Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 2, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. Don't forget to donate if you can. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to here from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 11: Into the Night


Walking up to the front door I was nervous and excited to see Shawn again, when the door opened I was shocked to see a drop-dead gorgeous woman standing there.

"You must be Alex it's nice to finally have the chance to meet you, Shawn is upstairs finishing up in the shower you go right on up"

"It's nice to finally meet you as well Shawn has told me some about what you do but I don't know much."

"Well I am sure we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better during dinner tomorrow, for now you can run on upstairs and we will see you boys later"

After ushering me in she made her way out to a car waiting out front that either wasn't there when I arrived or a failed to notice. Walking into Shawn's room I could still hear the shower running, tossing my bag down I relaxed on my boyfriend's rather comfortable bed drifting off to sleep. Feeling a presence watching me I opened my eyes to find Shawn leaning in the doorway to the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Well that is definitely a sight I can get used to, I may have to show up more often unannounced"

"Or maybe I just have to take long showers more often and hot sexy guys will find their way to my room and fall asleep in my bed." He flashed me a killer smile before turning around heading back to the bathroom giving me the perfect view of his well defined back, trailing down to the super sexy V-lines as the disappeared beneath the towel concealing his firm tight butt.

"The only guy you should expect to see in your bed is me." And just like that an idea came to mind as I began to remove my clothes until I was left only in my underwear. Coming back Shawn seemed surprised to find me in a very compromising position. "On second thought the only half naked guy in your bed should be me."

"So that means I can have other boys in my bed as long as I keep at least half of their clothes on?"

I reached for the nearest pillow and threw it straight for his head. "Shut up, come over here and join me in bed" Seductively crawling across the bed until he was position above me I pulled him down to my lips, the electricity that flows through me with every touch, with every kiss has not waned since our very first time together. The time apart had only served to intensify those feelings. Wrestling around we finally found ourselves with Shawn spooned behind me, happy to have my boyfriend home I once again drifted off to sleep in those arms that made me feel so safe.


As promised the whole day was just about us, while I don't like showing off my family's wealth I feel that Alex is worth it.

"Where are we going?" We had been driving for almost two hours and I still had yet to reveal where we were headed.

"Just holding on a little longer, I promise we will be there soon" squeezing Alex's hand, looking over to give him a reassuring smile. "It will all be worth it in the end, trust me"

Pulling up to the resort my parents frequented I could see his eyes go wide with shock and awe. "Told you it was going to be worth it, this is all for you my love." Placing a quick kiss on his lips, I was surprised when Alex grabbed onto me pulling me into a passionate kiss before I could pull away. "What was that for, not that I am complaining"

"Because I love you and I don't deserve everything that you do for me"

"Nonsense you are worth every moment" we kissed once more before I jumped out of the car to open Alex's door to bring him inside.

"Ah Mr. Brunswick it's a pleasure to be able to offer you our services, who might your compatriot be?"

"Good afternoon Edward and please Mr. Brunswick is my father, this is my partner Alex Robertson, he will be joining me as well."

"Very good sir we hope you do enjoy your time here, please come and see me if you need anything at all"

Pulling Alex along I could see he was still trying to take everything. "Stop gawking and just enjoy yourself, I took quite a bit of effort to bring myself to open up to you like this because of what happened with Austin during our time, but I truly understand that you love me for who I am not what I have." Our first stop was a couple's massage, granted to me they were nothing special but with Alex by my side it was a completely different experience.

During our session the masseuse was having a difficult time getting Alex to flip over. "Babe what's wrong you?"

"Well the massage felt great but I think it feels a little too good"

I had to stifle a laugh, as I knew exactly what was happening to him. "Don't worry it happens quite often so its really no big deal just relax and enjoy yourself, just not to much" Winking at him I Alex turned to hide his face before finally flipping over on his back sporting a decent size tent in his towel. "Watch it tiger or you are going to put someone's eye out with that thing"

"You are so not funny and you're even less helpful"

My next treat for Alex was a private sauna room; with it being just the two of us I couldn't help but get a little horny. Alex was lean back against the wall with his head back and eyes closed, the sweat on his body and the lighting gave him a soft glow. Quietly getting closer I ease open his towel.

"What are you doing sir?"

