Celebrity Collection

By ian james

Published on Feb 1, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a gay fantasy involving David Henrie and Jesse McCartney. This is a fictional story and in no way is meant to imply the true sexuality of the stars featured.

For those of you who may not know who David Henrie is, visit his official site at www.davidhenrie.com

This is the fourth in a series of celebrity stories.



As David Henrie made his way through the crowds of people at a friend's party, he couldn't help but notice his lack of attraction to the opposite sex. There were several girls at the party who he should have found attractive. He knew they were pretty. He knew they were hot, but they weren't attractive -- not to him. He had known since he was twelve that his attractions focused more on the same sex than the opposite.

It didn't really bother him up until he was about fourteen. His attraction to other boys was always there on his mind, but it didn't interfere with his life. He was still able to go out with friends and have fun. He didn't have a girlfriend at all during this time, but he didn't want one, and it wouldn't seem odd to anyone else if he didn't have one -- not at that age.

But the last year or so had been difficult. His attraction to other guys and boys grew stronger and stronger and his attraction to girls (it was never really sexual to begin with, but there was a feint attraction) just seemed to disappear completely. It was during this time that he had his first sexual experience with Aaron Carter one night.

He was staying in the same hotel as Aaron Carter and had decided to try to meet the famous pop singer. It was during getting to know the singer and talking about their careers that Aaron made a move on David that he just couldn't ignore and say no to. This move changed David's life forever and he has wanted the same thing to happen ever since. But it hasn't.

He hasn't seen Aaron since that night in the hotel, and he hasn't had the courage to go up to another guy and try to initiate something. All he had was the memory of him and Aaron Carter sucking and fucking in the hotel all night. That one night had played in his mind for weeks on end afterwards, and it still plays on his mind months after.

But as David walked through the crowds of people, the music pounding on his ear drums and the drunken teens starting to make their presence known, David noticed a blonde haired guy standing in one corner of the room. The teen had his back turned to David and was holding a soda in his right hand. David continued staring at the teen, running his eyes over the teen's whole body, but especially his hair. He remembered Aaron Carter's blonde hair from the hotel room, and wondered if it was really Aaron standing just a few metres away from him.

David remained where he was for a few seconds, contemplating whether he should just go over. He and Aaron had promised that the next time they met they would repeat their hot sex session, and if the blonde teen in the corner of the room was Aaron Carter, they repeat their sex session tonight. But in David's mind, that seemed desperate. He didn't want to just go up to Aaron, say hi and suggest they go somewhere. He wouldn't have the guts to do that. He would just say hi and there would be an awkward silence unless Aaron started a conversation.

David took a few steps forward until he was about a metre or two behind the blonde teen. His mind had just raced from him looking desperate if he just goes up to him, to tapping the blonde teen on the shoulder and saying hi, just to be friendly. They could catch up on things and maybe, just maybe, they could repeat their hot...

The blonde teen turned around and, noticing who was standing behind him, smiled. David, a little shocked, just stood there, frozen. He eventually managed an overdue smile.

"So," Jesse McCartney began, "how's it going?"

It wasn't Aaron Carter. David now knew that and in a way he was glad. If it was Aaron they would probably have done something tonight, but ever since that night in the hotel room, he had wanted to do something with someone else. He wanted to do with Aaron again, and it would in the blink of an eye, but it was something about doing it someone new that made it even more exciting. He liked Jesse. He had met him before and they two of them had gotten along really well. Well enough in fact to start talking the `boy talk' -- jerking off. They were both fourteen at the time and nothing happened, but in David's jerk-off fantasies since he lost his virginity to Aaron, the conversation with Jesse had turned into something more.

"Great," David replied. "How long's it been?"

"I lost track. Has to be at least three, maybe four years."

"Yeah, must be. So, how you keeping?"

"Really well."

David studied Jesse's facial features and made quick glances across his body to check him out. If he had known about the joys of boy-boy sex when he was fourteen, maybe he and Jesse would have done something then. But he knows now, so maybe he and Jesse can do something now. All David had to do was get passed the confidence issue and make a move. If something went wrong, he could always blame it on booze. He hadn't had anything to drink, but Jesse didn't know.

The loud music was making it difficult for David and Jesse to hear what each other were saying.

"Let's go outside," suggested Jesse. He led David out of the house and into the cool breeze outside. The music could still be heard clearly, but they were able to talk without having to shout.

"So how come you're here?" asked David. "I didn't think you knew Trey." This was Trey's party they were both at.

"Yeah," replied Jesse, "I've actually known him to some time now."


"Yeah." Jesse glanced around, and then turned back to David. "You wanna get out of here?"

