Changing Love

By moc.liamg@19979sa

Published on Jan 31, 2011


This story is based on personal experiences and those of others who have shared them with the author. All characters are fictional.

Changing Love - part 1


He decided to go into a bar he did not use that often but tonight he fancied a change. He had just received another large payment from his publisher for his latest book so he was feeling pleased with himself.

He entered the bar and ordered a dry white wine from a very good looking barman. He never drank beer or lager since he hated a beer gut both on himself and other guys. Although he said it himself, he was a good looking guy and at the age of 24 was attractive to many others. His father being of Trinidadian origin had given him a tanned complexion and he was tall and slim. Tonight he was wearing a designer T shirt that showed off his chest, especially his nipples, and a pair of Lycra trousers that clung closely to his body. As such there was a clear bulge showing in the crotch since he was fortunate enough to be well endowed!

He noticed several guys looking him up and down, a few of whom were not bad looking themselves. He stood casually at the bar not looking at anyone in particular. He liked to measure up the talent before he made any moves.

He was suddenly aware that a guy was standing beside him at the bar.

"A man after my own heart"

Adam looked at him enquiringly.

"You like wine rather than beer"

"Oh, yes, can't stand beer guts", Adam replied.

"Same here"

There was a pause as the guy took a sip of his wine.

"I'm Julian by the way" he said offering his hand to shake.

"Adam", Adam replied and shook the offered hand.

"Haven't seen you in here before" Julian said.

"I only come in occasionally but fancied seeing who was around tonight"

"Ah, my lucky day then" Julian replied with a grin.

Adam took another look at the guy and having started with his crotch, which also had a nicely formed bulge, he worked his way up to Julian's face. He was slim, about Adam's height and generally had a good body on him. Adam estimated that he was in his early to mid thirties.

"Do you live in London?"

Adam confirmed that he did and that he owned a fairly large two bedroom flat in Kensington.

"Mm nice, I have a three bedroom house in Hampstead" Julian replied noting that this guy obviously had money if he could afford Kensington. Adam was thinking the same about Julian.

"What do you do to afford to live in Kensington?"

"I'm a writer and have been fairly successful so far."

"Fiction or non fiction?"

"Both, I have written three novels so far and done some non fiction work on the history of Soho and other areas of London. I also write for various publications, including some of the gay ones."

"How fascinating"

"How about you, how do you afford to have a four bedroom house in Hampstead?"

Julian laughed. "I inherited a large sum of money from my parents when they died a few years ago; they died in a car crash."

"Oh sorry to hear that, it must have been a terrible shock at the time."

"Well the accident was a shock but sadly they could not accept my sexuality so we did not speak that often. Anyhow I had always wanted to live in Hampstead so splashed out and bought a house. It's not large but it does have an indoor swimming pool which I use daily."

"Very nice. I swim a lot, don't like gyms so keep active and swim regularly"

"Well it obviously works looking at your gorgeous body"

Adam grinned. "You clearly do the same looking at your physique."

"As I say I swim at least once a day and I also have a few exercise machines to keep me fit. Like you I can't stand flabby and overweight bodies so we are very much alike in that respect."

The more they talked, the more Adam liked Julian. He was his kind of guy and he could feel a reaction in his crotch which Julian noticed.

"Mm that feels nice" Julian said having moved up close to Adam and felt the growing organ. Not wanting to miss out, Adam quickly felt Julian's and noticed that it too was growing nicely.

"Another glass of wine?" Julian asked noticing that Adam had emptied his glass.

Adam agreed and Julian ordered two more from the delectable barman.

"He's rather gorgeous isn't he" Julian whispered when the guy had moved to the other end of the bar.

"Yes, very" Adam agreed, "and one or two in that group over there are rather nice as well".

Julian laughed. "Yes they are regulars and always eye up the talent at the bar. They have certainly clocked you."

"They don't look very old do they? The problem I find with guys that age is that very few have the ability to hold a conversation. I prefer older guys who have more experience of life."

"Mm certainly my lucky night then. How old are you?"


"Nice, I'm 33 so just a bit older with plenty of experience!"

Adam laughed and added, "And a four bedroom house with swimming pool in Hampstead"

"Well you're welcome to come and see it if you would like and you can try the pool out"

"That sounds a good idea and probably the best offer I am going to get tonight"

"I'm sure there are plenty of offers around for you if you want"

"Perhaps I don't want, so I'll accept yours. By the way what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a photographer. I photograph people mainly and have also published a book of my work, although I will do anything that is offered and sounds interesting. I mainly enjoy photographing the male form."

"In the nude no doubt"

"Yes quite a lot if I can find people willing to strip off for the camera"

"Mm very nice" Adam replied.

Just at that point a young lad came into the bar and made a beeline for Julian.

"Hi Jo" Julian said as he kissed the young lad on the lips, "meet Adam".

Jo turned to Adam and gave him a kiss on either side of his cheek.

"Jo is my current study for a male form book I am producing. I call him Jo because I can't pronounce his proper name; he is Polish and is very nice."

"Do you still want me to come over tomorrow?" Jo asked.

"Yes of course. As its Saturday tomorrow why don't you come over about midday and you can then have some lunch"

Jo grinned. He liked having lunch with Julian since it saved him money!

Jo disappeared as quickly as he appeared leaving Adam and Julian alone. Another large group of guys entered the bar and the noise level increased considerably.

"One problem with this bar is that it attracts groups of guys who are often very noisy" Julian commented.

Julian looked at his watch and noted that it was gone ten thirty.

"Shall we make a move?" Julian asked.

"Yeah suits me, can't stand lots of noise round me. One of the reasons I no longer frequent the clubs."

Julian laughed. "For a young guy you are quite conservative but I tend to agree with you so let's go."

They finished their drinks and left the bar. Soon they were on the Northern line to Hampstead. Julian wanted to kiss Adam but thought better of it as there were other passengers further along the carriage. He also wanted another feel of his crotch but instead pushed his thigh up against Adam's so that he could feel the warmth of his leg through his thin trousers.

Having reached Hampstead, it was only a five minute walk to Julian's house.

"Come on in and make yourself at home"

Adam stepped inside and admired the furnishings which were clearly expensive. He followed Julian into a living room which accessed a large conservatory.

"What would you like to drink? I have red and white wine and most spirits so take your pick."

Adam opted for a Bacardi and Coke. "I think I'll join you in that" Julian added as he poured a generous portion of Bacardi into two glasses.

"So where is the indoor pool then?" Adam asked.

"Ah, that's in the cellar. Want to see it?"


"Come bring your drink and I'll show you"

Julian then led Adam through a door from the hallway, down some stairs and into a large cellar which was more or less totally taken up with the pool. It wasn't enormous but plenty large enough to have a good swim.

