
Published on Aug 7, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 2

Both those boys turned me on big time. I could have right then and there grabbed either of them and fucked their faces. I am very sure that was what both wanted.

In fact I was so horny, I knew I needed to release my pent up energy. I sat down at my desk and called Jimmy.

Jimmy I had picked up on the street about three years ago. He was a hooker. I told him right off what I was interested in and he readily agreed, I brought him home with me. When I fucked his face the first time, he had almost fainted before I came. He also missed a lot when I came. He knew what would happen if he did as I had told him before hand. I really slapped him around. Of course it got me hard. I used a ball gag, so the neighbors wouldn't hear him scream. And scream did he. He was so tight I had trouble even getting into him. Once in I fucked him with a wild abandon.

"Jimmy became my permanent boy. I even got him a small apartment and a job as a bus boy. He agreed to never let any one else use him. With me being his only trick, he was always very tight. He also never learned to swallow all of my come, so I could beat his ass anytime. He also screamed a blue streak every time I screwed is always tight butt.

He answered on the first ring and I told him I was coming over. He said he would be ready.

I went over and enjoyed about five hours of great sex. He would never fuck me, but I did suck his small cock near the end of our session together. I always gave him money, usually a few hundred dollars. I knew he was sending most home to his parents in Viet Nam.

Now sated and rested, I slept real good that night. I figured Jimmy might get a lot of work the next few weeks.

After breakfast in the morning I brought one of my white boards up from my workshop. Today I would show both boys how to do trig the easy way. They showed up dead on time and I took them to the dining room. I handed them their previous day's tests.

"Look them over and you can see where you went wrong."

As they started my telephone rang.

"Be right back boys." I headed to my den to answer.


"Good morning Eddy."

"Same to you Jake."

"My boys and I had a long talk last night." Oh, oh. I thought.


"Yeah Eddy, everything." Jake laughed.

"Look Eddy, before you get all worried, I told both boys what ever they did meant they were on their own. It doesn't matter to me what those two want. Most of all I want them to be happy. That said I have another problem. I promised to take both fishing up at my Cabin in the mountains."

"Well it's not going to happen, at least by me. I have meetings scheduled in Washington and Brussels all this month and next. I don't know if you have been following the news, but things are going to hell in a hand basket real fast. The latest is China warning Taiwan and South Korea it is prepared to attack both countries if they don't capitulate. Well that has put the US and Canada, along with the European Union on alert. The US has stated it will defend both with the full weight of the US Armed Forces. Even now there are two US Fleets moving to the Far East."

"Jesus I didn't think it was that bad." I said.

"It gets worse. Russia is calling up reserves and moving them East. There is a good chance China will go after Siberia and its oil reserves."

That got me thinking. China was in reality a land based power. All their forces were set for land offences. To attack say the US, they would have almost 2,000 miles of ocean to traverse with the US on them the whole way. The US considered the Pacific their own personal lake. If China took Siberia, it would have very easy access to Northern Canada and Alaska via the Bering Straight or over the pole.

"You think they are looking at the back door to North America."

"You are very smart Eddy. Yes I do and so does the Think Tank I work for,"

"Look Eddy, I want to discuss something with both you and the boys tonight. I'll come over as soon as I get home."

"Okay Jake. I'll keep them here and busy today."

"Thank you Eddy, for everything."

I wondered why he was thanking me.

I went back to the boys and I showed them different easy ways to solve the trig and calculus problems. Both were astounded at how really easy it was.

"Look, if you go for some of the higher Mathematic courses you will learn a lot more. For some engineering degrees you will need it."

I handed them both another Provincial test and told them to just do the trig and calculus problems.

While they worked I thought about my conversation with Jake. Part of what he said actually meant he was giving me full permission to abuse both boys, but I was sure that was wrong. Also what he told the boys too made me wonder what I had got myself into.

The more I thought about what he said about China made me think they were actually contemplating trying to grab the oil and gas reserves of northern Canada and Alaska. There was no way they'd go nuclear. The US Arsenal was so advanced the US could destroy all of China and still have lots left.

The boys finished and I took them down to my Gym. I had both free weights and machines. I also had two programmable stationary bikes. After showing them how to stretch, I took them over to the bikes.

"Okay guys there are three programs on here. The first is a warm up, the second is the exercise program and the third is a cool down."

"Do them in order." I grabbed a couple of bottles of water and gave them each two.

"Keep yourselves hydrated." Both got on one of the bikes.

I hit the start on both.

"Pedal away boys." I laughed and headed up to correct their tests.

