Chance Meeting

By Charlie Daniels

Published on Feb 14, 2011


Chance Meeting of My Black Master:

Here is the second chapter of my story. All of the usual disclaimers goes along with this story.

Love to here your feedback, email me at


Chapter Two:

"Get on the bed and work both holes," Clayton ordered. I worked the thinner white toy into my ass and sucked on the black dick. He got up and began to take pictures of me. He had me switch several times, taking lots of pics.

Next he grabbed my balls and tugged them, I stopped playing with my dildo because of the pain and the shock. He squeezed my balls hard and said "If you wanta keep these little peas, you're not going to stop fuckin that pussy till I tell ya to." He then slapped my balls as he squeezed. It took me a very short second to realize what I had done and started to move the dildo in and out of my ass. "that's it faggot."

He picked up the rope in one hand and tied it around my balls and then began to wrap the rest of the pulling my balls further and further. Though I could not see well because of my position and the dildo in my mouth, it looked like there were 3 or 4" or rope wrapping around my sac before you could see my bulging and split balls at the end of the rope wrapping. With the next piece of rope, he tightly wrapped it around my throbbing cock. When he has finished, you could on see the head of my dick and it was turning purple. After he took lots of pics and had me posing for him, he had me lay flat on the bed with my head hanging over end. "If you suck my dick well, I will untie you dick and balls, otherwise I leave the rope on all night and by morning they will be useless." He said as he laughed.

For the first time I was seeing what my Master had in store for me. He slowly undid his belt and dropped his pants. Then very slowly he tugged his boxers down, revealing a very long dark dick. It looked to be 8" and it was not even fully hard yet. He kicked off his pants and boxers and brought his dick to my mouth. I eagerly opened my mouth waiting for his dick.

"Yeah that's it faggot, I knew you wanted this." And as he laid his dickhead on my lip he took more pics. He stepped forward allowing more into my mouth, which I nursed on. Slowly he pushed more into my mouth. Soon about half was in my mouth and he was fully in control. I reached up to help push get more of his dick in my mouth and he slapped my hand away. "Anxious bitch, aren't ya?"

I gently sucked on his dick as he slowly fed more of it to me. And as I did it continued to grow. Though I was very relieved to see that the growth was in length and not so much in grith. I had to have at least 6" in my mouth with more to go and his low hanging large balls were resting on my forehead.

As he continued to feed me his dick, it continued to grow longer and harder. Soon his pubs were tickling my chin. I was amazed that I was able to take all of him. Once he was fully inserted in my mouth, he held still for a moment, I am guessing so I could get use to it and figure out how to breath, which took some doing for me.

"Yeah faggot, you like that big black dick, don't ya? I know this shit is fulfilling your dreams. I bet your ass can't wait to be fucked by this big black dick." As he talked, he started to pump in and out of my mouth and throat at a faster pace. Soon he was leaning forward using his arms placed on each side of me and he really began to face fuck me, a face fuck like I had never had before. I was very concerned that he would cause damage to my throat. But none of that mattered to him. He was using me as he wished and I had nothing to say about it.

I then felt his dick even swelling more and with a very load groan, Master shot his load down my throat. I could not tell for sure how many spurts, but it was a huge load and I thought I was going to drown from it. "That's it bitch, swallow my cum. Yeah, that's it filling this faggot with a real mans seed." He stood up, pulling much of his dick out of my mouth. "Now lick my dick nice and clean." I lick at his dick for a few minutes and when he had enough he just walked away.

He took a seat at the desk and my laptop. I sat up, which caused me to become very dizzy, not sure if it was the beer enema or just sitting up after my head was hanging over the bed's edge. I glanced at the computer screen and saw a pic of me sucking his dick. Not a pic, rather a video. He had used my web cam to capture the facefucking he had just given me.

"What did you take that?" I asked.

"You stupid faggot, I set up the webcam to take video."

"I didn't know that could be done."

"You mean you could have captured pics of being fucked and didn't know?" he said very sarcastically. "It's in your webcam software. Just look at all of these pics and videos." There had to be at least fifty pics of his dick at various depths of my mouth and throat.

"What are you doing to do with the pictures? I really don't like pictures showing my face floating around the internet" I asked and once the words came out of my mouth I regretted it. I thought that I really sounded like a whinny guys asking.

