
Published on Aug 5, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 1

Changes happen in life. Even to me me. I guess the biggest change right now is the two seventeen year old boys that are sleeping next to me.

"Don't get me wrong. I am Gay and have been all my life, but normally, I'd have only one and he would have my cock rammed in his throat gagging or screaming as my thick eight inch cock reamed his butt. You see I liked to force boys to take me."

But that's all changed now.

I have to go back a few years to let you know why.

I graduated College when I was just 17 and went to MIT and picked up my Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering. I was hired even before I got my Masters by one of the largest electronics Company's in the US.

But even before I even started College I had always tinkered in my basement at home, inventing all kinds of weird gadgets. My Dad was pretty smart and he made sure I always patented those weird gadgets. At the time I didn't think much about it, but as time went on several of those gadgets went into production and I received a royalty on each and everyone. Even before I finished at MIT, I had several thousand dollars in the bank and almost a half million in investments. I even had an incorporated Company.

When I signed the work contract with Aerodyne International, I made sure there was a clause that said I would receive a Royalty from anything I myself developed. They were stupid enough to sign anyway.

After a couple of years, I decided that there was more money to be made by working as a contractor and promptly quit and started my own business under my Incorporated Company.

Having my own company gave me a lot more freedom. Not having specific deadlines I could work at my own pace. Also now companies would come to me to develop their ideas. In most cases they agreed that anything I developed, I would own the patent and they would pay me if it was developed. Some of course would not agree and only pay me a lump sum on completion. These lump sums were pretty substantial so I never really worried.

Having my own company allowed me to do the other thing I loved. Several times a year I would fly to a city. Pick up a street boy, pay him to allow me to screw his virgin ass of allow me to fuck his face. I never visited the same city twice and I am pretty sure none of these reported my fetish to anyone. I always paid them a substantial amount.

One other thing I had that allowed me more freedom. Working for some of the Companies in the US required that I have a very high security clearance. That way I could get into some of the most secret companies and installations in the US.

That Security Clearance came back and bit me in the ass.

The old company Aerodyne asked that I be granted a Clearance to enter their new plant. That plant manufactured weapons for the US Armed Forces. The FBI did the Security Checks.

If I had known that I was being checked by the FBI, I would have been more careful. But, they happened to follow me on one of my excursions and found out I was Gay.

At that time, being a homosexual precluded any chance of receiving a security clearance of any kind. All my clearances were promptly pulled. They also began an investigation into my external activities.

Now without work, I sold my Company and moved North to Canada. I bought a large expensive house in a gated community and retired. I still tinkered with weird ideas, but didn't do any research into anything Military. I didn't need to; I still received substantial amounts from all my patents.

Out of sight, out of mind they say and now that I had left the US and no longer had any contracts with US companies, I was soon forgotten by the Security Services of the US. I was approached by several other countries to develop ideas for them, but I promptly and politely turned all down. That didn't mean I was forgotten by them.

That too would someday come back to haunt me.

The house I lived in was massive even by the standards of the Community I lived in. IT was almost 16,000 square feet. Boasted an indoor Olympic sized pool, sauna and hot tub. Large gym, Huge basement workshop. The main floor, had my den, dinning room, kitchen with every gadget known to man. The mini theatre had more electronic equipment than some stores and more than a thousand CD's and DVD's. Most DVD's you wouldn't want any of your family or friends watching.

The upper floor had four bedrooms with a wrap around deck. My Master bedroom had a king sized bed and in suite bath, with hot tub, shower and toilet. I also had a walk in closet. The other bedrooms each had their own bathrooms as well.

Most afternoons in the summer, I loved to sunbathe on the deck outside my bedroom. That was where I first saw the twins.

The house next door was a single story ranch style home. I figured it had three bedrooms. It also had an attached garage with an apartment. Why I wasn't sure at first, but found out later the house keeper and driver lived in the apartment. When I checked online to find out who lived there I found that the husband was a retired Diplomat and his wife a college professor. The twin boys were Samuel and Mark. Both were just thirteen when they moved in. A little young for my tastes but they were very good looking boys.