"Want to try it?"

"Yeah why not" Adam replied enthusiastically.

"Should explain that I always swim naked but if you want some trunks I can probably find some."

"No, I love swimming naked. That's one of the problems of using a public pool."

The pair quickly stripped off and slipped into the water having taken a good look at each other's naked body. Neither were disappointed with what they saw.

Adam swam two or three lengths with Julian beside him before stopping at one end. The pair stood in the water and reached for their drinks which they had left nearby. Julian could wait no longer. He turned Adam towards him and kissed him on the mouth. Soon they had tongues in and out of each other's mouths and hands were feeling each other's growing organs. Adam was soon fully erect. "God you are big aren't you" Julian exclaimed, "I just love big cocks".

Julian's was now fully enlarged and Adam enjoyed giving it a good feel. He then slipped beneath the water and sucked the erect cock in front of him. He could only last a minute or so beneath the water but Julian loved the feel of Adam's hot mouth round his cock.

"Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable" Julian said as he lifted himself out of the water. Adam followed him upstairs drying himself as he went leaving their clothes by the pool.

The bedroom was large and had two easy chairs situated in front of the window. There was a large flat screen TV on the wall at the end of the bed which Adam could see was also linked to a DVD player. `Probably to play porn films!' Adam thought to himself.

The pair of them slipped in between the duvet and immediately hugged each other. The feel of Julian's naked body against his own made Adam's stir with sexual desire. Julian was soon conscious of a fully erect organ pressing against his stomach. He put a hand down to feel it. "Mm that feels good. I can't wait to have that inside me."

Julian's was also now fully erect and Adam felt its full length pressing against him. He caressed Julian's naked body and felt over his buttocks before moving his hand round to the crotch. Julian's balls were large and his cock certainly did not disappoint him.

Without saying anything, Julian turned over clearly offering his arse for Adam to fuck. Having prepared himself, Adam slowly inserted the full length into the inviting hole. "Oh my, that feels good" he exclaimed as he felt the grip of Julian's arse round his cock. He slowly fucked him and gradually increased the pace.

"This is heaven" he said more to himself than Julian. It truly was wonderful and Adam could not remember the last time he had enjoyed fucking someone so much.

After five minutes or so, he slowly withdrew and Julian turned over. Adam then spilt his load over Julian's stomach. Julian was amazed at the volume that shot out. He dipped his finger in it and offered it to Adam's mouth. "I love the feel of cum" he said as Adam licked his finger clean. Adam then bent over and licked the remainder off Julian before taking his cock into his mouth and giving it a good suck.

Julian then told Adam to turn over. Adam did so knowing what was to happen next. He had not been fucked for sometime so he expected it to hurt slightly. Julian gently inserted his cock and Adam hardly felt it go inside but once in he could feel the extent of it as Julian rocked back and forth. "That feels wonderful" Julian exclaimed, "Such a beautiful arse to fuck".

Julian must have fucked Adam for about ten minutes before he withdrew and told Adam to turn over. He then shot his load of hot creamy cum over Adam. It was not quite the same volume but there was plenty of it for the pair of them to dip their fingers into. Julian then licked it all off Adam and exclaimed how he loved the taste of cum.

Before they finally settled down for the night they had another steamy session of sex. They seemed to gel together and both were more than satisfied. In recent times Adam had only experienced one night stands with guys who once it was over quickly got up and left. This was totally different in that they caressed each other and enjoyed the feel of each other's naked bodies.

When Adam woke in the morning, he found Julian standing in front of the window still naked. The bedroom looked onto the back garden and since there were no houses at the end of it nobody could look in. Adam got up and joined him. They kissed and hugged each other. Needless to say cocks were rising high. Julian then bent Adam over the chair and fucked him. Having finished, Adam then fucked Julian in the same way.

"Fancy a swim before breakfast?" Julian asked.

Adam said he did so the pair walked down to the pool. They swam about ten lengths before finally getting out. There was a shower at one side so the pair showered off and dried themselves off before moving up to the kitchen. Julian had removed his towel so he was walking around naked. "I like to stay naked most of the time I am at home but if you want a gown I can give you one."

Adam replied that he too liked being naked so removed his towel as well. The pair then prepared their breakfast of cereal, toast and coffee and took it into the conservatory. The sun was already shining through so the warmth of it on their naked bodies felt good.

"When I had this built, I deliberately had solid side walls and frosted glass in the roof so that no nosey neighbours could look in. I spend hours like this in here. Sometimes I even sunbathe naked in the garden if the weather is warm enough. I work on the basis that if the neighbours don't like it they shouldn't look!"

Adam laughed. "Sounds good to me".

When they had finished breakfast, Julian showed Adam his studio which was situated in one of the bedrooms. On the walls there were several male nudes which Adam took great delight in looking at. Julian also showed him the book he had done. This too was all on the male form with several nudes included.

"I'm now doing another book which will be all male nudes and it's that which Jo is modelling for. If you want, you could be included since you have a gorgeous body."

Adam thought for a moment. "Yeah why not, I'd like that".

"Excellent. Perhaps when Jo is here we can do some shots of the two of you."

Adam had often thought of doing modelling work so this would be a perfect trial.

Julian went through all the work he had done over the years and Adam had to admit that this guy was a good photographer and he enjoyed looking at the wide range of things he had photographed.

Suddenly the door bell rang which brought them back to the present. "That'll be Jo I expect" Julian said bounding down the stairs. Adam followed and went into the conservatory whilst Julian showed Jo in.

"Hi Jo" Adam said breezily, "How are you?"

Jo said he was fine but he was more interested in looking at Adam's naked body. He had seen Julian's on previous visits so there was no need to investigate his, although he always enjoyed seeing it.

"Come and sit down and I'll get some drinks" Julian said walking off to the kitchen, "And strip off if you want to Jo" he added as he disappeared.

Jo grinned. "Seeing that you both are I might as well join you"

Jo's body was a delight. Young slim and virgin like but Adam suspected he was far from being a virgin. He had a beautiful cock with two gorgeous balls hanging behind. It was already semi hard which made it even more delectable. Julian had noticed that Adam's was also fully engorged without being hard so made it stand out slightly like Jo's. He felt his own doing the same as he sat down opposite them.

"So what are we doing today?" Jo asked Julian.

"Well, I'd like to do some nude work if that's okay with you." Turning to Adam he explained that so far he had only photographed Jo in tight revealing briefs.

"Yeah fine. Is Adam joining in as well?"

"You bet" Adam replied before Julian could answer.

They talked for a while before Julian said he would go and prepare their lunch. "I'll give you a hand" Adam said following Julian into the kitchen. Not wanting to be left alone, Jo followed also and watched them as they worked at the kitchen table.