"I'm going to show all my boys how a good white faggot can take my dick." He then reached down for his pants on the floor and pulled out a thumb drive from the pocket. He plugged it into my laptop to save the pictures on it. "Don't worry bitch, I will leave a copy on your hard drive so you can jack off to them later." he added with a bit of laughter. "I need you to get your ass in to the bathroom. I want you kneeling in the tub with your hands behind your head.

I crawled into the bathroom and got in the tub as instructed. I waited and waited. I finally heard him moving about. He came to the bathroom door, having shed his shirt. He had a very defined chest and abs. "You are such a good faggot." He said as he approached the side of the tub. "Take my dick in your mouth and wait for your surprise."

"I...I don't' like watersports." I sheepishly said.

"Like I give a fuck what you like. You are either going to drink my piss straight from the tap or I am going to force that beer from you ass down your throat." He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face to his dick. I opened my mouth to take the head in. He immediately began to piss. At first it was a slow trickle. But soon it was a hard fast stream. I could not keep up with it all. Piss was dripping from my mouth down my chest, groin and legs. He pulled back and pissed in my hair, on my face and on my body. "Drinks some more faggot," as he aimed for my mouth. "Yeah swallow that shit down. I know you would love it. All faggots love my piss. Its like the sweetest nectar for you faggots."

After he finished pissing, he slapped my face with his dick and then said, "You have 2 minutes to shower and get your ass out there. I am ready for fucking some faggot pussy."

"I...I...I don't want to be fucked. I don't like to bottom." I got the courage to say. "I play with my toys, but that's it. I can't take anything too big."

"Listen bitch, I am tired of this back talk. You are doing to take my dick you your ass. You are going to shower, crawl out there, climb on the bed, suck my dick till its nice and hard and then your going to lower your ass on to my dick. You are the fucking faggot sub who agreed to follow my orders. I did not agree to any fucking whinning from you. Do you understand?"

I shock my head yes.

"Faggot when I ask you something you better answer me. I need to hear that you understand and what you are going to do. Got it fucking faggot?"

"Yes Sir, I understand. After my shower, Sir I am to crawl out to you on the bed and suck your dick till its hand and then Sir I am to lower my ass onto your dick."

"Good faggot, now tell me that you really want to get fucked"

"Yes sir, I want to be fucked by your big dick. I can't wait to feel it in my ass. I just hope my ass will be able to handle a giant dick like yours sir."

"Trust me when I tell you that your faggot ass is going to take all of my dick." He said as he turned and left the bathroom. I quickly showered his piss off of me and washed my hair. I had pretty much a cold shower because I did not wait for the water to warm. I did not want to risk taking too long. I quickly dried and then crawled out to the bedroom.

Master Clayton was on my bed. He had the pillows stacked behind him and was lying there with his hands behind his head. "Well you were already told what to do so get going."

I crawled up onto the bed and took his limp, but still large dick in my mouth. He clearly had the largest limp dick I had ever seen. Soon his dick was coming to life. After about 10 minutes of nursing his dick back to life, he told me to "works his big black balls too." So I began to lick them I even tried to take one in to my mouth but really had a hard time doing so. It was so big, I couldn't do much with it in my mouth.

After a few minutes of ball licking, I started to move back to his dick. Licking up one side then the other. As I took the head back into my mouth, he said, "that's it faggot, make my dick nice and slick." A minute later he grabbed my head and forced it down on his dick. This caused me to gag, but it didn't stop him. Several times he forced me down on his dick until my lips where in his pubic hair. The last time he lifted my head he said, "It's magic time faggot. Sit on my dick now." And he put his hands behind his head.

I slowly and very nervously stood and strattled his body. With one hand I grabbed the headboard and with the other I grabbed his massive dick. Slowly I lower myself down, I paused as his dick head touched my ass. I instantly wished I had lube, then in a flash wondered why in the hell I was in this position to begin with. I should have never given my room number. I must have looked as if I was daydreaming, because Master Clayton smacked my face and said "Now bitch."

Knocked back into reality, I slowly lowered onto his dick. It was huge. I only took the bulbous head into my ass and my ass was already burning. I had never had something so wide in my ass before. And the pain as far greater than I remembered from the first time I was fucked.

I kind of froze there. Almost as if I was paralyzed with pain, I am not sure how long we were in that position. It felt like a long time, but I am sure it was no more than a minute or two. I think Clayton was letting me adjust to the width and pain.

