
By Lia

Published on Jan 8, 2004



I can't remember exactly when my best friend moved in with my family. I guess it's been about a year since he's lived here. In the middle of our junior year, Chad's parents died. His sister moved in with his Aunt, but he wanted to finish school here, so he moved in with me.

But enough about that, I know you're not interested in any of that.

I was in love with Chad. Plain and simple. I had been for almost as long as I'd known him. We met in 8th grade, he was new to school, and he joined the basketball team. Instant bonding, I loved basketball. We'd been best friends since then.

I didn't realize I was gay until I met Chad. I had noticed that I wasn't like the other guys in my school, always talking about Emily's nice ass, or Julia's rack. I simply didn't care. I figured I just hadn't met the right girl. But when Chad and I became friends, I had very strong feelings for him; I knew I had to be gay.

Back in 8th grade, Chad and me were both very much alike; both were pretty popular and involved in sports. Now, in the middle of senior year, it's amazing we're still friends. We're two very different people. Chad's still on the basketball team, he's pretty much the star of it actually. I quit a long time ago, not really my style; instead I got on the yearbook staff and just follow people around with a camera. Chad's still Mr. Popular, he has a date almost every Friday night, and parties galore. I guess you could say I'm still kind of popular, mostly I'm just popular by association with Chad.

So why am I love with Chad? Not only does the kid have a charming personality and all that, but also he's extremely attractive. Let me tell you about him. Chad's about 6'1, 180 lbs. He works out constantly, so he's got some decent muscles. He has dark brown hair, almost black, and blue eyes. He has normal features, a straight nose; I think it's just a combination of all these things that make him so hot.

And then there's me. Yup. Me. My name's Jason by the way, I'm 5'10, 170 (a little on the heavy side I guess). I have light brown hair and green eyes. I consider myself fairly attractive, attractive enough so that I've gone out with a few girls. Although I'm not attracted to them, I figured I should at least keep up with the high school social scene. I'll admit to even fooling around with some of them, but it just didn't really do anything for me.

So back to the fact that Chad lives with me now (yeah I said I was done with talking about it, but oh well). It's been weird living with Chad. My parents make quite a bit of money, so he got his own bedroom. We do have to share a bathroom, which has been fun. Chad is not modest and while I'm brushing my teeth or something, he'll walk right in and take a piss. Huge turn-on.

Enough about the past, time to talk about the present. It's Thursday evening, and this weekend my parents are going out of town. Chad's talked me into throwing a party with him. Since Chad's so popular and such a stud, they'll be quite a turn out. I'm excited about I guess, a friend is getting some kegs, and I never pass up a chance to drink.

"Hey, Jason, man. . . I'm kind of worried about tomorrow," Says Chad as he walks into my room. My heart skips as I see him.

"This was your idea! What are you worried about?" I ask.

"There's just a lot of people coming and I don't want anything to go wrong. I don't want your parents to find out or anything." He says with a shy look downward.

"No worries man, I've got it all taken care of." He looks so cute when he's nervous.

"Alright cool, Hey, I'm going to get a shower okay? If you need to pee or anything, come on in, I don't care." He says as he heads towards the bathroom. I felt my dick grow hard at the thought of walking into the bathroom and seeing a glimpse of Chad in the shower.

"Uh, sure man. Yeah." I laugh as I stutter a bit.

10 minutes later I decide to go take a piss. I walk up to the bathroom door and find he left it open a crack. There's steam billowing out of it into the hallway. I start to open it more when I hear Chad moan.

I freeze, unsure of what I just heard. Then I hear it again. He's moaning in short little bursts. I lean against the wall and just listen. My dick is straining against the fabric of my jeans. Then, suddenly, he lets out a nice long moan. I stay there against the wall, my dick throbbing in my pants. I can't believe what I just heard, I always figured Chad had girls do that for him, I didn't think he'd have to beat off himself.

I want to go to my room and jack off right away, but I know that he'll be out of the shower soon and probably come talk to me.

