
Published on Aug 18, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 5

It seemed like almost instantly Tyler was nude. His cock was standing straight out.

"Wow! Tyler that ring in your cock looks hot. Did it hurt?" It was through his piss slit, coming out below his corona.

"A little when he burned the hole, but not much after. I got two through my nuts and two more inside my hole, they hurt the worst."

"Why the fuck would you get ones in your hole. That must have hurt like crazy?"

"Well after I had a few dicks in me I couldn't feel much anymore and it wasn't enjoyable. I asked the tattoo guy that did my other rings what I could do. He suggested two in my rings. Well he had to restrain me and gag me to put them in. They still hurt, buts its cool coz no matter how many dicks I get up there I still feel something."

Both Matt and I laughed. That was one thing I would not tell the boys about Tyler. He was also a pain freak.

"Well come on Tyler, you can meet the other three that are here."

"Just don't touch my dick; I'm liable to come right off." He giggled.

He followed us down to the pool. The three boys were playing not swimming, not that I cared. Sam was the first to spot us and came out of the pool beside us.

"Sam, this is Tyler. He'll be joining us."

"Hi Tyler. Boy those rings look hot. Can I?"

Before Tyler could answer Sam flipped one of rings on his tits.

"Oh shit." Tyler said and a thick stream of pure while cumm shot from the end of his dick. It covered Sam's crotch.

"Oh fuck! Sorry Tyler." Then he dropped and sucked Tyler's cock into his mouth.

Tyler just hammered forward and then held Sam as he unloaded the rest of his load into Sam's throat. Sam slowly pulled off Tyler and licked up some that had escaped.

"Nice Tyler. That ring feels weird, but you sure taste good."

Sam slowly stood.

"You want to fuck me now?" Tyler said to Sam.

"Before you guys get into anything, Sam, Dinner is six. Grilled Steaks, baked potatoes and corn. You can also make a salad. Remember there are six for dinner."

"Okay Eddy. No problem." He glanced at the big clock in the pool area.

"Come on Matt, I got some more things I want to tell you." He looked disappointed but followed me out of the pool.

I walked along the hall and then upstairs. I walked into my bedroom.

"Matt, it's been along time since I had that big cock in my ass and along time since I fucked that black ass of yours. I want both now. We have lots of time. Sam will never have dinner on time."

"Why not?"

"There are no thawed steaks in the Fridge. Sam might think there are. If he's as smart as I know he is, he might go check and then start thawing them. But he is also almost a nypho when it comes to cock. So I'm sure he won't check. Baked potatoes, corn, and a salad will take about 40 minutes. Dinner will be about an hour late."

"I am presuming there are consequences if he's late."

"Yeah, he'll get his nice butt tanned. Now you going to fuck me or you want me to fuck you first."

"I'll fuck you first."

Two and half hours later we both staggered into the shower. After cleaning our selves out and showering, We dressed, I gave Matt a pair of my shorts to wear.

"Tight." Was his only comment.

We went down to my Den.

Dead on 6 Sam walked in my den.

"Dinner ready Sam?"

"No Eddy. It will be about another hour."


"The steaks were in the freezer. They haven't thawed enough to grill yet."

"Why didn't you check earlier Sam?"

"I just thought that they would be in the Fridge."

"Well you screwed up Sam. Did you ask the other guys to help you?"

"Yeah, but they said they had agreed to clean up if I cooked."

"Yeah fire dishes in a dishwasher. Some trade Sam. Where are they?"

"In the theatre watching a movie."

"Go get them."

They all trooped into my den.

"How come you guys weren't helping Sam with dinner?"

"Well we agreed to clean up if he cooked." Mark said.

"So you really think that's fair. Sam works two hours making dinner and you guys spend 10 minutes putting everything in the dishwasher."

No one said anything.

"Remember what else I said at lunch?"

No one said anything again, but all knew what I was talking about.

"Okay, grab a beer and sit."

"The way you guys are acting I think you think this is just some kind of lark. Have any of you given any thought to what is happening? Believe me, I have and I'm scared. Scared shitless. Matt said he's heading into the mountains to escape what he knows happens to black people under Chinese rule. Well what do you think the Chinese think of queers?"