Julian had made a quiche for them so he asked Adam to prepare some salad. When he had finished, Julian poured in some dressing and asked him to toss it. "I'm a good tosser" Adam joked. "Yeah I bet you are" the other two said in unison.

They took the food out into the conservatory and Julian opened another bottle of wine having finished off the first bottle. Jo scoffed his down much to the amusement of Julian. "You're obviously hungry Jo."

Jo looked up somewhat embarrassed having noticed that the other two were only half way through theirs. "Sorry, am I eating too fast only yes I was hungry."

"No problem, here why not finish it off" Julian said passing him the remainder of the quiche and salad. Adam smiled to himself and rather liked the way Julian was with Jo.

When they had finished their lunch and cleared up, Julian led them up to the studio and they set to work. First of all he finished off the photographs he wanted of Jo for his book. They were all in the nude and Adam enjoyed watching the various poses he got him to hold for him. Julian then asked Adam if he would like to do some so Adam took over from Jo whilst he watched and enjoyed the sight. After about 50 shots in various poses, Julian suggested that they do some together as a couple. Jo was more than happy to be close to Adam's naked body. They stood with arms round each other, first with Jo in front and then with Adam. Then they lay on a large mattress on the floor. They kissed and fondled each other and their cocks became rock hard. Julian zoomed in and took several shots of their hard-ons.

He then got them to make love to each other. "Pretend to fuck Adam" he told Jo. "Why pretend" Jo said looking at Adam for approval. "Yeah better still if you want to." Julian couldn't believe his luck. Shots of two guys fucking! Whilst they got ready for the shot, Julian quickly got his movie camera and changed over to using that. He could always take stills from the movie if he wanted. The camera was connected to a hard disk recorder so he could shoot for as long as he wanted.

Adam was now slowly inserting his long hard cock into Jo's arse which felt wonderful. Julian watched Adam through the view finder pumping back and forth and felt his own cock get rock hard. When they had finished, Jo wanted to fuck Adam so they changed over. Seeing Jo's young cock go in and out of Adam's arse really turned Julian on and he could hardly keep the camera steady. Fortunately he had it on a tripod.

When Jo had finally pulled out Julian decided to join in before either of them shot their load. Julian first of all fucked Jo and then Adam. He had left the camera running so he had a good record of his fucks.

Eventually they all came to a halt and Julian sucked the pair of them off. Somehow he got them to both shoot at the same time so he had two loads of hot creamy cum shoot over his face. He licked his lips. "Mm that is just gorgeous."

He then told them that he wanted to do a gay calendar and would they be up for it. I want to use a different guy for each month so I need ten more if you two are willing. Both said they were so it was agreed they would film that another day. Julian had already placed an ad in Boyz for guys willing to do nude modelling at the going rate and six had already replied. He had arranged to see some of them the next day so would ask Adam if he was willing to join him. He had the feeling that Adam would not say `no'!

"How about a swim guys?"

The other two readily agreed and followed Julian down to the pool in the basement. They spent an hour swimming and generally having a good time, including fucking each other on the side of the pool.

"That was great" Jo exclaimed, "but I should really make a move. I'm meeting up with some friends tonight."

"Are they all young and good looking like you?" Julian asked grinning.

Jo thought for a moment, "Yeah they're not bad".

"If you think any would be any good for the calendar and are up for it mention it to them but don't give them my address. Just take a mobile number and I'll ring them first."

Jo retrieved his clothes and was soon out the door. "Nice to see you Adam, hope we meet again" he said as he left.

"Yeah, I'd love to" Adam replied and thought `and give you another fuck'.

"He's gorgeous, isn't he" Adam said to Julian as he closed the door behind Jo.

"He sure is, and a good fuck!"

They both laughed and went up to the main bedroom. "Let's see what I've managed to film" Julian said as he turned various knobs and switches on a console. He had linked the hard drive that the camera recorded onto, to his DVD player in the bedroom. They lay out on the bed side by side and watched the result. Adam had never seen himself be fucked or fuck another guy so it was rather a strange experience but one that he liked. He soon had another rock hard erection which was not unnoticed by Julian. "I do love that cock of yours" Julian exclaimed as he took hold and slowly wanked it.

The film had now reached Julian's fucking of Adam and Jo. "Mm that looks as good as it felt" he exclaimed. "I hope you'll stay another night" Julian said to Adam casually, "I really like you". Adam said nothing for a moment and Julian wondered whether he had gone too far. He then turned to Julian and kissed him passionately on the lips. "I like you too and would love to stay another night."

They made passionate love and fucked each other several times in different positions. Julian loved fucking Adam from behind with him on his side the best. It enabled him to feel the rest of his body and his big hard cock. He even managed to get him to cum at one point whilst fucking him. Adam's hot creamy cum shot out across the sheet and left a puddle until it soaked in. They both laughed at the sight of it.

Adam's best position was fucking Julian from behind and face down. He loved the feel of Julian's smooth round buttocks against him and the feel of his balls slapping against Julian's. Adam had never before felt quite this way about someone. He did once have a relationship with a guy for a few months but it was not the same as this. He realised now that it lacked passion and that was why they eventually split up. He wanted to tell Julian that he was falling in love with him but did not want to rush things. After all he had only known him for just over a day! What Adam did not know was that Julian was feeling the same way but dared not say anything. He too had never met anyone like Adam with whom he had such passionate feelings. He only hoped it would last.

"If you can stay around tomorrow, I've got three lads coming to see if they are any good for the calendar. It would be good to have another opinion."

Adam's heart jumped, "I'd love to but I should go home at some point to get a change of clothes."

It was agreed that they would go to Adam's flat in Kensington, go somewhere for a meal and then go to a bar. Having showered and dressed they set off.

Julian was impressed with Adam's flat and had a good look round whilst Adam stripped off the clothes he was wearing and put the washing machine on. Julian was also pleased to see that it was very clean and tidy everywhere which was very much his own trait. `We are clearly alike' Julian thought to himself. He really liked Adam and hoped they would remain friends if not more!

Having watched Adam dress and put some clean clothes into a small case they decided to go and have some food in a nearby restaurant. As they walked in, they were greeted by a very good looking guy who clearly knew Adam before being shown to a table. Julian liked the choice of restaurant. It was very much his kind of eating place with a nice atmosphere and a good menu. They chose what they would have and chose a bottle of red wine to go with it. When the waiter had left them Julian smiled at Adam who looked at him as if to say `why the smile'.

"We are very much alike" Julian said whilst still smiling. Adam grinned back and agreed. "I like you very much Adam."

