Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Sep 27, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 5: I Can Feel Your Heart In Motion


I'm floating on cloud nine; I can't believe things went off without a hitch. Okay well maybe there were a few bumps and bruises along the way but things couldn't have turned out any better. I had just made it through the house to my room when my phone sounded to let me know I had a new message.

"Welcome to the family stud, take care of him or I will castrate you myself xoxo Tiff"

"Glad to be a part of it, and I would never do anything to hurt the boy I love so much, catch up with you guys in school tomorrow."

After sending that message off to Tiffany I collapsed onto my bed and let out a huge sigh of relief as I stared up at the ceiling. I haven't been this happy in such a long time, the fancy gifts, the big house and the new car are all nothing when it comes to just being able to call Alex my boyfriend. As I was lying in there drifting in my own thoughts it hit me. Is Alex out to anyone else outside of Tiffany, I mean I know what the rumors are around school but I don't know if he confirms or denies anything to anyone. Before I can get much further with that thought my phone rings with Alex's name across the screen.

"Hey you miss me already" I say into the phone with a big smile

"Um...actually there is something that we need to talk about"

At the tone of his voice my smile began to waiver. "Is everything ok? You don't sound as happy as you were when I left you this morning"

"Everything is ok or at least I hope it will be, but first I need to know where do we stand as far as this relationship when we are out in public, like school, the movies, and those types of things?"

"Is that all!" I breathed a sigh of relief fearing that it was going to be something much more serious in my opinion. "Babe we are what ever you want us to be. If you are not ready for everyone to know they won't, but know I am not ashamed to be with you and will scream out my love for you from the rooftops if that is what you want"

I could almost feel him smile over the phone as a wave of relief washed across his tone when he next spoke.

"I was more worried about how you would react to all of this. Granted half the school either knows or assumes that I am gay I was not sure where things stood for you"

"Well my parents know, but don't really care and as for everyone else I could care less really if they don't like who I am with so what, I will never hesitate to show my feelings for you regardless if that is in public or the privacy of our bedrooms" I blushed as I realized what I had said with my last comment.

"Ok that makes me feel a whole lot better and much less crazy, you may not have known it but I was on the brink of a full blown panic attack on how to handle everything when we showed up for school tomorrow"

"Babe you are to cute, everything will be just fine and I can't wait to see you tomorrow"

After hanging up with Alex I finished off my last few homework assignments before stripping down and jumping into a nice hot shower. Soaping up my mind drifts back to the kiss from earlier today. How soft and kissable his lips were. My hand subconscious drifts down to my now rock hard cock as I begin to slowly stroke it thinking of Alex. It doesn't take very long before I get that familiar rising in my balls as I shoot 6 strong ropes of cum, the intensity of my orgasm making me knees go weak. I finish cleaning myself off, god I cannot wait to show that boy how much I'm in love with him.


That call with Shawn was exactly what I needed, everything just seems perfect and I found myself blushing when he referred to the privacy of our bedrooms. By no means do I want to rush things but I can't help but wonder how it will actually feel to have sex for the very first time. I really like Shawn I'm just not sure at what pace these things are supposed to go. Maybe I'll talk with Tiff about it all and see what she makes of all of this.

"Lover boy get your butt out of bed or we are going to be late"

I groan and roll over in bed pulling my blanket over my head. I stayed up half the night thinking about Shawn and I, all the possible different things we could get into. "Go away five more minutes"

"Nope you still need to get up and get dressed AND you are driving to school today I don't feel like it"

Before I have a chance to respond she grabs the blanket and pulls it off the bed. Now normally this is no big deal but last night after my shower I decided to wear a pair of skimpy underwear Tiffany had bought me.

"Well look at what I found someone is planning on trying to seduce someone soon they do look really good on you"

"Oh shut it Tiff and go downstairs I'll be ready in five and I'll drive your lazy butt to school."

"Ok sexy boy I'll be downstairs, did your mom make the usual for breakfast?"

"Yeah your plate of waffles is keeping warm in the oven"

At the sound of waffles she was dust in the wind. Funny thing about her my mom has been making a plate of waffles for her since we moved here. Mom loves to cook and enjoys cooking for others, so when Tiff asked for a plate of waffles that day it was a match made in heaven. Looking in the mirror I was satisfied with the way the jeans shaped my ass and how good the shirt fit.

"Ok woman lets go before we really are late"

Tiff appeared around the corner with a half eaten waffle in her hand ready to walk out the door. I grabbed the keys to my car; nothing fancy just a Mazda 3 and we were out the door headed to school.

On the way to school I work up the nerve to ask Tiffany about my love life or to be more specific my potential sex life. "Tiff how long do you think I should wait before I go all the way with Shawn?" I ask her as we pull into the parking lot.

Tiff turns to me with one of the most serious expressions that have seen on her face in awhile. "Hun that all depends on what you feel is right, there is no set time frame for these things to happen. Trust me when it's the right time you will know and don't let anyone pressure you into something that you are just not ready for. But don't wait so long that it gets all dried up back there and it's no fun for anyone." She laughs as she jumps out of the car.

"Way a ruin a perfect friendship moment." I blush as I realize the implications of what she has said, while Tiff stares at me from the other side of my car with a shit eating grin on her face.

"It's what I'm here for love besides we both know you will be bending over for lover boy there when the mood strikes." She smiles as she nods her head towards Shawn's car as he parks a few spots away.


