down with more wine.

As he had done on the previous Friday, when they had almost finished Tim came up behind Adam and fucked him leaning over the cooker. Tim had already removed his Kimono and Adam's was soon off him as well. The other two could not see what was going on round the corner from the living room but as soon as they heard Adam's groans of sheer enjoyment they were soon up and looking into the kitchen area. "Oh how lovely" cried Erik, "two queers having a fuck. Can we all join in" he said promptly removing his briefs to expose an already hard cock. Tim gave way and let Erik take over. Adam just carried on leaning over the cooker.

Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Dwayne having also stripped naked then took over from Erik and gave Adam a good fuck. Tim meanwhile had Erik leaning over the table and was fucking him. One by one they took it in turns to fuck each other so everyone had their fair share of cock up their arse.

"Right" Adam said once they had all finished, "How about some coffee and brandy"

They all hastily agreed to that idea and Adam made a large pot of coffee and poured each of them a brandy. Instead of sitting on the sofas they decided to sit or lie on the floor using cushions. It gave them more flexibility to get at each other's naked bodies!

In the middle of it all, Julian phoned from Manchester. "Hi love how are things going?" he asked as if he needed to. "No doubt you are all naked and having an orgy". Adam laughed and said they were. Everyone shouted "Hello Julian, we're missing your arse".

Julian laughed and quickly said how he was getting on with the shoot. He was currently in a gay bar with Derek for whom he was working. Adam asked if there was plenty of totty there for him to fuck later. "Not bad" Julian replied, "But I'd rather have you".

Adam said he loved him and Julian said "Love you too; speak to you tomorrow."

When he had finished the call the others wanted to know what Julian was doing. Adam explained that he had been asked to do a shoot for a men's clothes catalogue. When he got there he found that the majority of shots were of young guys wearing underwear and swimming trunks so he was more than happy. "Lucky beggar" Tim replied, "No one asks me to photograph young men like that."

"No, you just fuck them" Erik quickly quipped and they all laughed.

The evening went well with lots more sex and more bottles of wine consumed. Someone suddenly realised that it was gone one o'clock so the last train back was almost upon them.

"Stay here for the night" Adam said, "There's a spare room for Dwayne and Erik and I'm sure Tim won't mind sharing with me!"

"You bet he won't" Erik replied giving Tim a quick grope. "You'll be fucked all night long, you lucky bugger".

Tim laughed and said it would be an honour to share Adam's bed!

Having finished the remaining wine in the open bottles, they all staggered to bed.

As usual Adam was the first to wake so he made tea for all of them. When he took Dwayne and Erik's in they were already awake and Erik was fucking Dwayne face down.

"Oh sorry to disturb you" Adam said "but I've got morning tea for you."

Seeing that Adam now had a hard-on Erik told him to fuck him from behind whilst he fucked Dwayne. Adam was happy to oblige so did so.

When he eventually rejoined Tim he apologised for the slightly cool tea. "I was asked to perform a duty on Erik" he explained.

"Yeah no doubt the pair were fucking each other and you had to join in" Tim said laughing.

"Right, since you've already had practice this morning you can fuck me" Tim said turning over onto his stomach. Adam couldn't resist Tim's black bare arse and gave it a good fuck much to Tim's delight. Tim then turned round and got Adam onto his stomach to do the same to him. Adam always loved the feel of Tim's long black cock up his arse so was more than happy.

Eventually they got up and showered. Adam prepared breakfast which this week was just cereals and toast. However the guys all enjoyed it.

They all left soon after ten leaving Adam to clear up used condoms and wine glasses. When he had finished he decided to call Matthew to see how he was. He had thought about him over the past few days and was still slightly worried.

"Hi Matthew, how are you?" Adam asked when Matthew answered his mobile.

"I'm okay" Matthew answered in a very down voice so it was obvious he wasn't.

"You don't sound okay" Adam replied.

"No not really. I miss him so much Adam"

"Of course you do and you will do so for a long time"

Matthew murmured something which Adam could not quite pick up. "I'm on my own for a few days because Julian has had to go away on business so why don't you come to Kensington and stay with me for two or three days. Are you off this next week?"

Matthew explained that his boss had given him three days compassionate leave and he had added some holiday to make it a week. "I just don't feel like going back to work at present."

"Yeah can understand that so would you like to come over?"

"I'd love to" Matthew replied feeling a bit brighter.

"Good see you in about an hour"

Having given him the address and instructions on how to find him, Adam set down to some more work. He had got a new job which involved proof reading a book for someone and making amendments where he felt it was necessary. It paid well so he felt he should make a start.

Matthew arrived and Adam showed him in. Like Tim he was very impressed with the flat. He also liked seeing Adam in his Kimono with an arse that peeped out beneath at the back.

Matthew looked brighter than he had sounded on the phone and seemed to be genuinely pleased to see Adam again. They talked and Matthew said that his Mum had invited him to stay with her but he didn't really want to.

"I expect she's worried about you" Adam said.


They sat in the living room and talked about Ryan. He became very tearful as he talked so Adam moved up beside him and gave him a hug.

"Ryan and I loved hugging and fucking each other" he explained, "I so miss that".

Without saying anything, Adam took Matthew's hand and led him into the bedroom. He then slowly undressed him, removed his own Kimono and got him into bed. He then hugged and kissed him. Matthew just loved the feel of Adam's naked body against his and soon he had a raging hard-on as did Adam.

"I'd love you to fuck me" Matthew said as they kissed and hugged each other. Adam turned him over, prepared himself and slowly inserted his erection into Matthew's beautiful round arse. "Oh that feels so good" he exclaimed as he felt Adam's hot tool inside him. Adam moved in and out at a steady pace by moving his butt up and down but keeping his arms round Matthew. He continued for sometime until he felt the need to reach a climax. He then withdrew and wanked himself over Mathew's back. "Mm that was nice" Matthew murmured as he felt the hot cum shoot across his back. They then turned on their sides and Adam wanked Matthew until he too had shot his load. "Aaaagh" he cried out as he filled Adam's hand with creamy cum.

They lay there for a while with Adam's arms still round him. Matthew loved the closeness and in his mind it was Ryan holding him.

Eventually they got up and showered and Adam prepared some soup for lunch.

"We need to decide what we want to eat tonight" Adam said taking another spoonful of vegetable soup.

"This is nice" Matthew told him, "did you make it?"

Adam laughed, "No it's from the supermarket I'm afraid. I'm not that much of a cook. Just do what is necessary."

"I love cooking" Matthew replied, "I did all the cooking when we were together".

"Julian is the same so he does the cooking for us. I don't really have the patience."

"Why don't I cook for us tonight then? Do you like fish?"

Adam said he did so Matthew said he would make a fish pie.

"Sounds good" Adam replied relieved that he didn't have to think of something and prepare it.

After lunch they went off to the shops and Matthew bought the fish he wanted along with potatoes and a packet of frozen peas. He insisted on paying for it all so Adam let him do so. "You've both been so kind to me" he responded when Adam said was he sure.

They walked back home, stripped off and spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and lazing around.

In the evening Matthew prepared his fish pie and eventually they sat down and ate it.

"This is really nice" Adam exclaimed as he ate the first few mouthfuls, "You must give me the recipe so I can get Julian to make it."

They had just finished their meal when Matthew's mobile rang. It was his mother.

"Hi Mum" he said grinning and realising that he was talking to her sitting stark naked. "I'm at Adam's in Kensington; he kindly invited me over for a few days."

There was more talk between them when Matthew said "Okay I'll pass him over".

Matthew passed the phone to Adam and said "Mum would like to have a word".

Adam, not knowing her name just said hello' and Matthew's mother said she had heard so much about him and Julian and how nice it was that they had looked after him in Bournemouth and then again in Hampstead and now Adam had invited him to Kensington. "You seem to get around you two" she added, "but Matthew is sounding much brighter than he was". Adam agreed and said it would take a while for him to come to terms with his loss and she agreed. "You and your partner must come and see me sometime with Matthew". Adam said that would be nice not having a clue where she lived. Eventually he passed the phone back to Matthew and the call finished with Matthew saying to his mother I'll ask him'.

"She sounds nice" Adam said not really knowing what else to say.

"Yeah, she's okay"

"So what have you got to ask me?" Adam said.

"I've decided I would like to go the crematorium and perhaps arrange a memorial of some sort. Would you be willing to come with me?"

Adam replied that he would be happy to do so. "We could go on Monday if you like".

They cleared up the dishes and Adam asked Matthew if he wanted to go into Soho later. Matthew said he would prefer to stay at home. "There's nothing much on TV to watch" Adam said having scoured the listings. "Do you like gay porn?"

Matthew said he did and that he and Ryan often spent an evening watching DVD's or stuff Ryan had downloaded from the net. Adam had quite a collection so he selected one and put it into the DVD player. They sat back on the sofa and watched it.

