Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 25, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 24: One Door Closes


The remainder of the party was a blur, of our group Austin was really the only one that would stay around me for extended periods of time and with the drinks flowing I found myself a little more tipsy than usual. The majority of the guests were making their way out when I figured this was a good time to try and talk to Alex after giving him some space. After spending a few minutes slowly searching around the house the effects of the alcohol beginning to set in I finally found Justin, though he didn't appear to be in the best of moods and I'm sure I was the main reason

Nervously I approached him as he remained perched against the wall just before the outside patio "Hey Justin have you seen Alex around?" I asked a slight slur to my words. The way he turned towards me lead me to believe he wasn't going to even acknowledge me, but after several seconds of looking at one another his expression softened and he let out an exasperated sigh.

"He took off about a half an hour ago with Tiffany, he was a wreck I think she took him back to her place, Shawn I want to believe this is all a huge misunderstanding or something however the more I look at things the more I realize just how close you and Niles seemed to have become"

And just like that Justin walked off presumably to head home himself. I let myself fall into the nearest chair with my head in my hands trying to will away the tears that were threatening to break loose. Looking back I should have been more aware of how things with Niles could look to Alex or anyone else for that matter, I had messed up and I knew I needed to fix things fast.

At some point I must have fallen asleep the combination of exhaustion and alcohol taking its toll, slowly waking from my slumber to a warm wet sensation between my legs "Oh Alex baby I'm so sorry" I slurred, my eyelids heavy as I slowly lifted my head grabbing a full head of soft long hair

"What the hell is going on!!" screamed Tiffany and I in unison

"You have a lot of nerve, playing the sweet and loving boyfriend while sneaking around on that boy" she said, each word laced with more venom than the last.

"Tiff wait please let me explain, it wasn't what it looked like IÉ" I was cut short by a sharp stinging sensation to the side of my face and tears welling up in my eyes

"I don't want to hear it, my best friend is in my bed crying his eyes out over a boy who isn't worth his time!" she screamed, with tears of her own falling down her face "I trusted you, he trusted you we all fucking trusted you but you are here getting sucked off by this fucking slime ball" she screamed again before knocking Niles out fast with a quick left hook and then turning on me.

"That's enough Tiff" Justin appeared gripping her wrist as she made a move to strike me "Look I don't know what is going on here and from what it looks like I could honestly kill Shawn right now, but I think that they have been through to much together and Shawn cares to deeply for Alex for things to be this way, we haven't even given him a chance to explain yet"

"I don't want to hear another fucking word from his mouth"

We all turned towards the voice and my heart sank, looking back at me were not the beautiful brown eyes of my beloved but rather eyes filled with hurt, disgust, and hatred all at the same time.

"Please babe let me explain" trying to get to my feet only to fall on my face my pants in a mess at my ankles

"Shut the fuck up, there is nothing that you can say to me now or ever I'm done with you with all of it" Alex screamed. On the verge of breaking down he violently flinched away when Austin walked up from behind and placed his hand on his shoulder, he took one last look around lingering longer on Niles crumpled form in the corner and me looking pathetic at his feet before rushing out of the door followed shortly by the sounds of screeching tires are he sped off.

The silence in the room was deafening as I lay there my body feeling numb as no tears came to my eyes.

"Would someone like to fill me in on what the hell just happened?" Austin asked as a confused Jason appeared in the doorway.

The next few days were torture; Alex wouldn't take any of my calls and made his best efforts to avoid me during the school day. As for the group the only ones who really seemed to tolerate my presence were Austin and Jason, which often worked against me as I often felt like the third wheel with those two. I attempted to stop by Alex's place but was always told he was either away with Tiffany or not accepting visitors at the time.

"Hey cheer up I'm sure he will come around soon enough, a lot has gone down and he only had his side of the story so maybe after he has cooled off a bit you will get a chance to set the record straight" Jason suggested while we were out to lunch the day before graduation.

"Yeah maybe" I replied looking over at the pair highly doubtful of Jason's words from the look upon Austin's face.

"Hey Jay would you mind getting me a refill and a shake before we cash out and hit the road" Austin asked clearly trying to get us alone. Jason simply nodded and walked off after giving Austin a kiss on the cheek. "Shawn I'm not going to sugar coat this and I am also sorry you are hearing this from me, but Alex is leaving for the summer to study abroad and he hasn't made any mention of coming back"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing this couldn't be happening, not to us not after everything that we have been through together. My world was crumbling around me and if felt like there was just nothing I could do to about any of it.

I didn't have much of an appetite after that and my body just seemed to float by on auto pilot, making my way home when I hit my bed the flood gates opened up "Oh honey I know your hurting, but you just have to give it some time" my mom said as she sat beside me on my bed rubbing my back, my parents had made sure they would be in town for graduation and I was grateful to have her here

"He is leaving mom and it doesn't sound like he is going to come back" I cried into the pillow

"Oh dear what do you mean where is Alex going?"

"Overseas, he accepted the study abroad program that he was going to put off because he wanted to spend the summer with me" conversation was strained and one sided after that point as I became a blubbering mess I don't recall much of what my mother said to me but I had finally calmed down enough to sleep and though tomorrow was slated to be the happiest day for some seniors I just accepted it as part of a prolonged nightmare.

Graduation, the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another this is how some people view this day I on the other hand was just existing. The ceremony was long and drawn out, my parents were in the crowd all smiles and cameras, even Alex's folks offered me small smiles and congratulations at its conclusion. Though the one person I craved to speak to the most strolled through like I didn't even exist, there was no fake smile plastered across his face in fact it looked devoid of emotion in general. With everyone separating into groups and leaving with friends and family our gang seemed to come to an awkward crossroads. No one really seemed to know what to do until finally Alex let out a loud sigh and walked off and with no one following I took this as my cue to use this chance to set things straight.

"Alex wait up please" I didn't think he heard me until he came to an abrupt stop his back to me just standing there "Please let me explain my side, what really happened" I waited for what seemed like hours my breath caught in my throat.

His shoulders fell and I could see him begin to tremble slightly "One day Shawn, maybe one day I'll be able to listen to what you have to say but for now I can't, not without picturing you with Niles. The kiss at the party and what I can guess was going on when I came back to talk to you to apologize and set things right, so for right now I need to be away from you I haven't backed out of our college plans but I also haven't made my final decision about that either. Hopefully I will find my answer during my time away but for now" he turned to face me his eyes red as tears rained down "This is goodbye Shawn" he said as he left me there standing.

I watched him walk away from me for what felt like the last time and in the moment I couldn't even cry I didn't notice anything going on around me. When I felt my mother's embrace I turned and buried myself into her chest and cried my heart out right there in the parking lot surrounded by the happy faces of my graduating class. For them one door had closed as the door to their futures opened but to me it felt like two doors closed on me that day and I no loner possessed the key to unlock the door to my future.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 24 the end of book 1 I know you may not have seen this coming, heck even I didn't there for a bit but rest assure there is still plenty more to this tale. So ends Book 1 with Book 2 already in the works I plan to write several chapters before I begin posting so as not to leave you guys with some many spaces in between. Please don't stone me haha and I hope you all will be as excited for Book 2 as I am. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 25: A Summer Interlude 1

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