Celebrity Schoolgirls

By Tony Idolatry

Published on Aug 16, 2000


DISCLAIMER: If you are underage and/or unqualified to view adult material, if adult material is outlawed in your community or you are offended in any way by explicit depictions of sexual activity, DO NOT read on. Also, this is an entirely FICTITIOUS story. The celebrities mentioned here have never engaged in these types of activities, nor would they ever consider doing so. They are all living angels. So there. :) Enjoy!

Celebrity Schoolgirls 2: Mandy Moore and Lacey Chabert by Tony Idolatry

"So then Christina says 'I've seen better looking hair on a used shag carpet!' So we both lost it, and then Miss James caught on. I'm lucky I'm didn't get detained up there, too!" Mandy Moore shook her head after recalling the soon-to-be-infamous, and already hour-old "calculus incident" to her friend and volleyball teammate Lacey Chabert.

The two girls were sitting on a locker room bench in front of their adjoining gym lockers, lightly toweling their faces and necks after a sweat-breaking team practice. All of the other players were nosily bustling behind other rows of lockers, already stripped of their damp team uniforms and half-changed into their casual clothing, since there were no showers in St. Bernard's fossilized gym. Mandy and Lacey always took their time. They were close friends with few opportunities to chat with each other, since each got on separate buses that traveled twenty miles in opposite directions at day's end. Mandy's face remained solemn as she thought about the trouble her math pal might be facing. She reached forward to open her locker and retrieve a bottle of spring water.

"Well, brainiac, that's what you get for hanging out with senior girls," Lacey said. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire, I tell ya."

"Lace!" Mandy let out a low laugh and gave her friend a playful push on the shoulder.

Lacey always had to work hard to make Mandy loosen up and enjoy high school. Mandy was a petite young sophomore with more than just sizzling good looks, the dirty blond hair and smooth toffee-toned skin with deep green eyes, twinkling like the ocean one second, dark as a coastal storm the next. No, Mandy also had an exceptionally high IQ for her age. That's why she was already taking senior-level classes. That's why she would almost certainly be attending any college she chose two years from now. Mandy had the beauty, the heart of gold, and the breathtaking brainpower, all in one humble yet perfect package. But Jesus, could she worry!

That's where Lacey came into the picture. She was a junior now, having played and laughed along with Mandy for two years. She was a stunner in her own right, with long, curly midnight black hair and savvy brown eyes that seemed to follow you around a room, until you realized it was YOUR eyes following HER. Her breasts had developed so rapidly that any mention of the change still made Lacey blush. In fact, she could no longer serve the ball with an underhand motion - one of her two blossoming "friends" interfered with a crucial underhand serve during a losing county playoff game last season, and that was the end of that. So yes, Lacey was just fine in the looks department, thank you very much, but her intelligence in the classroom, try as she might, never matched Mandy's. She was however, blessed with a will to succeed, a carefree sense of humor, and shrewd common sense. Lacey could tell within seconds if the boys who approached her so often wanted into her panties or into her heart. Likewise, she knew from the moment she met Mandy at their first team practice, the one where Mandy never took her eye off the ball, even during breaks in play, that what the girl needed was a little silliness in her life. They'd been close ever since. Mandy couldn't have known that Lacey longed to get closer.

And so, the two girls sat, their white t-shirts with "ST. BERNARD'S VOLLEYBALL" in bold red lettering clinging to their perspiring bodies, their tiny red shorts bunching up as they shifted against the bench. Mandy took a long drink of the cool water, her extended, gulping neck catching the room's dim light and highlighting her flawless skin. She put her water bottle on the small space between herself and Lacey on the bench, and after a few well-timed seconds to erase any signs of unnatural eagerness, Lacey reached down and took a sip for herself, her tongue riding the rim of the bottleneck, trying to taste as much of Mandy as she could. God. Mandy's mouth always tasted like strawberries. How does she manage that, Lacey wondered with glee. Still, Mandy's somber mood had returned.

"Gosh, Mandy, I had no idea you worried this much about Christina. God knows we wouldn't want anything to happen to the smooth sounds of our choir. Bllllllllleeeeeehhhhh...."