Just then I heard the water turn off, so I walk back to my room and turn on some music. I need to get my mind off of this, I don't want Chad to notice my hard on. My door opens and in walks Chad, wearing just his boxers.

"I love showers. They're like a total stress reliever for me." He says as he finishes drying his hair with a towel.

"Yeah I know what you mean." After all, I usually beat off in the shower too.

"Well dude, I'm gonna go to sleep, see ya in the morning." He says as he tosses the towel at my head. I catch it then throw it on the floor.

I get up, close and lock my door then I start taking off my clothes. I can't get the sound of Chad's moans out of my mind. How I'd love for him to be moaning like that while I took his dick down my throat. Taking my pants off and then my boxers, my dick's standing straight up, demanding attention. I start by playing with my nipples. My nipples have a lot of sensitivity in them. I let out a moan of my own as I think of Chad's beautiful mouth on my nipple. His tongue caressing it, his teeth nibbling on it.

I lie down on my bed and move my hand down to my dick. At 6" inches, uncircumcised, and fairly thick, I was proud of my dick. I close my eyes and dream of Chad.

The next school day went by in a blur. Everyone was talking about the party and asking me questions about when they should show up. Like I cared, show up when you want.

The bell rang, and Chad and me met up at my car as usual.

"So are you ready to par-tay man??" said Chad with an excited smile.

"Of course." I replied.

We drove home in silence, listening to the radio. Gotta love some Korn.

Hours later after people had started showing up, I lost track of Chad. I asked our friend Adam if he'd seen him.

"I think he's upstairs with Sarah man," he said as he chugged the rest of his beer. Sarah? Who the hell is Sarah?

"Alright, thanks." I said. Devastation had struck. I figured there was nothing better to do then get drunk.

A few shots and about 5 beers later, I was extremely drunk. There were people everywhere; they had to be 60 people in my house. The faces all started to jumble together; I don't even think I knew some of them. I still hadn't seen Chad. I tried to see what time it was. I started laughing when I realized I was way to drunk to tell what time it was.

I wanted everyone out of here; I didn't want them to trash my house. But I was drunk and way too tired to do anything about it. Chad wanted this party; Chad could take care of it when he was done getting off.

I went upstairs to pass out. I started walking towards my room when I passed Chad's room. No one was in it. I kept on walking till I got to my room. I took off my clothes and was about to get into bed, when I realized there was someone in it.

"Chad? Whathefuck?" I could hardly talk, I was pretty messed up.

Chad rolled over and looked at me. "Why are you in my room Jason?" He said.

I looked around. This was my room. Wasn't it?

Chad laughed. "Dude you're really messed up aren't you?"

I tried to laugh it off and got up and put my clothes back on.

"Chad you haffta make people leave, theer too many" I mumbled.

"Yeah sure man, no problem." He stood up. He was naked.

My god. This was heaven. His dick looked to be about 7" it was longer and thicker then mine, uncircumcised like mine. It was semi-hard. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he started putting his clothes on.

"Staring problem Jason?" He said and laughed.

I just mumbled something that didn't make sense.

"Why don't you come back downstairs with me, man? Get another drink?" He made it sound so inviting.


Another hour went by, Chad had kicked everyone out so it was just him and me. We were both sitting on the couch.

"Wow, pretty wild huh?" Chad started laughing so hard he started to fall off the couch. He was more messed up then I had been. I had pretty much sobered up by now.

"Whoa, easy there. . ."

He laid his head in my lap and closed his eyes. "I love you man."

I felt my dick start to get hard. I prayed he didn't notice.

"Ready to go to sleep? I'll help you upstairs." I lifted his head up.

"Just a little longer. I want to be with you a little longer." He sighed.

What? What is that supposed to mean?

"You're pretty messed up, you should go to sleep." I didn't know what to do.

"Okay." He stood up.

I stood up with him and my arm around his shoulders to steady him. He took one step and then started to fall.

