Celebrity Collection

By ian james

Published on Apr 27, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a gay fantasy featuring Aaron Carter and three of the characters from the Fox television show Malcolm in the Middle, played by Frankie Muniz, Justin Berfield and Erik Per Sullivan. This story is fictional and is in no way intended to imply the true sexuality of the stars mentioned.



This story is a follow-up to the first in the series, 'Aaron in the Middle'.

Aaron Carter laid face up on the bed. He was stark naked with a raging hard on. He spread his legs and raised his hips a little. Reese knelt down in between Aaron's legs and spread Aaron's butt cheeks apart. He moved his face closer to Aaron's ass and opened his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and started probing Aaron's pink hole.

Reese raised his own ass a little and Malcolm spread his cheeks and knelt down behind him. Malcolm moved his face forward until his tongue was only an inch away from Reese's pucker and stuck out his tongue, giving Reese's asscrack a quick swipe.

As Reese continues tongue fucking Aaron, Malcolm gave Reese's ass another lick, and started penetrating his older brother's ass with his tongue.

Aaron, squirming around on the bed a little while Reese probes inside him with his tongue, grabbed a hold of his dick and started to jerk himself off very slowly. He wrapped his fingers around the swollen shaft and started stroking up and down. He rubbed his thumb and fingers over the bulbous head of his dick. Aaron felt his orgasm approaching fast as Reese continued diving his tongue in and out of his asshole. Aaron's dick tensed and hardened. It throbbed and jerked wildly as he felt his cum race up his dick.

Aaron opened his eyes and found himself lying in his hotel bed. His dick was jumping and he was shooting. His breathed heavily and let out a soft moan as shot after shot of thick cum exited his dick and landed next to him under the covers.

His orgasm subsided and as his breathing started returning to normal, Aaron rolled over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Are you all right, Aaron?"

Aaron turned his head and saw the dark outline of his mother lying in bed just a few feet away.

"Huh," Aaron responded, unsure of what to say and also a little unsure why his mother was asking if he was all right.

"You were breathing heavily and gasping. Did you have a bad dream or something?" Jane Carter asked.

"No. I don't know. I'm fine." He wasn't fine. He had been dreaming of that evening in the hotel room with Malcolm, Reese and Dewey every night since it happened. He wanted to see the three brothers again. He wanted to get together with them and have a repeat performance of their awesome evening. He wanted to feel Reese's tongue up his ass again. He wanted to suck little Dewey's dick again. He wanted Malcolm to fuck him again.

"Okay," Jane replied. "Go back to sleep. I know there's no performance for a couple of days, but we still got an early start tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight, mum." Aaron wanted to see the boys again. He needed to see them again. This whole `dreaming every night' thing was getting to him, plus the fact that he couldn't relief himself every night outside of dreams because of his mother was driving him crazy.

Then it suddenly occurred to him. He had a couple of days off from the tour. He had no real plans for those days, besides a signing session at some music store in the morning and rehearsal. The signing session wouldn't take long and he could do rehearsing the following day, which left virtually the whole day to spend with Malcolm and his brothers. On top of that, his signing session was quite near where the boys lived. Life suddenly seemed to get better. All he had to do was convince his mother to let him go and visit them. She was always saying he should try and make new friends, so she can't really deny him visiting his new friends.

The following morning, Aaron and Jane Carter were riding in the back of the car. They were on their way to the signing session.

"Hey, mum," he asked.

"Yeah, honey," Jane replied, looking up from the documents she was glancing through.

"I was wondering, as I've got a couple of days of, if I could go and visit some friends after the signing session?"

"What friends?"

"These guys I met a couple of weeks back. They live around here so I thought..."

"What about your rehearsal?" Jane asked.

"Mum, I've been performing the same songs with the same dance routines for the passed three weeks. I think I know it all by now. Besides, I've still got tomorrow."

"All right," Jane replied, "we'll drop you off there when we've finished at the music store."


Jane shifted her attention back to the documents resting on her lap as Aaron's mind went into overdrive as to what could happen in just a few hours from now.

The signing session went as planned and was the same as it always was. Screaming girls, people pushing and shoving, mothers hurrying their daughters and sons along. Eventually the session ended and Aaron was finally on his way over to the Wilkerson house.

Aaron knocked on the front door and waited. After a few seconds the door opened. Dewey stood in the doorway.

"Hi, Dewey," Aaron said, excitedly.

"Hey," Dewey replied, a little lost for words. "What are you doing here?"

