Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Jul 23, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 22: End Game?!

The stalemate between the two sides was almost unbearable, after his declaration Mark made a hasty retreat back into the confines on the safe house with a smug look on his face. Concealed in the shadows it was plain to see the mixed expressions in the crowd, but my heart nearly broke when I laid my eyes upon a particular individual. He was obviously the most effected with a personal connection to what was going on, he could be none other than Alex's other half wearing his feelings on his sleeve his faced showed a hint of fear, anger and sadness all at the same time. I knew before the day was out someone would be leaving here with something less.

"If things work out well you will be back with your pathetic boyfriend by dawn" Mark said while securing Alex's restraints.

"Do you really think you are going to get away with all of this, your in far to deep for them to just let you walk away" Alex responded before having a gag put in place.

"That's the beauty of it all, either we both walk out of here and put this business behind us, or neither of us does." I felt my blood go cold at that statement as Alex's eyes widened in fear and ultimately understanding.


"You want me to what?!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Please Shawn hear me out, with everything going on it is not advisable for you to be here any longer. With you present on scene you make this that much harder for me to do my job trying to diffuse and solve this problem at the same time with the best possible outcome."

"I cant leave him, not again I won't leave him he needs me"

"And what help to him are you exactly?"

"The will to survive, hope, with me here Alex knows I haven't abandoned him so he won't just give up, I will not leave him"

Although she tried to hide it, I could see a brief smile cross Ellen's face before it was quickly replaced by the stoic expression she had worn all through this situation.

"Again this is against my better judgment, however you are not to leave the van at any point in time until I say so, do we have an understanding?" though phrased as a question I knew there was no arguing the matter this time.

Mark left the room briefly after his exchange with Alex and it was in that time that I made up my mind what I wanted to do, he was right what Mark had over me was not worth all of the trouble I had gotten myself into letting him hold that over my head as leverage.

"Listen to me carefully I want to help you out of this but I know that it will not be easy, I have given you very little reason to trust me and I can understand your hesitation, but given the circumstance I'm going to need you to trust me" Alex simply nodded as that was about all he could manage before Mark came back into the room.

"What are you doing near him?"

"I was just making sure that he was properly secured, at this stage in the game I'd rather not run the risk of this all being in vain because he manages to escape somehow."

"Sometimes I don't give you enough credit, I suppose you are smarter than you look and act." Ignoring his insults were easy at this point, I've already made up my mind so things were not to work in his favor.

Grabbing I grabbed my target covertly off the desk I made my way out of the room with Mark under the impression I was simply out to use the bathroom. Making sure the coast was clear I pulled out Alex's phone that I had swiped on my exit, luckily Mark had simply turned off the phone instead of getting rid of it. I scrolled through the messages on his phone until I found what I was after, hopefully my instincts were right and this works out.


I was siting on pins and needles waiting for something to happen, exhausted from the ordeal trying to listen in whenever someone came into the van to relay some type of information. I was listening to a hushed conversation between Ellen and another detective when the alert from my phone startled me.

"Shawn?" Ellen was now facing me after my outburst had turned everyone's attention to me.

"OhÉummÉAlex? He sent me a message" I turned my phone showing her the message on screen

"Are you Shawn the boy from the crowd?"

"What should I do, could this be some kind of trick?" before I was given a response my phone chimed again.

"I know this is probably weird and I don't have much time before Mark gets suspicious but there are only the two of us in here and Alex"

"I'm confused why would someone be trying to help us, it doesn't make any sense" I asked becoming increasingly confused and irritated.

"Calm down a little, maybe there have been some internal conflicts and this second person isn't completely in line with Mark's motives. Either way I think we should treat this carefully and tread lightly"

"What took you so long you idiot I was starting to think that you had fallen in the toilet or something" Mark shouted, clearly upset that I had gone missing for a bit of an extended period of time.

"I took a bit longer to take care of business, but I'm sure you know how it can be when you full of shit" I said with a slight smirk

"Just shut up and keep watch over the pretty boy here, I want to take a minute to see what is going on out there they have been to quiet and have stopped trying to talk it out and that doesn't sit well with me."

"Well you did ask them for some pretty outrageous demands, maybe it takes awhile for everything to be ready"

He didn't even respond and just huffed out of the room thankfully. I bent down near Alex and whispered softly "I am going to loosen your restraints a little bit and when the time comes you will know what to do but play like you are still tightly bound" again Alex nodded slowly to me letting me know he understood and for now it seemed that I gained a little of his trust.


As much as we wanted to be there for Alex we knew we would more or less just be in the way, although they did make the exception for Shawn.

"This waiting is driving me crazy it's been hours and we haven't gotten any news at all" I whined, a little because it was true and a little to break the ice.

Tiffany still has barely said anything to any of us and when she isn't quietly sobbing in Justin's embrace. We often found her asleep in Alex's bed clutching onto one of his many pillows.

"Hey babe I know your trying to help, I just don't think your methods are having the desired effect," Jason whispered lightly in my ear.

I let out a sigh and leaned back into Jason.

