Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Oct 24, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 9: Hold Me Close


I have never been so thankful for the weekend, looking down at Alex as he sleeps against my chest I think on the fantastic night that we had. I still have trouble believing it was not all a dream it all just seems so crazy, from the drama with Austin to finally making love to Alex. Stroking his hair I bask in the feeling of having him so close and wrapped in my arms, but as with all things nature tends to take control. I lift him softly off of me and then make my way to the bathroom satisfying my need to empty my bladder while the shower warms up. The rush of hot water feels amazing and I find myself thinking about the past, things were never like this with Austin it was always what I would spend money on or as he said trying to get me into his pants. Deep down I had hoped that we could have something beyond my family's wealth but that was just not meant to be and I am glad, because it brought me to Alex.

So wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice Alex had slipped into the shower behind me. "Good morning love, how are you feeling?" turning to face him I softly kissed his lips.

"I feel great, last night was everything I thought it would be and so much more"

I pulled him into me, then pushed Alex with him back against the shower wall "You were amazing I've never experienced anything like it" I kissed Alex hard feeling his member growing hard between our bodies with mine not far behind

"We should finish up in here before we start something that we can not finish" Pulling away from me Alex kisses me once more before shifting around me to wash up. I know he is probably a bit sore from last night so I don't mind letting the sexual tension die down.

"What do you want to do today?"

"How about we go hang around the mall for a bit, see if Tiff and Justin want to join us and then take the day from there"

"Sounds good get your cute butt out of the shower before I have my way with it one more time before we leave the house" Smacking him playfully on the butt and a quick kiss I hope out of the shower and grab my towel.

"You wouldn't dare or I'd take it right off and no one would get any use out of it ever again" Sticking out his tongue at me, this is the Alex that I have fallen in love with.

"If you did that there wouldn't be a repeat performance now would there?"

Finally after Alex tried on at least ten different outfits we made it to the mall with Tiff and Justin.

"Well took you lover boys long enough, I for sure thought we would have to come pry you two apart with the jaws of life"

Alex blushed as he looked away; Tiffany is very good at pressing the right buttons to get a rise out of him. "Well actually it was fashion conscious here, he tried on at least twenty different outfits before we could even leave the house I swear he has more clothes in my closet than I do." That got a round of laughter from the group and earned me the cutest scowl from Alex.

"Well since you came into the picture Alex here has become a lot more concerned about his appearance, I used to have to dress him myself to get him to wear anything half decent"

"If you guys are all done bashing on my lack of style why don't we head to the food court and grab something to eat, then maybe catch a movie or something"

"Sounds good to me love" heading into the food court I stopped dead in my tracks as I spotted Austin a few tables away sporting dark shades, chatting it up with some guy. Just seeing him caused my blood to start to boil, all the shit that he caused in the short time that he has made himself known.

"Don't worry about that guy I am sure he won't even bother us, besides with you and Tiffany having the reputation that you have I think he would have to have a death wish to come over here." Nicely said that did however earn Justin a smack the head from Tiffany, which brought on another round of laughter.


Look at them all laughs and smiles, I could barely concentrate on the mildly attractive guy talking to me I didn't really care if was here or not. So things went a bit awry, that still doesn't change the fact that I will get even with Alex and I will have Shawn back it just requires a bit of alteration to my original plan.

"Look I have to go we can continue this another time" Not waiting for his response I gather up my things and head over to the little group. "Hey guys I just wanted to apologize to both Shawn and Alex, I didn't realize that you guys were together. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble I hope that in time you can come to forgive me" After saying my peace I began started walking off.

"Hey wait. I am not entirely sure what happened between you and Shawn, that is between you two and for you guys to work past that if you can, but I wont hold anything against you if you can respect the boundaries of the relationship between Shawn and I"

Now that caught the others and me it would seem, off guard, as I was not expecting anything like that to occur. "Sure and I hope in time we can become good friends and if your offer is still open I would still like to get together to study course material and the like"

That seemed to anger Shawn rather quickly and for a second I thought he was going to punch me again but Alex spoke up again. "I don't think that would be such a good idea right now given the present state of things but maybe eventually" Walking away I was filled with a newfound determination to make both of them suffer as I had, the question now was just how I would go about doing that.


I could tell the encounter with Austin was having a tremendous effect on Shawn, breathing a sigh of relief I was glad when Austin finally walked away. I know that he did Shawn wrong in the past, but one thing I do know is that I try my best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, maybe Austin could turn out to be a decent person if not a little confused on the way to behave at times.

"So what is everyone in the mood to go see?" Quickly changing topic to get everyone focused on something else.

"Why don't we go and see the new Taken movie that just came out, I could stare at the screen all day watching Liam Neeson" Tiffany cooed.