"I can tell you. If you don't get a quick bullet in the back of the head, you'll get sent to one of their prisons. The first thing they do when you get to prison is cut your nuts off. Men without nuts become real docile and easy to control. It won't mean you won't be abused in Prison; after all you are all just Queers."

"You may think all that I just said would happen to me too. You are very wrong. If the Chinese walked in here right this minute, you'd all end up as bloody corpses on the floor. They wouldn't lay a hand on me. You see they would want what I have inside my head. You boys don't know it but I helped design some of the most sophisticated weapons the US and its allies use both for defense and offense. They'd want that information so they might be able to counter some or all of those weapons. So yes I am scared."

"If I hadn't been so comfortable here and wrapped up in just what I want to do I might have seen what's happening a long time ago. I wouldn't be here now. I'd be in the most out of the way place I could find and hope the Chinese never found me."

"Just three of you have ever lived away from this city. I never have, Hell I've never been camping in my life. I like comforts. I like my big TV, my pool, all the beer I can drink and everything else I have here. Where we are going there is none of that stuff. Hell you Sam and Mark showed me just how remote that cabin is and how far from all this it really is. Not only that, your Dad's put me in charge, when in reality you three know more about living up there than I do." "Your Dad told you how smart I am. I think you Sam are probably smarter, although so far you haven't showed me much of those smarts. If you hadn't been thinking with your balls, you would have checked to see if there were steaks in the fridge. Mark your just as smart and knew what I said when I said everyone helps. Instead you were probably ramming your dick up Tyler's ass. Danny, I thought you might just be a little more mature than these other two. I guess when I said you were in charge it went right over that pretty blonde head of yours. Maybe what they say about blondes is right."

"Do any of you think I was kidding when I said if one screws up you all get it? Well I did mean it. Sam get here up and bend over my desk."

When he leaned over, I stood up and gave him five hard whacks on his very cute ass. He was crying when I finished. I then gave Mark and Danny five each. They were both crying too.

"Tyler you get a pass this time because you weren't here when I told the boys. You're probably mostly to blame."

"Now all three or four, go get dinner ready."

The boys left the den all rubbing their very red butts.

I sat down and took a long pull from my beer.

"Eddy, I'll help all I can."

"Thanks Matt. I'm going need all the help I can get. Actually we all are."

"You really think the Chinese are going to come through the north."

"Yeah Matt I do. They really don't have much choice. This isn't bragging when I say Canada and I suppose North America is not an easy place to attack by land. Sure they might come up through Mexico, but then some of the biggest bases are in the south and south west."

"Now look at the east coast. There aren't any real bases or even beaches where a shit load of troops can land. Then you have not many roads anyone can use and you have a large concentration of troops and equipment baring your way. And to top it off you don't gain anything. No food supplies or oil."

"The west coast has similar problems, not the least of which it is some 2000 miles from China to the West Coast of Canada. People say the Russians could have invaded Alaska across the Bering Straight. Not an easy proposition summer or winter and what do you get. A trackless waste after you land. There is only one major highway connecting the north and south. Sure there are lots of side roads and tracks through the mountains, but not for tanks and heavy equipment."

"You've really thought this through?"

"Yeah Matt. I have."

"China gains nothing by attacking either coast. China is interested in two things. Food and oil. That food and oil is only readily available in the interior. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. To get to them even if they got a foot hold on the west coast means attacking through the mountains. There's only three passes through those same mountains. Very easy to defend."

I saw Matt's mind working just from the way he looked.

"You think they are going to come over the polar icepack from Siberia."

"Yes I do Matt. It's the only way."

Sam walked into the Den. "Dinners ready Eddy."

"Come here Sam." I stood up as he came close.

I wrapped my arms around him and ran one hand down over his ass.

"How's the butt Sam?"

"It's okay Eddy. Food will always be on time from now on. I'll try to do better from now on."

"I know you will baby." I gave him a peck on the cheek.

He leaned real close and whispered to me.