"Where do you wanna go?" asked David, a little puzzled at Jesse's sudden urge to leave the party, but also excited about what may be on Jesse's mind.

"I don't know. I could call a taxi and we could go back to my place. I think we've got a lot to catch up on."

"No need," David said, "I've got my car with me."


David and Jesse made their way over to David's car. They drove to Jesse's place and Jesse invited David inside. Jesse handed David a soda and took one for himself. They sat on the sofa opposite each other in the living room and discussed their careers in recent years. They talk briefly about their families and any other famous celebrities that they've met recently.

"So," Jesse began, "you got a girlfriend at the moment?"

"No," replied David. "I just don't have the time." Not having the time was part of the truth, but it wasn't the main reason he didn't have one. He didn't want one. His career would interfere with any relationship he had, but for the right somebody, he could make it work. He would make it work.

"That's too bad, but I understand."

"So what about you?"

"Am I seeing anyone?" replied Jesse.


"No, not right now. I was seeing someone up until a couple of months, but that all went pear-shaped."

"I'm sorry," David said.

"It's no big deal." There was a brief and slightly awkward silence for a few moments before Jesse started a new topic. "This may come as a bit of a shock, but considering what we talking about last time, you might not mind me asking."

"What is it?" asked David.

"Well, urm, how far have you got?"

"You mean in the sex department, right?"


"There was one person."

"Just the one?" asked Jesse.

"Yeah, you?"

"A couple, but nothing all the way." Jesse noticed the growing bulge in David's jeans. "You saw one person. It wasn't another guy by any chance was it?"

David was frozen. He didn't know what to say and he didn't know how to say it. Whatever he said, he was sure Jesse would think it was a guy. Jesse must have noticed the bulge in his pants by now and so he would know he was getting turned on by this whole conversation. If Jesse knew David had done it with only one person and that one person was another guy, then it might as well as admit it. Jesse didn't seem to be taking it in any bad way, and besides, maybe Jesse asked the question with a motive in mind.

"Urm, y...yeah. It was a guy," David replied, looking down, unaware that his looking downward was drawing Jesse's attention back to his boner.

"Who was it?" asked Jesse.

"I shouldn't really tell you that."

"Ah, come on."

"It's not fair on him."

"I'm not gonna say anything, to anyone. Promise."

"All right. It was Aaron Carter."

"Aaron Carter, really?" Jesse replied. "My first time was with Aaron Carter."

"You're kidding?"

"No. We didn't do everything. We didn't have long, but we sucked each other off. What did you do?"

"Urm," David began, "pretty much everything." David glanced down at Jesse's crotch and noticed he too had a hard on. "I see someone's getting a little excited." He finally did it. He finally said something that could be considered as a first move. David's mind swarmed with congratulations for his new found courage, but David felt even more nervous now at Jesse's reaction to his comment. They had both had sex or done sexual things with another guy, and it was obviously turning them both on discussing it, but that didn't mean Jesse wanted to do something with David here and now.

"Looks like it, doesn't it," Jesse replied, glancing down at his erection, and then smiled back up at David. Jesse glanced down at David's erection. "Urm, as we've both done, urm, stuff with other boys before, maybe we could, you know..."

"Do something now?" David replied. His lack of confidence was certainly disappearing.

"Urm, yeah. If you want."

David leaned over and kissed Jesse on the lips. He pulled back, looked into Jesse's eyes, and then leaned in for another kiss. Getting no response from Jesse after a couple of seconds, David pulled back a second time, but was pulled straight back in by Jesse. The two teens started kissing passionately and began to explore each other's mouths with their tongues.

David started to run his hands over Jesse's back, while Jesse ran his hands slowly up and down David's thighs, shifting them around to David's stomach. David shifted his position on the sofa a little so he was closer to Jesse and started kissing Jesse more firmly, his dick throbbing more and more until it throbbed so much it started to hurt. It had been a long time since he was last in this position.

Jesse broke off the kiss and placed his hands on either side of David's neck. He smiled and looked into David's eyes. Jesse started unbuttoning David's blue shirt and slowly pulled it open, revealing David's smooth chest. He slipped David's shirt off and threw it onto the floor behind the sofa. Jesse pulled David to him again and they started kissing. David wrapped his arms around Jesse's back again while Jesse rubbed David's bare chest with his hands. He gently stroked and squeezed David's nipples. Jesse ran his fingers down David's chest. David gasped when Jesse's hands found his boner and wrapped themselves around it.

The two teens continued kissing as David started to unbutton Jesse's black shirt. He slid it off Jesse's back and threw it behind the couch, not breaking off their kiss once. Jesse's hands were still fondling David's nipples and dick, and David wanted to do the same to Jesse, but he was a little nervous. He didn't know why, he had done this was Aaron Carter, but he was nervous. He couldn't explain.