"Really Tiff you dig those older guys, well Justin looks like you might have to start growing so grey hairs to get her to melt like that for you" Of course this caused everyone to laugh and earned me a punch in the arm, but I was glad to see everyone move.

After the movie we all ended up going our separate ways with Shawn and I heading back to his place for the night. "Hey babe sorry about the whole thing with Austin today, I know that took a lot of self control on your part not to let him upset you."

"It was really only because of you, I know he isn't worth it but that guy can just get my blood going."

I dropped to my knees in front of Shawn undoing his belt buckle "Well I know of a way to help you cool down a little" Finally getting out what I was searching for he was already hard as rock as I wrapped my hand around his tool. Lightly breathing on his dick Shawn let out a soft sigh as I engulfed him into my mouth.


The blowjob from Alex felt fantastic and although I hated to stop him I had other plans in mind, I pulled him back up looking into his eyes. "I love you Alex" Pulling him down onto my bed we made out. Stopping I sat up taking my shirt off, coming back down I lifted his shirt starting from his navel kissing and licking my way up pushing his shirt further off in the process. Reaching his sexy light brown nipples I took one into my mouth, I heard him moan as he ran his hands through my hair squirming below me. With my free hand I undid his pants and pushed my hand inside grasping his hard cock.

"Oh, Shawn that feels so good" he was leaking pre cum all over my hand as alternated from sucking harder and biting softly on his nipples. "Shawn I'm close, oh so close" I used this time to back off and let Alex cool down taking his shirt and pants the rest of the way off. Sitting up I looked down at this beautiful boy below me, our lips meeting again for a passionate kiss I rolled him over so that he was face down on his stomach. I heard him moan again kissing my way down his back; reaching the waistband of his underwear I twirled my tongue in the crevice of his V just above his perfect little butt. Moaning louder Alex began to thrash around under me as I worked him into a frenzy. He lifted his butt up slightly, taking the hint I removed his underwear as well as the rest of my clothing. Spreading his cheeks my cock throbbed just from the sight.

"Don't worry babe you are going to love this" Coming down to his hole he let out almost a scream as I licked it, all around his entrance before finally pushing my tongue as deep as it would go.

"Oh, Shawn I want you inside my now" Looking into his eyes there was a mixture of lust and love, who was I do deny his request. Reaching into my drawers I pulled out lube and greased up is hole and rolled the condom down my painfully hard cock.

"Are you ready love?" He nodded and I slowly pushed my cock into his tight hole causing him to let out another series of moans. Sweat poured downed as I bottomed out in Alex my pubes coming into contact with his smooth butt. When Alex gave me the go ahead I raised my pelvis upwards and pushed back in "Oh Fuck Alex it feels so good, I did this again and again gradually picking up the pace with Alex moaning loudly pushing back into me to meet my thrust. We must have fucked for at least twenty minutes when he suddenly when rigid letting out a loud moan the muscles in his ass began to spasm wildly driving me over the edge. "Oh baby I'm going cum fuck ALEEEEX!!" Exhausted I fell down onto Alex, rolling us so that we rested on our sides still deep inside of him.

"Shawn that was amazing I came without even touching myself it was the best feeling in the world" I lightly traced my fingers across his body as my softening cock eventually slipped out of him.

"I love you my sweet little boy" kissing his neck lightly his breathing reaching a slow rhythm as he drifted off to sleep. Kissing him one last time I gently untangled myself from him heading off to clean up a bit, heading downstairs I was surprised to run into my mother in the kitchen. "Mom when did you get home?"

"Oh about the time my son and his boyfriend started making a soundtrack of their very own" I felt my face go instantly hot, although my mom isn't around a lot I do cherish the time I do get to spend with her and she has always been supportive and understanding about my lifestyle. "So when do I get to meet the soprano singer that you seemed to be so fond of?" Again I could feel my face go hot, my mother still really being the only one to have that effect on me.

"Sometime soon I hope, right now wouldn't be a great idea as I am sure he would freak meeting you naked you may not be able to tell but he is actually quite reserved." Grabbing an apple from the fridge I give my mom a quick hug before heading back to my room.

"Well don't keep him hidden to long or I might start to think that all that noise was just you making up stories" There she goes again "I have to get back to the office I really only stopped by to grab a few files I'll see you later son" I heard her say as she made her way out the door, and there she goes again I do understand that my parents both do important work but sometimes I would rather they be home more like a normal family. Brushing off those thoughts I slide into bed behind Alex and pull him close feeling his warmth against my body, the boy I love still in my arms I think maybe one day we will have a house and kids of our own but I know that's not in our cards for any time soon

Okay Guys that is Chapter 9 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 10

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