Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 8, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 12: Beneath the Veil


The rest of the night managed to go by without incident, every once in awhile Shawn and Mark would catch eyes only to end up scowling at each other, it was a wonder none of the adults caught on to the tension in the room. However the real surprise for us all was yet to come.

"Alex it has been a pleasure to finally meet you and you are welcome here whenever you please. Mark it is also nice to see you again, now if you kids will excuse the adults we are all set for a night out to catch up. Mark you are more than welcome to use one of the guest rooms for the night as we will be out rather late."

I couldn't believe what was about to happen and by the expression on Shawn's face he was non-to happy with this arrangement either.

"Thank Mrs. B you all go out and enjoy yourselves I am sure you all have a lot to catch up on, besides I sure Shawn and Alex can show me around town before I officially enroll here in the upcoming school year."

Tonight was just one surprise after the other, I could feel the tension is Shawn's body as he squeezed my hand, if I thought last year was something to remember senior year will definitely bring abut a rather interesting end to high school. Nuzzling up to his ear I kiss it softly. "Babe come down I am right here, don't let him get to you please" I am not sure if I even believed those words, just being this close to Mark was giving me an uneasy feeling.

"So boys with the folks out for the night what mischief shall the three of us engage in" the smile on his face sickening as he visibly adjusted himself in front of us.

"There is nothing for you to engage in with us, you must have forgotten the conversation that we just had upstairs, I was not issuing a threat that was a warning." They glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, but were really no more than a few seconds I don't see how anything good is going to come from the rest of this night.

The tension in the room was broken by the sound of a ringing phone. It took me a few seconds to realize it was mine, looking at the screen I was never so happy to see Tiffany's name flash across my screen, excusing myself I walked upstairs to take the call


"How is it going lover boy, have you charmed his parents and won the keys to the castle yet"

"Normally I would have a sarcastic reply for that but I need you, what are you and Justin doing tonight?"

"We haven't planned anything yet why, what is going on?"

"Long story short Shawn's ex best friend is here and we need to be out of here before they kill each other"

"Say no more, meet us downtown in a half hour and we will go to that new club that just opened up"

"Wait isn't that a gay club, that might be a bit intense for Justin don't you think?"

"Don't worry he will be fine I'll just promise him something for later" I could almost hear the smile over the phone at what she was implying.

"Great we will meet you there"

Walking back into the kitchen you could cut the tension with a knife, it was almost as if they were waiting for the other to make a wrong move to pounce. "Hey guys we just got invited to go out to the new club downtown so babe come with me and lets freshen up before we head out"

"Is he coming too?"

"Yes he is coming too, we can't just leave him here alone your parents would throw a fit"

Seeing that I was right he let out a loud sigh before following me upstairs.


I was beyond upset I could barely even think straight, it all felt like a dream that I needed to wake up from. I don't remember getting dressed to go out at all, I moved as if I were just on autopilot. Mark had to be up to something, why else would he be going to school here? Is this all some kid of elaborate scheme to get back at me for calling off our friendship?

"I can't believe Shawn actually lets you drive his car, hell back home he wouldn't even let me near it without him you must be really good in bed or something to have him at your beck and call."

I felt my restraint snap I went to turn around in my seat to give him a peace of my mind when I felt Alex hold my arm tight.

"I don't have him at my beck and call we have something called trust, but given from what I have learned about you so far I don't really expect you to be able to grasp that concept."

Both Mark and I were stunned, I have never seen this side of Alex and frankly I am not complaining. That was enough to calm my nerves and actually put a smile on my face, I could almost picture the smoke rising from Mark's head at being put in his place.

Arriving downtown we were shocked to see just how crowded this place actually was, walking to the end of the line we figured we would be waiting for hours until Tiffany came and found us.

"Its about time you boys got here, you must be Mark I have heard quite a few things about you"

"I hope they were all good things, I sure someone like yourself knows to well how the truth gets exaggerated when people are jealous of what we are"

I thought I was going to be sick as he openly began to flirt with Tiffany, before anyone could object however Justin walked over wrapping his arm possessively around her waist.

