Change of My Life

By ray hkg

Published on Oct 20, 2023


WARNING: This story is about homosexual and domination. If this subject offends you, or if it is illegal in your country, or if you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave.

Change of my life (Chapter 4)

By: Ray ( )

Chapter 4: My first training (part 1).

i keep sleeping through out the whole flight and wake up just before landed. i pass the immigration and the officer wish me a happy vacation in LA. i just wonder i would be happy if i can really submitted and wish Master Jack would be the right Master for me. When i want for my suitcase, i start wondering what should i say when i meet Master Jack at the arrival hall. Should i say "Sir, slave is arrived", or "Sir, it is the slave". But i worry what would be the reaction of others when they hear these. Finally, i decided a phase seem normally, "Sir, it is s ray here." i think Master Jack use the letter s to replace the word slave' and i use it' to mention myself is Master Jack required.

After collecting my suitcase, i go through the custom and they don't check my suitcase. Otherwise, i don't know how to explain the birdcage if they found it and ask for its usage. Then i go to the arrival hall and look for Master Jack and the sign "s ray".

Then i found a short hair, clean-shaven face, wearing sunglasses,, average built strong body guy, wearing a white t-shirt, leather vest, jeans and boots sitting on the chair. The next seat stood a paper written `s ray'. i know He is Master Jack so i approach to him and said, "Sir, it is s ray here.

Master Jack just stand up and said "follow Me" and i just follow Him to the car park without saying a word.

There is not a word during the 45 minutes driving and we arrived at a hospital. Master Jack said, "The check up will take about half an hour. The blood test result will tell the most while the x-ray and the ECG can tell the health status of the lung and heart."

Later, i found Doctor Johnson is Master Jack's friend who draws my blood and performing the ECG exam. Doctor Johnson has only order me to follow his instruction for the exam and said "good boy" to me. Lastly, Doctor Johnson told Master Jack that my blood test report will be ready in a week's time and the x-ray and the ECG shown that i have a healthy chest.

"Thank you Sir!" i said to Doctor Johnson and Master Jack order me to follow him. i know it is time to go to Master Jack's home.

The following 1-hour driving is also a silent journey except for the radio Master Jack has turned on. I just keep looking at my knee sitting quietly next to Master Jack.

Another "follow Me" command when we arrived a nice house. I followed Master Jack to the house with my suitcase. I put my case next to the door and Master Jack said, "ok, just put you case there and follow me to the living room. I need a talk first."

i followed Master Jack to the living room. It is clean and nicely decorated. i found there are some wall-mounted o-rings mounted on the walls at thigh level and just above the floor. i stand there quietly while Master Jack head to the kitchen to pick up a can of beer. When He seated on the armchair, he said, "Easy boy, just relax and take your one and the last seat here in my house. you are not a slave yet as you has not sign the document I required."

"Thank you Sir!" i replied and nervously seated on the chair Master Jack has pointed to.

"Tell me about you, your family, your job and your pervious education." Master Jack said.

i then answer Master Jack's questions honestly in details, about my parents, my job, and my study of the BBA course at university, my sole bondage experience and the feelings of having locked in chastity devices.

Master Jack then ask why i don't look for a partner or someone else to have sex with, and why i like to submit as a slave oversea and never seen before. i explain to Master Jack that i only want to be fucked by a man i trust and belonged to, and i just can't accept one-night-stand. i said that i wish to give all my soul, my body and everything to the man i can trust and belonged to. Once i know the real Master slave relationship, i know all I wanted is to be live as a real slave and has Master to own this totally clean body.

"OK boy, I give you 15 minutes to read this papers and think very carefully if you really want to has the training started. I will be back after 15 minutes and you have to give the answer, start the training or just leave." Said Master Jack then He walk upstairs.

i then read through the paper Master Jack placed on the tea table. They are the print out of the email Master Jack sent to me. Then i walk to the door and open the suitcase, i strip and put the cloths to the suitcase, take out my birdcage and a pen, return to the tea table. i kneeled, sign the paper, put the birdcage on the tea table, with my head bowed and wait for Master Jack to come back.

Master Jack return after 30 minutes, in His Chest harness and leather jock showing his well-built muscle. This is the first time i clearly see Master Jack's face, green eye with sharp sight and a serious face. Behind Master Jack is a naked guy, with a collar locked around his neck, clean shaven body include his head, has both nipples wearing big piercing, and some tattoos on his chest, upper arm and above his clean pubic area. i know he is Master Jack's part-time slave.

Master Jack approach to me and said, "this slave just cannot keep waiting! Ok! slave pet is my part-time slave and it will stay here for the whole weekend and I will call it as pet' or slave pet'. The new slave here for training will be called `slave'." Master Jack then ordered, "slave, kiss my crotch then my boots". When i kiss His crotch, a chain is placed around my neck and a "click" sound mentioning i have locked in a chain collar. Then kiss Master Jack's boots. After that, Master Jack strike on my face. i then know that i forgot to say "Thank you for collaring slave."

