Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 9, 2013


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 18: Time After Time


Walking into the living room the reality of it all slowly started to hit home, so far I haven't really told anyone what happened that day, I never got the chance to tell my side of the story before they decided to let the scum off the hook.

"Are you ready for this?" Shawn asked, lightly squeezing my hand to let me know that he was in it with me.

"Yeah as ready as I'll ever be" everyone was already situated in a sort of semi circle surrounding Ellen, presumably leaving the space directly across from her open for Shawn and myself. Sitting down next to Austin he and Jason gave me a nod and a smile, knowing I had so many people standing by my side made this whole experience somewhat easier to deal with.

"We can start when ever you are ready Alex" looking up at Ellen I took a deep breath before I began to go over the events of that dreadful day.

Walking down to the lobby I figured the guys probably came down to grab a bite to eat since we had food delivered to the room so the cafŽ was where I began my search. Running into a dead end with that idea I quickly became tired of searching for them like this when I remembered that I had left my phone back in the room, damnit I thought to myself, well the next best thing is to see if any of the staff have seen them around.

"Excuse me have you seen three guys anywhere around within the past few hours, one of them is my partner Shawn Brunswick"

"Actually yes Mr. Brunswick and his guest headed off in the direction of our private beach area sometime ago and I have not seen them return as of yet, I would assume that they are more than likely still out"

"Thank you that helps out a lot"

Heading off with an idea of where to look I stopped dead in my tracks before the main gate that lead out to the beach area.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I am not here for you I was just on my way out" not looking in his direction I made my way towards the door, when I felt myself pulled back "What do you think you are doing let go of me"

"That's no way to talk to a friend now is it, besides you are enjoying this as much as I am I can tell" pulling me away from the main area Mark forced me against a wall kissing my neck and forcing his way into my back of my shorts

I tried fighting out his grip, but the more I resisted the tighter his hold on my become, I began to panic and struggle as fear gripped every fiber of my being thinking of what Mark intended to do.

"Oh yes you are the feisty to one, a little to much energy to have any fun out here it's time to relocate to somewhere a bit more private" it felt as if I was just a ragdoll in his arms, I knew he was built but I didn't think it was to this extent. I kicked and punched the entire time, his hand covering my mouth to muffle out any cries for help I could muster. We came to what I learned later was his families private quarters, tossing me to the bed he managed to rip my clothes on the way down before jumping on top of me.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, either way I am going to get what I want"

Not wanting any part of this I tried to no avail to push him from atop of me.

"Hard way it is, I was hoping that would be your choice" like I was nothing he flipped me over onto my stomach and then I felt his thick member poking at my rear. Without warning he forced himself deep inside, the pain was unlike anything I had felt before, my whole body felt like it was on fire as he forced more and more of himself inside. Tears burned my face, the searing pain increasing and finally it was all to much for me to handle hearing Mark laugh and grunt in pleasure everything started to go black, all feeling leaving me as I drifted out of consciousness.

I could barely hold it together as I finished relaying the events of that day, looking around Justin and Jason were all clutching the fist the faces a mixture of sadness and hatred. Shawn was about the same as he came up behind me, I felt the warmth of his body envelope me as he cried softly into the back of my neck. Austin was looking down at his hands as a steady stream of tears cascaded down his face and Tiff was standing with her back to the sliding glass doors looking at me I felt my heart break at the pain that showed upon her face, we have been as close as blood since I've been here I know she was hurting in a way no one but me could understand.

Collecting herself Ellen seemed to have a newfound determination etched across her being "Alex I know that must have been extremely difficult for you both then and now" kneeling before me she took my hands into her own "I promise you that I will do everything within my power to make sure that thisÉexcuse me, scum, gets what he deserves and no amount of wealth or name will save him this time"

It wasn't so much what she said, but the way she said it that I believed everything she had said, she was on my side and it seemed that she was almost taking this all on a more personal level than I expected of her.

