Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 29, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. As this is a work of fiction the characters may not always practice the safest sex, but I implore you to please always be careful there are a lot of nasty things out there and it's not worth it. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. I will be trying something a little different with this chapter so feedback is important so I know how you all feel about it. This is my first story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 16: Time Heals all Wounds


It was all a blur the next thing I remember is hearing Tiffany scream as Jason and Justin held me back against the wall pulling me away from the bloody mess that was now Mark, Austin approached slowly and cautiously as he knelt down near Mark. At first I thought he was going to show some kind of sympathy until he delivered a quick swift kick to his side causing a gurgled grunt to come from Mark.

"Looks like he is still alive" he said with an icy unevenness in his voice

Justin sat me down staying close to me as Jason went over and grabbed Austin from behind bringing him over to where we all were.

"Jason please call the staff security and paramedics, we have to get Alex taken care of immediately and Mark needs to be looked at as well. Shawn I need to go over to Tiffany will you be alright for a minute?"

"UhÉyeah I think I can manage for a minute"

The staff moved quickly and efficiently, my folks along with Alex's and Mark's were all contacted and were set to meet us at the hospital.

"Mr. Brunswick I am officer Sheldon I need to ask you a few questions if you could come with me" I looked over at my parents.

"Shawn go with the officer, our attorney will be present and if there is any change in Alex's condition we will be sure to let you know"

Following the officer he lead me to what appeared to be a large conference room where my parents attorney was already present.

"Now Mr. BrunswickÉ"

"Call me Shawn please" the officer gave a soft chuckle.

"Sure thing, now I need you to go over the events of what lead to all of this"

"Everything started fine we all came to the resort to enjoy ourselves for the weekend, I was with the guys Jason and Justin, while the others were together. When we returned no one knew where Alex was so we began a search around the entire compound also asking the staff for assistance. I was in the parking lot when I noticed Mark's car so I inquired about his presence at the resort. When I made it to his room I burst in andÉ" I paused getting my thoughts together thinking back to a mere hours before that flipped my world upside down.

{12 hours earlier}

"See I told you they are all nothing but sluts that will jump on the next big dick that comes along" Mark laughed as his pushed is dick into Alex's limp body that lay beneath him "See I just did you a favor of finding out for you"

There are no words to describe what I was feeling; I lunged forward at Mark punching him straight in the face sending him barreling across the room. Walking over to an unconscious, Alex I stroked his tear stained face, his breathing was shallow and ragged.

"What the fuck dude, he is just some guy and we are closer than blood," Mark said getting to his feet wiping the blood from his mouth.

In silence I walked over to him and landed another punch straight to his face, this time I went down with him, hitting him again and again. He attempted to fight back, but we are about the same size and I was filled with anger and hatred for the person in front of me. He hurt the person I love more than anything in this life and had no remorse for it, he hurt Austin and I can only imagine his reasoning for doing so, and just like that I felt as if I was fighting for anyone that he has ever hurt each blow easier to land than the last until the rest of the gang came into the room


"So officer how much trouble am I in for all of this"

"To be straight with you Shawn I won't know what is going to happen until I can get all the facts and details from everyone involved and with the two most important people currently unable to give us any information the investigation will be put on hold after we question the rest of the group. Until then I do advise you Mr. Brunswick to please try and stay out of trouble as that will not help your case when it comes up."

"Thanks officer Sheldon, can I go back to everyone now?"

"Yes you are free to go unless there is anything your attorney may need from you"

"No I am hear simple to make sure that all the parties involved are treated fairly and respectable, that is what the Brunswick's have hired me to do for now in this matter"

Stepping out of the elevator I saw Alex's parents talking with the doctors, I rushed over to see what was going on.

"Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, is he ok?"

"Shawn, the doctors tell us his vitals are stable and there is no internal damage but he is in shock now and they say we just have to wait and see for him to wake up."

"I'm so sorry I should have been there, if I hadn't left him none of this would have happened"

"Shawn none of this is your fault, so don't take carry the burden of all of this on your shoulders alone" Mr. Robertson said placing his hand on my shoulder.

The rest of the gang was just as shaken up, we were all sitting in the waiting area, hoping to hear some good news soon when my parents came out to see us.

"Why don't you all go home and get some rest, his folks promised they would call me as soon as there have been any changes but for now you kids go on and get out of here for awhile."

Over the next several days we were all in and out of the hospital hoping for Alex to wake up, I began to feel more and more depressed with each day that passed with no change. I told him I would never let anything hurt him and would always be there for him and I failed him when he needed me most.