I found out later that both were home schooled. A tutor came in four times a week to teach the boys.

The only thing I hated about my adopted Country was the Winters. That was why I travelled most winters to warm places. My favorite winter vacation was to Asia. There I could find many willing boys who for just a few dollars would allow me to do anything I wanted. Even letting me almost choke them to death as I fucked their faces or allow me to ram my big cock into their sometimes very tight butts. I never had to worry about them jumping up and running to the police. The color of my money always made them very pliant.

It was a very hot and humid day in early August. I was stretched out on a lounger on my balcony overlooking my neighbor. Both boys were in and out of the pool. One I saw wore red Speedos and the other blue. Even at more than 50 meters away I could see both boys were pretty hung. Their wet Speedos pretty much showed me everything.

I was just idly watching both boys. I knew they were getting close to the age I loved, but never even contemplated doing anything. Being my neighbors could get me in a lot of trouble.

That's when I heard shouting. It made me sit up. I couldn't hear what was said but it got a reaction from both boys. They jumped out of the pool and stood looking toward their back entrance. Both looked scared. I had seen their tutor arrive earlier, so wondered what was happening. Maybe they were in trouble for not studying.

Both were shaking their heads no, but I saw their hands going down to their Speedos. DAMN! I jumped up and stepped inside my house, picked up my big field glasses and focused on the two boys. I watched as they pushed their Speedos down and then stepped out of them. Wow, they were nicely hung. Both had about 6 inch soft cocks, both were cut too. I could see tears running down their faces.

As soon as I saw the tutor walk around the pool I knew what was happening. He was not only teaching both boys, he was also abusing them. That pissed me off, even though I did the same thing on my travels, but these boys were being forced against their will. Without a thought I turned and ran down to my study. I grabbed my digital camera with the telephoto lens and ran back up stairs.

I started taking pictures. I got the tutor's face in most, but showed the boys being forced to suck and lick his cock, while he gripped their hair. It wasn't long before he came on both boys faces. I got some real close ups. The pictures were real hot, but I figured I had a better idea of how to use them. I wondered what their Father would think of the antics of their tutor. It might be a way for me to get closer to the two boys. Might even make them thankful.

I watched as the tutor put his cock away and then laughed as he walked out of sight. A few minutes later I saw him drive out the gate. The boys had grabbed their Speedos and jumped in the pool. Both were now at one end just holding each other. I knew I wanted to get that cock sucker.

I headed down to my study. I downloaded all the pictures to my laptop. Then sat back to think.

If I was going to talk to the boys Father, I would need to know more about him. All I knew was his Name, Jake Donaldson and that he was a retired diplomat. His wife was a professor at the local University.

I started digging into his past.

The first thing I found out was that his last posting had been as the Canadian Ambassador to China. He had not retired from that posting, but had been forced to retire. Further reading told me why. He had written two Papers for the Diplomatic Journal. The Journal was published and sent to almost every embassy in the world.

The first dealt with the continued, even as China talked about ending its persecution of minority opinion, nothing ever ended and even I some cases increased. To the Ambassador, China was flouting its own agreements. That paper incensed both the Chinese Government and the Canadian Government.

The second Paper dealt with China's continued build up of it's Armed Forces. Even though it talked peace that put a lie on that with almost 20 million man Army, the largest Air force in the world and a Navy that boasted two new Nuclear Carriers and almost a thousand surface and sub-surface vessels. It would be along time before it reached parity with the US, but was the Second Super Power in the world and had begun to flex its new muscles.

Donaldson had been recalled to Canada with his last paper and quietly retired. He now worked for a very prestigious think tank.

I knew both boys were pretty close to seventeen, they had been living next to me for almost four years. I wondered how long the abuse had been going on.

One of my outside security Cameras had picked up Jake Donaldson when he came home. I decide to call him. I wasn't sure of his reaction when I told him I had some interesting things I wanted to show him. He promptly invited me over.

I quickly went and changed into slacks, polo shirt and loafers. I grabbed my lap top and walked out my gate and down his man gate. He met me at the gate.