When I went back to the gym, both were still on the second program. They should have been on the cool down. I walked up and looked. Jesus they were barely three quarters through with the worst climb to come.

The first program was all slow up grades and downs. The second was a hill climb, with longer climbs and shorter down grades. They still had one more hill to climb.

"Come on you pansy's work. Can't climb a little hill? I know 100 lb weaklings that can do better than you two."

That got me hate stares, but they did start to work harder.

I went and did my regular work out routine. I was just finishing on my arm curls when both boys staggered over.

"All Done. Good. Go grab a shower and jump in the hot tub. That will soothe those sore muscles." I followed as they headed for the shower and change room.

I just stripped and walked under a shower head. Both boys' eyes got real big but just did the same thing. After a quick shower I grabbed a towel and headed for the hot tub. The boys followed but hesitated when I just dropped my towel and walked into the hot tub.

"Jesus, we're all guys. Won't see anything I haven't seen before."

They dropped their towels. Both were hard and I laughed.

"You guys horny all the time?"

"No. Just when we get close to you." Sam said.

Both came into the hot tub. Both just sank to their necks.

"God this feels good." Sam said.

"Yeah." Mark said.

After about 15 minutes of the hot tub I got both out and we had a cool shower. I just dressed. Both looked disappointed. Both dressed as well.

I headed up to the kitchen.

"You guys know your way around a kitchen?"

"Sure. We do most of the cooking at home now that we don't have a live in housekeeper."

"Okay Mark, you'll find fixings for Sandwiches and a salad in the fridge. Why don't you fix us some lunch? Sam, you come with me."

I led Sam into my den and grabbed a beer from the small fridge on my bar. I offered Sam one and he accepted. I sat down and told him to sit.

"It was your Dad on the phone this morning. He told me you boys told him everything. What I don't understand is what he said. Can you explain exactly what it is you want and he agreed with?"

"Dad told us he knew we were Gay and if we were that interested in you, then he wouldn't stand in our way. He also said we might get more than we bargained for." "So why didn't you let your other Tutor screw you?"

"Coz he wouldn't even hold our dicks or anything. We told him if he was more fun we would do anything, but he just laughed at us. He just wanted to dominate us and embarrass us. I like to get fucked. Mark has been fucking me since we were about 13. I'll fuck and Mark will take my dick, but he really prefers to fuck. I guess he's more top and I'm more bottom. I want you to fuck me, but Marks kind of scared of your cock. Last night we both agreed to let you do anything you want."

"Your Dad was right you will get more than you bargained for."

"Well we both still want it everyway."

I got up and walked to my desk. I pushed my gym shorts down. My cock wasn't quite hard.

"Come over here, get on your knees and suck my cock Sam."

Well now that I had actually told him to do it, he got scared and started to shake. He started to move and then stopped. Tears started down his face. I just shook my head and pulled up my shorts. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Sam. That just let the dam burst and he cried in my arms. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it was different. I really liked the young man, more than I should at this point. I let him cry it out before standing back. I wiped the tears from his face.

"I guess you are not really ready for it Sam."

"Well I want to but I'm scared too."

"Well we can all talk about it some more. Lets get some lunch."

Mark knew Sam had been crying and I think he thought Sam had sucked me and I had slapped him around.

"What's the matter Sam?" He asked.

Sam told Mark what happened as we ate lunch.

"Well, I'm not as scared of his dick in my mouth as I am about it in my ass. I could probably handle it sucking, but am real scared about fucking me."

I actually figured Mark would try to suck me, even knowing the consequences. Well we would see after lunch.

The rest of lunch we talked about all kinds of stuff including the cabin they went to fish. From the way they described it, it sounded like a pretty nice place. I might enjoy taking both boys up to fish. Especially if I was going to have both them alone for a few days.

After lunch I went over their exams. Both had done better the second time. I told Mark he would probably make a B or B+ if he did as well on the real exam.

After our lunch had settled I told them to go swimming. I'd be down in a while. Both took off.

I went down to my workshop and did something I had been planning to do for a long time. I pulled out all the sketches, plans and blueprints for every weapon system I had designed and shredded them. The thought of the Chinese invading scared me to the core and if they found this stuff that would give them all the information they needed to build or at least counter some of the stuff the US had. I took the bag up to my den and threw it in the fireplace. I'd burn it later.

I flipped on the internal security cameras and checked on the boys. Both were together talking on one side of the pool. I really wanted to fuck both boys, but would wait. I decided that if they wanted to suck my cock I wouldn't force them as I usually did. They'd still feel some pain if I felt their teeth, but I wouldn't just fuck their faces like I usually did. I also figured I'd shake them up a bit and maybe lower their inhibitions. I stripped nude before I headed for the pool.

