Chance Encounter

By Guy Cornelius

Published on Dec 12, 2006


Hi, this is the first two sections of a story I have been thinking about and I just thought I would test the water with these bits. I hope you like it and would love to hear any comments you have on it. You can email me at

Hope you enjoy. All the usual disclaimers apply.

"Oh babe don't cry, there is only one more week and then you can come home for Christmas," said Jules. Jules is my best friend. We went to school together, spent pretty much all our time on out Gap Years together and right now she is on the other end of the phone desperately trying to make me feel better. My name is George, I'm 20 and I am currently in my first term of my first year at Bristol University West of England studying Property Development and Planning and hating it. Jules is also 20, a few months older than me, and currently studying Psychology in London. "I'm sorry," I sniffled, wiping my eyes, "I just hate it here so much and mum and dad won't let me leave. I have to stay until the end of the year so that I can be completely sure whether I like it or not...give it some time to get used to." "I know hun, but maybe you will," she replied, "I mean you have only been there two months." "I doubt I am going to get used to something that makes me want to kill myself!" "True." I had her there and she knew it. We both did. I just wasn't made out for university, not full time anyway. "There is one thing that might make you stay though," she said. "Oh yeah, that'll work. The one thing that makes me feel even the slightest bit better and he doesn't even know I exist." 'He' is Marcus and he is on my course but, as I said, he doesn't know I exist. We have never said a single word to each other but even so, he captivates me. He is stunning, both physically and mentally. He has dark hair, brown eyes that seem to shine whenever he concentrates and cheek bones so perfectly placed that he looks like he could have been carved by one of the Greek masters. I have no idea what his body looks like but he is quite trim but his arms seem quite muscular at the same time. He always seems happy, with a smile permanently attached to his face ranging from a little tweak in the corners right the way up to a full on grin. He is very intelligent, he is funny and he is the kind of person that seems to really listen when you talk to him and actually take an interest in what you have to say...not that I have experienced this first hand. All in all he is the kind of person you can't help but notice...and adore. I, on the other hand, am completely ignorable. I have mousey-blond hair that most of the time just looks grey, light blue eyes and am slightly on the fat side. I am the kind of person that, when you look over a crowd, you register as being there, but otherwise completely ignore. "Oh come on, I am sure he knows you exist." "Jules, not a single word has ever passed between us, I have never sat more than within four rows of him and he has all the girls on the course fawning over him. He wouldn't he the chance to register my presence in the room even if he wanted to!" "So you are sure he is straight then?" "Yes! We have been over this before. I am sure he is straight." "Hmm. Ok, I can see your problem." "Thank you!" I sighed, finally getting through to her the futility or my infatuation. "I guess my only option is to stick it out till the end of the year and just hope I don't do anything stupid until then." "Oh George! What am I going to do with you. Listen I have to go, I have a seminar in ten minutes but I will see you in CJ's on Friday evening right?" CJ's is the wine-bar we practically live in when I am home. Our friends all prefer the local Wetherspoons but the clientele and general atmosphere was enough to put Jules and I off the first ten minutes we were in there. "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the word." "Good. See you there. Love you babe." "Love you too hun, can't wait to see you. Bye." I hung up the phone and looked at my timetable. "Shit!" I hissed. I was going to be late for Sustainable Development. When I first saw my module list I thought this one might be quite interesting but I didn't seem to have anything to do with development at all. So far all it had been about was the way humans think and how sunlight works in an ecosystem. Oh well, two hours of starting blankly into space, or at Marcus. When I arrived at the lecture hall I noticed that the lecturer hadn't arrived yet so I was fine. I picked out my friends amongst the crowd of students and started towards the empty seat they had left for me. As I was about half way there I realised that I was going to had to go past Marcus to get to my seat, as he was sitting on the end of the row I was heading for the middle of. "Shit!" I quietly hissed again. I could feel my heat quicken and I mentally slapped myself for being so bloody pathetic. I didn't dare look at him as I passed, I just looked at my feet and made damned sure that I didn't touch him as I passed. "Nice of you to join us," said Becky as I sat down. She was too busy digging a book out of her bag to notice my quick breathing of flushed face. "Huh? Oh, shut up," I joked back. Becky, a slim, busty blond, was quickly become a sort of 'in-uni' Jules and we always made sure to sit next to each other in lectures. The lecture, as predicted, was exceptionally boring but because of where he was sitting, I didn't get the opportunity to stare at Marcus. I did manage to steal a few quick peeks, but that was all I dared to for of someone noticing, most of all Becky. Eventually the lecture finished and as were packing up our books Becky asked, "do you fancy going for lunch or something?" "Oh crap, I am sorry hun, I would really love to but I have to finish that bloody essay for Making of Place this afternoon." "That's ok. I'll ask Brad is he wants to go." Brad is Becky's boyfriends who goes to the same uni as us but is on a different course. They met during Freshers Week. "Cool, have fun. See you later." Back up in my flat on campus, I was sitting by my window working away when I noticed Marcus outside. It was quite a nice day and he was playing Frisbee on the lawn with some guy I had never seen before. He stopped for a moment and looking my general direction, quite obviously just basking in the sun, but I quickly looked away anyway just in case he should see me staring. I watched him playing for quite some time and it wasn't until I saw him look at his watch that I realised that I had something I was supposed to be doing as he was keeping time for the same lecture as me.

