Chance Encounter

By Guy Cornelius

Published on Dec 17, 2006


This is the second chapter of Chance Encounter. I hope you like it. All the usual disclaimers apply. If you are too young to read this or it is illegal for you to do so then please leave now, otherwise...enjoy :-).

'Fuck, fuck, fuck...what do I do? Why is he talking to me...and how the fuck does he know my name?' As Becky turned to leave all these thoughts and many more flashed through his head. Why now, after almost two terms, was Marcus talking to him? Becky winked at George and he realised he was probably just staring at her. He gave himself a quick mental slap, turned back to Marcus and said, as coolly as he could, "What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering, did I see you in London on Friday, climbing out the back of a limo with someone?" Marcus looked around quickly to see if anybody had heard. He came from a very wealthy home and although they didn't own a limo themselves, he really wanted to avoid people knowing. He wanted people to like him for who he was not, unlike back home, for his money. It appeared nobody was paying them the slightest attention. He looked back at Marcus, and replied, "Er, yeah, a girlfriend booked an evening of entertainments to celebrate my birthday which was back in January."

"A mean you have more than one?" "What? Oh, no, I mean a girlfriend as in a female friend." "Oh...right, of course." George missed the slight look of relief that flashed across Marcus' face. "Well, I hope you had a nice time. I wasn't sure it was you I saw and I couldn't find you in the club to check, so thought I would ask. Anyway, see ya around some time." It wasn't until Marcus was turning to walk away that George thought to ask, "Um, just wondering, where were you when you saw me?" "Oh, I was in the queue," replied Marcus. He flashed George a quick smile then walked away. George was stunned. What was Marcus, a quite obviously straight guy, doing in the queue to a gay club? What did that mean? Nothing, he told himself. Straight guys go to gay clubs all the time with their mates for a laugh...don't they? He needed Jules and he needed her now. He pulled out his mobile and typed in her number, praying that she would pick up. He cursed, quite loudly, when he heard her answer phone message, drawing some funny looks from the people around him. "Jules, I don't care where you are or what you are doing when you get this message but you need to call me as soon as you get it...and I mean as soon as you get it." He hung up and started back towards his flat. Halfway there he felt his pocket vibrating, grabbed his mobile, checked the display and then answered. "What is it, what's wrong, are you alright?" said a very panicked sounding Jules. "He saw us, he knows my name, he was in the bloody queue!" "What? George what are you talking about?" "Marcus. As we were getting out of the limo outside the club he saw us from the queue. He just came up to me to ask if it was actually me." "Oh George you arsehole, I thought you were hurt or something," Jules practically shouted before hanging up. Twenty seconds later she called back. "What was he doing in the queue to a gay club?" she sounded intrigued. "I have no idea, that's why I called you. Do straight guys ever go to gay clubs?" "Well, they must do, I got hit on twice remember." "Maybe they thought you were a transvestite," laughed George. "Oh shut up. Hunny don't get your hopes up. It might not mean anything. Straight guys do go to gay clubs now and then. It doesn't make them gay." "I guess you are least he knew my name," he said, trying to sound optimistic. He knew that she knew exactly how he was feeling, she always did but he thought maybe he could convince himself that he didn't mind. "Thanks babe, I'll talk to you soon ok. Hope everything is well at home. Love you." "Love you too hun, talk soon." George hung up and returned his phone to his pocket. "At least he knows my name," he sighed to himself.