But soon his patience was done and he reached up knocking my hand away from the headboard, grab my hips and in one quick fell shoop, he pushed my ass down on to his dick. I was fully impaled on the largest dick ever to enter my ass. The pain was so intense and in that instance, I swear I could feel ever nerve ending in my body reacting to the massive invasion.

I mush have passed out from the pain. How long I have no clue, but I think only seconds. For Clayton was soon pushing me back and slapping my face. I believe I passed out because the next thing I know, my face was in Clayton's neck and my chest was resting against his chest.

"What the fuck are you doing faggot?' was the first thing I was able to make out when I came back too. And the realization of the great pain coming from my ass. My whole body hurt and felt limp. I felt as if I could not lift my arms let alone my body off of the massive dick in my ass.

As I heard a loud crack, all of the pain and lack of sensations rushed to my left ass check, along with the realization that Clayton had slapped my ass. Slapped it so hard that I knew for sure that I would see that hand print for several days. This of course brought me out of my daze and clearly focused on the situation at hand.

"Yo fucking faggot, ride my dick like you were with that toy on the cam." And with that he put his hands behind his head again and waited for me to move.

I was a bit afraid to move. My ass was stinging and my asshole was burning. A burning like no other I have ever experienced. But slowly I gathered the strength and courage to raise up some. I went up to what I thought was about 8 inches or so and then slowly with a great deal of pain, lowered my self back down until I could feel his pubic hair on my ass, then back up. Several times I did this and and each time it seemed like I was able to feel more in my legs. But my ass was still on fire and the movement of the massive dick in and out only seems to feed the fire.

"Listen you cock sucker, we are going to be here all weekend if you don't get moving your ass." He snarled at me. "Its, its just the pain is so great, I can't handle it."

"Like I give a shit pussy boi. Now move that ass." And with that he smacked my ass. I instantly began to move faster.

Honestly, I have never been much of a moaner. I generally am very quiet during sex. Sure I have faked it for a partner that was turned on by the grunting and moaning of sex, but I had always been a quiet kind of guy. But with this massive dick tearing my ass apart, I was moaning, grunting and crying. And as I was Clayton was commenting, things like: "Yeah bitch you like that big dick in your ass;" "your pussy is making love to my dick;" "Hell yeah, I knew you were a fucking slut;" and "You're like all the cracker faggots, they can't get enough of my big black dick."

He was also asking me things. First time was the usual, "You like my dick, don't you?" I didn't answer. He smacked my ass and said, "Faggot, do you like my big dick?" I responded "yes." He smacked my ass again, but only harder and said, "That's not how you answer me." Instinctively I said, "yes sir."

"Yes sir what faggot?" he demanded.

"Yes sir, I like your big dick." I said with as much gusto as I could muster up.

"I could tell that a faggot like you would love my dick. I bet you will compare ever other dick to mine and you will always be longing for my dick. A whore like you will be begging me to fuck you again and again." He said with a chuckle.

I am not sure when it happened or really how. But in the midst of me impaling myself on his massive dick and all of the comments he was making, something changed. I went from moaning and crying in pain to moaning in pure pleasure. The pain had left and I was, well the best way to describe it is, well I was tingly from the inside out. My ass had switched from intense pain, for a pleasure I had never felt before. Granted I had only ever been fucked a few times before (aside from my little toys), but never even close to this feeling.

Apparently the change in my pain to pleasure was noticed by Clayton. "Yeah that's it cracker, ride my big black dick. Yeah, that's it. All the way up. Now take it all." I also realized that I was now moving much faster on his dick than I was previously. "Your pussy loves my big dick. Can't get enough of it, can you pussyboi?" By this time I was holding on the headboard with both hands to steady myself and to help me go faster. I tried more and more to increase my speed. He was right; I could not get enough of his dick.

I had lost all track of time, I had no clue how long I was on top of him riding is massive dick like a wild man. I had a feeling of euphoric that I had never had before. Then in one smooth move, Clayton grabbed me by my sides and effortlessly repositioned me on my back and seconds later, my feet were over his shoulders. And all of this done without him ever removing his dick from my ass. It was as if he was lifting me with just his dick. I was amazed at this move.

Once we were re positions, Clayton became a jackhammer. I had never in my life experienced, let alone seen a guy fuck an ass faster. And it was not short little jabs. He was pulling out at least six or seven inches before slamming it back home. The image that came to mind was a reciprocating saw. His body was a blur as he fucked me fast and hard. And I was loving it. I had always thought of my self as a top, but at this moment, I could not ever imagine not having his dick in my ass.

