Chalet Du Bieber

By Vox Veritas

Published on Feb 10, 2013


Disclaimer: The following story does not imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

"It's called Red Dawn."

"That's...a remake right?" Bieber asked.

"Yeah, the original is about Russians; in the new version it's the North Koreans."

Justin smiled at the 20 year old sitting across from him at the table, his new favorite actor Josh Hutcherson. They had just finished a long day of snowboarding and Justin loved how Josh's cheeks were slightly red from the cold mountain air.

"Listen bro you're great in every film you do," Justin said, melting at the sight of Josh's brown eyes. If they were to stare at each other any longer Justin felt like he was going to pop a stiffy right there.

"We should get back, the chalet I rented has a lot of cool shit we can do," Justin said.

"Alright cool man," Josh replied as he got up from the table.

They walked out together, Justin desperately wanting to hold hands with Josh as they left. He couldn't figure out why he turned into such a fan-girl around Josh but knew he should probably get those ideas out of his head fast. This boy was "straight but not narrow" after all. A moment of arrogance popped into his head.

"I'm Justin Bieber; if I can't do it, nobody can," he thought to himself as the two walked quietly together.

After a few hours together with Josh, Justin was now flirting in every way possible. They had just finished up playing PS3 and it was starting to get dark. Justin went to his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine along with two glasses and went back out to Josh, who was still holding the game controller.

"This place is really great," Josh said awkwardly as he saw Justin put down the glasses.

"Can I pour you a glass?" Justin said with a wink.

"Sure, why not."

Justin tipped the glass slightly and poured the red wine carefully into Josh's glass and then followed suit with his own.

"You know Justin, you're a lot different than I expected," Josh began to say.

"Why?" Bieber asked.

"You seem a lot nicer or something. I can't really explain. It seems like a lot of people might be jealous of your talent and say bad things because of that."

"Damn right," Justin said as he lightly clinked his wine glass against Josh's.

Taking a large sip, Justin enjoyed that Josh sounded almost like he was a fan.

"Who wouldn't want this body," Justin joked as he smiled at Josh.

"Haha, you've got the swagger down don't you?" Josh asked.

"I'm going to crank on the jacuzzi. It is freezing out but who cares right? If I jump in the snow afterwards would you do it too?" Justin asked.

Josh hesitated.

"I don't have any swimsuit and uh, that snow looks awfully cold dude," Josh replied nervously.

"C'mon bro. We got underwear, and hell, the cold snow feels great after you spend more than 10 minutes in this thing. It's super-heated, trust me," Justin assured.

"Okay. I guess I'll do it then," Josh conceded.

Justin took no time in putting on his shoes and exiting out the back door. Bringing his glass with him he adjusted the settings on the jacuzzi and felt a stirring in his pants as he was about to get half naked with Josh.

With the settings ready he shivered and ran quickly back inside. Josh had finished most of his wine.

"Mind if I pour one more?" Josh asked as Justin sat back down.

"Go for it, I'm gonna roll a J," Bieber said as he fumbled around with the stuff in his pocket.

He lit the joint and took a small puff, handing it over to Josh.

"So you were in that video that said straight but not narrow, what does that mean?"

Josh puffed the joint and then handed it back.

"It's uh...well, I support gay rights and all that," Josh replied.

"So you really are straight?" Justin asked.

"Sure am," Josh said.

"Have you ever fooled around with a guy?"

Josh was unsure of how to answer the question but figured Justin was just being curious.

"Once, but it wasn't like, a big deal or anything."

"Would you ever want to do it again? I have some porn we can watch if you want," Justin suggested.

"Are you into that sort of thing?"

"Sure why not," Justin said as he took a puff.

Josh didn't say anything but was slightly turned on how Justin was so relaxed about everything.

"Let's get naked and jump in that hot-tub," Justin said with a wink.

"Are you going to try to have sex with me if I get naked?" Josh joked.

"Damn straight I am," Justin said without pause.

"Wow, I don't know what to..." Josh began.

"I'm kidding bro, just try to have more fun okay?"

"No problem," Josh said back to him.

Justin got up and took some towels and handed one to Josh. Setting the others down, he unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off quickly, leaving them on the floor. Peeling off his shirt next, Justin was now standing in his boxers right in front of Josh.

Josh admired his tight body but knew if he looked too long Justin might get the wrong idea, so he quickly looked away.

"It's okay dude," Justin said as he walked over to the door.

Josh watched as Justin opened up the door and was making his way to the hot- tub. Justin hopped up onto the edge and slowly put his feet in the hot water, lowering very slowly into it.

Josh followed suit going outside and was still wearing his clothes.

"How is it?" he asked.

"Fantastic," Justin said as he adjusted his hardening cock under the water through his underwear.

Josh took off his shirt, exposing his muscled chest and strong arms. He then stripped down his pants and stood in his boxers on the outside of the tub. He lifted his leg slightly to get in and Justin could see his package as he got into the tub.

Justin put his other hand under the water and lowered the waistband of his boxers, stripping completely naked while in the hot-tub. He pulled the wet underwear from under the water and set it on the side.