Jesse broke off the kiss a second time and started moving his face down David's body.

"I might start to think you don't like kissing me if you keep breaking it off," David joked, smiling. He always found joking eased his nerves.

"Shut up," Jesse replied, as he looked into David's eyes, also smiling. He stroked both of David's hard nipples and kissed David's chest. David moaned in pleasure as Jesse continued to stroke and gently squeeze his hard nipples. David rubbed Jesse's back as Jesse's mouth continued to move lower and lower down David's body.

Jesse swirled in tongue around David's belly button while caressing David's nipples. David moved his hands lower and gripped Jesse's butt, squeezing firmly as Jesse used his teeth to unzip David's jeans. Jesse pulled the zip all the way down with his teeth, let go if it and undid the button with his right hand, keeping his left hand firmly on David's nipples. Jesse motioned for David to lift himself up a little and he slipped David's jeans off, taking David's shoes off at the time. Jesse removed David's socks and grabbed a hold of David's right foot. Jesse started licking in and around David's toes while David started to unzip Jesse's flies.

Jesse continued to lick David's right foot and used wrapped his left hand around David's underwear-covered boner. Jesse gave David's dick a light squeeze, making David gasp, and started to slowly stroke the 6 and a quarter inch dick. David finished unzipping Jesse's jeans but was having trouble unbuttoning them due to the intense feelings emerging from his groin.

Jesse stopped licking David's right foot and used both of his hands to pull down David's boxers. David raised his ass a little and Jesse yanked the boxers right off, adding them to the pile of clothes already on the floor behind the sofa. Jesse continued stroking David's now exposed hard-on while David rubbed and stroked Jesse's back and butt. Jesse gave David a quick kiss on the lips and moved his head lower. He ran his tongue over the head of David's dick, making the hard rod of flesh jerk. Jesse swirled his tongue around the head several more times while continuing to stroke the shaft. David's grip on Jesse's upper back became firmer as Jesse took David's cock into his mouth and started sucking away on it.

"Oh yeah, that feels good," David managed to say between gasps as Jesse kept sucking on his dick, the pleasure intensifying as each second went by.

It couldn't have been more than a minute, maybe two, before David announced he was about to cum. Jesse continued sucking while stroking the shaft and felt David's dick harden and twitch inside his mouth. A second or two later David's load erupted into Jesse's mouth. Jesse swallowed quickly, not wanting to waste any of David's milk.

As David's orgasm subsided, Jesse continued sucking and swirling his tongue around the head of David's dick. He had managed to ingest all of David's offering. When his shrinking dick became too sensitive, David gently pushed Jesse's head away from his crotch.

"That was great," David exclaimed.

"Glad you liked it," Jesse replied.

"I take it you've done that before."

"You could say that," Jesse replied, smiling.

"Lay back."

Jesse did as instructed and David shifted his position so his head was about a foot above Jesse's crotch. David unbuttoned Jesse's jeans and started to pull them down. Jesse raised his butt and David pushed them right off, taking Jesse's shoes with them. David removed Jesse's socks and grabbed a hold of Jesse's boner, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Jesse moaned and tilted his head back as David continued stroking Jesse's dick through the fabric of his boxers. As David stroked the hard flesh with his right hand, he fiddled with Jesse's nipples with his left. He lowered his left hand and ran his finger tips along the rim of Jesse's boxers. He slipped the fingers inside. David stopped stroking Jesse's cock and pulled Jesse's boxers down. Jesse's raised his hips a little to make it easier for David to remove his underwear. David chucked the pair of boxers behind the sofa.

David resumed stroking Jesse's cock. While he may have been nervous a few minutes ago, he certainly wasn't now. He stroked Jesse's cock with ease and with total relaxation. The high from his own orgasm was still with him and now he had the cock of a new lover in his right hand, and he was bringing that lover the same joy he had just experienced.

David lowered his face and started licking the head of Jesse's cock, still stoking the shaft with his right hand. David's left hand started rubbing over Jesse's thigh, and then lowered itself to the side of Jesse's butt. David took Jesse's six and a half inch boner into his mouth and started sucking away while his right hand massaged Jesse's balls and the fingers on his left hand made their way into the crevice of Jesse's ass.

David sucked and licked Jesse's dick, while his fingers rubbed and glided over the exterior of Jesse's asshole. Jesse could feel the point of no return drawing ever closer as one of David's fingers pushed into his sphincter, facing a little resistance. David's kept pushing, and just as Jesse announced he was `there', his finger entered the tight hole.

