Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 25, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 2: Dreaming of You

Alex's Pov

The first day of classes just seem to drag on and on though I can't say that I was paying much attention to anything the teachers were saying. My thoughts were on Shawn and our encounter this morning. Just thinking about him has butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I am content with staying in my dream world when I am brought back to reality by a quick jab in the ribs.

"Dreaming about the stud from this morning," Tiff asks with a smug grin on her face. "I think you two would make quite the cute couple you should go talk to him, get him to come hang out with us, or better yet I should set you two up on a blind date," she says as she dashes to her car with me close behind.

Once we reach her car I notice a striking blue sports car parked right next to Tiffany's and can't help by wonder who drives that as I've never seen it here before. While I am busy gawking at the car I bump into someone causing me to lose my balance, but before I take a nasty fall a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I look up to see who caught my fall and find myself once again staring into those deep hazel eyes once again.

"That could have been one heck of a fall are you alright," Shawn asks as he continues to hold me only shifting slightly to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me upright.

"Y...Ye...Yea I...I'm ok, thanks for the save I just got lost admiring the car and didn't pay attention to where I was going," I say blushing profusely while avoiding his gaze.

"Well I am glad you like the car it was a gift from my folks, it is sort of there way of making up for not being around all the time," he says while still holding on to me. "I'd be happy to give you a ride sometime if you are up for it,"

Once again I find myself blushing as I take in the context of his words, of course I'd love to go for a ride in his car, but he could take me for a ride in some other form anytime he asked. While these thoughts are flowing around in my head I still notice that he has yet to let me go, maybe I am just reading to much into everything but I could get use to this.

"I'd love to go for a ride sometime, we should hang out sometime and I can take you up on your offer," I say to him

"That would be great here let me have your phone so I can put my number in," we then exchange phones and enter each other's numbers in them. "Feel free to call or text me anytime, hope to here from you soon Alex and it was nice meeting you too uhh..."

"Tiffany," she says to finish his sentence

"Tiffany, cool I'll be seeing you guys around then," with that Shawn hops in to his car a speeds of with what I swear is the biggest smile I have ever seen,

"Well looks like it may not be as hard as I thought to get you two together, he is definitely sweet on you don't let your chance slip away or someone else is going to get a hold of him," Tiff says as she starts the car and heads of in the direction of our houses.

Shawn's Pov

Could this day get any better not only do I have his number but to able to hold him in my arms was more then I could have dreamed of, at least after only just meeting him. I was a in a good mood all the way home taking my thoughts of Alex into the bedroom with me. I quickly stripped off all my cloths and dropped down on my bed with my aching 7 ? inch dick in hand. It didn't take much before I released ropes of cum across my chest while screaming out his name, it was one of the most intense orgasms I've had in awhile. There was so much more I wanted to do to him, hold him, kiss him, touch him, make love to him oh I could on.

I got out of bed cleaned myself off and grabbed my phone. "Hope we get to hang out soon and I look forward to getting to know you better, :)" I hit the send button, resting my head down on the bed and drifted off to a content sleep.

When I woke I quickly checked my phone to see a few messages from Alex

"I look forward to that as well"

"Maybe we can hangout tomorrow and you can give me that ride you promised :)"

"Well see you at school tomorrow I hope I wasn't bothering you by talking so much,"

Was he kidding of course he wasn't bothering me. "Hey, no bother at all I just went down for a quick nap is all, see you in school tomorrow," I quickly replied as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

My parents are great but they are rarely ever home because they work so much my dad is the new leading surgeon in the area which is why we moved out here, and mom is an engineer always traveling to set up new projects all over the country. To make up for it they are always sending me expensive gifts like the car, a new IPhone, new computers, etc. and those things are great don't get me wrong but sometimes I wish we were more of a family.

My ex-boyfriend used to think it was great because we could be alone anytime we wanted but it began to get to a point where he was just using me. He even had a key to my old place that is until the day I came home to find him cheating on me in my own bed with my former best friend. So needless to say change is good and things are on their way up, especially if Alex is part of those good things to come.


Hey guys this is the second installment in the series, so I have started to give a little background on Shawn and will continue to give more glimpses into his persona as the story moves along. I know there isn't much in the way of sex yet but I will be getting there soon. So tell me what you guys think, or maybe some thoughts and ideas that you would like to see, and I would love to here back from you guys, as reading your comments and emails is what keeps me going in writing. Chapter 3 will be coming soon, and much sooner if you are all really enjoying the way things are shaping up so far.

Next: Chapter 3

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