It was only another few days before Becky cottoned on to my little crush but thankfully she had the good taste not to rib me about it. She couldn't help but ask a few questions though. "So how long have you liked him?" "How long have we been here?" I asked, answering her question with one of my own. "Oh, right." After a pause she added, "you do know he's straight right?" "Yes, I am well aware he is straight," I replied with an almost imperceptible sigh. "Anyway, shhh, I am trying to concentrate on whatever uninteresting crap this lecturer is on about." "Ya, right," she laughed but thankfully she decided to stop that line of questioning. "Have you got anything nice planned for Christmas?" she asked a little while later. "Er, not really, although I think Jules has something planned for my birthday," I replied, frowning and feigning annoyance at the interruption. My birthday is January 4th and Jules had dropped a few hints about an trip to London. "Ooo, that'll be nice. Any idea what?" "Nope, she is being very secretive. Just said it had something to do with going to London." "Oh, maybe she is going to take you somewhere." "What do you mean?" "Well, you took her to Hong Kong last Easter...and Dubai for her Birthday." "I doubt it, she cant really afford that kind of thing...and anyway, she knows I wouldn't let her even if she could." "Now its my turn to ask you what you mean!" "I hate people spending their money on me, it's a waste." " can spend thousands of pounds taking her to Hong Kong and Dubai, but she can't do the same for you?" "That's different, Jules me a lot of the last couple of years, not that she knows it, and that was my way of saying thankyou...kinda." I could tell Becky wanted to pursue the subject but I very gave her one of those looks that very politely says 'drop it'.

Christmas came and went and on my birthday I got a card from Jules containing two tickets for the theatre and a note saying 'Supper at the Ivy, February 12th', the same night the tickets were booked for. I called Jules immediately. "Hunny, you must have spent a fortune on this! There is no way I am letting you pay for the the hell did you get a table there by the way?" "George, you will let me pay, you will enjoy the evening and you will say no more about it...alright?" "Thank you." As usual my heart rejoiced at having Jules. She was my one pillar of hope with my seemingly never-ending battle with depression. She didn't know it but for the past few years I had been suffering from it, and almost tried to kill myself on a couple of occasions, but a phone call to her always made me feel better. I don't know what I would to without her.

Life back at uni continued as usual, boring lectures, bouts of depression and longing for Marcus from afar. Eventually February 11th rolled by and I got the train home to Sussex so that Jules and I could go out for my birthday the next day. The next morning I drove over to her house and we made our way to the station so we could get the train up to London. As far as I knew, the plan was to go up, do a bit of shopping, have a quick bite of lunch, go to the matinee performance she had booked and then go off to supper. I love shopping, as well Jules knows, and I spent a fortune up on Bond Street and, of course, in Harrods. By lunch time I practically had a whole new wardrobe being delivered to me. We had lunch in a lovely little café on the West bank and then made our way to the West End where we saw 'Les Miserables', my favourite musical. Afterwards we went over to the Ivy and had the most amazing supper and happened to notice Hugh Grant dining just a few tables away from us. At the end of the meal Jules refused to let me even see the bill and silenced my protests with one quick glare. Upon leaving the restaurant I noticed a beautiful black Limousine waiting outside the restaurant and figured it must have been Hugh's but was slightly shocked to see the driver quickly get out of the car, nod to Jules and open the back door. I stood, still rather confused, for a second and she climbed in and then she just reached out a hand, grabbed my wrist and dragged me in. the limo itself wasn't the cause of my confusion having seen the inside of many before, but what I didn't get was why Jules would arrange one just to take us back to the station. "We aren't going back to the station. I have one last surprise for you." "Oh...should I even bother asking what it is?" "Nope." About twenty minutes later the limo stopped. The driver got out, and started walking round to Jules' door. Wherever it was we were going to, it was on Jules side so I leaned over to have a quick look out of her window. I saw a carpet, a queue of people and two bouncers standing by a roped of entrance way. It wasn't hard to work out what this place was. "You're taking me clubbing?" "Yup, but this is the kind of club more suited for you than me," she said with a grin. That stumped me for a second before I worked out what she was saying. "Jules!!!" I had never been to a gay club before so, although I didn't want to show it, I was quite excited and not just a little bit nervous. As the driver opened the door, Jules stepped out and waited for me to join her. She took my arm and walked straight up to the Bouncers who took one look at her, nodded and ushered us in, much to the dismay of those waiting in the queue. As we walked into the club, I was too busy looking up at the name and chuckling to myself that I didn't notice the familiar face in the queue. "What's so funny?" she asked. "Oh, just the name...Angles." "Yeah, I didn't get to explain." "Really? I thought it was quite simple actually. An angle is something that is not straight or bent...hence it being a good name for a gay club." "Ooooohhhhh." The penny had dropped. We had an awesome night, dancing away, drinking (me on the non-alcoholic stuff as I don't drink) and generally having fun in the VIP area that Jules had got us entry to. She even got hit on a couple of times but politely declined. I loved her even more for that. We both knew that she would have loved to have had a guy buy her drinks all evening, the second one was even quite attractive, but she didn't want to leave me on my own just as much as I didn't want to be left. Being on ones own when one is nothing more than crowd filler is not that much fun. At the end of the night, we left the club to find the limo still waiting for us and Jules explained that she had booked it to take us home as well as there would be no trains at this time of night. I had to admit that I hadn't even thought of that and if it had been me planning this, we would have been stranded. "Haha, yeah, you never really were one for the finer details!" "Thank you so much for today babe. I have had the most amazing time. I don't know what I would do without you!" "Aww, you are welcome hun. You know I would do it for you any time."