"You asked me if we could get together again some time. Remember? And here I am," Aaron explained, his dick already starting to spring to life.

"Come in." Dewey steps aside. Aaron entered the house and walked through to the living room. Dewey closes the front door and followed Aaron to the living room.

"So," Aaron began, "are Malcolm and Reese here?"

"No. I don't know where they are. They just said they were going out. Mum and dad are also out for the day. They're not due back for another five hours."

"You're home alone?" asked Aaron, a smile creeping onto his face as a thousand dirty thoughts entered his mind.

"Not anymore," Dewey replied. "Wanna play a game?"

"What sort of game?"

"You'll see. Take off your clothes."

Aaron removed his shirt, followed by his shoes, socks, trousers and finally his boxers. He stood completely naked, with a raging hard on in the middle of the living room, with Dewey just a couple of feet away.

Dewey took this opportunity to check Aaron out. He looked up and down Aaron's beautiful body as his cock sprang to full attention. He noticed Aaron's stare was focused at the bulge in his shorts.

Dewey stepped to one side and pointed to the first door in the hallway. "Lead the way," he said.

Aaron started walking towards the bedroom with Dewey following closely behind, admiring Aaron's tight ass. Aaron entered the boys' bedroom, followed by Dewey.

"Lay on the bed," Dewey said.

Aaron approached the bed and climbed onto it, lying on his back. He kept his eyes on Dewy the whole time.

Dewey walked up to the bed and knelt down beside it, reaching under the bed. Aaron heard him grab something made of metal and watched as Dewey pulled two pairs of handcuffs from under the bed.

"What are those for?" Aaron asked with a smile.

"You'll see," Dewey replied. He dropped one pair of hand cuffs on the bed and grabbed Aaron's right arm. Dewey put one cuff around the bed post and was about to put the other around Aaron's wrist.

"Wait a minute," Aaron interrupted.

"What?" asked Dewey.

"You do have the key don't you."

"What do you take me for? Of course I have the key." Dewey cuffed Aaron's right hand to the bed. Dewey grabbed the other pair of handcuffs and walked around the bed. He cuffed Aaron's left hand to the other bed post. Dewey knelt down beside the bed and looked into Aaron's eyes. He found himself getting lost looking into the brown eyes of the gorgeous young singer.

Aaron stared back at Dewey, smiling at the younger boy, excited but also a little nervous as to what might happen. Dewey suddenly grabbed Aaron's hard dick and started stroking it. The pleasure started building immediately and the small Dewey stroked his dick, the better it felt.

"How long can you go without cumming?" asked Dewey, as he continued to stroke Aaron's throbbing member.

"I don't know," replied Aaron, getting lost in the pleasure building in his groin.

"Let's find out." Dewey continued stroking Aaron's dick with one hand while he used his other to slowly and gently massage Aaron's balls. He rolled the orbs in their fleshy sac and glanced at Aaron's face every once in a while.

Dewey's stroking and massaging continued and in just a couple of minutes Aaron could feel himself nearing that special point. His dick began to harden a little and his balls rose up tighter to his body. Just as he thought he was going to cum, Dewey stopped stroking his dick and squeezed it just below the head.

Dewey kept squeezing just below the bulbous head of Aaron's dick while Aaron could feel his near-orgasm slowly subsiding.

Dewey, satisfied that Aaron's orgasm had completely subsided, released his firm grip on the older boy's dick and leaned forward. He gave Aaron's dick a couple of swift licks with his tongue. He licked up and down the shaft and swirled his tongue around the head of Aaron's dick. Dewey stopped licked and took the hard penis before him back into his hand and started stroking his again. He slowly stroked up and down while running his fingers and thumb over the head.

Continuing to stroke Aaron's dick, Dewey licked two of the fingers on his spare hand and rubbed them over Aaron's asshole. Aaron moaned a little as he felt Dewey's fingers running over his crack.

Suddenly Aaron felt one of the fingers start to enter his body. He squirmed on the bed as Dewey's middle finger entered his ass. Dewey kept stroking Aaron's dick the whole time and as soon as he had one of his fingers up Aaron's ass, he slowly inserted another.

Dewey continued stroking Aaron's hard-on while he slowly finger-fucked the young pop star with his middle and index fingers.

Aaron could feel the pressure building in his loins and with Dewey finger-fucking him and playing with his prostate, he was nearing the point of no return once again. Dewey stopped stroking his dick and started playing with his left nipple, while continuing to drive two of his fingers in and out of his ass.

