Change of My Life

By ray hkg

Published on Nov 4, 2023


WARNING: This story is about homosexual and domination. If this subject offends you, or if it is illegal in your country, or if you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave.

Change of my life (Chapter 8)

By: Ray ( )

Chapter 8: My new life as a slave. (part two)

Sir Jimmy fastened the leather straps on my wrists, elbows, arms, ankles, knees, tights, my head and some on my back and one just under armpits too. Except for my fingers and toes, i am totally immobilized.

Sir Jimmy cleaned my neck with sterilizer. Then i can feel something sticks on the back of my neck. Sir Jimmy adjusted the sticker for the prefect position and said "Show time!"

i can hear the sound of the running needle and the pain on the back of my neck. i only know it is a barcode when Sir Jimmy talked to Master Jack. But i have no idea what the barcode read. i am nothing more but just a piece of Master Jack's slave property. With the pains, I am happy to be marked as Master Jack's slave property.

Sir Jimmy has spent a lot of time on my first tattoo. Once finished, He cleaned it up and read it by a barcode scanner.


i am still bonded so i don't know what it read. Sir Jimmy ordered me to relax and take a rest. The second tattoo will start after thirty minutes.

It was very pain and I really wish to know what the barcode read. I also want to know what other tattoos has Master Jack designed for me.

Sir Jimmy appeared and released me from the leather straps. "Turn around, boy!"

i turned around and Sir Jimmy fastened back all the straps in the front except the one on my chest. Sir Jimmy then put a blindfold over my eyes. He said I was not allowed to see what have done on my body before Master Jack seen first.

Again, Sir Jimmy sterilize me chest first then He placed a sticker on my chest in between of my nipples. After several adjustments, Sir Jimmy ordered "Stay still, don't move boy!" and He started his work again. This time hurt more than tattooing my neck. Sir Jimmy said i have to love the pain as i am a slave.

This is another long session. Sir Jimmy said He needed a rest before next tattoo. I can feel the pain from my neck to my chest, but not too bad.

i can hear Master Jack has come back and He asked Sir Jimmy if he could continue the tattoo or leave it for the next time.

"It's ok! I can finish the front part today. The most difficult barcodes have been finished and the remained are easy to do. But your ideas are really crazy!"

"No! A slave has to look like a slave and I just have it marked as a slave. Don't you think it is a good idea?"

"You are right, Jack! But you should dress him like a slave too!"

"I know. So I just went to buy some new clothes, actually are second-handed. Cheap and good-looking!"

i have no idea what Master Jack has bought for me.

Without a signal, Sir Jimmy started his work again. Another sensitive area, my right tit. I know there will be an `X' on each of my tits and the word slave above them. After finished the 2 Xs, Sir Jimmy work on my chest again -- in-between each tit and the barcode in the middle.

Sir Jimmy then worked on my abdomen and crotch area and said "Jack, your slave's cock remained hard for the whole process, he seems like my job very much!"

"If it is allow to masturbate, I think it cannot stop by doing so!"

Master Jack has read my mind. If i was not bonded, i really cannot stop from masturbating. The tattoo session is so excited and humiliated.

"Ok, the front is finished. Piercing doesn't take long time. Half an hour is enough to complete today's job!"

Sir Jimmy carefully sterilized my tits. i can feel the sharp pin pinned to my right tit and the pull of a ring, then on my left. It's really hurt. i cannot keep from shouting.

"Now boy! Open up your mouth and I have to gag you before having your septum pierced. It will hurt and just relax."

"Yes Sir!" i replied and a ball gag is put into my mouth. It really hurts and i cannot keep shouting behind the gag. When the ring was in place, Sir Jimmy removed the gag.

"Just three more rings to do, hold on boy!" Sir Jimmy said.

The leather straps bonded my legs have been unfastened and refastened in a higher position with my knees bended. Other than my foreskin, Sir Jimmy sterilized the area in-between of my ass hole and the root of my cock. I knew it's called "Guiche piercing" later. It hurts but cannot stop my erection.

Sir Jimmy held my cock in one of his hand and sterilized it. Then he pullback my foreskin. It made me get more harder.

"Hold on boy! I don't want you to cum on me when I am doing my work. And I don't think your Master allowed you to cum by the time."

"Yes Sir!"