"Whoops!" He said and started laughing hard again. This just made him fall more. I grabbed both his shoulders and steadied him. We were face to face now. His lips were just an inch or two away from mine. If I leaned forward I could kiss him. . .

Just then he started to fall again. I was tempted just to leave him on the living room floor, but that seemed a little cruel.

"Jason? What if I puke in my sleep and I choke on it cause I was lying on my stomach of something?" He had a panicked look in his eyes.

"Why don't you sleep in my room? I'll take care of you." I said with a shiver.

"Is there room in your bed?" He said with a sexy smile.

I had meant on the floor, but whatever.

"It might be kind of cramped, but yeah, there's room." I told him.

Somehow we made it upstairs into my room. He was able to undress himself and he started to take off his clothes. I took off everything but my boxers. He took everything off.

"I hope this isn't weird. I always sleep like this." He said as he got under the covers next to me. We were facing each other.

"It's fine." I said.

I felt him immediately start to fall asleep. His breathing deepened and then he started to lightly snore. We laid like that for maybe 10 minutes when he started talking to me.

"Are you gay?"

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to do. If I said yes, wouldn't he be freaked out and definitely not want to be in bed naked next to me? I don't think I could lie to him though.

"It's okay man, I've known for a while." He said.

"...How?" I was so scared he was going to leave.

"By the way you look at me."

I looked deep into his eyes. He didn't look away.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracked.

"Don't be sorry." He said, and he kissed me.

It was a gentle kiss, slow and unsure. I was so shocked it took me a second till I became to kiss back. As I began to kiss back he became more forceful with me and darted his tongue towards my lips. As I opened my lips and felt his tongue enter my mouth, I felt my dick get hard.

The kiss ended. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" He said with a laugh.

I was out of breath. "What?" How could he have wanted kiss me?

"I've wanted you for so long Jason. But I was never sure until yesterday if you wanted me too or not. I knew you were outside the bathroom listening to me. And I knew you jacked off after I went back to my room. I knew tonight I would get to have you." He went to kiss me again.

I rolled on top of him and began to kiss him. I kissed my way down his jaw line to his neck. I heard him moan, the same moan I heard when I was in the bathroom. This was encouraging, so I began kissing, licking, nibbling his neck, faster, more forceful.

I threw the blanket off us and kissed my way down to his nipples. I outline its hardness with my tongue and then started sucking on it. I heard him gasp and then start writhing around with every nibble I gave him. Hmmm, guess he's as sensitive there as I am. I kissed my way down to that beautiful, beautiful dick. I kissed every inch of it and then held it right in front of my mouth. I looked up at him, he was watching me with a look of lust in his eyes. It was a huge turn-on. I gave his dick one little lick on the tip. I felt it twitch.

I tasted pre-cum in my mouth. I had no experience whatsoever, they furthest I've ever gone is when Jessica Clemons gave me a hand job last year. But I liked the taste of Chad's dick. Just as I knew I would. But I didn't want this to be over yet. I went back up to his mouth and started kissing him some more. I felt his hand fumbling to get inside my boxers. I stopped kissing him long enough to take the boxers off, and then started kissing him again. His hand started caressing me and it made me kiss him harder. I went down to his neck again and gave him a nice sized hickey.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to have his dick in my mouth. Once again, I held it right in front of me and then slowly brought the tip into my mouth. I started sucking and swirling my tongue all around the tip. I heard him give a big moan. I could taste his pre-cum and it tasted so good, I wanted more. I took more of his dick into my mouth, all the while swirling my tongue around it and gently sliding my teeth up it. He started pushing his dick down my throat. His hands were in my hair, pushing my head onto his dick more. All of this was a turn-on, including the taste of pre-cum in my mouth. But then he started moaning my name.

"Jason... uhh..." He started thrusting harder into my mouth.

I pulled back; I didn't want him to shoot yet. My mouth was completely off his dick when his eyes opened and he looked at me with a pleading look.