"We have heard enough to know how you are so I'll warn you now, keep your hands off my girl and you won't find yourself face down in the dirt, got that?"

Now Mark usually isn't one to back down but judging by the fact that Justin is twice his size I wasn't shocked when there was no witty reply.

"Enough chatter boys we do not wait in line, we are on the VIP list now lets go"

The place was amazing inside a huge dance floor in the middle, surrounded by 2 levels of balconies with people dancing everywhere and appearing to be enjoying themselves. Alex tugged me out on to the dance floor singing along to a song that I had never heard. The song played, Alex pulled me close with his hands on my hips he moved us in tune with the beat of the music, it was amazing to see him let loose, it was as if we were in a world all our own. The heat from the closeness of our bodies and the workout from dancing had us working up quite a sweat as Alex removed my shirt and stuffed it in my back pocket. I followed suit and soon we found ourselves surrounded by dancing half naked guys and for a time I found myself forgetting all of the drama of the night. Taking the lead from Alex I moved behind him, grinding my rapidly hardening dick against his ass. The feel him against me was incredible, reaching his arm back he turned his head and brought our lips together, never stepping out of rhythm with the music.


Watching Alex on the dance floor I couldn't help but be happy for him, finally someone other than me was able to bring him out of his shell. It's a shame how few people actually get to see the real carefree and happy Alex, I knew he and Shawn were building something special together and right there I vowed I would do all I could to protect that.

"Hey babe let's go join them out there on the dance floor"

"Really? Are you sure I mean I know you agreed to come but I didn't think dancing was your thing"

"Babe there is still so much for us to learn about each other, besides where else could we go and have a good time like this and I know have to worry about some asshole, other than Mark trying to hit on my girl"

To say I was blown away would be an understatement, in the time that we have been together Justin has come a long way in showing me he is more than just a jock with big muscles and a pretty face. Making our way to the dance floor it's easy for me to fall right into the rhythm, bringing Justin right along with me he easily found his own groove to keep up.

Getting lost in the crowd we eventually bumped into Alex and Shawn who were both still all smiles, when One Love started playing over the speakers.

"I love this song" Alex and I screamed in unison, grabbing his hand we started to dance and sing while our men looked on at us with mused looks on their face. They were in for a real treat when the song faded into "I'm Into You" with our moves become more sensual and erotic.

"When I look into eyes it's over, you got me hooked with your love controller"

" I'm tripping and I could not get over, I feel lucky like a four leaf clover"

"I'm into you"

Alex and I sang the lyrics back and forth making our way over to our boys, who were both sporting rather noticeable erections


I watched, as Alex danced and grinded with is friends and Shawn, my erection straining against my jeans my lust for that boy was undeniable and I had to have him. Knowing I wasn't welcome in their group I made my way to the dance floor myself until I found a cute butt backing into me. It wasn't until I dance with him through a few songs when we finally looked up at each other.

"Mark! What are you doing here?"

"Well I never expected to see your firm little butt here Austin"

"You still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here?"

"Why don't we find a quiet place to go and talk, though I wouldn't mind staying right here and enjoying that fine ass some more"

"I think you've had enough now are you going to explain or not?"

Walking off the dance floor we made our way to the upper floors, picking a table that over looked the dance floor was ideal as it allowed me to keep an eye on Alex.

"So are you going to explain yourself or what?"

"So impatient, what happened to that boy that couldn't wait to get my pants off?"

"Not the time or place, nor am I in any kind of mood"

"I take it you've meet Shawn's new boy toy" I couldn't help but smile to myself as I watched his eyes drift over to the dance floor below, where Shawn was. "So why don't we help each other out like old times, what do you say?"

"I think I'll pass on that for now"

"Fine your loss, I am here because my parents are opening a branch to the company here and since my folks are so chummy with Shawn's they let me take the option to enroll in the same school since we are staying here for awhile" Austin seemed to be only half listening as I moved over closer to him and began to slide my hands down his back pushing my hand down into the back of his tight jeans.