"Hi. I'm Jake Donaldson. We have never really met, but I know who you are."

"Edward Townsend. Eddy is what I prefer."

"Okay Eddy, call me Jake. Lets head up to the house and you can tell me what you think is so important."

We walked to the house, through the front door and across to his den. Books and models covered the walls. He walked to a large bar.

"Scotch okay?"

"Fine, thank you." I sat in one of the big leather chairs.

He handed me the drink and sat down in one of the other chairs.

"So, what was this important thing you wanted me to see? I presume you have it on your lap top."

"Jake, if you know my name, I presume you know everything else about me?" Jake laughed.

"Yes Eddy. I know all about you. Even why you lost your Security Clearances. The US Security Services have some very draconian laws. Why they throw away so many great minds is beyond me. I don't care what your particular lifestyle is."

"Would you still not care if I said I have been watching your two boys for the last four years? What were they 13, when you moved in? That would put them in the range of what I like."

"Well they were twelve. Are you saying you have an interest in my Sons?"

"No. I'm sure someone else has." I placed my lap top on his desk and opened it. The Pictures I took that afternoon were displayed.

Jake knew how to use a computer and he scrolled through the pictures. I saw him getting madder at each picture. Finally he sat back.

"I'll talk to both right now." He reached for the intercom on his desk.

I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Don't do it Jake. Don't force them to talk about what happened. Look at the pictures closely. You really think they wanted it to happen?"

Jake sat back and then looked at the pictures again. Finally he closed the lap top, stood and walked to bar and refilled his glass, he added more to my glass before sitting down.

"So what do I do? I can't let this go on."

"Well you have enough evidence right there to put that cocksucker away for life. Especially considering he was in a position of trust."

"Yes I can do that. Then I have to find someone else to tutor them, at least until they finish."

"Finish what? Why are they even taking courses in the middle of the summer?"

"They both want to write their Grade Twelve Provincial Exams in September."

"Jesus! Are they that smart? They sound like me."

"Well I'm not sure anyone is as smart as you, but they are pretty smart. Far better than I ever was."

"I'm not that smart. More lucky than anything. Lucky I had the right teachers."

"Maybe they need the right teacher too." He got a weird look on his face and then smiled.

"Eddy, all things considered, how would you like to tutor them for the rest of the summer?"

"I'm not sure that is a good idea." I said even as my mind said go for it. The thought of having those boys closer made my cock twitch.

"Look Eddy. You are openly Gay. You already told me you have no real interest in my sons. Maybe they are Gay too. If they are and know you are Gay, they might talk to you. I could even tell them you are Gay and let them decide if they would accept you."

"What do you plan to tell them about their last tutor?"

"Well I just tell them he resigned. Why I don't have to tell them. I'll talk to the Police. As Minors, they probably won't even need to be in court and I'm sure because of the backloads that won't even be for a while. They might want to talk to you, but the boys should be okay. I'll want a copy of the pictures."

I sat and mulled over what he said. I really would like to get them closer, but just knew I had to be real careful.

"If the boys accept that I am Gay, I'll do it. But I won't make any other promises Jake."

He smiled and called both boys down to his den.

When the boys walked in the den, I knew I had to be real careful. Both up close were damned good looking. Both were very toned with lithe swimmers bodies. I could even tell they were not wearing underwear in the colorful board shorts. That made my cock jump. I was very glad I had on tight underwear.

"Sam, Mark, this is Eddy Townsend our neighbor."

"Hello Sir." Both boys echoed.

"It's just Eddy." I said.

"The reason I called you here is because for what ever reason, your tutor called me late today and resigned."

A look of relief crossed both boys' faces. There was also something else but I couldn't tell what.

"You both may or may not know, but before we moved in here, I had all our neighbors investigated, including Eddy. I have asked him if he would be your stand in Tutor until your exams. He has accepted providing I tell you everything about him."

"Okay Dad." One of the boys said.

"He hasn't had any experience teaching, but is well qualified. He has a Masters Degree in Electromagnetic Engineering and has worked for several multi-national Companies. He's now retired. One of the reason he no longer works is because the US Government pulled his Security Clearances. The reason was because he is Gay."