Dewey gave Aaron's dick a couple of licks while sliding his fingers in and out of the hot singer's ass and playing with his nipples. Dewey opened his mouth fully and took the head of Aaron's dick into his mouth. He started sucking on the tender flesh while swirling his tongue around the head.

Aaron let out a couple of moans of pleasure and Dewey stopped sucking his dick.

"Please let me cum," begged Aaron.

Dewey smiled at Aaron and slowly pulled his fingers out of his asshole. Dewey stood up and took a step away from the bed. Aaron watched as Dewey took off his t-shirt, followed by his trousers, socks and finally his underwear.

Aaron looked Dewey up and down, paying special attention to the younger boy's hard cock. He wanted that cock in his mouth and he wanted it up his ass, but even more than that, he was desperate to get a load off, and Dewey was the only one who could make that happen. Aaron knew it, and he was sure Dewey knew it too.

Dewey, completely naked, climbed onto the bed next to Aaron and grabbed two pillows. "Lift up," he said.

Aaron raised his ass as Dewey positioned the two pillows under him so his legs were spread and his ass raised in the air. Dewey spread Aaron's butt cheeks apart and ran his finger over Aaron's crack. He lowered his face and stuck out his tongue, swiping at the crack. He pulled back and smiled at Aaron, who couldn't help but smile back at the younger boy who was, as he thought of it, torturing him by not letting him cum.

Dewey dug his face back between Aaron's butt cheeks and started licking up and down Aaron's asshole. Aaron squirmed on the bed as he felt Dewey's tongue start to enter him. Dewey wrapped his hand around Aaron's dick and started jerking him off while tongue-fucking the hot young star.

Dewey pulled his tongue out of Aaron's moist hole and started jerking him off. He sat on the bed between Aaron's legs and looked into the singer's eyes. He smiled as he spat on his hand and rubbed the saliva over his dick. Dewey grabbed hold of his dick and pointed it at the entrance to Aaron's love chute.

Dewey slowly thrust forward and felt the head of his dick start to penetrate Aaron's hole. Aaron pushed out a little to allow Dewey entrance and gasped when Dewey's cock passed his sphincter muscle and slipped inside.

"Are you all right?" asked Dewey.

Dewey pushes forward until his dick is two thirds of the way in Aaron's ass. He pulls back until just the head of his dick is inside Aaron.

"You sure you're all right?"

"Yeah," replied Aaron. "Fuck me."

Without a second's hesitation, Dewey started to slowly thrust his dick in and out of Aaron's hole. Since that night in the hotel room with Aaron and his brothers, Dewey had only fucked once, and that was with Malcolm just under a week ago. He had been waiting for the chance to fuck another boy ever since, and now that he was doing just that, he wasn't going to waste a single second of it.

Aaron started working his asshole in unison with Dewey's thrusts and could feel Dewey's cock rubbing against his prostate, making it own dick jerk with excitement.

Dewey felt the tension and the pleasure building in his groin and he knew it wouldn't be long until he was shooting up Aaron's ass. Dewey continued thrusting in and out, giving himself that most enjoyable of pleasures while doing his best to make sure Aaron enjoyed it to the fullest extent also.

Dewey felt his dick harden and start to jerk and his cum raced up his dick. He shot into Aaron's ass, catching Aaron off guard as he wasn't expecting Dewey to be shooting anything.

After Dewey orgasm had subsided, Dewey slowly pulled his dick out of Aaron's ass.

"Dewey, you can cum now?"

"Yeah," replied Dewey, "for a couple of days now."

"That's great."

"Isn't it. I was determined to start shooting, so I jerked off and jerked off, until finally it happened."


Dewey leans down and wraps his lips over Aaron's dick and starts sucking on Aaron's throbbing and desperate member. He swirled his tongue over Aaron's dick while running his fingers over Aaron's tender asshole.

Dewey sucked Aaron's dick firmly and softly, fast and slow. Aaron squirmed on the bed as his now sensitive dick throbbed inside Dewey's mouth. He was desperate to get a load off and tried to will himself to cum before Dewey stopped sucking, as he knew Dewey would.

Aaron felt his orgasm rapidly approaching and Dewey's sucking continued. Dewey penetrated Aaron's asshole with his middle finger while swirling his tongue over the head of Aaron's dick. Aaron felt his dick harden and jerk even more than it was and knew Dewey must have felt it as well as the younger boy quickly stopped sucking and clamped his lips just below the bulbous head of Aaron's dick.