After a while having watched two guys fucking each other Matthew said "This bareback?"

Adam said it was. "I love bareback sex. Ryan and I always had bareback sex between ourselves. It's so much nicer".

Adam agreed it was and said that he and Julian did the same but always had safe sex with anyone else. As they continued watching the film they both imagined each other's naked cocks inside them but Adam reminded himself that he had agreed with Julian that he would only do bareback with him and always use a condom with anyone else. Matthew sensed that if he asked Adam to bareback him he would say no so said nothing.

They watched a couple of other DVD's before finally going to bed. They were both feeling randy having watched the films and cocks were high as they set off to the bedroom. Matthew got Adam to go on all fours and fucked him from behind first of all. They then switched over and Adam fucked Matthew in the same position. Still wanting more, he laid Matthew down with his legs in the air and fucked him that way so he could bend over and kiss him. Matthew loved that position since it was one of Ryan's favourites as well.

Before they finally settled down for the night they fucked each other several times in various positions and from different angles. Finally their sexual appetite was sated and they went to sleep.

The sun was shining when they woke up in the morning. It was gone nine by the time they got up and had breakfast but there was no hurry. Adam said he had some work to do on the book he was reviewing so settled down to do that whilst Matthew went out and got the morning paper to read. Later on Adam said "Fancy going into town and having a bite to eat?"

Matthew said he would so they set off around midday and went into Soho. Adam took Matthew to the Rupert Street bar where they had a sausage sandwich which was one of his favourites. Matthew was surprised at how many guys were in the bar and enjoyed looking at some of the good looking ones around them. Adam always seemed to attract attention and several guys said `Hi'. One in particular, who seemed to know Adam, came and sat near them and chatted for a while.

Having spent a good hour or more drinking and chatting they moved off into Old Compton Street. Adam always liked looking round the DVD's downstairs at Clone Zone, or CZ as it was now called, so they went in and had a good look round. Matthew selected one of the bareback DVD's and so did Adam to add to his collection.

"Do you like poppers?" Matthew asked. Adam said he occasionally used it so Matthew added a bottle of English to his order.

They then wandered around eying the guys they fancied before making their way back home.

There was sufficient fish pie left so Matthew heated that up for their meal. They then spent the rest of the evening looking at the new DVD's sniffing poppers every so often. The poppers gave them both a high and watching the DVD's had made them very randy again so they were soon rolling on the floor fucking each other. They watched each DVD at least twice whilst fucking and sniffing poppers and completely lost track of time. It was nearly midnight by the time they finally came back to earth!

On the Monday morning they set off for Kingston Crematorium where Ryan's funeral had taken place. Adam worked out how to get there and eventually they found it.

They located the person who dealt with memorials and she invited them into a small room. She introduced herself as Debbie. Matthew was feeling very emotional being there so asked Adam if he would lead the conversation. Adam explained that Matthew was Ryan's partner and they had been together for about four years. He also explained that Ryan's family had not accepted their son's sexuality and as such did not accept Matthew. As a consequence they had refused to allow Matthew to attend the funeral.

"Needless to say, Matthew is feeling very upset. Not only because of the loss of his partner but also about being stopped from attending Ryan's funeral service."

"I am very sorry to hear that", Debbie replied looking at Matthew sympathetically.

"We appreciate he does not have any legal rights since they did not have a Civil Partnership but Matthew is wondering if it is possible to arrange a memorial of some sort.

Debbie confirmed that it would be possible and went through the options, one of which was to plant a rose bush in the garden of remembrance with a small plaque. Adam asked whether Ryan's family had organised anything and what had happened to Ryan's ashes.

"The family have been contacted and told the options available but have not replied." Debbie replied, "I also spoke to the immediately after the funeral and they said they did not intend doing anything."

"I think that shows what they thought of their son", Adam said. Debbie said nothing but made a grimace as if to say `It does rather'.

"And what happens if a family does not do anything?" Adam asked.

"If they have not made arrangements for the ashes after one month from the date of the funeral then we scatter them in the garden of remembrance."

"Could Matthew attend that scattering if he wished to do so?"

Debbie confirmed that he could in which case a date would be agreed between them.

Adam calculated that the month would be up in about a week's time. He turned to Matthew who was still very tearful and asked him what he wanted to do.

"Are you interested in having a rose bush planted with a small plaque?"

Matthew said he would.

"And what about attending the scattering of the ashes?"

Matthew thought for a moment and then asked if Adam would accompany him if he did.

"Of course, both Julian and I would be more than happy to attend with you" Adam replied.

"In that case I would like to attend" he said to Debbie.

"That is fine and I think it is very nice that someone who knew and clearly loved Ryan is present when the ashes are scattered."

The arrangements were made and they agreed the wording to go on the small plaque. In addition to Ryan's name and the year of his birth and death, Matthew wanted the words "You will be remembered forever. Love Matthew". It just fitted into the 50 word limit so he was happy. He then paid the fee which was higher than he had expected but he wanted to do something to remember Ryan by. Whilst Debbie left the room to get some information for them Adam gave Matthew some money to go towards the fee since he guessed the amount was higher than Matthew had reckoned. "Julian and I would like to contribute if that is okay with you".

Matthew burst into tears and Adam hugged him. "Thank you so much" he said amongst his tears, "You've both been so kind."

Adam kissed his head and gave him a tissue to wipe his eyes. Debbie returned to the room and noticed that Matthew was crying. "Would you like me to leave you alone for a moment longer?" she asked.

"It's okay" Adam replied, "Matthew is overcome with it all".

Debbie smiled sweetly at him and said it was okay to cry for a loved one. "You must have clearly loved each other" she added. "I think it's rather nice to know that two people irrespective of their sexuality were so much in love."

She gave Matthew an envelope with his receipt for the rose bush and the agreed wording and they sorted out a date for the scattering of ashes. A date in two weeks' time was arranged so that Matthew had time to arrange the day off from work.

They finally left and Matthew was very quiet all the way home. Adam left him to his thoughts but in fact Matthew was feeling happy that he would at last be able to say goodbye to Ryan.

Adam suggested they get a bus to Richmond and have some lunch at a pub he knew beside the river. Fortunately the weather was fine and the sun came out after lunch. They walked along the river for a while before getting the train back home. The rest of the day was spent fairly quietly with Matthew reading the newspaper and Adam doing some more work. That evening they watched TV and finally went to bed around 11 p.m. Once in bed, Adam hugged Matthew and they settled down for the night.

Adam woke early the following morning so he left Matthew sleeping. He made himself a cup of tea and did some more work. About nine o'clock Matthew emerged and they had breakfast.

Adam told him that he was going back to Hampstead after lunch as Julian was expected back late afternoon. They walked to the station together where Adam went off to Hampstead and Matthew to the Elephant and Castle. They had said their goodbyes with hugs and kisses before leaving so it was a quick wave as they went their separate ways at the station.

It seemed odd to Adam walking into Julian's house with it empty. He immediately stripped off as normal and slipped on his kimono which was now becoming the regular garb he wore around the house when he was not completely naked. He decided he would not want to live in a house this large on his own. He liked his flat. It felt cosier. The house was fine when he was with Julian and having the space and of course the pool was fantastic.

Julian arrived home about five. Adam immediately went into the hall when he heard the front door open.

"Hello my love" Julian said hastily putting his case down. He gave Adam a quick kiss and said "I must go and have a pee, I'm bursting."

Julian shot off to the cloakroom nearby and as usual left the door open. Adam chuckled to himself as he heard Julian's gush of pee into the WC. He always sounded like a horse having a piss because his flow was so strong.

"That's better", Julian exclaimed as he came out and gave Adam a big hug. "God I've missed you"

"Me too" Adam replied.

Julian had his hand up the back of Adam's kimono and was caressing it as he hugged and kissed. "I've missed this gorgeous butt".

When they had finished kissing and hugging, Julian went upstairs to unpack his case. He then stripped off naked and pulled Adam towards him. He removed the kimono and pulled Adam onto the bed. They hugged and kissed again and Julian turned him onto his stomach. "I want to fuck that arse of yours. I've missed it so."

Adam was happy to feel Julian's naked cock up his arse and let him fuck and fuck until he could feel a hot stream of cum shooting up inside. "Oh god that feels so good" Julian exclaimed as he finally came to a halt and withdrew. He then moved Adam onto his side and lay in front of him offering his arse to be fucked. Adam's cock was rock hard and he was really randy now. He slipped it into Julian and fucked and fucked until he too shot his load. "Mm that feels good to have you inside me" Julian exclaimed.

When they had both satisfied their sexual appetite, Julian told Adam all about his trip and the project he was working on.