I was running late this morning and more or less rushed out of the house so I had sometime with Alex before classes start. Pulling in to the school lot I look around for Tiffany's car they don't appear to be here yet so I park and rush to get my things. Looking up I see Alex staring at me standing on the side of what appears to be a cute little Mazda, I rush over to him not caring who is watching a push him against the car for a passionate morning kiss.

"Well good morning boyfriend, it's good to see you too" Alex blushes as I put him down.

"You have no idea how good it feels to be able to do that. Who's car is this?"

"Oh this little girl here is all mine, may not be as fancy or fast as yours over there but it gets the job done while having a little flair of its own." Alex smiles as he gushes over his car.

"I like it, fits you just right by the way babe you smell amazing I could just eat you up right here." I whisper in his ear causing him to blush again. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen I don't think I could ever get tired of just looking at his beautiful smile.

"Good Morning Lover Boys." Tiffany shouts from the other side of the car. I was so captivated by Alex I sort of forgot that she was even there.

"Hey there Tiffany you guys all set for another day of classes?"

Before either could respond the bell rang signaling the start of the school day

"Well babe this is where I bid you farewell, go be my sexy little scholar."

"You may have all the looks but I make up for it with brains, we can't all be blessed with great looks and fast cars."

"Don't ever doubt yourself Alex I told you before you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I am so happy that I get to call you my boyfriend." I pull Alex into a deep kiss and soon his lips are parted and I explore his mouth with my tongue. I found myself lost again in the feel of his lips against mine, the smooth skin on his face. Its moments like this that you wish could go on forever uninterrupted. Rearranging my jeans to be slightly more comfortable I gave Alex one last quick kiss, the things this boy does to me and he has no idea. "I think it's about time we headed off to class before I keep you out here all to myself."

"Excuse me you either need to get a room or get a move on I will not be late because of lovers boys sucking face." Tiffany announced as she rushed off to class herself. I look over at Alex one last time before walking into school hand in hand, at this point in time nothing could make me happier. Unknown

He was supposed to be mine and now look at him walking into school holding the hand of that little slut like nothing ever happened. Let's face it I don't take rejection well and I certainly won't be beat by the likes of him. Smile now Alex while you can because soon enough you will get what's coming to you.


I've never been so excited and nervous at the same time. For the first time I don't think I care what people think about me being gay, but at the same time I am a little concerned about how people will react. It's one thing for bullies and other kids to call you gay, it is quite another to confirm the rumors walking down the halls of high school holding your boyfriend's hand.

"Hey there is nothing to be worried about I am right here with you and I won't let anything happen to you, not while I'm around."

"Thank you that was exactly what I needed to hear and that makes me feel loads better." I squeeze he hand to reaffirm my point. I so badly want to lean up and kiss him but I don't think I am ready for that level of public affection in this venue, which might be pushing the envelope a little to far.

"That's what I am here for to always keep you safe now this is your stop, my class is further down the hall. I'll wait for you after class and I can walk you to your next class from there"

I squeeze his hand before walking through the door to my class, turning at the last moment to watch him walk down the hall. I can't believe he is all mine I could never have thought all of this up in my wildest of dreams.

"So you and lover boy seem to be doing just fine with your official coming out to the school and all."

"Damnit Tiff how do you always manage to sneak up on me like that?"

"Oh very easily when you are in dreamland half the time when you are thinking about lover boy"

"It wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my head. Some people gave us a few looks but for the most part no one has really said anything to us about it and I hope it stays that way, I'm still a bundle of nerves."

The rest of the day for the most part was uneventful Shawn and I don't share any classes so outside of lunch I don't get to see him for most of the day. When the final bell sounded I rushed out of class out to the parking lot hoping to catch Shawn before he left, but I didn't have to worry about that as I came face to face with my sexy boyfriend sitting on the hood of my car.

"You didn't think you could run out on me did you." Shawn says with a smile as I quickly close the distance and place a quick kiss on his lips.

"Run out on you? Never I was more so trying to get out here before you raced off into the sunset."

"I haven't seen you since lunch there is no way I would race off with out seeing you first." He pulls me close and turns me so my back in against his chest, then kisses me on the check hugging me to him.

I could just stay like this forever, but as with all good things they come to an end. "Lover boys sorry to break up this love-fest but I would like to make it home before you guys start having sex on the hood of the car." I blush harder than I ever have before in my life and I hope Shawn doesn't notice. Tiffany has a gift for sometimes being very eloquent with her words and sometimes just saying things to see what kind of reaction she can get out of me.

"How about you take Alex's car home and I'll take him with me so I can have a bit more time with him before I have to say goodbye?"

"That sounds like an awesome idea, Alex hand over your keys your car will be in safe hands."

I groan as I hand over my keys to Tiffany. "Just don't take somewhere are change the paint job...again last time you did that my parents gave me hell in a handbag until we got it changed back and that is one nightmare I don't plan on reliving anytime soon."

"That was only one time and lime green was a great color, but alas this time you precious will be dropped off with now harm and I will leave the keys in the usual spot. Love you and play safe boys lord knows we can't have Alex showing up to school pregnant."

I swear that girl is going to give me a heart attack, but what I can't help but notice is that during that entire exchange Shawn hasn't said a word as he holds me tight. However it doesn't take much to know how the conversation effected him as I feel it pressed into my butt, I can only imagine what it looks like outside of the confines of his jeans.


I watch as they get into Shawn's car and gets into what's supposed to be MY seat. How dare he put his filthy hands on MY Shawn. I'll let Alex have his day but soon enough I'll have Shawn back where he belongs, with me not that little slut who is going to get what's coming to him and I'll make sure of that personally.

Next: Chapter 6

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