"Mark Masters asked me to the dance today." Mandy let her revelation hang in the dense air for awhile, and cooly reached into her locker for her duffel bag. Lacey froze in place, her right index finger still making a gagging gesture against her tongue. Slowly she pulled the finger away, using the arm of her shirt to wipe away the small bit of saliva it had picked up. She swallowed hard and looked at Mandy. The blond girl's poker face had not disappeared. She was obviously waiting for Lacey's reaction before showing emotion. Lacey sat blankly for a second, seemingly lost in space, quickly wondering how she should handle this. She wanted so badly to have an objection to this news, but she knew Mark Masters. Mark Masters was as close to a hunk as the sophomore class had. He was a nice guy, too. He had once come on to Lacey, but over-apologized when she showed no interest. This was good for Mandy. Lacey would just have to let go.

"Wow. Whaddaya know, Mark Masters," Lacey said through a nervous giggle and a luminous but insincere smile. "That's great, Mand. You've got a date. Dates are great! Just fantas..."

"I told him no, thanks."

Again, Lacey was stopped in her tracks, this time trying hard NOT to smile. Mandy let out a loud exhalation of confused breath. She dipped her small hazel eyes to the floor, staring blankly at her scuffed white Keds.

"No, thanks?" Lacey's chirpy voice broke as she tried to comprehend all of this. "Mandy, why?"

"I.....I really don't know, OK?" Mandy's head was clear enough to notice that the last of their teammates was already leaving the room. She took off her shirt to show anyone who was interested that progress was being made in the clothes-changing department. "Me and Mark......something just doesn't feel right, Lace."

"Ohhhhhhhkay." Lacey shook her head, her eyes always coming back to Mandy's tight white sports bra at the end of each shake. Mandy didn't have much of a bust yet, but whatever bosom she did have was being pushed forward by her heavy breathing. A bead of sweat fell from the young girl's neck and caught a ride on the side of her throbbing left breast. Lacey forced herself to stop staring before it became obvious, and pulled her own shirt up over her head, the front waistband flying up over her rack and giving her chin a customary slap. She reached into her locker for her bag while Mandy remained motionless. "What didn't feel right," Lacey asked while her head was halfway in her locker. When she sat back upright, Mandy was staring at her anxiously, her wide eyes darting between the contents of Lacey's black lace bra, and the questioning eyes of the older girl.

Suddenly, Mandy lurched forward and softly grabbed Lacey by the shoulders. She planted a two-second-long kiss on Lacey's stunned, closed mouth, and then moved back to her side of the bench, the two girls' staring at each other again. Lacey's face was frozen for yet a third time. This was too much to handle.

"Wha - what was that?"

"A kiss," Mandy said, nodding as if Lacey had never really seen or felt one before.

"I know that. Wh,wh,why did you...."

"Because I think I like you that way."

Lacey's woozy brain was starting to come around, but she wasn't about to put herself out on a limb if it still might snap and bring her crashing down. She managed a crooked smile towards her still-nodding friend.

"Sure, we're very close friends, closer than a lot of....you know...friends," Lacey rationalized. "I guess we hug, so why not..."

"No, Lace," Mandy said, her voice pleading now, desperate for understanding. "Not that way. The OTHER way. The Mark Masters, go to the dance sort of way. That's me and you."

"We are?" Lacey, trying to stay even-headed, in case this was a cruel joke.

"I find you VERY sexy." Mandy, reaching her cool hand out to touch Lacey's bare, warm shoulder again. Her eyes panned Lacey's flabbergasted expression. PLEASE understand. "Do you......find me, ummm, sexy?"

Lacey looked down towards Mandy's Keds, and quickly glanced at the girl from top to bottom for an answer she'd already known. Her dark red lips formed a small smile. Her long eyebrows arched. Her cheeks blushed. There it was. Understanding.

"Yes I do, Mandy." Lacey reached up and grasped the small hand on her shoulder. "I find you very sexy. Yes." Mandy relaxed, smiled for a moment, then appeared anxious again, as if negotiating the most important contract of her life.

"Then maybe we're BOTH, you know,.....THAT way, Lace."

