Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 7, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 23: And So Begins Anew


"ALEX" I screamed out startling a lady in white who was standing over me "Where am I, where is Alex, what happenedÉ" my mind suddenly became foggy and my eyelids heavy as I drifted back into an uneasy sleep.

"Can you hear me young man?"

I slowly began to regain consciousness; the first thing I became aware of was the strange room I found myself in with the same lady in white along with Ellen looking down at me.

"Where is he, what happened, and how did I end up here" I asked my throat feeling dry and scratchy

"Well young man you gave everyone quite the scare including another young man who is more than a little bit anxious to see that you are alright ironically enough" Ellen said with a small smile

"Can I see him?"

"If you promise not to get over excited I don't see why that would be a problem though not for to long you have both been through a lot"

"What happened back there?" Ellen looked at me with a frown upon her face

"There will be time for the full story later as for now take it easy for a spell as I am sure Alex will fill in a few of the gaps for you"

She walked from the room with the nurse or doctor I wasn't quite sure at this point; I leaned back against the pillow letting out a sigh of relief that everyone was safe. Shortly after the same nurse came back with a wheelchair and smile on her face

"I think it is about time we relieve someone else of his worry don't you think?" she asked with a smile on her face.

Physically I was more than ok but I suppose after everything that happened I was a little bit sore and tired so I didn't fight when I was told I had to use the wheelchair to get around for a while. The nurse rolled me just outside of Alex's room.

"Would you like me to roll you in or do you think you can handle it from here?"

"I think I can handle this much" I replied with a nervous smile

I didn't know what to expect as the nurse slowly opened the door enough for me to roll in and there is was my angel sleeping peacefully looking as though he didn't have a care in the world, at that moment everything just felt right in the world again. I rolled over to his bedside and leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead running my hands through his hair, which had seemingly grown out a bit since the last time I was able to lay hands on him. He was sleeping peacefully and I was content with just staying by his side as I carefully made my way beside him in bed and cradled his form against me being aware of not disturbing any of the machines that we attached to him.

I must have fallen asleep shortly after that as the next thing I knew I was being awaken to soft touches and kisses on my face, opening my eyes I was treated to the sight of my boyfriends broad smile across his face and his beautiful eyes that seem to have an extra gleam and sparkle to them.

"Hello there beautiful" cupping his face and bringing him face down to mine our lips coming into contact for the gentlest of kisses.

"Hello there yourself, this is a nice surprise to find in my bed" with a smile and single tear falling from his eyes.

"No more tears baby, you are here again in my arms and I am never letting go, never again"

Our lips met again in a gentle kiss that became hot and passionate, Alex somehow maneuvered himself fully on top of me as things began to heat up my hands glided across his smooth skin causing Alex to sigh in pleasure as my hands found the handfuls of flesh that were his firm bottom. So caught up in each other we were completely oblivious to the audience until someone loudly cleared their throat causing us to break apart and discover our onlookers.

"Well I see we all had very little to worry about everything seems to be working just fine from what we can see" Tiffany said with a mischievous grin on her face causing Alex and I to look upon each other to discover our state of arousal was not very well concealed in the flimsy hospital gowns.

"Yup it looks like they are trying to make up for lost time, you would think it's been years since that have feasted upon each others goods" Austin piped in earning a chuckle from the rest of the group while causing a slight blush to form on Alex's face which only made everyone laugh harder.

"It's great to see the gang back together like this you had us all worried little dude" Justin said as he affectionately rubbed Alex's head which only caused the little guy to blush harder.

The moment was short lived when Tiffany delivered a swift swat to his arm.

"Ow what was that for, I'm in a hospital bed if you haven't noticedÉ"

"Don't ever scare me like that again, you here me" Tiffany let out a quiet sob before rushing forward and pulling Alex into a hug.

The following days were fast paced and crazy, our hospital stay was short lived, as we were not seriously injured being released a few days later. Our homecoming was anything but quiet we had a police escort and media everywhere, for all intent and purposes you would think we were real life celebrities. Things did eventually calm down and things were looking like they were getting back to normal when Alex again surprised me.

"Shawn I want to attend Mark's funeral" Alex said, looking down to avoid eye contact.

I placed my hand under his chin and lifted his face until we were looking face to face "Babe if that is what you want to do I will be with you every step on the way" I said placing a gentle kiss in the crook of his neck eliciting a very sexy groan from him

"No not again I think you have worn my little bottom out for a little bit"


I am the one who made the suggestion to come here but I couldn't stop myself from shaking as we approached the entrance. Everyone was here with me to show their support regardless of the feelings I am sure they all held toward this particular person and that caused my heart to swell with just how much they all cared.