"Steve first of all wanted me to do some work for a clothes catalogue, the majority of which was male underwear and swimwear. He had lined up four gorgeous guys so that was great fun. We then got them to model some shirts and trousers and finally finished that this morning. Two of the guys were gay and Steve took them and me to a gay restaurant in Canal Street."

"What about the other two guys?" Adam asked.

"They too were gorgeous but they were straight. Steve invited them as well but they both declined. Stupid idiots because the restaurant was a mix of gays and straights. Very odd some of these guys!"

"Anyhow, Steve is delighted with what I've done and he's asked me to do some nude work for him. We asked the two gays if they were interested and both said they were and Steve reckons he can get some more lads to take part. He wants to publish a book of gay naked males. I said I'd be happy to do that."

"I bet you did!" Adam quipped.

"So, I'm going back up there in two weeks to do that and possibly some more work for the catalogue. Sorry to have to leave you yet again but from the sound of it you've not been short of guys to fuck!"

Adam laughed and told him again how the Friday Club had gone and how Tim had cooked the meal for them. He also mentioned that Shaun had stayed over and about Matthew and the Crematorium.

"Oh I'm pleased that Matthew has arranged a memorial for Ryan and wants to be there for the scattering. That must make him feel much better."

Having caught up with all the news, they decided to have a quick swim before going out for a meal at a local pub that did good food. Julian didn't feel like cooking after his journey.

Afterwards they went to the William for a drink and met up with Gerald and John who also employed Shaun for cleaning and gardening.

"Ah, glad to have seen you" Gerald said as they walked in, "We were wondering if you would like to come round for dinner tomorrow night if you've got nothing else arranged. I know you two young bucks always have a full social diary."

Julian laughed and said they had nothing planned so would love to come. Both of them were retired so they enjoyed having younger guys to entertain.

"This is my nephew Stephen" John said introducing a very good looking young guy to Julian and Adam. He was in his early 20s and his face lit up when he realised that Adam and Julian were joining them.

They drank and chatted for about an hour and around nine o'clock, Gerald and John said they were off home. Stephen made no attempt to join them but instead said goodbye to his Uncle and assured him that he would come up again to see them soon.

As they left, Gerald said to Julian, "See you about seven tomorrow if that's okay".

"I'm so glad you came and joined us", Stephen said as soon as the other two had left, "I was beginning to get bored with the conversation and you two certainly made things more interesting."

Julian laughed. "Yes John is not the best of conversationalists and Gerald tends to go on a bit.

"Don't get me wrong" Stephen quickly added, "They're both lovely guys and when I came out a few years ago and was having problems with my parents they were very supportive."

"I take it your parents don't accept your being gay then" Adam said.

"My mother has accepted it okay now but my father is still very anti and keeps saying I should find a nice girl to marry to get over it."

"If only it was as simple as that" Julian added, "Why people can't accept that we are all different and we are what we are always amazes me. Nobody chooses to be gay. There are too many hurdles to cross."

"Very true and I have said that to my father many times but I think he is embarrassed at having produced a son who is not `normal'; anyhow I don't see them much now having moved away."

Stephen then explained that he now lived in Southampton and was up in London on business for his company. "Hence the reason why I felt I should come and see Uncle John so they invited me for a meal which was very nice of them."

Stephen then asked about Julian and Adam and where they lived. Julian explained that he lived in Hampstead and Adam had his own flat in Kensington. "He comes down here and I go to him so it works out well."

"So you don't live together" Stephen asked.

"We do more or less, we just use which place suits what we are doing" Adam explained.

"Sounds great"

Adam then added that Julian's house had a small swimming pool in the basement which was another attraction to come to Hampstead. Stephen's eyes lit up and said he loved swimming and would love to see it. "I've never come across a pool in a basement before."

"If you're in no hurry why not come round to see it" Julian then said, "We're only five minutes away."

Stephen's eyes lit up again. He liked these guys, especially Adam so was happy to spend some more time with them.

"I'd love to. I'm not in any hurry to get back to my hotel which is pretty basic so nothing to amuse me there."

They finished off their drinks and then left to go back to the house.

They went into the living room and Julian said "Do you want a swim Stephen?"

Stephen said he would love to so Julian explained that he and Adam always swam naked so he hoped that was okay.

"No problem" Stephen quickly replied rather looking forward to seeing these two guys in the buff, "I love feeling water round my cock". Adam and Julian laughed at the directness of the guy which they rather liked.

They stripped off their clothes and Adam led Stephen downstairs to the pool whilst Julian got some drinks to have down there. Stephen couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the pool.

"It's not that large but it's good fun"

"It's great Stephen said as he jumped in and started swimming."

Adam watched him for a few moments. He had a lovely body and he could certainly swim. Adam then jumped in and joined him. Julian was soon down with the drinks and left them on a small table beside the pool before jumping in himself. Stephen enjoyed the feel of the warm water round his naked body and also enjoyed having two other naked guys in the pool with him. `This is heaven' he told himself.

Having done several lengths they all climbed out and sat on the edge to have their drinks. Adam noticed that Stephen had a slight hard-on. "Nice cock" he whispered to him whilst Julian had gone off to increase the temperature control unit. Stephen grinned and placed a hand on Adam's. They soon both had full erections and when Julian returned he grinned. "You two have wasted no time I see".

Seeing the two erect cocks, it made Julian's also get hard so eventually there were three waving in the air. Stephen lent over and sucked Adam's and Julian moved to the other side of Stephen so he could suck his. This went on for some time until Julian said "Why don't we go upstairs and make ourselves more comfortable". The others agreed and followed Julian up to the bedroom.

They romped around on the bed feeling and sucking each other until Stephen asked "What do you guys like doing; fucking or being fucked?"

Adam liked the directness of this guy and replied they liked doing both.

"Oh wonderful" Stephen replied, "I'm versatile as well".

Julian took that to be an invitation so prepared his cock and moved behind Stephen so that he could fuck him. When Stephen felt Julian's cock slip into him he exclaimed "Oh my, that feels good".

Julian gave him a good long fuck and Stephen clearly enjoyed every second of it. When he had finished, Stephen wanted to fuck Adam who was busy sucking Stephen's cock. Adam was soon on his back with legs in the air ready for Stephen to insert his cock. "Beautiful arse" Stephen exclaimed as his cock slid inside Adam. As he fucked, Julian sucked Adam's cock and brought him to a climax. The full load of his cum went into his mouth. "Mm beautiful cum" he announced when he had finished licking the remains off the shaft.

When Stephen had finally withdrawn his cock from Adam, Julian then sucked Stephen off. When he was at the climax he stopped sucking and let the hot cum shoot across his stomach. "Nice" Adam said, watching creamy cum shooting out.

"I'll go and get some more drinks" Julian announced. "Same again?"

They had been drinking Bacardi and Coke so Julian went off to prepare some more. "Put on a DVD" he told Adam as he left. Adam opened the cupboard where the porn DVDs were kept and chose one. It was another bareback.

When Julian returned with the drinks, they lay on the bed watching it as they drank.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Julian asked Stephen.

Stephen jumped at the idea and said he would love to since he was going home the next day. "I don't have to be out of the room until late morning so I can get back for that okay" he explained. Looking across to Adam who was beside him, he couldn't believe his luck at meeting these two guys and being able to have so much fun with them. It made his visit to see his Uncle so much more exciting.

They watched the film and soon cocks were flying high again and they were all over each other for a second time. As they fucked each other Adam smiled to himself at his and other young guys' ability to keep on having sex. Certainly he and Julian's sex drive never seemed to wane, which was just as well since Adam was randy most of the time!

It was midnight when they finally stopped and Julian showed Stephen the spare room. When he returned to bed and Adam had switched off the DVD player, Julian snuggled up behind Adam and fucked him yet again. "Nice guy" he said casually as he slipped his naked cock into Adam's arse which was well and truly open. "Yeah very nice" Adam agreed, "and a good fuck as well!"

"You're incorrigible" Julian told him, "Will your sexual desires ever slow down".

"I hope not" Adam quipped back.

"Good because I love you as you are"

The next morning they were all up fairly early and had finished breakfast by the time Shaun arrived to do the cleaning. Adam introduced him to Stephen and said "Shaun comes each week to clean the house and he likes doing it in the nude". Shaun looked a bit embarrassed but Stephen replied, "Great, I sometimes do the same at my flat".

Shaun took this to mean that it was okay to strip off so he did so. Julian suggested he start upstairs as they were still clearing away the breakfast things. A bit later he came down to get something from the kitchen and Stephen was able to have a good look at Shaun's naked body. "Mm very nice" he said more to himself than anyone else but Adam heard and grinned. "He's a lovely fuck as well!"

"With that arse I bet he is" Stephen replied grinning and wishing he could stay longer to try it out. Instead he said he should make a move. They exchanged contact details and Stephen said if they ever fancied a weekend in Southampton to let him know. Adam said if he was visiting London again he could either stay with him in Kensington or come to Julian in Hampstead. Julian agreed and said he was more than welcome. "It beats staying in boring hotels".