"Maybe we are, Mand." Lacey's eyes welled ever-so-slightly with tears, but this was nothing like all those other nights when she wept for another reason. Mandy brought Lacey's hand down onto the bench between them, knocking over the water bottle, although neither of them seemed to notice. Her tiny rear scooted over a few inches closer to Lacey.

"Maybe we should do something about it," she said, her head nestling just under Lacey's neck, her soft pink lips moving close to Lacey's again.

"Maybe we will," Lacey sputtered, and the two young girls kissed, this time for real, Lacey's hands finding the back of Mandy's neck as her wet pink tongue slowly poked its way between Mandy's lips. Mandy sucked on it lightly, tasting the warm, delicate mouth of her gorgeous friend. When the two finally broke the kiss, their lips smacked apart, the distinctive sound echoing off the cavernous locker room walls and out into the deserted gym corridor.

"Shhhhhhh," Lacey whispered, putting a finger to her moistened lips. Mandy pressed one of her fingers against Lacey's, and the two girls laughed softly before proceeding in joyful silence, Lacey kissing her friend again as she moved her hands down to the strap on Mandy's back.

As Lacey fiddled with the fastener, Mandy leaned over and buried her face against the junior's chest. She kissed whatever bare flesh she could find. Lacey was surprised by the move, and looked down to see Mandy's smiling face looking up. Her warm breath against Lacey's hooters was driving the older girl crazy. Mandy darted her tongue through Lacey's cleavage, tasting a mixture of sweat and perfume between her girlfriend's pillowy mounds. The lace bra was annoying in one way, exciting in another. It accentuated Lacey's perkiness, so Mandy was in no rush to remove it.

Lacey, however, had cracked the combination on Mandy's strap. The blonde girl sat upright again so Lacey could get an unobstructed view. She tossed the bra on top of Mandy's bag and beheld the beauty of a topless teenage girl. Mandy felt the sexual intensity of the moment. Lacey's eyes were practically standing on end and directed right at each of Mandy's hard pink nipples, the small mounds surrounding them looking so inviting. Mandy reached up to her hair and removed the plastic blue butterfly clip that had been holding her flowing mane in place. The fine blond strands poured down upon her shoulders and down her back. She placed her hands on her breasts, fondling them, squeezing them to their maximum sensitivity for Lacey's viewing pleasure. The black panties beneath Lacey's red shorts became heavy with her feminine mist. Mandy quickly swung one of her legs over the bench so that she was straddling it, and Lacey did the same, her black Reebok coming down in the small puddle the spilled water bottle had made.

"You wanna kiss them?" Mandy asked, feeling a little, well, nude.

"God, yes," Lacey said, relieved Mandy had given her clearance for landing on her delicate flesh. Lacey parked her mouth there in a flash. She held on to Mandy's knees and licked up the young girl's smooth abs onto her boobs. Lacey looked up to make sure Mandy was smiling. She wasn't disappointed. Mandy was in heaven as Lacey's tongue snaked around her right nipple, the girl's nose attached to her cool, moist skin, breathing in Mandy's utterly delicious scent while she tasted the bumps and ridges of the swollen nip. Lacey lightly tugged at the nipple with her pearly white teeth, getting Mandy to moan and squirm in her hands. Lacey moved her face over to taste Mandy's other teat, her tongue slowly slithering its way across the girl's yummy chest, slaking a thirst for girl flesh that had evaded her for years. She sucked loudly on the other nipple, her inhibitions swiftly disappearing. All Lacey cared about was making Mandy feel as good as she should, getting her off like fireworks on a hot summer night.

"Ohhhhhh god," Mandy groaned, throwing her head back as she felt the moist tickling and sucking against her chest go to her brain. "I'm so wet right now." Lacey reached up and massaged around Mandy's neck while it was tilted backwards, feeling and tasting her silkiness all at the same time.

"Mmmmm, wet, huh?" Lacey asked, getting Mandy to look down again. "Is that an invitation?"

"It's a warning," Mandy said, smiling and winking. In Lacey's eyes, she saw all her aches and worries disappear. She had never felt this good about herself since she realized she was different from the other girls. Now she knew Lacey would make her feel even better.

