Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Mar 20, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 20: Life without Humor


Things were looking up for everyone, the second meeting with Ellen went was a lot easier for me I felt like I was in a better place and could handle all of this head on with my friends and boyfriend by my side. With all of my testimony over we were informed that the trial would likely take place in a month or two so for now I hoped for life to return to normal and get back to enjoying my senior year.

"Good Morning love birds end the love fest and get ready for school I am not in the mood to be late our first week back from vacation" Tiffany announced as she grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of us exposing us in full glory.

"Tiff I swear if you don't stop with the wake up call I'm going to tie you up and throw you down the stairs" I playfully scowled at her.

"Hey Tiffany have you gotten them out of bed yetÉ" Austin stopped dead in his tracks and instantly turned a deep shade of red "Umm hi guys I thought you would be awake and ready by nowÉumm sorry forÉ" he quickly left before he could finish his statement

"You guys see each other naked so frequently you might as well have a threesome or something with him" that immediately earned Tiff several pillows from both Shawn and I

"And now I think it is time that you leave so that we can actually get dressed and get out of here before we actually are late"

"Well now that they are all out of the picture why don't we get all cleaned up and ready for school" Shawn said, rolling over on top of me kissing me passionately

"Hmm if you don't stop that I might suggest we skip school altogether"

"Well that is not an option," he said kissing me on my forehead

Getting up I slapped Shawn hard on the butt before racing off to the bathroom to start the shower, where I was quickly joined by Shawn. We didn't fool around in the shower just some intimate touching and washing of the other's body before we were dressed and out the door.

"Where is Tiff, she was the one rushing us and now she isn't even here" I asked Austin who was leaning against my car.

"She said something about not wanting to wait around anymore, next thing I know she is speeding off down the street"

"Yeah that definitely sounds like something that she would do, so I guess that you are catching a ride with us today."

As we spend so much time at one another's homes more often than not we end up taking one car and leaving the other, today it was my turn to drive so we all loaded up in my car and headed off to school.

Coming back from vacation is ever exciting I felt like the day would go on forever, when the final bell rang I couldn't get out of my seat fast enough consequently not really looking where I was going I ran straight into someone landing soundly on my butt.

"Sorry about that guess I was in a bit of a rush and not reallyÉ" I felt the color drain from my faces as I looked up to see Mark staring down at me smiling "What are you doing here I thought you weren't allowed back on school grounds?"

"You know I was never one who followed the rule all that well I guess it must have slipped my mind" he said with a smirk.

My body wouldn't move as I began to tremble as Mark came closer to me leaning forward hand out stretched when a hand reached out grabbing his arm.

"I catch you within eyesight of Alex again and I'll make sure it's the last thing you do" Justin's words laced with venom and he tightened his grip causing Mark to begin to squirm in pain.

"This isn't over pretty boy I always get what I want in the end, but you already know that don'tÉ" he was cut off mid sentence when a fist came into contact with the side of his face sending him spiraling to the ground, the hatred in Shawn's eyes was almost palpable as he stared down hard at Mark.

Without a word Shawn scooped me up off the ground carrying me over to my car, I swear I could feel the heat radiating out of him from his anger. Reaching up I slowly took the side of his face in my hands and almost instantly I could feel him relax as we reached the car, no words were needed as he placed me in the backseat.

"Hey Austin would you mind driving back to Alex's house with us?"

"Yeah it's no big deal I'll just tell Jason where I am and he can swing by later"

"You guys going to be alright?" Justin asked he himself still a bit red in the face from the ordeal.

"Yeah I think I've calmed a little bit, I just want to get Alex out of here thanks a lot Justin I'm glad you got to him first"

"Hey don't sweat it man you know we all feel protective of each other I'd do it again for any of you in a heartbeat. Austin get them back safe I'll find Tiffany and let her know what all happened, knowing her she will probably make an appearance sometime later"

The whole time I just felt calm and safe cradled in Shawn's arms, who by this time had gotten himself back under control.


I couldn't help but feel bad for both Shawn and Alex as I watched them go upstairs to the room, more than likely to just spend some time together. I had sent Jason a message to let him know what was happening knowing he probably wouldn't see it until after practice if Justin hadn't already told him everything. Walking out onto the front porch I began thinking about all that has transpired so quickly somehow feeling that this is some how my fault. I lost track of time lost in my thoughts when I felt the presence of someone behind me.

"I know that look and I am going to tell you now that this is in no way your fault"

"But how can you say that Shawn, after everything that I have done I basically led him hear. If it wasn't for the way things went down between us none of this would have happened to Alex" I was on the verge of tears thinking about how I had caused pain to someone who has been nothing but nice to me giving me a second chance after the shit that happened.

"Hey we have already squashed the past, so don't go bringing up old stuff trying to find a way to wrap it all together. I don't blame you and I am positive that Alex doesn't blame you either, so it turn don't go blaming yourself hear me?" Shawn has a big smile across his face and I couldn't help but smile myself looking up at him.

"Alex is truly a lucky guy am I glad that you guys have found each other"

"And I am glad that you have turned out to be the caring person I thought you could be the first time we met"

We both turned to see Alex smiling from the doorway

"Now I hope this doesn't become a regular thing with you two or I might start to get a little jealous"

The three of us sat around a bit longer before we heard Tiffany's car squealing down the road like a bat out of hell.

"Well I guess she got the news" Alex said with a soft chuckle

Rushing out of her badly parked car you could almost hear the bones cracking as she squeezed Alex tight a mixture of concern and anger about her.

"Why didn't you call me sooner I had to be the last one to hear about it, that is not cool and you will be making this up to me."