They kissed and hugged goodbye and Stephen thanked them for having him stay over.

"Thank you" Adam replied, "And thanks for having us!" Stephen grinned and left.

The rest of the day was spent working – Julian in the studio and Adam working on his book. He was nearly finished so he wanted to get it done. His publisher had already asked him if he could do a gay love story and Adam had various story lines in mind.

Julian told Shaun as they were having lunch that he and Adam were going to Gerald and John for a meal that evening so he would have to make his own arrangements for a meal that night. Shaun said he was meeting up with a friend so that was okay. He had deliberately done so since he did not want Julian to feel he always had to feed him despite the fact that he loved being with him and Adam.

Having finished the cleaning and satisfied that everything was gleaming, Shaun left leaving Julian and Adam to get ready to go out. They both showered and Adam decided to wear a slim fitting shirt that showed off his slim body and a pair of light weight tight fitting trousers that showed off his butt and the package in his crotch.

"Mm, you look very sexy" Julian exclaimed when Adam had finished dressing. "Those trousers leave nothing to the imagination; Gerald and John will just love it."

He kissed Adam and for a moment they hugged each other.

"Can we consider ourselves partners now, do you think?" Julian asked.

"I think we have got to that stage haven't we" Adam replied. "I love you more than anything in the world and want to stay with you for ever if you'll put up with me."

Julian shed a tear and said he loved Adam and he certainly wanted to make him a life long partner. "Perhaps when we've been together a while longer we'll even think about a Civil Partnership" he said. Adam nodded in agreement although he would have to think that one through. Julian clearly loved him' he thought to himself so that was what he wanted; a long term relationship'.

Just before seven, they left to walk to Gerald and John's house which was only just over five minutes away. They lived in an old cottage which dated back to the 1800s. They had spent a lot of money over the years updating it and it was now very nice.

Julian rang the bell and Gerald was soon opening the door. "Hi guys, come on in" he said welcoming them in. As they passed him at the doorway he patted Adam's butt and said "Nice arse". Adam grinned and knew that there was going to be plenty of that throughout the evening but he didn't mind. Despite their age both Gerald and John were in good shape and not unpleasing to look at.

Gerald led them into the living room where John was sitting. He immediately got up and kissed each of them. Gerald, not having done so in the narrow hallway, then gave each of them a kiss as well and as he did so he put patted their butts again.

John asked what drinks they would like and Julian said he would have a gin and tonic and Adam opted for a Bacardi and Coke. When they got them they were far from the single measures you got in a bar. As they sipped their drinks Gerald asked what the pair of them had been up to. They decided not to mention the fact that John's nephew had stayed the night and been fucked by both of them! Instead, Julian talked about his trip to Manchester. Gerald's eyes lit up when Julian mentioned the young guys and taking shots of them in underwear and swimming trunks.

"Oh you lucky bastard" he quipped, "What a lovely job you have".

He then asked Adam what he did for a living. When Adam said he was a writer both John and Gerald sat up and wanted to know more. Adam explained what he did and they were very impressed. "Ooh let us know when your book is published and we'll buy it" Gerald exclaimed.

John was the cook so in due course he went off into the kitchen to start the meal. The cottage consisted of a small living room and a separate dining room with a kitchen off that. Eventually John appeared to say that the meal was ready so would they go and sit down. The dining room was even smaller than the living room and the table was up at one end so Gerald suggested that Julian sit one side, John would sit at the end nearest the kitchen and he and Adam would sit side by side opposite Julian. It was snug to say the least but very cosy. All the furniture was old style which they pair had obviously had all the years they had been together, which Julian had told him was almost forty.

The starter was a salmon fish cake on a bed of green salad. It was very tasty and Adam enjoyed it. The main course was roasted duck with roast potatoes, carrots and green beans served with an orange sauce. The duck was delicious and John was congratulated by everyone.

"The pudding needs to be prepared so there will be a wait I'm afraid" John said when they had all cleared their plates. Julian helped him clear the dishes and followed him into the kitchen leaving Gerald and Adam snugly sitting side by side.

Whenever Gerald had an excuse to do so he would place a hand on Adam's leg. Adam didn't mind and let him do so.

"What did you think of Stephen?" Gerald asked.

"Nice guy" Adam replied.

"Yeah very nice and his parents certainly made life difficult for him when he came out."

Adam didn't say anything for a moment. He then said "He was telling us he liked swimming and was interested in seeing Julian's pool in the basement so he came back with us to see it before he went back to his hotel." Adam felt what he'd said was perfectly accurate even though he'd left out the bit about him staying over and fucking him.

"Oh yes, I understand he's a champion swimmer" Gerald said and then added grinning "And I bet he's good in bed".

Adam again said nothing but just smiled.

"Despite being old we still like young butts around us"

"If I look as good as you when I reach your age I shall be more than happy" Adam replied.

"It's a question of keeping yourself thinking young and of course we both still love sex so the occasional rent boy to keep us happy is always welcome."

"Rent boys" Adam said somewhat surprised.

"Oh yes, we still like cock and you'd be surprised how many young guys are willing to fuck an older guy or be fucked by one."

Adam laughed and replied he could imagine that, especially when they were being paid.

"You're too cynical Adam" Gerald replied placing his hand on Adam's thigh and moving it into his crotch. "Mm very nice" he murmured. Adam said nothing.

"Right here we are" John said returning with the puddings for them. It was a syrup sponge and a jug of custard.

"This is delicious" Julian and Adam exclaimed as they tucked in.

All in all it was a very pleasant meal. Although John tended to be quiet with Gerald doing most of the talking, Adam found them both to be a sweet couple' and he particularly liked Gerald.

It was Gerald's job to do the clearing up so when they had finally finished and John had suggested they move back into the living room for coffee, Gerald started clearing away the dishes.

"I'll give you a hand" Adam said knowing that Gerald would be happy for him to do so.

Julian and John disappeared into the other room and Adam and Gerald took the dirty dishes into the kitchen where he packed the dishwasher and washed up the pans. Adam helped where he could otherwise he just leant against the work surface chatting. When Gerald had finally finished and also made the coffee, he moved over to where Adam was standing to get some cups from a cupboard nearby. On his way he groped Adam and felt the bulge in his crotch.

"My, you are a big boy, aren't you" Gerald exclaimed having had a good feel. Adam laughed and let him do want he wanted. Seeing that Adam was not going to stop him he quickly unzipped Adam's fly and thrust a hand inside. He was obviously a dab hand at doing this because within seconds he had his hand down inside Adam's briefs to feel the naked flesh. As always happened when someone held his cock it rapidly increased in size.

"Ooh lovely" Gerald exclaimed again, "I bet that would feel nice inside me."

"Perhaps another time" Adam replied gently removing Gerald's hand before he went too far.

"Mm I may hold you to that" Gerald said, slapping Adam on his butt as he moved away.

They took the coffee into the other room and Gerald poured a brandy for each of them. Knowing they were early to bed creatures, Julian suggested they should go home around ten o'clock. Gerald looked quite disappointed when he realised he would no longer have an opportunity to feel Adam again but he smiled and said they must do it again sometime. Julian said next time they must come to him.

On the way home, Julian asked Adam what he thought of the two guys. Adam said he liked Gerald despite him being outrageous at times.

"Oh yes he's certainly that, which adds to his charm" Julian responded, "And no doubt he groped you in the kitchen".

Adam laughed and said he had.

"He always like to grope the young guys if he can" Julian added.

"Has he groped you then?"

"Oh yes, often" Julian replied, "And he sucked me off once".

They both laughed and made their way home. When they got in, Julian said he wanted another drink so he opened a bottle of wine. They both lay out on the sofa and gradually drank the whole bottle. Having stripped off as usual they were sitting stark naked. Julian soon had an erection which Adam serviced for him. He then sat on it and rode Julian hard until he could feel hot cum shooting inside him. Adam then sat down and Julian rode up and down on his stiff cock until he too was shooting his load.

They finally went to bed around midnight and as usual they made love again once they were under the covers!

Shaun came the following morning to do the gardening. What he found to do in the Autumnal weather amazed Julian but he seemed to be doing plenty. Shaun stayed for lunch and then went off home immediately afterwards. They had decided to go to Adam's flat that afternoon and stay over until the Sunday or Monday. They could then go to Dwayne and Erik from his flat for the Friday Club.

Friday was busy for both of them. Adam did more work on his book and Julian worked on his laptop to write letters and various other admin things. He had sorted out a way to access files on his computer in Hampstead via a remote link so he was able to do whatever he wanted from Adam's. They had arranged a similar link for Adam to access his files when he was in Hampstead. Julian was very impressed when Adam organised all this.