"Follow Me, slaves."

"Yes Sir!" pet and i replied.

we then followed Master to the kitchen. Master opened a door on the left end and turn on the light of the room. When i enter, i know it is the small dungeon that Master Jack has mentioned. He then push me to the other end with wall mounted chains and manacles. pet first lock my collar to a chain, then my wrists and ankles to the manacles. i am now standing straight, with my arms held up right and legs apart, i cannot move a muscle except for my hard-on.

Master than fasten a ball gag and a blindfold over my mouth and eyes. i become totally helpless and Master said, "slave react very fast and it tell me it like this a lot!" i can only nod but not saying "Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!" Master then said, "it's time to remove excess slave hair." i make another nod.

First, i feel some warm and sticky gel applied under my armpit, then on the other one. Something like a piece of cloth then stick to my armpits. i have no idea what is doing to be. No one has ever touch my armpits and i am so sensitive that want to laugh out but prohibited by the ball gag.

Next, I hear the sound of an electric hair clipper and it start to trim my pubic hair. The clipper run several times on my pubic area and i think my pubic hair has trimmed very short. Shaving cream then applied to my cock, ball sac and the whole pubic area. "slave, remain still" Master Jack ordered and i feel a razor start run on my pubic area.

Master Jack then held my cock in His hand and i react quickly enough to have my cock fully erect and start leaking pre-cum. No one has touched my cock before (except for my parents clean me up at baby time). "slave, hold on. It's not the time to cum. I know it has waited for a long time but NOT NOW." Master Jack ordered and He start shaving my cock and ball sac.

The clothes stick under my armpits was pull down quickly without a notice. It is very painful. i then know it should be the "hair removal wax".

"pet, tie slave to the table for me to finish its back" Master ordered and pet unlock my collar, my wrists and my ankles and lead me to a table. he help me to kneel and then tie my tights to the table legs, then tie my wrists to the other 2 legs. i am now kneeling, with my cock at the edge of the table. i don't know what is going on then i hear the running sound of the hair trimmer. This time, it runs on the 2 sides around my ass hole. Again, shaving cream applied and then the razor. i do have shaved my pubic hair but never had shaved my ass hole. It is totally new to me.

i know photos were taken during the whole shaving process as i can hear the click sounds and the flash sounds of a camera. i do really wan to see the pictures of me shaved when tightly bounded.

"Finished, another perfect shave! Clean it up, pet, only the outside" Master said. pet then untie me from the table and lead me to the other end of the room. i still have the blindfold and gall gag in place. pet then raise my arms again and lock my wrists to a pair of handcuff hanging from the ceiling over my head. Warm water run on my body to wash out the shaved hair. pet apply the soap on my whole body except from my cock, ball sac and as hole. pet then carefully soap up my cock, ball sac and ass hole as he seems not to simulate me too much. But i still leaking pre-cum. Then water runs to wash all the soap out and i am now totally clean.

The blindfold is removed and i can see in front of me is a wall mounted mirror. i can see my erected clean-shaven cock, my hairless armpits, myself having a ball gag in mouth and hang from the ceiling. "slave, like it?" Master asked and i nodded. "OK. It is shit time, slave." Master said as He unlock my wrist above and then use another pair of handcuff to lock them at my back. Master then push me to the toilet. i sit there, with Master Jack and pet looking at me. I have never shit in front of others. It is so humiliate to do so. "slave, there's nothing to hide. pet will then clean you up." Said Master and he leave the dungeon.

"Hurry up or both of us will be punished" pet said to me. So i have to obey and i have not shit after leaving my office. i release at once. i nod to indicate i have finished. pet then clean my ass hole up. pet then lean me to the table again but not tie me up, just make me keen at the table and my chest rest on the table. After lubing my ass hole, pet shouted, "Sir, it is ready now."

Master entered and then insert something cool into my ass hole very slowly and said, "slave, relax, it doesn't hurt." So i try to relax. Once it is in place, i feel warm water running into me through the tube slowly. This is my first enema in my life! The feeling is great! The water stopped after a few minutes and Master said, "slave, walk to the toilet and hold it until I allow you to release." i think Master know it is my first enema so it is not too much but I really want to release it. After a few minutes, Master said, "slave, release now." And i quickly released.

"Back to the table." Master ordered and i walk back to the table, kneeled and wait for another enema.

i receive 5 enemas in total and i am totally clean, both inside and outside.