It's not as hurt as the tits and guiche piercing. But the pains from all of the piercings and the tattoos were hurting me a lot.

"OK, finished! Boy, I know you can feel the pain from my worked areas. Master Jack will feed you with some water and He knows how to take care of the fresh tattoos and the piercings. So take a rest now."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!" I replied and Master Jack pushed a straw into my mouth and ordered me to drink.

`x, it has rested for an hour and it's late now. Prepare to look at itself for the new markings." Master said as the leather straps being unfastened. Both Master Jack and Sir Jimmy helped me to stand up and I found I was very weak.

"Boy, let's see your new look!" Sir Jimmy said as he removed my blindfold.

In front of me is a body-height mirror. I can see both my tits were crossed with an X' and the word slave' above each of them, in semi-circle pattern. In the middle of my chest is a barcode but I don't have any idea it read. To the right of the barcode is "proof of slavery" and to the left is "property of Master Jack". In my abdomen just below the navel, it's a large dark circle with a hollow "hyphen" inside. It's the traffic sign "No Entry" Below it is the words "No Access Except Permitted" in a rectangular border. Sir Jimmy held another mirror in his hand to reflect the tattoo on the back of my neck. It's another barcode.

And now, i am just a slave property of Master Jack, numbered, bar-coded, and always reminded i cannot touch my own cock without Master's permit.

"Let's move to the computer and see what the barcodes read." Sir Jimmy said.

Sir Jimmy first scanned the barcode on my neck. It read "SLAVE". Then the one on my chest read "471272". i have no idea on the meaning of the number and Sir Jimmy asked Master Jack for it.

"It's the `slave registration number' of x. I have registered x as my slave on the internet and they allocate this number to x!"

"So this is the proof of slavery' and property of Master Jack' barcode! What a wonderful idea!"

"What's the time for the next session, Jimmy? Can you finish up next time?"

"Today is Wednesday. Come back on next Wednesday to have the back finished. And I can also check if there's any infection with the piercings."

"OK, next Wednesday, the same time!"

"Ah! Does he eat directly from the bowl?"

"slave eat from a bowl, it's a rule!"

"I think it's better not to eat out from a bowl at least this week. The septum piercing is easy to be infected by food. And infection is a problem. Also, don't put on the collar too."

"Yes, I know. I will allow it to eat from its hands other than from the bowl. And I will clean the piercings and tattoos to prevent from infection too. It's my property and I don't want it to has any problem."

Master Jack handed me the cloths and ordered me to dress up. my jacket has replaced by leather one with buttons only below the chest. So the tattoos on my chest have no way to hind. Master has cut my jeans with succors and there were cuts even on the tight and butt position. So everyone knows i don't have any underwear. My sneakers have replaced with a pair of leather boots.

"Oh! he looks much better now! But why don't you cut the jeans to be a short, Jack?"

"I have think about it but it's a bit cool outside. In stead, I have purchased together with a pair of leather short and another leather jacket for it too. You will see it next time, Jim!"

"OK, see you next week then!"


"Goodbye Sir! Thank you Sir for working on slave, Sir!"

Master Jack drove the car and stopped at a Pizza Hut on the way. Master ordered me to order a pizza and spaghetti at the `take away' counter and waited for the food. "Make sure the waiter and everyone pass by can see the tattoos on the chest!"

It's really humiliated to let everyone read my tattoos stating i am just a slave property of Master Jack. The waiter was shocked and i sure he did not only read the barcode, proof of slavery and property of Master Jack, but also seen my tit rings and "SLAVE X" tattoos on my tits too. Moreover, he was surprised for me to call him "Sir". After taken my order, he walked away and talked with his colleagues. i have no idea if he was talking about me but they laughed when they looked at me. my face has turned red and i know i have to face other people in the same way for the rest of my life as Master Jack's slave property.

When the order was ready, the waiter handed the food to me. After saying thank you, he asked slightly, "Is it a joke? Are you serious?"

"No Sir! slave x is a slave property of its Master, Master Jack. Sir! slave x is serious enough to live as a slave, Sir!" i answered loudly and said "Thank you Sir!"

i walked out to the car park and i sure that everyone in the restaurant must have hear what i said. And i know my face has turned bright red too. i have never been humiliated in public and so humiliated too. i know it is part of Master Jack's training in order for me to know clearly that i am no longer a free man anymore but just His slave property.