It was time to get ready to go to Dwayne and Erik's. Adam said he was going to wear a G string underneath his tracksuit bottoms and a T shirt since clothes were discarded as soon as they got there. Julian liked the idea of a G string so Adam leant him another that he had. It was tight but Julian managed to get his tackle inside it. Adam's was bright pink and Julian's was bright red so they had a good laugh when they viewed themselves in the mirror.

They set off and collected two bottles of wine on the way. When they arrived, Erik invited them in and took their coats. "If you want to remove anything else you can leave it in here" Erik said pointing to the front room. Julian and Adam stripped down to their G strings and walked into the back room where the other two were. When they saw them there were guffaws of laughter. "Ooh how lovely" Erik screamed and promptly felt each of them. Tim arrived soon after and stripped off before joining the others. He was wearing a scanty pair of briefs which only just about covered his cock. Every so often, especially as it grew, the head peeped out much to the delight of the others.

Dwayne had cooked an Indian curry and they all sat down round the table to eat it. The others all agreed that it was just perfect. As usual the wine flowed and plenty of banter and sexual advances took place with hands often slipping inside each others' garments throughout the meal. By the time they had finished eating, they all had rock hard erections.

Having cleared up they then pulled each other's garments off and started serious sex. Sucking and fucking were soon in progress which continued on and off throughout the evening well into the early hours. Erik had also put on a gay porn video and they took great delight in copying each of the positions the guys in the film used to fuck each other. It was gone two in the morning when Julian, Adam and Tim left much the worse for wear. Adam asked Tim if he would like to come back with them rather than disturb his flatmate. Tim jumped at the idea.

Before they left, Julian announced that he was away again the following Friday and Erik and Dwayne said they may be going away too. Adam therefore invited Tim round on his own and said they could have a Friday Club for two.

The three of them got back to Adam's flat somehow and more sex took place before they settled down. Tim slept in the spare room leaving Julian and Adam to have another fuck before they finally went off to sleep.

Needless to say, they were all feeling somewhat under the weather the following day so they spent most of it just lazing around having yet more sex whenever they were in the mood. Tim in fact stayed another night and cooked an amazing meal for Julian and Adam. He finally went home on Sunday morning.

Julian and Adam spent the next week in Hampstead working and doing chores. They went back to Adam's flat on the Thursday since they had booked to go and see a gay play at a fringe theatre. The publicity had warned that there would be some nudity but they were not expecting as much as there was in reality.

About a quarter of the way through, one of the characters stripped off naked and walked about the stage showing full frontals. He was not particularly attractive but his body was okay. Another character joins him and the guy still stands around naked whilst they talk. Eventually they start making love and the second guy is soon totally naked. He was younger and had a very nice looking body. At one point the pair of them were standing at the front of the stage facing the audience showing it all. Julian and Adam happened to be sitting at the front so had full view, which they rather liked. The pair then got into bed and made love with one guy lying on top of the other pretending to be having sex with his bare bottom in the air.

The first half ended and the stage lights dimmed. The audience lights came on for people to go to the bar outside. The two actors got out of bed to go off stage and Julian and Adam could see that both had a semi hard-on. When the second half started, the two quickly came on stage before the stage lights came up and returned to bed. When the action commenced they acted waking up and getting out of bed. Again they walked round the stage stark naked showing the audience full frontals.

Later in the second half, the younger of the two then meets another guy who looked even younger and they make love. Once again both are stark naked and the pair were certainly stunning to look at. They kissed and hugged and felt each other in the crotch. Julian was convinced that both had a semi-hard-on by the time they had finished the scene!

As people left at the end, the main topic was of course the nudity which was much more than is normally included within such plays. Most went off with smiles on their faces and no doubt many were sexually aroused as well – certainly Julian and Adam were!

On their way home, Julian said he was feeling really randy having seen that. Adam agreed that he was too. As soon as they got into the house, clothes were stripped off and they were fucking each other like mad. Julian first of all got Adam to go on all fours with his head down on the floor and his butt up high. Julian then licked his arse before standing across him and fucking him. "Oh my god that feels good" Julian exclaimed as he pumped up and down. Adam exclaimed that it felt good as well.

Adam then bent Julian over the end of the table and fucked him. Julian then got Adam flat on the floor and sat on his raging hard cock. They then moved to the kitchen and Julian leaned over the worktop whilst Adam took him from behind. They moved around the rooms fucking each other in every position possible. They were both rampant and nothing seemed to quench their sexual urge.

Finally they went to bed and before settling down for the night Julian fucked Adam yet again!

Julian went off to Manchester first thing on the Friday and later that morning Tim phoned Adam to say that the Pink Club had two strippers on that night and would he like to go. "I understand it could be good with more than just a strip" he told Adam.

Adam said he would like to and invited Tim to stay for the weekend so they could have their Friday Club meeting on the Saturday. He also asked Tim whether he would mind if Shaun stayed over as well and join in the Friday Club orgy.

"Yeah, great" Tim replied, "More cock the better".

Adam contacted Shaun and asked him if he would like to come to Kensington for the weekend and explained that Tim would be staying as well. He also told him about their usual Friday Club night but this week it was going to be on the Saturday. Shaun jumped at the idea and said he would be there on the Saturday morning if that was okay.

Tim arrived soon after five bringing with him the food for the next night and something for him and Adam for that night's meal. "Thought I'd make mushroom and ham omelettes" Tim said as he put the food into the fridge. Adam said that sounded good and also showed Tim that he had stewed some apples and blackberries that afternoon for their pudding.

Adam was of course already naked as usual and Tim soon stripped off his clothes so the pair of them went downstairs for a swim before having their meal. They decided to go straight to the club from home rather than go to a gay bar first. Adam had decided to wear his pink G string again beneath a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a tight T shirt. Tim loved the idea of the G string so he wore the red one which suited his black body. They arrived soon after the club opened at ten o'clock and were within the first half dozen. In fact by the time the owner had closed the entry door, which he always did at eleven, there were only twelve people including Tim and Adam. Why so few nobody knew but that was the fact.

The two young bar guys were not on duty either but instead a slightly older guy was doing the bar. He was wearing a G string which only just about covered his privates and exposed a lovely arse. Once the owner, whose name was Andy, had closed the entry door he came into the club area also wearing a G string. There was a general roar of approval as they watched him move around showing off a very enticing butt.

At midnight, the two strippers came in and did their strip. They involved several guys with this and slipped their hands into their trousers to feel the enlarged organs. By the time they finally removed their G strings they both had erections and the crowd roared their approval. They then got guys to suck them before one bent over and the other fucked him bareback. By this time the crowd were in a highly sexual state and everyone was naked to the waist. Several guys had also removed their trousers and were standing in their briefs showing off their swollen manhood beneath.

The strippers then changed over and the other guy fucked the first one. When they had finished they then got guys to suck them to a climax and shot their load over the suckers face. Adam had never seen strippers go this far before and loved it all as did all the other guys. The strippers then made their exit and soon afterwards a group of six guys left as well. This left Tim and Adam with four other guys. They were all very friendly and there was plenty of groping going on.

Andy then got the bar guy to open a bottle of champagne and everyone was given a glass. It turned out that it was his birthday so everyone wished him a happy one. It was now gone one in the morning and Andy unclipped the bar guy's G string which quickly fell to the ground. His cock immediately stood up to attention to the delight of everyone. Andy then removed his and showed off his nudity. He again had a round of applause since he was well hung.

This was the sign for everyone else to strip off what remaining clothes they had on. Tim and Adam were already down to their G strings so these were soon taken off them. It ended up with eight naked guys all of whom had a full hard-on. Andy then bent the bar guy over a stool and fucked him. This too was bareback. The bar guy then fucked Andy the same way. Tim did find out later that they were partners. Andy was drinking more and more so didn't seem to worry what went on. Other guys took the lead and started fucking guys near them. Andy then invited everyone to fuck the bar guy who was still bent over the stool. Everyone did including Tim and Adam who enjoyed it immensely since the guy had a gorgeous arse. Then Andy bent over the stool and everyone fucked him.

This seemed to start a grand orgy and one by one a guy was bent over the stool to fuck. Many fucked bareback but Tim and Adam made sure that anybody who fucked them was protected. "I love bareback" Tim said "but I wouldn't fuck anybody I didn't know without protection." Adam agreed and of course Tim had already seen him and Julian fucking bareback so he knew the score as much as he desired to fuck Adam bareback and be fucked that way.

Andy finally closed the club at three, although whether he knew what he was doing is debateable. Fortunately the bar guy was more with it so saw everyone off the premises. Tim and Adam walked off to get the night bus and when it came along it was empty apart from a guy who went upstairs. They sat downstairs towards the back and the whole way home, Tim had his hand down inside Adam's trousers feeling his still erect cock. The G strings had been put in their pockets so both of them were naked beneath their trousers. They finally walked off the bus with full erections pushing against the thin material of their trousers. It was just as well nobody was about!