Alex had been in the hospital for over a week when he finally woke up, everyone rushed in to see him but I held back. Did I even deserve to see him after letting all of this happen? Deciding it was not my place to be I left to go get some fresh air.

I was up on the roof for maybe an hour when I heard the door behind me open.

"You're a fucking asshole you know that" I turned to see Justin staring me down. "You know you were the first thing he asked about when he woke up, Mark may have hurt him physically but right now you are hurting him worse than any punch or kick ever will"

I didn't say anything I just looked down unable to speak, he next thing I knew Justin's hands were on my collar holding my up against the wall.

"Do you understand, he is shouldering the blame for all of this because you won't come see him"

"I can't it is might fault he ended up like this, don't you understand that, it's all my fault, if he hadn't meet me he wouldn't be in this state"

"You selfish prick do you think you're the only one torn up by all of this, you think you're the only one that is upset because they couldn't protect him?" I looked Justin in the face for the first time since he came up here, he had teas running down his face. "He never bothered anyone, always stayed out of the crowd, never judged anyone. In a way I looked up to the little guy and after getting to know him and everyone else I vowed to keep him safe, like you I feel like I failed and don't deserve his friendship or to even be in his presence but letting him feel as if this is some how his fault is the worst thing either of us can do"

Justin's words cut deep, had I really been so selfish? I couldn't stop the tears from falling I felt even worse, not only did I not protect Alex from Mark I am making it worse letting him think that some how this is his fault. He probably thinks I don't want to be with him anymore because Mark forced himself on him, how could I be so stupid.

"I have to go see him"

"I warn Shawn, you have become a good friend to me, but hurt Alex again and I won't let you with ten feet of him got that" Justin was staring my in the eyes as I nodded giving him my understanding.

Justin had just let me go when Tiffany walked through the door, her face red and swollen from crying.

"He really wants to see you Shawn, please go the rest of us are heading out I just came to get Justin"

I nodded at her, somewhat shocked to see her this way, she was really the one I expected a threat from, but given the circumstance and how close she is to Alex she is probably effected more than most of us can understand.

Standing in front of the door to the room I was nervous about going in, would he really be happy to see me? I slowly opened the door to find Alex sitting up staring intently out the window. Noticing my presence he slowly turned to me.

"I'm sorry Shawn," he said with tears lightly falling down his face. I lost it and the tears began to fall again. I crossed the short distance between us and sat on the end of his bed, taking him into my arms.

"Oh baby you have nothing to be sorry for "

"But I should have been more careful, I should have known better" I cut him off before he could say another word.

"Hush I will hear none of that, this wasn't your fault and I won't hear a word about it being any different understand?" he nodded. I leaned forward bringing his lips to mine feeling his warmth against me. "I love you and that isn't ever going to change"


The days began to pass and things slowly started to return to normal, until the nightmares started. At first they weren't so bad, I would wake up and feel Shawn spooned behind me his arms draped over holding me tight against him. When Shawn left a week ago with his family for special event hosted for his father the nightmares got worse. One night I woke up screaming drenched in sweat unable to figure out where I was, the dream had felt so real and I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Alex are you all right we heard, oh honey" my mom sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled me to her, I wrapped my arms around her and continued to cry until I finally past out from pure exhaustion.

Slowly waking up I instantly felt a presence in my room and felt my body tense. "Alex you look awful are you ok?"

I looked up to see Tiffany and Austin sitting at the foot of my bed with concerned looks across their faces, while Justin and Jason stood against the my door frame.

"Yeah little dude, you had us worried when you wouldn't answer your phone, Shawn has been trying to get in touch with you all day so he asked us to come check in on you" Justin said as he walked over and stood behind Tiff.

"I'm ok guys just tired really" Tiff gave me the look she knew what I said was a lie.

"Can you guys give us a minute alone please?" everyone nodded as they walked out the door.

"We will be just downstairs if you need us," Austin said as he patted my leg before joining the others.

"Ok spill it, what is really going on with you?"

"Nightmares, at first they weren't so bad, but since Shawn has been gone they have gotten progressively worse"

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

"I figured they would go away eventually or at least I hoped they would"

"Al this probably isn't the best time to tell you this, but I'd rather you hear it from me. Mark is still at school, he has been acquitted of the charges"

I sat there stunned unable to believe what Tiff had just told me.

"Apparently Mark's folks are very powerful people and have paid a lot of money to have things covered up, I did however hear that they have taken a lot of things away from Mark, but it's all speculation at this point"

It was suddenly I was having a hard to breathing, the walls felt like they were closing in on me. I looked at Tiffany as everything around began to swirl as she called my name and finally it all went black.