Clayton was going to town on my ass. He was sweating as if he was running a marathon, hell so was I and for the most part in was just laying there. His sweat was soon pouring down on me. Clayton began to slow down. I feared he had cummed and I didn't know it. Soon he was taking very slow long strokes in and out of my ass. Pulling his dick fully out and then very slowly inserting it back into my wanting ass until he was deeper than any one or thing had been in me before.

His steady slow going gave me an incredible sensation. And as he continued, I felt my balls to begin to tighten and a second later I was having the most fantastic orgasm of my life and I had to shoot more cum than I could ever remember shooting before. And all of this without ever touching my dick, I couldn't even remember how long it had been since I could touch my dick, had to be hours.

With out stopping, Clayton used his finger to scoop up my cum and he fed it to me saying, "I fucked the cum right out of this faggot. Eat slut. Next time you better ask me before you cum, do you understand bitch?" I kind of grunted yes sir I understand as I continued to lick my cum off his fingers.

After he was done feeding me my cum, he again basically picked my up with his massive dick and forearms and flipped me over, again, his dick never exited my ass. He then scooted back some and was leaning against the headboard, and pulled my ass to follow. He then slapped my ass hard and said, "Ride that motherfucking dick pussyboi. Ride it like you mean it faggot." I began to rock back and forth on his dick. He grabbed my hips and sped things up.

Very quickly my knees and calves were killing me, but I knew better than to say any thing. I have no idea how long we were in this position, but my legs were completely numb.

"Bitch get this dick in your faggot mouth. I'm ready to cum." I spun around as quick as I could and began to suck his dick. Though in my brief sighting of his dick, I did not see any blood, I am sure that I was tasting some as I suck as much of his dick in my mouth as I could. He had to be at least 9" maybe even closer to 10", but I was only able to get maybe 6" or 6.5" in my mouth. As I sucked his dick, I played with his balls.

"Yeah you white cocksucker, suck all that cum out of my big black balls." He then grabbed my head, and began for power fuck my mouth, shoving his whole dick into my throat. I was chocking, but he kept going. His dick began to expend and his ball sack got tight. Soon he was shooting a huge load down my throat.

Through my chocking, I was able to contain all of his cum, swallowing it down as I knew he wanted. "Lick my big dick clean and don't forget my balls," he demanded. I spent what seemed to be 15 minutes licking his dick and balls. And amazingly, he did not go soft or get any smaller. He maintained his nine plus hard and thick dick. I was completely exhausted

"For a faggot, you have one hell of a pussy," he stated. He scooted up some so he was in a sitting up position leaning on the headboard. He fixed the pillows behind him and then told me to sit on his dick. I stood on the bed and walked toward him. He grabbed my dick and balls in his large hand and squeezed and twisted.

"Yo cocksucker, do you think I want to see this shit in my face?" he twisted my junk more. The pain was so great, I was seeing stars. He then pulled them to the right and said, "Turn the fuck around bitch. Next time you get that shit that close to my face I'll cut that shit off and feed it to you." He then released my manlihood which seemed to cause as much pain as when he grabbed it. My balls and penis quickly retreated as much as they could into my body and as I looked down I could only see the knob of my penis. I know that my dick is small compared to Clayton, but generally I was a pretty average sized guy, but now it almost appeared to have disappeared completely.

I lowered myself on to his dick. My ass lips were sore from the rough fucking I had received already tonight and I am sure the length of time that they had been used didn't help any. But I dutifully lowered my self the complete length of his dick. Once I was as low as I could and his pubes were tickling my newly shaved ass, he grabbed my hips and started to lift me up and down on his dick, faster and faster.

A couple of times he brought my up too high and his dick would come out of my ass and each time this occurred, he smacked my ass and told me to keep his dick in my pussy, even though I wasn't the one controlling it.

He again lifted my entire body up, with his dick still implanted deep inside of me, he got to his knees, and then just kind of push and fell forward. His dick stayed in my ass and seemed to go deeper than ever before as his weight came down on top on me.

He began to power fuck me once again and it wasn't long before I felt his sweat dripping on my back. A couple of times he would lower his torso and I could feel his breathing on my neck which cause goose-bumps every time.