Jesse released his load into David's mouth while David kept a gentle hold of Jesse's balls and slowly finger fucked his ass. David kept sucking and swirling his tongue over the head of Jesse's dick for a few moments after Jesse stopped shooting into his mouth, and then he moved his mouth away from the still-hard dick while slowly withdrawing his finger from Jesse's ass.

Jesse grabbed David's shoulders and pulled the teen closer to him. They both kissed each other, taking a few moments to explore each other's mouth a little more. They stroked each other's backs, thighs, butts and stomachs. Jesse wrapped his right hand around David's flaccid dick and started fondling it while the two teens continued kissing. David's cock soon rose to the occasion for the second time.

"I want you to fuck me," Jesse said, breaking off the kiss.


"I want you to fuck me."

"You sure?"


"You ever been fucked before," David asked.


"But you're sure?"

"Yeah. There's some lube in the bathroom cabinet." Jesse remained on the sofa, completely naked with his dick leaking its last drop of cum from his recent orgasm, as David made his way to the bathroom, fetched the lube and returned back to the sofa.

David told Jesse to move to the end of the sofa so he was sitting with his back to the armrest and bring his knees to his stomach. Jesse did just that and David placed a cushion under Jesse's butt to raise his asshole a little. David opened the jar of lube and stuck his finger in. He spread some over Jesse's ass, running his index finger up and down the crevice. He slowly inserted his index finger and finger-fucked Jesse for a few moments. David stopped and inserted his middle finger into Jesse's ass. David finger-fucked Jesse with both fingers, and then pulled both out. He spread a good amount of lube onto his fully erect dick and aimed the tip at Jesse's hole.

"You ready?" David asked.

"Go for it," Jesse replied and he pushed out with his asshole as David started to push his dick inside.

It didn't take long for the two eager teens to unite and Jesse was squirming on the sofa as David's dick slid al the way in. David paused for a moment to let Jesse get used to the feeling before he started to slowly pump his dick in and out of Jesse's tight, virgin hole. David pushed all the way in until his pubic hairs were brushing Jesse's ass cheeks, pulled out until just the head of his dick was inside Jesse's ass, and then pushed all the way back in again. David's thrusting started off slow, but soon picked up speed and rhythm as Jesse learned to clench his ass in time with David's thrusts.

David had his hands gripped tightly on Jesse's shoulders as he pumped the blonde-haired teen. He pulled out one last time before he felt his cum rushing up the core of his dick. He thrusted forward and shot his load right up Jesse's ass. David continued thrusting as much as he could, but these were only slowly and small thrusts, and within just a few seconds after shooting his load, his dick was too sensitive to continue fucking Jesse's ass. David slowly pulled his softening dick out of Jesse's ass.

The second the head of David's dick popped out of Jesse's hole, Jesse reached up, kissed David and then swung David around to David's face was above Jesse's dick and David's asshole was just a few centimetres away from Jesse's face. Jesse's started licking up and done the crevice of David's asshole while David licked up and down Jesse's dick. Jesse stuck his tongue up David's ass as far as he could get it and started tongue fucking him while David continued licking Jesse's dick and balls.

Jesse reached for the lube, still licking David's ass, and spread some on his dick. David pulled his face away and watched as Jesse's hands smeared the lube all over his own dick. Jesse grabbed a hold of David's thighs and swung him around so David was facing Jesse. Jesse started lowering David onto himself. David soon got the hint and slowly lowered himself onto Jesse's boner.

David pushed out and within just a couple of seconds Jesse's rock hard erection was deep inside his asshole. With Jesse's hands on his thighs, David started raising himself and lowering himself on Jesse's dick. David watched every facial expression Jesse made as he rode the teen star's dick.

In just a couple of minutes Jesse titled his head back and arched his hips forward. He unleashed his cum into David's ass, gasping at the intense pleasure. David continued raising and lowering himself even after Jesse's orgasm had subsided.

"Stop," Jesse said softly as his dick became too sensitive to be ridden anymore.

David slowly raised himself up, pulling himself off Jesse's dick. Jesse swung around on the sofa and David sat next to him. The two teens smiled at each other, kissed and wrapped their arms around each other.

Neither one had anything to say. They were both thinking the same thing and neither of them needed to hear it from the other. They had both done the most amazing thing two guys could ever do, and now that they had done it, their relationship would never be the same again. It started out as simple friendship but evolved to something more exciting and more fulfilling for them both. They both knew that they would be sharing many more times like this in the future, perhaps even again that night.

If you have any comments, questions and suggestions, please send them to msaelxcylm@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5: Dylans Awakening

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