Adam's heart fluttered. He did like Julian very much and replied that he too liked Julian's company "as well as the sex" he whispered.

"That too" Julian replied grinning back.

Whilst they waited for their meal to arrive they discussed which bar they would go to. They found that they both liked similar bars in Soho and they decided on a particular one.

"After that we could go to a private members club if you wanted. I'm allowed to take a guest." Julian said and explained that it was fairly small but always good fun. "The two bar guys walk around in their G strings which is always enjoyable and just before it closes they often strip those off as well. Tonight there is a stripper who is very outrageous so it should be good if you're interested."

"Sounds great" Adam replied feeling his organ start to swell at the thought of two naked bar guys and a stripper.

Their meals arrived and they both tucked in. Julian agreed that the food was excellent and the staff were not only good looking but very attentive.

Having finished their meal they walked back to Adam's flat and relaxed for a while before setting off again to their chosen bar. It was agreed that Julian would stay the night with Adam since it was easier to get to his flat after the club in the early hours. To while away the time they talked about their earlier years and Julian found it fascinating to learn about Adam's upbringing with his father.

"So what about your mother?"

"When I was around ten my father came out as being gay so they divorced eventually. Mother remarried but sadly she died of cancer a few years later. It was my Dad who took me to my first gay pub and when I confirmed that I was gay he was ecstatic. We get on extremely well. He now lives in Brighton with his partner so I often go down there and stay with them and they sometimes come to London and stay with me. His partner is lovely and we get on really well."

"That's lovely; I so wish my parents had accepted me."

It was time to leave so they set off for the bar they had chosen in Soho. It was already busy but they managed to squeeze their way through to the bar to get drinks. Several guys knew Julian and there was also a guy who knew Adam so they all gathered in one corner and talked about what they had done during the week. One of them said he had been to a naked party at one of the clubs last weekend.

"Was it good" Adam asked never having been to one.

"Absolutely brilliant" the guy replied. "Plenty of cock to look at and some stunning guys." They all laughed and Adam again felt his own cock begin to swell at the thought of naked guys. Julian noticed and grinned at him. "Mine's doing the same" he whispered to Adam whilst the others talked.

Time seemed to fly by and Julian noticed it was 11 p.m. "Time to move on" Julian said to Adam. They said their goodbyes to the other guys who were well tanked up by this time and kissed each other.

"The night is young and they're already pissed" Julian said as they walked out of the bar.

Adam laughed "Sure are. I like to remain in control so watch what I drink."

"Same here" Julian responded adding this to the list of similarities between them.

The private club was in Chelsea above a gay pub that had been in existence for years. Julian often used it at lunchtime but had never been in an evening. It was very traditional and attracted a mixed clientele of straight and gay. He rang the door buzzer to the club and gave his name. The door opened automatically and they walked upstairs to a small lobby area where the owner was seated. "Hi Julian darling how are you". Julian introduced Adam and the guy looked him up and down with a very approving look. "Very nice" Julian then paid the fee for himself and the guest fee for Adam. He had already explained to Adam they charged an annual fee to be a member and a nightly fee when you went to the club. Adam noticed that it was certainly not cheap so he hoped it was worth it.

Having had their coats taken by the guy and placed on a rack behind him, they went through a door in one corner. The room they entered was certainly small and it had a small bar up against one wall from which the barmen served the drinks. Adam counted around a dozen or so guys and within the next hour the number had increased to about 25 so it was certainly very small and very select. Adam also noticed that the guys were all in their twenties or thirties and very good looking. Julian had told him that all new members were vetted by the owner who was very selective!

Once they had got inside and accustomed to the low lighting, one of the bar guys came up to them to ask what they would like to drink. They ordered Bacardi and Coke. The young guy, who can't have been more than about 18 was wearing just a G string and as he stood at the bar getting their drinks Adam admired the view of his naked arse. He certainly was gorgeous and Adam soon had a hard-on inside his trousers.

"There we are my friends" the young guy said as he gave them their drinks whilst at the same time giving Adam a good looking over. He noticed the bulge in Adam's crotch and grinned. Julian then led him to the other side of the room and kissed Adam on the lips. "Welcome to The Pink Club" Julian said as he clinked his glass with Adam's. With his other hand he felt Adam's hard-on and said "I'm glad you find the atmosphere a turn on."

"You'd have a job not to with those two barmen prancing about in their G strings!"

Adam then reached down to Julian's crotch and was pleased to find he too had a fast growing cock.

Two other guys then joined them and said hello to Julian who duly introduced Adam. They were both black and were both gorgeous. They were slim and both were wearing tight trousers which showed off their attributes to the full. "This is Dwayne & Erik" Julian said as he introduced Adam to them.

There were upholstered benches around the walls so Julian suggested they all sit down on one in readiness for the stripper. On the dot of midnight the stripper came in and performed in front of the guys. As Julian had said, he was good and he was outrageous. He got several guys to join him and to feel him whilst he had a good feel of them. In most cases he unzipped their flies and put a hand inside to feel their cocks.

Suddenly he turned to Adam and took him by the hand to the front. By now he was down to his G string and was already sporting a large erection which was clearly visible through the thin material. He stood Adam in front of him facing him towards the other guys. He then unfastened his shirt and removed it. Adam just let him have his fun. He then unfastened Adam's trousers and let them drop to the floor. The onlookers clapped when they saw the large bulge trying to get out of his briefs. The stripper then placed his hand inside and took hold of Adam's cock. It felt wonderful having this guy's hand round his organ and he sighed with excitement. The stripper then turned Adam round to face him and told him to unfasten his G string. Adam was more than happy to oblige. When he was naked, he then swiftly pulled Adam's briefs down and turned him round to face the others again. The stripper then stepped to one side to show off his own erection. "Two cocks for the price of one" the stripper announced to the ongoing applause.

Having thanked Adam for being a good sport, Adam quickly pulled up his briefs and trousers, picked up his shirt and rejoined Julian. Most of the guys were now stripped to the waist including Julian so he left his shirt off. "Nice cock" one of the black guys said having a good feel of it. Adam grinned and let him have his fun. However, Adam did manage to have a feel of his which was enormous.

One of the bar guys then brought two complementary drinks over to Adam and Julian and said "With the bosses compliments". The atmosphere was now getting charged with eroticism and Adam noticed several guys were kissing and cuddling with hands inside their pants having a good feel. Meanwhile the stripper was roaming round the room still stark naked letting guys have a good feel of him. He obviously knew Julian and they chatted. "I take it you two are friends" the stripper said to Julian with a glint in his eye, "He's certainly got a gorgeous body on him" he added before moving on.

Adam grinned and said nothing.

"Are you two coming to the naked night next week?" Dwayne asked.