He was going so fast in and out of my ass, I didn't know how much more I could take. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. Again I felt his breathing on my neck and then, though at first I wasn't sure but I felt him lick my neck. I then felt his tongue traveling from my neck to my ear lobe where he closed his lips around it. As he lightly nibbled my lobe, I groaned loudly and to my shock, I came again. Here I was not even hard, hadn't touched my dick all night and last I saw it, it looked smaller than an 8 year old boys would be. But sure enough, I came and I came hard.

"Yeah faggot you like that shit. Yeah that's it tighten that ass. Yeaaaaah...What the fuck? Tell me that you didn't just cum."

"Yes sir, I did. I..I..I don't know how, I'm not even hard. I didn't mean to. I don't understand." I stammered.

He jumped off of me and the bed. His dick was so hard, I was in part moving with him until it was fully jerked out of my ass. He darted to my closet and was back in a flash with my belt.

Before I realized what was happening, he began to beat my ass with the belt. He was like a crazy man and my ass was burning with pain as we continued to whale on it. I have no idea how many times he whipped me or for how long. But I was in a great amount of pain.

"When I tell a faggot something, I expect to be listened to. I told you not to cum unless you had permission." He yelled as he continued to whip me. Soon he slowed down and finally he stopped. My ass hurt so damn bad. I had never been whipped like that before and trust me my father did not spare the rod.

He grabbed my ankle and dragged and twisted me until I thought he was going to pull me off the bed. But he stopped and let go of my ankle. My leg fell to the floor as he pushed my other leg off too. He grabbed my hair, yanked me up and the forced my face in to my cum on the comfort. I was now kneeling on the floor with my face being forced into my cum.

Next I felt Clayton behind. As he pushed my face harder into the cum spot, he jammed his dick in my flaming ass. He fucked my ass hard and with a purpose. And every time he slammed his dick in me and his pelvis hit my ass, it was painful reminder of the beating he had given me.

He fucked me hard for a long time. He was pulling all of the way out of my ass and slamming his dick back in completely and very hard.

"Take it you white pussy boi. Fuck yeah you like this shit. Let me how much you like my big black dick in you white pussy."

With my face smashed in the bed, I did my best to say, "I love your big black dick."

"Don't you even think about cumming again until I tell you to. You hear me bitch?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yes sir what faggot?"

"Yes Sir, I will not cum without your permission." And with that he started to slam into my ass with even more vigor and strength. He was pounding me so hart that the mattress below my chest was moving.

"I'll teach you white pussy boi to listen to me. You hear me. By the time you leave you will be able to cum on demand. Yeah bitch within days of leaving me your going to be begging for my dick." He pulled his dick out of my ass and did not thrust it back in, nor did he move. I turned my head, the slight bit I was able to since he had yet to release his grip of my hair, to see what was happening.

"See you cock sucking faggot, I pullout for a second and your already wanting it back in you." He slammed his dick into my ass and resumed the rough fucking. "But faggot, I have to punish you well for cuming without my permission. I warned you."

"But...but Sir what was the whipping for?" I very sheepishly asked.

"Yo faggot, I own your ass and I will do with it what I want. If I want to beat your white ass, I will. But your real punishment will come tomorrow night. Remind me tomorrow about the service cart. Bitch, what did I say?"

"Sir you own my ass and will do with it what you want, Sir and I am to remind you tomorrow about the service cart."

"Not sure if what I have planned for you will be a punishment for you or enjoyment." He said while laughing and rough fucking my ass. "But if you fucking cum again faggot unless I tell you to I am going cut off those little peanuts of yours and feed them to you. Got it faggot?"

"Yes sir." Is all I could say. My ass was in so much pain from the whipping and this brutal fucking and my hole felt as if it was so gaping, that I could take a baseball bat or a fist.

Clayton rammed his dick in my hard and screamed as I felt his cum bursting in to my gut. "There you go bitch, take my cum. Yeah your pussy wants my seed. I bet you wish you could get pregnant with my baby." He said as he continued to shoot load after load in my ass. He then pulled my head up from his continue grip of my hair and said, " Clean off my dick fag and don't you let any of my cum drip from your pussy, you hold that shit in your cunt."

As he pulled his dick out of my ass, I squeezed my ass like there was no tomorrow. I could not handle a beating like I took earlier. He slapped my already sore and bruised ass and told me to get on the floor and clean his dick. I licked and sucked his dick until he pulled away from me. I kneeled there clinching my ass as to not let anything slip out. Clayton went to the room service tray and pulled off the saucer under the cup. He handed it to me and said, "Shit out everything in your ass on to here."