When he said that, both boys' eyes opened real wide. I also saw the hint of a smile on both boys' faces. I wasn't sure, but thought I detected a little jump in their board shorts. Damn, I would really have to be careful with these two.

"Okay Dad."

"Just okay? You don't have any other comment?"

"Well Dad, you obviously trust him or you wouldn't have asked him. We know what Gay means and neither of us have a problem with it. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to do anything we don't want."

That statement had a double meaning and I wasn't even sure if Jake picked up on it. Both knew I had, just by the way I looked at both.

"Okay good. Tomorrow morning okay Eddy?"

"That's fine. Around nine?" I asked.

"Do you want us to come over to your house, or will you come here?"

"That's up to you two."

"Well you got a real long pool, so we could get some distance practice after our study session, if it's alright we use your pool."

"That's fine with me. Just bring your Speedos and study material with you."

"Okay, thanks Sir." One of the boys said.

Both boys left. Jake added more scotch to our glasses.

"I can't really thank you enough for this Eddy."

My mind was really not on what he was saying and I only caught the last few words.

"Sorry, what was that you said?"

"I said, thank you."

"If you don't mind my asking, why don't I see their Mother here or even a house keeper?"

"Well, my wife and I are separated and she really decided she wanted nothing to do with the boys. As for a housekeeper, I decided last year the boys were old enough to take care of them selves. One comes in once a week to keep the place tidy, although both boys keep it pretty clean. The Tutor was only in four days a week. He usually arrives around ten. There will be a surprise waiting for him tomorrow."

I allowed him to down load the pictures to a memory chip and we parted company. I actually liked him. He was very open, not at all like some of the Diplomats I had met before.

I never really had an interest in what was going on in the world, but now knowing him better, I thought I should probably bone up. I'm sure we would meet again, especially with me tutoring his two boys.

Thinking about those two boys, got me very hard and for the first time in a long time I had to jack off to relieve pressure. I figured that both boys were either Gay or Bi, just from their reactions. That meant I would have to tread very softly around them.

That was going to prove to be totally wrong.

Even with the erotic dreams I had all night, I awoke very refreshed. I got up showered and dressed. I never wore underwear much in the summer and without even thinking about it, just dressed as I usually did. The light weight nylon gym shorts came down about mid thigh length. The tank top only covered my chest and back.

After a quick breakfast, I grabbed a coffee and headed for my den/office.

Dead on 9 AM, my door bell chimed.

When I opened the door I was confronted by both boys. I really couldn't tell which was which.

"Hi. Come on in."

I led them down my hall to my den/office. Both walked around the office before sitting beside each other on my leather couch.

"Before we start, how do I tell you guys apart? I know your names, but really can't tell who is who."

"Well. I'm Mark and I always wear something blue. Sam wears something red."

"Well that's easy. Thank you. Now how do you guys do this study session?"

"Well, we have the tests and answer sheets from several other years. We usually review one subject each day and then do that test. You can correct us after."

"Okay. What's on for today?"

"Math." He didn't sound too enthused.

"Don't like Math. It's a really important subject if you plan on going on into any mechanical or engineering trade or degree."

"Sam's real good at it but I just can't figure things out sometimes. Everyone say we both just as smart, but Sam's way better at some things than I am."

"Are you better than Sam at some things too or is it all one sided?"

"Oh yeah. Mark's a way better swimmer than I am. He can dive better too. I mean I like swimming and diving, but Marks so much better and faster."

"Well it sounds to me like one of you is the Academic and other the Athlete. But you both still need to pass Math. It's a prime subject no matter what you want to do."

"Yeah, we know."

I just chuckled. They handed over a large file of test and score sheets.

"Okay, come on." I led them down to my dinning room. I had on sit at each end of my dinning room table.

"Okay. First I want to know where you guys really are in Math. So today, you both will do an exam completely. Then we can work on the areas that are giving you problems." I pulled out two random Math Exams. I saw they were from different years. "Okay, you have three hours to complete them." I gave one to each and they started right in.