"Are you ready for this baby?" Shawn asked as he gently squeezed my hand, reaffirming me of his presence and support.

I turned towards him and shrugged "I think I am as ready as I'll ever be lets get this over with and move on with our lives" The service was simple with many people there I didn't know, we did run into Mark's parents who looked awful and though we didn't say much to them I did offer them my condolences after all regardless of how twisted he was in the end they did lose their son.

Walking up to the casket was a matter all on it's own, the closer we got the more I began to tremble. It was so bad at one point that I could barely stand and relied heavily on Shawn's support "Babe we don't have to do this, you have done enough already"

I didn't respond as we continued on finally making our way there I felt the floodgates break as I looked down at the pale face of person who had caused me and those I care for so much pain and grief. Shawn held me tight against him and stroked my back as I let everything out, to the onlookers it may have appeared I was shedding tears for his death but I can honestly say I was not sad in the least. "I think that is about as much as I can stand of this I am ready to get away from this place" I think that took about every ounce of strength I had within me, I was physically and emotionally drained and allowed myself to be carried away by Shawn.

The end of the school year was fast approaching and even with my excused absence I still had a lot of work to make up to graduate with everyone on time. Shawn was a great help and was nothing but understanding, even though I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible I knew that if I didn't stick to my gun keeping my nose in the books our plans for college would be ruined. After long discussions about our futures we were able to pick schools not to much a part, Tiffany and Austin were accepted to a prestigious in Tampa on a scholarship, Justin and Jason got sports scholarships to the University of South Tampa, and finally Shawn and I would be headed of to Gainesville for college.

Lounging around at Shawn's place Austin jumped to his feet "We have to go out this year with a bang, I know everyone is getting hyped for finals and graduation so why not throw a big graduation party going out in style?"

"Actually that sounds like a pretty good idea" Justin said I nodded in agreement

Tiffany and Shawn both looked at one another "Where would we host it and are you sure that you are for such a social even Alex? I mean I wouldn't mind hosting it at the beach house but not if you are not one hundred percent ok with it" Everyone turned to face me, I could see that it was something that they all seemed interested in but at the same time they were all taking my feeling into account.

I had a scowl on my face trying to give off the impression that I was deep in thought when Austin jumped onto my back from behind the couch causing us both to crash to the floor "You are not fooling me with that look I know you are just as excited about the idea as I am" Austin said before he jabbed his fingers in my side making me squirm with laughter.

"Okay okay I am game for the party just as long as we keep in from getting to wild" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Great so since Shawn is providing the location that means Justin and Jason are in charge of handing out invites and spreading the word, Austin and Alex are in charge of food, drinks, and decorations while I handle the DJ and music selection, any objections?" Tiff asked as I rolled my eyes knowing it was pointless to argue with her instruction anyway when she went into this mode. "Don't give me that look Alex I know what you are thinking" She caught on as I ducked her swing narrowly avoiding be struck by a pillow causing the rest of the group to howl in laughter.

With plans set everyone began to head out for the night while I had the intention of finishing up my last round of work when there was a knock on Shawn's bedroom door "Hey Alex I just wanted to say I am glad that everything worked out and things are getting back to normal. I know that we had a rough patch and I'm glad tat we are good friends without you giving me a second chance we wouldn't have become such good friends and I wouldn't have met Austin"

"No need to thank me Jason we buried the past and I am glad things are working out smoothly for the two of you. How are things looking for the two of you with college on the horizon?"

"Things are going to be ok there he and Tiffany are going to get a place together, while Justin and I have set up things to be roommates, and with them not being to far from us it wont be hard to see them every couple of days, plus they promised to attend every game."

"Good sounds like you all have everything worked out, Shawn and I will be the farthest away from the gang but we will make an attempt to go to ask many of your games as we can and will more than likely be down every weekend, but in the mean time I am sure you will make a ton of new friends and have some great experiences"

We shared one last hug before Jason made his way out following the rest of the gang, I sure am going to miss being able to see them all the time when we all go off to school, but I am also sure that everything will work out just fine.

I was again nose deep into my books and actually getting ahead with all my assignments ready to turn in when I felt Shawn come up behind me and engulf me in his embrace kissing the side of my face "What are you up to?" I asked feeling his hands trace down my sides before reaching my pants and sliding his hands down the front "Mmhmm don't start something you can't finish" I said as his hand wrapped around my shaft as he began to stroke me a little faster

"I have every intention on finishing this"

Standing up I grabbed Shawn's hand and pushed him back down on his bed, standing in front of him I reached to remove my clothes when he grabbed a hold of my hand "let me do that for you" I could see the love and lust in his eyes as he sat up and lifted my shirt above my head leaving a small trail of kisses all the way up until our lips met with a fire as his tongue sought out entrance.