I awoke feeling the warmth of someone holding and lightly caressing me.

"It's about time you woke up, you gave quiet the scare there sleepy head" Shawn said with a smile as he kiss the top of my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still a bit groggy.

"Well I was actually already on my way home which is why I was calling you, when I got a call from Austin saying you blacked out, so I had my parents drop me off straight here and they are downstairs talking with your parents now" he face then changed from a smile to a slight scowl "why didn't you tell me about the nightmares?"

"I didn't want you to worry anymore than you already have"

"I don't care about that you should have told me" lifting my chin to face him he placed a small kiss on my lips "don't keep things to yourself, whatever it is talk to me about it, promise me"

"I promise"

"Good" he pulled me back down to him and we were rolling on my bed when our parents knocked on the door.

"It's open come in"

"It's good to see you feeling better, you gave Shawn quite the scare when he heard what happened" I saw Shawn look away as I gave him a small smile "We actually came to talk to you about Mark if that is ok?"

"Yeah it's fine, I heard that he got off without much trouble"

"Yes I am afraid he had due in part to the reputation his family is trying to uphold, I had the chance to speak with them and they are not happy with these turn of event's they have actually sent us with a checkÉ"

"I don't want their money," I said sharply cutting her off

"I figured you would say that so I had them entrust it to me, it will always be yours if you ever come to want or need it. From what they have told me Mark has become a bit much even for them, he is now on his own, his parents wanted to send him away after the whole affair, but he beat them to the punch and moved out of his own accord"

"That doesn't help the fact that he walking around free and still attending the same school after what he did to Alex" Shawn said with anger in his voice.

"I agree, but at this junction there is nothing more any of us can really do I am sorry Alex I wish there was more we could do for you"

"You done more than enough I am grateful Mrs. Brunswick"

"How many times have I told you to call me Jessica or mom?" she said with a scowl that made us all break out into fits of laughter "Shawn we are heading out now, you are free to stay here with Alex. Do you need us to bring you your car later?"

"Yea mom that would be great, thanks"

"No problem sweetie we will see you later" giving her son a kiss on the side of the head our parents walked out of the room leaving us alone again.

I cuddled into Shawn's arms taking in everything that has happened, I was not looking forward to going back to school on Monday but for now I planned to try and enjoy what was left of my weekend with Shawn.

"What do you think about going away with me for a little while?" Shawn asked.

"That would be great but I don't think I can afford to miss more school than I already have"

"We have winter break coming up, so I was thinking we could take a trip to a cabin my parents have up north, what do you think about that?"

"I think it sounds like a wonderful idea" I said with excitement in my voice, I had never seen snow before always living in temperate parts "What about the rest of the gang are they invited to or is this something for just us?"

"Everyone is coming along I just thought I'd pitch the idea to you first as we would not go if you didn't feel up to it"

"Yes I would love to go," I said with Shawn rolling us over with him ending up on top. He than began to slowly kiss his was down my stomach, kissing each bruise every so lightly. They had all but faded away at this point so while they didn't cause me an extreme amount of pain they were slightly uncomfortable at times and have prevent Shawn from making love to me.

Reaching down to grasp his painfully erect tool I stroked it gently a few times "I can help you this if you want"

"No I want to wait until you are ready again, I will wait as long as I have to, you are worth it" kissing me deeply one last time before rolling to the side bringing me too his chest as he spooned behind me.


He must have been more exhausted than he let on as he quickly fell asleep, I stayed awake holding him close as I gently ran my hands up and down the length of his back. Mark my having gotten away free and clear, but I was not going to sit idly by while he received no punishment for his actions. Something has to be done; I refuse to let him hurt any more people. I think back and wonder how I ever called someone like that my friend, but for now my top priority is making sure Alex has that beautiful smile across his face again. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand behind me I quickly scrolled through and found the number I was looking for.

"Hey Justin, I am taking Alex up to the mountains over winter break and you all are welcome to come so spread the word to the others"

"Will do I think this might be something everyone could use to make for the way things have been for the past few weeks"

"My thoughts exactly, we can talk more about it tomorrow bring everyone round to Alex's"

"Cool I'll get on that"

I cuddled up closer to Alex his light breathing and rhythmic heartbeat playing a sweet melody that sent me off to dreamland right along side my love.

Okay Guys so that is Chapter 16 I am glad you guys have stuck around with my for this long and hope you will continue to enjoy reading. Now with that being said, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 17

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