Lacey licked down Mandy's chest, back to where she started, only this time she went lower. She wormed backward on the bench, her tight behind reaching the plank's edge. Mandy could see the top of Lacey's panties ride up over the back of her drenched shorts, and when Lacey leaned back over towards her, she found herself looking directly down her bra and getting even hornier. Lacey would get down below just in time.

Lacey teasingly lapped at the girl's small navel before moving down and biting onto the band of Mandy's shorts. She wished she could just take the blasted things off with her teeth, chew through them if she had to, but Mandy had to lift her ass off the bench and raise her legs, something she awoke out of her pleasurable stooper long enough to do. Lacey immediately committed the view of her friend's splayed legs to memory. Mandy kicked her Keds off but kept her underwear on, a simple pair of pink cotton panties.

"You're such a good little girl, Mandy," Lacey mocked as she started to slowly massage the girl through the fabric. "You know that? It's starting to make me sick."

"I'll be sure to wear one of my crotchless Fruit Roll-up thongs tomorrow," Mandy dead-panned through the intense sensations. "Strawberry or grape flavored, Lace?"

Lacey laughed and thought back to Mandy's strawberry lips. She started using two fingers to rub against the throbbing mound a little faster. "I'd prefer cherry, but you won't have that by tomorrow."

"Oooooooooooh, you're so bad!"

"Love me for what I am, sweet stuff," Lacey said, her eyes focusing on the panties she was making a darker shade of pink by the second. The heat catching her fingers from underneath was incredibly intense. Mandy moved her own hands behind her back to clutch the bench. She was ready to ride.

Lacey tugged and Mandy squirmed enough to get the panties down to the young girl's golden thighs. Lacey grinned again and put her face right up to Mandy's pussy, examining it like the priceless jewel it was. The lips were small, a pale pink that, as Lacey found by doing a little finger exploration, protected a tight passage of much deeper pink. The shocker was the size of Mandy's clit. It had to be as large as a thimble, very big for a petite girl, and obviously the reason Lacey's touching had nearly driven her up the locker room wall. Lacey came up underneath the impressive bud and flicked at it with her knowing tongue. Mandy felt like fire between Lacey's lips. The girl shook in her shoes, beads of sweat forming on her brow, her bountiful blond hair making her hotter in every sense of the word.

"Put your tongue inside me," she urged Lacey, the naughty instruction ringing throughout the room. Lacey parted Mandy's pussy lips again and stuck her tongue in as far as possible, running her hands on Mandy's small, dark patch of pubic hair as she licked. Lacey jabbed in sideways, then flattened her tongue once she was inside. She thrust her tongue in fast spurts, never fully pulling out of Mandy's snatch. She looked up at Mandy, who widened and rolled her eyes, expressing supreme approval of the vibrating hurricane in her pussy. Lacey chuckled, the waves of her voice sending shocks through Mandy. She took her wet upper lip and clamped onto Mandy's mound, catching the clit on her upper tongue. Mandy moaned over and over as Lacey sucked away, her bare ass grinding against the bench. She took one hand out from behind her and brought her index finger to her mouth, needing something to suck on herself, even nibble on when the feelings got too strong for her tiny frame to take. Lacey couldn't believe how sweet her friend's juices tasted. She wanted to savor them all day.

Mandy had other plans. It was just too much to take anymore. She started bucking in place and letting out moans that almost sounded like a struggling engine. The wood bench rattled, not for the last time that day, the old metal pipes holding it up clanging against the floor. Lacey slid a hand under Mandy's shaking ass and dared to stick two fingers from her other hand under the clit she was tonguing and into Mandy's cooch.

"Oh, god!" Mandy looked down at the fury between her legs, the licking, the jabbing, the sucking, and felt her breath get shorter. "Oh, Jesus Christ! I'm gonna cum Lace. Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh, make me cum, please make me cum!"