When they got back to the flat, Tim stripped off in the lift. Fortunately at that time of night nobody else was about. Adam laughed at the sight of Tim walking from the lift across to his flat stark naked. Once inside the few clothes that Adam had on were hastily removed and they were at it again. Tim loved fucking Adam and he loved fucking Tim so they were both more than happy. It was gone four in the morning when they finally collapsed into bed.

Adam was awakened by the door entry buzzer sounding. He looked at the clock and it was nearly eleven o'clock. It was Shaun arriving.

"Hi Shaun" he said sleepily to let him in. When Shaun got up to the flat he looked at Adam and said "You clearly had a good night out then!"

"Yeah we sure did but we were late back"

Seeing Adam stark naked, Shaun asked if he could strip off as well. "I feel overdressed" he joked.

"Sure take off whatever you like" Adam replied, "Clothes are optional here. Tim and I are just about to get a shower and then we'll have breakfast".

"Would you like me to prepare something for you?" Shaun asked.

Adam replied that would be great and said they would both like scrambled egg. "I think there's some bacon in the fridge so perhaps you could do that as well. Have you eaten anything this morning?"

Shaun said he had only had a bowl of cornflakes so Adam told him he could join them if he wished and to make whatever he wanted.

Adam then showed Shaun into the spare room and left him to strip off before going back to the bedroom to find Tim. The pair of them showered together in the large double shower in the en-suite and then joined Shaun. Adam introduced Tim to Shaun and they shook hands as they viewed each other's naked body up and down. Both felt stirrings down below as they took in the gorgeous sight in front of them.

"Right breakfast is ready" Shaun said and they all sat round the table.

"Ooh a naked queen serving me breakfast" Tim exclaimed, "How lovely".

Whilst they ate their breakfast Tim and Adam told Shaun about the previous night at the Pink Club. Shaun said he would love to have seen the two strippers having sex and been part of the orgy that followed.

"The next time I find they're on I'll let you know" Tim said.

They spent the rest of the morning lazing around and having the occasional grope. They decided to skip lunch having had breakfast so late but about mid afternoon they went into Soho for a drink. As they walked along Old Compton Street, both Tim and Shaun said they would like to go into Clone Zone to buy a DVD each. They went downstairs to the vast array of porn DVDs and chose what they wanted. Adam saw another bareback he liked so purchased that as well.

They then went off to Rupert Street bar for a drink and a look at their purchases. Shaun had also bought a bottle of English poppers and Tim a bottle of TNT so they were well stocked up for the night ahead.

Just as they were about to leave the bar, Adam got a call on his mobile. It was Paul, one of the twins that Julian had photographed for the nude calendar.

Having asked how each other were Paul then explained that he and Simon were supposed to be going to a friend's birthday party that evening but the friend had suddenly been taken ill and was now in hospital. The party had been cancelled and they were both at a loose end. He asked Adam whether he and Julian fancied getting together. Adam explained that Julian was away on business and he had two friends over. "Just a minute Paul let me have a quick word with the others".

Adam asked Tim and Shaun if they would mind the twins joining their Friday Club that evening.

"Sure" Tim replied enthusiastically, "More cocks the merrier".

Shaun also showed his approval so Adam invited the twins to come to Kensington. "I should warn you though" he added, "We are having a naked orgy".

"Sounds great" Paul replied excitedly, "Can't wait".

When he had rung off, Adam said they would be over in about an hour but they didn't want a meal as they'd had a large lunch somewhere. Since it was now five o'clock, Tim suggested they go home and he would get the meal for the three of them. "Steak pie with chips and leeks in a white sauce" he told them.

"This tastes divine" Adam said as he ate the steak pie that Tim had made.

"It's beautiful and I love the leeks in white sauce" Shaun added.

They were just having their dessert when Paul and Simon arrived. Adam went to open the front door and when they saw Adam naked Paul said "Mm lovely and I can see you're pleased to see us" looking at Adam's slightly enlarged organ. Adam laughed and suggested they strip off in the spare room before introducing them to the others. He sat on the bed and watched them undress and again admired their gorgeous bodies. As he did so they chatted away, not really aware that Adam was inspecting them from head to toe.

He then led them into the living room and introduced them to Tim and Shaun. They all shook hands and each looked the other over admiring their nakedness. "This is clearly going to be a good evening" Paul said to Simon, "Far better than a birthday party!"

Adam offered them both a snack and they opted for some toast and cheese which Shaun offered to get for them. As they ate, they asked how the Friday Club had come about so Tim explained. "Mm sounds great" Simon said, "Perhaps we should join this private club Paul".

Finally they had all finished eating and drinking their coffee so having cleared the dishes away, they all moved into the living room itself where Adam had put out some large cushions to sit or lie on instead of using the sofas which he had pushed to one side. "Gives us more room to play around" he explained as he put two bottles of wine, Gin, Bacardi, tonic and Coke on the table for people to help themselves. Paul and Simon had also brought two bottles of wine as well as a bottle of poppers to add to the other two already on the table with the condoms and lube.

The scene having been set, Tim suggested they put on one of the new DVDs they had purchased. Everyone agreed and sat or lay back to watch.

Within a short time everyone was sexually aroused and they were groping the nearest cock. Adam picked up the bottle of TNT poppers and took a large sniff of it up each nostril before passing it on to Paul who was next to him. Having had his fill, he then passed it on to the others who did likewise.

Paul and Adam were soon feeling the rush from the poppers and Paul moved in front of Adam. He lifted his legs and started giving him a good rimming. Adam just lay back and enjoyed the feel of the hot tongue flicking round his arsehole. Paul then fingered the inviting hole with lube before inserting his own highly charged organ into the prepared orifice. He loved fucking Adam and Adam loved the feel of Paul's cock inside him.

Tim had now joined them and positioned himself so that he was straddled across Adam's chest. He offered Adam his fully engorged cock and Adam started sucking it. Tim bent forward and sucked Adam's whilst Paul fucked away.

Seeing an arse in the air ready to be fucked, Shaun came up behind Tim and stood across him. Soon his large cock was inside and Tim was groaning with pleasure. Somehow Simon then managed to climb across Tim's back and get Shaun to suck him off as he fucked Tim. Having five guys all sexually connected would have made a fantastic photo for Julian and Adam made a mental note of it for the porn shoot which Julian hoped to do within the next few weeks.

Someone still had the poppers so it was passed round each person as they fucked or sucked. Each took another large sniff and soon they were highly charged again.

Tim loved having Shaun fuck him. The feel of his large cock up his arse made him really excited and Shaun certainly loved having it in him. Adam found being sucked off by Tim whilst Paul fucked was also very pleasurable. Everyone was groaning and moaning with sexual delight as they fucked and sucked each other and the guys doing it on screen added to the noise as well. It was difficult to work out who was making what noise!

The action continued for quite some time until eventually it slowed down and eventually ceased. The five bodies uncoupled and they all collapsed back on the floor. They each got their drinks from the table and recovered.

The evening progressed with another porn DVD and more sexual antics and various positions were used to suck, rim or fuck each other. Adam fucked Tim next and found that his cock slipped in so easily due to Shaun having opened up Tim's arse so wide with his thick cock. Adam loved fucking this gorgeous black arse and made the most of it.

The twins fucked each other at one point and the other three just watched their naked cocks go in and out of each other. It made Adam and Tim want to bareback as well but Adam had made his promise to Julian so he held his desires back despite finding it difficult to do so. Tim understood and said he still loved having Adam's cock inside him even though it wasn't naked. Adam had obtained some sensitive condoms so that made a distinct difference in terms of the overall sensation.

Suddenly the door entry bell rang. "Who the fuck is that" Adam exclaimed as he extricated himself from Shaun who was busy sucking him off. Adam looked at the clock and it was just before ten o'clock. He then remembered that his cousin had called earlier in the week to ask if he could come over and Adam had said okay knowing that Ash seldom kept to what he agreed to do. "Looks as if we could have another cock" Adam told the others.

"Oh great" Tim replied, "more the better".

Ash was a few years younger than Adam and had the same dark complexion. He was gay and very camp so was often the butt of fun and bullying at school but Ash took it all in good heart and said he couldn't care a fuck what people thought. He and Adam had on several occasions had sex together and both enjoyed each other's naked body.

Adam opened the front door in readiness for Ash to come out the lift. Adam's flat was the only one at the top in that part of the building so the lift to his floor from the floors below was exclusively used for his flat. Having not bothered to put anything on he just stood in the corridor by the open door waiting for the lift to arrive. When Ash saw Adam he screamed excitedly saying how wonderful it was to be met by a naked man. They hugged and kissed and Ash had a good feel of Adam's cock which was still semi-hard.

