Chance Encounter

By Guy Cornelius

Published on Jan 7, 2007


Right, well, may I present chapter three. Again I would like to thank everybody who took the time to email me with feedback, it was much appreciated. As usual, all the relevant disclaimers apply so if you are too young or m2m stuff isn't your thing, please leave now, otherwise enjoy.


As George was explaining the valuation stuff, Marcus was pleased to see that he was understanding. He checked over the questions they had done in the lecture and now understood how they got the answers they did. He looked up at George, who was still explaining something, and for the first time, really looked at him. He realised that unless one really looked, you would fail to notice that George wasn't the conventionally plain looking boy that he appeared to be. His skin was perfect, it had no marks or blemishes and it was a beautiful colour. It was quite pale but that only seemed to give him a sort of glow. His hair was perfectly nice when he did nothing with it, but today he had bothered to do something with it before lectures. His hair was not long, but long enough that he had something to work with when he decided to. Today he was sporting that messy yet groomed look that seemed perfect. There was not a hair out of place and the product in his hair turned it a slightly darker shade of blond. Marcus thought that with a few highlights it would be positively gorgeous. Just then George smiled as he was talking and Marcus got a chance to see the way his cheeks got those cute little dimples when he smiled and his lips formed into a beautiful curve, his bottom lip especially. George's bottom lip was quite full, but not big, and Marcus yearned to lean over and kiss it but, of course, he didn't.

Marcus moved his gaze up to George's eyes and almost gasped. He had not really looked at them before. I mean, he knew they were blue, but they were so much more than that. Starting from around the outside of the pupil, they were quite a dark blue, but at they went out, they changed through the most stunning shades of blue Marcus had ever seen until they finished at a sort of pale cyan colour. 'Yes,' thought Marcus, 'he is definitely beautiful.'

At that moment, George cleared his throat and Marcus realised he was looking at him expectantly. 'Oh crap, he asked me a question,' he thought, 'but which one.' He looked down at the papers in George's hand and noticed that he had his finger on a particular question. 'Thank fuck for that.' He quickly read the question, made a few notes and calculated what he hoped was the right answer before writing it down and telling it to George. It turned out that he was slightly wrong, having included a small area of floor space into his calculation that he shouldn't have done, but George looked very pleased none-the-less so Marcus was happy. They continued working, or more often than not chatting, for about an hour, in which time Marcus decided that he liked George in more ways than one but realised that he had no idea of his orientation. He had seen him walking into a gay club, but that didn't mean anything. Straight guys went there all the time in the hopes of spotting some lesbian action. But then George didn't seem like that kinda guy. He decided he would have to try and test him some how, although he had absolutely no idea how!

At the end of the hour, Marcus decided that he should probably go, not wanting to outstay his welcome.

"I should probably get going now," he said, "Thanks for helping me with the work, I had a great time. We should do it again some time."

George almost looked surprised by this last bit, but very happily replied that he would love to. At that moment, Marcus had a flash of inspiration and put his hand on Georges knee in the pretence of using it to help him up, and giving it the most imperceptible of squeezes. Once he was up, George stood up too, to show him to the door. Just as he was leaving he turned and quickly shot a glance down to George's crotch and was very happy to see quite a large, erection shaped bulge. He looked back up to George's eyes and beamed a huge smile before turning back around and leaving.


"What the fuck happened there?" he asked his empty room. 'Did he look down as he was leaving? Fuck, did he see my hardon?' He moved over to his full length mirror and looked down at his own crotch. His heart sank and he very clearly saw his own seven-inch erection through his jeans.