"I really need this man, you were doing so good." He let out another moan. There was a big glob of pre-cum on the tip of his dick. I licked it off and he moaned again.

"I don't want you to cum yet. I want to have some fun with you." I said as I kissed him.

"How bout you let me try that?" He said as he looked at my dick.

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't think he'd want to touch me, I was content with worshipping his body, but this was absolute heaven. I already felt like his just touching me would send me over the edge.

He bent down and started licking the tip of my dick. I leaned back and closed my eyes, putting my hands on his head, gently guiding him onto me.

He took all of me down his throat, all the while sucking and licking my dick. I opened my eyes for a second and saw him looking up at me with a look of love in his eyes. I grunted as he kept licking and pleasuring me until I shot in his mouth.

"Dude, I'm sorry, should have warned you." I was ashamed and scared he'd get mad."

"It tastes good." He said as a little of my cum dripped out the corner of his mouth. I kissed him and licked my cum off his lips. I felt bad that he had gotten me off, but I still hadn't gotten him off. As we kissed, I felt his fingers go towards my asshole. I moaned into his mouth as he pushed a finger into me. I could feel him wiggling it around. Then he pushed two fingers into me. I felt my dick get hard again, even though I had just cum.

He broke the kiss and brought his lips to my ear. "Do you want to?" Then started kissing me again. I never wanted anything so much in my life.

I pushed back on his fingers and then broke the kiss and stood up and found some lubrication. I smoothed it all over my fingers and then rubbed it all over his dick. Then he rubbed it on my asshole. He started fucking me with his fingers again. By now my dick was very hard and I felt like I was going to cum again. He got 3 fingers in me and I was moaning and moaning, and then he took his fingers out and I felt so empty. Then I felt him take his dick and put the tip up my hole and slowly started to push. I pushed back onto it and felt him enter me. It hurt, but I wanted it so bad. I told him to keep going and he slowly got all of him inside me inch by inch. He slowly started fucking me while his hands were on my hips. The pain had stopped and all I felt was pleasure. I was pushing back and he was speeding up and I could feel he was all the way inside me. He'd stay there for a second; I could feel his dick throbbing inside me. Then he'd practically pull out, and then push himself all the way back inside me, fast and hard. He was fucking me and I loved it. I was moaning and grunting.

"Fuck... Chad..." I let out a huge moan as he slammed into me. He was moaning and grunting and then I heard him practically scream as he slammed into me once last time. I knew his cum was leaking into me. He pulled out of me and I felt so empty. Plus I was ready to cum, and I figured Chad was done fooling around. But then he brought his lips onto my dick again. He was more forceful and dominant on me this time. He let me just slam my dick into him, down his throat, while he was sucking like he really wanted it. I felt his tongue all over my dick, lapping at the tip of my dick, begging for the cum to leak out. Then he took my dick out of his mouth and started licking my balls. I moaned. He started sucking on them and slowly licked his way to my asshole. He pulled his hand around to start jacking me. He started licking at my ass, drinking all his cum that was leaking out of my ass. He shoved his tongue inside my hole and swirled it around, not to waste any drop of his cum, then he came back around and started sucking me again, still jacking me off. Just then a ton of thoughts raced through my mind, the fact that the guy I had always wanted was actually sucking me off and loving it, the fact that I had just let him use my ass and spray his cum in it, the fact that he lived with me and we would be doing this every night. It was all too much for me, combined with his tongue circling every inch of my dick. I cam for the second time that night with a loud moan.

He licked me clean and then laid next to me. "That was fun huh?" He said, gave a chuckle, and then rolled over to go sleep.

I'll never understand that boy.

Well there is my 4th story. . . If you want or have the time, check out my other ones, That night, located in lesbian high school section. Party Story and Truth or Dare Party in the bisexual high school section. I'm in the process of writing another one, by the time this story's posted, I'll probably have it done. Find it in the bisexual high school section called julia's story. I would very much appreciate feedback on any of these. Much love - Lia

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