I got up after they started and got both a bottle of water. Then went and got myself a coffee. I knew they couldn't cheat, with them doing different years.

Every once in a while I'd look over their shoulders to check their progress. It soon obvious that Mark had problems doing trigonometry. One point when I leaned close to him I smelled his very exotic and erotic to me anyway odor. It was then I realized I had not worn underwear. His smell gave me an instant hard on. It became very visible in my loose nylon shorts. Mark didn't see it, but Sam did and I saw him smile. I also saw him put a hand down to adjust himself.

I went and sat down. I'm sure Mark saw my woody before I got seated; He too smiled, but just continued working. Both finished after about 2 hours.

"Okay guys, I'll take you down and show where you can change. I'll correct these as your swimming. If you want you can also use the Gym."

They grabbed their packs and I led them to the change room off the pool and gym.

I left them and went up and checked the two exams. Sam got almost 94 on his while Mark goy only 62 on his exam. Sam would have no problems. That score was good for an A+. Marks was only good for a C. He would pass the exam with a C, but would need at least a B or better yet a B+ to get into any college or University in the Country.

I went down to watch the boys swimming. I sat down in a lounger by the pool and just watched. Mark was definitely a real good swimmer. He sliced through the water like he was born to it. Sam on the other hand knew how to swim, but it was more mechanical, not the smooth easy way that Marks used. Sam climbed out and removed his goggles. He saw me sitting watching and walked over pulled up a chair and sat down. The tight Speedos he had on left nothing to the imagination. I'm glad I had the tests on my lap or he would have seen my instant hard on. I also knew he knew I had checked him out, from the slight smile on his face.

A few minutes later Mark climbed out of the pool, pulled up a chair and sat down. His cock too was perfectly outlined in his Speedos, which didn't help me out at all.

"So how did we do?" Sam asked.

"Well Sam, you got an A+, but Mark only got a C. I know what your problem is Mark. It's all in Trig. Now if the schools up here are anything like those in the States, they probably didn't teach the easy way to do those problems. The main idea of trig, is to teach you to think through problems. I can teach you how solve all those problems easily."

"You can do that? Eddy if you can, I'll do anything you want."

"Sam, you are obviously very smart Academically. Your swimming sucks." I laughed.

Both boys laughed at that.

"You know how to swim real well Sam. You just have to smooth things out. You both also need to build up your leg and upper body muscle. Then Mark you can increase your speed."

"Can you teach me to swim like Mark? If you do I'll do anything you want too."

"Well we can talk about that later. You guys can do what you wish now. We will start lesson in earnest tomorrow."

Both jumped up and were back in the pool. I got up to head up to change into something less revealing.

"Eddy, come in swimming with us." Mark yelled.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea guys."

"Please." Sam said.

"Okay boys. Just give me a few minutes." This was a real bad idea.

I dropped the tests in the Dinning room and headed up to my room. Shit, I was even leaking I saw as I pulled off my shorts. Those two really did turn me on big time, but damn it they could also be real trouble. Especially after what I saw yesterday.

"Oh well." I said out loud.

I pulled my Speedos out of a dresser and put them on. To be honest I usually swam nude.

I was pretty sure what both boys wanted. If I went down now and swam nude, I figured they would be on me like flies on shit. Things would get out of hand real fast. I knew on e or both would end up with my very thick eight inch cock forced into their throats and up their very tight virgin holes.

So from now on I was going to be very careful, if they allowed me too.

I wasn't even sure I could resist either of them.

Well maybe my fears were unfounded. I dove in the pool and swam several lengths. I even showed Sam how to smooth out his strokes. He was real happy. He wouldn't be as good as Mark without a lot of practice, but now he looked better. I finished and swam over to the more shallow end. I just leaned back and watched both boys. They finally swam over to me. Sam got on one side and Mark the other. Sam leaned and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you Eddy." He said and then Mark kissed me on the other cheek.

When I felt two hands on my cock, it felt so good I just let it happen. When I didn't move one of the boys slid his inside and gripped my now very hard cock. Without even thinking I slid one hand into each boys Speedo. Both were rock hard.

