Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 5, 2014


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

A Summer Interlude part 2

I find myself walking the very same streets that got me into trouble in the first place, walking the damp dark alleys and the occasional dark room allowing men of all types to get their fill of my young healthy body for the right price. You would think after the fiasco with Mark I would have a avoided ending up back here but it helps to escape from the pain of it all, sometimes in helps me forget the beautiful boy who was kept captive in that place, sometimes I live out my fantasies of that same boy with these strange men.

The sun sits high in the sky it must be close to noon as I make my way back to my hotel of the minute, not really paying much attention to my surroundings when I find my self flat on my ass after bumping into someone "I am so sorry I wasn't really watching where I was going let me help you up" I recognize that voice, the one the has haunted my nightmares and pleasant dreams all at the same time "Wait I minute I know you" the voice says with surprise in his voice as he helps me to my feet.

"What are you doing here, this is the last place I ever expected to run into you especially after the way you just up and vanished" I am at a lose for words finding myself lost in those deep brown eyes "You know I never did get to properly thank you for everything back then, hell I never even got your name"

I don't know what possessed me to do it, almost like I was just moving along on autopilot "Your beautiful" was all I managed to speak before taking his face into my hands and placing my lips on his. He didn't kiss back but he also didn't pull away, feeling bolding a slid my tongue against his lips seeking entry and ever so slowly he allowed me in the kiss becoming deeper still right there in the middle of the city, a place I would never imagine we would meet.


"Babe you have to let it go there is nothing that we can do, if anything we might end up making matters worse"

"But Jay I don't understand how all of this could have happened, as close as we all are shouldn't we have been able to at least seen this coming before it blew up in epic fashion" It was the same topic day in and day out between us and as I lay there on Jason's chest looking up into his face I couldn't stop feeling as though the whole blow up and subsequent break up of Alex and Shawn was somehow something we could have prevented.

"You know as well as I do that doing this over and over again is only going to end up leaving you more frustrated than when you began, I know you have the best intentions babe but at this point we just have to let things work themselves out between those two"

"Do you think Shawn and Niles are seeing each other?" Jason let out a sigh and swiftly removed himself from my bed stopping at my door and turning back to me

"At this point it is really none of our business who he is or is not seeing at this point, we can't control him. I just hope they have something figured out as far as their living arrangements if and when Alex decides to come back to the states for college"

As Jason makes his was out of my room I stretch out and sigh staring up at the ceiling I can only wonder what those two are thinking about at the very moment

"Are you going to go back?"

"Of course I am I don't think I was ever going to truly stay here on a permanent basis, it is beautiful here back my friends and family are all back overseas. Are you going to come with me?" I look down into the beautiful eyes that I can never get bored with, look at our entwined hands and though I know that this is all a temporary situation I can't help but smile down at him

"You know as well as I do how bad of an idea that would be, let us be honest with ourselves these last few days have been a whirlwind but we know this is just to try and fill that void that you still hold in your heart. You can't fill the emptiness of something like that with something that holds no true meaning" I watch the emotions run across his face, the gravity of my words dancing from his heart to his head

"What if I want you to be someone special who can make me feel whole again?'"

"You know how unrealistic that is, Alex you don't even know my name" Tears began to form in the corners of his eyes as his body slightly trembled "You don't need anyone to make you feel whole again, you are who you are regardless of if said person is a part of your life our not" I have finally lost count of the number of times I found my lips pressed against his but for one last time before I again make my way out of this precious boy's life I did for the rest of that day enjoy the delights of his body to forever hold in my memories.


"Your really coning back?!?" we were all a bit shocked by the news, it wasn't often that the gang was all together during the summer but Alex's timing was spot on for this occasion "What made you change your mind?"

He looked on with a sigh from the other end of the screen "I don't think I ever truly thought about not coming back I think I more or less wanted that to be a real possibility and to give myself time and space to find myself again"

"Have you talked to the dickhead about this?" Tiffany stilled seemed to hold Shawn in the highest regard ever since the graduation party, it wasn't often that he was around but if he was we made sure she was very very far away.

"No I haven't contacted him at all and i don't think I am ready to"

"But what about your living arrangements I thought everything was already situated for the coming year?" "When was the last time he asked about me?" I was dreading this particular question, it wasn't that Shawn hadn't been asking about him it was more so the way he has been. The last time I visited Shawn he was in a sorry state, he looked like he could use a good shave and he seemed to be eating the bare minimum. His parents were non the wiser as usual they were hardly around and though I was still very much upset with the way he continued to handle things if not for me he would probably have been in even worse shape.

"Everyday he ask about you, each day I feel like he has less and less hope that you will come back, and I think his hope that you will take him back is even lower" Alex averted his gaze from the screen, even though he appeared to be in better spirits I gathered this was still a sensitive topic to touch on and for good reason.

"I still have the keys and everything to get access to the place so whatever my choice is I can do what needs to be done"

We all sat in an uncomfortable silence for awhile before Tiffany again spoke up "I don't think it would be a good idea for you to stay with him, I think it would be to easy for you to fall back into routine with him" I wanted to keep my opinions to myself although I did partly agree with her on them living together not being the brightest idea, but at the end of it all this was Alex's decision to make not ours.

"Hey now why don't we all cute the little man a break, we should be celebrating not harassing him he just told us the best news we have heard in weeks" Justin said scooping up Tiffany from the floor and swinging her around

Jason nodded at him before placing his arm around my waist "I agree and I know it won't be for very long but we will have a chance to be together one last time before we go our sort of separate waysÉif you are going to get back here in time that is"

"I think I can manage a flight back with a little spare time for you all" for the first time in weeks we got a genuine smile out of Alex and I must say it's damn good to see.

Okay so these won't be very long in nature but will serve to set up story arcs for book 2, I thought I would stick with the slightly different direction and leave Alex and Shawn's perspectives for a bit but do not worry our next go round we shall see how Shawn is holding up and what his plans may be. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

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