Master Jack has parked the car just outside the restaurant and i know He has watched everything. He didn't say a word when i was back to the car but he smiled.

Master Jack allowed me to sit on the floor next to him at the dinning table. He put 2 slides of pizza into my bowl and said, "x, can eat with hand and keep those rings clean."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

After dinner, Master ordered me to clean myself up. After having a shower, Master Jack checked my tattoos and piercings up, and applied sterilizer to the pierced area, and lotions to the tattooed area.


"Sir! it still hurt a bit but much better now. Thank you Sir!"

"Don't play with the rings until healed! And x is not allowed to touch its cock even its free now. Back to the cage to has a good sleep."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Back in the cage, Master ordered me to lean out my limbs. Leather cuffs locked to my ankles and wrists and they were linked by chains to the o-rings on the wall. My limbs can still move a bit but not allowed to move back into the cage.

On the next morning, Master unlocked me from the cage and said, "x, it's time to work. I know x has accounting knowledge and I need some help. Prepare the Tax Return for me!"

"Sir! Yes Sir! In order to complete the Tax return, Sir has to provide all the required documents and slave has to ask Sir questions on such topics. And one more thing Sir, x has studied accounting in HK and knows the laws, format, and accounting standing is totally different in here. So x wants to use the computer to search for the local taxation information."

"Allowed. And try to finish it as soon as possible. The deadline will be two more weeks."

"Yes Sir!"

In order to prepare for Master Jack's Tax Return, i have to looked for all the bills, invoices, receipts, and documents passing to and from the office and Master Jack. Also, i have to check with the local tax laws to see what kind of expenses can be deducted. Except from cleaning and sleeping, i have spent all the times to finish Master Jack's tax return. i used five days to finish the job.

"I used to employ an accountant to do the job and now my slave can do it for me, and much faster too."

"Thank you Sir! x is happy to help Master!"

"Tomorrow is the time for the remained tattoos, take a good rest."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Master Jack kissed me deeply before has me locked back to the cage.

In the morning, Master Jack has put my clothes in the basket next to the door. A leather jacket but different from the last one. This jacket used to has a zipper but the zipper has gone. It means the front is opened and everyone can see the rings and tattoos on my chest. Moreover, this jacket is so short that cannot cover my abdomen. A leather shorts replaced my jeans and it's a low-hip design. The "no entry sign" tattoo is totally exposed. Together with the boots was the clothing for today.

"It's warm today and that's enough for the today's fine weather!"

"Thank you Sir!"

Master Jack has relocked the leather ankle cuffs above the boots and the leather wrist cuffs were still in place.

When it's near to Sir Jimmy's studio, Master ordered me to stop the car and he took the driver's seat, "x, walk to the studio and wait for me at the outside!"

"Yes Sir!"

The street is not busy but there were some people walking around. Everyone has looked at me but luckily, no one has questioned me. i stood outside Sir Jimmy's studio for fifteen minutes and Master Jack appeared with Sir Jimmy.

"It seems your slave has known his position, Jack."

"Yes! And it know how to answer people's questions honestly too!"

"Boy, turn around and let me see your new look!"

"Yes Sir!" i answered and turn around to let Sir Jimmy to has a complete look at me.

"Jack, I have got an idea. I will show you what it is and come in first."

When we were inside the studio, I stripped and Sir Jimmy check with the tattoos and piercings he has done last week.

"Everything is ok. Jack, you have clean your slave very well and he's not infected." "I don't want it to has any trouble and I want it to has the complete slave look in the shortest period too. Can I lock back the collar on it?"

"Sure! All the tattooed areas are ok now!"

Master then locked the collar back and a blindfold was placed over my eyes. i was ordered to lie on the bed faced up. Then leather straps were fastened with my arms spread apart, and others on my body.

Sir Jimmy discussed his new idea with Master Jack in the other room. After a few minutes, they came back and Master Jack said, "Jim, don't said I am crazy but you are even more crazy. It's a perfect idea and I would like to have a sign on the other side."

"Sure! And this part is free of charge."


i have no idea what will be done this time but i was happy to bear Master Jack's sign on my body.

"Jim, I have to go to the office and back later in the afternoon."

"Ok, see you later!"

"Boy, I have to finish the job today and I promise not as hurt as the piercing done last week."