Well I definitely surprised them. Both their mouths dropped open and their eyes followed me as I just walked to the edge of pool. I dove in and swam to leisurely lengths. I sat up on the side of the pool beside them. Both were rock hard in their Speedos.

"Aren't you kind of uncomfortable when you get like that?" I laughed.

Mark was the first I pull his off. Sam soon followed.

"Bet that feels better?" I said as I ran my hand over Sam's cock.

Both boys were about the same length, but Mark was a bit bigger. Both about six and half to seven inches. Both were cut and their dark pubic hair set off their cocks nicely. Both turned me on.

"Look guys. If you want to suck my cock, I'm not going to just ram it in. I'll let you take your time and get used to it. I'll still tan your bare butts if I feel your teeth." I smiled.

"Come on guys, let's get more comfortable."

I got up and walked to one of the loungers and sat down with one leg on either side. Both boys walked up.

"Come on Sam, kneel down in front of me and suck my cock. I won't force you, just take your time."

For once Sam didn't look scared, maybe more curious than scared. He kneeled down, wrapped one hand around my cock and leaned over. I watched him lick his lips, and then he just opened his mouth and slipped my cock in. It felt great and I didn't feel his teeth once. He took about 4 inches before he gagged a bit.

"Just take what you can handle Sam." I said.

He just started bobbing on those four inches. His other hand started to jack me. He kept it and I'd come very quick. I grabbed the hand jacking me.

"Don't jack me Sam. It feels so good you can work to get me off.

I looked at Mark and he had a big grin on his face.

"Mark, why don't you fuck your brother as he sucks? Later we can switch."

Sam backed off my cock.

"Yeah, come on Mark. Put it inside me." Then went back to sucking.

Well Mark didn't need to asked twice. He knelt behind Sam, spread his cheeks, lined up his cock and drove forward into Sam. Well his quick movement forward, rammed Sam down on my cock. I saw almost six inches disappear into his mouth. Of course he gagged and tears even came to his eyes. When Mark let off the pressure he quickly pulled back.

"Sam, you need to relax your throat. Try breathing through your nose, instead of taking quick breathes through your mouth. It will become easier."

Mark didn't take long to get off and when he rammed his dick in before he came, Sam was again forced onto my cock. This time I grabbed his head and pulled, all at once my cock slid to the base of his throat. Once more he didn't gag. I think he was more surprised then me, coz he stopped. He had almost seven inches of my cock buried in his throat.

He finally pulled back, but tried to go down again. He gagged the first time and then he did it again. I heard his moan deep in his throat. This time he pulled back slowly before going right back down. I did feel his teeth a little, but didn't say anything.

Watching and feeling his mouth on my cock didn't take me long to get close.

"Get ready Sam. I'm almost there."

My cock was deep in his throat as my first shot came. He backed off and I could feel him swallowing. Very little was lost and when I finished he quickly licked it up. He sat back with a big grin.

"You taste super Eddy. Did I do okay?"

"You did just fine Sam. Felt real good."

"Come on Sam, clean me up." Mark said.

That surprised me as Sam just turned and licked and sucked Mark's shit and cumm covered cock clean.

"Thanks Sammy." Mark said as he ruffled his hair.

There is no doubt Sam worshipped his twin brother. I think it was mutual.

"Sam, why don't you run and get three cans of beer. Make sure their cans; don't want any broken glass down here."

Sam stood up wagged his ass at both of us and almost pranced out of pool room. "Guess he enjoyed both of us."

"Yeah, I can't believe he took all of you. He was so scared before."

"Well I decided I was not going to force either of you."

Mark sat down on the lounger next to me.

"Eddy, I really dominate Sam. He loves it when I do. I kind of fuck his face too and fuck him three or four times a day. I make him clean my cock and have even pissed in his mouth once after we saw it on the internet. He always wants more.

Problem is I'd like him to dominate me like I do him. I want him to fuck my face and ram his dick in my ass, but he won't. He says he doesn't like to do that."

"I really want someone to dominate me. I guess what I'm asking Eddy, is for you to just ram your dick in my mouth. Make me do stuff, like I make Sam."

"Okay Mark. If that's the way you want it."

"Thank you Eddy."

"You might hate me later."

"I don't think so. I think at least part of both of us love you Eddy."

I had kind of figured that out already and I guess I loved the boys a little too.

Sam came back with the beer and as we drank, we talked. For the first time neither boy was hard, even though we were both close and nude. After the beer we played in the pool for a while. About 3:30 we got out. After dressing, I took them up and told them they could make dinner. There was steaks they could grill. I left them to it and went back and finished what I had started. I deleted all the defense related files on my computer. There was nothing I could do about my patents, but they only showed sketches and pretty much everyone had access to patent files.