Lacey took her fingers away and replaced it with her tongue. She took the juice-covered fingers and ran them hard over Mandy's clit, knowing that her friend had waited so long to pass over this edge with her, and vice versa. Mandy shrieked as she climaxed and bucked upwards one, two, three more times, but Lacey's lips had a tight hold on her snatch. Mandy's girly spunk coated her lover's tongue. Lacey didn't know if she was hallucinating or eating out a human candy shop, but she swore Mandy's juice tasted somewhat like chocolate, maybe mixed with jelly. Holy macarena, she thought as she swalloed the tasty tang. Sexual chocolate!

Mandy shook her head and sat up, as did Lacey. The oral drilling on her snatch was her hardest, hottest workout ever. Her chest was dripping wet - that wasn't so clear to Lacey since a patch of light was hitting Mandy's knockers, but Mandy could feel the beads rolling down her skin. She looked and felt completely ravaged, and she had her best friend in the whole world to thank for it - REALLY thank for it. Without a word, she leaned over and rammed her tongue down Lacey's slick throat. She cupped Lacey's boobs in her wet, eager hands, feeling the hot white flesh under the moist black lace. Mandy broke the kiss and ran her tongue around the edges of her mouth, wanting to swallow every last bit of Lacey's and her own fluids. She laughed naughtily and smiled as wide as Lacey had ever seen. Certainly, this was not the same tame ponytailed girl she stood behind on the volleyball court. This was a liberated Mandy, and Lacey couldn't have been happier for the attention. Her own pussy was literally itching for action - she had been brushing it against the bench for several minutes, just to get some friction going. It wasn't enough anymore.

"Wait till you see these tits," Lacey said excitedly as she reached around to unhook the bra.

"God, I thought you were embarrassed by them," Mandy blurted out, her eyes moving back and forth across Lacey's chest, looking for any millimeter of newly exposed flesh.

"Nuh uh," she said. "Not by you." She pulled the bra away, letting it triumphantly dangle in her hand for a second before dropping it to the ground. She pointed to her bare breasts and smiled. "These are all yours."

Mandy inhaled sharply. The adoration was enough to make Lacey laugh, but she just didn't understand. Week after week, getting a glimpse of these melons locked safely in an undergarment went a long way towards making Mandy fully aware of her sexual identity. Now here they were, bare and perky, two cherubs from B-cup heaven waiting to be handled.

"They're incredible, Lace," Mandy gushed, her panties falling down to her feet as she put one knee up on the bench to get good tongue-bathing leverage. She moved forward and licked at Lacey's left nipple, a small fiery nub in the middle of a large red areola. She squeezed the tits as she sucked on the nipple. They were bouncy, soft and full of life. They tasted so good, too. Mandy likened the flavor to pasta, only tangier, two spicy meatballs. She groaned as she finally took her lips off the nip, a spattering of warm saliva left to gleam and run down onto Lacey's shorts.

Mandy cupped the two breasts together and put her mouth underneath them, slowly shoving her hot pink tongue upward through the tight canyon she'd created. With a lot of effort, she strained the tits together so that she could fit both nipples in her mouth at once. Lacey was loving it, helping to hold her massive mounds in place so Mandy could get a good suck on both nubbins. "Ohhhhhh"s and "Ahhhhhh"s started flowing from her lips, her high-pitched voice becoming smokier. Mandy smiled and bit on both nips at once, not too hard, just enough to have Lacey feel the pressure and long for more. Lacey threw her head so far back that she came inches away from striking the bench. Her wildly flowing hair cascaded over her face. Lacey pushed the strands aside and stuck two fingers in her mouth, getting them good and wet before shoving them into Mandy's face. Her lover sucked up the saliva eagerly and left her own spit in its place.

Lacey needed some pussy pumping fast. Her crotch was an inferno. She stood up suddenly, causing Mandy's groping hands to fall onto the empty bench in front of her. The naked sophomore glared up at her wet brunette lover with an anxious smile. Lacey practically tore her red gym shorts off, a blast of hot air leaping from her muff as only the black lace panties remained. She touched herself through them a couple of times for Mandy's sake, but quickly dropped them as well. Her pussy needed air, and Mandy was more than happy to oblige. She ogled Lacey's bare snatch, which bore a striking resemblance to her own: the pink lips were small and meaty, the jet black pubic hair nicely trimmed. The obvious difference was Lacey's bud. It was tiny, and Lacey frantically pried through her pussy to pinpoint it and give it the touch it cried out for. Once she reached it, she moaned uncontrollably, fondling and flicking at it. She couldn't wait to have Mandy feel it up.