"Ooh lovely" he exclaimed in his camp voice, "I'm so looking forward to having that".

"You've got four more to try inside" Adam laughed and showed Ash into the flat. As soon as they were in, Ash stripped off his clothes without pausing leaving just a pair of very scanty briefs. He decided he wanted to tease the others at first before finally exposing himself. Adam playfully slapped his butt and felt the large bulge that was already forming in the front.

"Come and meet everyone" Adam told him as he took him into the living room.

"This is my cousin Ash" he announced. Everyone stopped what they were doing and said "Hi".

Tim invited him over to where he was sitting on the floor and looked him up and down. He was amazed at how similar he was to Adam and hoped that the bulge inside the briefs was up to the same standard. Not wanting to keep them in suspense any further, Ash slipped off his briefs and exposed a gorgeous cock that was already hardening. Tim took hold of it and started sucking. Ash was glad he decided to come round!

Ash became the centre of attention for quite a while. Adam gave him a Gin and tonic which he knew he always liked to drink and offered him some poppers. He took a large swig of the drink and two large sniffs of poppers up each nostril. Soon he was feeling the effect of both since the Gin was strong and he had been given the strongest poppers. He was smaller than Adam, both in terms of height and weight. As such he could be manhandled into any position that people wanted with ease, and they did. He loved this and just let it all happen.

Tim picked him up and bent him over a table. He licked his arse and fingered it much to the delight of Ash. He then thrust in his cock and fucked him hard. Ash loved being fucked hard so Tim obliged. When Tim had finished, Adam took over. The feel of his cock inside Ash again felt good. The more he fucked the harder his cock became. Ash was in heaven. The twins then fucked him followed by Shaun. By the time Shaun thrust his cock in the inviting arsehole it was nicely enlarged so he had no difficulty in getting his larger cock up Ash.

Having had everyone and taken another large sniff of poppers, Ash said he wanted them all again so they all gave him another fuck. This then started a merry-go-round of fucking. Adam was bent over the table beside Ash and too was fucked by everyone. Ash was last and enjoyed the feel of his cock inside his cousin again. Before they had finished the second round of fucking Adam, Tim was bent over and the action started again. Then Paul followed by Simon and finally Shaun. Everyone ended up having fucked each person twice and being fucked ten times. Arses were sore by the time they finished so they all went back in the lounge area and looked at another porn DVD. More drinks were consumed and the Gin bottle was emptied along with several bottles of wine.

The night progressed in much the same way. They came up with a game in which at the throw of a dice if a six was thrown that person had to fuck the guys either side of him. If a five was thrown then the person was fucked by those either side. If a one was thrown then the person had to suck the cocks of those either side for two minutes and if a three was thrown then his cock was sucked by each person for two minutes. The only numbers that did not have a forfeit were two and four.

This went on for a good hour or more and the guys became more and more sloshed and high on poppers. It was four in the morning when they finally decided to end their antics. Since none of them were in a fit state to go home, Adam said they could all stay over but if they wanted a bed then it would have to be three in each. Everyone jumped at that idea so the twins had the spare room with Shaun and Tim and Ash joined Adam in his bed. More sex took place once they were in bed but eventually they did fall asleep more from exhaustion than anything else!

They all emerged late morning on the Sunday. Adam and Shaun prepared breakfast for them all which had to consist of cereal, toast and coffee since Adam did not have enough eggs to do anything else. Since they were all feeling somewhat delicate from the previous night/early morning fun, they were all happy with this. Seeing that Adam was wearing his briefs, Shaun did likewise but the others all dressed ready to go home. They finally left at midday having kissed and hugged each other saying what a wonderful time they'd had.

Shaun told Adam he had to go back home later that day since he had another cleaning job on the Monday. It was for a gay couple who had a large flat in Belsize Park. One of the guys was disabled and had to use a wheelchair to get around although he had limited ability to move round the flat without it. They employed Adam for the whole day each week for cleaning, washing and ironing and making lunch for the guy who worked at home. When Shaun had been interviewed by the pair of them he was asked if he was prepared to work in the nude. They were delighted when Shaun said he was happy to do so but the rate would be slightly higher. The couple clearly had money and were happy to pay the fee. Having this fourth job brought Shaun's income to a more manageable level for the time being. He enjoyed the mix of cleaning and gardening and generally helping people so he was happy.

"Well we'd better clear up" Adam said as he started picking up empty glasses, used condoms and empty bottles from the living room. In the end they cleaned the whole flat since it was due to be done. Shaun did the kitchen and the two bathrooms whilst Adam dusted and vacuumed the floors. By the time they had finished the flat gleamed, especially the kitchen and the bathrooms. Shaun was not only quick but he also did a fantastic job of cleaning. Both the en-suite bathroom and the main one had wet rooms so were fairly easy to clean but when Shaun cleaned them the tiles gleamed. He even cleaned the oven in the kitchen much to Adam's delight.

After Shaun had left that evening, Julian phoned and they talked about what each other had been doing. Julian loved the story about the strippers and the Pink Club owner and said he wished he had been there to see it. They said they missed each other and Adam said now that the others had gone he felt quite lonely.

"When are you going back to Hampstead?"

Adam replied that he would probably go back the next day sometime so that he was there for Shaun to come on the Tuesday and Wednesday.

"Why don't you invite him to stay with you for company" Julian suggested, "He likes being with you and it is company for him as well."

Adam agreed and said if Julian didn't mind then he would.

"Of course not; you're welcome to use the house like your own flat"

"So how's the nude shoot going then?" Adam asked since Julian had not mentioned it.

"Very well indeed; Steve found three more guys willing to take part so it's been good fun and he's very pleased with what we've done so far."

"Great and I bet you've enjoyed yourself" Adam added.

"Sure have" Julian laughed.

He also explained that Steve had invited him to stay at his place with his partner to save Julian having to stay in a hotel.

"So how's that working?" Adam asked.

"Very well; Steve and his partner are lovely guys"

"And" Adam asked enquiringly wondering whether there was anything more add.

Julian laughed. "You have a one track mind" he replied, "Yeah okay we have had a threesome which was nice and no doubt there will be more".

Adam replied that he was pleased that Julian was not missing out since he seemed to be getting so much whilst he was away.

"Still want you though" Julian added, "Just love my naked cock up your arse."

Adam laughed and said "Likewise".

"Oh by the way" Julian then said seriously, "Steve has organised for me to do some more shoots for another clothes catalogue so I won't be back until Friday morning; sorry about that my love but work is work."

Adam said he understood and despite missing him he would manage.

"At least you'll have Shaun to fuck" Julian said laughing.

When they had finished their call, Adam felt he needed to go out. He didn't want to stay in on his own.

He decided to go to the bar where the guy had felt him whilst he and Julian had been having their drink in the crush. It always seemed to be busy and he hoped he might see the guy again.

Before leaving he phoned Shaun to say that as Julian was going to be away until Friday would he like to stay with him in Hampstead for the week and go to work from there. Shaun jumped at the idea so said he would see Adam after he had finished the cleaning job on Monday.

Adam decided to wear what he was wearing the last time – a pair of tracksuit bottoms without any briefs underneath and a close fitting T shirt. As the weather was cooler he put on a light jacket but he could take this off when he got to the bar if necessary.

The bar was not so full as before but it was busy. He got himself a drink and then looked round. As he was doing so, the guy he was looking for said "Hi, we meet again". Adam turned and it was the same guy. He was glad that the guy had found him since it didn't look as if Adam was seeking him out, despite the fact that he was!

"Oh hi" Adam replied.

"On your own tonight then" the guy commented. Adam explained that Julian was away on business and he felt like some company. The guy grinned and said "Good".

They introduced each other and he said his name was Andy. They chatted about this and that and Andy said he lived about ten minutes walk away. Adam got the feeling this was an invitation but said nothing for the moment. Andy then bought them both another drink and Adam noticed that he too was drinking Gin and tonic. "Not a beer drinker then" Adam commented when he brought them back.

"No, can't stand the stuff" he replied, "Strictly a spirits man".

Adam said he too disliked beer and especially beer guts on guys so they both grinned as if to say `we are clearly alike'.

Adam offered to buy another round of drinks when their glasses were empty.

"Would you like to come back to my place for one rather than staying here?" Andy asked with a knowing kind of grin.

Adam said he would. As they moved off, Andy groped Adam's crotch. "Mm that still feels as good as it did the last time we met". Adam grinned and they set off.

Andy lived in a loft apartment which in fact was only just over five minutes away.

"Make yourself comfortable" Andy said having taken Adam into a large living room with a kitchen one end. Adam removed his jacket and since the apartment felt hot he also removed his T shirt and his shoes. Andy always put the heating up when he went to the bars just in case he was lucky and brought someone back. Having it fairly warm tended to encourage guys to strip off.