"Will you fuck me tonight Eddy? I really need you."

"Yeah Baby, you can have me all night. How's that?"

"Thank you Eddy."

"Come on Matt lets eat. I'm going to need the energy for later."

Matt laughed.

Dinner was perfect as far as I was concerned. Sam really was a chef, not just a cook. Everything was perfect. There was not a scrap left on any ones plate.

"Dam Sam, that was better than I've had in some restaurants." Matt said.

"Thank you Matt."

"You go ahead Sam. We'll clean up." Mark said.

"Okay." That was different I thought. Usually Sam would be first to start cleaning up.

He followed Matt and I back to the den. He grabbed three beers and handed us both one and then sat beside me. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

"What do you want Sam?"


"Come on Sam. The worst I can say is no."

"Can I get some of the rings like Tyler has? Not in my nose and ass, but the others."

I should have known this was coming. Matt laughed out loud.

"You know Baby, if I get rings for you, every body will want them."

"Well they all do. We agreed that I'd ask if I could have you to myself tonight."

"You know there is a lot of pain involved when you get things pierced."

"Yeah, Tyler told us. He said the ones in his nose and butt hurt worst, but we don't want them."

"Do you really want someone to burn a hole in the end of your cock? It's fine with me exactly how it is Sam."

"Well if Mark gets one, I got to have one too."

There was that brotherly love coming through. Either boy would do anything to please the other. "Well I don't think we have time to get all of you done before we leave here permanently. There is so much to do."

"Well Tyler said the guy does house calls and would come out here tomorrow and do us all."

"I take it you already called then?"

"Tyler did."

"Did Tyler also find out how much all this would cost?"

"Yeah, the piercings would cost about 1600 dollars, but the rings would depend on what we wanted. Either Silver, Gold or Stainless Steel."

"What do you want Sam?"

"Eddy, I want what you want."

"Sam you know I love all of you, but I guess I love you just a little bit more. If you want rings, I'll get you rings. I just want to make you the happiest boy I know."

Sam flung himself into my arms and cried.

"You just made Sam the happiest boy here Eddy." Matt said.

"I can't deny my feelings. Sam just makes feel whole, like I was missing something all these years."

As if on cue the other three walked into the den. Tyler just walked over and sat on Matt's lap. I saw Danny and Mark holding hands. Well, well, well, three couples. That just Jimmy out in the cold, but at the rate we were gaining guys to come with us I didn't figure he would be alone for long. "So Tyler, you talked these three brats into getting rings."

"I'm sorry Eddy, but I didn't really talk them into anything."

"Figures. Did this guy tell you a total cost?"

"Well he said Gold's expensive, but silver or Stainless isn't too bad. With Silver about 2500 dollars, Stainless about 2 grand and gold near three."

"Gee, if your going to do this Eddy, maybe I should get a Prince Albert and some studs." Matt said smiling.

"What's studs?" I asked.

"Their short studs with balls on the end that line the underside of your cock. I've seen them on a few guys. Felt real nice when they fucked me."

Jesus. Matt already drove me crazy with his big cock. I couldn't imagine what having studs on his cock would do. Tyler obviously did, he instantly hard.

Then I saw Tyler grimace.

"Problem Tyler?" I asked.

"Well his studs might rip out my ass rings. That might be okay coz they hurt all the time. Maybe I'll get the guy to take them out."

"Okay Tyler. Give the guy a call and tell him to be here at six tomorrow night. Tell him to bring lots in all mediums and include some larger Prince Albert rings and a selection of studs also in all mediums. Hope he accepts cash."

"Yeah, he does. Actually prefers cash."

"Good make the call."

Sam got up off my lap and went and pulled Mark to the side. I saw them talking, but couldn't hear what was said. What ever Sam said must have made Mark very happy. He wrapped his arms around Sam and kissed him. They talked some more and then Sam kissed Mark and then walked to Danny and kissed him saying something to him. Danny got kind of teary eyed and hugged Sam. Sam came back and climbed onto my lap.

"What was that about love?"