"Just offering you a special massage of my own" nothing more was said, Alex let out a gasp, which changed to soft moans as I took his growing tool into my mouth.

"Uh babe, that feels amazing"

I moaned with his dick firmly in my mouth, working his tool with my tongue I could sense he was getting close to the edge. I let his drop from my mouth, looking up at my boyfriend his eyes were glazed over with lust. I slowly began working my way up his stomach with a trail of light kisses, reaching his nipples I took one into my mouth and gently played with the other.

"Oh fuck, that feels good, don't stop baby"

Once again sensing knowing his climax was close I pulled back, going in for a kiss, Alex reached out and unfastened my towel letting it fall from around my waist. With both of us now naked I moved in close, grinding our crotches together, the combination of the heat from the sauna and our sexual excitement we had quite a sweat worked up enhancing the feeling of our skin sliding against one another. I but down lightly on his neck eliciting more moans from Alex as his wrapped his legs around my waist.

"Shawn I can't wait anymore I need to feel you inside of me" Needing no further invitation I shifted our bodies to line myself up with his hole. Moving forward slowly but steadily I easily eased myself into him, the sudden warmth and tightness of his butt was almost enough to set me off right there. When I finally felt his skin press against my pelvis I leaned forward to embrace him in a kiss.

"I all the way in babe, fuck this is so hot"

"Make love to me Shawn please"

We made love like that for almost thirty minutes before, "Oh Shawn I can't hold it any more" Alex let out a mighty groan as he began shooting spurts of cum coating is abdomen and mine, the muscle spasms from his climax we enough to set me off with one last thrust I emptied myself deep inside of him. Coming to my senses I realized what we had just done.

"Alex I'm so sorry I didn't mean for things to get out of hand, we didn't have anyÉ"

"Shh it's ok I loved it and I love you, I trust you completely I'm am glad I got to feel so completely you are the most amazing man in my life.

I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes, with my cock still embedded in Alex I picked him up and switched positions so that he was resting on top of me.

"We should probably get out of here before we die from being in here too long."

"It's ok the auto timer has already shut everything down just relax and let me hold you like this for a little bit." Satisfied with my reasoning Alex cuddled up closer to me as I stroked his back softly, this is turning out to be a great day. It wasn't' long before I could hear light snoring coming from Alex, my cock had eventually slipped out so I gently lifted Alex and carried him off to our room to let him rest for a bit.


I think I must have dozed off for about an hour, but when I woke up I realized I was showered and in a new pair of clean clothes. On the nightstand at the side of the bed was a note address to me.

"Hey sleepy head rise and shine, meet me on the back patio at 2pm"

I looked over at the clock 1:55, Shit I had five minutes to get my butt down there. Walking out of the back doors I was hit by the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves in the distance. Maybe ten yards in front of me was Shawn sitting on a blanket wearing white linen opened button up, he looked so sexy looking out into the distance with the sun cast rays down on him.

"Well it's about time you got up, this is for you"

Before me was a spread of light finger foods, a couple sandwiches, and what looked to be a glass of wine?

"I hope you don't mind I took the time to think of a wine you might like and I ended up with something light and sweet it's called Moscato D'Asti I hope you like it"

I was blown away, the day resort was one thing but I was completely blown away with how romantic and caring this day has been. Cuddling up to Shawn he brought the glass of wine to my lips, it was fantastic, I had never had wine before in my life but I had an instant favorite, even the food was phenomenal.

"I hope everything was good I made it all myself."

"It was amazing, you are amazing I couldn't be happier I love you so much"

"I am really glad you enjoyed your day, why don't we go and hit the water for a bit before we head back"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea" Getting to my feet I find myself a bit unsteady due to the wine but I manage. Walking hand in hand to the water I relish in the feeling of the warm water swirling around my feet everything about today has been perfect and I hope the dinner goes just as well. As if our minds were linked Shawn looked at me with what must have been the same thought going through his mind, I knew tonight was going to be tough, not because of his parents but because of Mark and the betrayal that happened between the two former best friends. I just hoped my presence would somehow ease the pain and tension that was evidently still there between them.

