Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Oct 18, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 8: I Wish Upon a Star


I didn't want to talk to anyone; I went straight up to my room and locked everyone and everything out. I pushed play on my ITunes and fell to the bed, as Madonna's song "Sorry" started blasted from my speakers. I could only bury my head into my pillow as the lyrics played and tears poured down my face. I was just starting to drift off to sleep when my phone rang, it was probably Shawn he has been calling and texting me non stop since I left him in the school parking lot. I didn't even look at my phone I just turned it off before drifting into restless sleep unaware that my parents were trying their best to try and get me to open up.

My alarm clock wakes me up the next morning and although I don't want to face Shawn I know there is really no avoiding it, I even contemplated skipping school for the day but that wouldn't do any good aside causing me to suffer. Pulling into the parking lot I found myself there surprisingly early I supposed with Shawn we usually stretched every minute we had to be together and I haven't heard much from Tiffany so I don't really know what she is doing. Staring blankly out of the window I am startled when someone knocks on the glass, I turn my attention to see Austin standing there with a big grin on his face. I don't want to hate him after all it's not his fault.

"Hey there you here pretty early I usually don't see your car in the parking lot when I get here" I'm a little taken aback that he would even care to notice such a thing.

"Yea I just figured I would get an early start with exams coming up and all" which isn't a complete lie, exams are right around the corner and while I know I am more than prepared for them it seemed like the best thing to say.

"Cool well maybe we should setup that study session a bit sooner to roll in all the material that will be on exams."

"That sounds ok, since we are here so early lets get a little time in I've got nothing else better to do, if that's ok with you"

"Sounds great let's setup right out here." I gather my books and we head over to the nearby tables that usually remain pretty empty and started going over course material. I was surprised to discover that Austin is very sharp and grasps the material fairly quickly even highlighting some points that I missed.

"See if you connect the main points here, we can tie it all back into the theory..." I stopped short when I realized Austin's attention had waned and he appeared to be looking off into the distance. I looked over my shoulder to see Shawn approaching with that same unreadable expression, but I also couldn't help but notice that Tiffany was not far behind him and that struck me as odd.

"Hey Alex can we talk for a minute."

"I don't know what there is left to say but I also have to get going." Gathering up my things I was just walking away when Tiff grabbed my hand.

"Give him a chance, at least hear him out" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, was Tiffany actually on his side? This couldn't be right I had to get out of here. "Maybe another time, right now I have to go and I am sure that Shawn and Austin have some catching up to do. I will see you guys later." I walked off before anyone had a chance to say anything or see the tears that were beginning to fall.


I thoroughly enjoyed that little exchange and now for the next phase of my plan. "Well that was an interesting display I wonder what you did to make him so upset Shawn, he seems like such a sweet guy." Shawn stared down at me with daggers in his eyes, that same look I'll never forget the day he caught me in his bed with a mutual friend. It was all his fault though if he had just given me what I wanted and had sex with me I wouldn't have had to find it somewhere else, so if anyone is to blame this is all on you Shawn.

"What are you doing here anyway." Still with the daggers in his eyes

"To find you of course, I feel awful about the way things ended and I thought if I came here it would give you a chance to make amends"

"Make amends? Are you kidding me and what exactly do I have to make amends for? I am not the one that cheated and ruined things" I could see the vein pulsing in his neck, I knew I was on thin ice but I have to make this work.

"Well maybe if you would have gotten into my pants Mark wouldn't have beat you to it." Before I even knew what was coming a felt a fist connect right to the side of my face and everything went black.


My hand was searing in pain but it was worth it, I can't believe that guy has the gall to come here and ruin a good thing I had going and then place the blame on me for him cheating. I skipped all of my classes and just waited for Alex to come out when the final bell rang. I felt my face drop as I saw the hurt expression still etched on his face, knowing I was the one that caused it by not reacting in the first place.

"Hey babe can we talk please" he just stared at the ground as he came closer to his car.

"I already told you there is...what happened to your hand?" He asked with genuine concern in his voice and for a second I could see my Alex again come to the surface.

"I punched Austin this morning after you left, you probably haven't heard about it because Tiffany ran off after you shortly before."

"Why would you do something like that, what could he have done to deserve that?"

"He cheated Alex. He cheated on me back in my old city and then had the nerve to tell me it was because I wouldn't have sex with him. He isn't my boyfriend that's what I have been trying to tell you I waited outside of your place for hours until Tiffany threaten to castrate me if I didn't explain myself."