"I know that there is more that you have to share with me, however I believe that today is enough, I don't won't to open this wounds again for any longer than I have to and I also know that you all are looking forward to your winter holiday. This is for all of you if anything at all, and I mean anything seems out of the ordinary at any time call me immediately on my direct line. I have enough to begin what I would like to do and I will be in touch once you all have returned to go over the rest"

Tiffany escorted Ellen out, while the rest of us had not budged an inch, Shawn clung to me tightly almost as if he would never let me go again, and to be honest I wouldn't have minded if he never did this was the safest I have felt in a long time, I wasn't ready to give up the feeling just yet.

"So are we going to sit here with pouting all day or can we get this winter vacation started already" wiping my face I looked up at Tiff who still looked as rough as the rest of us.

"I'm sorry who died and made you queen" I shot back with a half smile, walking over Tiff pulled me up after a hesitant Shawn let me go and pulled me into a hug of her own.

"I got news for you, I've always been queen" she said placing a kiss on my cheek before letting me go and pushing me back towards a now standing Shawn.

I can't deny she definitely has a way with people, with the mood starting to shift everyone straighten themselves out before getting into some activity.

"Hey Jay lets make a quick run to the store and grab some burgers and such, we'll have a nice cookout before we head north to freeze our butts off"

"Sure thing we can manage that, Shawn are you going to come too?"

"Nah I'll stay behind and help them out around here" even though that was his reasoning I can say we all knew it was more so about keeping an eye on me, and while I don't mind the sentiment at all I would make sure that it wasn't something that became a habit, I would hate for him to start to miss out on the guy time that the three of them have started to become so fond of.

"Cool we will be back before you know it"

"Hey Austin why don't you go with them I'm sure if we let the macho men do all the shopping they are going to come back with nothing but giant chunks of meats" I said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah that sounds like an idea" both Tiff and Shawn chimed in at the same time

With that all decided the three of them headed off to the store in Jason's truck leaving Shawn, Tiff and I alone for the first time in awhile.

"It's not often that it has been just the three of us like this, in truth I am shocked it doesn't occur more often" looking at Tiff and Shawn, I could feel the mood in the room dampen. I knew what they were thinking, the two most important people in my life were unhappy in themselves because they couldn't stop that day from happening.

"Alex, if I had never invited everyone to the resort"

"Stop it" both of them looked up at me in shock "We have had these talks before, it was no one's fault for what happened no one could have foreseen any of this occurring"

"But maybe e is right Alex, I mean I should have went with you" I put my hand up to cut her off, today has been one of the more emotional days, but I refused to sit here and let this become a pity party

"It may be a fresh wound but I am putting it behind me for now, when we come back I am sure there will be time enough for all of this, for now lets enjoy each other while we can I will here no more sad talk the rest of this vacation" I know I sounded better off than I was, but if I didn't but on a strong front than everyone else would feel bad about having any chance of enjoying themselves "Don't just stand around this cookout isn't going to prepare itself"

"Excuse me who died and made you queen?"

"Don't you mean king?"

"No way, QUEEN is what you are honey" Tiff said ducking behind the island in the kitchen in time to dodge a loaf of bread that was aimed at her head while Shawn tried his hardest to suppress his laughter.

"Oh don't you start Mr. one sound from you and I'll cut off all funny business for the entire winter break"


I know he was trying his hardest to hide his feelings from the rest of us, but I could see it was still bothering him, in the way he would lose focus and just stare off.

"You wouldn't do that to me, you can't resist going to long without me" I said giving him a quick kiss.

"My self control is a bit more developed than you are willing to believe" he said with a smile "now if you will excuse me I believe there is still a little bit of packing to do before we all embark on this journey"

"He isn't fooling either of us I hope he realizes that" Tiff said after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah I think he does, but for now I'll play along at least until he is ready and when he is we will both be there for him."

"Why does it feel like someone died in here?" Justin said as he came into the kitchen with an armful of bags.

"I think things are still a bit fresh with all of this," I said

"Well things wont be any easier if we all sit around here sulking and it will only make it that much harder for Alex" Austin said bringing in the last of the bags.

"Where is Jason?"