I spent the next few days at home, figuring missing a couple of lectures really wouldn't matter. I could just catch up from Becky anyway. When I did go back and I saw her in my next lecture, the first thing she asked me was what we did. "Come on, don't hold out on me, this has been bugging me for days!" she almost whined. I laughed, enjoying the opportunity to make her wait and then gave in. "Ok, we went shopping up in London in the morning...oh actually all my stuff should be arriving here in the next couple of days...then we went for a quick lunch on the river side. After that we went on to the Theatre to see 'Les Mis' and then supper at the Ivy." "Wow, that sounds awesome." "It was, but it didn't finish there. She hired a limo to drive us to a club where we got the whole VIP treatment. No queues, VIP lounge, free drinks, the works. Then, at the end of the night, the limo drove us home." "Oh my god. She must have spent a fortune." "Mmm, I know." At the end of the lecture Becky and I packed up our books and made our way out of the lecture hall. We were just chatting away, deciding where we were going to go and have lunch when I noticed Marcus walking in our general direction, then I noticed he was actually walking towards us! I figured he obviously wanted to talk to Becky but as he got closer my eyes met his and I realised he was walking towards me!


Live at Bristol, UWE was pretty much what he expected it would be; parties, drinking and the odd lecture here and there but he couldn't help but miss Adam. Adam broke up with him a couple of weeks before he got there, said long range relationships never worked and that it would be best for the both of us if we just stayed friends. Marcus knew full well that he meant 'if you aren't here I am probably going to sleep around and I don't want to have a guilty conscience while I am doing it'. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He had forgiven him the last time it happened because he had promised it would never happen again, and in Adams defence, it hadn't but it was probably best this way. The girls on his course were all over him. He knew he was kinda good looking but anyone would think he was Brad Pitt from the way they were acting! They hadn't worked out he was gay but none of them actually made a move on him, waiting for him to be the one to make the first move. They will be waiting a while. Marcus was always perfectly nice to them because they were nice girls and he would like to be friends with them, he just hoped that his friendliness wasn't mistaken for 'interest'. The first term was pretty uneventful for him in most respects. He got on with his work, went to all his lectures and made lots of friends, the best of whom was Charlie, a straight guy on his course. Very occasionally he would allow himself to miss Adam and mope a bit but most of the time he maintained his happy go lucky attitude. Marcus was definitely a people person. When in a conversation he always listened, participated, took and interest in what was being said and he always made whoever he was talking to feel at ease. He couldn't stand it when people ignored common courtesy...its just plain rude! Anyway, by the second term the girls had pretty much given up on him but he had made a couple of friends out of it. Unfortunately, because he didn't exactly wear a badge declaring his sexuality, the guys weren't giving him a second look either. Apparently he seemed to give off a very 'straight' vibe. So, having no luck in Bristol, he decided to organise a trip home to London for a few days and hit the scene there, see what he could come up with. He called his parents, told them he was coming home for a few days and asked if it was going to be ok for him to stay with them. His mother laughed and said of course it would be, as Marcus had expected she would and so he went off to pack his bag with a few days worth of clothes. When he got home it was already quite late in the evening on Friday so he excused himself from supper, explaining that he had already eaten and went upstairs to get ready. He always went through the same routine when he was getting ready to go out and it was almost half the fun. He went to his room and dumped his bag on his big double bed, stripped off all his clothes and headed for his En Suite. He set the water running at quite a high temperature, just the way he liked it and stepped in, enjoying the feeling of it pouring down him. He set about soaping himself up, starting on his stomach and working his way up to his chest, giving his nipples a little tweak on the way. Next he did his arms, legs and back and finished off with his face. Once he was happy that he was nice and soaped up he let his hands slide down his front to his now hardening cock and started to slowly stroke it. He sped up his strokes while