Julian looked at Adam and asked "Fancy coming next Friday when everyone strips off? Should point out that when guys get well lubricated anything happens so expect sex as well"

"Sound good to me" Adam replied enthusiastically, "Are you two coming?" he asked Dwayne and Erik.

"You bet, we never miss a naked party", Erik replied.

As predicted by Julian, the two bar guys removed their G strings and were now serving drinks stark naked. They both had gorgeous cocks and were rapidly getting hard as guys felt them. Adam ordered some more drinks for the four of them and had a good feel for himself. The guy was just gorgeous and seemed to enjoy the attention.

At about 1 a.m. Dwayne said they were leaving and did Adam and Julian want to come back to their place which was nearby. Adam and Julian looked at each other and without actually saying anything to each other both said they would. Julian had often thought of having sex with the two black guys and they clearly liked Adam who was also itching to get his cock inside them both.

They collected their coats, said goodbye to the owner having said they would be along next week for the naked night and left. Dwayne and Erik did in fact live just round the corner so it took them five minutes to reach their house. "Come on in and make yourselves at home" Erik said as he showed them into the living room which was open plan to the kitchen area at one end. The pair of them removed their shoes and socks and their shirts followed by their trousers. Julian and Adam followed suit so all four were standing in just their briefs. Dwayne got a bottle of wine and poured four glasses. He also got some sausage rolls out of the fridge and put them in the microwave to heat up. "Thought you might like these to absorb the drink" he said with a laugh. Within minutes they were all eating sausage rolls and drinking their wine.

There were large cushions on the floor so they all sat down on them. It allowed them to feel each other and gradually one by one the briefs were removed until they were all stark naked. Adam admired the two black bodies in front of him and started making love to Erik. Julian did likewise to Dwayne and soon cocks were rising high and aching to be used. Erik first of all sucked Adam's whilst feeling his large balls. "Mm beautiful" he said as he did so, "I do love large balls". He then put a hand round Adam's back and had a feel of his arsehole. Adam meanwhile was feeling Erik's and soon had a finger inside. The hole seemed to be already lubricated so it went in easily.

Adam gently moved Erik onto his back and lifted his legs so that he could fuck him. The pair were well prepared and lube and condoms suddenly appeared beside him. He lubed the gaping hole in front of him and slowly inserted his cock. Erik groaned with pleasure as he felt Adam's long hard cock slide inside. Seeing this, Julian bent over and sucked Erik's cock. The sight of Julian's arse up in the air made Dwayne want to fuck it so he quickly prepared himself and Julian's arse and slipped his cock inside. "Aaagh that feels good" Julian exclaimed feeling the hot cock inside him. "Sure is" Dwayne said as he fucked Julian harder and harder.

The four stayed linked like this for a good ten minutes before cocks were removed from arses and sucked off by the other two. As usual Adam shot loads of hot creamy cum much to the delight of Erik, and Dwayne did likewise for Julian. When they had finished, Adam licked his cum off Erik's black body and then off Julian's. The others laughed as Adam licked away.

It was time to change around so Julian fucked Dwayne and Erik fucked Adam. "Oh my god what a gorgeous fuck" exclaimed Erik when he had got his cock inside Adam. Meanwhile Julian was enjoying every second of his fuck of Dwayne. Having his cock inside a black guy always really turned him on and he made the most of it.

Before the night was out they all changed again and Julian fucked Erik, Adam fucked Dwayne, Erik fucked Julian and Dwayne fucked Adam. It was a glorious night of sex and they all enjoyed themselves immensely.

It was three in the morning when Julian and Adam finally left. They kissed each other and agreed to meet up at the club again the following Friday. "We must do this again sometime" Erik said as they were leaving.

"You bet" Julian replied, perhaps you'd like to come to my house in Hampstead. "He has an indoor swimming pool as well" Adam added.

"Yeah that'd be great we both love swimming, especially in the nude" Erik replied.

"I only allow nude swimming" Julian quipped back as they went out the door.

As they walked to the main road to get the night bus Adam commented "They are two lovely guys". "And great fucks" Julian added. The pair laughed.

They got back to Adam's flat, stripped off and went to bed. After another fuck with each other they then collapsed into a deep sleep. It was gone nine before they woke up. Julian remembered that they were interviewing young guys for the calendar that afternoon so they got showered, had breakfast and set off to Hampstead. As soon as they got in they stripped off again and had a swim. They stopped having done several lengths and kissed.

"I hope I'm not going to fast" Julian said "but I am rapidly falling in love with you Adam".

Adam kissed him back passionately and replied "I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you".

It was Julian's turn to kiss passionately before he said "I just feel we are made for each other". Adam nodded and wiped away a tear from his eye. They had lunch and soon the door bell was ringing. The first young guy had arrived to be interviewed. They had decided not to dress but instead wear just a robe to cover their nudity. The guy was a bit surprised to be met by two guys in robes but he didn't mind. Julian led him into the living room where Adam offered him a drink. The guy chose a can of lager. They sat and talked for a while and Julian asked him why he was interested in doing nude work and whether he had done it before. He had not but said he had no hang ups about being naked in front of others.

When he was fully relaxed Julian asked him if he could remove his clothes so they could see his body. The lad immediately got up and stripped for them. He was gorgeous and had a perfect body. Both Julian and Adam were very pleased and told him so. The lad grinned thanking them for their comments.

"So do I have the job?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes, I'd certainly like to use you for one of the months." Julian then asked him when he could come round again for the shoot. It was agreed that he would come Wednesday evening after he had finished college. His name was Michael.

"Okay Michael, we'll see you Wednesday" Julian told him.

The lad got dressed and Adam showed him out. "Thanks" the lad said as he left, "I felt really comfortable with both of you".

When Adam rejoined Julian he commented what a nice lad he was. "Sure was and he has a gorgeous body with a good sized cock. Wouldn't mind seeing that in action."

Adam laughed, "You've got a one track mind".

"Yeah and I bet you wouldn't mind getting inside him either"

"Of course, perhaps next Wednesday after the shoot"

Soon the next guy was ringing the bell. His name was Darren. He had blonde hair and Adam couldn't wait to see him naked. He too was very relaxed once he had finished his drink. He slowly and seductively took off his clothes until he was stark naked in front of them. His cock was showing signs of an erection and Julian smiled at him. "Nice cock".

"Thanks" the guy replied. He said he had once posed for a friend in the nude and enjoyed the experience. He also worked in a club where they often had to strip off to their briefs behind the bar so he was okay about being naked in front of a camera. Adam's robe had slipped so the guy got a good view of what was on offer. He grinned at Adam as if to say "I wouldn't mind some of that either". He was available in the day time so it was agreed that he would come Wednesday morning to do his shoot.