"I told Mark you were my boyfriend now. He said it was cool coz him and Danny want to be boyfriends. I told Danny to make Mark happy."

"You okay with having just me in bed?"

"It's all I dreamed about since we met you."

I just hugged him close to my chest. Sam made me feel so different than anything I had ever felt. I had never loved anyone before. I had used lots of guys, just for my own sexual gratification. Sam was different. I wanted to love him. I wanted him to love me, even if I was almost twice his age. He just felt so right in my arms.

"Okay, the guy will be over at six tomorrow." Tyler said.

"Okay guys, breakfast at seven. Some one else can make it. Sam will be busy."

I just stood up with Sam in my arms and walked out. I didn't set him down until I was in my bedroom.

As I went to undo my shorts he stopped me.

"Let me Eddy." He sank to his knees. As he undid each button, my cock got harder. He used one hand to hold my cock as my shorts dropped. I stepped out of them. When I looked down he had those almost gold eyes boring into me. I watched his pink tongue come out and swirl around my corona before my cock disappeared between his ruby red lips. He gagged once as my cock slid into his throat. Only then did his eyes drop. I heard a deep moan from him before he pulled back and then let my cock sink into his hot mouth again. He pulled all the way out and looked up at me.

"Please Eddy; I know how you like it. I do too."

"Okay Baby." I placed my hands on his head as he slipped my cock head into his mouth.

I held his head as I thrust my hips forward. My cock was rammed down his throat. He gagged and chocked immediately, but I just pulled back and thrust forward again. I heard his ragged breathe as he tried to breath through his nose, but never stopped. One last time I hammered into his mouth and held it. My cock spewed my load into his throat. I couldn't believe I actually felt his throat trying to swallow. As I pulled back slowly his mouth became like a vacuum cleaner sucking up my entire load. He slowly pulled licking and sucking.

After several deep breathes he leaned back on his heels.

"Wow! That was the best ever Eddy. Please fuck me the same way love."

"Okay baby, but then I want what's inside those sweet balls of yours."


I reached down and lifted him up and almost threw him onto my bed. He started to turn onto his knees, but I stopped him.

"Not this time Sam. I want to see how you feel when I fuck you." I climbed onto the bed and lifted his legs to my shoulders. I could see his hole flexing. As I moved closer I never even thought about lube. I knew he had been fucked by Mark and Tyler and figured Danny had done him too, so he'd be well lubed inside. My cock was still pretty slick from his saliva and even though I had just cumm once there was still lots of precumm.

He knew he had to push like he wanted to shit for me to enter him easier, but instead as soon as my head touched his hole he clamped it shut. I looked at his face.

"Sam, unless you push this going to really hurt."

The look of defiance in his eyes told me this was what he wanted. Mark had been dominating him all his young life and now he wanted me to dominate him too.

I leaned over until he was almost bent double. When I entered him this time I would be using all my body strength and going almost vertical into him. I grabbed his thighs and just pushed. At first he gritted his teeth, but as my thick cockhead forced its way past his tight rings he howled in abject terror. That scream just turned me on more and I increased the pressure.

He started to fight my intrusion, but I grabbed his hands and just used my weight to ram my cock into him. His howls of pain increased. I no longer cared how he felt. I felt my balls hit his ass.

I stopped with my cock deep in his ass.

He stopped screaming but still had his teeth clinched shut.

"Sam, I know it doesn't hurt that much now. What I want to know is why? Why this way. You knew if you didn't relax it would hurt like hell."

"Coz Mark said you only loved guys who screamed lots when you did them."

"Mark is partly right. I do like it when guys scream when I enter them. But that's not why I love you Sam. However, if that's what you want you can do all the work." I grabbed him and rolled over so now he was sitting on my cock.

"Now if you want my cock up your sweet boy pussy, you can fuck your self on my cock."

It took him a while to understand what I had done. Then he slowly worked one leg into a sitting position and then his other. Now on his knees, he slowly pushed up off my cock and then relaxed. He grunted in pain when my cock was pushed deeper than it ever been before.

He started slow, just pushing up a little before dropping back down.