"Great, now he is never going to want to see me ever again. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted." He slumped down onto his bed and a picture of Marcus' beautiful smile came into his mind. Suddenly he sat bolt upright. No, it couldn't be, but then, why else would be have been so happy to see my erection? He lay back down on his bed to contemplate that question and then remembered the reason for his thoughts...his erection. He undid the buttons on his jeans and clasped his throbbing dick. In the same way that George always slept naked, he always went commando no matter what he was wearing or where he was going. He brought back the picture of Marcus' smile and remembered the feeling of his hand on his knee and he started to slowly stroke his cock, enjoying the feeling that it created. George was lucky enough to have a wet room for a bathroom and within seconds he was under the hot water of his shower, moaning and groaning as he pumped up and down on his aching penis. Moments later his orgasm practically exploded out of him, shooting streams and streams of cum half way up the wall in front of him. He turned off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist and went to sit on his bed. He sat with his back to the wall and brought his knees up to his chest with his feet just in front of him, which resulted in his towel slipping off him. He was now sitting on his bed completely naked, relaxing in the afterglow of his orgasm. Just then he heard a knock on his door so he slipped on a pair of boxer shorts and answered the door. His eyes shot wide open and he blushed instantly as he fought the urge to slam the door in Marcus' face but instead managed to say, "Marcus, what can I do for you?" in a slightly shaky voice. "I er...ummm, I think I um, left my mobile behind," he managed to splutter out. "Oh, right, er well, come in," said George as he reached for the dressing gown hanging on the wall next to him. "Thanks," replied Marcus. He then noticed what George was reaching for and blurted out, "Please don't cover up on my account...I mean,'s your room and you should stay as you feel comfortable." He then turned a rather deep shade of crimson and turned towards George's bed to look for his phone. George decided that he wouldn't put on the dressing gown, but instead went to his wardrobe and pulled out a t-shirt to cover up his top half but, in a rare act of courage, decided to remain clad in nothing else but his boxers, glad that he had grabbed a pair that accentuated his bulge quite nicely. Marcus found his phone and turned to leave, but as he reached the door with George only a few paces behind him, he turned back around to face him. "George, I was just wondering, what were you doing at that club?" "I had never been to a gay club before and that particular girlfriend thought it about time I did. She is trying to find me a boyfriend." Both boys were shocked by the answer, George because of what he had just revealed about himself and Marcus, well, Marcus wasn't really sure why he was shocked, but he knew that he was happy too. "Aren't we all," he replied and noticed a flicker of confusion cross George's face, which was then replaced by a slight smile as understanding dawned. Marcus took a step towards George and was pleased to see that he did not retreat. He took another step forward and now they were so close that each could feel the breath of the other on their face. Marcus leaned forward and brushed his lips against George's. When George did not recoil, Marcus pressed his lips a little harder against George's and brushed his tongue against his top lip. Within seconds their tongues were battling for supremacy, exploring every part of each other's mouths, their arms wrapped around each other. Slowly, George felt Marcus bring one of his hands down his side to his hip and then round to squeeze and rub his hardening cock through the fabric of his underwear. George moaned into Marcus' mouth and brought both his hands down to Marcus' butt, massaging it and forcing the two of them closer together. Marcus now pushed his hand underneath the waistband of George's underwear and ran his hand over his smooth bubble-butt, letting his finger trace between his cheeks. George moaned again as Marcus' finger brushed across his hole. He broke away from the kiss and said, "If you do that again I am going to cum right here in my boxer shorts." "Oh really?" asked Marcus, a playful glint in his eye. George noted the glint in Marcus' eyes and decided two could play at that game. Quick as a flash, he undid the buttons on Marcus' trousers and yanked them down, letting them drop to his ankles, leaving him in boxer shorts as equally tight fitting as George's. Marcus laughed and dove back onto George's mouth, assaulting him with his tongue. He continued to massage his dick, but allowed his other hand to just rest on his bum on the inside of his underwear, not wanting to make him cum too soon. George was in heaven. For months he had dreamed about this gorgeous boy, and now here he was, his dick in his hand and their tongues playing tonsil tennis. Within moments, both Marcus and George were moaning in ecstasy, their hips grinding into the others hand. Suddenly, without warning, Marcus yelped, rose up onto tiptoes and shot stream after stream of cum into George's hand. The feel of the warm liquid in his hand was all it took to push George over the edge, and he too shot his cum into Marcus' hand. Once both boys had recovered from their climax, George took his hand out of Marcus' underwear and brought it to his mouth, licking it completely clean. Seconds later Marcus was doing the same, both of them savouring the flavour of the other boy's fluids. When he had finished, Marcus embraced George, one hand playing with his hair and the other slipped into the back of his boxers, and whispered into his ear "I'm not finished if you're not." George pulled back and looked him in the eye and saw compassion and lust. He smiled and motioned over to his wet room. Marcus smiled and started to remove his underwear but George stopped him and simply said "Not yet." Marcus was a little confused but went into the wet room anyway. George followed behind but not before quickly grabbing a condom from his dresser just in case. As he entered the wet room, he turned on the water so that it was nice and hot, but not too hot. He placed Marcus directly under it and then dove onto his lips. Marcus was surprised at first but seconds later he relaxed into the kiss and they turned onto a frenzy of exploring hands and duelling tongues. A few minutes later, George broke the kiss and stood back a little and simply watched the water cascade down Marcus' body. "What's wrong?" asked Marcus. "Nothing, nothing at all," replied George. "Why are you just standing there then?" "I am just admiring your beautiful body." Marcus blushed but did not complain. For a few moments more George watched the water as it trickled over Marcus' defined pecs, dripping off the end of his now erect nipples and cascading down the crevice between them. He watched as it snaked its way down his beautiful, washboard abs like a river flowing over pebbles on its bed, but most of all he watched as it drenched his tight, white boxer shorts and gave him his first view of his dick. He could stand it no more. He moved back under the water with Marcus