I could see the tension drain from his shoulders and the tears well up in his eyes. I closed the short distance between us bring him close into my chest holding his body against mine as I cried into the crook of his neck. "I told you I would never hurt you and I broke that promise by not clearing up things from the very beginning I so sorry and I hope you can forgive me"

"Only if you forgive me for being such an idiot and jumping to conclusions without hearing you out."

"Done deal I love you Alex I know it for sure" He wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled me into a kiss, I was so worried that I wouldn't get the chance to feel those lips again. It wasn't long before I parted his mouth with my tongue, right there in the school parking lot not caring who saw as I slid my hands down to cup his perfect butt pulling his groin into mine causing him to moan into my mouth. When we separated with both had tears in our eyes an smiles on our faces my Alex was back and I am never going to let him go again.


Shawn followed me home and I couldn't wait to get him through the door, I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room pushing him onto the bed then rushing off to the bathroom. I looked like hell not really caring about my appearance today so I took a quick shower before going back into my bedroom. It seems like I wasn't the only one who had a toll taken on them through this short but rough ordeal. I could watch him sleep forever but I had other plans in mind. Dressed only in a small pair of shorts that showed off my butt rather nicely, I crawled on top of Shawn looking down at him I placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Alex? What are..."

"Shhh just enjoy" I bent down again kissing him hard, pushing my tongue between his lips running my hand beneath his shirt slowly inching it up over his head. Resting my full weight on top of him I enjoyed the sensation of our bare flesh touching, continuing to make out as his hands began exploring my back making their way down the v line where the top of the shorts rest above the crack of my butt. I moaned into his mouth as his hands traveled beneath my shorts with quick strong grasp of my butt, I was aroused, leaking and in love.

"Babe we should stop, I am loving this but I don't want to push things to far."

It surprises me that he can have such a coherent thought in the heat of the moment and it's something that I have come to truly like about his character. "It's fine love, this is what I want, something that I don't want to share with anyone else"

That was all the encouragement needed, he lifted me just enough to remove my shorts leaving me completely exposed on top of him. In another swift motion he wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over leaving him on top of me. Shawn sits up on his knees and starts to remove his jeans.

"Wait, I want to do it" Sitting up I unbuckle the belt on his pants and help him take them off along with his underwear, coming back up I find myself straddle by Shawn with his rock hard dick staring me in the face. Without second thoughts I lean forward taking Shawn into my mouth as far as I can go without gagging.

"Babe that's amazing ugh that feels so good" Shawn lets out moans and groans while massaging my head as I bob back and forth on his dick. "Alex uh...shit I'm close" Hearing him say that I back off and slid out from underneath him and move over to my nightstand.

"I can't have you making a mess yet I have other plans in mind for you" pulling out the lube and condoms my parents bought I look at Shawn's face as my words sink in.

"Alex are you sure I mean don't do this to prove some point"

"Hush up love I told you this is what I want." Making sure I am good and slick I rip open the condom and unroll it down is shaft before positioning myself above him. "I love you" I slowly lower myself onto him wincing in pain as his head makes his way past the ring of my ass "Are you ok?"

"Yea just give me a minute to adjust" Holding still for a moment the pain gradually beings to decrease so I continue to lower myself down, the feeling of his dick stretching my hole is amazing and soon I feel his pubic hair and skin as he bottoms out inside of me. "Wow I feel so full" Looking down at Shawn his eyes a glazed over with lust, I bend down to kiss him sucking lightly on his bottom lip, pulling myself up I start to raise up a bit. The feeling of sliding up and down on his dick is driving me crazy.

"Fuck Alex you feel so good I don't know how long I can last" Hearing that I start to increase the pace bringing myself closer to my own impending orgasm as Shawn started to thrust up to meet my downward motions. With each thrust up he would graze, what I was to learn later is my prostate sending me over the edge.

"Uh Shawn...I'm cumming Ahhhh" I screamed as shots of cum coated Shawn's chest, my orgasm at the same time sent Shawn over the edge with one last thrust he let out a half groan, moan as he emptied himself into the condom.

"I love you Alex, I love you so much" I fell forward resting on his chest as his softening tool came out with a "popping" noise. Drained physically and emotionally I fell asleep the rhythmic beats of his heart, happy, content, and loved

Okay Guys that is Chapter 8 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 9

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