I let a fire in my fire place and burned everything I had shredded. About five Jake showed up.

The boys did a bang up job with dinner. They talked almost consistently during dinner telling Jake almost every thing we had done. No mention of our talks about sex or that Sam had sucked me off was mentioned. They also said I had taught them more in just two days than they had learned with their old tutor in weeks.

Jake was happy both were happy I was teaching them.

Jake and I retired to my den as the boys cleaned up after dinner. We just talked in general things until the boys joined us. Jake got down to what he had to say almost at once.

"First off, I am very glad you three are getting on together really well. I was of two minds when I first proposed it, but after the first day and after talking to you both, I know I made the right move."

"Now, I know I promised to take both of you fishing in the mountains for your seventeenth birthday, but I am afraid I can't now."

I saw the smile leave both boys faces.

"You both know why I was kicked out of the Diplomatic Corp and who I work for now. Most of what I do now is done by teleconferencing. But over the next several weeks, due to some of the things that are happening in the World, I have a lot of face to face meetings in several cities around the world. I won't be here to take you guys fishing."

When the boys went to speak he held up his hand.

"Let me finish Boys."

"I told Eddy a few things this morning and now I will tell you both too. The World is on the brink of War. World War. If it becomes a Nuclear War, although no one thinks it will, this city would be a prime Target. This province and city are the biggest exporters of oil in the west. Most of that oil goes to the US and China."

"It is believed that China may Attack Siberia, to first take the Siberian oil fields, but also to give them easy access to Alaska and Northern Canada. If that happens then both the US and Canada will be at war with China. China will immediately loose its supply of oil from Canada and here, so you can bet they'll be coming after it. I really don't want either of you in the line of fire."

I firmly believed Jake was right on both counts. The boys now looked scared of what they had just heard.

"You both know my cabin in the mountains is anything but a simple Cabin. What you don't know is I have been worried about just something like this happening for several years. That is why I added all the extra stuff I did. I spent almost 5 million dollars over the last ten years on that little Cabin."

Both boys laughed when he called it a little cabin. I was now intrigued.

"Eddy, the cabin is totally self sufficient. It has its own power, water and sewage lagoon. The only real way in is by air, although there is a road if you can call it that. Every time I have taken the boys up there we have gone to Hinton and then travelled in by helicopter." "Well using a helicopter won't be an option if we are at war. The road in is passable to four wheel drive vehicles at least in summer. That was how I got most of the stuff that is there now in. It is at the moment provisioned for about 6 months. Plus there is great fishing and hunting in the area. I have taught both boys to do both and both are very good."

"I sincerely hope I am wrong in our predictions, but all intelligence we receive tells me we are right. I don't want either of you two boys in this city if we are proved right."

"That brings me to the next question. Eddy, I have had my lawyer draw up some papers for you to sign. I know this is short notice, but I really think it is for the best. I want you to become legal guardian of both boys until they reach eighteen."

I knew that was what he was going to ask me right from the start.

"I know it may be more than just their legal guardian, but I also know how both boys feel about you Eddy."

I got up and went and mixed two drinks. I gabbed two beers and handed them to the boys. I set a drink in front of Jake and sat back down. I knew I was going to agree as soon as he said it. I wanted to really know is if the boys were in agreement too.

"Sam, Mark, what do you think about this?" I asked.

"You said until we are eighteen. Does that mean we won't see you again Dad." Sam asked and then started to cry.

Both boys were hugging their Dad instantly.

"Jake, I'm going to leave you three alone for a while." I got up and headed out onto my back deck.

I just sort of wandered around my back yard. I really loved it here. It was far enough from the city to real quiet, but close enough so shopping and access to its amenities was easy. I had never given much thought to what was happening in the World. I had become almost a recluse here. Now I was going to have two boys in my life too.

My drink finished I walked back into the den. I walked to the desk, picked up a pen and signed both papers. Then mixed myself another drink and sat down. The three of them had just sat and watched me. As soon as I set my drink down I had two crying boys in my lap. I just hugged both boys. Jake had a big smile on his face.

"Eddy, there is a big heavy 4x4 in the garage. I also have a goose neck trailer that hooks up to it. You can use it to take up what ever you think you need."

"Well I have an H2 in my garage I very seldom use, so I guess we will be okay."

Neither boy had left my lap. I guess I kind of liked them there too.

I really was changing. For the better, well I wasn't sure.