I came back to reality real quick when I thought of the consequence. I pulled my hands out and pulled their hands away from me.

"Why Eddy? WE want it and we know you want it." Sam said.

"I know but if we are going to continue we have to come to an understanding and talk first. Now go change and meet me in my Den."

After a quick shower I put on another pair of gym shorts. They were the same as before and I never bothered with underwear. I wasn't sure how I was going to go about talking to them, but knew I had to know more about both. I walked to my den and sat down.

About five minutes later both boys came in and sat together.

"Okay guys. It's truth or consequences time. First off, do you know the real reason your old tutor is gone?"

Both boys shook their heads. I opened my lap top and handed it to them with the pictures I had taken yesterday. Both boys were totally shocked at seeing the pictures. Both instantly started to cry. I let them cry for a few minutes.

"Look boys, you need not worry that you are in those pictures. Even I can tell you were being forced and your Father agreed. He had him arrested this morning and is charging him with sexual assault."

Both settled down somewhat, but both were still shaking a little.

"Are you both Gay, Bi or just experimenting?"

"I guess we're Gay. I mean we both have done stuff to each other and we both like it. We kind of thought you did too." Mark said.

"I do, but I also have problems doing anything with you two. One your Father would put me in jail real fast if he found out and two, I am not very gentle with boys I take to bed."

"Well Dad obviously knew something might happen. He told us to be careful this morning before he left for the office. What did you mean you are not gentle?"

"Well first off you are both only sixteen and that scares me."

"Yeah but our birthday is in two weeks. Dad's going to take us fishing at his cabin in the mountains."

Well I learned something more about my neighbor.

"Fine, but I have another question before I go into any of that. What made you let the Tutor do that to you? What did he have on you that you even let him?"

"Well he caught us in bed doing each other. He said if we didn't do as he said he would tell our Dad."

"So how long has this been going on?"

"I guess about a year." Sam said.

"So was it all just oral?"

"Yeah, some times he'd make one of us suck him off or other times he'd just jack on our faces like yesterday."

"So no Anal then. You boys are still virgins in back."

Both boys turned bright red. That told me they had probably doing each other.

"So you are not virgins. Whose top and whose bottom?

"Well we both like it both ways." Mark said.

"Well you wanted to know what I meant when I said I was not very gentle. It's real simple. When a boy suck me I usually fuck his face. That means I hold your head and ram my cock into your mouth and throat. I don't care if I choke you on my cock. You can struggle all you want, but I will continue until I blow. If I feel your teeth or you miss swallowing any when I come you can expect a few very hard slaps. It's the same if I fuck your tight asses. I don't care if you scream and holler. I do use lube, but never do any preparation. I just push you down over a desk, chair or bed and ram my cock in. You can be very sure it hurts like hell. The more you scream, the more I like it."

"So now you know why I am not sure this will ever work. I'm not unkind when it comes to returning what I gave you. After you have sucked me off and I have fucked your ass, I let you do the same thing. I love to suck too."

"That is the reason I am retired. When I was in the States, I used to travel to different cities and pick up boys. I'd pay them very well to let me do just what I told you. Giving them lots of money meant they never complained to the police."

"Well I was being checked for a security clearance and FBI followed me to one of the cities I went to. They found out I was Gay and very aggressive. They pulled my clearances. I retired and moved here about five years ago."

"You mean you have been watching us for five years?"


"Well we knew you were last year coz we saw you on the balcony."

Even as I had talked to them they had got hard and remain hard.

"I guess Eddy, we should tell you something. Last year when the Tutor caught us we offered to do anything he wanted as long as he'd do us too. He refused, that's why we didn't like it. You said after you do stuff to us we could do the same to you. If you want we both agree to let you do anything."

"Look this is too quick and too soon. First you are both just 16. I won't do anything until you are 17. Second I want you to really think about it."

"What's to think about? We want it and you want it too."

"Well we wait until after your birthday."

"Okay." Both said but looked real disappointed.

I sent them home, telling them 9 am tomorrow.


Next: Chapter 2

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