he fondled with his balls and it had been a little while so it didn't take long for him to shoot his load all over the wall of the shower. He cleaned himself up, rinsed off all the soap and made sure he was clean in all the areas he might need to be before turning off the water and going in search of an outfit for tonight, favouring drip-drying rather than towelling off. It didn't take long for him to choose an outfit. It comprised of some fairly tight Calvin Klein jeans, a tight fitting Armani shirt, his favourite Ben Sherman boxer briefs and some black Todd Barnes slip-ons. He walked around the room, getting things organised, still fully naked, laid out his outfit on the bed then went into the bathroom to have a shave and do his teeth. By the time he was done he was all but dry so went back into his room to get dressed. He admired himself in the mirror for a minute, glad that he had decided to treat himself and fork out on such expensive clothes last time he went shopping and then went back into the bathroom to do his hair. Once his little routine was over it was about time to go so he grabbed his wallet, trotted down stairs, called a goodbye to his parents and then got the bus to the club. As always there was quite a queue already but he didn't mind this too much, it gave him a chance to check out who was going into the club and see whether he could spot any potential hook-ups before he got in there. About half an hour later he was ten back from the front of the queue when he spotted a black lime coming down the road. It pulled up outside the entrance to the club and he could hear people around him 'ooo-ing' and 'ahh-ing' and he even heard one guy say 'I wonder if it is anybody famous?' It wasn't though and a unanimous 'hey!' went up as the couple from the limo were ushered straight inside. Marcus was far too distracted to moan, he knew he recognised that guy from somewhere and it was really bugging him. When he did eventually get into the club he made a few circuits to see if he could find the guy but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably in the VIP area considering his arrival. He decided to go to the bar and get a drink and soon enough he forgot all about the guy in the limo. It was a disappointing night and he ended up going home alone but as he was walking back, he noticed a nice Bentley go by and was reminded of the limo and the mystery guy. "Oh well," he thought to himself, "I guess I will have to go on wondering who he is. Chances of me ever meeting him again are slim to none." He decided he couldn't be bothered to waste the money going out again tomorrow so he would just go back to uni, having spent the day with his mum and dad, like a good son should. He went back to uni on Saturday evening and on Tuesday morning he was sitting in a lecture hall with Charlie waiting for their lecture to start when he noticed a familiar face walk in the room. It was him, the guy from the club. "Charlie, you see that guy who just walked in, the one with the blond." "The short one?" "Yeah that one...who is he?" "Why? You fancy him or something?" joked Charlie. Charlie knew Marcus was gay and didn't give a flying fuck...he did enjoy making a joke about it now and again though. "No you lug, I saw him in London on Friday evening climbing out of a limo with some girl." Although now he really looked, he was kinda cute...kinda. "Oh...must be pretty loaded then." He turned to a guy behind him and said, "oi, Tom, who's the short-stuff that just walked in with the busty blond?" "Er, in green? That would be George...don't know his surname," replied Tom. "His name's George. Tom knows everybody, and if he doesn't know ya then he at least knows about ya." Charlie chuckled as he relayed the information to Marcus. At the end of the lecture Marcus made sure he left quickly so that he could be out before George. It took a while for his to emerge with the same blond he went in with but when Marcus noticed him he started to walk towards him. When George saw Marcus walking towards him, Marcus noted a look of panic that was quickly schooled to one of calm. As he approached Marcus said "Hi, it's George isn't it?" George didn't reply for a second and then quickly said "Er, yeah, hi." The blond he was with turned to him and said "I gotta go but I will catch up with you later ok?" Marcus could have sworn he saw a look of despair flash across his face his didn't say anything then the blond turned to him and smiled saying "I'm Becky, by the way." She turned to walk off and gave George a quick wink, which Marcus politely pretended not to notice.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it and as I said, I would really appreciate some feedback so I know whether to continue or not.


Next: Chapter 2

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