Change Is Good

By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 22, 2012


Disclaimer: The story will include descriptions of sexual activity between teen boys. If material of this kind offends you or if you are not of legal age, then stop reading. This is a new story that I am trying out so let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue on any feedback is appreciated well enjoy guys and hope to hear from you all drop me a line at

Chapter 1: Forgetting the Past

Alex's Pov

New town, new school, new faces, new friends, new life. I wouldn't miss the places I once called home, after what he had done to me I don't think I ever wanted to go back. Sometimes it is just easier to forget about all of the pain in the past and just move on and that is exactly what I intend to do.

"Rise and Shine," a loud bubbly voice shouted as a felt a sudden weight hit my bed. Before even opening my eyes I knew who has just jumped into my bed.

"Do you mind, I could have been naked under here for all you know," I said as I sat up on my elbows to scold the person on the end of my bed. The one staring back at me in none other than Tiffany my next door neighbor and best friend. We met the first day I moved here and after a failed attempt to make me her boyfriend, I play for the other team if you catch my drift, we became instant friends and have been inseparable ever since.

"Please like that would matter to either of us at all you are so not my type," Tiff responded before jumping off the bed taking the blanket with her. "Now get you butt out of bed it's the first day of our junior year and I intend to find you a boyfriend by this time tomorrow," she said as she dragged the blanket on her way to my closet.

As I finally managed to pull myself out of bed I begin to be assaulted by cloths be thrown at me from my closet. "I've never worn this," I say as I look over the cloths Tiffany has thrown at me.

"Of course you haven't I bought them for you last night and your dad let me drop them off in your room while you were sleep," Tiff informed me as she ran from my room before I could hit her with a pillow.

After getting dressed and looking at myself in the mirror had to admit that Tiff definitely had good taste in clothing picking me out an entire outfit from Aero. Now I am nothing special 5'9" with a light brown complexion, short dark hair, deep brown eyes and glasses to boot I am just another average guy in my opinion. "Are you done yet in there or do I have to come in and help you get dressed," I hear Tiff shout from the other side of my door.

"I am all set let's go your driving today because I don't feel like it." I inform her as we walk outside and I get into the passenger side of her Lexus IS 250, yeah her family is pretty well of be she isn't one to show it off and flaunt it in everyone's face and its that trait about her that makes me love her so much, of course I would never tell her that, her head is big enough already. Tiffany hops in the car and we speed off to school.

School is pretty much like anywhere else. You have you common cliches, the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, outsiders, Goths, etc. Tiffany isn't a part of any of these groups but she gets along with everyone pretty well, while I find myself more in tune with the geeks but I am ok with that as no one really bothers me about that. As far as being gay, well no one except Tiff knows that part and right now I am okay with the way things are. Just as I finish getting all my needed books out of my locker someone bumps into me sending me to the floor and my books everywhere else.

"I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," a voice says as I dust myself off. When I look up I find myself staring into the most gorgeous set of hazel eyes I have ever seen. "Hey are you ok, I'm Shawn sorry again for running into you," he says as he collects all my scattered books and hands them back to me.

"I...I...I'm uh Alex nice to meet you, I haven't seen you around here before are you new," I ask him as I take my things back from him.

"Yeah, just moved here with my folks about a month ago, I hope to be seeing you around," Shawn waves as he rushes along presumably to get to his first class on time.

"I saw that, hmm he looks like he would make a good candidate for your first boyfriend," Tiff says as she hooks her arm around mine and we head off to our first class. "I can see it now you will be forgetting all about little ole me as the big handsome stuff makes you scream in the back of his car at the drive in theater, and oww," I hit her arm before she could finish.

"He is definitely something to look at but there is no way he is gay and even if he was there is no way he would be interested in a guy like me when he looks like that," I said to her just as the teacher walks in.

Shawn's Pov

Well that was one was to make a first impression here, its bad enough that I run into someone, but he had to be cute too. I hope I haven't made a complete fool of myself I know I definitely want to get to know Alex better and who knows maybe he will turn out to be gay too that would be one thing that would make this move worth it.


So I think this is a good place to end the first chapter, please feedback would be greatly appreciated; the good, bad, and anything else would be great. Let me know what you guys think, as that will inspire me to write and post more chapters at a faster rate. Look forward to hearing from you all and can't wait to get the next chapter out there for you all to enjoy

Next: Chapter 2

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