"Like my puss, baby?" She put one leg up on the bench so Mandy could get a better view of her masturbating, not to mention her long, smooth gams.

"I love your pussy, Lace." Mandy moaned and quickly shifted her position. She laid down on her back with her feet pointing away from Lacey and her mouth right under the older girl's dripping cunt. Lacey looked down and saw Mandy's upside-down expression of pleasure. Lacey's tang was raining down upon Mandy's nose and lips, the girl's tongue extending to catch what it could.

"Sit on my face," Mandy groaned over and over, two fingers deep in her own pussy. "Sit on my face."

"Oh God, yes," Lacey whispered. She took her own fingers away from her clit and lowered herself gently onto Mandy's waiting mouth. Mandy ran her face over Lacey's firm ass and hot snatch, quickly prying the asscheeks apart to see what she had to work with. As soon as Mandy had a good hold of Lacey's labe, she stuck her tongue up into the wet pink passage, as far as she could. "MMmmMMMMMmmmm!" Lacey groaned from her gut as she felt the penetrating lick from below. She ground her twat onto Mandy's lips harder and harder, so that Mandy had to pull away for some air within seconds. A moment later, though, she was back inside Lacey, her chin covered with juice as she ate the girl out. She smacked Lacey's tight butt, getting the busty girl to rock back and forth over her. Lacey reached forward and sprinkled her fingers across Mandy's bare chest and hips. The girl vibrated from the tickling, and in turn her tongue wiggled around in Lacey's box. Lacey sucked on her fingers again and then reached out, leaning over towards Mandy's sweet pussy. She lightly slapped Mandy's fingers away from the steaming hole and stuck a couple of her own inside. Mandy shreiked in pleasure, spanking Lacey harder as she felt her own cunt get drilled again. The two young pussy pals cried out in delight, getting comfortable in a 69'ing position, happy that no one could hear and view their orgasmic happiness except from the heavens above. But someone else was.

"Holy mother of fuck," he muttered under his breath as he watched the two babes go at it. He was Chris Ronzio, a studly senior basketball player. He was supposed to meet his teammates on the other side of the gym in five minutes, to take a bus to that afternoon's hoops contest, but he had walked down the quiet hallway outside the volleyball locker room to use the gym's only soda machine. By the greatest of luck, he walked by the locker room's open door and just happened to hear Lacey ask Mandy if she liked her pussy.

Chris couldn't believe it, since the greatest fantasy of a horndog high school jock is almost always about two of his hot female classmates going down on each other. His cock grew hard immediately beneath his athletic shorts. He slowly turned and peered through the open door. He couldn't actually see the two girls from the entrance, but a mirror on the room's back wall was perfectly positioned for him to see into Mandy and Lacey's row of lockers, and he had been watching the clit-frigging exhibition ever since, standing just inside the doorway, quiet as a mouse, his shorts down around his hi-tops, jerking his rock hard eight inches with wild abandon. He had long had fantasies of burying his cock between Lacey's hooters, and he figured he probably could right now if he walked in on the girls, but he decided to continue whacking off breathlessly from afar. Chris knew that if Britney ever found out that he dicked two other girls, she'd end it with him, and that was too much of a good thing to lose.

Lacey and Mandy had amazingly found another level of frenzied lust. From his mirror viewpoint, Chris could see the younger girl pull her tongue away from Lacey's cooch with a wet smack, and start to finger it with two of her small digits. He couldn't see was what Lacey was doing. Too bad. What an image. She was lying against Mandy now, her breasts bouncing against Mandy's stomach with every thrust the younger girl's fingers made. Lacey's wet hair fell down over her upper arms and cleavage, and occasionally blocked her eyes, but she quickly swiped the dark crop away and went back to planting her lips right on Mandy's big clit. She had a juggling act on her hands, since she was coming at the pussy from the other direction, and Mandy's hard clamp on her own crotch prevented her from moving towards it too freely, but Lacey managed. She held Mandy's creamy thighs open and dove in, tonguing the slit from top to bottom and making the young blonde groan like an animal.