"It all happened so fast there wasn't really time for me to think about anything Shawn and Justin took car of everything for the most part and Austin was there too"

"So your telling me that all of you were present for these events and no one thought it would be a good idea to perhaps tell me shortly after" Tiffany was obviously pretty upset with us all at this point, understandably so.

"I'll take fault for this one Justin, Shawn, and Alex were dealing with a bit more than I was so I could have given you a heads up, sorry about that"

"Your lucky your so cute I will let you off the hook this time but this time only" she said winking at me before focusing her attention elsewhere surprisingly dragging Shawn into the house leaving Alex and I alone on the porch.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better thanks to you and Shawn, I am glad that we have become such good friends I am not sure how I would deal with all of this without any of you"

I couldn't help but feel bad again looking down at my hands avoiding looking him in the face

"And before you go getting yourself I don't hold you responsible for any of this, so don't go thinking that I would be doing just fine if you hadn't come along. Regardless if you had come here or not I am well aware that Shawn and Mark were friends long before even you came into the picture so I am sure he would have shown up sooner or later around here."

"You never cease to surprise me, you seem to be able to see the good in most situations regardless"

"I don't think I am anything special like that and I am not always the optimistic one, but sometimes looking for the best in a situation is all anyone can really do"


"Well that was a shock I thought for sure Alex was the one you would be dragging in here, what gives?"

"I don't trust Mark anymore than the rest of you but I never thought he would be so bold as to just show up on school grounds like that. I don't like it and think this will just led to trouble"

"I agree even with the threats from all of us plus the investigation up his ass I would think he would be a bit more cautious, but than again maybe this boldness is due in part that he may feel he has nothing more to lose"

"If that is the case things are going to go very wrong very fast and no matter how much we want to there is no way that we can be near Alex at all times of the day"

The sinking feeling in my gut got worse as those words hit home, she was right we couldn't possibly keep watch over him all the time, not only due to physical limitations but Alex himself would get upset with is if we even thought about trying to do something like that.

Over the course of the next couple weeks things seem to be back on track and we were all getting along quite well, with Alex more or less back to his normal self and for awhile there things just seem to fall back into place.

I was on my way home after spending time with the guys when I heard my phone ringing, recognizing the ringtone I answered without looking at the caller ID

"Hey babe what's up I was just heading home from hanging with the guys"

"They moved the date up"

"What do you mean? When did that do that?"

"I just got off the phone with Ellen, apparently they feel they have what they need sooner than anticipated and requested a sooner court date and they just got the approval. They set it for the middle of next week"

"Hey calm down everything is going to be fine, in fact I'm turning around now and heading your way I'll pick you up and bring you over to my place"

"No that's ok I'll drive myself over a little later I am going to spend a little bit of time with Tiff before coming to see you"

"Ok babe, you just take it easy until tonight"

As much I just wanted to head straight over to see Alex I knew by now that he needed a little time to work through things on his own and with him being so close with Tiffany I knew there were things she would understand a bit better than me at this point.

"Hello sweetie you look exhausted are you doing ok?"

"Hey mom yeah I am doing ok more so worried about Alex, they moved the court date up and I can tell he is not looking forward to any of it"

"Oh I am sure he isn't but look at it this way the sooner this happens the sooner you all can try and put it all behind you and get on with your lives. Your all young and have so much to experience in life this isn't something I'd wish on my worse enemies. Now I am sure we are all expecting Alex to show up here sooner or later so you should go freshen up, someone could use a good hot shower about now"

Talking to my mom when I got the chance always made me feel better, a quick hug and I was off to clean up before Alex was due to arrive.

"Honey when is Alex supposed to come by?" my mom asked as we were finishing up dinner

"Honestly I sort of expected him to be here by now I didn't think he would wait to late to come over" although no one said anything out loud I am sure they all saw the concern on my face as I excused myself from the table to go grab my cell.

Walking in to my room I quickly grabbed my phone to see if I had any missed calls. Nothing? That's odd I'm sure he would have called by now or something. Becoming slightly worried I hit speed dial and called Alex only to be sent to his voicemail, now I really was beginning to get nervous. I was scrolling through my list of contacts when my phone started to ring.

"Shawn is Alex with you?"

"No, I was just about to call you to see if he was with you"

"He left here hours ago and I told him to call me as soon as he got in, but when I try to call him it goes straight to voicemail" I could feel the panic start to rise

"Actually Tiffany hold on I'm getting another call"


"Shawn it's Austin I need you to meet me now"

"Austin? Why what is going on?"

"We fond Alex's car, but he is nowhere to be found"

"What are you talking about" I couldn't contain the fear in my voice, my heart racing with a million thoughts running through my head at once.

"Jason and I were on our way back into town when we found Alex's car still running in the parking lot near the park"

"Oh my god I'm on my way"

"Tiffany you there?"

"Yeah what is going on?"

"Something is wrong really wrong, Austin and Jason just found Alex's car running and he isn't anywhere to be found, meet us at the park I am on my way out the door right now"

Hanging up with Tiffany I immediately rush out the door, please let him be alright I couldn't take it if something else happened to him, and it was at that moment I felt a cold chill run down my spine, if Mark is in anyway involved in this I'll make him regret waking up this morning I promise myself that. I'm coming baby just hold on, wait for meÉ.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 20 I'm so sorry it took so long I wish I could just sit in front of my computer and write all day long. Now I don't usually do the whole cliffhanger thing but I thought why not give it a try. So I look forward to hearing from you guys and what you think may or may not happen. I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer and sometimes I truly need that extra spark from you guys, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 21

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