*Mark *

I was actually looking forward to this whole dinner thing with my old buddy Shawn and the chance to meet his new boy toy, though lets face it I don't think he really knows what to do with them. I mean looked at Austin he was a hot little piece of ass that loved to fuck and when Shawn wasn't giving him what he wanted he found someone who would, namely me. We fooled around behind his back almost the entire time they were supposedly dating until the day he walked in on us, but hey what's a cock slut between friends right, maybe this new one will be just as hot of a lay.

Walking into the Brunswick residence was always a grand affair; this house was a hell of a lot nicer than the last.

"Mark dear it's so good to see you again, Terry and Trisha you guys don't come by often enough"

"It's good to see you again Jessica, and by that smell I'd say we are running slightly late for dinner"

Mrs. Brunswick ushered us into the kitchen where I stopped dead in my tracks, sitting next to Shawn was the sexiest boy I had ever seen, he blew Austin clear out of the water and in that instant I knew I had to have him. Walking over to them Shawn immediately became possessive of him while staring me down with daggers in his eyes, this was something I was not expecting he was never this was towards Austin.

"Hey there Shawn, and this lovely little thing here must be Alex have heard much about you and finally have the pleasure of meeting you first hand" Taking his hand in mind I kneel down and place a light kiss upon it, which caused him to quickly retracted his arm while Shawn has me by neck.

"Shawn what on earth is going on here?"

"It's all good Mrs. B we are just catching up, isn't that right?"

"Yea we were having a riveting conversation"

Shawn let me go and we all sat round the table, this was going to be one of the more interesting dinner parties that I have attended.


I so badly wanted to smash his face in, right here in front of me he is undressing Alex with his eyes and making stupid sexual innuendos.

"So Alex are your plans for the summer?"

Alex looked at me before turning to answer my parents.

"Well right now I am working closely with the local scientist here in the area that are doing so research at the aquarium downtown. We are currently comparing the social behaviors between the animals at the facility and their wildlife counterparts"

"Well I am impressed, Shawn mentioned your passion about marine science but I had no idea you were this deep. If you like I could maybe make a few phone calls and see if any of my contacts might be looking for a sharp protŽgŽ once you are well on your way after attending college if you don't mind"

"Really, I mean you don't have to go through any trouble but that would be amazing"

"Oh dear it's no trouble at all"

Alex was all smiles for the remainder of the meal while the adults made more small talk. I was so happy that my parents had taken to him so quickly. Helping clear the dishes I noticed Alex hadn't come back yet and Mark was missing as well, my blood began to boil thinking of what he may be trying to pull. Walking up to my room I see Alex corned with Mark blocking his way.

"What do you say me and you get out of here and I can show you what kept Austin's mouth shut for so long, or rather what kept his mouth open if you catch my drift"

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and all I could see was red, Alex saw me before Mark did as I grabbed him from behind and slammed him into the wall.

"You come near Alex like that again and I will personally make sure you can never stick you dick in anything else for as long as you live, do I make myself crystal clear?" Pressing his arm higher up to emphasize my point.

"Fuck bro it's just some boy, I thought you and me were better than this"

"Alex is not some boy, and I won't let you fuck with him, we may associate because of our parents but you were dead to me long ago when I caught you fucking my boyfriend"

"Fine man I cant believe you are picking some cum slut over your best friend, besides the only reason I fucked Austin was to show what a slut he was, so you should be thanking me."

Without another word he stalked out of my room, if I didn't have some much respect for his folks I would have laid him out right here on my bedroom floor.

"I am so sorry about him babe I didn't think something like this would happen" looking down I couldn't bring myself to face him.

Picking my head up "Babe it's not your fault, and I don't blame you for any of it so don't you go and start taking the blame for something you had no control of, now give come and kiss me and lets get back to the rest of the evening with your guest."

The feel of his lips against mine made all the pent up anger melt away, but in the back of my mind I knew things with Mark were far from over, I think things have only just begun

Okay Guys that is Chapter 11 I hope you guys all enjoy it, Love it, Hate it, maybe even a few suggestions here and there, or food for thought you know I love hearing from you guys. So Mark has shown up and shit is already going down. Also some of you may know but there is a yahoo group that has all of the chapters and will more than likely be updated faster so feel free to go over and join that group as well at

Next: Chapter 12

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