I held the plate under my ass and switch from clinching to pushing. I could not see what was happening down there, but as I strained to empty my ass onto the place, Clayton put on his t shirt and my workout shorts that were on the floor. He then went and sat at the desk. He did something on the computer for about 10 minutes as I continued to push out my ass.

Finally he turned to me and said, "Is it empty faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, I believe it is." I replied.

"Show me the plate boi." I raised it up so that he could see it. "Very nice, lots of dirty cum and shitty ass slime. Good boi. Now lick that plate clean faggot." I stared at the plate. My Masters cum was kind of brown tinted, not nearly as white as it is strait from his massive dick and there was a lot of, well I don't know what it was. It looked like snot and mucus from when you have a cold, but instead of the greenish color, it was more of a brown color, oh my god, was he telling me to eat shit? I thought I was going to be sick.

"Bitch eat it now, stop thinking and do what I fucking say. Now faggot!" he growled at me and with no more thought I raised the plate and began to lick it clean. I don't know if I was just so scared that he would beat me again or what, but the mixture had little to no taste to it. My fear of being sick was gone. As I licked the plate, Clayton was taking pictures of me and making me pose for pictures with the ass concoction on my tongue and in my mouth.

After he was satisfied that the plate was clean, he handed me the telephone receiver and said, "Tell them that you soiled the bed comforter and would like a clean one." He dialed a number and when the lady answered, I told them as I was instructed. She said, "Yes Mr. Daniels I will send a clean one right up to room 516 right away." I thanked her and then turned red realizing she knew my name and room number with out me having to tell her.

Clayton then had me neatly fold the soiled bed comforter. "Let get some good pics of that used pussy." He stated then continued to instruct my poses. "yo faggot, you liked the pounding I gave your ass, didn't ya?"

I sheepishly answered, "yes Sir."

"Then fucking show it to the camera, get that little thing hard bitch. Now"

There was something about the way he would say "now" I jumped ever time I heard it. I reached for my dick and as I did so, Clayton slapped my face, "Did I tell you to use your hand. I fucking said get hard. Do it now! And don't you be touching that pathetic little thing. Get hard now!"

I looked down, trying to concentrate but all I could hear in my head was "get hard now" and two seconds later, I was actually getting hard with out using my hand or anything else and this was after already having cumed several times tonight.

"That's my good faggot. You like me telling you what to do. I knew a white faggot like you wanted a black master." He continued to take pics and having me pose, soon he had me sucking and licking on the toy with the handle and ridges. This preceded him instructing me to use it on my ass. Once it was inserted in deep to the handle, he told me to push deeper. There is a kind of a base, wider than the toy and handle separating the two areas. He grabbed the toy and pushed it in deeper and deep. Soon my tender ass lips were feeling the close ridges of the handle. He had pushed at least a couple of inches of the handle as well as the 8 inches of the "dildo" side into my ass. "I knew my bitch could take it." Next he put clothes pins on my nipples, dick and balls.

As he was taking pics of me with at least 10"s of a toy up may ass and 10 or 15 clothes pins on my body, there was a knock on the door. "Get the door bitch, you may walk because I don't want that dildo falling out. And keep your fucking hands behind your back." I carefully got off the bed and walked to the door. I opened the door to find a young Latino girl holding a new comforter.

Clearly she was startled by my appearance and I am sure my whole body was blushing. She looked me over from head to toe. She pushed the comforter into me and said, "Is that nigger Clayton here? This is definitely his work." And she barged into the room, leaving me standing there not knowing what to do.

I heard her say, "Clayton, you nigger, I know you had to be here when I saw that faggot at the door." He responded, "Hey baby, how you been?" She then sat in his lap and kissed him deeply. I hated the way that made me feel because I wanted him to kiss me like that.

"So Clay where did get this faggot from?" she asked him as she stared at me while hanging on his neck.

"Shit, he found me on line. He was searching for some black dick. Ain't that right boi?"

That's not quite how it happened, but I knew better than to correct him, "Yes Sir."

"Fuck, boi, you going to stand there with that door open all night? Get your ass on the bed."

"Baby you going to let me play with him? I ain't got much time, but let me play with him." She asked as I carefully made my way to the bed.

"Sure baby you can a go at it." He said as she climbed off his lap. He slapped her ass and added, "But I get to take pics."