He pulled away as I let a little whimper out missing the contact when he began another trail of kissing down my torso until he reached the waistband of my pants. At this point I was so aroused it hurt as my dick pulsed in time with my heartbeat. Slowly he removed my pants and underwear revealing his prize inside and without missing a beat he took my whole member into his mouth in one solid motion

"Oh god Shawn suck me pleaseÉ" I whimpered as he bobbed back and forth along my shaft dragging his tongue along the bottom and flicking the end as he withdrew it from his mouth only to quickly take it all back in. "Shawn I'm going to finish if you keep that up"

He pulled off and looked up at me "That would ruin all the fun I can't have you tapping out early" again without missing a beat he spun us around and pushed me face down on to his bed, before I could look back to see what was going on I felt his tongue glide slowly along the cleft on my ass working is was to my hole before pushing his tongue in hard and fast "Yes baby tongue fuck that hole it's all yours baby uhhhhÉ"


I was lost in a world all our own as I continued to devour his sweet hole as he squirmed below me, moans and groans coming from deep within he looked back at me with a fire in his eyes "I need you inside me now" he nearly shouted, thankfully my parents were away for the week on business.

As I backed off for a minute to look for supplies I was caught off guard when Alex jumped up and again pushed me down on the bed, he quickly followed me and engulfed my lips with his own our tongues battling for supremacy. "Ah Fuck!" so wrapped up in the kiss I could only throw my head back as he sat back on my entire dick in one motion. This was a primal fuck I needed him and he need me, I grabbed on to his waist and thrust up in time as he came down on me "Fuck me Shawn fuck me hard baby" in pleasure he shouted again as he continued to bounce on me. The angle must have changed slightly as he let out a cry as I pushed up against his prostate "Ride me baby ride my dick I'm going to fill you up Ahhhh" I screamed as I felt his ass muscle tighten around my dick as he climaxed sending me over the edge I pushed in as far as I could as I unloaded load deep into my love and he spray my torso with his white hot load.


The intensity of our mutual climax was driving me crazy, I felt blast after blast leave my dick and his dick pulsed inside of me filling my up with his hot load, I continued to gyrate my hips and bounce on him lost in a world of pleasure and love, I had only read about things like this happening but we kept going and going for several minutes even after climaxing Shawn had never lost his erection, a few minutes more and one hand grabbed my ass hard and he pulled me down to him meeting me in a fierce kiss and he unloaded inside of me for a second time. I opened my eyes and looked down at him "I love you so much, I can't believe you finished twice without stopping"

"You were so hot babe, fucking incredible but don't sell yourself short you unloaded on me twice as well" we met for on last passionate kiss before succumbing to exhaustions rolling on our sides I fell asleep wrapped in his arms with his dick still embedded within me feeling happy and content with the love of my life.


Waking up was a bit of a task, I kissed the boy in my arms lightly attempting to pry us apart with all the cum that had dried between us throughout the night, it was only when I heard an audible "pop" and Alex groan did I realize we had fallen asleep almost literally attached at the hip.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty last night was wonderful" I said kissing him full on the lips

Alex looked up at me with a smile on his face "It sure was and now I think we are overdue for a shower with both smell up something awful"

As he made his move to head towards the shower I gave him a nice swat on the but earning a yelp and an evil eye from him knowing I would be getting it later. Shower time was uneventful aside from a few kisses and us washing one another as we were still drained from last night. School was all a buzz with seniors feeling the ever-present approach of their last days as high schoolers with graduation around the corner. I had barely made it to my locker when Niles and Felix from my homeroom ambushed me asking for details on the senior party, with Niles obviously trying to flirt for an invite.

Alex cleared his throat "Ahem as much as I enjoy other people hanging all over my boyfriend I would appreciate if you would back off a safe distance" he said with a dark scowl on his face directed at Niles and then meÉuh oh "without you throwing yourself at him know that you are already both on the guest list, I suggest you find Justin or Jason for your formal invite as you obviously have not already" Alex slammed his locker shut and walked off without another wordÉdamnit and this were just getting back to normal if not better ugh high school needed to end.


I knew I was overreacting but I just couldn't help it, since getting back to school people still stare and whisper and I know it's wrong but for some reason I don't trust whatever it is that has Niles seemingly super friendly with Shawn since before I've been back.