"Yeah I like it warm" Andy said admiring Adam's naked torso and promptly removed his top and shoes. Having given Adam another Gin and tonic, which was much stronger than the one at the bar, he then sat down beside Adam on the sofa. He soon had his hand in Adam's crotch again to feel the organ beneath that was rapidly growing. He unfastened his own trousers and slipped them off so that Adam could feel his growing organ inside his briefs. Andy then slipped a hand inside Adam's tracksuit bottoms and pulled them down to expose him. "Mm that is a gorgeous cock" he said pulling the bottoms off Adam to get him stark naked. Adam soon had Andy's briefs off him so they were both feeling each other's nakedness.

Andy was soon rock hard and Adam bent over and started sucking it. Andy took a bottle of poppers off a nearby table and held the open bottle in front of Adam's nose. Adam inhaled deeply through each nostril before Andy took a good hard sniff himself. The poppers were stronger than Adam had used the previous night and soon he felt his whole body alive from the effect. Every part was sensitive to Andy's touch and he became highly charged.

"I want this cock inside me" Adam said in between sucks.

"Whenever you want it" Andy replied and gave Adam a condom that he had produced from somewhere. Adam stopped sucking and knelt up on the sofa with his arms leaning on the back of it. Andy then lubed the arsehole in front of him and fingered it. First one, then two and then three. He loved the feel of the hot flesh inside as he moved his fingers in and out. Adam loved it as well but he really wanted Andy's big hard cock inside him. He didn't have to wait long since he could soon feel it pushing its way inside him. Andy's cock was long and Adam could feel it moving right up his arse. "Oh my god that feels good" he exclaimed.

"It feels fucking marvellous" Andy replied as he thrust it in and out, "You have a lovely arse to fuck".

Not wanting to cum just yet, Andy withdrew his cock and got Adam to sit on the sofa so he could sit on his cock. Having well lubed his arse and got Adam to finger him first, he then sat on Adam's erection. After another dose of poppers each they were both high and Adam's cock was almost bursting.

"Oh what a gorgeous cock" Andy exclaimed as he rode up and down on the large organ.

"That feels fucking wonderful" Adam replied.

Having used Adam's cock for several minutes, Andy stood up and released the organ which was still standing fully erect. "Oh my god what a cock" he said kissing it all down the shaft.

"Let's go next door where it's more comfortable" Andy then said. Adam nodded and followed Andy into the bedroom. They took with them their drinks which Andy freshened up and also took the bottle of Gin, tonic water and the poppers.

The bedroom was not that large but the bed was plenty large enough. Adam noticed that a pair of handcuffs hung from the bed head.

"You into restraint?" he asked Andy.

"Yeah, I love being fucked whilst I'm tied up" he replied, "What about you?"

Adam said he had never tried it but would love to fuck Andy that way if he wanted.

Andy immediately got onto the bed and lay face down. He then told Adam to restrain his feet into a pair of cuffs that fixed to each leg of the bed at the bottom and hand cuff his wrists to the head of the bed. Having done so, Andy was spread-eagled on the bed offering a gorgeous arsehole to fuck. Adam first fingered it and gradually increased the fingers to four. Andy loved the feel of his arse being stretched. Adam then got ready to fuck him but first held the poppers under Andy's nose for him to take a good dose. Adam did likewise and also took a swig of his Gin and tonic. The effect put him on a high. He then thrust his cock into Andy's arse and fucked away.

"Oh yes, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it" Andy cried. Adam did as he was told and fucked and fucked for a good ten minutes before finally withdrawing. He was almost on the point of shooting cum but decided he didn't want to just yet.

Andy then got Adam to release him and asked if he would like to be restrained. Adam said okay hoping he wasn't going to regret it. Andy seemed a nice guy so he trusted him since he had trusted Adam who could have just walked off leaving him shackled to the bed.

This time, Andy told Adam to lie on his back. Having handcuffed his wrists to the head of the bed he then lifted his legs and shackled his ankles to the bed head as well so that Adam's arse was fully exposed for action. He held the poppers up to Adam's nose for him to take a good inhalation and took another large sniff himself up each nostril. They were soon feeling its effect and Andy started rimming Adam's arsehole. Adam could feel Andy's hot tongue pushing its way inside. It felt awesome. Andy then fingered Adam again and this time he too used four fingers. Adam could feel the fingers probing his soft arsehole and it too felt fantastic. Finally Andy thrust his cock inside and fucked and fucked.

"Oh yeah" Adam cried out, "keep fucking that arse, just keep fucking"

Andy fucked and fucked with great gusto until he was feeling exhausted. Finally he collapsed on top of Adam and rubbed his rampant cock against Adam's. They were both soon shooting their load. Adam was amazed that such action could bring either of them to a climax but he just loved it. He watched the hot cum shoot over his chest and some even landed on his face. Andy couldn't believe how much cum Adam shot in one go and just loved it.

Andy released Adam and asked "Did you enjoy that then?"

"Yeah it was great" Adam replied grinning, "Takes sex to another dimension."

Andy agreed and added "I've never seen a guy shoot so much cum before; that was awesome".

Adam laughed.

"Do you have to get back home tonight?" Andy asked.

Adam replied that he didn't have to since he worked for himself and was in no hurry.

"Would you like to stay over then?"

Adam said he would. "That's great" Andy replied and said he was on late shift the next day so he was in no hurry either. He then suggested they went back into the living room and he would do a snack for them both. Adam said that would be great since he had only had a sandwich earlier.

Adam followed Andy back into the living room and stood in the kitchen watching Andy get some food. They decided to have scrambled egg on toast. As he prepared it he asked Adam what work he did. He like most people was fascinated when Adam told him he was a writer. He then asked what kind of things he wrote and Adam said he wrote articles for magazines and novels.

"Any gay novels?"

Adam said he was about to start one.

"I love reading graphic porn stories" Andy then said, "Have you done any of those?"

Adam replied that he had written some for a gay website a while ago.

"I'd love to read those" Andy said excitedly, "They always get me hot and steamy".

Adam laughed and said he could email them if Andy wanted. Andy did want and immediately gave Adam his email address.

"So what do you do?" Adam asked.

"I'm a nurse in a sexual health clinic"

Adam said that must be rewarding work.

"It is in some respects but you do see lots of guys who have fucked up their lives by not looking after themselves."

"Are you involved in testing for sexually transmitted diseases as well?"

"Oh yeah, do lots of that" Andy replied, "I presume the best part is getting guys to drop their pants and having a good look at their cocks and arses before I stick swabs into them for testing."

Adam laughed and asked if he was ever tempted to stick his cock up as well.

"Oh yes often with some of the good looking guys" Andy replied laughing, "But that wouldn't be professional would it!".

"Do guys ever get a hard-on when you get them to drop their pants?"

"Some do but not often. Most are too concerned about what I am about to do to them to get sexually excited."

"What do you do when they are hard?"

"I just laugh it off and say what a nice cock they've got but haven't got time to make use of it".

When they had finished eating, Andy put on a gay porn DVD. Adam was surprised to see that it was bareback and commented.

"I know but I do love watching bareback sex like most guys"

Adam agreed and imagined sticking his bare cock into Andy's naked arse whilst they watched.

After a while, Andy got a small pill box out. "You into drugs at all?"

Adam said he wasn't except for poppers. "I don't do heavy stuff. These are not addictive but they do give you a high and keep you going to enjoy sex. Want to try one?"

Adam was not sure.

"They don't take you over; just give you more of a high" Andy said as he popped one into his mouth and took a swig of Gin and tonic.

"Okay" Adam said, "I'll try one".

Andy gave him one of the pills and he swallowed it like Andy had done.

"Takes a few minutes to feel the effect but you will know it when you do"

They continued watching the porn and after about ten minutes the pills had kicked in. Adam felt his cock grow fatter and bigger than normal and his whole body was on a high. He wanted to fuck Andy again so they got on the floor and Andy went onto all fours sticking his arse into the air.

"If you really want a high" Andy said picking up the poppers, "sniff poppers as well".

"Why not", Adam said taking a full lungful of poppers before he stuffed his cock into Andy's arse.

Andy was right, the pill certainly put him on a high and he felt he could go on fucking for ever. Andy had to tell Adam to stop eventually because he wanted to fuck him. Andy got Adam to take up the same pose and pushed his head down to the ground. He pulled Adam's legs apart to that his arse was wide open.

"Oh my god that is beautiful" he cried as he thrust his rampant cock into the hole.

They continued fucking each other in various positions until well into the early hours. When Andy suggested they finally get some sleep Adam was still rearing to fuck some more but he agreed they should rest.

The following morning, or rather later that morning, Adam left Andy having swapped numbers. He was feeling surprisingly refreshed despite two nights of mad sex. He got home and made himself a hearty breakfast before setting off for Hampstead.


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