"Yea Sir! Thank you Sir"

Sir Jimmy first started with my right tight above knee, and then to my left tight. i have no idea on Master Jack's design and i know Master Jack must have me bear wonderful slave tattoos.

After then, Sir Jimmy moved to my right upper arm and the left upper arm.

After a break, Sir Jimmy unfasten me and ordered me to lie faced down, then sterilized my back, my butt and below the butt. It meant it would be a large tattoo covering all my back. i was so excited and very wish to see my new tattoo shortly.

i can feel the tattoo needle ran from just below each shoulders downwards, to the centre of my back at hip-height, then back to the side down to the butt in straight line. i cannot keep from thinking if it's a big "X" on my back.

Sir Jimmy has repeated the straight lines for several times. Then He started the inside. i can feel Sir Jimmy was not marking straight lines this time and i can only know after Sir Jimmy has finished his work.

Sir Jimmy kept doing on my back for hours and He has taken several breaks. i was feed with water too.

"Hey Jim! You've done a great job! It's perfect!"

"Your design is really a perfect match, Jack. I just do it according to your design!"

"When the idea for naming it as `x', I have also the idea to have such a tattoo on its back too. How long do you need to complete the job?"

"This one is almost done, then the two new designs. I think it take another hour."

"Good! And I have an idea for its tits too. I will be back later."

"See you!"

Sir Jimmy continued His work on my back and he is now working just above my butt. As according to my pervious feelings, I know this big tattoo will finish when it reached my butt cheeks.

When the large tattoo has finished, Sir Jimmy worked on the area below my butt cheek. I knew that the new tattoos in the front and on the back of my tights done today have no way to hide by my short I wear today. I just wonder what kind of humiliation they were.

"Finished! Boy, take a rest and wait for your Master come back."

"Yes Sir! Thank You Sir!"

Today's tattoo session is not as pain as last time. Maybe i have learnt the feeling or tattoo, or last time has combined with piercing. i just want to see what Master Jack has designed for me.

When Master was back, i was released from the bed and I was week too. When Master Jack and Sir Jimmy have stood me up, my blindfold was removed. The two tattoos on my front tights, i have no idea what they read as they don't like to be English. Sir Jimmy said they were both mean "slave". On my right is French and on my left is Spanish.

Then to my upper arm, on my right are Chinese characters of "slave". On my left are Japanese characters and i guess they means "slave" too.

"So, your slave has "SLAVE" tattooed not only in English and barcode format, but also in French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese too. So most people on the world knows he is just a slave. What a crazy idea, Jack!"

"This is just what x wants and I help it to display itself as a slave to the world. And now, everybody from the world knows it is s slave when they see those tattoos!"

"Let's see the back then!"

With the help of a hand-held mirror, i can read the image from the full-length mirror. It's really a large `X' from just below my shoulders to the bottom of my butt cheeks. But this large X has only a bold border. Inside the border is a whip on each side, with the handle on the top and the other end just on my ass cheek. I think it is a good target fro Master to punish me next time.

And below the large X, there were words on each side. i cannot see them at first but finally, i read those on my right "Tattoos Designed by Master Jack" and "Owner's Signature" and below is the signature format of Master Jack on my slave contract. On my left it read "Pierced & Tattooed by Jimmy's Studio" and below is Sir Jimmy's signature. So every body knows i am an own slave property and has Sir Jimmy done for my tattoos and piercing.

"Jack, what's your new idea on his tits? You cannot play too hard on his piercings as they are starting to heal!"

"I know, Jim. I just want you to add a chain to its tit rings as I think it will look sexier!"

"What a crazy idea, Jack!? But I agree with you. Your slave is so hot!"

Master handed the chain to Sir Jimmy and Sir Jimmy unfastened my right tit ring, looped a ring of the chain to the tit ring and fastened it, then to my left tit ring. The chain is not heavy but pulled my tit rings a bit. The feeling is interesting.

"x, walk around to feel the chain!"

"Yes Sir!"

When I move every step, the chain rub against my chest and simulated me so much. I cannot get rip from an erection.

"See how much your slave like it! What other crazy ideas do you have?"

"I think it's enough by the time. But I have told x that once the tit piercing healed, they will be played and to enlarge the holes and the rings will finally replaces by padlocks. And the padlocks will be in place permanently."