"I know I just don't know what else to do and I feel as though I have to stay occupied to keep myself from thinking about the worse case scenario in all of this. Honestly I don't think anything I could do would be able to distract anyone from the pain of that thought for very long if it creeps into their minds if it hasn't already."

"We appreciate the effort believe me" Justin said quietly while stroking Tiffany's hair as she slept soundly on him "We haven't all known Alex as long as Tiffany here has and he has a special bond that we can't compare to with Shawn so I know this is the hardest thing for the two of them, but helping the rest stay in good spirits even in these trying times again much appreciated"

I smiled as I thought to myself I am not quite sure who said it but it is proven true, Justin doesn't speak out much in our little group but when he does everyone stops to listen as he makes his point.

"I know we all just hope to have the little guy back home safe soon, now I'll take Tiffany upstairs and see about getting a little bit of rest hopefully good news when we wake"

Watching them leave I was inclined to follow their example and led Jason to one of the spare rooms, while not in the mood for anything sexual we did strip down and just enjoy the closeness of one another, my thoughts being with Alex as I drifted to sleep in Jason's warm embrace.


The night has been surreal, later on into the evening we received several messages from whoever was on the inside claiming that they wanted to help solve this mess. What I couldn't quite grasp however was that whoever this person was, they were not asking for anything in return.

"Ellen I still feel uneasy about this person on the inside, I don't want to get my hopes up and think they are on our side and inadvertently give them information that could harm our efforts because of my connection to Alex"

"I understand how you must feel and while we are being very cautious in this entire case this could be a chance to have things fall into our favor. Mark would not be anticipating information coming from his side, so far the information we have received has been accurate"

"I understand that but I don't know how much of a chance I am willing to take with Alex's safety on the line, what if we are actually the ones playing right into a trap?"

"At this juncture I don't think Mark would do something that could potentially risk him losing out on his demands, I do agree with you to some extent that something seems out of place but again this may be our best chance"

Shortly after Ellen left me alone with my thoughts I made up my mind to put a little trust in this mysterious person, pulling out my phone I sent a response to let them know my position. Not longer after sending it all eyes were drawn to the front of the house and again my heart caught in my throat at the scene unfolding there.

Mark came rushing back into the room, clearly at the edge of his patience he started to look around the room tossing articles of all kinds around the room.

"Where is it, where is it?" he screamed as he continued to bore through the room like a tornado

"What are you doing you are actually starting to freak me out and that's saying something considering the situation we are in"

"I thought I left the pretty boy's phone around here somewhere I now I can't find the damn thing"

"What do you even need it for?" I asked as I began to get nervous

"Whatever it doesn't matter, I'm just tired of playing this game my patience is starting to run thin with this whole thing. Get him up I think it times to up the stacks a bit and see if we can't light a fire under their asses to get what I want sooner rather than later"

Once Mark left I quickly did as I was told while making the restraints less effective while keeping up the appearance of being tightly secured. There wasn't much time to communicate with Alex so we a few nods for understanding I ushered him out of the room to Mark who was waiting just inside the front door.

"It's almost a shame that things couldn't have been different between us don't you agree pretty boy?" I could feel my stomach lurch listening to Mark talk as he ran his hands over Alex, who could only shake it off with a defiant gaze "Awe don't give me that look babe it will over be over soon" Mark opened the door holding Alex in front of him with a mischievous smile plastered across his face.

I tried to keep my eyes focus somewhere else; anywhere else just to be able to avoid what was in front of me. I was looking at the wall when a loud vibration sounded off in my pocket causing my blood to go instantly cold.

"What the fuck is that?" Mark asked with venom laced in every word looking at me through his peripherals. Alex's phone had gone off while being press against my useless objects in my pocket causing the vibration to come off louder. He knew that much was for sure as he had told me to leave my phone before we even met up, my options were limited here and now, but before I could even decide on a course of action he reached out and grabbed me by the collar pulling me close while keeping his eyes focused forward.

"What the hell have you been doing with pretty boy's phone?" in that instance he made two mistakes, the first was actually shifting slightly to focus his attention to me and the second was adjusting his grasp on Alex so that he was now holding onto his restraints. At that moment Alex knew and before Mark had a chance to continue his interrogation of me Alex was out of his grasp running towards the zone setup across the way.


I couldn't believe what was unfolding before my eyes it all seemed to happen in slow motion; it was as if everyone was experiencing the same thing. I started to run out to Alex I wanted to get to him before Mark could do anything else. I was on the move as everyone else seemed to take a defensive stance, but I wasn't exactly sure nothing else mattered to me at this point in time. As Alex and I got closer to one another I caught sight of Mark over his shoulder and my eyes went wide with fear.

"ALEX!" was all I managed to get out before the world rang with a sound that would haunt one's dreams

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 22 I'm so so so sorry it took so long and I know a cliffhanger at this point might seem downright evil. This chapter isn't nearly as long as I wanted it to be but I don't think I could hold off this moment for much longer. I look forward to hearing from you guys and what you think may or may not happen. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 23

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