Jake informed both the boys and me he would be flying to Washington first thing in the morning. Later he took both home with him to spend their last night together.

I had a very hard time getting to sleep.

When I woke up the first thing I smelled was fresh coffee. I rolled to a sitting position just as both boys walked into my bedroom. One had a tray with fresh coffee and toast. They set it down and just stood waiting. Both had just boxers on.

"Come over here guys and sit down." One sat on each side of me. I turned to Sam and gave him a kiss. Then did the same to Mark.

"Good morning guys. You both have breakfast?"

"Yeah, morning Eddy. We were awake early to take Dad to the airport. He told us not to worry."

"Okay, after I have my morning shower we can get down to work."

Both just sat as I had my coffee and toast. Both followed me to the bathroom and climbed in the shower with me. This I could get used to, having two boys wash me every morning. From their hard dicks I figured they wanted a lot more.

"Look boys. Work first, play later." Both just nodded and then we dried and dressed.

We went to my den. Mark brought in the pot of coffee. After we all had a cup, I had the boys explain exactly what was at that cabin.

Well after an hour, I figured what Jake had built was more like a fortress than just a cabin. Some of the stuff they said was there I knew was on the restricted weapons list for Canada. How he got it was beyond me. What was more they told me Jake had taught them how use everything.

"Okay guys. What I think we will do is drive up in my H2 the first time. We can figure out what else we need and then haul it up with your dads 4x4 and trailer. We can maybe make one trip a week. We'll work on moving up there permanently around the fifteenth of September."

"In the mean time you both still have classes to learn."

We went through all their exams over the next few days. They also got a good work out in the gym and more swimming lessons. Both were getting very good and gained some real muscle. I also taught them how to rim. They didn't like it much at first. Both sucked me off and I sucked both of them off. I still hadn't fucked either.

There was no doubt Sam was a complete bottom. He would fuck if I ordered him to, but really preferred to have a cock in him. Mark definitely didn't like to get fucked, but did accept Sam's cock in his ass. I knew he was going to hate me when I fucked him.

Both soon got used to taking all of my cock down their throats and I did fuck their faces on occasion. Both knew eventually they were going to get my cock in their butts. Sam I was sure was looking forward to it but Mark was still scared even though he said he was going to accept it.

The following Monday we headed up to the cabin. The highway west and even the forestry road south from Hinton were pretty good. My H2 was diesel and used a shit load of fuel. I refilled the tanks in Hinton. When we got to the cut off to the cabin, I couldn't believe anyone ever used it. It was nothing more than a track through the trees. I even thought about the wisdom of bringing the H2, I might have enough fuel to get to the cabin, but not back. When I voiced my concerns both boys laughed. They said I could top up my tanks at the cabin.

The highway to Hinton had taken us about two hours and the road south another hour. The track into the cabin took almost three hours. Several times we had to stop and winch dead falls off the track. We also had to make new track around some places where the track was washed out by spring run offs. I couldn't see how any truck towing a trailer could ever make it in here.

Sam said that not only could their Dad's truck make it up here, but could do it without refueling. That had to be some kind of truck.

When we finally pulled up to the cabin, I didn't see anything like Jake or the boys described. What I saw was a 'A' Frame style log cabin. It had very steep roof, to keep the snow from building up. A tall stone chimney. Wrap around deck in front and on the sides. I just shook my head. Both boys burst out laughing.

"We thought the same thing the first time Dad brought us here."

The sun was getting down so we headed inside. Sam stopped just inside the door and flipped a few switches on an electrical panel. A few moments later the lights came on.

"The cabin is only on standby power when no one is here."

Inside was just what the outside showed. One great room, with a full kitchen on one side. A table near the kitchen with four chairs. The grat room had a huge fireplace with large leather couches and chairs. A small bat was to one side.

"The bathroom is through that door by the back door. The bedrooms and another bath room are in the loft." Mark said.

"Supper will be about an hour." Sam said as he headed for the kitchen.

Mark led me up the short stairs to the loft. Here there were two bedrooms. One larger one with a king sized bed and a smaller with twin beds. Both were connected to a bathroom with just a shower, vanity and toilet.

"There's a hot pool up near the mountain we can use too." Mark said.

"We'll show you everything tomorrow Eddy."

We dropped our packs in the big bedroom and headed down stairs. Mark went to light a fire, while I checked out the bar. I found some scotch and poured a glass and sat down looking out the big windows. I have to say it was a magnificent view with a lake in the distance and tall trees all around. Sam and Mark grabbed a beer and sat down in one of the couches.

"I just don't see anything that you or Jake said."

They just smiled.


Next: Chapter 3

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