Josh noticed this and realized that Justin was totally serious when he said earlier he was going to get naked.

"You're not very shy are you?" Josh said.

At this point Josh was feeling the effects of the wine and decided to free himself as well. He pulled off his underwear and tossed them at Justin, laughing slightly as they almost hit the singer.

"Watch it! Don't mess my hair," Bieber said.

Justin's hand was stroking his cock as the two sat naked in the steaming water. Josh looked away slightly in an attempt to not be awkward as he saw Justin's movements under the water.

Josh lowered his torso down and dipped his head under the water, wetting his hair and coming back up. He wiped his hair back as Justin just watched intently.

"I'm jealous dude, you totally have nice underarms. I look like a girl cuz I can't grow as much," Justin said.

"Thanks...I think?" Josh replied.

Justin moved over to Josh's side of the tub. Before he could react, Josh felt Justin's hand on his abs.

"I'm so hard right now, do you want to feel?" Justin said.

Josh hesitated at first but moved his hand over to Justin's hardness and touched it under the water. He felt the head and the long shaft and gripped his hand around it.

"You're so hot," Justin said as Josh continued to lightly stroke him.

"Are you hard because...of me?" Josh asked innocently.

"Fuck yeah, you're a stud," Justin replied back.

Bieber spread his legs and thrust upward slightly in rhythm with Josh's light stroking. With his hand on Josh's abs he lowered it slightly, bringing it down Josh's body and reaching his inner thighs. Justin's hand found Josh's dick hard as a rock.

"Damn, you're huge," Justin said as he stroked Josh.

Both boys were in a haze as they stroked each other in the water. Josh was desperate for relief and Justin's expert handjob was getting him close. Justin leaned in for a kiss but Josh pulled away instinctively.

"I'm not ...I don't know if..." Josh failed in finding words.

Bieber didn't let that faze him and repositioned that he was in front of Josh. With his other hand he moved under Josh's balls to find his hole and rubbed his fingers on the outside.

"You've never let a girl do this have you..." Justin said as he massaged Josh's hole.

"No..." Josh replied breathlessly as he felt the sensation grow.

Justin pushed the tip of his finger inside Josh's hole and the boy gasped at the intrusion.

"I don't know if I like that," Josh said nervously.

"Damn you really are hard to please," Justin said.

He took his hands away and turned around, putting his butt on Josh's hard member but not letting it into his hole.

"Without lube this won't work the same but how about this..." Justin said as he began to grind his ass onto Josh's shaft.

The sensation felt great with the warm water as Josh thrust his dick between Justin's cheeks. Bieber increased his pace and pressure as he felt Josh's hardness rub against his ass. Justin's own dick was pointing straight up as he continued to gyrate on Josh's 7 inches.

"It feels good," Josh said while holding Justin's hips.

He began to feel a deep intimacy in the act, despite it being something he had never done before. Justin turned his head and Josh kissed him lightly on the lips, opening his mouth as Justin's tongue found its way inside. They kissed deeply as Josh's dick continued rubbing on Justin.

"I'm getting too hot," Josh said.

"Here sit on the side," Justin replied quickly.

Josh sat on the edge of the hot-tub as Justin turned around and began stroking Josh's hard dick as it pointed straight out at him. He leaned down and put the head of it into his mouth, stroking the shaft and cupping Josh's balls with his other hand.

Josh loved the sensation and realized that Justin was getting him close to the edge of his orgasm.

"I'm going to blow..." Josh said as he thrust his hips into Justin's mouth.

Justin continued stroking as he felt the warm liquid enter his mouth and Josh's dick pulse with each shot. Justin swallowed every drop as he slowed his stroking of Josh's shaft and tongued the head of his dick lightly.

Josh's orgasm faded as Justin continued sucking on his dick, making it tickle slightly as it remained sensitive.

"You're amazing at that," Josh said while still slightly out of breath.

Justin's cock was still hard as he sat next to Josh on the side of the tub.

"Do you want me to?" Josh said as he looked down at Justin's hardness.

"I want to try something and I promise it won't be bad," Justin said.


"Bend over the side here," Justin said.

Josh turned around and leaned over the edge of the hot-tub with most of his torso out of the water, unsure of what would happen next. Justin admired Josh's cute butt and spread the cheeks, licking Josh's hole.

"Oh wow what are you...oh!" Josh said as he felt Justin's tongue enter him.

Justin stroked his dick quickly under the water as he felt his own orgasm approaching. He tongued Josh's ass as he began to cum, the white liquid exiting his dick as he continued stroking.

"It feels different," Josh said as he let Justin continue rimming him.

Josh felt the tongue go deeper in him and looked back, seeing Justin cumming into the water. Justin kissed the entrance one more time and got back up, his hard cock still dripping with cum. He took his fingers and wiped a little off onto them.

Josh turned around and Justin looked deeply into his eyes. He never thought he would do this, but took Justin's hand and tasted the cum. It was a unique taste but wasn't bad. He stroked Justin's dick slightly as the boy sat next to him once again.

"Damn you're still hard," he said to Justin.

"With you around, it's hard not to be," Justin replied back.

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