She wiggled her ass at him, reached up her skirt and pulled off her panties. "Faggot white bois really know how to eat pussy, you know what I mean?" She turned to me and instructed he on how to lay on the bed. He hiked up her skirt some and climbed on the bed so that she was standing on the bed. She walked over to my head, placed on foot on each side and she sat down. Sat down straight on to my face. My nose was literally in her pussy. She wiggled around a bit, pulled at the clothes pins on my nipples and said. "Start eating my pussy whitie."

As I began to lick her pussy the best I could because she was grinding her crotch into my face, I heard Clayton ask, "Why you so fucking horny? Your acting like you ain't had any in weeks and I know that ain't true."

"Coach is staying here this weekend."

"So, you got a crush on him?"

"Fuck you nigger. He just doesn't know how to please a woman. I meant the two bills is great, but come on, he's cumming in two minutes. Dumps his load and he's done. A girl needs to get off too."

"When you see him last?"

"Like ten minutes ago. He needed more towels. What a laugh. He needed pussy."

"I thought coach only celebrated after a tournament win."

"Yeah baby, that's only time he brings in the pros. More that one girl left his room screaming over his request."

"Shit, I thought coach was queer. He always ask me to find guys for him, kinky guys."

"No wonder why he can please a woman." She said and they both laughed. She then bent forward which I liked because I could breath better. She began removing the clothes pins. I groaned and yelled into her pussy from the pain as the blood rushed back in form where they were clamped.

"Wait a minute," Clayton exclaimed. "You mean you were just fucked my coach a few minutes ago."

"Sure baby, why?"

"So our faggot here is getting coach Cum as he eat your pussy. That's nice. Couldn't have planned that." Next she pushed my legs further apart and grabbed the handle of the dildo in my ass. In on pull, she yanked the damn thing out of me. I have never been in so much pain having something taken out of my ass. I guess with it just sitting there, no juices were flowing and it kind of dryed in place.

"Holy shit, you have at least 12" in him. That aint normal Clay."

"Who gives a fuck about some white faggot. Besides, I was getting him ready. I thought if Coach wins, I would send him in."

"Just between you and me honey, Coach ain't got 12"

"Its not his dick I got to get him ready for" Clayton responded laughing.

"Sure baby. Hey where did you get this dildo from?"

"The faggot traveled with them, why?"

"I heard Maria saying she found some sex toys left in a room last night. Thought maybe you grabbed those."

"Naw, hadn't heard that. If they are still in the lost box, send them up, we can always use more." He said with a cynical laugh.

With that she started to fuck my ass more, telling me to eat her pussy. She pulled my legs up and put them behind her arms, giving her better access to my ass. She was pounding me with that toy faster and harder than Clayton was fucking me earlier.

"Clayton baby, get up here and fuck his ass. I want to kiss you as I get off." I felt Clayton getting on the bed, the toy was pulled from my ass and from the sound of it, thrown across the room and a second latter Clayton was forcing his dry dick into my ass.

He began to fuck me hard and I could hear the two of them kissing as I continued to lick her pussy. The more I licked her pussy the more and hard she would grind her pelvis into my face.

She was grinding me hard, Clayton was fucking me hard, and I was doing my best to lick her smooth pussy. She began to grind harder and hard. At the same time she became louder. As Clayton continued to slam into my ass, she screamed, "Fuck I'm cumming." And others statements in Spanish. Instantly my mouth was flooded with her cum.

I have been with several women before, but I have never experienced one who cam as much as she did. After a few seconds, she scooted up some leaned forward, pushing Clayton out of my ass. "Hey boi, you lick me good and clean. Clay next time I want you in my ass." And from my limited view it looked like she began to suck his dick.

I instantly became hard at the thought of her sucking his dick right after it came out of my ass. She started to get up and said, "Look the little faggot liked it, hes all hard."

She and Clayton got off the bed. She grabbed Clayton's neck with one hand and pulled him to her and kissed him hard. With her other hand she stroked Claytons big black dick.

She released him and said, "I have to go, but I mean it, next time I want you in me. Now where are my panties?"

Clayton bent down and picked them up and said, "Hey baby, can it keep these?

"Why? What for?" Clayton leaned in and whispered in here ear. "Sure baby you can keep them. He did a great job eating my pussy, I'll have to try to come back latter for more. Bye baby." And she headed for the door

Clayton jumped o the bed and in seconds had his dick back in my ass. I was exhausted. Clayton just pounded away. At some point, I fell asleep.

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