"I'll look forward to that and whatever else it brings" he replied seductively.

Having dressed, Adam showed him out and said he looked forward to seeing him again on Wednesday. "And you" the guy said with a grin.

Julian and Adam agreed he would be good for the calendar as well as up for anything else they had in mind!

The third guy was a disaster. He was overweight and looked very uncomfortable. Julian eventually told him that he wasn't really the kind of guy he was looking for and didn't even bother to get him to undress. "Don't you want to see what I am like naked?"

Julian politely told him there was no need and showed him out.

When he had gone Adam and Julian had a good laugh. "Fancy thinking you'd be any good at nude modelling with a body like that" Julian exclaimed. "It's just as well I've had more replies to my ad, I've got another six lined up for tomorrow afternoon and evening if you're interested."

Adam confirmed that he was.

Julian was a superb cook so he cooked them both a fantastic meal. When it was ready they sat down stark naked and enjoyed it along with a bottle of red wine. Julian always had the house nice and warm so clothes were not necessary irrespective of the weather.

"I'll clear up" Adam said when they had finally finished. Julian was touched by the offer and agreed but he did join Adam in the kitchen to kiss him every so often and have a feel of his cock which was getting bigger and bigger.

When they had finished, they sat down in the living room and watched some gay porn. Julian had brought out some poppers as well so they both sniffed that as they watched along whilst feeling each other.

"I don't do the usual drugs but I do like poppers"

"Same here" Adam replied, "I once had some coke but it didn't do much for me and I have never done anything since despite being offered many in clubs."

Soon they were making love and fucking each other like mad. "I just love fucking you" Julian said as he had his cock up Adam's arse. "And I love the feel of your cock up my arse".

Having spent himself, they watched more porn and Adam had his way with Julian. "Mm I love the feel of my cock in your arse as well" Adam exclaimed as he was about to shoot his load. It was seldom he shot a load inside a condom but somehow the excitement of fucking Julian made him do so despite their earlier antics. Mind you he was able to fuck and shoot at any time of the day as often as required!

Having finished another bottle of wine and had a brandy each they were ready for bed.

The next morning Adam woke with a raging hard-on and Julian soon had his wicked way with by sitting on it. "Mm what a wonderful way to start off the day" he exclaimed as he rode Adam's rampant cock. Having had a shower and a quick swim they had breakfast. "The first lad will be here at 2 p.m. so I must go out and do some shopping first. Adam said he would stay in if that was okay to do some more work on his latest book and an article he had to write for one of the gay mags. Julian felt comfortable leaving Adam at home whilst he went out so off he went immediately after breakfast. When he got back he found him sitting stark naked in the conservatory typing away on his laptop.

"Hi" he said as he bent over and kissed Adam on the back of his neck. Adam grinned back and continued typing. "Won't be long" he said.

"No hurry, I've got some things to do in the studio. When you're ready come up."

Julian loved it when Adam grinned. It was such an engaging grin and the more he saw it the more he loved him.

In due course Adam went upstairs and joined Julian in the studio. "Why don't I do some shots of you?"

Adam agreed of course and posed for Julian in various positions. Some in very sexy positions and others just showing off his gorgeous body. He shot several that would be very suitable for the calendar and others that he could use for his new book. He also took a number for himself including close ups of his cock. These he would enlarge and place on the studio wall.

After lunch the next lad for the calendar arrived. His name was Alex and he was dark haired with beautiful eyes. Adam and Julian fell in love with him as soon as he sat down. To start with he was nervous and not sure what was going to happen but Julian soon put him at ease. He had never done anything like this before but had always fancied posing nude in front of a camera. He also said that he loved sex! When Julian asked if he was willing to strip off so they could see his body he was very willing to do so. He was soon standing stark naked in front of them with the start of an erection. He didn't seem the slightest bit concerned about this and remained naked for the remainder of the interview. Julian arranged for him to come on Tuesday evening to do some shots and he jumped at the idea.

When he had finally gone, Julian said "Well that's five so we just need another seven". They discussed asking Dwayne & Erik if they would be willing. Adam was sure they would.

Jo was due to come the next day so Adam was looking forward to the session they would have with him.

Suddenly Julian's mobile rang. It was one of the guys who had replied to the advert.

"Hi, it's Paul. We spoke the other day and I was supposed to be coming next weekend to see you but I can't now. Also my twin is interested in coming as well. Are you around today?"

Julian thought for a moment. Having twins would be interesting so he agreed to them coming round that afternoon.

They arrived as planned and Adam showed them in to the living room. They were not identical but it was clear they were brothers. They both had blonde hair and both had slim bodies. Adam liked what he saw and so did Julian who proceeded to ask them various questions about why they were interested and whether they had done anything like this before.

"No, never but we both love being naked and spend most of our time at home in the nude. We live together at present."

"Are you both gay?"

"Yeah, much to the disappointment of our mother", Simon commented, "She was hoping for lots of grandchildren!"

"Do you want us to strip off?" Paul then said.

Julian and Adam were surprised at the keenness of the two. "Yeah please do, we need to see what you are like before we can go any further."

Without further words, the pair stood up and stripped off. As Adam had predicted both had beautiful bodies, slim and well proportioned. They both also had great smiles.

"Okay" Julian said, "I like what I see so you can be included in the calendar".

The twins both grinned and said `thank you'. "When can we start because we are going away for two weeks next Saturday."

"How about now" Julian responded grinning.

The twins agreed saying they were in no hurry so they were led up to the studio still stark naked. Adam followed them up and admired their cute bums as they went.

The pair of them were naturals. They posed very erotically and held each of the positions that Julian wanted. Adam noticed that both of them had long cocks, not fat but nicely proportioned with large balls. He also noticed that their cocks were slightly excited since they stood out at an angle without being fully erect. Julian had also noticed this and felt his own cock harden as he watched them through the camera lens. He also took a few close-up shots of their cocks for his own amusement.

"Right that's all I need for the calendar"

"Do you do porn work?" Paul asked cheekily.

"Sometimes" Julian replied.

"We would be willing to do some if you're interested."

Julian told them it would be the same hourly rate and what had they in mind. The twins replied that they would be willing to be photographed fucking each other. Adam was excited at the thought of seeing these two guys fucking and felt his own cock get very excited. He was wearing a pair of tight shorts as was Julian and both were clearly showing what they had to offer.

"Okay" Julian responded, "You get started and I will take shots from different angles".

Paul bent over the long table that was situated at one end of the studio and Simon slipped his bare cock into Paul's arse. Julian said nothing but was rather excited at being able to photograph bareback sex. Adam could hardly contain himself as he watched the two young studs fucking. The fucking lasted a good ten minutes before Simon shot his load so Julian was able to get shots from all angles.