"He already went around back to fire up the grill"

Things seem to get back to somewhat normal and we were all beginning to loosen up again, even Alex seemed like he was closer to his usual self. He still had his moments where he seemed detached from the conversations but at those times I would just hold him close or squeeze his hand to silently let him know I was there for him.

"So is everyone about ready to hit the road, I have one last surprise" bringing them out to the garage I showed them the black Suburban that I had stowed away without anyone else's knowledge. "This way we only had to take one car and we can deal with the roads leading up to the cabin, so lets get this show on the road if I do say so myself."

The trip was mellow for the most part with everyone falling asleep shortly after we set off, the events of the day catching up with everyone. I would occasionally glance over at Alex who was drifting in and out of sleep never letting go of my hand the entire time. The quiet ride left me with my own thoughts, I was angry and sad all at the same time but I knew that if I acted upon my emotions I would only bring more hurt to Alex and that was the last thing that I wanted to do.

After a solid eight hours and a coupe stops along the way we finally pulled into the driveway of the cabin, you could almost feel everyone itching with excitement to get out of the truck and explore at the same time.

"Wow this is a cabin, it's bigger than some of the houses in our neighborhood"

Justin's comment made me feel slightly self-conscious about flaunting my family's wealth again as everyone went inside to check everything out. Alex came up next to me lightly squeezing my hand, I could tell he knew what I was thinking and his small gesture alone was enough to put my mind at ease and let myself enjoy the holiday.

"Thanks babe you never know how much I appreciate you just being by my side"

"That works both ways" Alex said pulling me close into a passionate kiss. I could feel his desire for me grow as he pushed his tongue into my mouth and our hands started to roam over each other's bodies.

"Hey love birds you could at least wait until we are all unpacked" we pulled away from each other blushing as the rest of the group tried to contain their laughter.

By the time rooms were picked out and everyone was settled in we were all in the main room with the fireplace going. Jason and Austin actually made a cute couple snuggled up on the far couch lightly kissing every now and then, even Tiffany and Justin were being more intimate than I had previously witnessed. I believe I did good taking everyone away from it all just giving the chance to relax and not worry about anything. Even Alex appeared to have left things back at home as he peacefully slept against my chest. I am not sure if it was the warmth of the fire or just the peace of it all but soon I found myself drifting off to sleep as well holding Alex close to me never wanting to let go.


I awake suddenly with the immediate need to pee, looking around at the unfamiliar setting I found myself in a rather comfortable bed with Shawn's armed draped over me holding me tight. Slowly slipping out of bed I made my way to the bathroom to take care of business and wash my face. Refreshed and relieved I decided a late night stroll around this place was long past due, slipping into one of Shawn's warm robes I walked around a bit letting myself get lost in the peaceful feel of this place. After making my way to the kitchen for a glass of water I was making my way back to the room when I heard soft moaning and movement coming from Jason and Austin's room. Laughing to myself I made a mental note to tease them about it tomorrow morning. Slipping back into Shawn's warm embrace was enough to quickly lull me back to sleep, for once in a long time I wasn't worried about anything and was actually able to leave many of the troubles of life back at home.

The smell of bacon frying and the clang of pots and pans roused me from my sleep the following morning, walking into the kitchen rubbing my eyes I noticed everyone awake and everyone looking at me odd

"What is there something on my face?"

"No that's not the issue sweetie, you sort of let your robe slip open sleepyhead, sexy underwear by the way" Tiff said with a smile as I felt my face go hot as I made hast to close up my robe.

"Don't worry babe it was a nice surprise to me," Shawn said coming up behind me and kissing me, smelling of whatever he was cooking.

Grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a seat I looked over at Austin and Jason, for the first time realizing just how close they had become it actually warmed my heart to see the two of them happy after the things that have happened in the past amongst us.

I made my way over to Austin whispering in his ear "So I couldn't help but overhear your conversation last night, who knew you could be quite the talker so late at night" continuing past him into the kitchen I turned to look back as Jason asked what that was all about and I could see him go red as Austin shared with him what I had said. Looking up at me I couldn't help but wink and smile at Jason who smile in return shaking is head.