"You are really crazy Jack. But I love your idea so much. Do you mind if I take some photographs on your slave in order to let my customers know what I have done?"

"Sure! But the large `X' is my own design and I don't want others to use exactly the same design of my slave."

"I know and I will tell everyone this is your own design for your own slave and I don't think anyone like to has the same slave symbol as your owned slave property!"

"Good! Don't forget to make a close up on the name of your studio and your signature!"

"Yes! But I don't think anyone will like this. Just we are good friends and you don't mind to have it tattooed on your slave!"

"Jim, you have done great job and my slave has free advertisement space! And it's happy to let people to know, right x?"

"Yes Master Jack! X is happy to let people know its slave status by showing its tattoos and piercings. Thank you Master Jack for designing the tattoos on x, Sir! Thank you Sir Jimmy for piercing and tattooing x, Sir!"

"Good boy!"

"Ok, it's time to go now. X, dress up!" Master Jack ordered me and turned to Sir Jimmy, "Jim, thanks a lot for your work. Don't forget to come to the Christmas party!"

"Oh! I would never forget it. And I like your slave too. Don't worry, I know you never share your slaves. I just mean I really love its body bearing my works."

"So bye then. Next time when I in the city, we must have a drink!"

"Sure! Bye!"

"x, like to has pizza again?"

"Sir! x has no right to say like or dislike, Sir! If Sir wish to has pizza, x is happy to order it for you, Sir!"

"Good boy!"

Master Jack drove to the same Pizza Hut and required me to order the same food. i know the waiter recognized me. This time i was a bit different with the new tattoos on my tights, the new chain for my tit rings, the collar locked back and showing the covered tattoo on my abdomen last time. He welcomed me loudly be saying, "Welcome Mr. Slave. What do you want to order, Mr. Slave?"

"Sir! slave's Master require slave to order for a `large supreme pizza' and a "spaghetti in minced beef', Sir!"

"Yes Mr. Slave, I have take your order and the order will be ready about twenty minutes, Mr. Slave!"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

i can sure that everyone in the restaurant must have heard what we said. But this time, i am not embarrassed at all but happy to let everyone know i am only a slave of my Master. i waited for the order inside the restaurant and the people cannot stop from looking at me. It seems they had seen a harmless alien and talking about me.

At home, Master Jack told me that the guy, Peter, taking take-away order is one of his part-time slave 2 years ago. After a year's training, Peter found he doesn't want to be a slave but just like to have sex. Master Jack said He still has contact with Peter and have a drink occasionally. Master Jack said He has called Peter before my arrival and try his best to humiliate me. Master Jack told me that i have great improvement since last time and now i like a real slave. And the last test is for me to show my tattoos around in the China Town later.

After dinner and cleaning up, i was ordered to knee at my cage. Master Jack fastened my wrists and ankles to the bars of the cage. "x, it's a good time to celebrate for finished marking x as My slave!" Master said.

Master lubed up my ass and inserted his finger slowly. Master Jack finger-fuck me firstly by one finger, then 2 fingers and 3 fingers. After about ten minutes time, Master withdrew his fingers and really fuck me with his cock. Master Jack's cock is big and I feel very pain. "Easy x and the hole can accommodate My cock shortly!"

When Master Jack's cock is fully inside my hole, i felt full and i like the feeling. Master fucked me slowly and I was hard too. i can feel Master's love and power over me.

"Sir! i love You! Master! Please fuck me hard!" i yelled.

"I know. Not only had x marked outside. And I mark the inside too!"

Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Master fucked me harder and harder. Finally, Master released a big load inside me. At the same time, i have also release a big load into my cage too. Master withdrew his cock, walked to my front and ordered, "x, clean Me!"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

i clean my master's cock and ball sac by licking them clean. The taste is wonderful and i love it. At the same time, Master inserted a butt plug into my hole easily. i can felt this plug is bigger than those i wore previously.

"x, it's time to loose up the hole and get use to larger plugs."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Master released me and locked me back to the cage and said, "Now, lick the cage clean. Form now on, remember to lick every drop of cum clean!"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir! Goodnight Sir!"

In the morning, Master fucked me again then ordered me to serve Him under the shower. Master gave me several enemas too and inserted the butt plug back to me.

"x, Let's have lunch at the China Town."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

This time, Master had me were the same leather short.