The pair then changed over and Paul fucked Simon bareback. Watching his butt go back and forth made both Julian and Adam feel their own hard-ons. Paul saw them and said "You can both have your turn in a minute".

Adam could hardly believe it. These guys were offering themselves up for a fuck. When Paul had shot his load he withdrew and offered Adam the vacant arse. Adam quickly slipped on a condom and took his place. It felt wonderful.

Julian then took over from Adam and fucked the lad hard. Julian enjoyed every second of it and so did Paul!

"Okay, now I want to be fucked by both of you" Paul said bending over the table.

Julian and Adam were more than happy to oblige and promptly took it in turns to fuck the arse being offered. When they had both finished Adam took them to the bathroom to have a shower. Julian invited them to stay for a meal which they happily accepted. Julian could see using these two for future shoots so wanted to keep in with them. When the lads realised that Adam and Julian remained naked they were happy to do likewise so the four of them sat round the table starkers. The wine flowed and both became somewhat merry. When the meal had ended they went back to the living room where more sexual antics took place. Paul and Simon sucked Julian and Adam's rapidly growing cocks and clearly enjoyed the experience. It turned out that they never fucked but loved being fucked.

Simon lent over with his hands resting on the wall whilst Adam fucked him yet again. Julian sucked his cock whilst Adam performed. Needless to say Paul wanted to do the same so Julian fucked him and Adam sucked. But even that was not enough – these two were insatiable – and Paul wanted Adam to fuck him and Julian to fuck Simon whilst the other sucked their cocks.

Both Julian and Adam felt exhausted by the time they both left later that evening!

"Have you ever had a full body massage?" Julian asked casually.

Adam laughed. "Yeah I once went to a guy who advertised in QX. He was good and gave me a very erotic naked body to body massage. I enjoyed it but I have never been back.

"Before I started photography I trained as a masseur and used to offer similar massages for gay guys. It was good fun. In fact I still have two or three guys call me every so often for one. Would you like me to give you one?"

Adam said he would so they went upstairs and Julian got him to lay face down on the bed. He then straddled across his naked body on his knees and started massaging his shoulders with fragrant oil. It felt wonderful and Adam was soon relaxed. Gradually Julian worked down his body to his buttocks where he spent time massaging them and feeling his hole. Adam could feel a hardness forming beneath him and relaxed even more. Julian then worked down his legs and made sure that his hands went between his thighs right into his crotch. "Ooh that feels good" Adam murmured.

Having finished off his legs, Julian then got Adam to turn over onto his back. Seeing the now full erection, he took hold of it.

"I always used to chuckle when the straight guys I massaged invariably got a hard-on. Some just laughed and others were embarrassed. I always told them that if they had an erection it meant I had done my job properly!"

Julian then massaged the front of his legs and again ran his hands right into his crotch feeling his balls as he did so. He then knelt across Adam again and licked his erection before working up his torso to his shoulders. Adam was now completely relaxed with his eyes closed. Julian could feel the hard organ between his legs so he took hold of it and slowly sat on it. The feel of his bare flesh against Adam's arse was wonderful. He gradually increased his pace until Adam was shooting his load inside him.

"Aaagh" they both exclaimed in unison.

Adam suddenly realised that Julian had not used a condom. "Was that bareback?"

"Yeah, sorry, do you mind?" Julian replied.

"No it was great. I've never experienced bareback before and I rather liked it. I've often been asked to do it but have always said no".

"It was watching the twins bare backing that got me going I'm afraid. Would you be willing to agree to us having bareback sex provided we always have safe sex with others?"

"Yeah sure, suits me"

"So you would be committed to that would you?"

"Yeah definitely" Adam replied.

"I was tested recently so I know I'm okay, how about you?"

"Same here, I was tested about a month ago and normally go to the clinic every three months or so."

"Okay, let's agree to get tested together every three or four months and enjoy our sex bareback. It certainly was wonderful."

"It sure was. Just one thing though. I want you to fuck me bareback now so that I can experience that as well!"

Julian bent forward and kissed Adam. "I do love you"

"And me you"

He then got off Adam and rolled him onto his side with his back towards him. He then lubed his cock and slipped it into Adam's arse.

"Oh my god that feels wonderful" Adam exclaimed.

"It certainly does"

Julian gradually increased the speed of his fuck and after about ten minutes he shot his load.

"Aaagh, that feels good" Adam exclaimed as he felt Julian's hot cum shoot inside him. Julian kissed the back of Adam's neck which sent an erotic shiver down his spine. They stayed locked together for sometime until eventually they decided to get into bed for the night.

At breakfast the following morning, Julian said he had Michael and Darren coming later that morning to do photo shoots for the calendar and three more guys coming in the afternoon for interview. On the dot of 10 a.m. Michael arrived and the three of them went up to the studio. Julian was wearing his tight shorts again and Adam was in his robe still. Michael had a nice body but he was fairly nervous so he was not completely relaxed despite Julian and Adam's attempts to get him to do so. However, Julian got some good shots of him and eventually Michael dressed and left. Soon after he had left, Darren arrived. He was much more relaxed and posed very sexually. Adam's robe had fallen slightly open so he took great delight in looking at the cock on show which was already getting larger. His own organ started to enlarge and by the time Julian had finished shooting it was fully erect. Adam stood up, knelt down in front of him and sucked it for a while.

"Mmm nice cock" Adam told him. When he stood again, Michael took hold of Adam's and held it tight. "You're not so bad yourself" he said grinning.

Unfortunately I've got to go because I've got a class this afternoon otherwise I would do more with that" he said.

"Perhaps another time" Adam responded grinning.

As he got dressed Julian asked him if he would be interested in doing some more nude modelling work. He said he would so it was agreed that Julian would call him when he was ready to use him again.

As soon as they had finished lunch the doorbell was ringing again. It was the first of the three lads for interview. Adam brought him into the living room and Julian questioned him as he had done the others. He said he had not done anything like this before and was slightly nervous but at the same time was looking forward to it. When Julian asked him to strip off he readily did so and exhibited a very nice looking body with a good sized cock.

"Do you have time now to do some modelling work?"

The guy replied he could so followed Julian upstairs to the studio.

He was nothing extraordinary but Julian managed to get some good shots of him for the calendar. Before he had left, the next lad arrived so Adam went downstairs to let him in. He took him into the living room and explained that Julian would be down shortly. Like the previous lad he too was Eastern European. He had a nice personality but was somewhat shy. Adam tried to relax him but had not achieved much by the time Julian joined them. He was very shy when he eventually took his clothes off but when Julian told him he had a nice body he gradually relaxed. He too was able to stay for a while to do some photo shoots so they all went upstairs.