Aaron moaned as the immense pleasure of orgasm overtook his body, but Dewey's lips being clamped over his dick prevented him from cumming once again. Dewey inserted his finger a little deeper into Aaron's ass and once he was satisfied Aaron's orgasmic feelings had passed, his gently rubbed the pop star's prostate with his middle finger, causing Aaron to writher on the bed.

"Dewey," Aaron gasped, his dick still inside Dewey's mouth, "You gotta let me cum."

Dewey released Aaron's dick from his mouth and looked up at the older, blonde-haired boy. "No, I don't."

"Please," Aaron said. He wasn't the begging type, but he had to do something to get Dewey to make him cum. He didn't know how much longer he could go delaying his orgasm.

"I will, but not yet."

Aaron watched as Dewey shifted his position on the bed so Dewey was laying on top of Aaron with his mouth just over the older boy's dick, and with Dewey's ass just a couple of inches below Aaron's mouth. Dewey grabs hold of Aaron's dick by the base with his left hand and starts lightly stroking the shaft with his right. He sticks out of his tongue and faintly licks around the head.

Aaron moaned and squirmed about on the bed as Dewey licked his swollen and immensely sensitive member. He stared at the bare ass cheeks right in front of him. He thought to himself if he could try and lose Dewey in pleasurable feelings, then Dewey might forget to delay his orgasm for a sixth time.

"Raise your ass a little, Dewey," Aaron instructed as the younger boy continued stroking and licking his dick.

Without a moments hesitation, Dewey raised his ass and spread his legs a little more. Aaron stares at the exposed asshole right in front of him and smiles to himself. He had seen quite a few assholes in his short life, but none of them were as unblemished and as perfect as little Dewey's. Aaron stuck out his tongue and started rimming Dewey's hole.

Dewey gasped as Aaron's tongue seeked entrance into his hole and he started licking the head of Aaron's dick a little faster. He took his left hand away from Aaron's penis and found his way to the older boy's moist hole. He inserted his middle finger and started finger-fucking Aaron.

The sound of the front door opening broke the near silence in the room.

Dewey finger's quickly retreated from Aaron's hole, causing Aaron to gasp. Aaron pulled his tongue away from Dewey's crack. Dewey stopped stroking and licking Aaron's dick.

"That's not your parents, is it?" asked Aaron.

Dewey remained silent, shuddering a little with Aaron's hard on just a centimetre away from his mouth. Both boys waited in complete silence as they heard footsteps enter the kitchen. The footsteps were heading their way.

Aaron knew his career was over. It wasn't like he was just some boy who could quickly disappear form the house and who would not be recognised. He knew Dewey's parents would know who he was. He closed his eyes as he heard and sensed at least one person just a couple of feet away from the bedroom door.


Dewey looked up at the person standing in the doorway. Aaron kept his eyes squinted tightly shut as silence once again filled the air.

"Is that Aaron Carter there?"

Going against his better judgement, Aaron opened his eyes and shifted his head a little so it was not being blocked from view by Dewey's ass. Just as he thought his heartbeat couldn't get any faster and he was going to have a heart attack right there and then, he saw Malcolm and Reese standing in the doorway. Both boys were smiling.

Malcolm and Reese approach the bed just as Dewey rolled off Aaron and laid beside him, rubbing Aaron's dick slowly. Malcolm notices Aaron's flushed and slightly weak and agitated look. "What's wrong?"

"Your little brother here..." Aaron explaining, a little harshly but also friendly as he knew it was all fun and part of a game Dewey had thought up. "He's brought me close to orgasm five times and delayed my orgasm each time. It would have been six times if you guys hadn't showed up when you did."

"Well," Malcolm replied, glancing at Dewey and smiling to himself, "that's no good. We can't have that, can we, Reese?"

"No," Reese replied. "We can't." Reese grabbed Dewey and spread his legs apart while Malcolm reached under the bed to get the KY. While Reese held Dewey firmly in place and spread his legs as wide as they would go, Malcolm spread a generous amount of KY over Dewey's ass. He wipes the remaining KY on Aaron's hard and throbbing dick.

"What are you guys doing?" Dewey asked as Malcolm and Reese lifted him up and positioned him just above Aaron's dick. They held him either side and slowly lowered him down onto Aaron's dick.