"slave, it has to clean itself like this on the next time. Now it is time to learn sucking. pet will suck slave's cock and feel carefully the sucking skill. DO NOT cum until I allowed." Master ordered.

pet lead me back to the wall and only fasten my ankles to the manacles. i still have my hands locked behind me. pet kneel and expose my cock head from my foreskin. pet kiss my cock head then start licking my ball sac. Later, pet's mouth enclosed my ball sac and his tongue works around my ball sac. After working on my ball sac, pet then start sucking my cock. The feeling is wonderful and really drive me crazy. his tongue moves around my cock head and i nearly cum. Master Jack read it from me and ordered, "slave, hold on! pet, withdraw!"

pet further suck me 3 more times and Master ordered to stop every time when I was near to cum.

"pet, stroke its cock and make it cum into its bowl", Master ordered and pet followed accordingly.

i then release a big load into an empty dog bowl.

pet place the bowl in front of me on the floor and Master ordered, "slave, kneel and lick it clean. Taste its own cum carefully before swallowing."

i have taste my own cum before but not swallowing the whole load. i know i have to eat more and more cum as a slave.

"Now slave, suck pet until it cum!"

i do the same as pet has just done before. pet has a 7" cut cock, not very thick. i has no problem in licking and sucking his ball sac. When i suck his cock, his cock head touch my throat and i vomit. I keep on sucking and vomiting. Lastly, pet release his load into my throat.

"One vomit means 3 whips and 6 vomits means 18 whips! Pet, take it to the table."

i was frightened as pet unlock me from the manacles and made me kneel at the table with my ass facing up.

Master Jack pick up a whip and said, "salve, learn the lesson" and the first whip land on my right ass cheek. It is hell pain. The second one land on the left and each whip lands on the alternative side. i cannot stop from moaning and crying behind the gag. i haven't cried for a long time and i think this is the poorest cry since i born.

After whipping, Master Jack order pet to remove my ball gag, apply some ointment on my ass and help me up. I cannot stop crying for a minute and said, "Sir, thank you Sir for whipping slave."

Master then lock my birdcage back to my cock, unlock the handcuff on my back and replace another pair of 12" chained handcuff at the front, and leg irons.

"slave, drink the water and help pet to prepare for the dinner!"

i nearly loss the hungry and thirsty feeling as i have not ate for a whole day and the last drink was pet's cum. i then proceed to the bowl and drink up all the water before helping pet out for the dinner.

pet ask me to cook some oatmeal, together with eggs and minced beef as our own dinner. pet work on the steak, spaghetti, and some vegetables.

"slave, can you cook Chinese food?" pet ask me.

"i can make some dishes in Guangdong style. There are many different style of Chinese food according to the geographic location. Each style tastes totally different."

"i think Master Jack will ask you to cook later as every time when He go to the city, He will go to China town to have a meal!"

"i will do my best to serve Master."

After setting Master's meal on the table, i pour the oatmeal into the bowls on the floor. I kneel to wait and pet go to tell Master that dinner has prepared. When Master seated, he ordered us to start the meal. i finished mine quickly and my face is messed up with oatmeal. When Master finished his meal, he put the remained salad into our bowls and ordered me to clean up everything.

After cleaning up, Master ordered pet to take 6 cans of beer into the dungeon to celebrate the start of my training. Master lube up my ass and insert a small butt plug into my ass, then order me to sit against the wall. He lock my wrists upright to the wall, and my collar too. A rigid leg iron is fasten to my ankles and chained to the o-ring on the floor. Master then fasten a hood with a funnel on my head and say, "feed slave with 4 cans of beer slowly and one for pet itself in the bowl", as He open one up for Himself.

"Cheers!" said Master and beer start running into my mouth. I have to swallow as fast to prevent from choking and beer keep pouring into the funnel. I am very full after having 4 cans of beer and Master replace the hood with a metal head cage chained to the wall.

"slave, it is allowed to piss when it need to. has a good rest." Said Master. Then the lights off and door locked. Leaving me alone sitting on the floor, my ass cheeks still very pain from the 18 whippings, with a butt plug inside, my legs locked on the floor, my arms locked up right, my head and my cock inside their own cage. i am totally immobilize and helpless.

i found i am in urge to piss but i can't move. It means i have to sit on my own piss until Master unlock me. i have no other choice and i can feel my own warm piss with my ass cheeks and legs. This is another new humiliation experience to me.

Over the whole night, i can hardly sleep well as i keep on pissing, the piss soak my painful ass. Also the butt plug make me feel i had to shit but i know there is no shit inside me. My arms and legs ache they are locked and cannot make a little move. Luckily, Master has lock a cage to my head preventing it from shifting any side when I fall asleep.

(To be continued)

Arthur's note: I have received some readers' email, sending me with their own experiences and suggestions. I do really thanks everyone who has read my story and sending me the feedback. I will promise to reply to every email I received as soon as possible. Once again, any comments are welcomed, thanks a lot!

Next: Chapter 5

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