'Well, that was interesting' thought Marcus. 'He was going to a gay club with a female friend who organised his birthday 'entertainment'. Either she has a mean sense of humour, or he's gay. Unfortunately he needed to find out which before he could do anything. Oh, now where did that come from? When did I ever say I wanted to do anything about it? I just wanted to find out if it was him or not cos it was bugging me...didn't I?' Marcus walked into the lift in his block and pushed the button for his floor. George seemed like a nice enough guy, if not a little nervous, and he was kinda cute in a weird way but he was not what Marcus would ever call 'his type'. Then again, his type did always seem to turn into complete dickheads. "Goddammit" he said out loud. He had exams soon and he really didn't need this distraction right now. That evening, after cooking supper and watching a bit of television with his flatmates he excused himself and headed off to bed. As he lay there, idly playing with his cock, his thoughts kept drifting back to George with his unique blond hair that wasn't quite brown and wasn't quite blond, his slightly chubby frame and those pale blue eyes. Before he knew it he was hitting himself in the face with his own cum and almost jumped from the shock. "Huh, never shot that far before," he said as he cleaned himself up. He jumped in the shower to clean off and as he was soaping up his groin he decided that he would try and find out more about the nervous little man who was dominating his thoughts. So it was that over the next few days he started dropping the odd enquiring here and there, trying to find out what he could, as discretely as he could. After a week he had found out one thing; nobody knew anything about George. "Seriously Charlie, not even that Tom bloke knew anything more about him except that he lives in Quantock Court in the new student village." "Dude, why are you so hooked up on this guy? "Well at first I just wanted to find out if he was the guy I was in London, but now I have found out nobody knows a damn thing about him it has become like a personal challenge!" "Well, here's an idea," said Charlie, "why don't you get to know him, rather than dropping all these covert enquiries about him." ", I guess that would work." Marcus, taking Charlies advice to heart, decided that he would indeed try to get to know George but he didn't know how. Normally he would turn on the charm, flirt like hell and hope for the best but George was different, he wasn't trying to shag George, just become his friend. That approach just seemed wrong. The best friend, Becky. Yes, that would probably be the best way to do it. No, then George would just think he was coming on to his best friend. Bollocks!!! As Marcus was making his way to his next lecture, he was still pondering how he was going to become friends with George when he noticed him only a few feet ahead walking with Becky. "...out of the limo. He was in the queue." "What was he doing in the queue?" "I don't know, going into the club I guess. Anyway, he just wanted to check it was me." Becky said something that Marcus didn't quite catch and George just laughed and said, "Don't be ridiculous." Marcus decided he would try and sit as close to George as he could, see if he could slowly work himself into George's circle then chuckled to himself at his unintended pun. He slowed down a bit so that when he walked into the lecture hall he would have time to see where George and Becky were sitting and judge where he should sit. His heart sank as he walked into the room and noticed that the only chair close to them was the one next to the person sitting next to Becky. He hadn't wanted to be that close but it was either that or somewhere up near the back of the room. He decided he would just have to lump it and took the seat one down from Becky. He didn't think they had noticed but then the person between them leant forward to get something from her bag and he noticed Becky see him and jab George in the ribs. "Ow, what was that for?" "Shh," whispered Becky, "look left. Look who it is." "Why are you whispering? Am I supposed to know her or something?" "Not her you idiot. Next to her." "Oh really Becky, what is all the...oh." George's eyes shot open as he saw Marcus and he quickly looked away. "Crap, what is he doing so close?" "George, you take six modules together," said Becky matter-of-factly, "to be honest I am surprised this is the first time he has been so close. The chances are it was gonna happen eventually." "Yeah I know but...crap!" Marcus didn't hear any of what was said but he was pretty sure it was about him. He decided that as neither party knew the other party knew they were there, he would just ignore them and hope that he could pass it off as coincidence that he was sitting right by them. Half way through the lecture, having not had Charlie to distract him, Marcus was seriously confused. The Property Appraisal lecturer had just started a section on valuing commercial property and it was all maths, which Marcus hated. It was then that he looked over and noticed that George and Becky were happily making their notes, listening to the lecturer and, as far as he could tell, getting the whole theory. Suddenly a thought struck him. He would ask George to help him out with all this maths crap. That way he could try to get to know George, and get some tutoring, which was always a good thing. Now, how to go about it, that was the big issue. At the end of the lecture, he made sure to leave just after George and Becky. He caught up with them and pondered what to say. "Oh, hey Marcus," he heard Becky say and looked up to see George jab her in the ribs, "everything alright?" Perfect. "Er, yeah, actually I kinda have a favour to ask. It's just that I really don't get this valuation stuff and I couldn't help noticing that you two seemed to understand. I was wondering if maybe one of you could spare a bit of time to help me out a bit." "Sure mate, gladly." George almost looked stunned as he said this, not surprisingly as he was thinking 'what? Where the fuck did that one come from...did I really just agree to that?' "That is if you don't mind Becky, it means me blowing you off for lunch again." Thoughtful – check. "No hun, that's fine, you go ahead." "Ok, I will see you later k, promise." He grabbed Becky round