"That feels weird." He said as he lifted higher.

He started to bounce faster and longer. His head was back and it looked like his eyes had rolled back into his head as just continued to let my cock hammer his chute. I reached down and gently squeezed his balls and then gripped his very hard cock.

"OH GOD!" He screamed.

One long stream of his pure white cumm shot from the end of his cock. That was followed by a few dribbles. His cumming, tightened his hole on my cock and I dumped my load into him. He stopped as he felt me cumming.

When I looked at his face, Tears were streaming down his cheeks. They weren't tears of pain I could tell. He slowly leaned over. He put one hand on either side of my face and lowered him self down. "Thank toy Eddy. I love you so much more now."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down for a kiss. That kiss lasted a long time.

We finally just rolled together and cuddled. We were both worn out. Sleep came real easy.

We were practically stuck together when I woke up. Fuck it was almost 9 AM. Far later than I usually got up. I rolled to the side of the bed and Sam dragged himself up.

"Come on love, I think we need a shower."

Before he climbed in the shower I sat him on the toilet. I pushed a probe into his ass and washed him out inside. Then I did myself. After a hot shower, where we both pissed and then washed each other. Feeling 100 percent better I went out to dress for the day.

Sam just dried off and waited for me to dress.

After a quick coffee, I got everything done at home, including transferring all the boys' money into my account in Texas. I finally left the house about 10:30. I told Sam I would not be back for lunch.

It took almost four hours to get everything done. My second last stop was at Pacific Weapons Ltd. One thing I had noticed at the cabin it didn't have a shot gun. I bought two along with several different loads for them.

While I was filling out the paperwork, I noticed some white camo covers. I told Mike to add ten sets to the bill and had the boys load them.

"You know what is about to happen don't you Eddy?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" "Well drop around this weekend and I'll give you a little protection to take with you."

"And how much is this protection going to cost me?"

"Three Grand. It's well worth it Eddy or I would not have mentioned it."

"Okay, see you on the weekend and we can discuss it more."

Last stop the gold exchange and then home. I saw Jakes trailer backed into Danny's Garage. It had Matt's old truck hooked to it. When I opened my garage I saw Matt's fifth wheel trailer parked in my spare spot. All that was on it was a large John Deere Garden tractor, with a brush affair and a snow blower attachment.

The boys unloaded my H2 and I headed for the den.

Matt was on the phone.

I grabbed two beers, set one by him and sat down in one of the leather chairs.

"Well that's done." He said as he hung up.

"I got everything sold except my trailer and snow removal equipment. No buyers for them."

"Well we might take the snow removal stuff with us. There's bound to be snow, lots of Snow." I laughed.

"Yeah, but they are gas powered."

"Not a problem either."

"Eddy, you obviously have not told me everything about this cabin. The boys have eluded to underground caves and other things. Want to fill me in?"

I spent an hour filling Matt in on what was there. He was pretty astounded something like it could be built without any ones knowledge.

About 4:30 the boys trooped in. Sam took off without even saying hello. He came back about ten minutes later. I saw his hair was damp so figured he had showered. He just sat on my lap and gave me a kiss.

"Hmm? Baby. You smell nice." I kissed him back.

"Well I didn't when I came in coz I was sweating."

Before I could say anything more, Jimmy and Tyler walked in the den.

"Guys, this is Jimmy. Jimmy, that Danny beside you, Mark next to him. This is Sam on my lap and Matt, sitting."

Jimmy walked to all the boys and shook their hands. He came over to Sam and told him he was real hot like the rest. What I saw was his eyes on Matt and his 8 inch soft cock. Jimmy was definitely a size queen.

"Looks like you have a new admirer Matt." I laughed.

"So I see." He chuckled.

"So what did you boys get done? I see the trailer is at Danny's."

"Well we got all the stuff, except food loaded from our house. We also got about half your DVD's and CD's loaded. We got everything from Danny's except the frozen stuff and wine."

"Wow, you guys really worked to day." "Did you get any comments from the neighbors?"

"Not really, we saw several others loading trailers like ours."