"x, it's fie today and I think it's too hot to put on any jackets. Put on this vest!"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

It's a latex vest and bonded tightly onto my skins. Not only the "slave" tattoos in both Chinese and Japanese on my upper arms were clearly shown, but also the outline of my tit tings and the chain clearly defined. Master then adjusted the position of my tit chain.

Now, everyone knows i am a slave. The "salve" in Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and barcode format are fully exposed. Together with the Septum piercing, locked collar together with locked leather wrists and ankles cuffs, ringed and chained tits. And my hairless body. Everything on my body keeps telling others I am just a slave property. Just only the butt plug and the foreskin piercing were covered.

"What a perfect look!" Master said.

"Thank you Sir!"

Then we drove to the China Town. And we have lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Master permitted me to sit down. But the people could not keep from looking at me. i could hear most of them were talking with others in Chinese, concerning if I was crazy to have the "slave" tattoo in Chinese, together the septum piercing and the tit rings and chain. Master Jack asked me if the people were talking about me.

"Yes Sir! They are discussing if salve is crazy to bear the `slave' tattoo and the piercing and chains."

"Why don't you just tell them what you are, if they really want to know!"

i was shocked and I immediately said "Yes Sir!"

Then i stood up and the people still kept their focus on me. i asked in Chinese to ask if they want to know what i was going on. The whole restaurant became silent and someone replied "Yes" loudly.

"i, slave x, is just a slave property of my Master, Master Jack. Master Jack owns me as His slave. i am happy to be His slave property. Master Jack has marked me by pierced me, tattooed me and collared me. I am happy to be Master Jack's slave and had Master Jack marked me as His slave property." i said and i remove my latex vest to show the tattoos on my body. The people cannot keep from laughing at me with my tattoos, tit rings and the chain on my body. i just stood there and wait for Master Jack's order.

"x, knee!" Master ordered.

i kneed immediately. i have never been humiliated so much in public, especially in the conservative Chinese society

"As everybody know you are just a slave, then you should behave as a slave now. It seems the people here are interested to know how a slave should behave!" Master said and i can hear many people said yes.

i just on my knee and waited for Master Jack's order.

When the food was served, Master Jack ate the food with me kneeing beside Him. Master then put the remained food to a dish and placed it on the floor. "Eat, slave!"

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

This was the most humiliated session i have in my life- eaten like a dog in a Chinese restaurant and the only reaction from the people were "wow! He's really crazy!"

i think Master Jack was happy to humiliate me in order to modify me to be His slave. What I fell was not too embarrassed but very exciting, maybe I have already got used as slave. Master Jack allowed me to put on the latex vest before leaving.

It has been about six months after submitted to Master Jack and i am happy to be His slave property. i am always kept hairless and naked except for my collar, chastity belt, butt plug and the piercings and they become parts of my body too.

Large rings have replaced both my septum and guiche piercing and the septum ring hangs to my mouth. Both my tit rings have been replaced by medium size padlock and small padlock to my foreskin. Sometime, Master Jack would lock a chain to the padlocks on my body, maybe with the chain pass through my septum ring with the ends locked to my tit lock, or lock a chain to each side of my tit lock and foreskin lock by pulling up my foreskin. Sometime, Master Jack will attach a leash to my septum ring or my guiche ring. i was very excited by these sessions.

But i can't forget one of the punishment sessions. i was punished because i have broken some dishes when washing them. I was locked in my cage laid on my back with my arms and legs spread outside the cage. Master first locked a chain to my septum ring to a bar at the top of the cage. Next is another chain run through a bar on the top with each end locked to my tit locks. Then another chain just like to my tits, locked to the foreskin locks. And the last chain was the locked to my guiche ring. With my wrists and ankles locked in the rigid cuffs outside the cage

i was locked up in such position for the whole night and i cannot sleep at all. Every chain has been pulled very straight and any slight movement meant the pulling of any of my rings and locks. And i learn from this punishment that i have to perform every duty very careful. On the next day, I can hardy walk and every inch of my muscle hurt like hell.

Anyway, i am really happy to be Master Jack's fulltime slave property. And my dream to be a slave has come true.

+++ The End +++

Arthur's note: Thank you for reading. I hope you like this story. I do really thanks for everyone who has read my story and those who have made comments on my story. Once again, thank you very much. And feel free to make any comments to this story.

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