but this time his mouth was on his neck, kissing and nipping his way down. When he came to his nipple he happily took it into his mouth, sucking away and gently biting down on it. Marcus groaned in pleasure, letting George know he was doing the right thing. George transferred his attention to his other nipple, this time flicking it with his tongue. Next he slowly kissed down the crevice between his pecs and down his abs, enjoying the tickling feeling of his happy trail on his nose, until he got to the waistband of the now completely soaked boxer shorts. He hooked his thumbs into them and then looked up at Marcus who, completely unable to speak, simply nodded. George slowly began to pull the boxers down until they were at the base of Marcus' shaft and then, in one swift movement, pulled them down to his ankles. He was now face to face, as it were, with his very first cock and it was beautiful. Marcus was now completely hard, his shaft was nice and thick and about 6 ½ inches long. It wasn't too veiny and because, unlike George, Marcus was cut, the head was also exposed. It was a gorgeous purple colour with the rim of the large, helmet-shaped object and even darker shade and water dripping off the tip. It was pointing straight out at Georges mouth and seconds later, George had the engulfed the head with his lips, flicking at the slit with his tongue. He applied some suction and then proceeded to take more and more of the shaft into his mouth, licking at the underside the whole time. As he was a first-timer, it took him a few tries, but eventually he had his nose buried in Marcus' pubic hair and the head of his cock down his throat. He pulled back up again and then dove right back down to the base, causing Marcus to almost scream in ecstasy. From there he proceeded to give his first ever blowjob and Marcus was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Five minutes later Marcus stopped him and brought him back up to kiss him. George had been enjoying himself so looked a little put out but Marcus just laughed and said "if you had carried on any longer, I was going to cum." "Fuck me" "What?" spluttered Marcus. "I want you to fuck me. I want you to be the person who takes my virginity." Marcus was so touched by this that it almost made him want to cry but he suddenly got a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" asked George. "I don't have any condoms with me," he replied, rather dejected. George smiled and hugged him whilst at the same time reaching behind him for the condom he had hidden behind the shampoo. "Well," said George, showing Marcus the condom, "It's a good thing I have then isn't it." Marcus smiled a huge grin and allowed himself to be pulled out of the wet room, the shower having been turned off, and onto George's bed. "We are going to make the bed soaking," worried Marcus. "I don't care," replied George, "I have more linen in the cupboard and right now all I can think about it having you inside of me." It was at that moment that Marcus really understood the gravity of what George was doing. They weren't just having sex. George was giving up his virginity, something that Marcus held in very high regard, he himself having not given it up until he found the right person. "Thank you," was all he said. He didn't need to explain, George knew exactly what he meant. He did not respond vocally, instead choosing to respond with a kiss. This was not the lust filled kind of kiss the two had shared thus far. This was a kiss of true passion; soft, delicate, filled with emotion. George reached for the draw beside his bed and pulled out some lube, handed it to Marcus, lay on his back and gave himself to him completely. Marcus started by kissing the head of George's dick and sucking it into his mouth slightly. He then proceeded to kiss down his shaft until he reached his balls. He treated each to a tongue bath before spreading Georges legs, lifting them slightly, giving himself access to George's hole. He licked around it, flicking at it with his tongue, causing George to cry out with pleasure. He then plunged his tongue in as far as he could, making George cry out again. Once he was done rimming George, he looked him in the eye, smiled and pushed his first finger in. George winced at the slight pain, but the sensation was quickly replaced with one of pleasure. Marcus started to slowly move his finger in and out, causing George to thrash about a little. When he felt he was ready, Marcus inserted another finger and then another. Eventually he decided that George was loosened up enough. He removed his fingers and covered them with lube from the bottle, re-inserting them and coating George's hole in the cool, slick liquid. "Ready?" he asked. "Yes, oh yes. Please, do it," begged George. Marcus smiled again, rolled the condom over his aching hard-on, coated it in lube and lifted George's legs up higher, placing his head at George's entrance. "Here goes." With a push, he head entered George, who winced again. Marcus waited, allowing George to get used to the feeling and then pushed a little further. He continued this pushing then waiting until he was lying right on top of George, his cock completely buried up his chute. Very slowly, he pulled out so only his head was still in George, and then pushed back in to the base. By now George was practically screaming with pleasure. The two boys very quickly got into a steady rhythm and within minutes Marcus was pounding away with all his might. George was in heaven. He had never dreamed it would be this good. He loved the feeling of Marcus plunging in and out of him, hitting his prostate each time, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine. Before he knew it he was shooting streams and streams of cum up onto his chest and stomach. His climax was so strong that all he could do was lie there and let it happen. As he came, his ass muscles clamped down on Marcus' cock causing him to scream out with pleasure. "Oh fuck George, I am going to cum. Oh god yeah, here it comes. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHNNNNN." With that he was wracked by one of the strongest orgasms he had ever felt. When they had both caught their breath Marcus pulled out his softening cock, took off the condom, tied it up and threw it in the bin. He lay down next to George, spooning up to him, his arm draped across his chest. Both were close to sleep but before it overcame him, George said: "Put it back in." "But, I don't have a condom on any more," said Marcus. "I know, it's ok," replied George as he reached round, grasped Marcus' cock and slowly pumped his hand up and down to get it hard again, which took mere seconds. "I already miss the feeling of having you in me. I want it there while we sleep." Marcus was only too happy to oblige and without waiting, re-inserted himself into George's ass right to the hilt. Both boys sighed with pleasure before sleep overtook them, nestled together on George's, now quite damp, bed.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took slightly longer than usual to produce. Please feel free to leave me any comments at the usual address: Also, if you would like me to email you each time a new chapter is posted, please email me on that address with the address you would like me to notify you on and I will happily oblige.

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