"Well look guys; don't talk about where we are going. You just never know who might be listening."

"Okay Eddy." They all echoed.

"Now, how's dinner coming along?"

Sam went to jump off my lap and I held him down.

"Everything is almost ready. Just waiting for spuds to cook. Then I got to mash them and it will be ready." Jimmy said.

"See baby, some one else knows how to cook to."

He didn't look convinced but let it go.

I told the boys to go shower to get ready for dinner. Jimmy went back to the kitchen. Matt said he'd shower too, so he didn't have to before the guy came to put the rings in. That left Sam and I alone.

"You want to tell me why you want all those rings, besides to be like your brother?"

"Well coz I guess I don't want to be too different."

"Not a good excuse love, but I don't have a problem, but why the two in your balls? That's got to hurt love."

"Well Tyler said it increases load. I know you say I got a big load, but I know I don't. I guess I just never got off as much as Mark. I mean he fucked me lots and I sucked him thousands of times. I just want more for you Eddy."

"Okay Baby. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

"You going to get ring in your dick?"

"Maybe, you want me to have one."

"Well I kind of liked it when I sucked Tyler and it felt real good when he fucked me."

"Okay love. We'll see."

Dinner was great and all the boys chipped in to clean up. Matt and I went back to my den to await the guy that was doing the piercings.

"You ready for a hot needle through your dick head?" I laughed.

"Well I might get the studs too."

"I'm not sure I'm ready for some one to near my cock with a red hot needle. Hell Sam even wants them in his testicles."

"Well I have to say, Tyler does have a bigger load now."

"I wouldn't know, I haven't had him over since he got them put in."

"Well he's the only one that's going to be free tonight. After the boys get their rings they won't be fucking or sucking for a couple of days."

"That means I get a good night sleep." I laughed.

The guy that showed up at my door was a real big guy, with muscles every where, except between his legs. I figured he was on steroids. He had all the licenses and was actually a registered nurse. Tattooing and piercing was just sideline for him.

He explained every thing to everybody at the same time. He also said no one could watch him work. It was usually easier if people didn't see before hand what was going to happen. I took him down to a room off the Gym that had a massage table. I gave him a few clean sheets to cover it with.

Tyler asked if the first thing he did would be to take out his ass rings.

"It's a wonder you took so long. I warned you they would be painful always."

He told Tyler he would have to use a local on him, because he had to open him up wide enough to get the cutters inside his hole.

It only took about 10 minutes and Tyler was back and in some pain. He also had a tampex up his ass to stop the small amount of bleeding.

After Tyler each went into the Massage room alone. All came out in some tears, but mostly just holding their dicks. Matt was the only one that it didn't seem to bother. He showed me his ring and the eight studs he had put on the underside of his cock. I just wasn't sure.

Sam was last before I went in and although he looked scared, he also looked very determined. I told the guy to use gold on Sam. I didn't hear any screaming from Sam, but when he came out tears were streaming down his face. The gold rings looked really good and I told him as I hugged him.

I went in determined to do as the rest, but all I wanted was the Prince Albert ring. The sharp and extreme pain when the hole is first burned was the worst. After that it was the disinfectant that hurt more. I tried to show a brave face when I came out, but like everyone else I was in quite a bit of pain.

The guy came out and explained about keeping all the areas clean and not to have any sex for three days. That I knew would be the hardest part for these horny boys. Total cost, just a little over 4 grand for everyone. Matt paid his own.

He was happy; I guess my boys were happy, although he was right I was in some pain.

"Okay guys; let's make it an early night. Remember all of you shower and clean all your rings. Also shower in the morning. I don't want any infections and NO SEX!"

Sam and I showered together and gently washed all his rings. I asked about the ones through his testicles, but he said they didn't hurt at all except when the needle went through the skin of his sack. He the cock one hurt the worst and still did. After he washed my ring in my dick head we just cuddled on the bed to sleep. It took both us a long time to get to sleep.

Everyone was still very sore in the morning, so I postponed leaving for one day. We finished loading the trailer and then every one just relaxed for the day. We would be leaving real early the next day.


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