the waist and pulled her in for a tight hug then kissed her on the cheek. Affectionate – check. "Cool, see you later." "Right, where do you want to do this then? What is your most effective studying environment?" Sensible and logical – check. "Well, I normally need somewhere that doesn't have too many people and is kinda quite but has music in the background," replied Marcus with a shrug. "Huh, well there isn't really anywhere like that on campus...unless, do you live on campus?" "Er no, I live on the other side of town." "Right, erm, ok, well I guess we could go back to my flat. Its quiet there and you can put on whatever music you like...if that's ok with you of course." Accommodating – check. "Cool, sure. That sounds great." Marcus was beginning to really get to like this guy and he was building up quite an impressive mental checklist of him too. So, Marcus and George went back to the student village and up to George's flat in Quantock. George led them in and then into his room and immediately apologised about the mess. Clean – check. Kinda self-conscious – check. Marcus noticed one shirt on the floor and that was it. "Dude, if this is what your room looks like messy I would love to come back when it is tidy." "Oh so you think you are getting a second invite do you?" quipped George quickly, then burst out laughing. Dry sense of humour – check. "Ha ha, you know what I mean you arse!" "Anyway, I really hope you brought music with you cos my taste sucks and my CD collection is pitiful." Marcus moved over to the shelf where he saw a stack of maybe 15 CD's and identified 13 he had in his own. "Ooo, JT, that will do nicely." "You like Justin Timberlake?" asked George, slightly incredulously. "Yeah, why?" "I dunno, just seems like it wouldn't be your kind of thing." "And what would be my kind of thing?" asked Marcus sardonically. "I really don't know. I have no idea why I even said that," he replied chuckling. "Riiiiight, anyway, put this, how does this hi-fi work?" asked Marcus, staring at the hi-fi on the shelf looking for an power button. George laughed and then replied, "It's voice activated. Activate." As he said this last word the CD player lit up. "Open." This caused the front of the Hi-Fi to fold open like double doors revealing three horizontal CD decks. George placed the Future/Sex/Love Sound CD on one of them. "Close and Play." The CD player folded closed and the dulcet tones of Justin began to fill the room. "Surround sound. Cool. Nice hi-fi dude, it must have cost a bundle." The hi-fi was the only fancy gadget George had allowed himself to bring to uni with him, wishing he could bring all the others but not wanting to give his game away. He 'mmm'-ed non-commitally and set his bag on the desk. "So, lets get you up to scratch on valuation shall we." Marcus sat down on George's bed while George took the desk chair. Marcus took out his books but noticed George leave all his stuff in his bag. "Right, commercial valuations are done in sections, the most valuable being the one behind the streetside window," and for the next half an hour he explained the theory and how to work it all out from memory. When he was satisfied that Marcus understood to a basic extent he said, "Do you want to try a few examples, learn by practise?" "That might be a good idea," replied Marcus. George grabbed a piece of paper and drew a quick sketch on it. "Ok, value this shop using 5 metre zones with the zone A, here," he said pointing to one side of the floor plan he had drawn, "at twenty quid per square metre." Marcus jotted down a few things, pulled out his calculator, punched in a few numbers and finally said "Four hundred and eighty five pounds per month." "Excellent," beamed George, his pleasure quite obvious by the grin on his face, "that's spot on. Ok, now try this." He drew another sketch and handed it to Marcus. "Use five metre zones again, at the same price and your zone A is the one adjacent to that little shaded in bit there, which represents the lift." Again Marcus jotted some things down, made his calculation and said "Nine hundred and forty pounds a month." "Ooo, not quite. Talk me through what you did." Marcus looked a little crest fallen but didn't say anything, he just started explaining what he did to George. Half way through George interrupted him. "Ah, there's your problem. You included the space that represents the lift. Dead floor space like that isn't usually included in a valuation like this unless you are in a very sort after area and your landlord is trying to get as much money out of you as possible," he explained. "Oh ok, so the answer would be," Marcus punched in a few numbers on his calculator, "nine hundred pounds a month." "Yes, perfect." Marcus found George's pleasure infectious and suddenly both were smiling broadly. For the next hour or so they continued doing a examples or, more often than not, just lapsing into chat about mundane topics like their hobbies and such like, laughing and joking the whole time. After a while Marcus, very reluctantly, said, "I should probably get going now, thanks for helping me with the work. I had a great time, we should do it again some time." "Yeah, that would be cool," said George, completely amazed that Marcus would want to hang out with him again. George was sitting next to Marcus on the bed by now and as Marcus stood up, he put his hand on George's leg just above the knee for support. George almost shuddered as he felt an electric shock shoot right up the inside of his thigh to his cock, which instantly sprang a hardon. He stood up too, praying his jeans would hide the erection, which they did, to a certain extent. "I guess I will see you tomorrow in class," said Marcus. "Er yeah, I guess so," replied George. At the door of the flat, Marcus turned to thank George once again and as he was turning to leave, his eyes flicked down to Georges crotch and a wide grin appeared on his face as he saw the penis shaped bulge in George's was a good size too.

Well, here is chapter 2, I hope you guys liked it and I just wanted to thank everybody who took the time to email me after the last chapter. I really appreciate it. As always I can be contacted at Please feel free to leave me your feedback. I need to know if I am still on the right track :-).

Next: Chapter 3

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