Dewey gasped as he felt his sphincter being slowly pried open by Aaron's dick. Aaron just lay there as Malcolm and Reese lowered their little brother onto his cock. His dick slipped into Dewey's hole. Aaron started thrusting his dick in and out of Dewey's tight asshole while Malcolm and Reese lifted Dewey up and down. The thrusts started slow and soon increased in speed as Aaron approached his orgasm in just under a minute.

Malcolm and Reese increased the speed and lifting and lowering Dewey as Aaron moaned in pleasure as he shot his most powerful load to date. Shot after shot erupted into Dewey's asshole and it seemed like his orgasm was never going to end. Finally he stopped cumming and he laid his head back, gasping and panting, feeling the much longed-for and well-deserved bliss of post-climax.

"Better now?" asked Reese.

"Much," replied Aaron, his breathing gradually starting to return to normal.

Malcolm and Reese lifted Dewey off Aaron's dick and sat in down at the bottom of the bed. They two boys untied Aaron wrists. "Do you think he should be punished?" asked Malcolm, smiling, giving quick glances at Aaron and his younger and older brother.

"Definitely," replied Aaron.

"What did you have in mind?" Reese asked.

Aaron thought for a moment, glancing at Dewey and smiled to himself. He didn't want to do anything to hurt the young boy but he did want to get him back. "I think he needs to be fucked by his two brothers, and then he needs to suck all of us off."

"I can't argue with that," agreed Malcolm.

Aaron jumped off the bed as Malcolm and Reese grabbed Dewey. They laid him down on the bed and tied both his wrists to the top of the bed with one handcuff at the bottom of the headboard. They hand-cuffed his ankles over his head at the top of headboard, above where his hands were tied. Dewey now lay on the bed in a kind of oval shape with his pink and KY smeared asshole exposed for all to see.

"Who gets to fuck him first?" asked Malcolm.

"The first one to get naked," replied Reese, as he started removing his clothes.

Aaron watched and laughed to himself as he watched the two hot brothers racing to be the first one to get naked. Malcolm was first to remove his boxers and reveal his hard dick, standing proudly between his legs. Reese was just a couple of seconds behind and sighed when he noticed Malcolm had beat him.

"I guess it's my turn first," Malcolm said, as he knelt on the bed and positioned himself behind Dewey. He laid one hand on Dewey's lower back and held his raging hard-on with the other. Malcolm pointed the tip of his dick at the entrance to Dewey's tiny hole and started thrusting forward.

Dewey squirmed about on the bed a little and let out a few grunts as Malcolm forced himself into his younger brother. His dick popped inside Dewey's ass and he drove his cock all the way in, then pulled it out so just the head was still inside. He stopped for a few seconds to give Dewey a chance to get used to having his dick up his ass.

Aaron and Reese watched, both jerking themselves of very slowly, as Malcolm started thrusting in and out of Dewey, fucking the younger boy slowly at first, and then picking up pace as he orgasm grew nearer.

Dewey's dick had hardened again and was jerking wildly every time Malcolm's brushed passed his prostate. Malcolm's balls rose up close to his body and he felt his cum racing up to the core of his dick as he shot several copious loads into his younger brother. He moaned with pleasure as he continued to thrust in and out, and Dewey let out a couple of gasps as Malcolm's dick continued to rub his prostate and Malcolm's hot cum shot out of his dick and deep into his bowels.

Malcolm's orgasm subsided and he slowly pulled out of Dewey as Reese approached the bed. As soon as Malcolm was clear from Dewey's behind, Reese leapt onto the bed and pointed his dick at Dewey's swollen hole.

Malcolm approached Aaron and took hold of Aaron's dick. Malcolm started stroking Aaron's dick while Aaron gently played with Malcolm's balls. Both boys stood by the bed and watched as Reese penetrated Dewey's asshole.

Dewey grunted at the third intrusion of the day and was soon moaning with pleasure as Reese thrust in and out, brushing again his prostate. Dewey could feel himself getting close to orgasm and he desperately wanted to jerk himself off, but couldn't.

Reese was soon approaching his orgasm and he increased the speed of his thrusts. He drove his cock into Dewey's ass as far as it would go so his pubic hair was brushing against Dewey's smooth butt cheeks, and he pulled out so just the bulbous head of his dick was still instead Dewey.

Dewey's dick twitched with arousal the more Reese's cock rubbed against his prostate. Next thing he knew, Reese's dick was hardening and throbbing inside his hole, shooting hot semen up into him.