"Well aren't you a site for sore eyes, I'm shocked you can even walk this morning" I turned to see the gang with Austin and Tiffany sporting huge smiles while Justin and Jason avoided eye contact with me appearing to be blushing

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion

"Fuck me hard baby" "Ride me baby" I felt my face go hot with embarrassment as Tiffany and Austin reenacted last nights exploits

"How the hell did youÉ"

"The open door policy might need to be adjusted when you go off to college or you may be a local porn star before your first year is up" Tiffany and Austin said only just barely able to contain their laughter.

"I am sure you haven't noticed but we dropped off a bunch of things for the party and well you were a bit preoccupied during that timeÉ."

Tiffany and Austin took off running as I dropped everything and chased after them screaming every word under the sun while the others sat back and laughed, all in all it was a great way to turn my frown upside down even if I would be burying two people in undisclosed locations.

With the school day coming to a close and invitations given out I was more than ready for the day to be over with "Hey Tiff can I bum a ride with you"

"Uh oh trouble in paradise, even after your porn star audition?"

"Yeah kind of, I know I am probably crazy for letting this bother me but something about Niles just rubs me the wrong way when it comes to his friendship with Shawn"

Tiffany popped me on the head before pulling me in for a hug "I agree you are crazy but maybe you and Shawn can do with a little cool down period, you have been nearly inseparable since you've come home from the hospital. With the Party this weekend and graduation the following week we all have plenty to do to keep us busy"

Tiff didn't hang around my place long which was okay as I was beat anyway. Sleep that night did not come easy I had become adjusted to sleeping so soundly with Shawn every night that it just felt weird. He did call me after school to check up on me but I just told him I wasn't feeling well and just wanted a little time to myself, understanding as he was he didn't make a fuss about it and said he would see me tomorrow.

As Tiff mentioned the last few days of the week were hectic, everything was set up for the party, I was all caught up and graduating with my friends. Shawn and I only really saw each other randomly throughout the day and when we were setting up for the beach house. There were a few times when I felt my blood boil a little when I would see him walking around with Niles but I quickly calmed myself down knowing that I trusted Shawn completely and was just being crazy.


Relief isn't quite the word I would use to describe the feelings I had when the night of the party had finally arrived, and the gang did amazing. Tiff got the DJ and security to make sure things didn't get to out of hand with people trying to get in, Austin and Alex did a great job with the look of the place it was amazing how well the two of them could work together after the rocky start Austin had with the group. I was making one last round at the party before joining the gang to make sure all was well when I ran into a clearly drunk Niles coming around the corner.

"SHAWN! Great party dude, a killer place this is definitely the hottest end of the year party we've had around here, man you should have done one sooner"

He breath definitely had the smell of alcohol "Thanks Niles glad you are enjoying yourself"

"I need to show my appreciation for the invite" Niles in his state tumbled closer to me pushing me up against the wall "You are so fucking hot"

"Uh thanks I should really get back to the rest of the gueÉ" before I could finish my statement I felt his lips pressed against mine his tongue trying to force it's way in, I pushed him back shocked "Dude what the hell, you knowÉ" again I was interrupted only this time by Niles being down to the ground, I turned to see the angry face of Alex with Austin standing in the background looking like a deer in headlights

He looked down at Niles "It's time for you to find your way homeÉNow" he said with venom dripping from every word, he than looked up at me the same venom in his eyes "I don't even know what to say to youÉ.I can'tÉ.not youÉarrgh" he let out a cry of frustration before turning quickly in place and running off.

"ALEX WAIT" I looked down to see my path blocked by Austin "Austin you have to let me through it's not what it looked like I swear it isn't" I pleaded with him.

"Shawn I believe you" he cast his gaze down away from my face "But Alex was already feeling strangely about your friendship with Niles, even if he didn't say anything we all saw it, maybe give him a chance to calm down and than try and talk to him"

I felt defeated, resting my back against the wall I began to slid down when I was grabbed by my shirt and yanked back to my feet to find myself looking face to face with a very angry Justin "Tell me there has been some kind of misunderstandingÉ." Austin reached up and grabbed on to his arm

"There was definitely a misunderstanding and if you're here that means he is with Tiffany, so we will let her calm him down, then let you talk to him and explain to him what really happened, Shawn I believe there was a misunderstanding but if you prove me wrong you don't deserve that boy and I'll make sure you stay away from him"

Justin let me go and the two of them walked off leaving me slumped against the wall, with my eyes closed tightly and tears falling down my face I could only hope that Alex was in a forgiving mood and things would be all right.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 23 I am alive and I'm so so so sorry it took so long and I know a cliffhanger please don't shoot haha. I intended to make this the last chapter of Book 1 but things just kept spilling out and I hope you all enjoy the end result. I look forward to hearing from you guys and what you think may or may not happen. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 24

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