"Oh FUCK, EAT IT, LACE," Mandy screamed while fingering the juicy pussy in her own face. It was too much for Chris the voyeur to handle. His muscles rippled through his jersey shirt as his right hand showed no mercy to his oozing prick. He closed his eyes and nearly blacked out when he came, ropes of warm white jism flying onto the cold floor below, narrowly missing his sneakers and discarded shorts. Chris stood there and let the orgasm rock through his body, fighting every urge to make some noise. His short, curly blond hair was drenched with sweat, his brown eyes rolled into the back of his head, his mouth wide open and breathing hard. He took one last look at the two delicious girls before his post-jerkoff senses took over. He licked a drop of cum off his hand and pushed some more spunk off the end of his cock to the cream-covered floor below. Then he pulled up his shorts, his knees shaking as his sensitive stick ran against the fabric, and walked away, ready to join his team, leaving the beautiful sounds of lesbian sex behind. He forgot his soda, though.

Mandy was about to drink some cherry coke. She had managed to get three fingers into Lacey, thrusting in deep and then pulling upward to give some stimulation to the girl's small, sensitive clit. She placed her tongue under her fingers, sucking up the juice that ran off Lacey's moist cunt lips. The stacked junior shook her ass against Mandy's nose, her tush and twat covered with the sweet scent of a woman. Her own lips sucked on Mandy's clit whenever she could stop herself from moaning, but the sensations were unstoppable now. Lacey gripped onto the bench and sat up, her tits swinging in the air and slapping against each other. She came down hard on Mandy's face, the young girl's tongue so deep in her cooch.

"Oh yes! Lick me, lick me, lick me, lick me, lick me!!!! Oh Mand, I'm gonna pop! I'm gonna pop all over your pretty mouth, Mandy, oh god!"

"Mmmmmmmmmmphhh, popppppppp," Mandy moaned, muffled by the muff. She rocked her tongue between Lacey's pussy walls as fast and as hard as she could, and was quickly rewarded. Lacey let out a short, high-pitched yipe and smashed her hands against Mandy's tits as she came, came hard, her sticky nectar trickling across Mandy's tongue, between her cheeks and down her throat. Mandy squirmed against the bench as Lacey rubbed her while she came. She wanted to cum again, too. She didn't know how long she could hold out, but she didn't have to wait long for Lacey's moaning mouth to return to her clit, and the older girl's long fingers to dig into her puss again. That was all she needed.

"I'm cumming toooOOOOOOO!!! Aah aaaaaaaaah OHHHHH CHRIST!" Mandy's butt slammed up and down against the bench, Lacey's fingers firmly entrenched in her quaking cunt and not letting go. Lacey planted soft kisses on Mandy's clit as the girl came. Her fingers squished in and out of Lake Moore, her teeth and tastebuds covered with the sweetness of Mandy's candy.

"Yep," Lacey said cheerfully, her tongue licking Mandy's juices from the corners of her mouth, "maybe we are THAT way." Mandy laughed uncontrollably. then moaned again, the giggles like a shotgun blast to her blown-out nerves. She had never felt so tingly, so alive, and so in love. Lacey turned around and locked eyes with her beautiful young lover. She laughed. Her ass had flushed Mandy's bronzed cheeks a bright red. She reached down and kissed Mandy, drinking in the taste of each other's mouths and juices, two young girls consummating their erotic fireworks.

They finally left the locker room twenty minutes later, unable to keep their dirty hands to themselves while putting on their clean outfits. As they left the room, Mandy paused at the doorway.

"Uh, Lace," the unsuspecting girl wondered, "who dropped suntan lotion on the floor here?" Lacey sniffed the air above the white gunk and shook her head.

"I don't know, but it's better off on the floor than my skin. What the hell brand is that? It stinks from five feet away!"


Hope you liked it, everyone! I'd enjoy hearing what you thought, so drop me a line if you're so inclined, at xxxidolatry@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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