Breakfast was a blast and everyone was in good spirits "so how about we all go and freshen up and then we can discuss what is on the agenda for today"

"Sounds good to me besides I'm sure some of us could use a bit more freshening up than others" Tiff said with a laugh. At first I thought she was referring to the exploits from last night I had stumbled across until I noticed Justin go red in the face as he chocked on his orange juice.

"Oh MyÉTiff you actuallyÉ" before I could finish my statement I was hit with a barrage of pillows from not only her but Austin and Jason as well presumably taking this opportunity to get revenge on me for embarrassing them this morning. "Ok ok I call for a cease fire" Shawn gave me a questioning look that meant I had some explaining of my own to do here shortly.

With everything cleaned and put away we all separated to our rooms to prepare for the day ahead. Walking into the bathroom and adjusting the shower I knew it was time to let Shawn in on what was happening around here.

"So care to let me in on what was going on this morning?" he said wrapping his arms around me pulling me into is already naked form.

"Well apparently last night was the night for first or at least as far as I know, I stumbled across Austin and Jason in the throws of passion last night and this morning Tiff let it kind of slip that she and Justin were up to some mischief of their own"

"Well well my little spy getting the dirt around here, well maybe it's time we join the crew of deviants and create some mischief of our own"


Kissing my way down his neck brought sexy moans from him, sliding my hands into his robe I gently pushed is back letting it fall revealing his sexy delicate form "hmm you taste good enough to eat"

"So maybe you should stop taking samples and indulge in a full meal" he knew just what to say to turn me on, kissing my way down I hooked my fingers into the waistband of his underwear slowly bringing them down exposing his rock hard cock. He let out a moan as I took it into my mouth in one motion; I began to work his hole with my fingers as I worked my tongue around his tool. "Oh baby that dick" I took his cock all the way to the base causing Alex to moan out loud, I quickly spun him around and plunged my tongue into his sweet hole. "Yes fuck my ass with your tongue, this ass is all yours"

I could tell he was close to losing it, so I dragged my tongue along the crack of his ass working my was all up then sucking on his neck. I could tell he was ready as he began thrusting back against me trying to get my cock in his hole. "Fuck me Shawn I need you inside of me right now" not needing to be told twice I position myself behind him against the shower wall and slowly sunk my cock deep into his as his sphincter muscles relaxing and allowing me entrance. I began with long hard strokes pulling out till just the head was left inside before slamming it all back into him. "Harder baby, harder I want you deep in me" he was pushing back against me to meet my thrust clenching the muscles in his ass each time I pulled out and it was driving me up the wall, I began picking up the pace the sound of slapping wet flesh echoing throughout the bathroom as we both past the point of no return. "Oh Shawn I'm cumming, cum in me baby cum in my ass" that pushed me over the edge as we came at the same time, the rapid contractions of his ass milking my cock for all it was worth as he coated the shower wall with is own juices.

My softening tool slipped out of his ass with an audible "pop" and moan from Alex, regaining our senses we quickly finished the rest of our shower and got dressed to rejoin the others.

"Well Austin I think they had one hell of a shower wouldn't you agree"

"Tiffany I couldn't agree moreÉOh I need you inside me right now "

I could feel my face go hot as Alex buried his face in my back before going on the offensive and chasing those two all over the house.

"I told you I would kill you one day and Austin you have just been added to my list" Jason, Justin and I heard him scream as he continued to chase them around the house.

"Jason stop him you can't let him kill your precious boyfriend"

"Oh no I'm not getting in the line of fire for this one" he said putting his hands up in defense.

"Oh really well I suppose you can go the rest of the trip without getting any can't you" Austin let on with a sly grin

"Now that's just playing dirty, are the two of them always like this holding sex for ransom when they want something" he said with a laugh as I just shrugged my shoulders and waited for the three of them to wear themselves out. It was good to see them all enjoying themselves I can only hope things stay this good when we have to return back home.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 18 I am so so so sorry that took so long to get out I hope you guys are still enjoying it and I appreciate everyone's feedback it really gives me things to think about and help me grow as a writer, so with that being said I love hearing from you guys so please to be afraid to drop me a line, love it, hate it, or have suggestions of your own. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 19

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