Once in the studio the guy did relax and was quite good at posing for Julian. His cock remained limp the whole time but it was quite thick and stood out well.

"I take it you're gay" Adam said to him casually.

He confirmed he was and blushed slightly. It added to his charm which Julian managed to capture.

Late afternoon the third guy arrived. He was Irish and his name was Shaun. As soon as he came in, both Julian and Adam liked him. He had a nice personality and a good sense of humour. Although he was slightly plump he was not overweight. When he finally stripped off it added to his charm. What he did have was a thick circumcised cock with very large balls that hung below. As he followed Julian upstairs Adam admired his naked butt and wanted to feel it.

He was a natural poser and followed all of Julian's requirements for different poses to the letter. Each time his natural charm came across so made excellent shots. Julian had him pose in numerous positions such as standing, lying on the table, stretched out on the floor and sitting in a chair. He looked brilliant irrespective of his pose and Julian realised it was going to be difficult to decide what to use for the calendar.

Adam had stripped off his robe and was sitting naked as he watched Shaun pose. Seeing his naked body caused Adam to have a partial erection which he tried to cover but without much success. Shaun noticed it on several occasions as well as the thick roll that was forming inside Julian's tight shorts. By the time they had finished shooting he too was forming an erection. For a while it stayed semi hard and Julian took the opportunity to photograph it. Eventually it was rock hard much to Julian's delight so he took more shots but Shaun seemed unconcerned.

"Okay that's enough for today thanks Shaun"

Shaun got up from his last pose on the floor and Adam went up to him. He took hold of his thick cock and held it. "Mmm, some cock" Adam exclaimed. Shaun took hold of Adam's and said "And yours".

Julian then asked if Shaun would be interested in doing some porn photos and he readily agreed. Time was getting on and whilst Shaun took a shower, Julian asked Adam if he would mind if Shaun stayed for a meal and then join them at the local gay bar afterwards. Adam said he would be very happy for Shaun to stay on.

When asked, Shaun immediately accepted. He had already explained that he lived in a small flat in Belsize Park so he was not that far away. He also hated eating on his own so staying with Julian and Adam would be great.

They all went downstairs and whilst the meal was cooking the three drank some wine and played around with each other. Shaun said he loved sex and couldn't get enough of it much to the amusement of Julian and Adam although they admitted they were the same so Shaun was more than pleased. He also stated that he preferred being fucked than fucking. "Most people take one look at my cock and wince so I don't get the opportunity to fuck much in any event."

"It certainly is thick and long and I'm not sure I could take it" Adam replied.

"Nor me" Julian stated.

Adam soon had Shaun bending over the end of the sofa and was fucking him. "Oh my, this feels wonderful" he exclaimed as he felt his cock go inside Shaun's delicious arse. He pumped back and forth and Shaun loved every second. The more he pumped the more he liked it. Adam seldom came inside a condom but this time he did. "Bingo" Shaun shouted as he felt the hot cum shoot inside him.

Julian then took over and gave him another hard fuck. "Oh my god that feels good" Shaun exclaimed.

The meal was eventually ready and they sat down still stark naked at the table. "I love going round naked" Shaun said. "I generally do at home".

"We too" Julian replied.

Whilst they ate, Julian asked Shaun about his earlier years in Ireland. He explained that he did not get on with his parents and when he finally came out as being gay the relationship got worse so at the age of 18 he came to London. He studied at a Horticultural college and then got a job with a gardening company. Unfortunately they had gone bust a few months ago so he was now out of work.

"I am doing three cleaning jobs at present" he explained, "One for an elderly couple, another for a family and the third for a gay couple in Hampstead. I also do some gardening work for them as well. I enjoy cleaning since I like to see things neat and tidy and I like the gardening so it suits me. It covers my rent which is vital since I don't want to give up my flat."

Julian considered this for a moment and then asked what he charged. His hourly rate seemed very reasonable so Julian asked if he was interested in doing one day a week cleaning for him and looking after the garden one half day a week.

"I don't have much time to do the cleaning and despite the garden being very small with mainly shrubs and no grass I don't have much time to do that either."

Shaun said he would be delighted to take the job on and also said he liked to do the cleaning in the nude if that was okay.

"Fine by me" Julian replied laughing.

It was arranged that he would normally come on a Wednesday for the cleaning and either a Tuesday or Thursday for the gardening depending on the weather.

Having sorted that out they cleared up and got dressed to go out. It was quiz night at the local gay pub in Hampstead so it would be busy which Julian always liked. When they got there they found a table where a friend of Julian's was sitting. They agreed to join him and make up a team of four for the quiz. Having asked Shaun earlier who the gay couple were that he cleaned for, Julian guessed they would be in the pub as well. Sure enough they were sitting at another table so Julian went up to say hello. "I understand you employ Shaun as a cleaner and gardener."

"Yes he's a brilliant cleaner and what he doesn't know about plants and gardening in general is not worth knowing. Our garden has really blossomed since he took over. We can thoroughly recommend him. He's a hard worker, conscientious, reliable and honest. Can't praise him enough."

Julian explained that he was going to clean for him and look after the garden.

"You won't regret it, he's a gem" one of them replied.

Julian joined the others feeling pleased. He always felt he had the ability to assess people and it seemed he was not wrong in the case of Shaun. He looked forward to having him around each week.

The quiz started and it turned out that Shaun's general knowledge was extremely good. Several questions that Julian and Adam could not answer he came up immediately with the correct one. As a result their team won the contest so they were given a bottle of champagne which Julian immediately opened and shared amongst his friends nearby.

"That was a great evening" Shaun said as they eventually staggered out of the bar.

"Good, we must do it again. See you next Wednesday. You can then look at the garden as well to see what needs doing and if there are any tools or materials you require."

With that Shaun left them and set off home. Julian and Adam walked back to the house also feeling pleased with themselves. When they got home they had yet more sex and finally fell asleep in each other's arms!

The next two days were busy. Julian had now photographed ten guys for the calendar so was sorting out the pictures to decide which to use. He only hoped that Dwayne & Erik would be willing to make up the other two since he had no more applicants from his advert. Adam had also agreed to produce some amusing dialogue for each month and said he would help Julian lay the calendar out. Whilst Julian worked upstairs on the calendar, Adam wrote more articles that were now due and did a bit more on his book. He was due to send a taster to the publisher very shortly so he had to get going. Working at the house in Hampstead worked well for him and he enjoyed the time he spent doing it. Likewise Julian enjoyed working upstairs knowing that Adam was downstairs whenever he felt like a break. They now felt like a couple despite having known each other for such a short time.


Next: Chapter 2

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