Reese's orgasm subsided, and still enjoying the post-climatic bliss, he popped his dick out of his little brother's asshole. He climbed off the bed as Aaron walked up to the top of the bed and took the hand cuffs off Dewey's ankles. Malcolm aids Aaron is laying Dewey down flat on the bed.

Aaron climbed onto the bed and knelt on top of Dewey's chest so his hard dick was touching Dewey's lips. Aaron pushed forward and slipped his dick inside Dewey's mouth. Dewey remained completely still, refusing to suck on Aaron's dick until Malcolm and Reese started stroking his own dick.

As Malcolm stroked the shaft of Dewey's dick with his left hand, he probed the youngest boy's asshole with his right, while Reese ran his fingers over the head of Dewey's dick, while giving it the occasional lick.

Dewey began swirling his tongue around Aaron's dick and started sucking on the throbbing flesh inside his mouth. He could feel it pulsating and he knew Aaron would be shooting deep into his throat very soon. Reese licked the head of Dewey's dick while Malcolm squeezed just below the head to prevent Dewey from cumming.

Aaron's pleasurable moans become deeper and more frequent as his orgasm overcame him. He arched his head back as his shot into Dewey's mouth, the youngest of the three brother's still sucking on his erupting cock. Dewey tried to swallow Aaron's entire load, but a few drops trickled out from the corner of his mouth.

Dewey continued sucking even after Aaron has finished cumming. Aaron continued to enjoy the sensation until his dick became too sensitive. He pulled out of Dewey's mouth and rolled over, laying beside Dewey.

Malcolm and Reese stopped playing with Dewey's dick and looked up at their younger brother. "Do you wanna suck us both at once?" asked Malcolm.

Dewey remained silent for a second, then replied, "Okay."

"Cool," Reese said as he and Malcolm positioned themselves on the bed so that both their hard cocks were just outside of Dewey's mouth. Aaron crawled between Dewey's legs and lowered his face over Dewey's protruding cock. He took the younger boy into his mouth as Malcolm and Reese pushed their cocks into Dewey's mouth.

While Malcolm thrusted forward into Dewey's mouth, Reese would pull back, and vice versa. The heads of their dicks were always inside Dewey's mouth and were always being worked on by Dewey's tongue.

Aaron popped his head up and down Dewey's throbbing member and swirled his tongue all around it. In just a few minutes, he could feel Dewey's dick jerking wildly. He knew by the sounds of the other two boys that they were cumming in Dewey's mouth. Their cum filled the young boy's mouth, and the equivalent of at least one load poured out of his mouth.

Dewey shot into Aaron's eager and awaiting mouth. Aaron continued to suck on the youngest boy's dick while swallowing his entire offering. Malcolm and Reese pulled out of Dewey's mouth and Aaron lifted his head away from Dewey's softening dick. The three boys, worn out from their activities, laid flat on the bed.

A short while later, Aaron glanced over at the clock. "Holy shit," he exclaimed. "Is that the time. I need to get going."

"You do?" asked a disappointed Reese.

"Yeah, afraid so. But I should be able to come by tomorrow."

"That would be great," Malcolm said.

"Yeah," agreed Dewey, forgetting for a minute that he was still hand-cuffed to the bed as he tried to sit up.

"You gonna let him go now?" asked Aaron, looking down at Dewey as he got up off the bed and searched for his clothes.

Malcolm and Reese looked up each other and smiled as Aaron started dressing himself. "No," Reese began, "I think we'll play with him a little more."

"Yeah," agreed Malcolm. "Mum and Dad aren't too back for another three hours."

"Three hours, wow." Aaron ties his shoes. "I wonder how many times you guys can delay his orgasm in three hours."

"We'll soon find out," Reese said, glancing and smiling at Dewey, who in turn couldn't help but smile back. As much as Dewey didn't want to go through what he put Aaron through, and for longer, he did want to engage in more sex play with his brothers.

"Well, have fun," Aaron said as he approached the bedroom door. "It was good seeing you guys again. I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

"So are we," Malcolm said.

The boys said their goodbyes and Aaron left. Malcolm and Reese turned to face their younger brother and looked down at his hardening dick. Malcolm takes Dewey's dick in his hand while Reese starts licking Dewey's balls.

Dewey squirmed on the bed as he had his balls licked for the first time ever. He knew he wouldn't be cumming any time soon, if at all before his parents came home, but that didn't really matter. He was just glad to have two hot brothers who wanted to do anything and everything to him.

If you have any questions, comments or story suggestions, please send them to msaelxcylm@yahoo.com

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