"Is that all I was ever good for to you, just sex"

"Isn't that all it was, you wanted the best of both worlds Shawn in the public eye and me behind the scenes. What makes now any different?"

"I have been coming to terms with what I have done to Shawn and have developed some self worth"

"How about one for the road just for old times" making my move I continued to push into his jeans making my way to the prize I seek, when I felt him reach down and stop me.

"No I don't want that"

Without another word he got up and left, this did not make me happy in the end I always get what I want even if I have to take it.


Taking a break I made my way to the upper levels to get drinks for the gang, walking up the counter I wasn't pay much attention when I ran into the back of someone.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going"

"It's ok you don't have to apologize"

Looking at the person face I realize I had run into Jason.

"Oh I didn't know that you would be here"

A bit skeptical I gave him the benefit, seeing as this was a new hotspot and there were people of all kinds here.

"It's fine I just came to get a drink for my friends if you will excuse me"

Walking by I hoped that would be the last I saw of Jason for a while, currently dealing with the whole Mark and Shawn ordeal I already had enough on my plate.

"Hey what took you so long?"

"I ran into Jason I didn't expect to see him here but I'm not going to let it spoil my night" Handing everyone their drinks I noticed Shawn wasn't around, usually I wouldn't mind it all that much, but with the way things have been in the past few hours I was worried what could happen if Shawn and Mark came face to face unsupervised. "Hey guys excuse me for a minute I need to go and find Shawn"

"Sure thing I think he went outside to get a little fresh air"

Making my way through the club I look around half looking for Shawn and half trying to avoid Jason again. Finally making my way out I look around I still he is no where to be seen and now I am starting to get a bit worried, walking around the club I find myself in the parking lot when I see someone slumped against the wall.

"Excuse are you ok?"

"Alex? Is that you?"

"Oh my god Austin what happened to you?" In the glow of the streetlights he looks a wreck, his clothes are pulled and stretched, his hair is a mess, and he appears to have a bruise forming on his face. "Who did this to you?"

"I told him no and walked awayÉit all happened so fast"

He began to sob uncontrollably and I did what just felt right, leaning down I pulling him into a hug, he clung to me and cried like I've never seen before. I know Austin and I aren't the best of friends but no one deserves to be hurt like what I'm seeing in front of me, who would do something so terrible?


"Shawn, where have you been?"

"I stepped out to get some air and then I went to the bathroom. When I came back everyone told me you were looking for me, what happened? Is that Austin?"

"Yea I came out here looking for you and I found him instead like this, I have no idea who could have done this to him"

By now Austin had stopped sobbing and appeared to have dozed off from just pure exhaustion, I felt bad for him knowing that it could easily have been any of us, maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Should we call the police or something?"

"I don't think it will do any good around here, you stay here with Austin I am going to run and get his car then you can follow me back to my place"

"Ok let me just send Tiff and message to let her know what is going on, what about Mark?"

"We will deal with him after we get Austin into the car"

"Sounds good to me"

Leaning down Shawn give me a quick kiss before I hand him Austin's keys, as much as I don't like the idea of both Mark and Austin being with us, I put my personal feelings aside to help someone in need.

"Hey Tiff we have to run, thanks for the great night I will explain everything to you in the morning"

"Ok lover boy, be safe and call me when you can"

Just then Shawn and Mark pull around with Austin's car, with now not being the time for questions we all get Austin into the back seat.

"Will you be ok by yourself with him?"

"Yea I will be just fine, worst case I'll dumped his ass on the side of the road"

"You won't do that, but please be careful I will be right behind you"

With one last parting kiss Shawn and Mark walk off in the direction of his car, I hope they can restrain from killing each other long enough for us to make it back to the house safe enough.

Okay Guys that is Chapter 12 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. Now I know there isn't really a soft spot for Austin out there but hopefully we find out who did this to him. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 13

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